xt7stq5rc28k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5rc28k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-03-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 20, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 20, 1996 1996 1996-03-20 2020 true xt7stq5rc28k section xt7stq5rc28k  


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WEAIHEB Snow today, high

near 30,- t‘honce ofmow tonight,

10:." around 20; part/y runny


tomorrow, high near 40.
"00PM! With .1 lurch .I lildnexy entering

the Stretch run, check our the trains that have

March 20, I 996


o (fit/rip!“ 7 Ultwuom 4
IN (.'/.Inifrcdv 9 Sports 2

(front-mil 9 Viewpoint 8





a chance to take the title. See inside xcm'on.






Perot suggests
he may make run again

\VASIIINU'II IN —— Ross Perot said yesterday
he would run for president again and, “give it
everything I have" if members of his new Reform
Party want him as their candidate.

His comments came as aides worked to put
Perot's name on the November ballot in 'l‘exas,
Florida, and as many as a dozen more states.


Track standout IS a marked ma

By Jeff Vinson
Campus Editor


“It’s probably harder to defend
the title than to actually win the
title,” he said. “I came in there with

UK All—American sprinter Tim the same mindset that I had last year
Harden is the man to beat ——— and he —— I’m the man to beat, so if you’re
knows it. roing to beat me you’re going to

He sees his confidence as an have to run very fast.”
asset. Without it, Harden says it No one was faster this time, and
wouldn’t make any sense for him to not many have been faster than the
even step on the Kansas City


track and try to native. . . . . . . . ,

compete ' ' Harden said a lop Perot aides said the lexas businessman s

“You’ve or to Harden 8 'eats bi key to his name was being used only as a “stand—in candi-

have a pgrsonal sugcess' 0n the date" until a Reform Party nominee is chosen in

cockmess in yourself UK AllvAmerIcan Tim Harden has track 15 the abili- efliiiilhlixicriiiiidl: iiiiiietcriitt “its; ihiiPIeiiiltnt‘fi riiif
. . . . . . . . . '; ,

beyond everybody garnered a 'arge number 0' ty to maintain and he said flatly yesterday that he would answer

his focus.
“You got to
be able to moti-

honors while running the the
school‘s track and field squad.

else,” Harden said.
“Everybody else
might have confi-

such a call.

m library increasing security





dence in you, but if VTwo-time NCAA 55m vate yourself

you don’t have any champion every day in Margaret I. King Library has tightened securi—
confidence in your- VNCAA 100m Champion order to work ty for its 2-} hour operation. ‘ludy Brown, head of
self, you’re not VU.S. 60m Champion out at the high circulation, said yesterday that students must have
going to perform.” VEighl—time All-American caliber that I a picture identification to enter or leave the

And about two VFive-time SEC Champion need to work out library from 13 am. to 7 a.m.

weeks ago at the 71995 SEC Outdoor and indoor to be a world- Also. a library security guard will now sign stu-
NCAA Indoor Male Track Athlete of the Year class sprinter,” dents in and out instead of allowing students to
Track and Field he said. “Motiva— sign for themselves. Brown said the reason for the
Championships at tion comes from signing policy is that the library was getting bogus;
the RCA Dome in within.” names on the sign in sheets.

On rare days when he might be
dragging, Harden turns to his coach
to give him a push. But when talking
to coach Don Weber, it becomes
clear that those days are few and far

“He’s just a remarkable competi-
tor," Weber said.

“I‘ve never ever seen anybody on
our teams or any other team that
can time after time after time rise to
whatever level he needs to be to win.

“His ability to handle the mental
stress of competition is really
remarkable, and I think that as
much as his physical talent is what
distinguishes him from all the other
great track athletes.”

Harden knew before he arrived

See HAHDEN on 3

Indianapolis, Harden gave himself
and others another reason to have
confidence in his ability to perform
when it counts.

Harden ran the fastest collegiate
indoor 55m time this season to suc-
cessfully defend his 55m NCAA

He won the title with a time of
6.06 seconds, .06 seconds better
than his time that won the crown
last year.

The senior sprinter’s winning
effort marked the second year in a
row he has won both the Southeast-
ern Conference and NCAA 55m

On his repeat title-winning per—
formance, Harden admitted defend-
ing the title was more difficult than
winning it the first time.


Former governor becomes reporter
B:\I.’lil.\l( )RF. r~ Former (iov. \Villiam Don—

ald Scliaefer once scorned reporters. Now he is

Schaefer began almost every news conference
with a blistering critique ofarticles he disliked and
used to send reporters clips of their “bad stories"
with his remarks scrawled in the margins.

Now he and some partners have started their
own weekly: the Baltimore News, a neighbor-
hood—oriented tabloid.

“People ask, ‘How come? You always hated the
newspapers always hated reporters,m he said.
“Reason for this: It‘s going to be an upbeat news—




l'holo film ”hm!

SIIIIE 8"!" UK senior sprinter Tim Harden ix (mt/mg raring‘y ylma For flu; “world-year in
a row, he has won both the NCAA and SEC 55m tiilcx. '

GimpI/rdfrum sniff. :i'n'c rr/mirrv


Grades are in on ' Allegations tiled by former
plus/minus policy till men's trainer released

By Tiffany Gilmartin June 1995 meeting between Hauser, her
Staijrittr lawyers, Newton and UK general Counsel
Richard Plymale, Newton said, “men
should work in men‘s sports and women


Some students agreed with the faculty's premise of award—
ing students who earned the higher grade.

“It’s a big difference between a 89 percent and a 81 per--
cent,” said economics sophomore Jennifer Bell.

The program, which will be evaluated for four years, wil!
give professors added ability to help students stand out among
their peers, Segal said.

“It’s a great idea that will result in more fair grading," said
Stuart Kaufman, political science associate professor.

The subjective nature of some of the college’s disciplines
caused student concern about their final grades.

A problem that Segal said would not be a factor.

By Brenna Reilly
xm Fdiror

Student and faculty reactions have been both positive and Former UK men’s basketball trainer


negative toward the College of Arts and Sciences‘ MOSI 01" the TCICCtiOHS concerning the_ [Milky _Io.>\nn Hauser was told by UK Coach Rick should work women‘s sports.”

new lus/minus grading system. have come from students WhO are more hkt‘ly t0 Pitino and UK Athletics Director (1M. Newton would not comment on the
T e new gradin scale for the college will g0 . . end up on the negative Side. Hart 581d. Newton that women should work in lawsuit yesterday.

into effect in the fal semester. Sti l some students are “Of comforted by this 'women’s sports and men should work in The memorandum also stated that Piti-
Administrators and faculty members say that idea. _ . _ men's sports, according to documents filed no said he would like to surround himself

the program will ‘ve instructors more flexibility It was under— “HOW far 15 it gomg to go?” CF81.“ RSde- ‘ last week in Fayette Circuit Court. with his buddies so he could go out with

to accurately graft: their students. But some stu— banded, Student Government ASS9C13UOI3 College 0* Hauser filed a sex discrimination law- them socially.

dents are not convinced. knowing st'u- Arts and Sciences Senator Scott Coovert, who suit inJuly after she was asked to transfer Pitino also allegedly told I‘Idllst‘l; that

y. “It’s senseless, I don’t understand the point of dent turnout opposed this measure, said he and other SGA to the women‘s basketball program. he used to play racquetball with Eddie

it,” said history junior Camille Crain. members are gonng to fight the approved policy. The pre—trial memoranda filed by Jamiel. ‘

I Associate Dean ofthe College ofArts and Sci— wouldbelmf’ COOVCFt said he and Brandon VOCIkCr. SGA Ilauscr‘s attorneys March 12 detail the lamiel, a former Providence tra! '
ences Stephen Hart said that the new grading sys- tbeypassed It CXCCUIIVC dh‘CCtOT. 0f Academic AffilirSY th f0 allegations against UK, Pitino and New" under Pitino, replaced Hauser as c..-
tem will encourage students to work harder for wit/gout anyone meet IOmOFFOW V'VlthCretChen LaGodna, chfllr- ton. men's trainer in the summer.
their grades. knowing. ” woman 0f the Unwersnty Senate Councd. According to the document Pitino told T he document also states that Ilauser

Hart said when the faculty was olled, he found V COOVCFt said the plus/minus 155118 was not on Hauser that the move to the women‘s pro— was told by by that Pitino no longer war '
that instructors were in favor oft e new measure the agenda packet he and other senators FCCCIVCd- gram would “allow her to have a social life ed women involved in the men's basketball
2-1. 360" COMB" “It was underhanded, knowing student turnout and think of getting married." program or traveling with the team on the

Opponents to the new system questioned the mm m“ fVOI-l1d be low tthY Passed it WilhOUt anyone knOW- Pitino said he was also self conscious plane. , . ‘ _ .
detrimental affect to C range students. senator mg.” COOVCIT said. about the langua 6 he used with players in According to deposmons from .\ewton

But the incentive to get the C+ instead of the COOVCYt said he may file a lawsuit against the front of her and e would feel more com- and Rena Vacini, assistant athletic director




of media relations. the three women that
have been associated with the UK men's

See HAUSER on 3

fortable with a male trainer. the document
The court record also claims that in a

University over the policy.
“We are not going to let them get away with it,” Coovert

(3- would encourage students to work harder Jen-
nifer Segal, a political science assistant professor said.
“People don’t want minus,” Segal said.



Aja wins Greek endorsement tor 86A presidency




By Alison Klght

Executive Editor

Student Government Associa-
tion presidential candidate Alan
Aja prevailed after he and his
opponent Phil Curtis took on apa-
thy, race relations, campus safety,
tuition increases and their own
character in the Greek Political
Action Committee debate last

Both candidates were ques-
tioned by a anel and GPAC dele-
gates from ’5 social fraternities
and sororities, which was moder-
ated by Dean of Students David

After the opening remarks, Aja
and Curtis were presented with
what students felt were the most
important issues or the greatest
problems on campus.

Both Aja and Curtis said they
agreed that apathy was a major
problem on cam us.

, Curtis broug t up the campus- student taking a break while work— See AM on 3 Greek community at an annual debate.
' l ‘ d It

wide party held at Crazy Jax earli-
er this year, which he helped orga-
nize as a senator.

“SGA has not done a whole lot
just for the students,” Curtis said.
“We need to work a whole lot on
things that can affect the whole
student bod .”

Aja highfi hted the upcomin
national presndential election an
voiced his concern for getting stu-
dents interested in registering to

“We want to get voter educa-
tion as part of the curriculum in
both English 101 and 102 and the
UK 101 classes,” Aja said.

Both candidates said they
thought getting the word out
about SGA through some type of
newsletter was important, and
Curtis said he believes creating a
web site to keep students connect-
ed with SGA happenings was a
good idea.

“It seems a lot more likely for a

in on a pa er at the library to
gul up stu on the web about
GA than to go down to the
office, which can be an intimidat-
ing lace,” Curtis said.
en campus safety was
addressed, Aja said he elt re-
establishin SGA’s Campus
Nightwatc Program was impor—
“We can allow volunteers from
the Greek communi and the
Residence Halls to wal the cam-
us every ni ht with walkie-talkies
grom the Police,” A'a said.
Curtis said he thong t creatin
a budd system so students wi
never ave to walk alone any-
where at night was a good idea
and said he wanted more non-
SGA affiliated students to partici-
atc in the annual Campus Safety
alk to highlight areas of con-
cern on campus.
Aja said he thought the greatest
area of concern for students were


«rm» mm


I‘Qoififiwm m



I" "EDI'HI MEI SGA presidential candidate: Alan Aja (right) and Tim Niebel (left) speak to members of the



 . . .
,. ct »—v-—o‘-M.—~..rk, , .‘ “.mv‘m , _ v . :-«~ ”‘ 6" er “ me,
Ashlev Shrewsburv .................................... Asst. Editorial Editor Bob Huggins has been of L as“? , - . h, 31 SI
Christasterling ......................................... Asst. Sports Editor coaChlnf the“? has gone ‘0 b esh h Egg"? . b i:
1- And AS Ar Ed the hea s ofloyal support- roug t t e earcats 3‘
ju 1e ’ Terson ................................................... st. ts i_tor m of the Black and Red. t0 the level of success - . .
DanO NEIll ..................................................... Asst. KEG Editor These delusions of Clll'lS which hasn’t been seen on
Tracie Pardon. . ' andeur which the UC Elttll'lllll the banks of the. O '
Shell PlililS’clPl‘lltL...Z .......... : ......................... Asst. DCSI Editors Elickers seem to have given Arm-tam S‘V‘er Sl’kcebthc 81$ 0‘11
John Abbott, Natalie Collins, Scott Gordon, Brian rivetEi ‘L‘CF” the "“P’ess‘on that Spam Edlmr (15:11:13,, n E: harm”; “3)::-
. ' ‘ l . " " . ' ' t e r0 ramcanstac ll) ~
Melanie Samerchffllnson, Tiffany White ....... Copy E ltors to "£63 gUK basketball V the mun”). from 195830.
empire. But please, their brand of Cat prof M
does not stack up to the pedigree

I mean this is a program that .
found down Interstate 7) in Lex~

has been to the NCAA













































































7' ~mM'AW""‘






Fumre Tournament a grand total of, are ington. ‘» h Byfl
‘ e . you ready for this, 15 times. The Which, finally, brings me to the Arm
0“ to UK program which Cincinnati reason why I think UK and
Pass? fans say their team 15 011 the same Cincinnati should get together on ’l
S . . . h level With has been, not just to the the hardwood. F1."
top In to VISIt t C lNCAAbTournamen‘t that many If the Cincinnati program is, esca
College of Human times, E“ to the Final E’gbt: In like their fans sav, 11p to UK's 0|” it
fact, UK has been to the Final ' , h
F . E'oht fve mo e tin es than UC level, then by all means the t e
anironmental hd: bleen in the \‘CAA Bearcats should be on the VVild~ Yen”!
Sciences on Your tourney A l ““5, “hedule i“ fume fad}
- . . . (It
~ . . J . .. . . . years.Even if it is not, then UK ac
0111116 to SCICC In And if Cincmnan is such a great ‘ _ 7 , 3 er
I y t g program, where’s its name on the 5170““ 5““ put LC 0“ the g 1
the pCI'fCCt career. college basketball’s top 25 all—time schedule. If nothing €156, maybe ” Feb.
If . vn'ns list? would give the Bearczit backers :1 met
you enioy UK, on the other hand, at giant dose 0f reality. on I
t learning about number two, needs only win To be honest with you, I’d be T
workin .th 1 tomorrow to tie North Carolina at willing to bet the farm that UC‘s da 5
g W1 PCOP C, the top. A win . in the Regional recent success will eventually be a, mail
then WC'VC got the finals and the W’ildcats are Cpllege thing of the past. ()nce Huggins to at
i r for l basketball 5 all—time Winningest leaves to take a job with the Mm- T
' J7? _ “r O team.fYou have a longngm go, nesota Timberwolves or Dallas
UC’l you want to catc , ' NIavericks, Cincinnati will return ' ' "
Another stat for UC fans to - . . .
. , to the mediocritv it experienced
think about, the Bearcats haven t h h h ' 0-0 l ’8 '-
beaten the Wildcats since 1939. t roug out I e 1’ / 5 an( .91
That was before UK called after Robertson left to becomegi;
Memorial Coliseum home. Since NBA “1'5“": Then ““5 argument
A w , ”momma that day, UK has beaten the Cats will, hopefully, be ended forever.‘ : SC
For lurlher information call 2572855 ‘ i ' I": STANDOIJI Players like Danny Fol-tron (above) have been one of the from the Queen City 14 straight A5824"! SP0"! Editor (libl‘iilfmerlmg (a
reasons Cincinnati ‘5 barkerllall roam has returned to the national spotlight. times, including a 75-71 win at irajoumulimfrexbman. ' .17
I omit
~University Christian Fellowship weekly sents the screening and discussion of $1049.50; 257-8427 he I
Meeting, 8:00pm, Rm. 228 New Student “Carmelita Tropicana,” 4:00pm, Student Ctr. -SAB MOVIE: 'Casino," 9:00pm, Student 5‘. re‘
Ctr;225-4386 Old Theatre; 257-7095 ' cu worsham Theatre; 52 hr)“
lNIanURnlS/RECREGHUN -Lexmgton MUSICdl Theatre: Once On Thls mEETINGS a [ECTURES - ‘ -
, , , Island, 8:00pm, Singletary Ctr. for the Arts, 195”
-Squash double-elimination tournament Recital Hall; 58-12 -Catholic Mass at the Newman Center, 3
332%”) deadline, 145 Seaion Ct" 257' -SAB MOVIE: “Casino," 9:00pm, Student 5300““
. . Ctr. Worsham Theatre; $2 - v o .
-Alkldo class. 8:00 m, Alumni G m Loft; '-
269_4305 p y menmcs 8 uecrurzes SUNDlly 3/lll . r - a
-College of Architecture Lecture Series pre- 1; v; r'. H‘
[HURSDny 3/2] sents Natalia Subolincic, “Strange “RTS 5. (“DUI ES ' '..
Chambers: From Freud's House to our -Lexington Brass Band: Skip Gray and 717.
QRTS 8 mom ES House. 1'00””: 209 Pence H3! Ron Holz, directors, 8:00pm, Singletary ‘
. Ctr. for the Arts. Recital Hall; FREE hm
~Lexington Musical Theatre: Once On SQIURDny 3/23 meermcs E. lE