xt7stq5rc425 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5rc425/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-03-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 2007 2007 2007-03-22 2020 true xt7stq5rc425 section xt7stq5rc425 LOSING A GAMBL

\\’\\’\\’fl KYKERNH .( ()M

St. Paul student went from lecture hall to
gambling hall before losing it all

MARt ll 3:, loo"





(’ljl FBRATING ll) YEARS ()l |.’\'l)ll’l \Dl Nt’l


Report: Airport not alone in controller understaffing

By Katie Saltz

ksattzgkykernei LOW

lilie eoiitrol timer at Blue tirass Airport \\ as
riot in eomphariee \\llll a \er'bal guidanee trotii
the l'ederal ..\\ ration .'\tlltttnlsll'.tlltttl at the tiriie ot
the \lttSll ot (‘oiiiair' lilight 5|‘ll. aeeordiiig to a
re\ie\\ b) the Department ot 'l‘rarisportatiori ()t
liee ot ltispeetoi‘ (ieriet‘al released earlier this

"The guidanee called tor at least tuo air tratr
tie eoritrollet's on the midnight shitt iii airports
that aren't pattieularh bus} at that titiie. like I e\
tllg‘lttle.” said Kathleen Bergen. lil\x\ spokes
“ornan. "It isn‘t a regulation. it is a tiotree, l‘hat

is him \\ e eonirnuriieate \\ith:ti the agenet."

liltc ()t'tiee Ul lrtspeetor (le‘tte‘t‘dl t'C\ It“ Cll (‘3
ot the IRS taeilities in the National .\ii‘spaee S)s
tern and loiitid that three of these, iiieludiiig lex
ingtoii. \\ere not iii eonipliaiiee \\ith the guidaiiee
on the da} ot the l‘light Sl‘ll erash

Sine e the aeeidetit, the l’ \;\ has tot’riiali/ed
the guidanee h) putting it into isiiting. ett'eetn e
\'o\eml\er Illtllt. llergen said

Doug ('huieli. spokesman tot National .\‘.l
l‘rattie (‘oiiti‘ollet's .\ssoeiatiori. said \shile
\Idllllltg‘ lsslltjs \\ere ”\L‘l'lttttlu‘tli lllL‘ l‘:.'\\ did
make an ettort iii issuing the \erb.il guidariee.

“Brute .lohiisoti txiee president ioi terminal

P‘ate the gutdatiee." ('hur’eh said "When a \er'bal
guidarite is gi\eri. it doesn‘t matter ll it tame
ti'otii liis mouth. o\ er the phone or b\ e riiail. that
is ati order '

I'o understand \\ll;ll happened \\ith l‘light
‘ l‘ll. one must understand the \ar'iotis roles ot
air tr'attie u‘llllttlle't'S. (‘liiir'eh said

The tour inairi t)pes ot eoiitt‘ollers are to\\et‘
eoritt’ollers. monitor tiiti\\.iss arid
lliglits lot take ott‘s and landings. radar eoti
trollers. \\ho guide tlights and hand them ott to
the eoritrol toners. I‘R.\(‘()T\s t l‘eriiiiiial Radar
:\pptoaeh (‘ontiollet‘sL \\ ho guide the take otts
arid landings. and en route utiitroller‘s. \slio hari

\\h\l t lL‘dl

ser\iees tor the l'.\ »\\ :\ll‘ liallie ()t'gaiii/ationt

UK should see fewer flea beetles, wasps, mosquitoes
as a result of below-freezing temperatures in February

By Erica Mitchell

newsiikvkernel com

Three \seeks ot sub tree/trig tempera-
tures iti Februar} might aetuall} ha\ e an up?
side. l'K entomologist l.ee lo\\tisend be
he\ es the eold heather ma} ha\ e helped re:
duee some ot the pests that are l‘requentl}
seen in earl) spring

I K I\ ltkel} to set: l‘CVu'r llCd beetles.

wasps and mosquitoes in early
'l‘o\\nsend \altl.

Inseet populations \llllL‘l‘ when the [Uni
petature drops into the midltts or belou and
there is little slltt“ on the ground. Touriseiid
said, Rain) periods aeeompiuiied b) tree/rug
teiiirwratures are also hard on iriseets.

“Sitiee inseets are eoldrblooded the}
eaiitiot do niueli to regulate their tetiipera-
tiir'e. so the} are at the mere} ot' the temper
attire e\treiiies.” Timnsend said

.-\ number ot dit't'erent inseet speeies
ma} ha\e sultered trom the eold spell in

l‘he house mosquito. the most important
\L‘t tor tor the West Nile \lrllS. spends the


Social icon to sp ‘ak today at Student Center

\\ ititei as an adult in hidden l‘lds es like
storm drains. making them suseeptible to

('eitain pests that tome troni the south.
like eutxsorms and at‘lttt \iorms. ma} arri\e
a little later iii the sear l‘L‘edllSL' ot tlte unusu-
al eold the south e\perieiieed

llit\\e\et. 'l'o\\nsend said mam iiiseets
\\ ill sur\ He and \\ ill beeoiiie abundant again
in lttlskfllltllllk‘l betaiise ot their short lite

Household [‘tSlS \llt li as eotkroaehes.
that teed on stored tood li.i\e it e.is_\ during
the “inter. lo\\risend said Suite the} are HIV
side. the “earlier has no etteet on them

Some speeies. siieli as the Japanese bee
tle. spend the ‘HHIL‘I deep in the soil l'hese
beetles .it’e tar enough underground that tne_\
are ittilikel) to be alteeted. suite the soil lll’
sulates them three the dass get longer and
llk’ lL‘t‘itpCldlltt'cs sldl'l lit l‘lse‘. lltt‘w‘ \[tL‘ClL‘s
\kill beeorne aeti\e again. lo\\ risend said.

Other lllSCslS tmd eo\er iiiitlet‘ leat littet
on the ground or under tree bark and are not
atteeted hi. the ueatliei as riitieh Some ot
these spet res e\eii li.i\e a txpe ot atiti-tree/e

in their blood to keep them tiom tree/mg
during most told \\ earlier. he said.

"l'lie atria/mg i‘eproduetiie a‘orlit) ot
most inseets tiieaiis that most tan rennet.
e\en ll their winter stir\i\al
'lounserid ".\'e\ er bet

'l‘lie l’K (itounds Department tries to
limit pests in the latidseape in regard to ho“
the) alteet the health or appearanee ot the
plants. said .'\laiiitenanee Superintendent
(it‘itt'g't‘ thlxllt‘

l'he department first identities the pests
that are on the plant. their determines the e\
tent ot the problem both in terms ot hots
rnari\ pests there are and Il the pests are at
teeting a large number ot plants. Riddle said
alter gathering this lltlttl‘lttdllttlt the (iroiinds
Department plans aeeordrngl}

llo\\e\et. hating texter bugs doesn'
'lmuisend said

rs rediieed.”

said against the

neeessaril) l'eu er pest problems.

“lliere are ttl'ttltdltl) around lottlItt
speeies ot inseets iii ls'eiitaek} and Itill\ a

small pet‘eetitage eaiise probletiis.” he said


dle the llights as the} are trawling betiseeti poiiit

»\ and point It. ( ‘hurth said

In the ease o: l light " l‘tl . there “as orit\ one
ettllll'ttllk‘l' on the sliitt and he \s as responsible tor
three roles at onee. ('hurth said

" l he tontrollei \sas \\rt[kt|l_~.‘ llx’ \( (l\ and
to\\ er at oiite. and xx as doing siioei\isoi adiiiinis
lt‘ati\e \tork.' said (‘htireli "It s .igaiiis' l \ \ poi
tt‘_\ U

llie \ \l('\ belie\es that the ..u k of
ttolleis on dut\ at the time “as .i ettltll:l‘llllll3_‘
tattot to the .lkthlk‘lll

"()tie eotitroller is ne\er enough." (lllllsll


said. " l'lieie should aluats be at ta\l t\\o "

("litirth also said the l \ \ should li.i\ e been

FAA : :72» 5



By Blair Thomas

_",1stllsli " if

Student (HHL'lllllie‘lll t aridala'es \sill gt! tlit'i:

\llillixe' to \ll\_ll\‘~ taxiiptw i\\tl\\ 'on ,"i'

l‘t',".tt‘.l \\‘ll" (

liox.» .1 tieha‘e and tliwise-

when the (beer

hi the past l8 \ti eXi’i iris
\.\ho \son the (il‘\t
to uni ttie eieetion

'l don't k3.
l‘at sli
Wrapter sst‘w

'l 'lriro

i . . ‘ . ,
tidlt s \ lltl'll~t tin

lltil lia- "eel. '


ll we
1‘. il"

tut. ‘lklblll o'

rant/e tonight K _‘eb i'e


zrtl'1‘i‘ll|\lt,‘l\ ;I:,‘lit'f

a! and. ,aiiett it

e" ltl lllt siiixlx‘llls
[ lll:\‘l :lls .t\‘~"
:ziat, presale'rtae
\l\ l. Pitt";-
\li “mid .\



"L' ll‘u‘ {tr-rip

\\\‘\ tilt: tttlt'~’;i\!:s
'lll lliL‘ pd”.

SG approves press

By Alice Haymond

ahaymondfikyke'nel rem

Students haxe tuo opportunities to
heat Angela l)a\rs. a soeial ad\oeate. aear
deinie and .\trieari :\nl\‘l'l\'.’ln ieori. toda)
uheii she speaks on taiiipus as part ol the
ltlaek \Vttlttt‘tbS (‘onterenee

l)a\is is the leatured speaker at the
Mar} Mel eod Bethune l uneheori iii the
Student (‘entet (irarid Ballroom ioda_\
from I: to 2 p iii l‘iekets are ‘iilg

She \xrll tllSLlISS her stanee oti l' .S
prisons as art industr} iti her speeeh titled.
“The Prison Industrial (‘ontplex Behind
the (‘ariioiitl.ige," In past leettires she has
eritit tied the gowmment's use ot prisons
as a source ot protit and has emphasi/ed
the need to educate L'l'lmlnillS rather than
ineareerate them

Beginning at 2 It). Dans wrll hold a
separate question and answer sesslon~
uhieh is tree and open to the public. in
the Student (‘enter theater


[‘K lQrigiish prolessoi \ikks linne\
planned the eoiiteient e aetnrtres and said
l)a\is. \\ho is a long time triend ot
l'innes‘s. \\ as a pet‘leet speaker tor the

"1 think she represents
soiiiebod} \\ ho has been
“orking all ot liet lite to re
\eal the man) ditterent t}pes
ol eariioutlage that e\ist in
ottr soeiet\. politirall) and
soeiall_\. and so I thought It
this is the theme. then :\H
gela l);i\is and \s hat she has
been working to t'e\eal abotit
soeiet) in Attierit a and the
\xorld \\otild be perteet,”
l'tnttc} s‘atd

Dans “as born in Birmingham. -\la .
in N44. and although she “as stud)rng
abroad in liurope during her Ills. she re
tumed to Ameriezi to panieipzite in the
(’rvil Rights Mmeriient iti 1967. .iuord
in}: to ('oliinibia l'riiu-rsits‘s Sm ial liis
tree Wiki Web site She began i|(l\tk ating


more rights tor l‘li|\k\ and teinales and
assisted other uniletptnrleged members
ot sotiet}. \tl\ll as ltltl|\ltlll-.tl\ in prison
\sitliotit legal .t\\l\ldllLC.
"\ltt‘ls d «lCCl‘ philosopher. \ares
about world eultiires. and as a \oiing
\Hfilldll l‘k'sdlllk‘ iiixolxeil iii vnakitie
the norld a better pl.ite.' lirinei
\Vhat L'.l\ e l).i\is an laim. lti\\\
e\et. \M‘rt‘ llte ttt‘delH e ellt‘ils i‘l ltt‘r
aetitisni She t‘llkk' lost her position
at |'('l,.>\ due to NK ial .tLll\l\lll and
her intolxetiient Hi tht ('otnriirtnist
Parts Soon attensard. in NW. she
“as .t\\i\\|.llCtl \Hlll the rntttdet o! .i
iiidge in the trial ol (ieoree laeksoti.
a telloxs Blaek l’atithet metiibei. and
“as put on the llll's Most Wanted list
Atter spending about mo tears in ptison.
“this was atdiiitted. .iuording to the
Web. site
During this time. \thrle slie teali/ed

~ Davis ;,;. 5

secretary, funding

"t‘ltLtl l\‘.l‘s \ ill"!-
st'r'il.li,j \(i 'it flit

‘llk l‘iits tt‘teitl ‘t ’\‘i

By Blair Thomas

“an“. ,.
\ltttlL‘tll (tit‘xetti'i‘t'tiT
moiisl\ passed 'lie .tt‘l‘tlilll'llk‘l‘l tit


a press sntelaH at as' "igltt

ttieetiiig alter ileba’e fitvizi sete:.i’

(ore) lslirie
elite “”111", has \xorked as St is
press setretars \tltxi,‘ lari \ but
the hill Senate ties er appimed her
position beratise ot an o\eisight
in President lonah Hr'ouri

"l uill take responsibilm tor
this position not being apprmedf
Hrimn said ‘Htit it “as nterel\
an o'ietsight and (’ore\ has been
doing a great rob for us all semes

.i politaal sti

\l‘rlt ‘l‘lldllt‘ll‘ illltl R('\ k'll'lk~

(ll.llliir.‘li l,s

o'ia the \ arn
\lt ln
l»tslt s presalentiai trtl‘ll",ll‘.'ll

l with. atttpted tlt.‘ “tiltl‘dlfill
irranaee' positiot. “eeks
.iL‘t- l\ we sartl l l‘t‘Cn
uorkirig hard tor \(i all settiester
and l helie‘.

"tiifiii lll.lll.t,'tl ll: \tttll



C 9ltt' titl‘s ate l\\i\ sep
.tl’d't‘ t\\llt'\

\Ht'fit‘i ‘ttt'

ilso said bringing in
to set‘»; in her plat-e tor
the retriarriiiig t'teeks ot the se
riiestet \soiild be lllk‘llelHC

\ledieine Sen
liistiri Rasher and l'reshtnan Sen
Sliatin Dentin also debated the

.itter l’arrish read

86 ' map 5

( allege (tl

appi tltlll‘tt‘ttl

Mm 2574915, Mum 2572872


 PAGE 21 Thursday, MarchZZ, 20077 7 .


your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ Ql

u Qku Go to wwwkykernelcom for the solution




























By Lllltld C Black
To get the adiar'tage check the
trays rating 1'1] is the easrest day 1"
the most cha/r‘engrng
Aries (March 21 ~ April 19) Today
.5 an 8 Your friends are lull of
rtteas some 01 which are better
than others The one where you pay
for eyerythlng is based upon a
flawed premise '
Taurus (April 20 -— May 20) Tuitiy
.s 11114 The test is tough but 1t 11
van ice it You re tougher .1'11'.
yi u rec charming You 'l .1linost "1:1lu'
tlook easy But you will have 11.
make concessions
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) ’1 11y
s a 6 This is the hard par1. ' ttlii
;ob You feel like you re slo1111.1111
through mud Actually what you n
demo is very irriportarit Dent 1111111


Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is an 8 A social engagement
takes up a lot more time than antit-
Iriated lts fun to that hot tune 1s
valuable Don't waste it you rant
11 plate 1t
Leo (July23 Aug. 22) 11d1y 1s 1
/ Follow through )l) the orders
you ve been given There are many
benefits to be received tor you 11 lov El
seryrce Don't mess it up by hi 111g
1:11ritrontatiunal now
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 Your problem now is te'rrptar
tron lt‘s stronger than usual You'd
lute team) in to it and you know
that 1.1111111 get expensive You 11 do
l utter ll‘ i'reparc (or Wits
11111111111 up tomorrow
Libra (Sept. 23 _ Oct. 22) '
.13 ltsnot a 11ooiltirin
Me or buy yoursr'lll' volt us (lungs
(you 11' not sure ii t 111 yt'u' s1. ll
UV'Ll \ 3V l‘sV TV ll “1'“ ll‘l‘ \l1 '1
Scorpio (Oct. 23— Nov. 21) 11 an
is a .7 Yourt 111.1111 iripttityt
but don “

11 it's?

tilrly 's


tla‘ til into a tr 1; .11 H111?
anddo sorrath1r111y1ull later .kzsli


Sponsored By:



Rt'siaurani and Loun vi-

8]!) Euclid Ave.







you hadn’t
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 The more you get
into the project the more you real
lit? its not gorng to turn out exactly
as you 11 pictured Abandon experta~
trons to enable irriaginatron
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-
day is a 7 True love doesn‘t care
about how much you have. except
maybe to help you get more, Trust
the person who encourages you to
save not to go further 1nto debt
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 6 Some of your favorite
fantasies are being severely chal~
longed You first response is anger
T’: it won‘t get you anywhere The
right answer's not JUSI a theory as
arse practical
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To
day is a 9 You're able to explain
what you're doing much better, as
111; along Choose your words
1 irotuily using as few as you can
1'11111rr1'1111111ratior1and1nart you do
lost is a lilililllitill‘al

THEME “.‘t'lei \IEHJMIE‘S l‘l



Back on the Road

1119 DiSI-I

I‘im .\Ic(lraw. 3*). and his
w'itc. I'aith Hill.
their third 1oint tour. the 33-daic
Soul28oul conccrt. June (1 in

Omaha. Ncbraska.

Baby News

M'I \' \'J LaLa Vazquw. 27.
and her liaiicc. l)cii\ci' Nuggets
lorward Carmelo Anthony. 22.
welcomed a baby boy. Kiy'an.

('SI creator and CVL‘CUIH'C
producer Anthony Ii. [iiikcr and
his wit‘c. Jcriiiilci‘. had a baby
boy. Noah. March 12.

Mandy Moore. 22. and I)!
.'\..'\I.. 33, haw callcd it qlllls.

Big Win

Katc \Vinslct. 3|.
undisclosed libcl damages from
British niaga/iiic (ira/ia. w hich
oncc reported that she was \l'L"
ing a diet doctor

i'cccn Cd


Former Prison Break star
Lane ~(iarr1soii. 20. has been
charged with lcloiiy \chicular
manslaughter tor a 2mm crash
that lslllctl .t I“ _\c';il"0ltl lilttlc ll
conVictcd. he could get more
than .si\ years in prison. (iarrir
son‘s arraignment is slated tor
April I l .

Clothes Call

Sarah Jessica I’ai'kcr'. .13

3‘). will kick oll‘

launching a new clothing line
called Bitten.


The release of Anna Nicole
Smith's autopsy report was dc—
lay cd bccausc police tumcd over
new cyidcncc. Results are now
cspcctcd later this month.


Seventysix days alter his
dcaih. Jamcs Brown was laid to
rest March It) in a crypt in
Beech Island. South Carolina. at
the home of one ot~ his daugh—

New Gigs
Rachael Ray, 3
to star 111 Dunkin'
ads through 2011).
Jciinit‘ci' Hudson. 25. is the
new lacc ot .-\\oii‘s Iinai'i lira-
graiicc brand.

it. signed on

Donuts ’I‘\'

Lost and Found
Rob Morrow. 44.

how. 3‘).

and I'ishcr Sicycns.
4‘. were rescued by Aspen Ski
Patrol at'tcr getting lost in thc
(‘olorado mountains March Ill.


Blues 'I‘i‘ziyclcr‘s John Pop—
pcr. FL). was arrested for drug
possession while stopped for
speeding iicar Spokane. Wash-
ington. In his car. troopers t‘ound
loiir idles. nine handguns and a

laser; Popper‘s iiianagcr said all
weapons are registered.

Laguna Beach‘s Jason
Wahlcr. 2t). was sentenced to
two months behind bars tor
slugging a city worker and a
tow—truck driycr last year.

Heart Ache

Regis Philbin. 75. said he
will undergo immediate triple
by pass heart surgery.

lan Drew

Grey's Pay Raises

(ircy‘s Anatoiiiy‘s
Ponipco. $7. is getting
raise. stat?

She‘ll cai'n about $2()().()(i()
an episode. while .lustin ('ham-
bcrs. 3(1. Chandra Wilson. 3“
TR. Knight. 34. and James 'I.
I’ickcns. 52. will batik about
Sl25.t)()li. per the Hollywood

(Patrick Dempsey. 41. San
dra ()h. 35. and Katherine Hei—
gl. 2‘4. have yet to sign. though
the studio says Heigl is under
contract and has been ott'crcd
more money.)

As for controvcrsyAplagucd
Isaiah Washington. 4.1. an in?
dustry expert doubts hc‘ll sec
any esii‘a gi'ccn "He‘s lucky
to haw a Job" but his i'cp
tells l's. "We'll conduct our

business in a 1 riyatc manncr "
ran Drew

a big


puesfl CAMPUS

Party Pics...
We're Covering You



During the upcoming election, UKSGA will pay students to work polling locations. This is
an easy chance to make some money!

Election Days: March 28 & 29


B & E

Classroom Building
Medical School Library
Student Center

Law School

W.T. Young Library


For more information contact us through:
or Elections Board Chairman Adam French @ adam.french@uky.edu







March 22,



Y0ur weekly dose
of entertainment,
pop culture and fun is
new In your hands

of college to

By Pain Louwagie

\i!\NI1\!’(!!!_\ lhc .1!!I!!L' ot
1;.iiiihliiig milk HUI iii \!.iIi!It-\-. Him!“
Roth \ilit-iqxt‘I ht pow \\ht*n !!C III:
\w on lhc fiiet‘xuiv ttl\|!!ll hillhixirils
eiilitc hiIII Al!!! i'Itht-x \\ht'ii ht- huts
cigarettes .iI Eht- I,\l!!\\‘!!!‘L'I!\k' \litlk'. itii'
Icr‘} I!\i\L‘I'\ \hiiic IllhiL‘! the ;!II\\
\UIHIILI \\l.i-ii he !!li‘\ I!!!Ull}_‘!l !'\
thaiiiicix. puts !!1\ net- .iiiiiuii In high
\I.l!~t’\ poker IiIlll'lltIlllk'HIM hmniiiig like
Iiimic \I.i!\ i.t!\'! Iiiiic. \Iiitthc“ [\llh
Ix lie ttiii’I mixt- Ih.ti path again He
loi'ttx hinixt'h III l;']!!'\‘ll!!"\‘l \\!l.li [I \\.l\
like '\\!!L'!l lit- tliil !\lll‘.‘ Merlin:
!)!\I[‘Pll!}‘ out o! miles:

N !‘!‘.I‘I\"\ liIll~ I‘i

I!,ZI!_‘_‘\ iilti! ! :ll\l

\\l\!I ! hm! next-I tiring ’lit' my Iiiiuk.
liiiii inns !.:Ici

\l 3.‘ \!.ilt!it'\\ hits twiu‘IicIIttw!
Ihc filli‘ ml L‘tlll‘iithlifl iii .i \\.t\ liliI\'.

people Iicxci \\!!! III i!l\I three \t'tli\,
he \urnt Iinni writeuiic \iliii lI ll! nt'wi
:Jtlllii‘h‘i!Ii‘t.\‘l‘i]‘1l!\l‘»i_‘ytl‘il!‘!L‘l in is
Hurting; .!\!l!i\I

H»: I\ ittii‘. iii an tlL'K' f-‘l‘Illi‘ Ih.ii §\
i!III\\!Il_L' l!!t!\‘.l\i!l_‘_' mint-in triini ‘_.'.l!l‘i
hhng-uililit tron tourist-Mi» unici'iiiiii'ni
it'}:ii!atr»i\.riiil \t‘!!L.L'L'All!!!!I!1!\i!t!!”!\

(Lut! El!tl}!!!f1 .iiiK! liiiciiIt-t L'Illll!‘!ill:.'
haw tritium-t! .Illli‘llf.‘ kli!!\'L'\' .igt' lllk‘ll
In recent ions tittuitiin: 'ii one \Illx!\
Iii !"\'!!!!\\!\i!!!:ti \n.l 'lLll!) wt
ltuii'nu! Iiii‘ yam-\- ill I!!L'!i him.‘

in iii.iii\ \.l\\.\.
\tiniigh t‘iitwiiing'ii: Ilitii hl~!\ 'u I‘LIx
iiiiixt‘i.’ \Iiit! ,lk‘!! !)I‘Ik'\I il‘h'x.
til the !I!!i.'!'!.lili”ltii (\‘Ililk'
\oiiih (i.iiiIhiIII-: l‘iiihiciiix .lllt! High
th Hk‘i'itl\!ill\ tit \]\(!!!! I niacixiij. II!
\Iiiiili'tmil, ()IIt'ht't " !'hc\ \\i\l|!L! iiit‘lt‘I


pint-iris IiIt .it in ill-I
Iii iiilI‘I



I!1\’ll‘. II» he in Iilk‘il hmcnitiiix tiltn iii:
iiiikt'i I!i.iiI Iloin; \iinicthiii; ’iIIiIit' ILIn
:t-ionx‘ !!!\C\!!Il!i.l!l1,‘ .EIH! iliiiii: thugs
Rexttiith l\ \ktliii
Stillli‘hl‘i‘l [Mll‘lii iixiiiitii m ui iiizic
tonlliti Iiii
uht'ilit-i \uiin}: I‘k'ililh' Iiit' l‘iirlt‘ \l!\\ sit

.IIVI III! \ H!!x.‘~_‘\‘ .ILIL’


ths Ililk'\!!l‘!3 tit

i!!‘!L' 7w 'Ictiiiiit i-Iwhiciii ,.I‘:Ih!t‘:~
\iIIiii‘ \liltiit‘\ \.s\ kw l‘Ii!'\"\ \,i\i thriih’
on thin [‘IL'!I!I\C \Iill !C\t'.l!\!!L'!\ .llL'
toiitt-rnt‘i! IhIII _:'.Illli‘!llij_’ .itit‘xsihilm
tolili! |t'.Ii! Ill iiiiii‘t‘ i‘Iiti‘h‘lIh

\l Pruitt! liIi'ii.IhuiIi \tlllfilldil! III
(Ilitlllik‘ luillx. \iiiin \\!i!\!i!!tl\t1i‘i iii
IMIICHI ynriihhity lit-aiiittnt [tliiL'ldlll
Iht' llllllli‘t'l Hi kilk'ni\ \uiiiitzt'I i!i.In :9
!I.I~~ gone iii‘iil Ili‘l‘ll! 'illt‘K' [‘t‘! itxii In
ill": Ii» lit-mtwjri I‘ll ,Iiiil it! iivi \i.'.Ii

nim I‘\Illli.tit‘\ \Iiitli Hilhillk'll, Lniiii

22-year-old dropped out






hling piriginiit Li‘ill'iillMIHl
"It'x lll\I Int‘i'txixiiig .I!! the lime"

she \tlh! lhc iiiogiaiii takes people
“ho till" I\ ,iiik! olilci. !‘ll! "iiimi it!
Iheiii .lIL' =!U!II_L‘ II ht‘loit' then. iii 1hr]!

him-nicntx .i!!\! on the illlt‘l'lk‘i tint! xiiih
Ihcii lI‘iL-iitlx "

late on night. \IIIIIhC‘I‘
\Il!\‘\! \\iIh !!!\ li‘It'ntlx (il!i\!I!C Ihc L!HUI\
nil \Iixiit !,.l!\k' (Rhino. !ll\ ili'IwI'x !i
tense In litint! \\!icn the \ link Iiclwt!
ptixt iiiitlnight. he Iiii'iit'ti !‘ tint! \\.i\
legal!) nit! enough to gtlllii‘h‘ llc limit!
Ct! iill' the” hhikhldCh l.I!‘!L‘\

\\ hc !.llt! !!l\ lII‘~I hot on the Inhlt‘

mo \l t!!![‘\ his htxii't hut-t! \I
that lll‘tlllL'llI. nothing else In me with!
III.iIIt-i’ctl except the L.Il’\!\ hung: litiiiictl
In ti'iiiii «it liiiII HI: hiihhct! !!l\
!‘iiil‘.«! .!\!|\\\ liit‘ \iiil icil it! Yht‘ 'I!!‘!\'il‘p
llt' lingt't‘t't! the \h!‘“ .Intl
m! h_\ then thIi’i‘ thtlxin;

”II utix iiiiniIiIniIt-oiix' l._-
\‘l "! lt'!! :iI !ll\\.’ xkht'ii ! :iII ’ih'IC .IIIi!
lcll tit‘t‘iu'i in
i"~L‘l’} he! H

Hc \\Ii!i\k'\i out illii‘ I!!C ,,
\iIniiw ‘Aitli .Iii c\!i.t \‘I‘
In !!l\ iiixkt-I

! with! urine !!'\'!t‘ .lI‘ii!
xiii: Siliii cwr} ll!}1!‘.II h;
thought illitll,'!lk‘l!! lii~

\k‘lilttl \tdtik'

It ,ill!\

\\_i\ \itiiifiil‘l
\i!!|i Iiil

low \\ l'!l

\Ctil .il lik'
Hui}. \llL‘t'!\ ill
\liiin . \1.III!!\"~|-


Ell‘x III

iitii! \\ tilt !lt'i!

iik‘tiii Iii Iht- I .l\lli|‘ Ii- I
I‘i.i't' iilk"! !\l!l!‘ll'!tti,1}\

Ii iiik it? I‘d‘nlt't‘ li-I
'll.lll\ that- i!.|‘\\

\!.Illht \\ I!!\!!1Y\\V\‘ii!.l
likclx ll\!\ Ini k!\‘\L‘i|l!\!!!f.'
Ii :.iiiihliiit' pinhlt‘ni !!lk' \(III I‘! l‘!i\~l
t ltlll\ !!\' _L'!'\‘\\ up ll; \I!!!iii',1i‘|‘!l\ .iiii!
SHIN! !!t
plated \.!\\‘!‘!!|‘I!k’ iii 'ht- IMint! lili! iiti
a! In high \Liliit‘! Iilt‘IlIL'i !!i\ iniit'nix
(Iirnhii Mimics .ini! ('1 l!‘-_' lx'iith ~ «it!
the) iirxt-i Iftllliilk'L! lht‘fs \!i\!!‘. I ilhn‘ ii

:‘iii :iuilt-x in high \thiiiil

tint! thxt iiIIIII}'k'\! Il

IIIiI!!\’!l”! l‘ Iii‘ ’t'tiiiII!

i!’»'\I!\I\\‘i,H !!L’II'\_'!!\L\\
"Hot‘xn'i l!!.liik’l il \ivii'ic in h «II

Dothi‘I liltliit'I l! \nii I inns?

[‘IHII litl‘i‘i
.I gum! hiiiiic

'\!It'l I!i.iI Ill\l \i=:I
hack \gtiin .lllL! .Igain
IllL'ili .liiI‘! !i|\ \!ll!l I!\‘!!\\!!!IL' i‘}//.:~
“U \.l)\ he !‘lH!\L‘ men in \llllllllt'l \

\I.l!ii!k"\\ \\L‘l!!

.Iliiimt i'\t~i'\

cntl, \xhcn hc \it'nt oil In \“liL'ifk'

\I !)k‘!'.!ll! I l!|\k‘l\l!\ iii I
ht‘ Iii‘cilt'i! II» he I! Iii gr» II» .i t .l\!!!(‘ \II

I v
IiII .l‘. l‘.



Matthew Rnw'es Hrit'i 'i'qulS‘ifl‘wi’W"HIKli'lI!1!“,leII“[!'¢!\v“!I]!‘I‘rili «it!

iatlSl‘I! “ ’7‘ i“ i'lt‘“

Hit] “It ’HR ’M Jimmy: " " "it

It iii! 3' :"


'7 II I" W will limi‘ «It .Il Ifiiileiiv at Utah!” it‘ft-I t»; ' T I i



l tell in love
there and tell W ”W“
with evew liet N we» \






”7‘“? l A K I

CAI-n . ”7"





Iit' Ilitln't “Ill ill."
iI till

!!I\ \!.!\‘\\ \iuiii oii \iiIhiiut !‘|ll‘

2.11M“; thought .it~iiiit

Iht' Illl’L‘

iik' lt'l'. licliiiii! ll‘ix! Iliniiimi Iiim? ii:
Iht'Iii Nimit- iii: «inth \t' o\ sin!

Natl. luviit ii‘l Ilit «IIIII'Iici
\! iitht'u henna! It» !!i_’ quw llii Ill\
III“! I.Ii= lit‘ mi! h; “III! I" ‘1'!!!”

(LIIIIIIIII v It'plnttul €Ii~ \lil'illwl It!

~'i!\' !l. .\.:\

ii: lililiii’

Jon: M 'h; Wit It!» l‘ll


cliix g»? hump 'iiiii, u

lit-“tum 'it‘ km“ ‘hci
\\illl!\! I!I\.iiIiI:iI'.t'
”901 \i \!}~tlt iii“ It”



illl7t\. ht'I!
\ 1i lli Kg, (I,


hint! liu '\.;»_


!Il\i III: I ism .
MATTHEW : .' l‘ “ I" "
“Mil 'li' i'il‘.‘ i! 1_'i
’ iii uli lli ‘! ‘it'li

tin! i, I-

:II the Inii

\iixi't‘ aunt !llll:' him who



\ ii" iii his i!!k'!!l!\ shim“? ;*

with him riiirit' i»? 'lit‘r' "Ilii't‘i

J13 l\iiii’tl\il1'.l!'~'-.l‘v‘~~!ii! Hill "I
‘Iil. li‘i‘i! Iiit’iii .:~ I Iiit‘i Icflrii: hm
L‘III\ lit-
!1'\ littil i1:! \Iiii!!ik'~‘- \l!\! h. !.I‘
“It! .."

Ii! li‘t' \.I\.:i~I I"!


“le \!.I\!ll‘,' III.\'iIII«'lII ll'!I

Jitll IIIniI' 'li.in \li'lhllI
illIIIJI!!!)ll \Illlil‘i U!
with! \Uilk‘t'iiiIII't' on w hunt

lititl. .lI !)t‘l‘.iiil ht \pI-iii ill\ ,\,I1
nintrx \ nc\\ ileugiit‘
tliilht‘x \ !,H!l]\ \Illl'i‘l! iiiiiv.‘ lit! li:~
l;!!!i!!t'!!\! (ii-ll Ev“
I‘t‘i’ltiiiit‘ tor iiiiiiii

Ht" Ilimmtt-I!

.i!‘l‘lI! \I\ KM‘t'!» !‘III' \I.i'\t‘\'


III I t'xxilll<‘\ il‘i

!‘il\ t i.l\\t‘~ ‘\ ","!
iliI !ii. Ii ’i
lwi the It's: ..: Iht' “him! nun III “we
hirint‘ ii‘l iht‘ \llllllllt‘l hiwki int: l
!‘,l\ k to tht~ MM!!!“


Ih.ii \lllllll‘iL‘! um Ii h.I/I' n: mums
”<3 iiIllit!“ I \k't'!!! lit L'I'i iilt n! .'
lht' I‘!t!\ hint k I.ih!t' like the \lllllllit'.’ ‘It‘
tort~ !!<' It-i‘i Iiill'IhillL' hr lll\! iit‘tulmf
!|!Iik‘ iiiiiit' Iiiiint‘} In l!!.l!\k‘ II :\iir!\.
\!.iIIht-\\\ [‘IIIK'IIH tit-rt
lhc\ lint-u \iiziit-Ihiii; ‘»\.I‘~ I-t'i\ \iiuvii;


\‘ibll lx‘i!

uith Iilt‘ll win. IiiII iht'i iliI'ii'i lximxi

\ii \ht‘ tint! lit-i !!'l‘i‘.lll\! \l!!k‘\I!<)III"!
\Intllicv !ht‘\ .IIL‘iIci! .Illi! [‘iK'JIKIi

\Klih hini \l.iillit'\\ litxl

VI ik‘n l‘.t‘I!!IlI}._‘ kpiiiilflkWh Iht‘i t'xciiiiinlh
kit Ixci! hiiii out

“We tiiiili'n'r Iriixt liiiii 'Roih Milt!
"II \Ktirt'ti l|\ I!t'<‘[‘!\ \M- ttli liki‘ \\L
“crc vnnhlin: hIiIi in li\t~ I!I:\ krill
It! !lit‘\i\!L‘ U

I”! i!it' \IJ'I!H"~\
\!J\i‘.k‘\i .il Ihc ili‘llli III
\lt‘pl IIIt Iilt' \I‘Hl h .Il‘i! ~l‘i'I‘I! hm \II!\\
\\.ili iill‘lL' I.I!I \!1i\\\\,lllii’i‘1‘hi‘l IiIII!l\.i
lllt'lii\ on !\ III‘ hm! «whim! L'Jll'.


nut "iwiiih

at .i iI‘I‘Hi!




., ,ii,i ,.


l‘hll‘j, i‘lli itlli‘» l‘x‘tdil‘vt‘ ilt‘ \‘.,i\ i‘litia't'

!! ‘~\.i‘~ IiillliI‘J tlili‘t'tiltii‘h'.” !It' \.i]\!
itxcnm ‘! tit! .i!‘\(i!llit'!\ Iiwihing; !
!i.1ti IIII iiIIt-itwi Ir: Iinjtthiiig ‘

(III_ I \t-Iiiiiy Ihixit- xxtix .l liini .L ,1'
Il‘ui 17' Khuhtx!

1h; itzitiIIx .u .l!!("!!k" iiu'ih! '\\~.'i\' Iw


K git“; !|!\ iitiit‘itlx

i, i i .
.I.III, tilw!

\I.!ii!!t"~‘~ liiiilxuil up \!II
I xiii i: ‘lli \iliti' he \\.I\ ;.Itiii«_'
\\t ili :I! \l‘vuiiil'»\‘tl}‘I1‘i‘!k'ili Ilis'.
i, l, i ..
lf‘. , I‘m! ~’Ii:':vi Izii 'iIIciuiitinii
III ‘ iIIII‘ I Jiilii" hilt! i!!!li “-!!.li
I! \ i’mi i~'\\t:._1 !!t \‘xtixii'I !!il!i’-_".I!‘.'

Hi‘ ‘.\. .!\

lifllt ‘li

viii min liI~ illL'Ihi‘ Ill!\i!\U!\’

:i ' I iitiiu i':~ :xirt'nix .Imniwit'
are punt! 'l;‘ \I. .\ Ii-i

gill'ti ,'I::‘

\ltilitu F ii :Itii‘x

'i i!« !i

>"I,.!'\.i!! .l'. l:


I. iii it \ t-s't Ii lil Hil' Ilit'x \\:i.‘
l l "xi 'iiiu' [5th x . il!‘
.I l " li'.li, "\ .EIIK'IIII'I’itii!‘
\! ' ! ill'I‘ \\: I!!! '.Ii_
III ‘llL'!!I .i: ;I it Ili.‘ III
M I!.:\ iiingi IiIi ‘iu ll hm;
.I li‘i'f Alli]! !i,\ lulu! \l‘i!
\ I firm!
(!i\ ilk \ ti.
\’ ‘lic .wwu'nt‘n' iht Ii;\1 Ei'iMII‘i
Iil‘ \inl'ilt’u ll “0- \il‘\‘~ ili' \i!\i iil‘ !‘i'\i
\IH Tint twiniu'liih !‘I-I"i'
!.ii ‘ “”le \. -iII_'II.Ii«! ‘«‘|l.'iI! Hurst ‘iI:

tii‘u ‘ii‘i [ht-I. .H!!!‘."ii‘i‘ min ,iiuf


'lit "I-I "A i’M-t'ltx hr pint-I! iiitl :' Hg

,.i:iiw!'liq"i'ijniiiltixfi'hci‘ Um ‘I:
I 'h.‘ \ I! t“ I ‘iiuii Iii '\
‘i I‘ 'l t' I It'hri


i. IIh it i:

!!l*ltlli‘1l§\ Iliux~ Ii‘Il'ililiix‘iJil‘i-I


'il'lxll‘Ji.‘ 1!‘ \\"~ !!,iltx\.;x
"ii-iiitl 'hi pii'sians ill I. x
t it ~ \ I‘li‘" ~ v "mun
"‘ ' g , f‘t'l
\!.I'!‘It \ ! ill il' \tt i. ‘i' .\
"I ' I. .i. l! I. ‘~I“!-'l!.i! run!
in; !I \tl\\ iimt
lit \.:\ I:.iII\ I» tilililv‘ili' il1\ .Iitiiit
!‘.‘.~ '. 'll‘ ’Iilii \iti't'hcu l\ ,I Uri
!i_"!' .i! \IL'~l“iI_' IiIilt'yt' \ \‘t'E‘i! I)

pitiyitini t- I \Illtit'lli\ uitli tililiiimiix
lie I htt lm iii li'L'lliiII!\ u iih ,IIIlll\k iiih
!!I~ inirgiiis hufii Ii‘i.ill.|'_'t‘ !‘il‘~

HL' Illiiih .l I": (ii)\

litilils .i iiih itlvit‘t'iiit,‘ \i‘l!I!l\l‘1‘li\.ll!i!


.l\' \i."l‘I.‘\’I.l.
l\ lilt‘t‘IillLI !il\ II‘\I“‘I!\1!‘!!!I!\'\ iii the
ht~ mm

\1,iiilit-\\ hHI‘\\\ ht- \ iiitltx Ih.i1!i;\


.nltiit Izon \lllim I'ti \thcn ilk‘ \\.I\ \niiiig,

“ilk'll ht- i!

tin ‘ haw .I i!«‘ll\\' II « .irct‘r
»\I .i \Hfi' lII !H\k'
llt' I~ it‘!!!!IL' !il\ \II‘I\ mm !IL' \.I\»
m Ili.ii others might we in Iilk'iil\t‘!\t‘\
'~\!!.i! ilk tltiln I Iii iht' Iltllt‘
ifilli‘i Hi!“ on. ill\ yuan! “1!! .Il
‘»\il\\ !\' lll“ ht \.I\\ “hen he \Ct" III!
\criivxiiwiils int i


.Ii 'ili' I I‘llli lilt‘llxi' \Iult‘

Eit'lli‘iinL‘ ht!
“NAZI“ I‘II I'~‘\\I'I!‘.l
7h h I\

plan illl' III hi» hCJII uhiit “unit! huh

lit't'\\.I\ or









Tonight, the Wildcat WILD Night series will be celebrating March
Madness from 10 pm. to 1 am in the Student Center with free food,
basketball games, Velcro walls and more. The Sweet Sixteen will be
shown on big screens while wings, pizza, nachos and cookies will
be served. EA sports will give away a free game at the end of the
night and free T-shirts will be available as well. A dunk contest Will
also take place during the night. For those not Interested in basket-
ball, SIOO Handshake will be performing, and Borat will be showing
at 10 pm. in Worsham Theater. All events throughout the evening
will take place at the Student Center and are free to students with a
valid student ID,



I‘k'll II III shim-ll .isthi' \u'; .:.'::t s in
t.i"!\ _i Iit't\\u:!_ i»? i‘vcnhic xilm .Iii he!”
ilil‘i I! III‘.!:_'!! II (liIt‘ii !I._ gm \ c\II.:
III tlI!Y!\‘i:! 'iitt'tiitz's 'II ‘ it It
I!!C!|«‘!l«" \III',t\i‘i i'i‘II'jt \"i \ yi‘i‘

‘At'it «unmixed ‘\ II ;
(I.:'I,“.Ii‘;' J i, I: .\ 'I Itilii
\ll‘ti II it It It»

hiii; ilt' hiii“.\.\

i .

'\' Illilll’li! ii

If you think you might have
a problem with gambling

7"“ Win -' t; “vina'r‘mif” eLIeI c

Ia'seted [Ii vuu’={}a"1u11’ '
,epv m,

£3? ’a '


. ,, N H,
"I "EMF. (3 ud' II


«r. ,





the odds

Gambling among h gh

school and college students
according to an a'l’lilal survey

of 900 U S youths

College males gambling

in average week


’05 '03

High school males gambling In

average week




'04 '05 '03

College, high school males

gambling in average month. 2!!!»

High srhcni



Live :a'r: games


we ;a't: games

- Col‘eae

Live card games




50 4%






 PAtiEl | Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fantasy league makes sport of pop culture

By “wordy. Eyold


You feel left out when
friends gather to draft teams for
their fantasy sports leagues.
even a little envious of their pas-
sionate engagement.

The thing is, your passion ls~
n't sports.

What you need is a league
of your own.


Fantasy leagues are popping
up that have notliriig to do with
sports. Leagues centered on
everything from celebrities to
politics to fashion to music are
up and running. and they're at-
tracting thousands of partici—
pants nationwide.

The leagues work a lot like
their sports counterparts ~ as,
sembling teams. tracking statis-
tics and earning points but on
different playing fields.

Several folks in the Kansas
City. Mo. area. in fact. were in
on the ground floor creating new
fantasy leagues. Tabloid Fantasy
League. tabfl.com. a guilty plea-
sure for celebrity'sw'atchers. got
its start at a neighborhood bar»
becue in Parkv