xt7stq5rc66m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5rc66m/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1969 newsletters  English Eddyville, Ky.: Kentucky State Penitentiary  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Castle on the Cumberland Kentucky State Penitentiary -- Periodicals Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky Castle on the Cumberland, July 1969 text Kentucky State Penitentiary v.: ill. 28 cm. Call Numbers HV8301 .C37 and 17-C817 20:C279 Castle on the Cumberland, July 1969 1969 1969 2021 true xt7stq5rc66m section xt7stq5rc66m ’Kenrucxv

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Louie B. Nunn



Hon. Wendell Ford =1
Lieutenant Governor R.


John C. Taylor
Harold E. Black
Billy R. Howard
Weldon Welch

W. Parker Hurley
William Lyon
Robert Perry


Commissioner ‘3
Deputy Commissioner

Director of Education :
Director of Farm Management «'
Director of Probation & Parole

Director of-Staff Services
Superintendent of Prison Industries



John W. Wingo
Kenneth C. Clapp
John W. Drennon
William H. Lasley
Robert Grubbs

Jerry L. Wilson
Robert Hopkins
Raymond Powell

W.O. Long

Max C° Salb, MD
James H. Burton, DDS
Rev. H. E. Inman
Father Thomas Clark



Associate warden-Custody
Associate warden-Treatment

Supervisor of Education

Supervisor of Industries

Chief Counselor

Psychologist ‘
Institutional Parole Officer
Captain—Correctional Officers
Medical Director

Dental Services Director
Protestant Chaplain

Catholic Chaplain



~Glenn wade Chairman
Mrs. Lucille Robuck Member
Sewell C. Harlin Member
H. R. Dunbar Editor i

H. E. Robinson
Ted Lewis
Jim McKinney

Circulation & Production Manager
Art Director ‘
Staff Artist

CASTLE is published monthly at Kentucky State Penitentiary, Eddyville,
Kentucky, under the supervision of the Vocational Training Center. J.R.
Hubbard, Vocational Instructor, is the Advisor to CASTLE.,

JULY 1969

Our Ninth Year of Publication






CASTLE, a monthly publication by and for the residents of Kentucky
State Penitentiary, Eddyville, Kentucky. The views and comments -ex-
pressed herein ane not those of the administrationo The purpose of
CASTLE is the creative expression of the _population' in 'the ‘hope
that it will bring about a better understanding between »ourselves
and society. Permission to reprint all original materials is grant-
ed, provided the source is acknowledged. We will print and welcome
pertinent rebuttal to articles in our magazine. CASTLE is a member
of the International Institutional Press Association.


Local News................Page
CASTLE's Eighth Year......Page
Guest Editorial...........Page
From the Warden...........Page
Ass't Canteen Manager.....Page
Governor and Commissioner.Page
Honors Ceremony...........Page

00\l OmeN

From The Editor...............Page
Parole Board..................Page
Farm Report...................Page
New Counselor.................Page
Penal Press...................Page
A.A. Open House...............Page
Why Recidivism?...............Page


Guest Opinion..............Page 17
Things I See...............Page 18
Catfs Report.........o.....Page 19
School News........o.......Page 21
Chapel...................O.Page 22
Cartoon of the Month.......Page 24
Sports.....................Page 25
Elsewhere..................Page 20
Movies.....................Page 28



DANIEL BOONE-A Tribute-July's cover brings back to CASTLE
readers the Sig". of the old master—Ted Lewis, our Art Di—
rector. Numerous are the signs, pieces of art work, and
other decorations about the Institution that carry the
inscription "by Ted", we are indeed proud and happy to be
able to have that signature on this cover.




CASTLE, Vocational Training Center, Box 128, Eddyville, Kentucky-A2083
' JULY 1969




Commissioner John C. Taylor'helped‘ make our May 30th, Memorial
Day, celebration one to remember. Two events helped to relieve some
of the boredom that usually marks holiday Observances here. They fine
cluded an open house-all you could eataall day affair at the dining
room and an extra movie.

‘The resident dining room was open to all, from 12 noon until
time to go in, in the evening, and you could make as many trips into
the dining room as your stomach capacity would let you.' ”The ‘menn
consisted of weiners, Boston baked beans, potato salad, cold slaw,
fruit punch, ice cream and cake. Under the superVisiOn of the Chief
Steward, Miles J. Creason and Assistant Steward, H. E. Banks, the
dining room crew really turned out a holiday feast. Responsible for
the_food service' Jere: W} Willoughby, L. Hoyt, K. Kile, Y,.Willis;
R. Randolph and F. gaylor.

The CASTLE speaks for all the population- when we extend our
heartiest " Thank you I " to Commissioner Taylor, Warden Wingo,. and
all the Staff and residents of KSP who worked hard to make all this


The Commissioner's Office notified the residents here during
the month of May that effective immediately inmates did not have to
put stamps on letters to the Commissioner. The sealed letters will
continue to be placed in the special " Commissioner & Governor" box
on the yard. All letters will be taken to the Warden?s office to be
forwarded on to Frankfort in one envelope to save postage.

In April when this new policy of being able ;to send a.sealed
letter to either the Governor or Commissioner Taylor was announced,
speculation on the yard had it that the mail box would be flooded. A
spokesman for AsSociate Warden for TreatmentaLasleyis Office said it
was not the case. We are averaging about 50 letters a month tor the
Governor and 30 to the Commissioner. In every case, the man writing
to either the GovernOr or Commissioner, has had a answer to his let—
ter from one of them.


The last week in May, Administrative Associate Warden, John W}
Drennon, while on duty as Acting Warden, announced a new procedure
and price structure for inmate subscribers to daily and Sunday pap—
ers, here.

The Commissary will now be processing newspaper subscriptions
and they will be forwarded to the area neWspaper representativeszrat
no mark-up. Subscriptions will be handled on a monthly basis only.
It is now possible to subscribe for as many months as you like, but
for no less than one mOnth at any one time. They may be renewed on
a month to month basis. ( Continued on page 20)





On a hot July day, eight years ago, a voice that had been still+~
ed for over tWo years started speaking again,< the inmate voice of
Kentucky State Penitentiary. Two men met with the late LlodeT.
Armstrong, Deputy Warden, to launch " CASTLE ON THE CUMBERLAND. "
They were James Bell Yager and " Chuck " Garrett. The first‘iSSua
of twenty-five pages and 250 copies was run off the press with Yager
as Editor and Garrett as Associate Editor. It was a fancy launching
for the Louisville Courier—Journal ran a feature story with pictures
on the first issue.

Castle on the Cumberland was the successor to previous institu-
tional papers including Castle Lights, The Hours and a newspaper
form called-The Cur. Various and sundry reasons caused these other
publications to be suspended and the printing press to be removed
from the yard. One story has it that the publishers of one of the
magazines were more interested in trying to duplicate the efforts of
the U.S. Bureau of Printing. When one of their efforts with a clean
shaven Lincoln appeared on a Twenty, the Officials dedcided to Chane
nel artistic endeavors in another direction. Thus, when Castle on
the Cumberland went to press it was prepared on paper multilith mas-
ters and sent to the front offices to be run off.

From the start, Castle on the Cumberland was a success and by
September, 1961, circulation was up to 400 copies and later as many
as BOO copies were going to the outside. Paid outside circulation,
kept going up, hitting just under the hundred mark.

One of the founders of the magazine is still here, Yager,and
he and his cigars hold forth at the Scale House. James has written
an article for this guly issue.

Since 1961, better than a score of men have held the Editor's
Chair for short and long periods of time. Parole and release made
but some of the changes, editorial differences and other interests
have caused others. The staff,too, has been larger or smaller. It
was only last year, for several months, that the staff numbered one.

CASTLE now operates on.a more formal basis as a part of Véca-
tional training with the News Office being in the Vocational Train-
ing Center. The office is located between the Barber Shop and the
Upholstery Shop and is large.enough to accomodate a staff of three.
.Since becoming a part of the.school system, the magazine has been in
better supply with equipment and tools to get the publication out. A
big problem-Censorship-has become almost nil with few if any article
or feature receiving the blue pencil. The contents of the magazine
is checked with'Mr.7William'Egber€,ScthI Supervisor and by Mr} WVfi.
Lasley, Associate warden for Treatment. Our Advisor, Mr.J.R.Hubbard‘
does the proofing of the final plates and orders all the needed sup-
plies and materials. The magazine is still a multilith—typed paper-
plate operation with the printing done in the offices out front, On
July 1st, of_last year, the silk-screen cover was introduced and in
only one case,each month since then has featured a silknprint cover.

The ifirst cover saw the title of the magazine reduced to the
(Continued on page 6 )

CASTLE JULY 1969 . PAGE ' 3 -



James Bell Yager

How does a man celebrate "Independence Day" who has just start—
ed a life sentence?’ How do you expect a man who has been rejected
-for parole and has a number of years to the expiration of his-:sent-
'ence to celebrate " Independence Day" ? HOW' do you ‘poffer " fese
tivities" to men who have loSt their home, children, wife, job}
friends, and self respect? Very frankly, I cannot answer these
questions. I don't know anyone who can !

'What does " Independence Day" mean to a fellon whose freedom
and release are'so far Out of sight ‘that the very thought of future
years of confinement dejects and depresses him? How can these
things be overcome? Very frankly, I cannot answer these questions
either. ,

During the French Revolution a sign was erected over the port-
als of the Bastille. It read, "All Ye Who Enter Here Abandon Hope."
Many did !——-,Many didn't——-,and eventually most of them got out.

The important thing, I guess, is hope.

Regardless of how bad your situation -seems to be - There is
always Hope. 'Things can't get worse. So they must get better.
Everything in this universe is transitory. Times, conditions and
situatiOns Will change. The day will ‘Surely come when you will be
released and literally start a new life. Your prison days will seem
like a bad dream?

I personalyy extend to you HOPE. HOPE for better “Independence
Days" and HOPE for better years. I shall be hoping with you.

_____ o--_-_

by E.O. Taylor, Jr.

On May 29th a group of inmates representing the KSP Fellowship
Club met with the residents of Death Row to present their yearly
awards to the various staff members and officials of the prison. The
award ceremony has been going on annually for the past eight years.

James B. Yager acting as Master of Ceremonies for the group.
presented certificates to:

Mrs. Nadine Galusha, Warden's secretary, as Outstanding Lady of
the year.

Mrs. Jo Ann peek,secretary-Receiver's office, as Personality of
the year.

Mrs. Touxie French, Mail Censor, was selected as the Distingui-
shed Mail Censor of the year. A

Correctional Officer-Henry Griffin—was selected as Outstanding
Mess Officer of the year. ( Continued on page 8)






, As I understand it this month will mark the eighth continuous
year of. publication for the " Castle on the Cumberland" and the
first year for the new "CASTLE" title only. I am reminded that we
have been assigned here for four of theSe eight years and cannot but

"think of some of the accomplishments made during that period.

Some of the major physical plant accomplishments include our

_f new} Medical .Clinic,'the"new farm dormitory 'unit, a new slaughter
‘ house, the fire_house, and three new cattle feed'barns.

Under construction at the present time is the new clothing room
inside the .compound and a new swine< faCility on the large farm.
This building will house the sows and breeding stock and will also
have a unit for feeding the younger pigs. ‘

During this fOur—year period, We also completely renovated the
dining room and replaced the old benches jwith tables and chairs as
well as adding,seVeral pieces of new equipment in the kitchen area.
These iinélddea new steam tables, cooking pots, fryers, electric
stoves, and walk-in refrigerators. As a part of this overall proj-
ect, we completely retiled the kitchen and dining reom floors ralso
replacing much of the old plumbing located above the ceiling of the
dining room in No. 5 Cell House.

. ' Another additiOn was the counseling offices-located in the old
milk house which operations were transferred to the farm area, We
now have four counseling offices located in this area where the con-
selors are available to thelpopulation. We might suggest that the
pOpulation take advantage of these counselors that are available and
route many of their reduests through the counseling offices rather

,_ than to department heads, associate wardens, and myself. Many of
. the requests will have to be routed to the counselons' because‘ the

department heads simply do not have time to take care of all the in—
mates' wishes and needs. ‘

we might add that the new school was completed only four years
ago and that the decorating and furnishing was done following our
appointment here, and we now consider ourselves as ‘ having a tvery
good and complete general education program. The program offers all
subjects through the high school level and has complete approval of
the State Superintendent‘s office. As most of you know, we also are
conducting college claSses and have been doing so for the last two
years. 'There is a need to improve our vocational training {actiVit-
ies, and plans are in the making at the present 'timefl‘to~ implement
more vocational classes and to build a complete vocational training

gbuilding outside the main wall in the new industrial area.

Too, plans are inYthe making to mdve our .industries .and :shop
activities outside into a new building which is to be constructed so
that we may do away with the old shops building now in use.

Probably more important than buildings and plant additions has
been the improvement of our staff which includes three assoéiate
wardens, a chief counselor, a psychologist, added teachers and cou—
nselors which were not available until recently. We hope these add-
ed services and staff members will be of service to the inmate popu—

(Continued on page 6 )-





lation and that the population will use these people in a construdtq
ive manner.- '

We might close this article by saying that it is our opinion
that the ”Castle" new produces 'a good worthwhile magazine that is
worthy of being read 'by anyone.' The articles contain information
about the; variouS departments in the institution and leads the way
in spOnsoring-ideas' and'improvementS“ for the betterment of the in-
mates. BelieVe it Or not, the improVementof the inmate toward releq
ase tofa normal life in outside society is the end goal of the inst-
itution,”itS'Staff, and“the“administrati0n.. If the inmate population
and the emplOYees can be made to see this function, I am sure that we
can accomplish major goals in the future. '



present title of "Castle" with the on the Cumberland being retired to
the shelf for two reasons. One;the Cumberland River no longer flows
by the fortress here, it's now Lake Barkley and two; the silk-screen?
artist balked at all the wording and sold us on the idea that the one
name would stand out better in the style of TIME, LIFE or FORTUNE.

CASTLE prints over 600 cbpies per month now, with our outside
mailing to subscribers, friends, and other penal publications running
at about 250 copies each mOnth. Mailing Costs have caused the'incre-
ase in subscription rate.to Two Dollars per year with this issue.

Last year, CASTLE's silkescreen cover.for September won a Second
place award in Best Art in the National Penal Press Contest held by
the-Journalism Department of Southern Illinois University at Carbon—
dale, Illinois. ‘

.'.. ’

--,.,r...- V, ----0---‘

Mr.JOhn Atwood, Canteen' Manager 'has announced the appointment‘
Of Mr. Ralph Barnett,_Sebree,'KentuCky, aS' Assistant canteen :mane
agar.» PriOr ‘to coming here, Mr. Barnett, was, for four years,‘the
Senior Gpatain of the Security Force at the Job Gorps Center at Camp
Breckinridge._ Before that he spent three years EnaEasnefinnKy.“as‘ya
Superintendent of the Orms y 611 Company at Jackson, Kentubky. He

-_ helpedbinhthe*drilling and development of the new oil fields in Bre-



I Mr. Barnett said, ”xIn”just the short time I have been here, I
have come to like my work very much and I do appreciate the court-
esy that the men-show at the sales window."


CASTLE g‘j_7 Vj. HJULY 1969 PAGE 6




First, may I congratulate the "Castle" staff on the eighth
anniversary of continuous publication. Some magazines of this kind
are short—lived, not because of lack of need or lack of material,
but because of lack of interest in getting it out. -It takes Hard
work and stick—to-itiveness to accomplish what you have so ably
done. ’

Publications like the "Castle" can have a constructive in-
fluence on the population and the institution. Communication is
very important, and the penal press has an opportunity as well as a
responsibility in fulfilling its mission. The "Castle" is good
training in practice, as well as in theory, in writing and publish-

I have heard many favorable comments about the improvement in

'the "Castle" in the last few years. Although I cannot vouch for
‘this as I have not been here long enough, I do recognize that you

have an excellent periodical which compares favorably with those of
other institutions. I hope you will not falter in your efforts,and
will continue to forge ahead in the coming years, keeping the "Cas7
tle" among the best of penal publications.

J.C. Taylor


Frankfort, Kentucky

. Congratulations and best wishes to the staff of the Castle
as you observe your eighth anniversary of continuous publication.

Your unique publication serves many vital functions, one of
which is to create a community atmosphere and spirit.

I am pleased that you are fulfilling the responsible role

and send warmest personal regards and wishes for continued pro-
gress. ,

Sincerely yours,

, Governor


Every_ Kentuckian Counts-I

CASTLE ' ‘ -JULY 1969 PAGE 7



The Clothing House is now fully stocked with all clothing issue
to take care of all needs in clothing for the summer. Clerk Tom
Evans and Rawleigh Pennington resident tailor have completed rec
stocking and setting up a new inventory system so that a fuller ‘use
can be made of the new and used clothing issued° All 'clothing‘ now
is being marked according to size and length° Orders are filled on
time and with great speed due to the new system°

Correctional Officers,B°H° Bell,Clothing House officer and GoTo
Moore are responsible for the new operations and also supervise the
issue of all officers' uniforms.

The Clothing Plant has been busy filling ordres to keep up with
the stocking demandso It is expected that when the new clothing
house, now under construction, is completed that a different ‘and
more diverse type of service will be offered to the residents by the
Clothing House. '

CEREMONIES HERE HONOR STAFF (Continued from page > )

Upon nomination by the men of Death Row, Warden John .W; Wingo
was selected Humanitarian of the Year. The award to the Warden was
presented by Auggie Myer. Myer in his talk praised the Warden for
his compassion and all of the things that he has "done' to improve
the lot of men on Death Rowo Warden Wingo has allowed the “men to
come out of their cellS' to take part in some of the sports activi-
ties, attend the movies, and has conducted them on tours of the in-
stitution to let them see what's new on the yard° He was aalso in-
strumental in seeing that the Row was moved from the basement of the
Lock-up Cell House to new quarters in Five Cell House°

. Inmate of the Year Award went to CASTLE Editor, Ho R. Dunbar,in
‘ bringing out the new look of the inmate magazine and for This atti=
tude toward constructive purposes via this news media as set forth
by his fellow inmates.

The K.S.P° Fellowship club is composed of a group of inmates
dedicated to provide its' members a program which Will improve their
abilities in speaking to a group of people and develop their talent
in the general area of communication. Out of the meetings, the mem-
bers derive fellowship, mutual constructive evaluation and varying
degrees of responsibility until such time genuine qualities of lead-
ership assert themselves. ,

The Club is not as active as it once was or as we hope for it to
be in the future but when it is we will be soliciting new members to
add onto the mere 29 it presently haso

High Number-27129. Low Number=h1hh

Death Row-14 To al Count— 1 097
Records Office 6—19—g9 ’







EDDYVILLE HISTORY“ We failed to mention in our history of Eddyville
that in our search for information through the old hospital building
we ran across an old relic. Said short character grabbed me by the
arm with a steely grip to inform me that he would be seeing the Far»
ole Board this montho It was Herman Howard, who having survived
three heart attacks now vows to live to 110 and be jailed for con—
tributing to the delinquency of a middle aged widow or shot at the
age of 115 by a jealous husband. For seven years, Herman manned the
X-Ray machine here and for eight years has helped in the Dentist of-
fice both here and at LaGrange. I don't know anyone in either joint
that has more friends than Herman and we join with them in wishing
he well when he sees the Board.


THE MISSOURI TEAMSTER- A monthly publication arrived across our desk
for the first time this past week. We certainly enjoyed reading it.
The picture of the lady barber who works in the Teamsters Council
Plaza is now hanging in our barbershop,next door. All the~ barbers
here have voted Sally Beauchamp an honorary barbers license to come
and use this shop anytime she wants.


IN OUR MAIL BAGe a request from Miss Sandra Hallaron for back issues
of CASTLE, The Boston lady is preparing a paper with reference to
institutional publications and said, " Mr. W. Manion Rice of the
University of southern Illinois has suggested that your publication
is particularly noteworthy." Really the young lady need not look
any further than her own state for noteworthy publicationsn Our Pap-
er, The Decision, The Beacon, The Mentor and in Connecticut, is
, The Bridge and The Weekly Scene. Naturally we are honored and have
sent.the copies_on to her.


JOINING THE_SILK=SCREEN PARADE-is the InuCrowd News of Buford, Geor-
gia-which features the work of Jim Burnett—"Dignity's First Flight"-
a very beautifully done piece of work,tooo

RENAL PRESS COMMENTSQ Mike Harrison does a fine job in his Penal
Press Review but the Editor reserves the right to snag a few of the
magazines and papers that come in before Mike sees them. -Thusly, we
use some of this space to make a few editorial comments on some of
them too! Being Virginia born, we could not help but be thrilled by
the fine DOPESTAR cover on Robert E. Lee as well as the story of his
life that appeared in a recent issue..


A new, to us, publication arrived today—NEWS and VIEWS, from
Granite, Oklahoma-The State Reformatory-a real fine paper that Co-
ordinator, Joe Mosier puts out. Had a little conference with our own
circulation manager, Haynes Robinson, and find that we haven't been
exchanging with either them or the EYE OPENER at McAlester. Don't
know how that happened but both of you are back in the_Exchange col-
umns now. ( Editor Rambles more on page 14 )





Governor Louie B. Nunn has announced the appointment of Mr.
Glynn V. McMinoway,, Louisville, Ky., as a member of the Kehthca
ky State Parole Board , ,

. Mr. McMinoway has beenfithe liason officer in the Corrections
Department for the past year and prior to that had served for four
years as the Assistant Chief Probation officer in Jefferson County.

Mr. McMinoway, 47, replaced former Judge David L. Davis, Sana
dy Hook, Ky., whose four year term had expired earlier this yEar.
Yet to be named is a replacement for the unexpired term of Mr. W.C.
Brummell, who died earlier this year.

The McMinoway appointment made the second man named to the
Board by Governor Nunn. Previously, he had appointed Mr. Sewell
C. Harlin. The other two members of the Board, Chairman Glenn
Wade and Mrs. Lucille Robuék were appointed by the previous Gov—
ernor, Edward T. Breathitt.


l,, The May meeting of the Kentucky State Parole Board here failed
to-mee up to their record of a year ago but only by a few percent-
age p01nts.. Last year, 56% of the men seen were granted parole as
against 47% this year.

Forty-seven new cases were conSidered plus four perviously giv~
en parole but had their parole ‘conditions changed. Length of set-
backs has dropped with this Board with one receiving three months,
one receiving six mOnths, 4- -one year, 1-20 months, 2- two years,
and sixteen men served out on their sentences,

Of the three lifers granted parole, one received a recommenda-
tion after seven years, one after 18 years and one was a reinstate-
ment of a prieviou parole. Paroles went also to men doing a 2A year
sentence, a twenty year sentence (after serving almost twelve years),
two doing twenty-One year sentences, three with ten year sentences,
one-six years, three doing four years, three doing three years, and
five men with a two year sentence each.

The Board at this.meeting consisted of the Chairman—Glenn Wade
and members, Mrs. Lucille Robuck and Mr. Sewell C. Harlin. The new
member of the Board, Mr. Glynn V. McMinoway, will meet the men of
Eddyville at the June meeting held at the end of the month, here.

Mr. Businessman or Mr. Kentucky Farmer I

Do you need some trained help on the job?

If you do, consider a parolee, today..
..... o_-___


f, _




Farming is a big business at Kentucky State Penitentiary. Last
year the total value of food produced during the twelve months peri-
od was $ 274,827.37. The breakdown of that figure is as follows:

Vegetables............. 753498.10 Pork................ 69,665.15
Milk.................. 64,177.23 Poultry............. 2,964.02
Beef..........:....... 45,701.84 Eggs................ 16,821.03

The census of farm animals showed that we had on hand 1,074 $Wine,
150 head of dairy cattle, 659 head of beef cattle, 4,224 chickens and
2 horses and 4 mules.

The farms are in four different tracts. Three tracts join each
other'and the fourth is approximately 19 miles from the other three.
The last is used mainly as a Stock farm and is known as Farm # 2. It
is located west of Kuttawa and is 435 acres. It was purchased . for
the state in early 1940. Farm # 1, rredonia Valley, was bought late
in 1949. Another tract was purchased that joined Farm # 1, the same
year, and in 1962 another tract was bought, which also joined on the

The total amount of farm land Owned by the Penitentiary is‘ ap-
proximately 2,435 acres, with 500 acres in crops. The farm Lopera-
tion employes 18 civilians. They are:

G.T. Humphreys --------- Manager C.R. Harrison--Assistant Manager
D.P. Slaughter—-—-—--;—Gardner T.V. Holt+Assistant Gardner
H.L. Harper ------- Herdsman, Farm~1 Fred McChesney-e-Herdsman, Farm-2
Marsh Clift--4—-——Dairyman' ' ' C.D. Duff—uDairyman, Relief
W.D. Ward, Jr.-—--Dairyman, Relief Ralph Hart---Carpentry Supervisor
-Preston Oliver—-Transportation R.B. Gill—-Line Crew Officer
OffiCer ' " ‘ .
Delmer Jenkins—-—Line Crew Officer L.T. Brown-Line Crew Officer H
Kermit Vinson-—--Line Crew Officer Lt. W.D. Gressett--Security offic- ‘
' er
Dr. R.W. Blazier---Veterinarian

{ The farm dormitory located on Farm # 1 houses approximately 100
men and 35 men leave and return to the prison, daily, to work on the
line crews of the farm.

The over-all responsibility of the farming operations is in the
hands of Mr. John W. Drennon, Associate Warden for Administration. A
statement of the framing operations this year,by him, read ras. fol-
lows: ‘

" Every effort is being made to bring about a more realistic
planning and acreage allotment for farm crops. This means that
close attention is being paid to what ‘farm products appear to be
most desirable to those who consume them.

Products that are popular and are most in demand will be kgiven
a higher priority and more acerage and those which we have had a sur-
plus in the past will be reduced.

( FARM STORY Continues on page 12 )








Associate Wardent for Treatment—William H. Lasley has announced
the appointment of Mr. Donald R. Cole, a native of Providence,Ky.'
as a Clinical Services Counselor.

Mr. Cole attended school at Dixon High School, Dixon, Kentucky
and colleges include Bethel Jr. College at HOpkinsville and IMurray
State University, where he was a ministerial student. Upon graduat-
ion frdm college, he taught school at Hopkinsville for several years
and later attended the Mid-Western Baptist Theological Seminary in
Kansas City, Mo.

Since that time he has held full time pastorates in several
Western Kentucky communities, including Harmony Baptist_ Church at
Grahamville, Zion's Cause Baptist, Route # 7, Benton and was recent-
ly called to serve at Midway Baptist, Princeton.

. Mr. Cole is married and has two children. He will soon be mov-
ing to Route # 3, near Princeton, Kentucky.

" The family and individual counseling service of the ministery,
has always been my prime interest," he said. " Problem solving and
working with people to help them has always given me the most sati-
sfaction in my work. I am looking forward to being able to be of
service to the men here. " he stated.

FARM STORY Continued ------
Greater attention will be paid to harvesting farm crops at

their quality peak, rather than waiting for maximum poundage,simply
to make productihn.records look good. .


We have alifigvz‘éCeived'some new machinery and equipment in the
cannery which should improve the quality of the canned product."

The followihg civilians are employees at the Farm Dormitory :

Captain R.;P. Parker Mr. Carl M, Dicken— Teacher
Lieutenant W. G. Lee Officer James Joiner
Officer T.E. Adlich Officer Steven Weller
' Officer Tim Barnes , Officer Clinton Sivells
'Officer Carlton Bush ' Officer Oscar Gary
Officer Lonnie Cook Officer Leonard Buntin
Officer Fred Newson Officer Everett Thurman
Officer Guy Lowery Officer Leonard Buckingham
in __-_O___-

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