xt7sxk84m11p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sxk84m11p/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 11, June 15, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 11, June 15, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt7sxk84m11p section xt7sxk84m11p To Editors: The
¤=-¤ in the ¤¤¤¤==¤¤ THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ¤¤*=r=¤ =• ¤·=¤¤¤¢
ls prepared for the ’ ' class matter at the
press and is released post Office at L.,
for publication on match, Ky_
June 15, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I. No. 11
_' 9
The Summer School Of the Univer" The installation of Dr. Frank Le- On this commencement day you stand in a new rel‘ation to the Uni- Alumni of the University of Ken-
sify of Kentucky will 0D€¤ M0¤d¤Y» Rnnd l\[QVey as president Oi the Uni. versity, to the State and to life. The University that has given you of its tucky who had returned for gradua-
June 17, and will continue until July versity Of Kentucky took placa Tues. store of learning now looks upon you as its children. The State that regarded tion week reunions assembled in the
28, a period of six weeks. The work day, June 4th, on the campus, G0`,eI._ you as wards now conceives of you as citizens, better equipped than the cafctelia Wednesday, June 5, for
is designed for teachers, students and nm. A_ O_ Stanley m.9Sidmg_ The €X_ average to do your part. The battle of lite, whose noise you haveheard from luncheon, after which the animal bus;
persons seeking information and ercises “,€_I.€ attended by members of time Ito tlme thI‘0l1gl1 the college gates, now calls tor your participation as mess meeting was held Governor
U‘=4l¤l¤8- With W6 instruction are tv the faculties of the University, in ac- mcrmtls mhu;8 strugglen d 1.1 I I . 1 . t H t 1 Stam€y’ President MCVSY and DL
. · * a
be given a number Of Special features ademic dress and Citizens of the · f w a you have eaine it ll e 'iere las given you arger me ec u James K_ patteysnii were liquor
__ we Six weeks of the Session ’ interests, and widened your powers ot comprehension, the University feels guests of the alumni. Each respond-
dlumg ‘_ . . , - l State' 21 part of its duty done, and if in the doing, character has become your pos- ed when called upon fOr 21 speech.
'lne program ot study arfords suit- _ . .
able Work for teachers and workers Dr R· H- Cl`0SSfl€ld· President of session and a part of your moral libre, the State is satisfied with its invest- G°0f’V€"¤’r $mnl€Y r€Vl€“'€‘l Some Of
_ _ _ Transylvania College, gave the in', mgm of men and 0 B _ the interesting events of his college
m man? Hcldl The enum. mam .0t ,· . · . I ., _.m n y _ . days. President McVey confined his
the University will bg available wi- vocation, and Dr. Glanville Teirel, The University hopes you have learned to approach problems with open remarks to impressing upon alumni
use, including laboratories, libraries acting dean of the graduate school, minds, to set aside prejudice in your judgment of men and affairs. It hopes the value to Students of loan funds
and buildings. University of Kentucky, made the that you may live in peace and happiness, though ready to fight for the DL Patterson. referred brian), to Some
The U¤lV€l`$irY Of l<<~>¤i¤¤l0m€· Governor St¤¤· right, at all times using your strength to the betterment of the community. gf the high points in the life gf the
{Gr? Ont *1; mi}; €€aF;;$;rLtll;4C1$;‘l` }F{"·StaZ" Chalrrrlfll P; the §Oa¥dt_Of May you have in your declining years, material comfort, the respect institution. There were ‘80 alumni
$F'_1ph_O ry; ent lace this msg; iu ii T T?;_ul’ D` iw Xymrgn a I0? of your fellow citizens, the feeiing of work well done, and a spiritual and and guests present. C. R. Brock, of
{S {S am I mn ° D . SDQBCW. ° “ '.°‘ ri ° BY r€Sp°“(' intellectual interest in human nre. Denver, Colorado. president of the
tution 1n the front rank of state unl- ed, g1v1n~g briefly in a happy way _ _ _ _ _ A .A . t. .d d
. . . . _ _ V _ . . Meantime, the Umversitys hrnor is your honor. In your acts and deeds lumm Ssocla wm presl Q ·
versities. His record of achieve rlans for future work in the Um- _ In the business meetin which f01_
ment as president or the University versity. You HOW reflect Your h€rltag€· T0 YOU? fellow man. the UniV€1‘Sity is meas- lowed the luncheon Dr Hamm Amos
of North Dakota and the work he Responses to the address of wel- med by Your Cll3raCt€¥`· bl' YOU? d€€dSi by the cvmvany Y0U k€€D· It is New York was élepcied president.,
has already accomplished Since com- cjinig were as folloyvs: in this spirit that I call upon you to be true to the larger things of life, to Rodman Wiley Frankfort Vice presi
ing to the University of Kentucky, _ For the Edcatuional Institutions of be men and women of courage, integrity, sympathy and gentleness, mem. J D Tamar Lexington Secr€_
warrant belief that Kentucky will not I¤ <=¤¤¤¤¤¤=¤<=*=m<=¤t i¤ the ¤r¤¤v» ¤evv» <>¤si¤e¤¤¤g <>r Mr cia man and D W T L » the €"€“i“g ml Wm be °p€“ W“"°“"
Micky, to Secure El moving picture dm'. The other 29 are in war service, special Service bi·aii.Ch@S_ 1 ` p Fan _‘ ‘_aH€rty cards to the public. Rabbi Meyer
mm, Sent out by me Curtis Pubns], and of the six, two will go into serv- Owing to the feel; that Governor UB Jollrnalras trlpled Its SlZ€» and comes from the Jewish Chatauqua So-
» ing Company, which Shows the result ice immediately; one has been ye- James M_ COX, Of Ohm could not the mailing list has more than doubled, ciety. In addition to being an ex-
of vocational education in other Jwéd and the imeg fmeinins are be present, although he had accept- The Journal has published articles gn cellent lecturer he is an authority on
States. The mm is known as the under age. Eleven of the 29 in the ed the invitation to deliver the cam- various questions of law by lead- Jewish history
T. J. Morgan, P, J. GN and illugtrams service are commissioned officers. mencement address, Governor A, 0. im, iaw ,QI,S Of the t , . Special lectures will be given dur
the vocational plan helping 50000 stm The members of the original class Stanley iilled his plgee, and gave to; “l   h _ d Cqun rr The adr ing the week of June 24 by Presi-
dents- If the picture is Secured fm, were: ll. M. Atchison, Owingsville; one of the most exceptionally in~ _ S mlerewwe lmtars fmm prom' dent N€V€Y OH the World War-
mg summer School matricumtesit will C_ R_ Bnrkeiygyooksville; l_A_l;0Wl€S, Spimlg addresses ever given OH a ment lawyers in the United states, These lectures will be given at 4
be done with the Cooperation of the Tyner;. S.   Brown, Lewisburg; W. similar occasion at the University, commending their editorial policy, D- m· in Ch¤P€l» M0¤d3Y» T¤€$d¤Y»
Lexington Board of COmmgrc€_ J- C0ll1¤S, R1€l1m0¤d; J- F. C0¤‘n. Hel`- Fourteen of the 92 graduates were Eiieerpts from editorials and ab- W€d¤€SdaY and Thu¥`$d&Y·
__________ rodsburg; F. W. Dempsey, Burling- called to the colors late in their siracted cases in the Journal have E- Marion R¤€k€¥`»DI`0f€SS0I` ef Law
lon; V. A. Dinkle, Catlettsburm G. B. senior year and although the names been cited in Case and Co of tha U¤lV€¥`SltY of Smith Carolina
q _ =:~» » mment and l ·
’*IX ANNUAL PRIZES ARE Fishback, Mt. Vernon; A. G. Foster, appeared On the pi—Ogi·;im_ they were ofher leading lgyv pnbliggtions Of the special lecturer of Wmthrop College,
AWARDED T0 STUDENTS St. Paul, Minn.; Emery Frazier, Law- unable to {attend the exgmises Their United States South Carolina Normal College, and
_"#`_“ Fencelliwg; Edward Frasier, Cory- degrees were confei-md in abscntiik ....—....-`.. University of Georgia, will lecture
The! '·‘·’l»d `ll d;0-C·G\t`,L`; d . ’ . · fit`.Jl1,2.3.4.<1.
to ..§.i§,1i‘.'§§‘i§;5Eii2.2i.,i§;"i?€.i G‘i£i.m.¤, pi..§L’§iiE, E‘i.‘i-Q? Giiiili- iiiiiificiigéiéinéiii? §°.‘l,*§§€.‘il;’£§.,2 KEARNS PLAYERS T0 J? ééiili `lisea of doilésui F3
tacky for excellence in schoiarsiiip, ner, imisvilie; T. 1. onimis, Mt. majors and one history major, The APPEAR AT UNIVERSITY 1¤¤¤¤S· These lectures will be given
composition. declamation, oratory and Sterling; C. J. Hayden, Springfield; honors nf the instiinigign were won _"_" at 4 in the afternoon `and will cover
debate were won this year as follows: H. E. Hicks, Madison, Tennessee; J. for scholarship in the College of Arts The Elsie H‘3l`¤d0¤ K€¤Y`1lS Pl&Y€1`$ the Subjects: “Marriag€— Its Legal AS`
Tau Be*a Pi Scholarsl1ip—Awa1·ded W. Howard, White Oaks; Harold and Science by Emma HOlt0n_ Forks have been engaged tn present three pects"; "Husband and Wife, Their
to the student of the engineering Jenkins, Georgetown; W. B. Martin, of Elkhorn; Aileen Kavanaugh, Law- Plays JUIY 15 and 16 at the University Relative Duties": “Pm`€¤t and Cl1lld»
colleges who attains the highest Carrollton; E. M. McGuffee, Barthell; renceburg; Frieda Lemon, Provi- Of K€r*tuCkY· This noted dramatic Their Duties and Obllgaxlonsni
scholar-shin during the freshman and TR. Northcutt, Burlington; Goodson dence; and Ruth Mathews, Lexing- °°mP¤¤Y is headed by Elsie Hem- “Ml¤°rltY as il Defense', and. "The
s¤l>ho1n01‘e Ye¤¤‘S—Che¤‘leS Franklin Reynolds, Lexington; William nodes, ton; in the College or Agriculture, byl dw KBMHSY who ·D~lHyet€d mainly tv Red cultural College, has been appointed Monday evening at 8:15; "As You DOROTHY RATCLIFFE TO
for the best declamation—Charles Cross aCt1V1t1eS, IH charge of Miss to help in the Student Judging Con- Like lt" has been scheduled for the TEACH (}HEESE-]_V_[AKING
EVZUIS PlHIlCl(, L9XlI‘lgt0I`1. Anil Sllllltall, S11·ll€I`VlS01‘ of Domestic test at the next National Dairy Sh0w_ matinee, Tliegday a_ft_gi·nO0n at 3 . ..
·Orator1cal Pr1ze—Awarded to the ll`1‘&1n1Hg IH the public schools of Lex- He made a good record as a represen- o’cl0ck, `alid "The Master Builder," by Miss Dorothy Ratcliffe has just re-
winner of the inter-society oratorical mgton. The taculty for cooking has tative from this institution at the Ibsen. will be presented Tuesday turned from Washington, where she
contest.——Edward Settle Dabney, Hop- not been completed yet owing to the last Dairy Show, student Stock Judg- evening at 8:15, instead of "The made a special study of cheese-mak-
· kinsville, ' l tact that changes had to be made be- ing Contest, and has accordingly been Tempest," as was at first planned. ing, and as a member of the home
Declamation Pr1ze—-Awarded to a cause lmembers of the faculty have appointed to help pass upon merits Miss Kearns and the leading man, demonstration staff of the Extension
member of the Union Society for the gone mto war service. Vacancies of the students in the next contest. George Sommes, are said to be as Division, College of Agriculture, Uni-
best declamation. Open to all mem- will be filled, however, as soon as it Most of the Agricultural Colleges in strong, however, in the Ibsen play as versity of Kentucky, she will explain
bers of the society—Ea1·1 Ware Fos- IS possible to do so, and the work will America have teams at the National they are in Shakespeare. The ad~ the subject by lecturing in the state
ter, Covington, be offered as usual in the course. Stock Judging Contest. · mittance charges will be reasonable. this summer.