xt7stq5rc19m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5rc19m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1987 1987 1987-02-18 2020 true xt7stq5rc19m section xt7stq5rc19m  

Vol. XCI, No. 100

Established ‘l 894

University or whisky. LOxlnoton. Kentucky

modem-hoe 1971

WM. Fm18. i987



. (





Jesse Jackson (above) greets supporters when he
arrived in Lexington yesterday at Blue Grass Field.

Jackson came to Lexington to discuss the new
Toyota plant with its officials and the possible ramifica-
tions it. and other plants, will have for American work-

He stressed that any trade the U.S. conducts with
Japan should be conducted with fairness on both sides
and Japanese officials should respect the rights of
Americans working under them.

Jackson also stressed that American blacks and
whites must pull together to fight “economic violence."
which threatens both races.

Branden Woods (left), a 7-year-old Lexington na-
tive, holds a sign supporting Jackson, a Democratic
presidential candidate in 1984 and a possible candidate
in 1 988.

Photos by ALAN HAWSE Kernel Staff

Jackson talks
about Toyota

Speaker says people need
to battle ‘economic violence’

Staff Writer

Contributing Writer

The new Toyota plant will
bring thousands of jobs to Ken-
tucky, but yesterday it brought
the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

Jackson told supporters and the
media at a press conference at
Lexington‘s Blue Grass Field that
he had come to express his con-
cern about international trade is

After a two-hour delay due to
poor weather. Jackson said he
was “looking for bluegrass and
horses to make sure that I‘m in

One concern Jackson has about
the Scott County Toyota plant is
the need for a union. saying that
it is not enough to have full em-

“In slavery we had full employ
ment.” Jackson said.

He said the Japanese want
maximum profit but only want to
provide minimum wages and
minimum benefits.

The United States is concerned
that they do good business with
the Japanese. but in return. they
want Japan to be a good business
partner. Jackson said.

Jackson had planned to meet
with Toyota officials. but due to
the weather. the plant was

Jackson said he plans to return
to the Scott County Toyota plant
several times.

He said he also wants to visit
other Toyota plants because they
are locating away from urban
America and using large bodies
of skilled. non-union workers.

“Trade with the Japanese
should be free. fair and recip-

Japan is now the No. 1 trading
partner with South Africa. while
the United States is second. Jack-
son said.

He said racial confrontation in
the United States should be less
of an issue because "tremendous
economic hardship is upon our

He said the law protects black
rights today because acts of ra-

cial violence are immoral and il«
legal, However. he said. econom—
ic violence is similar.

"Economic violence is immoral
and illegal ~ like closing plants
. . , driving people out of hospi-
tals and taking land from
farm families. “

And the only way to stop these
transgressions. Jackson said. is
for whites and blacks to join to—

"Our generation's struggle
should not be black and white."
Jackson said.

“If there is going to be a fight.
it must be at the plant gates. at
the shipyards or at the missile

Another concern of Jackson's
was Kentucky Fried Chickens in—
vestments in South Africa ,

He said the whole world should
stop doing business with South

Although Kentucky Fried
Chicken announced their inten—
tion to divest from South Africa
this morning. Jackson said he
wanted to make sure their pullout
came by a certain date.

He brought laughter and ap-
plause when he mentioned that
their pullout coincided with his
visit to Kentucky.

“They're too vulnerable to sus-
tain a boycott." Jackson said.
“Too many people make good

Diane Woods. coehairwoman
of the 6th Congressional District.
said she hopes Jackson‘s visit
will help build support for the
Kentucky chapter of the National
Rainbow Coalition. said .

The Rainbow Coalition is a po—
litical organization that started
with Jackson's 1984 campaign for
the Democratic nomination for
president, Woods said.

When asked if he would be a
candidate for United States presi-
dent in 1988. Jackson said he
hadn‘t decided yet.

He said his first concern is that
the Democratic party regain the
White House in 1988

“I will know in the spring.“
Jackson said. “There are matters
to be resolved — friends. family
and finances."





Drug forum, awards program
included in satellite broadcast

By ERIC GREGORY the problems associated with drugs the program. which begins at 3:30
Contributing Writer and their possible solutions. p.m.
“We‘re doing it as a way of bring- According to a press release.
UK students will have a chance to ing in speakers and peOple who are some of the sports figures scheduled
participate in a nationally televised experienced and knowledgeable in to appear are Brian Bosworth from
drug forum and view a campus en< their field." he said. “Hopefully. it the University of Oklahoma. Spud
tertainment awards show at 2 pm. will be educational as well as enter- Webb from the NBA's Atlanta
today in the Worsham Theater. taining." Hawks and Barry Word.
The first part of the program will Word was one of NFL's top draft
start at 2 pm. and feature entertain- choices last year and is currently in
ers who will talk about drug use in prison for drug violations. He will be

Dolphin star relates
life, football career

By l).\.\ IMSSER'I‘ as human beings and work on
Senior Staff Writer achieving them. Foley said.
He wasn't fast. didn‘t catch the

Forum All-l’ro Miami Dolphin ball well and his shoulders tended to
Tim Foley related experiences from separate. but he recognized this and
his football career to messages work8d t0impr0ve.he said,
about lite heture an audience of sev "I identified the deficiencies in my
t-ral hundredpeopleliist night athletic performance and tried to , .;

F010) leWdFt‘d 1" 7'3“ at the (K correct them. but in growing up. I l i “Drugs: Why not?“ and the Na-
\‘ewkman l'enter it: the third speaker never identified what kind of person . ' 2‘ _ tional Association for Campus Activ-
in He llistmwnswt Speakers Se l'dwanttobe."Foleysaid. :' ,. 5 ities Campus Entertainment Awards , . . .

m“ There is a misconception among _‘ ’ show are being broadcast by the "‘2‘: industries. a press release relcgsed Just to speak for the pro

lle captured the audience early youth that as we grow older. we au- ‘ College Satellite Network to more sais m of the 0 le ex cted to g a i .. .
uith football stories and anecdotes. tomaticallv acquire the characteris- than 500 college Campuses across oke J h 3;”? fir)?“ rl , of At 4130 several political figures
“out then became serious as he ad- llt'S that we lack to become ideal the United States. Canada and Puer- spea. are 0 n ms. 0 e 3 will be speaking about Congress ac-

. . . . . TIM FOLEY - the 60s rock group the Mamas and - l . _
dressed the role Ill inspiration and peOple.hesald. tORlCO, . complishments and prob ems COD
t m i it" iv g . . _ the Papas. actress Sarah Jessma cerningdrugs.

-“ ‘” “~‘ 1 i 1““ “”“r This need to identify our goals 15 Miami coach Don Shula came to Gil Schrage. chairman of Student Parker and Dr. Timothy Leary. a

.liist d5 athletes identity and im» important and is one of the reasons the Dolphins and taught them to Activities Television, said the pro- drugguruin the ‘60s Sen. William Roth, Who serve“ 0"
proi e tllt‘ll‘ weaknesses. so should the Dolphins were so successful in gram is being brought to campus to Athletes will discuss drugs and the subcommittee on health. Rep.
pimple iii gent-ml identify their goals the early 1970s.he said. See FOOTBALL. l’agc‘l help students become more aware of drug testing in the second portion Of $06 BROMX'A‘I. l‘um' ‘

U.S. teen raised in Soviet Union _fji f1? Gates says he’d rather
to talk at UK about life experiences magnum.“ not conceal information

ashotltlheNCAAtowm- .. .. . . . . .
By K \RI~:\' pullilps gmw up in the Soviet Union and with someone our age and a student ment. SOOSPORTQ. Page 2. Ksfirg‘ggs'“ '0‘me $135.5: ”wagging" 1323:2232:
sum \trllf‘l‘ about the changes taking place there from the Soviet Union who is still a Contra rebels
and how that might increase the US. citizen." said Susan Brothers. WASHINGTON _ Robert M Gates a 43-year-old career CIA

(muting up in the Soyiet l'nion chances of a peaceful coexistence anSGAsenatorat large. Gates the professional intelligence analyst'was nominated this month
l-I\er wonder whatitwouldbelike" between the United States and the “With his ability to be able to 80 K" m, . UK We officer noininated to run the CIA to replace William J Casey who re-

Andre ltzinilenkn. a t' S citizen SoyietL'nion."Brunner said. back and forth between the two W m“ on It ”mi. testified yesterday he would consid: tired at 73 after surgery {0" a can-
l'ahf‘d in the SOHO! l'nion. Wlll be “It's not a speech , more an in- countries. he should have a really llll iii "1. m M! B "- er resigning if ordered by the White cerousbrain tumor
spetiklng at l‘K about his life there formal talk to give people a chance unique way of looking at things." _ House to conceal a covert operation The nominee who would become
to try and give some input for better for discussion."he said. Brothers said. “He’s supposed to be “9- F“ It W 800 m- from Congress for more than a few the oungost person and the third
understanding Soviet society. said Danilenko‘s mother. Paula Garb. afantastic publicspeaker." WJ’IQOB. days carezr professional ever to head the
lance iirllnm‘r. an associate profes- agrees that he will be able to offer Brunner first met Danilenko in . ' . CIA repeatedly promised to revive
\f)!‘ of music in l’k‘. who arranged unique insight into a Soviet-Amen» Moscow while on a citizens diplo “”5 also told "‘9 Senate. lntellt- a relationship of candor and trust
for lianilenko s VlSll can comparison. “By working at the macy trip. genceCommittee that CIA mVOIVC' with the ionll commitees

lianilenko. a 19 yearhld student of American Embassy in Moscow.“ . . . ment In the secret plan to sell arms “"3”",

Danllmko IS Smln‘ at UK to to Iran‘s molutlmary cowl-“man mtmmm‘smwmk

’ligliiirg r'lnii$(‘2rit;nl;:iil‘he“tit/i: gsgnggrb‘lheawtzspegrgfwgrdwe: 39“" ‘3 "9 "We" ‘0 San Francisco . l . l I. I l i it I V i it was “a unique activity that we are Gate untitled that while the CIA
labout ‘ lirunncr‘said He then emi- da in aridda out " n8 to live With his 8”“de fu' a undetermined not [0 repeat." had been I.“ Wiflntlll orders
" ‘ y y ' while. anner said. “He's taking a But Gates said he would have not to tell CW about the secret

grated with his mother. a I' S citi- The Student Government Associa- . . . ,.
Ien who married a Russian citizen. tion is sponsoring Danilenko's visit little breather from his education. been irresponsible had he relied on cult-ct: with Inn. tin m was

tnlheSovtetIininn to UK and paid about $645 for his Danilenko will speak in the Stu- what hesaid was the “flimsy" infor- ”fume“-
He will he (Iblf‘ to give an absolur travel expenses. dent Center Theater at 7:30 p m mation available to him early last Fir mmfle. he slid CIA agent:
tr-ly unique new of what it's like to “It should be fascinating to speak Thursday. October to infirm m about keGAmMS









 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL, Wednesday. February 18, 1987

S 0

Final season games
vital for Wildcats’
postseason hopes

Sports Editor

’No are in for sure.

The remaining eight. however are

At least that's what Kentucky
coach Eddie Sutton said yesterday
referring to the number of South
eastern Conference teams the NCAA
selection committee will pick for
this year‘s tournament.

The two automatics Alabama
and Florida —— have, for the most
part, earned spots in the 64-team

Alabama is cruising through its
season and should capture the SEC
crown, The Tide has already racked
up a 19-4 overall record 7— 12-2 in the
SEC ~— and currently anchors the
No. 12 spot in the Associated Press

Alabama has four conference
games remaining (three at home).
while Florida, which closes out its
regular season at Alabama. has
three remaining SEC road games.

The Gators earned victory No. 20
with their 74-56 thrashing of the
Wildcats on Saturday, marking only
the second time a Florida team has
reached the 20—win plateau.

And 20 wins, by most coaches'
standards. earns a free ticket to the

NCAA‘s festivities at the end of the

Florida, AP's 18th-ranked team, is
a half game behind the Tide with a
12-3 SEC slate.

The remaining eight conference
schools. however, will battle it out
during the next two weeks and in the
conference tournament in hopes of
being one of the chosen few.

Sutton. whose Wildcat team is
right in the thick of the fight, said it
is a wide open race.

“The balance of the SEC, once you
get past the first two teams, has
been a surprise,“ he said at yester-
day‘s weekly press conference. “If
you look past Alabama and Florida.
those other teams are about the

"That‘s why the coaches have
been stressing on the players why
these next two weeks are so impor»

Georgia and Kentucky are cur-
rently tied for third place in the con-
ference with 843 marks. Kentucky is
15": overall. while Georgia stands at

And the Wildcats, losers to the
Bulldogs in Freedom Hall back in
December. still have a trip to
Athens on the itinerary.

Georgia. along with Auburn and

v" >

Staff Writer

Things are finally beginning to
lighten up for the Lady Kats.

After a grueling part of their
Southeastern Conference schedule
that saw the Kats drop three of eight
games, Coach Terry Hall said her
13-9 team is ready for a breather.

But it‘s getting late in the season,
and with the SEC race lost, UK’s re-
maining four regular-season games
are vital if the Kats are to receive a
bid to the NCAA tournament.

Hall said she thinks her squad lS
finally coming around, especially
after an 83-76 triumph over the Flor-

‘ ida Lady Gators.


Mississippi, is a team Sutton said
should make the NCAA bill.

Auburn and Mississippi are a
game behind the Wildcats with 7-7
SEC records and identical 14-9 over-
all marks.

And waiting close behind is Van-
derbilt, the Wildcats‘ next opponent
at home tomorrow night. C.M. New-
ton’s Commodores, even though they
are 5-9 in the conference, pose a
threat to any team in the confer-
ence, Sutton said.

The Kentucky coach said he hoped
that his team could go to the SEC
tournament on March 5 with 18 vic-
tories to ensure a better chance of
reaching the NCAA tourney. The
Wildcats have five more regular-
season games, four of which are
conference ga mes.

“I hope that we stay on a roll like
we are,” Hall said, “because we’re
gaining momentum."

And tonight may be a golden op-
portunity for the Kats when they
travel to the Queen City to play the
Cincinnati Lady Bearcats.

With a dismal 4-19 record, Laurier
Pirtle’s squad has experienced any-
thing but prosperity this year.

The Lady Bearcats haven’t won a
game since since Jan. 28 when they

Lady Kats take on injured Bearcats


“I hope that we stay on
a roll like we are,
because we’re gaining
Terry Hall,
Lady Kat coach

trounced cross-town rival Xavier
University 73-53.

Since then, UC has dropped its
last five games, including a 94-56 hu-
milation at the hands of Western
Kentucky University.

Things began optimistically
enough this year for the Lady Bear-

With three starters returning from
a 17-13 team that finished second in
the Metro Conference, the rookie
coach had high expectations for her

But then two of this year's hope-
fuls were declared academically in-
eligible and another was lost for the
season when she sustained a stress
fracture in her leg early in the year.

And now freshman guard 'I‘reza

UK tickets still available

Staff reports

Only 1,000 tickets are available to
students for tomorrow night’s bas-
ketball game against Vanderbilt.

Today, the remaining tickets will
go on sale to the general public. and

Yankees lose to Mattingly in arbitration

Associate Press

NEW YORK —— Don Mattingly of
the New York Yankees yesterday
became the highest-paid player pro
duced by 13 years of salary arbitra-
tion, winning a one-year contract
worth $1,975,000.

That surpassed the $1,850,000 con-
tract won last Friday by pitcher
Jack Morris of the Detroit Tigers.

Mattingly, however, trails Jim
Rice of the Boston Red Sox. Eddie
Murray of the Baltimore Orioles and
Mike Schmidt of the Ptu'ladelphia

Phillies. who are believed to make
more than $2 million a year.

The Yankees had offered Matting-
ly $17 million. Arbitrator Arvid An-
derson heard the case Monday in
New York and, restricted to picking
either the figure offered by Matting-
ly or the Yankees, chose the larger

Decisrons also were reached yes-
terday on two other arbitration
cases heard the day before. Both
players — outfielder Kevin McRey-
nolds of the New York Mets and
pitcher Danny Cox of St, Louis -—

0f the 19 cases resolved thus far,
management has won 12.

Mattingly and his agent, Jim Kri-
vacs of Clearwater, Fla., had been
trying to negotiate a long-term deal
with Yankees owner George Stein-
brenner, who offered a two-year
contract reportedly worth $3.5 mil-
lion. Krivacs and Mattingly rejected
the offer and decided to go through

“There were no darts thrown from
their side to us, or from our side to
them during the negotiations," Kri-
vacs said.

Mattingly settled on the 51.975.000
figure as an apparent appeasement

to Steinbrenner, who said he would
refuse to make any new deals worth
$2 million per year.

“I'm very happy and very pleased
with the decision,” Mattingly said
through Krivacs.“l‘m happy that
it’s over.“

Mattingly won a Gold Glove at
first base last year and batted .352
with 113 RBI and 31 homers. He set
club records with 238 hits and 53
doubles. In 1985, Mattingly hit .324
with 35 homers and an"'mnericarr

League-leading 145 RBI: lie-won the.

AL batting title in 1984, hitting .343.

Ron Allen, director of student athlet-
ic admissions, said the 1,000 tickets
will sell quickly.

Guest tickets are $6 each and can
be picked up at Memorial Coliseum
today between9a.m.and4p.m.

Andy Dumetort
Sports Editor

Sweat looks like she will be the
fourth Lady Bearcat forced to sit out
because of an aggravated achilles

Offensively, UC is basically a one-
player team.

Leading the Lady Bearcats is se-
nior Jane End who is averaging 16.1
points per contmt. The 5-foot-6
guard is only 17 points away from
hitting the 1,000point plateau.

The only other UC player in dou-
ble digits is junior forward Gina Wil-
liams with an 11.6 average. Wil-
liams‘ counterpart under the basket.
Michelle Melzoni, is contributing 6.7
points a game.

Tonight’s game should present an
interesting contrast of styles with
Cincinnati's pattern-oriented offense
against UK’s transition game.

The one thing Hall said she hopes
her team can do the rest of the sea-
son is build its confidence level back
to the point where it was in Decem-
ber — when the Lady Kats at one
point owned a perfect record — and
receive an NCAA bid.

“If we can get our confidence
level back up to where’it could be,"
she said, “I think we‘re going to be
a competitive team."

to students

Allen said that 1,500 tickets to both
the Ole Miss game on Feb. 28 and
the Oklahoma contest on March 1
will be on sale to students only.

Students need a validated ID and
activity card to pick up tickets.





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 Kentucky National Guardsmen
assist stranded dairy farmers

The Associated Press

National Guardsmen were called
out yesterday to help dairy farmers
stranded without electricity in south
central Kentucky, where freezing
rain followed by snow felled utility
lines and trees and left at least 8,000
customers without power.

Snow spread across most sections
of the state during the afternoon,
and the National Weather service
predicted accumulations of up to 3
inches by today. when the snow is
supposed to end and temperatures
rise to the mid-30s everywhere but
eastern Kentucky.

"ltoads already covered by ice
from Monday's ice storm will dete-
riorate even more overnight as they
become snow covered," the weather
service said

Lt. (iov. Steve Beshear sent 15
guardsmen with seven generators to
Hart (‘ounty and 21 guardsmen with
to generators to Grayson County so
farmers could milk their cows, said
Don Armstrong, a spokesman for
the state Disaster and Emergency
Services. Beshear was acting in the
absence of Gov. Martha Layne Col-
lins who 1S in Japan.

There are 17 more farms without
electricrty. “but they'll just go from
one to another, " Armstrong said.

Judge—Executive Vince Lang is


“The roads look clear and passable, but they're

not clear and passable.”

sued a declaration of emergency for
Hart County, where 4,000 customers
had no power and were not expected
to get it back until close to the end
of the week.

“It doesn't look like it‘s improving
a whole lot,“ Lang said. The county
had set up 10 shelters in schools,
churches, community centers and
fire stations.

Electric company and road crews
tried to clear downed power lines
and trees that were preventing safe
passage by emergency vehicles but
were having little success.

About 4,000 customers had no
power in Grayson and Edmonson

The snow that followed the sleet
and smothered roads already glazed
with ice also kept schools closed,
work hours staggered and shovels in
demand for a second day.

“It‘s just real nasty out there.
We've got wrecks everywhere." said
a dispatcher at Kentucky State Po-



( niz'unitul llUIlI l’auc l

think with a “child—like faith“
that they were going to the Super
Bowl He cut a lot of older. more
talented players who lacked ex-
citement and the desire to im-
prove and "kept the young play-
ers who were naive enough to
believe in him," Foley said.

Shula‘s success comes from his
“ability to communicate and or-
ganize." he said Foley stressed
this same communication as the
key to living.

‘tiur commissron as believers
is to be someone in somebody
else's life.” he said. There are
people who pass and ignore each
other. especially on the streets
and til the halls of universities. he
said. But “this reaching out and
saying hello a people need that."

"It‘s important for us to realize
how many people we have the op-
portunity to touch," Foley said.

“I need a source of power and

source of strength to help me be
the person I want to be," Foley
said. Inspiration from other peo-
ple (and his faith) has served

The strongest people grow from
unexpected things in their lives.
he said. “It seems like from the
most devastating defeats come
the greatest things." Foley said.
“I haven't done much growing
when things were going good," he

During Foley's career. injuries
played a major role.

“What I did best for 11 years
was to get hurt. I knew all the
nuns at St. Mercy (Hospital) on a
first—name basis,” Foley said. He
was hurt seven times in 11 years.

Foley talked often about his
Catholic upbringing and his life
as an adopted child.






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377 S. Limestone


Mon.-Sat.11-9 Sun. 12-9

Kentucky State Police

lice headquarters in Frankfort.
“The roads look clear and passable,
but they’re not clear and passable.
We don‘t tell people where they
shouldn‘t drive, but sometimes I
wish we could

Jefferson County police closed a
section of a freeway in the south-
wast part of the county after a gaso-
line tanker skidded, overturned and
dumped about 25,000 gallons of gas
in the median.

Hazardous material response
teams built an earthen dam to con-
fine the leaded gasoline in the ditch-
like median until it could be pumped
into another tanker, said police
spokesman Bob Yates.

Morning commuters in many cit-
ies had a brief respite from the skat-
ing rink roads of Monday, after
highway crews had a chance to
catch up with their sanding and

“It's been pretty quiet today. We
had all the accidents we could han—

dle last night," said dispatcher John
Nixon at the Richmond state police

But by the time the commuters
got to work, they could see the snow
fall from their office windows.

“We're not out of the woods yet,"
said meteorologist Robert Klein of
the weather service‘s Louisville of-

About 40 county and independent
school districts remained closed yes-
terday, and state employees were
asked to report to their capital of-
fices in Frankfort at two different
times and let out 15 to 20 minutes

”This is the first rush we've had
for rock salt," said David Lawrence.
office manager of Bellevue Home
Improvement Center, which sold 60
80-pound bags on Monday.

The slick roads were blamed for
one fatal accident, in which a John-
son County woman died Monday.

The weather service said the
storm center producing the wintery
weather will move out of the state
tonight and by tomorrow. Kentucki~
ans can look forward to high pres-
sure building into the state with
warmer temperatures.

Shiite battle for control
of west Beirut continues

Associated Press

BEIRUT. Lebanon - Shiites
fought an alliance of Druse and
communist gunmen for the third day
yesterday in a battle for control of
Moslem west Beirut that has caused
scores of casualties and set whole
neighborhoods ablaze.

Police said at least 24 people were
killed and 125 wounded yesterday in
west Beirut‘s fiercest factional
struggle for three years. They said
the toll was at least 30 dead and 150
wounded since the fighting began

Dozens of fires raged in rosi-
dential districts because the inten-
sity of battle kept fire engines from
getting through. Several apartment
buildings were burned and scores of
cars destroyed by gunfire and rock-
et-propelled grenades.

Grenade explosions and bursts of
fire from heavy machine guns shook
the city all day. Thousands of fami~

lies took refuge in basements and
bomb shelters.

Syria backs all the factions in-
volved. In theory they are allied in
the 12-year-old civil war with Leb-
anon's Christians, but they periodi‘
cally fight each other for domination
of the capital‘s Moslem sector.

The pro-Moscow communists have
crossed swords with the main Shiite
militia Amal since the 1982 Israeli
invasion, when the Shiites began
moving in on the communist power
base in south Lebanon

Last year, the communists joined
Walid Jumblatt‘s Druse militia. the
pro-Syrian Baath Party and Leb-
anon‘s leftist Syrian Social National—
ist Party in a new coalition called
the National Democratic Front.

Fighting in the streets halted ell
forts to locate Anglican Church
envoy Terry Waite, who has been
missing since leaving his hotel Jan.
20 to negotiate with Shiite kidnap-
pers for the freedom of two Ameri-
can hostages.

KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. Fobmlry 10, 1007 - 3



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4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, February 18, 1987




Television network

View 'Olnt


avoid responsibility
refusing to air ads

So the networks are worried about offensive advertise-
ments. That's understandable; after all if viewers are of-
fended, they won't buy the products and the networks Will

lose money.

But doesn‘t it stand to reason that if feminine hygiene
advertisements can be considered inoffensive enough to
run during just about every program on television, all
hours of the day and night, then just about anything can be

made inoffensive?

Well, if you‘re an NBC, CBS or ABC network represen-
tative, and the product being advertised is a condom — the

answer is no.

Last week the surgeon general, C. Everett Koop, told a
House of Representatives panel that he favors advertising
condoms on network television because the national health
threat posed by acquired immune deficiency syndrome

“overwhelms other considerations.


Koop has a point. The AIDS issue is a serious one.
There is no vaccine or cure for AIDS, and no one is known

to have recovered from it.

For the sake of public health, people need to be made
aware of the consequences of sexual activity. And what
better way to reach the majority of the American public

than through television?

The AIDS issue has become one of the hottest issues in
the news today, and in one way or another it has touched

just about everyone‘s lives.

The networks believe they

have a responsibility to their viewers to give them inoffen-
sive advertisements, but they also have a responsibility to
educate their viewers when possible.

While the networks have shoved the proposal to adver-
tise condoms aside, they have not put their foot down con-

cerning local stations.

WKYT is the only Lexington television station that has

Fran Stewart Cynthia A. P