xt7sxk84kj3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sxk84kj3m/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1901 journals kaes_bulletins_097 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.97. text Bulletin n.97. 1901 1901 2014 true xt7sxk84kj3m section xt7sxk84kj3m I KENTUCKY A I
A BULLETIN N0. 97. I  
commmcm   mmuzms.  

  is e gI`lCl1 xp .
 F   A ° ltural E eriment Station
It  THOS. TODD, Shelhyville, Ky.
g Ԥ T. NOBLE LINDSEY, Frankfort, Ky.
  D. F. FRAZEE, Lexington, Ky.
Q J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College.
  M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
g - M. A. SCOVELL, Director and Chemist.
i Chemists.
, , H. E. CURTIS,
    H. GARMAN, Entomologist and Botanist.
  C. W. MATHEWS, Horticulturist. A
it J. N. HARPER, Agriculturist.
I g Q Assistant Chemists.
_ g Q: L. O. BEATTY, S
  { R. M. ALLEN, Clerk, Food Division.
E   J. 1). TURNER, Secretary to the Director. y
‘   J. O. LABACH, (`hemist, Food Division. 5
  ; GEO. ROBERTS, Ass’t Chemist. `
  ' T- L- RICHMOND £ Assistants to Entomologist ’4
{ 5 ·
F i. MISS M. L. DIDLAKE, and B0t€mlSl?· _
‘ g · S. D. AVERITT, Assistant Chemist. I
` V Address of the Station—LEXINGTON, KY. ‘
—— l NOTICE.
The Bulletins of the Station will he mailed free to any citizen
· of Kentucky who sends his name and address to the Station for A
! that purpose. `
· Correspondents will please notify the Director of clianges in  '
` their postoilici- address, or of any failure to receive the Bulletins. i
Annmcss: .
I{i»:x*1·i;<;i;Y A<;nieui.·rUnAi. EXP1£RlI\IlCNT S*r.w1o:~1.
Licxixerrox, KY. I 

· l
Bulletin N0. 97. xl.
Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. V Q  
Number of Bramls. _ There were 330 different brands of if
commercial fertilizers registered during the year 1901. Of ·  in
these, 175 were complete fertilizers, or fertilizers containing
all three of the essential ingredients, namely: phosphoric acid,
` nitrogen and potash; 43 were acid phosphates; 8 contained a ·
mixture of acid phosphate and nitrogen compounds only; 38
acid phosphates and potash salts only; and 66 were classed as g
bones or tankage. .
Samples Collected am’lAnalyzed. Six hundred and forty-
_ eight samples were collected by deputy inspectors or sent by
A farmers from various parts of the State and 344 were sent in
by firms as ohicial samples; of these samples, 655 have been QQ
analyzed by the Station. Many of these analyses have already i
t been published in Bulletin No. 95 and are not repeated bl
— here. The 337 samples not analyzed were duplicates collected  ' D
“ by different deputy inspectors working in different places at  
S the same time. In some instances as many as 6 or 7 samples if
_ of the same brand were collected.   (
` Results of the Analyses. The results of the analyses show r  
S that of the 217 samples analyzed since the publication of Bul- "
letin No. 95, 30, representing 29 brands and 17 firms, fell so far_
. helow the guaranteed analyses in phosphoric acid, nitrogen or
potash, or any two, or all three of these ingredients, that this
. could not be accounted for by variations in sampling or analy- _
sis. Adding to these the 83 samples reported in Bulletin No.
95, we have 113 samples which fell so far below the guaranteed

 2 ii ' .
 , Z· 220 Bulletin N0. 97.
 Q Q analyses that attention should be called to this fact. It is
   V probable that in most cases variations can be accounted for by
 i · hurried or careless mixing at the factories, or gross mistakes in °
_ g_.  shipping one brand for another, but in several instances, the
 i ‘ results show apparently a desire on the part of the manufac-
  turer to guarantee more than the goods contain.
Q   The great majority of the manufacturers, however, have
F; furnished in most instances fertilizers fully up to, and often
  better than the guarantee.
i , The following table gives the manufacturers who have regis-
tered fertilizers in this State since May 1, or whose fertilizers
Ii _ have been sampled and analyzed since that date. It shows
l also the number of samples analyzed of each firm’s fertilizers,
l and in how many of these samples there was a serious ,
  deficiency of either phosphoric acid, nitrogen or potash. and
  in how many the percentages of these constituents are such V
l i as to be acceptable, from the point of view of the buyer, either
  if because they equal or exceed the percentage guaranteed by the
I     manufacturer, or because a slight deficiency in one constituent
~     is, in the Director’s judgment, fully made up by an excess in one
    or both of the others. Under the heading, "Relative Value Per
  g Ton," is shown in how many instances the Hestimated value per g
  E ton," calculated from our analysis, equals or exceeds the value `
9   calculated from the manufacturer’s minimum guaranteed analy- _
  4 sis, and in how many it is too low, reasonable allowance having r
  been made for unavoidable variations. This table should be
‘ § · carefully studied. It concisely reviews each firm, showing how  .
i f   the samples of fertilizers taken from various places in the State lj
* compare with what was guaranteed. In order, however, to see  _
i the amount of variations from the guaranteed analyses, this  `
table should be studied in connection with the table of results g
I · ' of analyses. This table can be easily referred tc, as the names
. , of the firms are arranged in alphabetical order.
`., _ ` . U .

 W W
` WW
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   230 Bullet-in N0. .97. `
 l   It is evident from the preceding table that while most of the
 I ” fertilizers examined ran above the minimum guarantee, yet
 9 a thorough and careful inspection seems essential. It is hoped
_ Q l that farmers will generally take advantage of Section 8 of the
A  4 ; fertilizer law, and when they purchase fertilizers, at least in
  quantity, that they will take a sample in accordance with sec-
  Q tion S and send it to the Station for free analysis.
“   Essentials in takmg a Sample. 1. Take it at the time of
  purchase, and if possible in the presence of agent or seller.
  2. Take a sample from not less than two bags, and from one
additional bag for every ten purchased; mix these samples
( carefully and take at least a pint of this mixed sample, put it
  into a fruit jar, seal, box and express to M. A. Scovell, Direc-
Q I tor, Lexington, Ky. 3. Take the sample in the presence of
  at least one witness, and have the witness sign the required
  certificate. 4. The certificate for free analysis to be sent by
  muwil and should be in accordance with the law as given in
l , Section 8.
    If the sample is taken in accordance with the above direc-
'     tions it may be sent by express and the charges will be paid
i Q   by the Station.
  i Form of Certificate. A good form of certificate is the fol-
I   lowing, and blank certificates will be sent free to any farmer
‘ Q requesting the same.
li ’ —~
i I . .......................... . . . . 190 V
4 , M. A. Scovnm., Director, Lexington, Ky.: -
This is to certify that I am not a dealer in, or agent for the
· sale of any fertilizer, and that the fertilizer, a sample of which
I I have sent by express to you for free analysis was purchased
I by me ...... . ........................ 190 for 1ny own use
I and not for sale.
I further certify that the sample was taken at the time of
purchase from at least 10 per cent. of tl1e sacks or other pack-
ages comprising the whole lot purchased, and that it was taken

Commercial Fertiilizws. ,2.31 i
as provided in Section 8 of the fertilizer law, in the following
described manner, to-wit: ................................
...... . .................................. g ........... . . .  
Upon receipt of the analysis from you, I agree to furnish you .  
with a tag taken from one of the sacks sampled, the name and   H
address of the Erm or agent of whom the fertilizer was pure  
chased, and the amount purchased.  
(Signature) ...... . . .... . .... . ....   ·‘‘r
(P. O. Address) .... . . . ...............  
Signature of Witnesses: ‘
Should, however, any farmer desire to take a sample and S i
not have a blank certificate at hand, he may write one in full 4
like the form above given, or take the sample in presence of
seller and witness and so mark it that he can identify it subse-
quently in a certificate, and send it at once to the Experiment   ;
( Station with the request that the Station furnish form of cer- `S
tificate, such certificate to be filled out upon receipt covering
the sample and properly signed by sender and witnesses and  `_·
sent by return mail to the Station.  
»S(¤c{imr I’ror·irZing for 1·’rw· Am1ly.~i.<. The Section of the  
Fertilizer Law, providing for the taking of samples for free   Q
analysis is as follows:  
SEC. S. Any person not a dealer in. or agent for the sale  
of any fertilizer who may purchase any commercial fertilizer in
this State for his own use and not for sale, may take a sample
of the same for analysis, which analysis shall be made by the
said Experiment Station free of charge. Such sample for free
analysis shall be taken by the purchaser in presence of the
person, company or agent selling the fertilizer from atleast ten `
(10) per cent. of the sacks or other packages comprising the
. U A _ I ,_

 , i  I ‘ I
> ,‘E# ·l
F  gl 232 Bulletin N0. 97.
if    V whole lot purchased, and shall be thoroughly mixed and at
 _   least one pound of the material after mixing must be put into
 `Q a jar or can, securely sealed and marked in such a way as to
- ‘ surely identify the sample and show by whom it wasrsent, with-
  out giving the name of the fertilizer or the person from whom
 _  “ it was purchased, and must be forwarded to the Director of
  g the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington,
{ g Ky. The purchaser shall also send with the sample a certifi-
1*, cate signed by himself and witness, or by two witnesses, stat—
E ing that the sender has purchased the fertilizer for his own use
l and not for sale, and that the sample was taken in the manner
` prescribed in this section. Provided, however, that if the per-
. son, company or agent shall refuse to witness the taking of
. the sample, then the sample may be taken at the time of the
i, ' purchase in the manner already described in the presence of
Q two witnesses who shall certify to the manner` of taking the
, _ sample. The purchaser shall preserve the official label from
l g one of the bags or other packages sampled to be sent to the
  V Director after having received the report of analysis of the
ig sample. and at the same time he shall furnish to the Director
  the name and address of the firm of whom the fertilizer was
    purchased and the amount purchased; and any person having
»     sent a sample for free analysis, under the provisions of this
· 2   section, who shall, after having received the report of analysis
f Q of the same, refuse to furnish the required information, shall
    thereafter forfeit the privilege of free analysis of fertilizers
  under this section. But if any sample shall have been sub-
~ g mitted for free analysis without all the requirements of this
  _ section having been complied with, the Director shall inquire
rl into the case and may accept the sample for free analysis if he
;Q_ believes that it is a fair sample of the fertilizer as it was
.   g . delivered to the purchaser.
· -‘ * Values Uwel.—In calculating the relative value per ton, the
V. A following values have been used: ‘
· ·» Soluble and reverted phosphoric acid in mixed fer-
, tilizers ...... . ........................ ` ...... (ic per lb.
I · Soluble and reverted phosphoric acid in plain acid
and unacidulated phosphates ............ . ..... 5c per lb. _
lnsoluble phosphoric acid in mixed fertilizers ..... . 20 per lb.
g Insoluble phosphoric acid in plain acid phosphates Nothing. .
Phosphoric acid in fine bone .......... . ......... 40 per lb.
Phosphoric acid in medium bone ...... . ......... Bc per lb.
Fine bone is all that passes through a sieve with meshes
one-twenty—lifth inch square. Medium bone passes through a
..   g . I .

 ’ l
Conznzercial Fertilizers. 233 l
sieve with meshes one—sixth inch square, but does not include
fine bone. ‘
Nitrogen in all fertilizers .... . ................. l5c per lb. _
Potash in all fertilizers, from sulphate ........ . . . . 6c per lb.
Potash in all fertilizers, from muriate ........... 5c per lb.
The term “Potash from Muriate" does not indicate neces-  
sarily that the manufacturers used muriate of potash in fur- ,'
nishing the potash; they may have used sulphate of potash, or t»
other salts of potash, but in all fertilizers where the term _  
"Potash from Muriate" is used there is enough chlorine pres-   i`i‘`
ent to combine with the potash, either from salt in the tankage  
used, or the potash salts used, as muriate, kainit, carnalite, -'
etc. As the objection to the use of muriate of potash arises ,,-
from the chlorine present in this salt, it likewise follows that _  te V
chlorine in a fertilizer is objectionable, whether put in with
the potash or otherwise. The using of sulphate of potash
where there is chlorine present in other ingredients of the fer-
tilizer will not obviate the injurious effect of the chlorine, and I
therefore we take this method of showing chlorine present by
designating the potash as “from muriate."  
Earplainatlon 0f the Table. In the table of analyses. under '
the column headed °iFrom Whom Obtained," all samples
marked i`Manufacturer"_ are those furnished by the manufac-
turer at the time the fertilizer was entered for sale. All other
samples were collected by deputy inspectors or sent by farmers. im;
The analysis guaranteed by the manufacturer follows the "`
analyses of these other samples and is printed in ~iful·ic iig-
_ ures. it
The iigures in the table which are set in bold face type are  
those results which, in the judgment of the Director, were too  
low to be acceptable. \Vhere the total phosphoric acid in  
samples of bone is marked with (’l°) it indicates that the bone Q
contains soluble phosphoric acid. This soluble phosphoric i  
acid is an indication of either the addition of acid phosphate ` `ra
to the bone, in which case it would not be a pure raw bone,
` or else that the bone containing this soluble phosphoric acid
was not strictly a pure or high grade bone, but contained
` trashymaterials, which carried with them the soluble phos-
phoric acid.
_ The names of the manufacturers are arranged in alphabetical .
order, and all the analyses of the same brand have been grouped
. I T _ ' _

 A   111
 1 1 23/ B11ZZ1»fi·11 N0. 97.
 1  11 'l`.x1s1.1~: 111-1 ;\NA1.YS1·1S.
 `   X,u11·: .»\X1);\1)l)lil·]SS 01-* Al.\X1'-1 -
2  » gg I1`.-\(T'l‘Ul{El{ Ayn N..u11·; l"1<<)A1 \Vl*14)ll <)1y1‘.»x1x1c1>.
  ;;1 01* B1:.1N1>.
11     - .... A .1-.- .1-.- A  ,,_   . -..,-.m_.-..--r--.. A4
    ;The Abbott &Marti11 Renderi11g1
1 5 , 1 C0., Columbus, 0.
  S600; 1{e111ler’sBo11o Meal ...............   1). G. Mears, HEllllIll()1lVlll€.
11. 1
_1 1Amer. Ag. Chem. Co., NewYork,1
{ 1 Clev. Dryer Wks ..................... _
p. 8692, XXX S11[)Ul'])llOS])l1&LtB ........... . li. l1`. Austin, liczwer 1):1111..
1 1
Z. . 1
1 g 86931 Ohio $01-11 Maker wit111?0ta1sl1.1 11]. I1`. Austin, Beaver l)m11..
    86941 l‘l()I‘SGllt‘2L1l l‘)lll)S]_)ll2l~1TlF ,........   li. I1`. Austin, BCil.\’(*l‘ 1):1111.. ,
1 { ` 1
1. 1 »
1 _1Am. Ag. Chem. Co., New York.;
;, S(i9ng 1.11·01111<1 Bono ................ . .......... _j .1.1). l)d, C€l'1ll€ZLl1 .,....  
1   8741 1{zuv l1l)1lL‘ Monl. ........... . ........_ 'l`11c G&l'(lllGl'-\\v2Ll'I‘l‘ll 1111. Cu
1.,1 ‘ Q 1iliz1111etl1t0\v11 ...........,  
1 1 1 1
3 . ) ~ 51-lQ <»i1·z1.111 w1~1· ................. . ...._.,.., _ (1, 1*. Cecil, 811011151 (ity .........
_ 1 ‘ 8752 L. li. llo11do1·s011, l1'\'lllg1()1l
__ $7-1:; l’110s]>l1:1t1· 11.1111 l)()12lSll. ............ 1 1.l{.Allll(‘l'&S()I],1,`2lll1[)b`l\"l(‘
_ 8744 \\'111~:1t,('111·11 :11111 (mt Sp1·ci:1l.1 t'. 1’.(j@c11, Slmlhy Pity .....l .
{ Geo. S. Bartlett, Sl1(.'L‘€SS(>1' U11
<`i11. 1)1·s.()1>., <.`111ti. (l. 1
. HG1}, 111111:111 l11·1111r1 ()l1i<> \'11110_v 1
1 Pll()S])ll&l1( ~.... . ...... , .,...,,.......... 1 J. S. l*l<>1·t1111, .112, l‘llll)111ll{.
Ntitiii 11111. lir. l’ll(')€IllX 1r’111>s11l1:1t1.·..1 A1z11111f:1ct11re1· ....... . ..... . .........
.. _ . I .

 1 1
(I0 1m1wrc1ia~l 1¢`m·tiZ·i2crs. 235 1
'1‘Au1.m ov Ax.u.x·:~1ms.
i 1 V V in _ Porxng IN 'l‘11I·I t11tx1»1$1aBr.“___ M 1 1
777 11 1-’11oz·ap11o1·ic Acid. 1 »; _ 1 i’0tas11. 1 T; 1
7 7771 77;47""1`77 7771  " ` "     #*.2 **1 E 1 .
"'x “ E 1 F E Q Ji 5-411 7*1 5-: €°’ 1:-:
E 151:1 i 1 E 42 1 E __'   :Z: 1E/1 in EL    
1 1   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ° 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 11
12.58 10.881       22.-16 1-1.1415.031 1 1$28.411S600 _ 1
1 1 1 1 1 5/0.00 11.0512001 1 1 16.9.5 _  
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,‘  
1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ¤.
1 { 1 1   1    
1   1 115.:s11>.:1111111.141 1 1 1 1 15.7818692 11
~ 1/0.001.;.001 1.;.00 1 1 1.6,00 1 1 1 1 1 1100 1 *
. 1 1 1 1  
. 1 1 0.19 12.111 11.30 11.8112.20 2.041 10.3418693  
1 1 6.0019.001 8.001 1 ]/1//'/11.651.}.002.001 1-7.351  ¢`“
. 1 1
1 1 10.9210.45 11.371 1 1   1 ,10.021860-1
7.00 3.00 10.00 1.3.00 1 1   10.00 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 .
16.48 6.00*   | 22.5712.33 2.831 1 1 23.82 18605 1
1   :0.00 1,2.4/7'13.(/01   1 10.41 .
1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 | 1 1 1 '
21.06 4.01   1 1 25.07 13.24,3.03 1 28.08 187-10
21.06 5.27 1 126.33 12.0813.62 1 28.05 18832
$24.00 2.4.713.00 1 91.81 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1
17.50 5.531 1 23.03 4,455.-101   30.6718741 ,_ 1
1   :2.2.00 .}.7114.501 1 1 2.;.00 1 "Q»
1 1 1 1 '
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1
1   9.41 11.30110/71 1.6-111.0012.2-1. 1 18.91 87-12   1
1 1 12.4-111.01113.45 1.5111 8311.81 121.67 8752   v_
1 6.00 :2.001 8.00   1 10.00 11.65   17...17 ?  
1   10.05 10.641 10.60 1   13.431 1 15.75 87-13  
_ 6.0014.00 10.00 1 1 1..*.00 1 1 1.*.001 1.;.80 1 A
1 1 8.8311.33 10.16 11.6612.02 2.171 1 18.281874-1 1  
1 5.00 :2.00 7.001 0.0010.821/.001.001 11,2.00  1*
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1   1 1
  11.73 2.2011-1.02 1[].7110.861[].';]411 18.0718766
1 8.00   11.0011. /7.7.5
. . 1
1 · 0.2510.501 0.75 1[].8711.O6g1.501 15.50 8633 »
1   1 7.001   9.00 1/.6512.0/31/.001 1 10.1.17
1 1 1 1

 ;   `··l 7
 i T 236 Bulletin N0. 97.
 h  ¤‘ _ TABLE or ANALYSES.
` ”·   NAME AND Aoiiimss or DIAN-
l · _-EZ5 OF BRAND.
lg 2  
A 5 cg l . _______
. Z l [
F `The Buckeye Phosphate C0., l
  Columbus, 0- {
% 8523 Buckeye Bone Meal ......,.........,. .   Manufacturer .....................
’ §Wm. Cesler, Louisville, Ky. _ See R. H. Hoskins ................
· ;The Chmago Fertxhzer C0., Ch1-
T. cazo, Ill.
é V 8739 Chicago Bone Meal .... . ............ F. K. Rhodes, McDa.uiels .......
Q   8767 Mt. Pleasant Phosphate ......... Hiuer &Ga.r1z1an. _‘
Phosphoric Acid. ` H V0UlBh· ’ _ Q ,
V I `2 _ 2 . F E 1 5
E ’ . . as .=—2 J: 1 ji E . `
9 0 Eg :5 "EJ 1 E Q ii  g E E 1 S; -5.
.E¤ $° E E   E : §‘ EEE :‘ :€ 1   E
ig €m€ E15   iifmilié   \
: :   <= 1 < : e 1 z 1:: j_ __ :; JW; W;}  
I 1 1     I ·   1 1 1
1 1 * ‘   1 1  
Q \ E ` I 1 _ l
16.55 `5.S1 1 1 1   22.36 1111*2.141   $22.01 $52:; .   _
; W 1 120.00 \1.65NQ.OO§   1 16.95 1  
1 1 ` , zi
` 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1  
1 1 1 1 1 7 E { . '·
` 1 - 1 - 1 .
12.08 Q5.68 1 1 1 1 11.76 2..u313.0N   20.66 8739  
1 A ,   20.00 |1.662.00` {   16.95 1  ”
1   €   1 1 ‘ 
  1 10.36 Q2.28 12.64 1   1 1 Y 10.36 8767
‘   9.00 1 10.00 Q 1 1 1   9.00 1
1 Q j
1 ; 9.99 2.44: 12.43 11.26l 1.532.521 1 19.27 8768
\     8.00 l 110.00 11.231.50 1 2.0011649. '
1 1 1 ` 1 1
1 9.43   11.26 L).96 1.171 1 1.04 16.18 8769
1 8.00   1 9.00 *0.8;*211.00. 1.00   13.661 ;
1 1 1 · : 1 1 .   4
1 1       ¥ 1 1
  i 1 1 . _ 1 1 1 1 .
1 1 1 10.43 1.331 11.76 |O.n410 GQ 0.87115.71 8770
1 ' 8.002.501 10.50  11.50 \O..,41` 0.501 1.00115..}3`
1 1 1 1 g. ·
1 ` 1 1   1 1   .  
. l 1 ` i 13.86 1.29  15.15      ` 11311;.8771
. l8.0016.00` 14.001 1 1.5.00] 1 1 14.001 g
.   1 1 ` ` 1 `   ` · " 
1 1 1 112.114 10.87 1:2.511 1 1 1 1.53   11.21; :2772 1,..  
1 8.00;,0.001 10.00  11.001 1     9.00j14.S0  
1     1 ‘ E 1 ` 1 ` Yi `
`     1]0.~15;O.91i1l.3(i 1.94 2 36U>.72{ 1.09   20.75 8773  
1 } 6.0014.001 10.001  11.00 1.6:7;.2.00* 1 2.00119.75 ? A
1 * 1 Y 1 1 ` 1 `
  ) 1 1 8.87 1;.4111 22.301 1 1 8.87 8116 ‘ [Wg
1 `5.00 :a.001 7.00   8.00 1 7.00 ‘
8 i 1 1 11].72 $.48 2<>.2010.4s10.sn. 118.80 NHT
1   · 11.55 0.s:;1 12.% 0.:;— 0.41;; “ 15.:::% 8774
A   7.00 ·>°.O(/10.0 01 1 11.00 0.Jl 0..·J0` 12.0.*:
I E 1   1 I
16.25 G.96Q 1 2:%.21 2,:11; 2.871 24.20 8299
1 1 2.2.00 J.4? .3.00‘   20.61 _ ·
1 !

 .. ’  I ~ A   V ‘
 Q A 238 Bulletin N0. 97.
‘   f' TABLE or A1~:ALx‘e1~:e,
‘  Q¤ .
  g 5; [j1<`A(}TURER AND NAME Fnou \V1-um 0m~.ux1·:D.
= ._  3:2% OF BRAND.
Q l d Q
2;     A A  A A
1   {Cont. Fer; C0., Nashv1lle, Term;
` ;> $299} Bear XX Bone Meal ............... .§M2\·11llf2LC‘tll1`01’ ....................A...
i l ·
l l g
lj lThe Currie Fer. Co.I.ouisville,Ky*
p STTS] (_`lll'I'l€’S Acid Phosphate. ......... \Con;:;o & U&Ll‘(ll1l, Marion ......
  5'f]'9` (]11l‘l‘l€’S Corn & Wheat Speciallnl. T. (_]1'2L\\`iO1'(l, Somerset .....
·   STSOQ Curries Fine Gronnml l{aw`r
2 , 3 Bone Meal ..................A......A... `Swinney Bros., Beard ............
  l l
‘ 4
{ ‘ 878]% Cur1·ie’s Raw Bone Meal ..A....... 1S\Vl1]1l€§’ Bros., Beard ............
¢ é   i
, Q   S782` Cl11'I`l€’S Soluble Bone ............... ».»\.C.MCEl1‘oy, BO\\'ll1lgGl`(‘L*11 V
  s 878:;} (`lll'I`i€,S Wheat Grower . ........l Hrigsby   Go., l§a1·ds1;ow11...
A   l i
A _ {Duncan & Bro., Lagrange, Ky. I Y 1
. 8T99~ Tiger Corn & Wlieat Special .... pl. W. \\ heeler, ()’Bannon ......
up " . l
`; Q_ 8]'§0` 'l`ige1·l{aw Bone Meal ............. 3.}. J. Sanford, Nugent ............  —
  3 A l _ A
81603 Tiger Bonehleal ...................... lM2lll\lf2lCt1ll'9l` ....A...................
_ 8800 lklfrs. Wareliouse .................. ’
l _ l
" 1The Euipue Gua.110 Company,
, Nashvnle, Tenn. 5
8168} liinpire Wheat Grower ........... §X[§.Ll1llf£1Ct~1ll`Cl` ......................,.
i ‘ 88031 ll). A. Cabbage, lleiuchiielmlu.
s](;$)l limpire Bone & Potash .....A .. &§[&llUfilCtL11`8l‘ .........................
$8041 {Goodwin &liml¤s,Scie11ce lflill
8170% limpire Potash Mixture .......... lX[{,l]ll.1l2LC13l1l'€l` ........................ 4
$$05; Mahoney & Englcnian, liexlfll
I   v

U0}H7H€7'0’1((11 Fertilizers. 239  
_ Pouxus rx Tllli Huxmuzu. 1
1’1]OB}')110l'1C Acid. 1’0tz1sl1. 1 Q
1 O  E E _
: 1 . _   ¤S   Fé 15 ·
Sm Qm Q as -3 g E g .55 E; Eg   iz
'I - M §   2 1 S r: ;<: 1 E: Em 2   1\
Q : 12 1:: 1 <: 1 .: é· 2   .1:. ` 1:1 : m  
1 ' : ’ .
1 16.89 4.22 *21.1111 .2411.511   $19.7618299 2
.20.00 1 1.5.691 _ “
1   1 *    
16.31 1.681 17.99 1 16.31 8778 i.
13.50 1 1 1 13..50  
10.26 2.44 12.70 1.031.25 1.24 17.62 8779  
10.00 1.2,50 0.8.2 1.00 1.00 1 16..,46 I:..
17.08 3.01 *20.092.13 2.591 1 21.86 878) 1 
15.00 1.65 2.00 1 1.3.95
11.57 11.12 22.69 :3.9314.77 1 27.72 8781
19.00 3.09 3.75 1 20.67 .
` A
12.20 2.01114.21 1.26 1.53 2.041 12I.26 8782
10.00 12.00 1.03 1.25 1501 17.30 1-
10.02 2.80 12.8210.91 1.1011.771 17.6418783 ‘
10.00 12.