xt7sxk84kk4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sxk84kk4r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky Davisson, Ananias, 1780-1857 1826 Fifth edition. 1 score (158, [2] p.); 13 x 22 cm. In three- and four-part harmony, four-shape notation in open score. Pages [3]-15 contain preface, "Rudiments of music," and "General observations." Includes index. Contents: Part I, containing all the plain and easy tunes commonly used in time of divine worship; Part II, containing the more lengthy and elegant pieces commonly used in concerts or singing societies; Part III, together with a few pieces never before published. books  English Harrissonburg [i.e. Harrisonburg], Va. : Printed and sold by the author, and sold by L. Tremper, Staunton [and 9 others] Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection.  Kentuck[y] harmony, or, A choice collection of Psalm tunes, hymns and anthems; in three parts taken from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools or private societies. text Kentuck[y] harmony, or, A choice collection of Psalm tunes, hymns and anthems; in three parts taken from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools or private societies. 1826 1826 2014 true xt7sxk84kk4r section xt7sxk84kk4r . , , , ;-T » :¤=¤~v   ·—.= ; ,  
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,7 aww-- ,-_~; w . ui- Nr-· -..;-¤m¤·~» z- --:-4 aw: sumu my A- Im - ut- qu nf ...u`,-ny am n;.-;~ -,-Ny : um n rs mq r-me wh s-.-Lxidnxs
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Q mu-- »c4. vy nm e 4:,;.;.41 pa.--,¤ Lu U H ly uwu an chu;-.n. ~.¤ -n-km _ $ sw .Ls, a--.u L»e—uy L-.: Am.»uu~s. '1v¤.ch¤r> w· •-KA au wc!}
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YII   div [wm was vrrgrrza/ly kIyI,d in C, lranspmsctl by {hir! _]!II5Iv; umd rcunwd Hy JAH: 11I’z1w‘n/5 I

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~p•—Jv,i7 my insmnuion, har! `bven In Ihe rr1mI¤v~I MMI ‘¤I Icnciunw IM {Ween vears; and wa¤prIa11m:¤1I hy a mnu My nasa 11 Iur ; Ihm ¤x;1r.1I1:cc hea provrd II an he thc ¤10sI¤1bsxurc,Aud
MIB ·III 111 umu IsI:Iu<: ~Irct1,!11*¢l v1 the vc·v pi1mI;Ic of 1I> ¢·xu¢ut,II1e111»1e~:I1ee111g nhhfly 1·I :11x ; yu [
fwd vnu si* as a \c.1< har, snundiqgfhcsb notes M though thcy 11 ’cu|>1eII but :11111-1 mw w1I1:¤m11<1r  as Ih:,u1;I\
vm v gwr plznrtm quizc Iuvw ovgglgc In bl; smvp: Nuw I wom Io Imuw thc enum nIII1Is  ·11 awt, zwrl y<·I ~·m1x·fLI#* Q5 Iqw;‘*
Iwenvhrr, I:. .11.s1~e»· thin qu¥rv, a II unravel She mvutury, we 1I1usI rrfw Iv nhs F.r.1I<· of cc11111cnIir111; wrnrrc wc will Ii11:II!1aI E 51mIh Isrm
I·~ ·¤>·-1¤tIzr,I111I·r In Iuurvhrliuw. a11cIlI1c I1*sI,I¤e E Iuwev hm:. me >10u1rIw1Il ~<: pvI:¤,i~IIy Im wmv; 1+1: 1IIeI¤.1»:~1 m1·.n&Iasa~1uvc,
bum; n u, I: me qxxcur ·.I` I1 rn·{»1·m>·-1 v¤>1cé._I1eIs c0111.p1lI<»I1 when ~1111gIu;; gI»u11;· mc v<11··< , u»»1 L·1Iz~» arc mlm cause: ¤III1I1sc high 11—·Iu·. h.r~·1uu1:I vnu: but uv>11II1 w¤1I11II mus he 1··:·v1I>vo<1* II I 1m~.:¢.kI um you suv thm tho fm1v\I1 Hm- In
ru I.: r, ;1I.»| Linn In u·¤·¤I1·. um p11·Ii»r·ly1I11· mum; mall wcli hmm: u~m1h¤ I·w;¤· a11»I·•~nI~; i~ rIpz·I~~·1II·Ié hy 1I.r ~:1- I —l—II' u·1·’iwI·1a·;hv:
uw, Iv1He1·umI: 111 nhs; ¤ wuml nl I·¢ Ii $1 I1·¤:- an wuur .»11I Iiru IIu·1hI· 1> uw 1···~ u-~¤·· e;~ a·»\1,·.,I1.·I¤yI,1I s uu, Ia1»wI1I:¢:»•»¤:1 www ·I1t
¢>v·.pu~~I,>sII1Is ehma: 1::1 1x~»¤I ¤uI,sI1u1Ic {I1: G`»1niL~ zIIca¤I?I1y1I11»1 ;;h,·1¤;—I: I IIII~r¤11·:·1 h.1» ywu ~I»II1I:1·»|1¢vu»1 [mm . I1·I·· In 1xpI ua ~n‘I»
an-I1 Irmn :111 1»\r nun —.11¢Iy
'I`e:IIrnu·, I Ii·1» you 110* q·>»I< su uuslullunl as vnu pr‘cIeme;d and y. ur r» z¤—<>n11»g 4111*y ·ex» ~ m »I¤ev·g1l1I·11 .111 Ivpmiun In II have hum
I1a1hnu1·1..gIu1·».1n1¢ umr, ¤111I11Iyuu arc a1g1cI11,l ¤m wvII11»g\v1:I1»m1»»I*1v~I1   I wuur u1 ;1.mI1¤,r I:1~I;us¤1II11
T ~· Oblluwing is a r¤pr·~»omavI.1n :1I` [III; ;;sn¢·vI¤I swim, sh¤1w$1Iq we cy¤I1¤‘.1I1¤1cv»1y umm uma .m,,,,,, im,

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1;/1 ` cmngiyieygg me N111 1111, snmp m111111; ls, 111,111111 1111, 11111 w1111.· 11 11111 s1z1».. 11111: 1.11- ~11.11;c 11111wwow, c·1ly s<1l'1cr. The same may he sui Ji
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‘ uuns1111-1..1, 1. 111ll 11x.1e1lv 1w11·1·11·ww1¢ »111lw wm 9111. rr ll·l1 1
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flhe [cygwin; yeah e;¤v·¤pzI¤e· ehrre nrr: —¤:<. wr 22 —¤un¤:<, Tw F C: IY ~¤·*·»·» rz: .» m Hu 5, mm ip; mp mm mqynd HIM- p·~•:e~v¤I seakv,
nvcl wm n wed i* ¢,T0un\<· Ihr: IMI: w::i··h is an »r:;a¤· Ingncr l\:— GN (Z ·I'I` wlmn ::~ :» 'I`:v:»·1·<1www¤.:~ V 1* 8 . ·¤ wx J`: hh:
qv (Lune A mz: I5:u ¤0a:::¤\ 0I>¢’>c •4cvxv·¤i s<;:I<= I: I :¤;!`¢\IIO»H¤:q W vk ihrr€` mu ~~ n V ¤:Yl]v »m4m ~»·, ,: (L A] 21 X ,<~ . ~ W
i1¤~¤m:r:·s•v: \h<· /\·»vI:v:n<, ~vhnr:· the F {ZL IT Is ·.·a d II,:wnQ [lun I-v::':¢4¤:n1 1- Ma nm: rh. 1: ¤—1:~::•\ I I ~ ::1 » : ::¤»·¤ \: ,:~¤.;:: :~ M ax
lvm vn mkv nn mc uaxuw ui ruusirz a::~ ahcr giving 2 ¤»-z:::1x:¤:¤uf:m u»:u~r~js»::1~:I:~·:ur ci w wnh :1 ron 7:.Av vu: yur: · ::-1I;· ::.4:: 1; of
U; ·mn0~iIimv
Musu- I. ·aum::Iv dividml mm ’VI:·l<;~‘v =mn:r wr ra xrvl crwrn Ir·1:::1:e tw %i·:·»~ I; anu Tm :::`:»/:.,:.~ W: :.·—. 4:: Ir ~- :¤1»:¢~:¤ V . up 2 \ mt
{hq. 7 Im. anu umlhs The lpI\5}\Y1.M;s '!`¤}‘iM".¤ A gpccxnaux v.I U.: uvua L,¤:ms~.r:>:z:>s
Uvir w: min S', ma] Bd, mi 5~ .»¤,J7',@, ·. Zxgfnh, ma] GU: 2:rIv fI~ A M :: Mn ` 7:}:
r,V_n·} _, ,1, , , .7; ·j:,,,.‘ 7 ,5. —' ,_,` {rf- _ , `L ,,4 ,,7 7 7 7J in M,. 7:. 77 -.1 -
HL;  7%;;i•r§i%  §;;17:   22 ;   rt;} tig If ,   I rg ;;, #{7 ;’ ;3{
lima i ’ ; :;;[;,` i, 7 ii if -_QCj ;,’;; _ :;7;,_ ;; ;;- K ; , ;;§;;u i' ;;;3,
I S 3 5 5 V 6 ' lx 2 4 4 7
S I I2 :3 9 I‘ M.
L5 I7 '9 2u I5 IB ill ~
Nmw::hsvan:Iin;; :h·: zqd, mh. an- 'l·¤.;·uozlvsnords; yn z:~kiII'uI z;rmp¤»sv-:· {my usc ahcvr ru :yIvau:ay: .: :-ac amzwneu: ’\~ no ~h~{—r¤q¤
€*:4¤¤v MII auyxvw a ~.<·~ ~.av ;»ur_»<¤—· 40 a» :41. wwrcw, hcuw uqhd my »:, u;•u·I» ·\,1·r, ¤·_ um ix :~;:,n' ·u 7mI A 1: ::::...:13 I:1·¤,z»»\u ·`n<1w nlmc IuIIy mr ].4~w7: mm: ln. my
¤I M: s:. , I all »w mu :»::··~;r ru uw {hem sperimalv. an: umnvsI¤1:!:cm::vv::· Fu: ·’ y I yIl:mc:' iw A prnlca: cnul *\‘\l:0u;; Jhv lmyxyh
in vw`: ». ;I·—v¤··4¤, vg: u is ¤e·vv Iv·q¤:·:::Zy uw: :n u yu ·» ,_;m.: ,;.` · ~ nn »v~,m.· *·w:x;~ —»·1*n:uh and 1:vwu·ca\;| wxh: :;¤— g., me 7
2 7 0 7- ; Mg :-0::-n 0·n ul x·~ iunvlu max In »~ u H :II;< I`: xzuvcmem I: · Gnmun er |¤‘l*:1—·—\0·¤: K 7::»:><¤\z¤ I N,
an ». E ».,.:.::` .. ~.:·::-· a u ~ ~···1 ve :·..:.uu.:¤:¤ :.• a www, um wnww vw msvcnwvysrku wruuguéircursl may us :n•:•uu;m
jill! V¤fy·Ii\U¢ Vlmihull LQ lhs; Nwn HI hhfxnully. _

   F[llT!‘§“N'E‘% (}l<' MWSH} — ‘
Jl, e , .,.1 zu- K ¢ --
y { Treble, Trrmt B: (ltvxnitvr siavc. Bias haave. jj; A _
j » A Scmihrcwlg; ls a square below the lme,
i i—I'——- ~— Finn unc·—-— l—\ ·tF¥hl¤ lluc ·-~ mu »—-— `
I lv ·
*f ~ l·. llm in mace G l‘....»:n wphce ZZ;
] -1) »—1·u,.t.:~» um-. ».1¢ 7 i·x,t,·ti, um.- Amauum i·t·»•;f; ls 2 square above amine.
A LI   lil rl »pa,—¤ ` li) Q '1 nv nl wipe :2;
Q —B-L » - El. id tml-- » D ‘ i`¤·¤ lim -- A cmlchmt -;— h a slanted stralre with 2 dash, called a Sullmi
  \   $· . uw. ~p:¤r¤   (E 'C st ( nm i Witte rcst ZY:
i —r;t-sy.U».» me E,»i¢ 7. ( s.   U mtr ·- i Q V
E l·` 1-mi ·»i.:»vc \ l·’.x·»i ~p¢.l;e A qimvcr nstjij I. an inverted suttcn.
  `ll_—E --— L`iw,tlim—- li -—G —-— kim hue-.-- ii: `
Q   A ;¤maq.m·¤._;_ _ t
 *3 ;....;.,;.,:;*’.-:1--.a~-J-L-T.-·-®·»=-i usr Z§j ls an inverted sutmn with a dash; J
lr   , . l\1U$]tj.\|, Cll.’\ElA()'l`l;Ll<% l—,XPl¤\lNEI) A 41eix;i~eini» ii; I
K   ·-—»—— quzivur rut ii;- le an inverted sutmn with mo dashes. l
“_ “ ' 5 Sum ;;i ls the lm¤~» mm twmiv miczxiiudmte spauew IIT
Q iwwf tm »·.·ac•» mum 1. whim,.
lj 1 i; A bran:. Shews huw many para arc pmllirmverl urwediel'.
l y A single lm I ji Divizlcs tht: svnve into measure; __ me
l   . V A\c~l;;cx·1ine —— I> atlrlen -¤ Lim umu asqenl ur ti. —¤tm ¤~· »·· lla
E _ A nmmlg bv 5],,   xhews the mm uf a 51.-;·,ig gil? 3,—1 Shews the nu my wi Hunt'} sung iw tim; ~ynu.bl::,
`\ .»  nh, v must he p it rl i u v mt, quit so
Q: ii A (Muse   wm mt me and Ma [img. A slum hl thu ug it l¤·lu<4 ul .4 min. ntl is t » r, ill its ti-uy eugili.
  Li _ fiu»w¤~1li.u ¢lv:tlmramx¤ti.c nam purmmmi Tw l·i~;¤¤¤¤~ l 1'riv~·—’*·~¥fl¤!*l~»\¤:u»»1·rr li.-   ~u=·; ··l »¤ ··»·~ v¤·
ly Qrcpuq - ; A lvm tp. ...,v r,.·mm uhwh jg A. plmbd W mg (Will Rnd lime uuml I ulinl u 5 ll slut! unl, :4 ulull hum Mu nun; Allib
L? A 3.1.2 mul uouulc lmimi cum.

 — nummmws ov Musxc. I — \ ·©
A prius xii; ¤i;gni5es that the preceding word. or sentence, must be d 5 Has three quavers in a meuurc, and three brntn, perf¤r—
SH Mr \¤ tm Mule. or rvmes. uudrv wliifh Il M wl 3l' · ` {ned m tlw time uf me scqnntl and shall (7* Ure MMM-
A nvm Ir sxgnihes that the note over wluch n is placed may be light- § uw w rrnble zimc is divided imo three [mus, rlse fn: nnly
ly waxbled like a Enh rolls is annum-z!.
-· Is expressed by ¤ punt C, tm a semim-cve nr its quantity { E Hag six mtmhm in at m¤¤¤m·¤,¤t¤d um beau, one down '
Ks!. E in a mcnsun-, sung in tht: time of four seconds, luur lst. F wd one up, pmlktrmed in the time of Iwo and 3 hnlf
4 heats in a measure, xwn down anal tw · up, Z. st-wnds '
. lh n C with a bur tltmuy Ii iz, has the www measure note ’ Hats stx savers in a measure, sung in the time cf unc
_ ex _ » G q
2nd ' nent m tltc same maunur, pcrlarmed m thc uint: cl three 2nd.   mcond and as hall, and two busts, one dawn and one up.
_ wounds. 7 _
E By zi g) inverted. has the same measure nate, sum; in the [$~ In wmjrmmd time the acrmzfall: ud th: fra: and Iauugt
3rd, l time ul two and al1aI|`uecunrl¤,wvu beats in ss measure; [urls qfxhz vmaxwc.
unc tlttwn and hun mv
Ul? The mam in meh u zhrfbw ning m¤uds,f1lla on the ra: The natural lane fur ME. is in B, But,
5 P
and 1/tird jzarzu nfthn mruture. — `
Q HM is mwum tm the uimsure note. sung in the timo of l If B be Hat - - Me is In E
Mh — srmml altda hall, twu beau tn a mcssurz, one down and Il B B: li · - a»—-—- A
iwncup _ _; 1xt=1~:».A. W-- D is
7`h»j%u1h mood has but am: accent in a m:aaure,an¤'faIl.• Ii B I:. A Bt 1) - -—-—~ G
in 1/1c_/$r.v2[1urz Il F ln: sharp - Me is tn - F
’ II F & C . . ....... . C
MOODS OF TREBLE TIME. ” Ii F C k G D- .......— S s
5 Has three minums in ¤ measure, sung; in the time of three
Lat. 2 ·¤ccm¤ds,a¤d three bells in the muasurc. two down and unt: When the Me is l`rund,1he srdcr cfthe unite! unending, are, twice
Z t “I" . , · S 1 L d d " .twi¤e Law bal Paw the com¤s—Me
5 Has three cmtenemn a measure, beat like thc Farntonly ¤ ni °_ av" an “°°¤°mE ° H
Zild. QQ third Instore — again tithe? way.

   -,0 "¤ '``` ’  ' RU1')I)’[`I]NTS OF MUSIC.
*1 7 h.` $`F h "Srl ·- '*.. zi'-  
§· m§..'.$T3iZ“f.E ““" °  " ’ °* "‘“     “' “‘“   1.,. Y M   Rrp ,¤»R.. .. me ms. sm, and ......1... F.
s   --- --i;*1..-,m§,;‘ WK , ,;·gw 5 Q'; .,.6   S,  ,,,( ..   G     S»Ycrs alike fo.  
{   Li§;{A;%;; ;*:j;j‘;‘ VW fj ~ ;y_,"   E The G-, C, gig; *r.¤a,1l· swd muum.
E ..-,i,,Z;; if ;; i