xt7stq5rc16v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5rc16v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-05-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 06, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 06, 1985 1985 1985-05-06 2020 true xt7stq5rc16v section xt7stq5rc16v \
”“ as» ‘ _ " _ - : , ,_ amnesia ~ » .
‘m‘tp‘gfl ' V ‘ t‘ ' I "3 - ' ' i' . ‘ "V , - . . . if'é?:$駧' «:2 'tv';‘? .nj‘ 4} ‘ ' I ,if t ' m, M6, ‘m ..
Buildm burned 15 cars a o e” i ,
g of?" "if?“ “ . i' V " ' l
Students of different years face different issues, dean says i: , , - --
BySCO'I'l‘WARD ————————-———-——- _ £352.73 0:” L- . . ' z
- - . ins. . . . but histo records it the as .re W, ‘ ' »' ‘ ' ' _
Senior Staff Writer “T he students today don ’t have the same issues no'rc building W as a . . l '
Sudgenly. thehiaze of the students to Confront. . . . Students (m the ,605 and ’70.?) h He $103.5: (snaggg £?gshifi .5 ,3: i '- - ' - ' _ ',
turne towardt to o the Stud t - - . ‘ ‘w‘r’f ‘ 53:1"- V. -. . "
AY Center. A We firegufsmm g: werea lot less concerned about their economic bane; Armory was the mam no'rc .. . , .' . -. ._
gatersgéeafeing aomeflto believe the futures, “anengof the possible explanations . _ k f.-. . ' , 4 . .
u en en rwason re. . ~ . ~ ; g fist , , '.
Eventually, the students realized Joseph Bum" for the ‘9”an of the b‘flldmg- ’3" . .- , ,
it was the Air Force ROTC building Dean ofStudents 33:3!“ 53“: {as 05:“? "Th2? " ”1: . _ g , " ‘ ' _,
Which was aflame. MP“ "1" m — w en an l w - 19m- 8 ‘ ' .1 .- ,-
three or four directions trying to get 3:: a 13:43? grit-11$ 1::th (:2 -. . ., 23 7*”: - . t. ,
. :1": en" 100'! at What was happen. i‘gmtfid';ml%lfigegthe 8:8: Po- didn't know ”3ch why the stu- in difpf’esrent times tyried to burn them :L l ' l ‘ l ' .' i
a. " I In r «We dents decided to ther outside the - , ” - , ‘ .
d Thats how the Kentucky Kernel The students described in the arti- building, but “it 5333 sort of an ob dW’utfg’gfnf'gf the fire campus . a . i?” , ' I . 'V
. ”CNN? the May 5. 197° burnmq 0‘ cle were gathered around Buell Ar- vi l t' ' .. ' 33%?“ ~ . . ' . '
t the Euclid Avenue Classroom Build- . . . 0‘15 oca '0“ for their concern. protastors across the country were set asset.“ ,
. in _ 15 terda . M. the. “OTC building, In a Burch said the situation outside demanding the close of their univer- 315% g ‘33 - . ‘
spgcialedlfiaohs 880 Y” y '— m a standoff With local police. The stu- the armory “was tense for several sities as a symbolic gesture against 11;: ~ ‘ . . . . ‘.
As a result. of the . UK dents had gathered around the ,3!“ hours . . . (them all of a sudden that the Kent State shooting, (“there was A; Fife-F‘s; - ’ ,
President Otis A Singlebmm'm‘gba‘nned "my ““9? a PM!“ "“3"" "‘ Wm?“ other building went up in names." a lot of symbolism back then," fig fit -- . ‘
student meetings after 5 m Ma they carried four cofflm Swim" The CWWd — and the tension — diS- Burch said), but because the majori- "’ "is: is a ‘ , ‘ , ‘ -
6 the da after the f p. ." y "‘8 {our students lulled by National sipated as “everybody went over to ty of students wanted to take the fi- beams -. , , ‘
dents y ted M“: 2"}: Stu- Guardsmens bullets at Kent State watch." nals that were in process, among si§h§$§k . . . .
l’lOlB charges y va- UmDevenan ity theudaldeynbefore. Burch said he didn‘t know why the other reasons, UKdidn’tclose. -" s;- V’ . ‘ . . . ‘
bouie B Nunn the governor at the ddjmsc ls Joseph Burch Euclid Avenue building was WDOd, The students who were protesting . We” .. . _ _ "
time, said the violence would not be 3:0 3:: of tit: m 521:?!le b th’e3e égueer‘einlgwwasn't known that day (a few hundred out Of the A National Guardsman stands by as the Euclid gyehdehgl‘dgifgom - -
’ y s is as ROTC bmld' ”BURNED'W” Building burns to the ground 15 years ago yesterday. l .,
‘ Senate topic ‘ ' '
‘ Policy may change ' '
. . "'"x. to allow degrees ‘ _ '
,. ’fi we Senior Staff Writer , ~
$1.1)" , .. ' ' . :f" The University Senate Will discuss - l l
5 .4f ' '. " . ' ' , today whether faculty will be allowr '
‘ ' . .. ed to receive an advanced degree »
' R
f‘ t from UK. . .
. . ;..\ . ‘ f ’ Faculty members currently can—
: . i. ’ ._ .. ,, (A not obtain doctorates from UK. said
_ - ~ swam. ‘-‘- '3‘, n ' g' Bradley Canon, the chairmanelect .
' - ’_ "“ " , 1 .., _ v . rt J‘s‘i‘fm of the Senate. “This is a change that
' ‘ "‘1‘- 9' w .. hf“ , ”#7:?!" ‘4 an. .1 It“. sfffi.‘ would allow faculty to obtain a de«
“ . ' ‘ , .‘T' t -“.’.’« gree if it was not in the discipline ' _ '
. ‘ -"\ ' iinwhichheorshe)w'as teaching." ‘
. ' . Studying in other dismplines could
. . include studying in the same col:
; . " lege. but not in the same depart- ' '
m - ~ ' ment. Canon said. Because the rule
' / U is absolute, he said, people are den-
. z; - t ., * ,. ' t on .‘ \ led an opportunity to get a degree in ' . ' .
k .. .mf ' , ' ’r v - ‘ , .' , ‘. - atotally different field. - ‘ ‘ g
i ‘ ‘i 3 ‘51? A "any "4 » - l , 1W” .1 . " ,_ .\ .«- ; . .. _ i I ' { _ x - _r Senate Chairman Robert Bostrom .
' ‘ ’7 B it , t n 9 Y , '- N' ‘ ; "' ‘ " ”‘3' ‘ \. a. ' ' .$1*~ “;¢‘ " Mi- said the council has been studying , . I ‘
" V 7! ‘ ‘ a a ' ‘ l/ ,i’ 1' m on ' ‘ the proposal for about a year, The -
' 15 ‘—'—-. Southern Association of Universities. ’ ' 4 ,
'. ‘f ’3 at its last accreditation of L'K. rec- '. ,
3: , . O , . . i ’ ’ ~¢ - , t ommended that the University 1005- - ' ‘
’ l ” ' . " . , y . .. I, 2 U , ‘ -‘ - 2 i "l / ' ‘iL £1 t ‘ $9 en its policies on this issue, Bostrom : '
k ‘ ‘ b ' '0’.""\‘ "' ‘?’ "' % ‘0' ‘ * 'fl“" 9' Th 1 loll-rain ', . -~
. . - r , r a , ‘v y; -’ J , t y _ _ ‘ . , e proposa won a on at .
' ' ‘ii‘,{ ,4.)- ' s‘ f ' C . ’ Vi‘rfl :«é: 7“.» ‘ 5*? ‘ 3 . \ l r ulty to get doctorate degrees. but 3 _ ,
I. .i . ., ~r‘ K J. . . 1i ‘5 f . .V x .. ‘ .1 /“ . . v ‘ $ ~ would require a leave of absence ' . . ' ’
”C“ , ' ' ' _. ' y w. . ' , ’l , f "i .. ...«~- Y x. . ‘ ~ , ~ Q» - from the full-time faculty member. ‘ ' . g
h e i- ,i ‘ e- ‘ I f, h ‘ I ‘3‘ "If the faculty is doing this. they - .
é ‘ ' ' l‘ g i ":13:th ‘. . have to take a leave of absence for . g ' _ . _
v . a 3 ' fir « '93”? " ~ . , , twoyears,"Bostromsaid, . . .
. ' ,‘ ,7' y 216;} ,‘f if ‘ ,t A survey done by the Senate Coun- ‘ - . _ '
r ‘ , . . 3." ”it; A} cil showed that about 40 faculty . - -
1‘ ‘ l ‘ ‘l ’ a ' ‘ ym\ members at UK would be interested '
" l It. ‘. - ‘ , in advancing their education. 805- ‘ . . '
i A .~ ’ . g 4 s: h . "“v’f trom said, But, he said. the number '
l, \ _. p L of faculty members interested may ‘ . V,
a " " ‘ m belarger than the survey showed. ’ . '
“We have to think of getting fac- . '
The buCR Stops here "Minn”, m ” ulty retraining.” Bostrom said. “It ~
, _ _ ‘ _ ’ "m "’ gives the whole UniverSlty more . . t .
Ansel Corgiero Jr. pomts at. the Winners board after ndmg Spend A Buck lengths. The winning time of 2:00 1-5 was the third fastest in the Derby‘s flexibility." _ ' x ' V
to Victory in the 111th running of the Kentucky Derby. Spend A Buck led history. If the Senate approves the prom _
the race from wire-towire, outdistancing 12 other horses to win by 5% sal. it will thenbepresented to Pres- '
ident Otis A. Singletary who will . '
. ’ . . . present it to the Board of Trustees. _
The Senate also will be discussing . .
Lexmgton s -\ American Buildm -
\ sion policy. Bostrom said. if one col- .
h e f ‘N . lege suspends a student. the student - . ‘
t may still be eligible for another col- ,
0 01°95 0" >« to house re 1strar ems
. i I pended from theUniversity. hesaid.
t l n st l , The meeting will be held at 3 pm. .
S y l g V” "’ through finals week '°°"‘“
”we" “pm“ i 1 ’ K m '
are confldamwm .- t \ Faculty quickness and cooperation
ByANNl-Z‘I'I'ESMIHI ) , ° ' ' ' ' would. Peril. the m
a m _ j \ key to grade distribution, offiCial says a
a CYN'nii/taritmmo Th' ' ' t ‘ m m u h' 'l 3
Your latest attempt at “mm" \ /' StyaffWriter '8 '8 a” ”'5'“. “me °f "‘e y?” . “meow—H eee
hai h” fixed this - w- / / and the registrars office realizes
your r really it ‘ 9 l ,/ that everybody has quite a bit to do. n‘
. time. Your bang are cram and , ’ 7 ‘ Before they turn in their grades she said. “The faculty responded . ‘
femur ‘W W "'9 ‘9 ,_. -- «_ .-«~- 2r "gum“ "emu-elm M t beautifully in December. If the fac- "in-l. A: mama-am“:
. ~— . ve a 't ng. ultydoeswhatit‘ssupposedtodob - '
Ammulna'dermitthmm J9,” l a ., UndietieutMemorileome thedendiine.weoondoourlzert.X «Whflm
'kmdmmhh ”a,” t‘\_. 1,, registrar’s office, the place where McQuilkinsaid. can h we ale- new In
qu-Wchmedoyw 1% mmwmmhemtsd MymdaM‘mem mun-t. H“. a.
dm~ " ‘- ‘ American 8‘ . formerly ‘ my
cud" the follow!!! 9““ 5“ “ya—13' \ the American “In: a W I ' _ mint be procaaed manually, thus 7‘ .. .. ( ,
{mmwtbephoneendm— o " 'mebilldlnetsmsoumu ““Wb'mmeeepydsnde‘
inc-how. . momma-me. m home the South 0 fl cent to mm. The only way stu- WEATHER
mam.mkeeintbceil thuemattabenk-ln m. Weidr'fa-anammcanbe Bolivar-W. mngnflwx?dauby
mmmd-ytomhmllr whammmmdvmmulmmmmhn Monsieur-emotions m ”5" ‘ “"W- - .
mmflmen-mmat toe-n. memm. mmh‘lmandflargeyflcqlfl- “Graducanriotbe released over a “hug”...
hatefuihyebdereew Salemthetdonettaheappelnt- Pdceremereenethermlder- un.m¢mdmtm.ald unplanamdentscanonlybetold ‘ “W...-
eventandthlrtebeuthwmuchm Munbeueetifymwentto anon. evu'yene'ejebwillbeeulerifthe whetherornottheir grads have ‘?'~;-- ' 'W‘““
mwilflmtolvd- gunman-mums. A m. cut end etyle can albuminmm.“lfln- bemuniedln.“McQuilkenuid. E‘ "* ynhhfltu
mmwflmm Wtheweltfa'thetcut mmmustmm- mwmdeelnmume.“ Gredeewlllbemailedtosmdents film” “a!”
mammm:m uhwmmmwhnmotnumyatmw commandment-ammo Maytaucqmndnaldtnmripertm at.
a" "1‘" W» “l" M seen-rummage? mm." Summanmuev Hmfia‘nz i . - _ .
' t

 z-Irmvxm My, “rd. 1“
information on this calendar of events is collected
Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the
onocampus sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed
for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on
the calendar, a Campus Calendar form must be filled
, out and returned to the Student Activities Office. _ .- .
Dssdiine: Forms will be Wed no later then the Mondsy prscccdin‘ ihc pubiicsiion date.
' Exhibitions: Figures from Rodin's 'Gates of Hell'; CFA OAcodemics: Final Examinations ' Academics: Final Examinations 'AWdOW‘l“? Final EWMlM'lW‘" _ _ .
ArtMuseum; 12-5 T-Sun: Call7-5716 0 Academics: Study Room 104 King Library is open til 2 I Academics: Study Room 104 King Library is open til 2 ' ACOdOMlCfl S'UdY ROW" ‘0‘ K109 me'y '5 0P9" "' 2
' Academics: Final Examinations AM during finals AM during finals AM during ""0"
' Academics: Study Room 104 King Library is open til 2
‘ AM during finals
' Academics College of Nursing Graduation and
Reception SC Worsham Theatre. l:Wp.m.. Callmvm
0 Academics Business I Economics Commencement
Reception. SC Ballroom 11:“) o.m., Call 71654
0 Films Film-Rodin: ‘The Gates of Hell': CPA-Art Museum: 2:00 pm: Call 7»
OAcademics: Final Examinations 5716 . I Films: Film-Rodin: 'The Gates of Hell'; CPA-Art Mu- ° EXhlbillOM: Figures from Rodin's 'Gates of Hell'; CFA
' Academics: End of 1985 Spring Semester ;‘Em&'mm cmm' W‘ s: 0'“ ”mm; 610° seum: 2:00 p.m.: Call 7-5716 Art Museum; 12—5 T-Sun: Call 75716
. Academics; LOX, Community College Commencement 0. Academics: College of Ius. I Econ, Commencement Exercises-invitation
, Exercises - Free; Center for the Arts; 72M PM; Call 7—3145 only. Centerfor theArts;10:Wa.m.:CallT-3145
' Academics: Air Force ROTC Commissioning Ceremony; 12":‘°“°"c':l"7g‘:"';9‘ °' W" GMW'W‘ c"""°"" “m" l°' "" A’"
. m. ,
STU. C". Tm'rel 1hmAM ‘ Atademics: College of Education Graduation Ceremony. Center for the
0 Academics: Air Force ROTC Commissioning Reception; Arts,2-Mp.m..Ca::7»3145
214 Student Center: 12 Noon 0 Academics College of Dentistry Convocation and Reception Center for
0 Academics: College of Library 8 information Science "'1 ”"ib'ogpm‘cwmusi i .
Awards Banquet; Spindletop Hall: 6111 PM W mz'izoicio:m 3;" “ mam PM." on" cwmwmm' came
0 Academics: Army ROTC Commissioning Ceremony; - Academics College of Allied Health Professions, Reception: as. Good»
Memorial Hall; 7:(X) p.m, ”“1” ”’°°°_-"‘- u t . M
' Academics: Army ROTC Commissioning Reception: 230 mo,,:fm?‘:§'~f;* o “om. k" comm”. cum"
Student Center; 8:00pm. - Academics College of Home Economics. Reception; Erikson Hall: 1:30
» 0 Academics: National Alumni Association, Hall of Dis- 9'“ _ ,
tinguished Alumin Dinner; Hyatt Regency Hotel; 7:00 pm, Th;tAv:ml-.£:ncouq' 04 Nursing, Commencement (many, Warsham
I Academics, College of Nursing, Reception; no Student Center; 2:“) pm.
0 Acodemics- College of Fine Arts, Reception; CFA Reception loom; izw
I,‘TAcodemics College of Engineering, Commencement Ceremony: Memorial
f1 ":1,” .m.
L 6. Acade‘mics' College of Engineering, Reception; Anderson Hall
0 Academics: CollegeofArchltecture, leception; 207 Pence Hall; 1:31pm.
' Academics: College of Arts and Sciences, Reception: King Alumni House. .
i-ao . .
O :cTsdemics. College of Communications, Reception. 206 Student Center:
no ,
' zzrdemics Graduate School. Reception. 10th Floor P.O.1’., 1:30pm.
0 Academics Honors Program Reception. Gaines Humanities Center, 226 E.
Maxwell, 1 Mo m
g ' Academms College of Social Work, Reception, President‘s Room, 714 Stu-
dentCenter l'pr‘Vt
0 Acodemucs Graduation Academic Procession forms on Avenue of Chain.
' plans 3 31am.
‘ . 0 Academics 110th Annual Commencement Ceremony, Memorial Coliseum.
l 4'mp m
. " ' 5/14: Dr. Wiginton: 'Molecular Biology..Human Adenosine Deaminase Gene I
f ' COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES “I. d. M ”5 “ mRNA’/MedicalCtr.;4:m p.rn.
fl: Campus n r_ I - 5/15: KY Extension Homemakers Assoc. Annual Meeting-registration; S5; Cen-
GENERAL 'NFORMATION tor for the Arts; Noon-11 p.m.: Coll 7-3145
. The Student Activities offices is preparing their Campus Col- 5’”? liniigmelzn Nwmkzflum Annual Meeting-registration; SS; Cen-
- . . endar for the 1965-86 School ear. If ou wish to include our "' °' ‘i '"‘" p.m.: ‘3 '
. " The Commencen’iem Ceremony ‘Wlll begin at 4:00 p.m., Saturday, May department or organization's arents anythe calendar please chm- 5/17: KY Extension Homemakers Assoc. Annual Meeting-registration; S5; Cen-
_ H and Will be held 'n Memorial Coliseum. plate the attached form and return it to Rm. 203 Student Center ter fW'h'A'”? 8°-'“"~°°"1 C°" 7'31‘5
- assoonas possible. 5/17: School of the Lexington Ballet: 1905 Class Demostration: Center for the
‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ ' Should ou need additional calendar forms, please feel free to A'”? 7“nib-"Li C°" 7‘3‘“ ’
.The Academic Processmn .WIll be form on me AVENUE Of ChomPtons. make copies of the attached or picli up additional forms in our 5/17: Strategies for Career Sucess: free mini-conference; 230 Student Center;
. directly in front of the Coliseum at 3:30 p.m. Graduates are to form ' . - 8:300.m.-12:30p.m {0117-3383
’ . . . . . , , office. We will also accept typewritten lists, brochures, or flyers . .. .
, under signs deSIgnating the candidates colleges or under additional Wm, compiflumomafiom 5/18 I 5/19: Film-Rodin: The Gates of Hell; CFA-Art Museum: 2:00 p.m.: Coll
. . g- . signs designating doctoral, master and professional degree candidates. Information submitted prior to May is will be included in a 7'57“ . .
‘ a ‘ published calendar book which will be sold in m. University 5/19: College of MediCine Graduation Ceremony I Reception; Center for the
‘ ' In case of rain the rec 5 ion 'II t rm 'n th 'd d M'm" Am; 2:00 pm". Cain-3145
; ' f h I" P e 5 . W' 3| ' 9 com 0" a". con‘ if you wish ,0 have your events published in the Kentucky 5/25 I 5/26: Film-Rodin: The Gates of Hell'; CFA‘Art Museum; 2:“) p.m.: Call
‘ courses a t 9 Co iseum. instructions Wl be posted at the main en- Ki H” hr m. Fall 1985 or Spring ,9“ “my", a '0',“ mm, b. 7-5716 ,
. trance. filled W, theMonday prior ,0 m. publication do... 5/26: Fayette Academy of Young Musicians: Judy Vasek, Director; Center for
‘ ' if we can be of any additional assistance,” please contact Lindi ”'0 AF”; 31‘” p.m.: Call7-314S
‘ . * Academic apparel is required of participants and may be obtained Lo"ll °'7'°°°7~ "W'l‘ Y°°l°' Y°“' ‘°°P"°"°"~
. . . from the University Book Store. Caps and gowns will be available be-
' tween the hours of 9:00 am. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday,
. ‘ ’« ' beginning April 15 and continuing until commencement day.
. ‘ [ Cap and Gown Purchase] Rental and Deposits:
' 'y . Iachelor's $101! purchase price, no deposit
' Master's .015 rental fee. $25.00 deposit
Doctoral 391! rental fee, $25.00 deposit
. . " Students graduating with honors (GPA 3.4 or above) are eligible to
. - ' wear a white citation cord. Participants in the Honors Program are eligi- CAMPUS ACTIVITIES CALENDAR
ble to wear a blue and white citation cord. The cards are available at ‘
. ”‘19 UanOFSlly Book 5101’. for 80'. (”.W) or rental With a $5.“) dCPOSlT. Mum TE'b: eeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeseseeseesseeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeseeeeeeseseeeeeee l
' ' The Book Store will be open to receive academic apparel on gradua- (pleasetieiityeerinternietieeteucherecters) 3
. 'ion daY' May 1" 'rom Iozm a'm’hto 6:m p""' A" 'r.ntd acod.mk up. m'.j“'nn': .0.0.CC.I.C..0.0000IIOO0......CCICOCOOOUUIOOCOOOOOOO"M: 0.......00....0..I.00....0.0.0'OOCOOOOCOUOOCOCCIOUUC ‘
" par.| mus. b. r.'urn“ no '0'.r. on May .17 or a 0'. f” 0‘ ‘5‘” Wi'l W'" omn'ut'on/MNM': .IOOOOOCOCOOOII..0...O.-OOI...I.00.....DIO....O.C.IOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOIOCUOCO ‘
be charged. Persons not returning academic apparel by May 17 Will be , . l
l ' ' ' ' m"” (.m.). O...O...'C..0...00......I00.......ICCOQCCCIIOOIQOUM. C....COOICI......OI.”......I0.0.00....OCOOOOOO...
declared delinquent in the Registrar s Office.
I . 1110'. are no admission ”CRO'S. COMMCHCOMOHT l3 (Tu and OP." '0 ‘hm'ofl "I“: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeseeeeeeAn'hb'. .': eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeee 1
friends, family and the public. Note to the Coordinator (Special Instructions): l
. F “wic. '0' comm.nc.m.n' Day wil' con’i" of m. f°|'°wing: a’I 0......OO..0.IO.'0'...CC.00....I...IOOOOOOOOOOOO...CUO..OCOCO...U0.00....IOOCOOOOCOOCOOCC.............IO...IOOOIOOOCI...’.......'C.'.. 1
urdoy. IR 1" s,” I , cm'.r Cd.'.fla wi" b. op." from I':x °.m. '0 O0......0..0.00.0..0.00.000..G.C.O0..OCI.C0.0...QO.I.0.UU.0...O.IU.00...O...‘........I...OOOOIOOIOCCCCUCUOOC'0... }
l :30 p.m.
"can: Please complete the entire form. incomplete information may not he printed in the calendar. ‘
' rega mmenc ment ma be irected t th -
"13::323'Coordlhdairg’ézl hon:257-3726)y d o . cm i” " ”“ ""'"" ""' "m "' M ”W" "‘° ""° " V" """ " m " m‘ " W " """°"
.9 ' “MMHMWW'anghmJ'Th-iyeehmmflee.)
I . x

Spend A B k aptures Cl‘OWIl 'n 111"] D b  
By ANDYDUMS‘I‘ORF The big question that looms in 2-5 in 1973. and Northern Dancer. Keeneland, worked a half mile on a Laurin. who watched from the 1-16 only juvenile Eclipse Award winner
SportsEditor front of Dennis Diaz, Spend A 2:00 in 1964. The colt’s times after sloppy Chuchill Downs track pole, said he kept thinking “Help?" even to make it to post since then
Bucks’ owner. however. is whether the first six furlongs. 1:09 35, and Wednesday inz4735. as the winner maintained a six- was Rockhill Native. who finished
LOUISVILLE — Spend A Biick to run the horse in the Freshness, 1:34 4-5 at the mile were the fastest Roger Laurin, Chief‘s Crown’s length lead down the backside and fifth in 1900. ,
WIS unchallenged 83 he “'0'“. WW the second leg of the Triple Crown, recordedintheDerby. trainer. said he was satisfied with intothesecondturn. l the 1 De rb . the f . ' ,
mm to win the 111th ninmns of or the Jersey Derby on May 27 at Asked what he thought Spend A the workout and that it wasn't a “The f. . h M I ha '.‘ h: 3' ‘u't.““"85vf. . h; -
the Kentucky Derby Saturday, tak- GardenStatePark. Buck, pticiiased for $12,500, was time trial. “It (the workout) was MT“ 1;“. "i: t :11 ”no”; S.“'°" 13d 3:: "3‘5 '
ing home the winner's purse 0‘ The J Derb ould b - worth after the Derby victory. Diaz just a matter of seeing if he could expec‘ ‘ “n" 53' ‘ ls sec 26 times a ‘0 times. .,
ersey y w ring . _ u ,, ,, . . . . (Chiefs Crown: best races are his The crowds cho1ce has won only '
“(5,800. k ‘ll' but the said. Worth. Who knows. Fifteen handle the race track just in case it . . ~ . . . .
Spend A Buc $2.6 mi ion. . or$20million He beata horse worth does come it that wa (slo ) Sat- Winning races . . . If he would have five of the last 13 Derbies. starting - '
my“ lengths distance that 5393' horset ’s mnhdll‘ll'lue' gadgumted $20 million .. ' urday." p y ppy (run a good onei, he would have with 1973 winner Secretariat. who is . ,. '{
rated Spend A Buck from Stephen's highlis'g‘fiinionlifnthe colt mat: Chief's Crown, the Derby favorite The sky, however. was clear, and won. Clh‘ef s humans}. 2"?" e1 Fifth ' , *1 _
Odyssey earned the 3-year?“ colt winuwmple Crown who finished third. has been syndi- the temperature was in the high 705 Chief‘s Crown went off at $1.20 to P3?“ fy . 1933 ‘ “$536195; ' - V .
the Derby VlClvOI'yi brim the ' cated for$22million. at the start of the race. The rainy- $1, the overwhelming choice of the :h' d rda t1; (3:9? Cr t - ‘ '_ ' , .
COWS winnings ‘0 31,3.”509- Spend A Spend A Buckheld onto the lead Chief’s Crown. unbeaten in his day workout on Wednesday was the 108,573 fans. '5 eca e ore ‘8 S own. ' 'v
Buck's margin 0f VIC“)?! was .the f1'0!“ thestart, wmmng the race in a three starts this year. including an furthest thing from Laurin‘s mind as Not since Spectacular Bid in 1979 With his Derby victory Spend A ' I -. . ‘f
131' 8‘5t .since Assault won by 918'“ time 0f_ 2200 1-5 the third. fastest impressive performance in the 11's. Chief‘s Crown could only chase has a 2-yearold champion or a fa» Buck was able to provide the bettors : 7 ' - . .
lenstm in 1946- Derby time behind Secretariat. 1:59 mile Blue Grass Stakes April 26 at SpendABuck in the race. vorite prevailed in the Derby. The witha$1020payoffona$2win bet. . z ’ _
i , ', " ‘ I .
W'th4 3 ' e S t ° N
K nssesn - wno erWKU GOOdIIW“ 1'9
U c a o 1 1 v . . , ,
ByJOHNPAlNTER “ . _ son. one better than the record leS 11 “Inc K S _ , : .' .
Staff Writer We won 14 of our final 19 games. And during set last ”tit: 62. h - ' ~
Leyritz t his 11t homer in .‘ " '

Four solo home runs capped a those 19 games: weplayed the way that I the first inning for an early lead. ‘ ' x ‘ -
record-breaking Sunday af- (h u ht this team would [a 0” ea,- [on . It and then Campbell connected in as Mets beat Reds j . j _ .
ternoon as the UK Wildcats con- 0 .g It 1,“, t latp ,;y y g the third and sixth frames to - . '
cluded their season With a 4-3 V'lc- WUSjuS 00 l e, 00 e. . . gimlnatg a. 3-1thWestern advzfin- CINCINN AT1 ‘ AP; _ Dwight helped him a little bit by swinging at . . ‘. 1"
tory and a three—game series Keith Madison, ge an give .e senior 14 or , . . h' hf tballs. B t that' hat . . . .V .

- h Gooden was at his best yesterday lg as u s w guys , _
sweep of nationally-ranked West- UK baseball coach t 9 year to go with 38 RBI. Ste- only when he ha d tobe like (Sandy) K oufax and iBobi Gib- . . .
ern Kemuf'W- . . _ phens blast. his fourth, led off The New York Mets right—hander 50" did-H ' I I

In addition to ending their the seventh "V“"g and proved to escaped several close calls despite Len Dykstra and John Christensen . I . .‘ .-
topsy-turvy year on a four-game Clark set a new school record by school- and Sun Belt Conference— bethegame~w1nner. erratic control. hanging on for eight singled home runs to support Good- j .' ,
winning note. the Cats (28-24) drivmg home his 57th run this record 106 home runs for thesea- , innings lna 3_2 victory over the Cin- en and hand Reds starter Tom , . ‘
also handed head coach Keith season. son — in check and lowered his .Jay Ray HHS) picked up career cinnati R eds. Browning. 2-1. his first major-league .> . . .
Madisonhiszoothcareer victory. The old record of 56 RBI was ERA to 3.38. Carroll finished the Victory No. 24 and Jack Savage Gooden 4.1 gave up seven hits loss in seven starts since last Sep . ~ '

“We won 14 of our final 19 setbyMikeBotlunin1982. seasonat4-l. established a new school record and walked three, getting hurt only tember. ‘ , -
games,“ said Madison following “I told the guys — and [really ' ‘ With his seventh save. Both Pitch- in the fourth inning when the Reds Browning had missed his last two '
yesterday’s win at Shively Field. emphaSized this —— that it was lAlso. Clint Arnold belted his ers were on in relief of starter scored a pair of runs on Dave Van scheduled starts with an injured fin- .- _
“And during those 19 games. we important they enjoy themselves fifth home run in the fourth .ln- Jeff Hellman. who fanned six and Gorder‘s bases-loaded double. Good- ger. but said it didn't cause him a , _ - .
playedthe way that I thought this while playing." Madison com- ning 9f Saturday’s game, givmg scattered eight hits over the first en also fanned nine. with four of problem Sunday. . ' . f
team wouldplayall yearlong. merited. ”After that Morehead the Junior outfielder 530 runs six innings. those strikeouts coming while the The Mets scratched out a run in _ . .

"ltwasjusttoolittle.toolate." game (a 4-1 loss last Wednes- scored and tying him wtth Bot- Reds had runners in scoring posi- the third when Rafael Santana . .

UK won a 64. 14-inning mar- day). it looked like we had really kin’s 1981 school mark. Savage. who allowed only one tion. walked. was bunted to second by ~ ‘ . '
athon at Middle Tennessee last chucked it in. We seemed to have ‘ . run over his last 28' innings- “Men are going to get on base. Gooden. and scored on Dykstra’s
Thursday night before tackling funtheselastfew games." In-yesterdays game, the last in pitched for an incredible 0.32 and that‘s when you've got to bear twoout single. . ._
the Hilltoppeis — 41-18 Overall Saturday. in a game hosted and a Wildcat uniform for nine senior EBA qmng that span. broke Bob down and make great pitches." New York put together four cone 2
and ranked 2ist in the nation by spomored by Elizabethtown High players. three moi“? SCh_091 re- Silvanlk‘s 1981 record of six Gooden said. secutive hits for a pair of runs with
Baseball America — at three dif- School, the Cats needed a two cords were bested in addition to saves. The right-hander threw 120 pitches two out in the fourth Darryl Straw- . .
ferent locations. 00‘. run-scoring double from WMad'SO" milestone. , in eight innings before yielding to berry singled and scored when Ray .

Friday in BOWHDS Green, RUSS Kevin Gothard in the t°P 0f the The final school-mark 0f the Jesse Orosco. who got his third Knight doubled and left-fielder .
Schueler’s run-scoring triple eighth to squeak out a 54 deci- The four home rum - two day to ‘be broken came. when save. Duane Walker bobbled the ball for
highlighted a four-run ninth in- sion. from semor shortstop Rick Clark flied out to centerfield in “1d started getting mm my an error. Christensen followed with
ning as Kentucky rallied for a 7-4 Chris Carroll's lo—strikeout. Campbell and one apiece from ju- the eighth inning. That at bat was rhythm pretty good. but I didn‘t an RBI single to center. ‘ .
victory. During that game, UK complete-game performance held niors Jim Leyritz and Greg Ste- his 213th for the'season. one more have my best stuff." Gooden said. The Reds got a pair of runs in the .
senior first baseman Randy the ‘Toppeis —— who clubbed a phens — gave UK 63 for the sea- than Bill Sandry s212in 1981. “It was kind ofoff-and-on,“ bottom of the inning, loading the ,

Gooden made the Reds strand five bases with one out on Walker‘s walk ‘
runners in scoring position while and infield singles by Wayne Kren- .
R ad n d A“ SEC pitching the Mets to their ninth vic- chicki and Ron Oester. Tom Foley
e ame - tory in 11 one-run games this sea- struck out, but Van Gorder hit a .
' son. ground-rule double to left-center .
as I IK finishes fourth J01“ the summer KentUCky Kernel Staff “The phenomenal thing about him field to end Gooden‘s shutout. Cesar .
is his control." Reds player-man- Cedeno. pinch-hitting for Browning. .
in conference final ager Pete Rose said. “Of course, we fanned to end the threat. .
Staff reports ' , , 3
PINE MOUNTAIN. Ga. — UK golfer Amy Read closed B UY , . .
out the Southeastern Conference Championship yester- $1.35 . ,-
daywithathree-daytotalonZfiandwasnamedtothe ' .
six-member All-SECteam. $1 25 .

Kentucky scored a 932 on the Callaway Garders KERN EL . ' 0 . , , ‘ '
course to finish fourth behind tournament champion , -‘ ‘ ~
Georgia (900). Florida (903) and Mississippi State (927). CLASSIFIEDS ‘ ‘ '
The five Wildcat golfers were able to squeak by Ala- ' . . . ;
bama. the fifth place finisher with a 934. and Louisiana . - , ~ -
State University. which ended the competition with a ’ , .
940total. ' 7

Georgia’s (findy Schryer took top SEC honors with her 257'287] '
score of 216. She was followed by Mississippi State‘s ' ‘ ‘
Kathe Kingston (220). Karen Davies (221) and Florida's ' g , .

Deb Richard and Kim Williams of Mississippi State. _ . .
whotiedforfourtliwithazzs. '- GENERM CINEMA ' . . g' -

Kentucky’s Cathy Edelen scored a 229. falling just ummmarixfis-stagwgv ». . - . ‘
shortofReadJorseventhplace. ’2'5ONFOIE6PM. . _ .. . _ . .

, "IRELAND mil“.- 5 . ' . _ '
1. «tum no tin- in run:
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e «335310, . I “someones-nukes '1 _ . p .
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