xt7stq5rc54w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5rc54w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1914-03-06  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 6, 1914 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 6, 1914 1914 1914-03-06 2020 true xt7stq5rc54w section xt7stq5rc54w W.va-xmw—M—n‘"‘m'. "'

The faculty of the State University of Kentucky met


in regular session in the faculty room in the Gymnasium
\/ , . fl . U . .
‘m‘ fi‘ building, rriday, march 6, 1914, at 3:45 P.M., those
present being: Professors Anderson, Boyd, Dantzlor,

Frankel, Freeman, German, Giloert, Gillis, Good, Gullion,


Dean Hamilton, Professors Jones, Kastle, Lafferty, Hathews,

Melcher, Miller, Norwood, Peter, Pryor, Rees, G. Terrell,

Miss Sweeny, Dr. Tuthill, Prof. Weaver and Prof. Zembrod.
In the absence of President darker, the meeting was
presided over by Dr. Kastle.
\ The Secretary called the roll and read the minutes
of the last meeting, which were approved as read.
The following recommendationsfrom the Committee on
Courses of Study were unanimously adopted:





A "Resolved, That action on the granting of an A.B.

‘ or a 3.8. degree for fourth year's work dens elsewhere
in a combined A.B.-Medical or B.S.-Medical Course be
deferred until after the meeting, in April next, of
the Deans of the Colleges of Arts and Science of the
North Central Association of Universities and Colleges."

”Resolved, That Dr. Pryor's three years' Pro-hed-
g ical Course be approved as satisfactory for the first
; three years of a combined A.B.-Medical and B.S.—Medical



"The degree of Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.) will
be conferred upon such students as may complete four
years of work including the law subjects set out in the
t prescribed law course (exclusive of the non-techinal
J work) and twenty—four credits of work in the course of
' Arts and Science. Ten of these credits are required as

follows: Four in English, one in History, three in
Political Economy, Political Science, or Sociology,
A a. and two in Forensics. Fourteen may be selected from
‘m r Latin, Greek, German, French, Philosophy, Logic, Ethics,
Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology, Journalism, History,
English Literature, Chemistry or Physics. By consent of
the Dean, permission may be given to use as credits other
subjects not mentioned in the above list of electives."








”I. (a). First Semester: Logic, Seductive and Inductive.
1" (b). Second Semester: Introduction to Philosphy.
»’ ' Required for all Juniors in the College of Arts and
Science and elective for all who have completed two
years of English.

II. (a). First Semester: History of Ancient Philosphy.
(b). Second Semester: History of Mediaeval and Mod—
ern Philosphy.

ML (8.). First Semester: Ethics.
(b). Second Semester: Aesthetics.


Courses II.and III. arc elective for Seniors and Juniors
of A Grade pursuing Course I.

Advanced Courses.

0nd Semester: Epistemoloyy.


IV. (a). First Semester:
(b). Sec


V. (a). First Semester: Experimental Psychology.
(b). Second Semester: Abnormal Psychology, 1.0.,
Occult Science, Hypnotism, Lunacy, etc.

I!‘ Course V. open to all students who have com-
pleted Education 11., the Introductory Course in



All these courses of study are to be taken three
hours a weeks"

The following resolution, with reference to "hazing”,
was read by Prof. miller and put in the fern of a motion

by him and seconded by Prof. Helcher:



"All forms of interference with a student's per-
sonal liberty by other students, such as is commonly
classed under “hezing”, and complicity in any form of
initiation which has incident thereto the exhibition of
a student as a public spectacle in a ridiculous light .
or the treathent of him, publicly or privately, even
With his consent, in such a way as to endanger life or
limb, are forbidden in this institution."




After a general discussion and several amendments,
L - motion was made, seconded and carried that the question
i be deferred, pending the arrival of President Barker. The

date was fixed for March 20th.





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Jr. Brumage submitted a written report calling atten~
tion to several seniors who had not completed their Gym.
work and asked for instructions. Dr. Kastle, Chairman of

the meeting, suggested that these names be referred to

their respective deans with instructions that they be re-

quired to report to gr. Brumage for work.

on motion, the meetinw adjourned.