xt7stq5rc21g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5rc21g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-10-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1989 1989 1989-10-06 2020 true xt7stq5rc21g section xt7stq5rc21g  

Vol. XClll, No. 42

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Friday, October 6. 1 989


Senate approves statutory ban on defacing American flag

Associated Press

overwhelmingly approved a statuto-
ry ban yesterday on defacing the
American flag after defeating a pro-
posed revision that sponsors said
could prove fatal in a future court

President Bush said he respected

UK performs
autopsy on

Contributing Writer

Secretariat, the 1973 Triple
Crown winner that was destroyed
on Wednesday, was buried at Clai-
borne Farms later that night near
some of his stablemates.

Gus Koch, the assistant manager
of Claiborne Farms. said that the
19-year-old horse was buried in a
six-by-six foot coffin lined with or-
ange cloth, the color of Claiborne
Farms' racing silks.

The horse's entire body was bur-
ied. according to Koch. and not just
the heart. head. hooves and repro-
ductive organs. which is a common
Kentucky tradition.

After his death, Secretariat was
taken to the UK Department of An-
imal Pathology, where the autopsy
was performed.

Koch said that while the the
horse was destroyed because of
Laminitis. an incurable inflamma-
tion of the hoof, he suspected that
something else might have caused
the disease. Test results from the
autopsy will not be available for
several weeks.

Secretariat was buried in the ce-
metery at Claiborne Farms. The
horse was buried around the comer
from his stablemate, Riva Ridge,
and across from Swale and Round

During his racing career. Secre-
tariat earned $1,316,808 in prize
money. He was the first horse in
24 years to win racing’s Triple
Crown in 1973, when he set world
records in the Derby and the Be]-

He also set world records in l 1/
8- and l l/2-mile races. He was
Horse of the Year in 1972 and

As a stud, he sired two notable
horses: Lady Secret. the 1986 Horse
of the Year. and Risen Star. who
won the 1988 Prcakness and Bel-
mont Stakes. He was foaled by
Somethingroyal out of Bold Ruler.


Editorial Editor

Socially Concerned Students an-
nounced yesterday that the group's
secretary, Keri Barton, will attend
the Housing NOW! in Washington,
DC, on Saturday.

Several student groups asked the
UK Student Government Associa-
tion Senate for $1,000 to send 20
students to the march, but SGA re-
jected it by a 17~10 vote.

During the march. Barton will
carry a sign displaying how the
senators voted.

“it holds the senators accountable
to the student body,“ said Chris
Harrell, who came up with the idea
of the sign. “It‘s a way of letting
them know how the senators are
voting. If they are ashamed of the
way they voted. they shouldn‘t
have voted that way."

Barton‘s transportation to the

the action but would continue to
push for a Constitutional amend-

The 91-9 final vote came after
maneuvering by Senate Republi'
cans, who say along with Bush that
amending the Constitution rather
than passing a statute is the only
effective way to counter last June’s
Supreme Court decision throwing
out a Texas flag-buming law.

The bill. which previously
passed in the House, now calls for
up to a $1,000 fine and a year in
jail for btiming or otherwise defac-
ing the flag. Both houses will con-
sider a proposed amendment to the
Constitution later this tiionth.

Democrats say they have careful»
ly worded their bill to protect it
against an expected new court chal-
lenge on free-speech grounds.

At the White House, Bush called
on Congress to approve the consti-
tutional flag-desecration amend—
ment he supports, despite the top
sided Senate vote.

“1 respect the intention of those
who voted for ta statutory bani.
But I continue to believe such an
approach is inadequate in light of
the Supreme Court decision, "
Bush said. “I believe that a consti-


Sports Editor

Something very unusual hap-
pened last Saturday in Knoxville.
Tenn. — the Auburn Tigers got
manhandled by the University of

“It really surprised me," UK
offensive guard Bill Hulctte said.
“I didn’t think anybody could
whip Auburn on the line of
scrimmage like they did. Tennes-
see rcally kicked butt on both
sides of the line."

The Auburn defense, which al-
lowed only 56 rushing yards in


its first two games, gave up
350 rushing yards against Ten—
ncssee. UT tailback Reggie Cobb
ran for 225 of those yards in the
21-14 win.

“That was the worst physical
whipping we've had here at Au-
burn in a long, long time,“ Au‘
burn coach Pat Dye said. “l can't
remember the last time we took a
whipping like that on both sides
of the line."

Well, this “whipped“ Auburn
football (2-1, 0-1 in the South-
eastern Conference) team is com-
ing to Lexington to face UK (2»
1, 0-1) at Commonwealth Stadi

’ t

“4 “at"

‘ g...


UK receiver Phil Logan (80) is tackled by a player from the University of North Carolina. UK faces
Auburn University at Commonwealth Stadium tomorrow at 12:40 pm.

UK hopes to get UT intensity

um tomorrow afternoon at

“I certainly think that they will
be coming in here on their toes,"
UK coach Jerry Claiborne said. “I
hope they don't play well, to be
honest. I hope they play like
they did against Tennessee. I
don‘t think we will sneak up on
them (now).”

The Wildcat players feel the
same way their coach does.

“Yeah, I was hoping they
would come in here, after a win
at Tennessee, with the big heads,

Sec CATS, page 4



march is being paid for by the
Democratic Socialists of America
from funds they raised at a benefit

Also at yesterday’s press confer-
ence, SCS President Alan Creech
tried to distance his group front
Chris Bush, a local social activist
who has worked with SCS.

Creech said that Bush. who was
arrested on the Lexington Campus
last week, was never a spokesman
for the group.

Bush was arrested twice last week
for criminal trespassing after he re-
fused to leave Student Center Direc-
tor Frank Harris‘ office and for dis-
orderly conduct after he would not
leave UK President David Roselle‘s

He was freed from the Fayette
County Detention Center Saturday
after his family post a $1,000 bail.
Bush rejected a proposal by the
court to release him on a $100

bond if he stayed away from UK.

“As it stands now we have no
spokesman," Creech said, “and ac-
cording to the University rules
(Bush) cannot be a member.“

Creech said that Bush was only a
“guest" of the group.

Bush said yesterday in a phone
interview that the SGA constitu-
tion. which was approved by Har-
ris, allows non-students to be
members of the group.

“I am claiming that I am a stu-
dent and they say l‘m not." Bush
said. “1 consider myself a commu-
nity science student. Even if I
wasn’t, SCS has a had a policy of
letting non-students be members."

The Registrar‘s Office does not
recognize those registered in the
community science seminars as
students. Bush said that anyone
who pays money to the University
should be considered a student.

Bush also said that his status as a

Keeneland opens

fall meet.
Story, page 4.

prepare for housing march

student was never questioned until
he began to critict/e thc LJK admin-
istration last year.

Bush said he went to \cc Harris
about a problem he was having
with the UK administration. Bush
said that Harris asked him to leave,
but he “respectfully declined“ and
was then arrested.

Bush was released from jail the
next day. and he said that he went
to see Roselle, but the president
was not in his office.

According to UK Chief of Police
W. H. McComas, Bush was asked
to leave Rosellc's office several
times before he was arrested.

Bush‘s trial is set for Oct. 20.
He said that he is saving money
and hopes to become a full-time
student in January

tuttonal amendment, properly
drawn, is necessary, in order to pro—
\ ide proper protection.“

Before final passage yesterday,
the Senate \otcd 5‘ ~17 to l.1l\lc‘.t‘f
kill, an Lilllclltllllt‘iil otter. it in. \i.‘
tiority Lettdcr Bob lloic l<-l~.;iti.. i=7
apply the tlclticciticitt can only 1.)
those who those who n. is! ill pith»

ll :tt‘t‘cplcd, however, ;,ii ,pitunti.

inent from Scn 'r'ctc \Mlson. R-
(‘ulil , 11' make ll lllL't'Jl to "phys‘t-



tlx‘l. CU iltx‘ .11!

‘inc littlt‘ .t::t:-r..2::i.‘t‘t was the

't.” ~-;ttd
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ll \fi. l‘.:‘i't‘ 3

Buddhist monk
Dalai Lama
wins peace prize

Associated Press

OSLO, Norway -- The Dalai
Lama. the spiritual and temporal
leader of Tibet, whose title means
Oceans of Mercy, won the 1989
Nobel Peace Prize yesterday for dec»
ades of non-violent struggle to free
his country from China,

He said in response: “My case is
nothing special. 1 am a simple
Buddhist monk — no more, no
less." He expressed hope that the
award would focus attention on
compassion in every human being,

China called the award an insult
and interference in its intcmal at!

One clear purpose of the Norwe-
gian Nobel committee was to deliv-
er a message of support to the pro-
democracy movement in China.

Analysts also said it might help
eventually to break the deadlock be-
tween China, which has occupied
the Himalayan nation since til-to
and the Dalai lama, who leads an
eXilc government based in liidia

in its tllillltlll. lltc .oiiiiiittce
mentioned the Dalai l :iriizi's rots;
tion and of \ tolcitt'c and h.s prt-a. h
ings of respect tor :til 1 v. in; t‘iiiis‘s.


“My case is nothing
special. 1 am :1 simple
Buddhist monk - no
more. no less."

Dalai Lama,
Nobel Peace Prize

lt praised his “constructive and for-
ward-looking proposals for the so-
lution of international conflicts."

Past prizes have been used to en-
courage human rights activists and
to support peace efforts

Polish Solidarity leader lcch
Walesa won in taxi; the 1987
pri/e went U; Costa Rica’s Presi-
.lcnt ()scar Arias for his Central
American peace plan. 1 Tlt'tL‘tl Vt
lions Peacekeeping lt‘trccs w gre giv-
..‘n last year's award.

‘he lhilat lama. ‘4. was bom
len/in ('iyittso. 'ihe \t‘Tl t-t a poor
tanner. he w as named spiritual and
t 'rrptiral "Her 11- 1st? 32:}: l.‘.iiai
latitti at use 5 tt.\t it: re the ( in-

c .irim i:..:r_‘tcl .‘ I ' 't

‘~ t'll\l.\i ‘


Contributing Writer

UK’s psychology deparunent
recently received the highest lcv»
el of accreditation from the
American Psychological Associ-

“The overall report in my
mind was the most favorable
one in the 15 years i have been
here." said Arthur Nonncman,
chairman of the psychology dc—

The February review included
an extensive investigation of
materials subtititlcd from the
University and a two-day visit
from the APA.

The department received a full
accreditation, which l\ the high“
est level of endorsement. The
duration of the act rcdilation can
be from one to five years. The
five-year accreditation was
awarded [0 UK.

“The accreditation wc received
was the longest and strongest
endorsement we could have re-
ccivcd," NOllllc‘llldll said.

The accreditation includes the
undergraduate and graduate cum
cula, with an emphasis on the
clinical psychology program. it
marks a 20-year milestone for
the department.

This is the fourth consecutive
five-year endorsement for the
clinical psychology program,
which was one of the first [1.8.
programs, established in 1947.


UK’s psychology
earns high marks

One weak point mentioned in
the evaluation was a deficiency
in physical resources and space
iii the psychology department.

"The APA basically said the
faculty is much better than the
facilities," Nonncman said.

As a result. a new building,
owned by the University and re-
ccntly vacated by the Kentucky
League of Cities, has been set
aside for thc Psychological Ser-
v ices Center.

The new location, 644 Max-
welton Court, will replace the
existing facility at 4-11 Pennsyl-
vania Ave. as the focus of the
department's professional train-
ing work. The old location will
be dedicated to human behavioral
and social research by the psy-
chology and communications de-
partments and will replace
Kristie Hall as the place where
the department conducts academ‘
ic research.

The department will begin
seeing patients at its new loca~
tion on Oct. 9. The official dcdi—
cation of the building is Nov. 3.

“The PSC is is a primary
training vehicle for students to
gain clinical experience," said
Michael Nictzcl. clinical train-
ing program director.

Students work with patients
under staff supervision at the
PSC. At the new building stu-
dents will be able to practice
group therapy arid child psycho~

’ therapy.



Leather jackets

become mainstream.

Story, Back page.



2 — Kentucky Kernel. Friday. October 6. 1989


Using animals for cosmetic purposes is sick form of vanity

It was a scorching day. A sport-
scaster, moonlighting as a weather-
man, would have labeled the hu—
midity at 110 percent. An army
recruner would have proclaimed
“the day is all it can be."

i was sitting in front of the TV
that evening in the comfortable
confines of my home. The TV was
tuned in to one of the commercial
network, you know, the ones in
which you are freed frotn the instill"
ity of the program every 10 min
utes or so just to get bombarded by
equally silly commercials. It “as
commercial time.

A bouncy pulchritude strutting
across the screen caught my eye. it
took only a fraction of a second for
me to start concentrating on the
model's hair ~ the ad man had
achieved his goal.

The ad claimed that the model‘s
hair spray gives 18—hour hold ill 00
percent humidity - perfect for that
evening. it also implied that the
hair spray had some mink product,
presumably oil, lll it. The last



words of the commercial? “Mink in

Wow, what a relief! Now, one
doesn't have to worry about her
hair when she is taken to the hospi-
tal after heat exhaustion ll] 90 per.
cent humidity. Remember what
your mother told you about clean

Next, I thought about the mink
farmers. You know, the interna-
tional market for fur is declining.
Don't fret, mink farmers! The hair
spray industry is there to help you.
The almighty hair spray is going to
provide livelihood for you. Of
course, the mink furriers‘ business
still iii danger; sorry, cannot take
care of everybody at the same time!

Presumably, the minks cart be
slaughtered humanely for the pur-
pose of extracting oil. Minks arc

tortured when they are killed for
their fur in an effort to get blemish-
free coat Now there is no need for
such torture. Mink slaughter can be
at least as humane as cow slaugh-

The SPCA would be silenced
completely. Never mind that cows
are slaughtered to provide food.
Sables are wondering about this ex-
alted status for minks.

Having mink in hair spray would
also be comforting for status-
conscious people. With some more
innovations in the cosmetics indus-
try, one can be attired in mink from
head to toe, literally.

In summer, one has mink in her
hair and in winter, on her shoul-
ders. There is just no possibility of
being mistaken for a commoner, no
matter the season.

Enough of finding reasons to add
mink oil to hair spray. Let us get
serious here. Animal rights acti-
vists are invariably labeled extre-
mists and overzealous. Such accu-
sations arise out of the practice of

CA. Duane Bonlter
Editor in Chiel

Mcheel Jones
Editorial Editor

reducrio ad absurdum.

Animal rights activists are ques-
tioned as to whether they are
against eating meat, against tests
on animals seeking to find cures
for diseases, etc.

The answer is usually given
hedgingly, sometimes defending
eating meat and use of tests on ani-
mals in matters of medical research
from the perspective of human sur-
vival. The philosophical inconsis-
tencies of such a position are very
easy to see and animal rights are
doomed forthwith in their argu—

1 am drawing an arbitrary line,
acknowledging this line’s philo-
sophical absurdity. Somehow,
medicine and nourishing food seem
to me to be in a different class than
sweet-smelling perfumes and after-

I dare anyone to argue that cruel
and inhumane tests on animals,
like the Draize test, are equally de-
fensible or indefensible, depending
on one’s point of view, without

Brim Jeri
Executive Editor


considering the purpose for which
they are administered.

If the aim is to produce longer-
holding hair spray, swim-proof
mascara, moist-looking nail polish
etc., then the tests are indefensible
and the opposite is true when medi-
cal research is involved.

In the animal kingdom killings
are almost always the result of
struggle for survival of both the in—
dividual and the species. Vanity
hardly ever enters the picture.

This is one thing human beings
seem to have forgotten through
their evolution. However small the
percentage of animal killing anti
torture for the sake of vanity may
be, it is still too high.

Some major cosmetics compa-
nies have sworn to limit the suffer-
ing of“lcsscr" creatures. I view this
turnaround to be a result of activi-
ties by animal rights people and
not as an indigenous realization
within the cosmetics industry.

I would like to see the day when
the social opprobrium against

Elizabeth Wade
Associate Editor

Julle Essehmn
Special Projects Writer

Campus Editor

cruelty to animals in the name of
vanity is so strong and pervasive
that companies not subscribing to
decent and humane practices would
cease to exist

People are puppets in the hands
of the cosmetics industry. The in-
dustry demands by appealing to the
consumer‘s vanity. In the process
of satisfying such demands, almost
by necessity, issues such as inhu-
mane treatment of animals and un-
necessary use of animal products
are totally ignored in the quest for
larger profits.

Honestly, is there a great demand
for a hair spray that would work 18
hours in 90 percent humidity? If
yes, is it such a essential demand
that if had to be satisfied without
regard to an animal’s well~bcing‘.’ I
think not. This product is a prime
example of the reprehensible atti-
tude we espouse towards animals.

Rughuram Ekumbaram is a
chemical engineering graduate stu-



Automobiles bad
for education

Funny that Gip Johnson (Kernel,
Sept. 4) should think that if the
University cares about its students,

if will build more parking struc-
tures, because I believe that if the
University cares about students, it
will eliminate parking structures.

I imagine that the reason for this
sharp difference of views is that, as
hinted in his letter, Johnson proba—




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bly considers the University a place
for playing games he loves, where-
as I think of UK as a place to ac-
quire a high quality of education.
Perhaps someone in the student
community will describe for us
how more parking will improve ed-
ucation at UK, but until then I will
go with the following quote form
former UK President Donovan:
“Our students have too many dis-
tractions to forrn good study hab-
its; many have too much money to


Parents who send their sons and daughters to
college with an automobile make it difficult for
their children to make a respectable record.

spend, too many automobiles. The
enemy of scholarship is the auto-
mobile. Parents who send their
sons and daughters to college with
an automobile make it difficult for
their children to make a respectable
scholarship record. They spend

their weekends on the highway in-
stead of in the library and laborato-
ry. If loafers in our institutions
of higher education are not inter-
ested in their studies, they should
be sent home and yield their places
to those who will work at getting


an education."

As for the geography teacher who
told Gip Johnson “You cart tell if
the city likes its people by the
amount of parking available," I
think it can be said that the Univer-
sity has not yet managed to develop
faculty recruitment practices that
can ensure that no fools can sneak

Lester Goldsrein is a biological
science professor. This letter was
received Sept. 25.





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Kentucky Kernel, Friday. October 6. 1909 - 3

Dalai Lama is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

Continued from page 1
rising against Chinese mic.

In Los Angeles, where he was at-
tending a conference, the Dalai
Lama said: “I very much appreciate
that kind of recognition about my
beliefs. In fact, 1 always believed in
love, compassion and a sense of

universal respect. Every human be-
ing has that potential.

“This prize my open more peo-
ple's eyes to look at their own
quality,” said the Buddhist leader.
who wore sandals and traditional
red-and-orange robes.

in the Himalayan town of
Dharmsala, India, the base of the

exile government, Tibetans danced
and sang in the streets.

Despite the Dalai Lama's teach-
ings of non-violence, bloody clash-
es with Chinese authorities have
occurred in Lhasa, the Tibetan capi-
tal, during the past two years.

Up to 30 people were killed in
March, and Lhasa has been under

martial law since then. Demonstra-
tions were reported as recently as
last month.

Wang Guisheng of the Chinese
Embassy in Oslo. said: “This has
hurt the people's feelings. The Da-
lai Lama is not only a religious
leader but also a political figure in
exile, who carries out political ac-

Home Economics promotes unity

Contributing Writer

The College of Home Economics
held a festival last week to intro-
duce new students to the college.

The gathering, called “Septem-
berfest," introduced freshman and
new home economic students to the
faculty, established students and or-
ganizations of the department. The
gathering was the fourth of its kind
in the college and attracted about 90


Septemberfest events began with
six skits presented by each of the
specialty organizations in the col-

About 700 students are enrolled
in the college, according to Peggy
Meszaros, the college‘s dean. Mes-
zaros said she wants to keep enroll-
ment below 750 because instructors
can work more effectively with stu-



Wehave’ carpet any size, any Styleddifit

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eternity or apartment-roam.
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Information Sessmn.

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To sign up for the information session and/or an interview.
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“We like to keep a l3-to-l ratio
between students and teachers,” she
said. “It helps with student-teacher

Students are enthusiastic about
the college because of the programs
it offers. Robin Walk, a dictctics
senior and dean's assistant, said the
college has changed a lot since
Mesraros became dean.

“Since Meszaros came in the fall
of 1984 the ( size and image of)

the school has changed because of
changes made in the staff and de-
partment since," Walk said.

Many students say that the col-
lege offers practical courses.

“What I like about home cc is
that you learn things you can apply
to your everyday life," Home Eco-
nomics sophomore Dan Burton
said. “That’s different than a lot of
other departments."

tivity aimed at splitting the father-
land and undermining national uni-

Egil Aarvik, chairman of the
Norwegian committee that awards
the Nobel Peace Prize. said the
Buddhist leader was nominated in
previous years




An article in the Monday,
Sept. 11 Kernel on tailgating
at UK football games con-
tained some inaccurate infor-

At Stephen Rader's party.
only a few people were drink-
ing alcoholic beverages, Rader




Flag bill
is passed

Continued from page 1

on the campaign trail next
year that they failed to sup—
port the constitutional amend-

Burning the flag already is
outlawed under federal law,
but few believe that statute
could withstand a court test
such as the one in the Texas

Sen. Howard M. Metzen-
baum, D-Ohio, one of the few
lawmakers who oppose not
only the constitutional
amendment but the bill as
well said. “Stop and reflect.
If you believe that there is
a political tidal wave, you
cannot resist you are wrong."















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University of Kentucky Student Activities Board












 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Friday. October 6. 1989


The UK volleyball front line goes up for a block during a recent
match at Memorial Coliseum. UK hosts two matches this weekend.

Keeneland opens fall meet tomorrow

Contributing Writer

Just as the color of the leaves be—
gin to change in Lexington, Keene-
land Race Course prepares for its
fall meet, one of the area’s most
popular fall events.

Keeneland begins its fall meet to-
morrow and continues through Oct.
28. The track will offer racing
Tuesday through Saturday. Post
time is 1 pm. daily.

Keeneland is regarded as one of
the few race courses in the country
that has maintained the tradition of
thoroughbred racing. The race
course's tree-lined drives and ornate
landscaping are examples of what
makes the track one of the indus-
try’s shrines.

“Keeneland‘s been here for 50
years," said Jim Williams, director
of publicity for Keeneland. “We
feel we present racing in an atmos-
phere that emphasizes the sport.
We went through a lot of time and
expense to make it this way."

Keeneland has never had a track
announcer. a necessary fixture, ac-
cording to many fans. Williams

Cats to need

Continued from page 1

but I don't think that is going to
happen now," UK defensive back
Albert Burks said. “I am pretty sure
that they will be hungry since they
lost at Tennessee."

UK defensive tackle Donnie
Gardner said: “I guarantee that they
will come into Commonwealth
(Stadium) as mad as ever. All we
have to do is keep them frustrated
for one more week."

That‘s a very tall order consider-
ing that UK is averaging only 234
yards per game in total offense,
while the Auburn offense is averag~
ing more than 420 yards a game.