xt7sxk84kh57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sxk84kh57/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-05-08 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 8, 1987, no. 503 text The Green Bean, May 8, 1987, no. 503 1987 1987-05-08 2014 true xt7sxk84kh57 section xt7sxk84kh57 o. 503 May 8, 1987 l
ay 8 Harry S. Truman, 1884-1972.
ay 10 Mother's Day— 1
·ay 12 Limerick Day A ;
¤ay 13 Arthur Sullivan, 1842-1900. British composer of
light opera, with his partner Sir william Gilbert.
ray 14 Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, 1686-1736. German A
physicist and inventor of the mercury thermometer.
May 18 International Museum Day.
May 20 Honore de Balzac, 1799-1850. French novelist. ‘
May 21 Albrecht Durer, 1471-1528. German artist and
May 22 National Maritime Day. Observed in honor of the
first steamship crossing of the Atlantic in 1819. ;
Next Green Bean: Friday May 22, 1987
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, May 15, 1987
Production staff: Kerry Kresse, editor/typist; Carol Ranta,
_ typist; Cecil Madison, printer.
‘Iné Newsletter of the Umversity
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes  

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK answer her phone) and she will
call you back. Please mention
The end of the 1986/1987 that this is a critical LS2000 ,
` academic year is upon us. Time problem. '
flies when you're busy!1 ;
There are some important >>>==>>>Error messages<<<===<<< ;
announcements regarding King
South and LS2000. Please make ?CMMD ?SPACE `
a note of them. ?ERROR ?STACK
Happy reading! ?FUNCT ?STORE
Due to some electrical )
work that needs to be done, >>>==>>>==>>>====<<<==<<<===<<< i
King South will be closed to
the public on Wednesday, May 13 THESE ARE CRITICAL PROBLEMS AND
until noon. Periodicals/news- OCLC MUST BE NOTIFIED WITHIN A
papers/microfilm will also be CERTAIN AMOUNT OF TIME OR THE .
closed to the` public until CAUSES OF THE PROBLEMS CANNOT ?
noon. BE TRACED.
King South staff should .
report in to work at 11:30 am Please continue to submit other
on this day. King North staff LS2000 problems on the standard
should report to work as usual. report forms. Thank you for
your cooperation. (Submitted
by Tari Keller)
¤ If you should get logged Y
off the LS2000 system with ggy Libby Potts, Newspaper Project, _
of the following error messages will be leaving to take a ‘
listed below, please do the position at Marquette
following: University in Milwaukee.
1. Write down your port number
2. Write down what function
you were in A The Library Staff
’Organization made $48.05 at the I
3. Write down whatever data Book Sale. Thanks to all the
you were working with, e.g. staff members who donated the
title, patron, barcode number, paperbacks and those who worked (
( call number, author, etc. the tables. (Submitted by 3
Joyce Welch, LSO President)
4. Call Tari Keller at 7-2643 (
immediately to report this I
information. If Tari is not
there, leave a message in the (
Director's Office (they will
2 ( A

Summer Hours
- The Reference Department
has a six-month trial Four—week Intersession
1 subscription to Readers' Guide May 11 - June 11, 1987
Abstracts in microfiche.
Coverage begins with September Monday-Thursday 8:00-6:00
1984 and presently goes through Friday 8:00-4:30
December 1986. We should Weekends Closed
receive, as part of our trial Memorial Day Closed
subscription, several of the
eight cumulated updates issued
per year. The new tool Eight-week_Summer Session
includes the same magazines and June 15 - August 6, 1987
indexing as the Readers' Guide
to Periodical Literature in the Monday-Wednesday 8:00-9:00
print and online versions, but Thursday 8:00-6:00
only the microfiche product Friday 8:00-4:30
contains informative abstracts Weekends Closed
of articles and summaries of July 4 Closed ‘
reviews. The annotations
appear to be of the usual high
quality one expects from the LAW LIBRARY TECHNICIAN HONORED
H.W. Wilson Company. We are
housing the box containing the Antoinette _“m_Fiske, the
125 pieces of fiche on one of Processing Technician in the
_, the tables normally reserved Law Library, recently was
for periodical list honored at the Law School
consultation. _ Awards Night on April 2. She
received a Nancy M. Lewis Award
l STAFF DEVELOPMENT NEWS for Outstanding Performance by
Members of the Administrative
To complement the sessions Staff. This is a remunerative
on Interlibrary Loan sponsored award given yearly by the Law
by the Staff Development School to worthy individuals.
Committee, members of the We in the Law Library are quite
reference Department will give proud of her.
a two — three hour overview of Antoinette began to work
additional departmental in the Law Library in June
services on Wednesday, May 27, 1980. Before joining the UK
in the Staff Lounge at 1:00 pm. staff she was a volunteer in
We will discuss typical the Lansdowne school library.
inquiries handled at the In 1977 she moved to Lexington
Reference desk, describe the from New Jersey with her
` teaching function of the family. Her son is a senior at
department, and give a UK and her daughter works in
demonstration of computer- Lexington.
assisted reference services Antoinette is active in
using the Limelight. To give the Lexington Chapter of
us some idea of attendance in» Parents without Partners. She
an awkward space, please call is the Dance Chairman and the
° Roxanna Jones at 257-3353. Newsletter editer. Her

 newsletters have won two awards ————————·—-———--—---
for the Chapter. (Submitted by
,‘ Ebba Jo Sexton) Special Collections `
King Library North
ABOVE AND BEYOND... Dear Friends:
The following thank-you letters Thank you for all of your
have been received in the help during my visit in
._ Director's Office: February and my previous stay
in June, 1984. The Grahamton
------—---—-------—- Manufacturing Company is one of
the finest southern mill
Sandra McAninch collections for the ante—bellum
Government Publications period. Your John Brand
King South letterbooks provided most
useful glimpses into the bag
Dear Sandy: manufacturing industry of
Kentucky and industrial
I want to convey my slavery. I also loved the `
appreciation for your efforts wooley woolen Mill records in
in making the recent Council the City Roller Mills
meeting in San Diego an Collection—~for more than just
unqualified success! Our "new its name! Together these
spirit" of cooperation seemed collections gave me a good
to pervade all of the sessions, introduction to Kentucky
_ making possible a productive textile practices up to 1860.
and enjoyable experience for I also appreciated your
y all of us. _ other kindnesses. Tarry warth,
' The progress that we have you were a God-send staying
·, seen in the Library Programs late so I could save at least
Service over the past 3 years one or two days stay.
could not have been possible
without the advice and support Sincerely,
of Council's present "senior J.w. Lozier
class," of which you are a Associate Professor
member. I join the Public Bethany College, WV
Printer in recognizing your
valuable contribution and I
offer my personal "thanks" for VICTORIAN SQUARE STORY
Don E. Fossedal Our own Victorian Square
‘ U.S. Superintendent of graced the pages of a new
Documents government publication,
"Outstanding Local Partnerships
[Editor's Note: Enclosed with in community Development
the letter is a certificate of Programs and Projects," [HHl.2
appreciation from the R24/8] published as part of the
Government Printing Office for National Recognition Program
- Sandra McAninch.] for Community Development

 Excellence. The six paragraph Public Access Microcomputers in
summary can be read in the Academic Libraries: The Mann
r. Government Publications Depart- Library Model at Cornell
ment. (Submitted by Sandra University. Edited by Howard
‘ McAn1nch) Curtis. Chicago: ALA, 1987.
Call no.: Z733 .A33 P83 1987.
- The UK Art Museum and the
J.B. Speed Art Museum in CALIFORNIA
Louisville are sponsoring:
"Art Conservation: why, When, Music Cataloger, Stanford
and How." This program will be University. Salary: $24,800-
held on Sunday, May 10 at 2:00 $34,500 Assistant Librarian;
pm in the UK Art Museum, and is $27,500·$38,300 Associate
open to the public. At the Librarian. Deadline: July
conclusion of the formal 10, 1987.
program, the conservators and
museum curators will be ILLINOIS ‘
available to answer specific
question from the audience. Assistant Interlibrary Loan
Individuals are also invited to Librarian. Northwestern
bring two art works from their University. Salary: $20,000-
own collections with them to $26,000 depending upon
the museum. qualifications. Deadline: May
I 29, 1987.
9 The 120th University Head, Collection Development &
Commencement Exercises will be Preservation Department.
held Saturday, May 9 in Indiana State University.
Memorial Coliseum at 4:00 pm. Salary: $27,000. Deadline:
All faculty are invited to June 5, 1987.
attend as participants and
should meet, in academic Assistant/Associate Librarian
attire, in front of the Reference Department. Indiana
Coliseum at 3:30 pm. University at Kokomo. Salary:
$19,500 Assistant, $24,000
. -Associate. Deadline: May 29,
(Submitted by Rob Aken)
Head of Acquisitions. Purdue
· Academic Librarians and University. Salary: $25,000
Cataloging Networks: up. Deadline: none specified.
Visibility, Quality Control,
and Professional Status. By MISSOURI
Ruth Hafter. New York:
Greenwood Press, 1986. Call School Librarian. K-12th.
no.: Z675 .U5 Hl7 1986. Southwest Missouri State
. · University. Salary: $18,500

minimum for nine months. _ TEXAS
Deadline: May 29, 1987.
E U.S. Documents and Patents
NEBRASKA Librarian. Texas A&M
_ University. Salary: $18,000
Computer Search/Reference for 10.5 months, minimum
Librarian. University of_ $19,000 with additional
Nebraska Lincoln. Salary: Master's degree. Deadline:
$19,500 minimum for 12-month May 25, 1987.
contract. Deadline: June 15,
Reference Librarian/Subject Catalog Librarians in the
Specialist, Assistant Professor Technical Services Division.
(tenure-leading), Central Washington State University.
Reference Services Dept. Salary: commensurate with
University of Nebraska Lincoln. qualifications and aexperience.
Salary: $18,000 minimum for Deadline: August 1, 1987.
12-month contract. Deadline:
June 15, 1987. "
Head, Serials Department.
University of Oklahoma.
Salary: $24,000 or more
1 depending on qualifications.
Deadline: June 19, 1987.
Collection Development
Librarian. Oregon State
University. Salary: $35,000
minimum. Deadline: May 29,
Acquisitions Librarian. Oregon
State University. Salary:
‘ $30,000 minimum. Deadline:
May 29, 1987. ·
Assistant' Director for
. Technical, Automation and
Administrative Services.
Oregon State University.
Salary: $35,000 minimum.
Deadline: None specified.