xt7stq5rc00s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5rc00s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1971 1971 1971-02-03 2020 true xt7stq5rc00s section xt7stq5rc00s t - 4
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t lp 1 es an ntL-bteel 1 rates! ‘ :
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By MARY ANN BACHMANN songs and a ”people's soap ops Bethlehem strip mining ha in Plkt’ (:UHHUV 'lhi- \isitoi. H2 ltii- baa" \ " , i ‘ » . '7
v Kernel Staff Writer era." Years. So llethlehem's visit next tl‘let‘l UW!‘ tllt' mm“ I‘U-Hl‘i (lam ”MW“ ‘1" “"3“”2'” 7" 1‘ " . l 2' I '
Most corporation representa- “'hy the royal welcome? It's Monday will oller aiiotliei aged by ()\t‘l'l()lt(lt'(l coal ll'lit ks to pi. -..-i.i ,. p. up}. .. our «1,. - i ‘ ,- ' ', -'
' tives come to campus as part ot ‘dll part Of a move to locus at- chance for a confrontation be They take a close look at lllt‘ (.tllt'tl [\s the t «it \\ I .2 - v“ .‘ "' .:
‘ UK'S placement service. present tentioii on strip mining coiidi— tween the steel giant and the strip mines and the ieelamation Tums " \h aria; :t'v iino'v '~ . ",l‘ i ‘ l
their sales pitch about opportu. tions. And Bethlehem Steel. as Kt‘l‘llllt‘kiulls. attempts [)Ill)ll('l/(‘tl by lletlilv. llit‘ l’im t :2 l)":~ l-'.- 1. z ‘. '- _
Iiities to a few interested stn— a major coal user, controls one 5““‘1'41l P(.(..-\ members “1” hem Steel, \otliiug green will tom-tam ‘;, ,- -.'
dents, and then l(‘;i\‘(‘ without of the biggest strip mine coin» l)“ 0“ campus ll"‘“~ illUHL' Will! take root on the disturbed teiv l‘ltitllio"; In? mm? 11., .i I ;' -' »_ 1‘
1 attracting too much attention. Danies in the state 11 lllwklel] (ll nind hom llm’ iai’n. tlim .sa}. PH“ l’t 1' 1"l \3’ ‘ '-~= ’2 ‘ ,. ~.
_ strippet an(. \Vorkin,U with the 5‘ . ) -. (' . it is iii. \ o i. w .i' if ' .‘ "2' "2"- w. .4. .
But Wlw“ ”Inn“mull” ”l The Pike (V 'oiintv ('iti‘len's 2\s— P'k‘ (‘ 0 -t" ‘ T l‘K i” ll“ lll“ “Hull l” ”Pl . \ l Us 1, '. " ‘9‘ i.
H ”11,1 , St “l , ..-.\ 15,], R _ . ‘ - ‘ g ’ l ‘ ““"l‘." U “‘“5 “ s1 and ti'ieiids aie preparing (lt‘lli- in! im «'2 in! a ' » "‘ ' ‘ .3;- __ . .
te..l.ll-ln t. 1H {“1”} l t (l sot-ration, agroiip of l'(-llt~-(u(l~'.tl|(l QI'UHI). (.anipus l‘iiciids. onstiatioiis 1M ”HAHN” Um H, mm, .. h. . , . . 9 , ’5:
. 0 "“1” 5 ll‘ ‘ “ " 0' 1”)” “l ' disabled miners and their tam During ihi- past “a”, it... ”Milim I), “mm,“ 1;! H “,3,‘ Mg, ,1“ H, 2' 4,, - . . -' t‘. .. p , ’ " ,fl-v I
”W (""l""“ll(”'~ the} “'0 Wm”: ilies from the llellier and Pikc- group has invited \llltlt'iils .ilitl Hill 1), “gm, Dunn”; mg. .i p ,3, ;;t ..y l . 1 w - 2 T171”; ,3;
l” lw treated “'llll speeches. \ille ai't‘xls‘. lulV“ ltt‘t‘tl llL'ltllttLl Lexington residents to ‘.»t‘t'l\l'l;tl‘ [trildplnqh \t. , l h “mom”, ,t 1,1 , "'i' pg. ' '1‘.
l’iltslimgb \lllltllt iaiiiilz ".l. l. lli' -. ‘ ' fl 1‘,
i . ii i i i ~ .73.. . ' -'
. ,l\,()tti',ltliis \,'1ll ("l ,1!,l \‘tns 1' 1'” ‘ '- 'v'."
1 . l1 . l. , "s“;fl .i"._;‘-.
\l‘i'ititiHygi, 'l " ' ,. 21'; ~;,.‘,,'
W estbrook Pound Guflty °
0/ 9 in i’iwiigiai'i-iii «i ii» 1.: “ ' . ' ' '2
l§\"ii 2 i’L'I' sti'l.i?l'\t ”limit i'»- l I v:. ."t‘-." :. I
. ‘ .‘ '47 ‘ . ~ . >t .
' F . ot \iiiviiii'~ iriiist distuigni'htii .- 2‘ :‘v " 5-. .,_-
aces a]. 61 m9 lne lazuli“... l)t'llltl\l1ttlli‘t‘-l2l~ wig “i‘ 'l '_ - ' ‘375' “lib..- ‘
'l"lt‘_g(|,l-00k the horror of the Vietnam wai, case ' Sedlei‘ said. “7‘ l"“‘ l‘“ ' l’l'll“ li‘l‘l"‘*'“~2 ‘ "l ‘ ' f -" ‘_. .
trial ,Vestci‘tlaX and sentenced then it ll“ 1' mistake to “‘Pt'd ' til-‘7 .
. i}... UK graduate to Six months goodness. it is a mistake to ex- f: ": ~ .
in jail and a $251)” fine. pect fairness." ‘:. 5‘
. . V. \V'. i 2i‘ > M‘ '-
\\ cstbrook s attorney, [is law 'tl l Sll’mol‘ ll id been (lltnlflll ~ ,. .
. “'1 i ‘ i ' i..i ,. . t
professor Robert Sedlei‘, told i‘e- (om}tnonF l}: l“ m K' “t ‘ t .. v. 2
.. a. S ‘ ’ i. z '3 '.~\»--.,-_-*.-
porters after the decision. The [Pmntlt‘r (3" t tzwmn ifng. . .. ,_i ‘_ ~ .
verdict came as utter shock. We l5, 2 0"” l f: orneyx ‘i t” '2; ‘7, , , {l . .
senii (a . ,‘1
fully expected the posSibility of h' dll‘fta fur“; (1):" ) fag]; l0 _ a ‘..
.' . is i z . ="s.~ '1..-
being found gutlty, but never Le , rt: )0" -. docs] b 1;: .5 t
would we have expected a pen- sing 0” ”Te“? 9 .0m ,V -;_ .‘ , g ..
.‘ . . casmg last Julv 15. , .5 .2 s , 2‘. {.
alty of this sort. V thh d 21:. z ,. .1“.
“In no sense could such a pen- W tl ‘ (l: ‘ arge h 1 Wednesday, Feb. 3, 197] UniverSity of Kentucky, Lexmgton Vol. LXI]. No. Kn j. i ‘. '
illtV have been iUStlfiCd 0n the l :Sdn'OCI) \VH: InOt Ch 1"..ng W 5:52.. " M 2i - ‘
facts in this case. The verdict 2““ filial? l ‘ i‘ufi'onlt‘es J , _ _ ,. _-, ,,. , . 1, :
V ' was the result of hostility and :H“ ”“-'_t ””“ ‘d‘F‘TC d "i1 F‘Sl " . may .4... f,” __ ,;;,.~f"‘.z my -, I ;'
prt‘ludlcfi‘ 85 Widowed by the thmin’e r1 km: 15:10:: (Elm ”" g‘w;§3§ev .. 2 1, »- . .. t ,
n . e z . . . , . i .. g; ,,,1w~ ' , ' .
extreme penalty, he said. “1 e1 er 1 ‘ “rs. 3“ ' ' ég/swgwrw‘é’ v .. , w ..j .. .. 31,: .
B. Morgan, the executive secre- ’ '2" 2 “ 2 , . ' " ,. . ,- - 2
Dldnt Pay Attention' tary of Local 127, file Charges a; . - f» f M ”7 it .2 1 I.) gl- ' 'i 1
I dont think the jury paid against him. Mrs. Morgan first , ” a; Q}. _ g- 4; ' W ; _ ’13; W?!” "1-1,: ‘1 j_ Q
any attention to what we were opened the package containing in“? '6‘. , _' j ' if“ f"! "a 3' 2‘. fl ‘ i ‘i’ I 3’ fl" 2' ’9 "'fl” ‘5;
saying. I don't think they the bomb casing on July 15. a I -~. &‘ ”T » J I ,5 g}. a 2 ‘l 5' 31...; Q's“ a X a; . :_‘
H . ' . . 1‘ " “ “ ': ,. ' r“ . a ' ‘r . . , r-. ' :2
cared. Before the sentencmg by Fav- a‘ - -333. 1* It 1. g -is ’s ‘fig ' ,~ '3‘ g “f? .» 2 ‘13., , » , 7. .
. . ' l ' '7‘ ' '5 'i - l D ' . ‘_ .. t
\Vestbrook also talked to re- ette Circmt Court Judge N. s» it, ~ ‘2 «w «‘1‘. f” ' "v 3 g; . 1‘- '5
porters after the sentence. He Mitchell Meade. Sedler moved A“ ' f1 " I’ ' 7‘ 5 x ,2 _ 2 .f ”
said that the jury was part of a for a new trial and probation. --““ @157 , ' r“ f i . - gt. a .’ £ , 7, 2- 7- .1 1 3
system which is “involved mili- \Vestbrook was released on his J. if A " . .. 2‘!” _ 1 J " W ,V I" l 1.}; ”J j i" . . I. f ‘-
tarily in an effort to destroy peo- original bail pending the court's ,t ) " ‘ , ‘ w .2“ , w ”T *1 \ Te»- L‘; . " ' "' . ‘ , .
ple half way around the world.” disposition of the motions. ~ A 5 - g X“, 6 gig," 1,! &¢' ‘ 42%;! _. ,, , .1 if? ,g:
Im sorry that I expected Sedler said that if the motion at”; g . '1- 2” K” ~ ,t y“ .. l -‘)x°,‘gt§: F L 2? " J
‘ , J anything to come from the trial. for a new trial was denied, he " ‘2 fl - ' t. l , a. i . :1 “is. $5?
The courts won't even raise the would take the case to the state 2- v.45" s,“ , £ , . it ' .15 sew; :, _‘ " ‘,
"" ' . x 1”: s < t 4’ 1 ." ‘ - ‘ .. i . -
‘3‘ Sgt ‘ w} ‘ {1 :2 .-, :l.‘ : f . ‘ > ,.’_ ‘ ‘7. ‘. - . . . ',
'. > . I ‘:> ., .;,;.. I]? :2‘ 6 1 ;x, 1 . 1, 2' . . A. v' ,s ) : . i.
o o f ’ ” ‘2‘" 2,, ' " ~ a . A it 2> \ . -. . ‘ . I - 1
A ccredltatwn 1 eam . - ..~ ,. - h .. .. -~ .1 , -. ~ ..
.x‘ .. N _ .. ‘ ' at 2 I “I“: ' X , I- I l ._ l . t I " V ' , 4 . l i' - ..
. ‘21" I.” 2' "‘77:" , {x ., I“ ‘W Eli . l". . " s 'l ‘2 "
T R ( _ g: ‘-‘ g” ms .. tefi ‘k .. .‘z,\ '
5...; .' " m" I- - t. ".t " ' i ' ‘ 2' ‘. '
l?‘ “”‘E “IL?“ \‘ci'sity is (loing the best possible , . Afi ‘ W ~ " t - ‘ “M “l” , :lt‘w ‘ _ , . '. ..’
kernel Staft “l“‘m‘ job of educating." . I \ f 1. T x -. i ' - i‘ 2’ l" I. "V'
.. -_ ”1“ “”l”"‘ l ““t‘l‘sn." “'1" ho Kentucky is in a region along ' , "’ v l} t " . ’1 2 .i f , s '-
the .llllll'd “l 1* “complex 0P“"”‘ with 11 other states from Texas i . . r ) v 1. I. " “ l. 1 ‘.
tlon Heft peek when it will be to Virginia. There are nearly svnrl’ $0“ ’0 I' [{l (I _: x ‘ I,"
l't'\lt‘\\‘t'( w an accreditati n . w . w 2 . ,. . ' . . ' , ’ .

' 0 400 colleges ‘md um‘e'MtlU m Mcdual student Ron Singler, far right. lettured dents tontci'tied about abortion and (ontratcption, . ,' 2 " 1 -' " . .1
team of 31 edutators from the the «lrea . . . . . . 1 - f -’
. . , ‘ ‘ ' to approxnnatels 300 students in a (.lassrooni Doug Hennig. coordinator ot Zero Population ' - - .‘f x‘ ‘ ' ‘ -.
Southern Association of (.olleges . . . . '. . , 2 . 2 , . . , ‘- , : , 1 2 ,
'HKl Schools (SKCV) Routine Process Budding auditorium last night on methods of (yrowth. Whflll sponsored the loruni, said smiilai '. ‘ . ‘. fl,"

Tlie te-un {all titimine indi Cierley noted that the accred— contraception. Singler and three nursing students lectures will be siheduled later this semester. 1.: _ '.
vidnal “311911.“ "$le itation process takes place every also outlined community services available to stir Kernel Photo by Dave Hertiiai: C ,2 2' , . . '
' ' 1 n ; recom- . . ' ‘ ‘ ' , .- . ‘ .
. ’ . 10 vears and is routine t0i all '————‘_————_——_— , , "
mendations, and submit. a final ' '. . . . “ ' ‘ L
draft of the studv to President accredited UDlVCrSltleS. He men- V I l (‘h I) . R I ) - _ -. .- . . .

. . ' 3 ' ; 2. . ,

Otis A Singletarv tioned further that the self-study (‘0 ll ( s ang‘ 0' n] U ( P ‘ ‘ ' ' 3 2
‘ ' ' ' here began some 20 months a o ————"‘—_—‘ ' '7- “ .
The resident ordered 14 . . ' g ‘ ‘ - ’ '

I . _p . . and that the preSidentially cre- . ° ' 7 1 i ‘2 ‘ ,

I mm mm June at... committee the ousm urve 8 ms 18 ee “ 2' 2 ‘ 2 -

1969 to evaluate each college . p "‘ ’ ’ / : p .1 :-

. . . best judgment of each depart- . ' , . ,
at UK. Their findings Will be t" Th E l h , . . . , , _ , , . 2 ‘ ‘ ' . ,.
examined by the SACS accredi- men - e "3 reports,h Olli- B,‘ SVSAN (it‘LDF’RIWOUD tial eVidence of discontent, then oe made to assure "ordcrh and .' ”- .’ .3
tation party. 9V”: ‘may “m agree Wt t e kernel 3'3” “ “3" some action may be taken. acceptable conduct. 1 I l , . ' .-

According to Dr Morris Cier presments 0W“ tmnkmg. he (Yontending that UK students R t’ I X 1 The policv requires t't‘tlllt‘sts ‘ ,' ‘. .'
- ,. - , . . . out ev .2 ) my - . , _ ,

19V Chairman of the self=studv added. are dissatisfied With current Tl 'n ll ll 4“ l for other ”pp” houses to be .' '_ .. _.
. v . . 1. . , The whole purpose of the in- l'ii'\" sitv "sident't‘ halls visita- it prt st iit po it} slatt s t iat ,, ll ‘1 . l' .- l ,1 1 . . .1 .

steering committee This ac- 1 tr. , H .. , ‘ ' . _ l.lll( t( on ati int i\i( na iasis , , ,

. . . , . vesti ation is to discover what . l' ‘. __ . l‘ (1 -, _ open houses “lilt‘ll aie planned - _ . .2 . . _> t ' _- 1 . . z :-

credit'it ' t f ‘ g “0” P0 1‘“ 5‘ 5““ “ll '(“UH . bx appointment “ltll l)ean Rose- . . .

‘ ‘0" '5 a 50V 0 guaran- 4. U . - , l k‘ - h ‘ . , , y for periods of up to three hours ' '. * ‘ ~-
, _ tie anCI‘Slt) aesintewa ~ I. t 1‘ ,t lit ’
tee to the public that the Uni- . X """l l) "”5 ” 5'" (l ‘ m m n gt .1. . . g l- . l t . ”'4'.‘ 10ml 2 -
0f educating men and WOmen. opinion on housing during the (”I ‘1" ”H ‘nfull ‘ ”m ‘l-l 1):; “H” (£oiiig tliioiigh the piopei "
o ' 7 ' fl ' . l ‘ b. . . i i . . -. l , . , , ‘ ‘ ~
WW Clerle" Cltecl. Perhaps the Idea ('("lnllg \Vl‘t‘k. } ( V 1011.18 ;)v I h l" ' I‘ll}. . pd]; (.lltlll'](‘l“ klr\\'£lll l()\\‘t‘l' ht‘l(l .‘ ., . I .
h Of an "‘SPN‘tmn 0f the Unwer‘ in an organizational meeting it ”fl!” It'll) llllllmlltl ‘ pimu - three open houses this past . ' ' , ‘ '
"tv is an unfortunate term. The l l l 1 , S(‘ It , R l" (. _ mg ia appropria e .tl'l'tlllLZt‘~ 'wlt . l _ . . _ _ ‘ 2 - , .
ezlt (‘1' ‘l . . _ H J l} . . .mm It i \ ”I" ‘ -. H ) , \\(t (ll( . .\ (loini ollu ct pics 1 , ~
educators “’1" be trying to help niittee last night. plans were lull"?! llt‘nlt IllHt” math ‘1” I” cut .it the meeting llI(ll( fled the , ' '
For Lexington and vicinity: ll‘ do a better 10“ They 1"“ announced for the door-to-dooi w” tltl ‘l h“ lull} \l‘l “ll. Jtstoiw dorm \\lll ask for loui '
- - - ,, ' - . I ~ . \' ' \ - \ . .
(:1de with slowly rising tom coming 35 friends to glV“ US open house poncv survey ”V n {Pl ' '1 H l“ .llll\l}lll oi the moic this week ' . ‘2
a - ~ . ' - I ‘ - ‘1 ' l M I V ' Ii . i
peratures Sleet changing to recommendations to make UK a After talking to I). ,m of sin ”,H ' l‘ l ”m" ”' ‘ ””,','L l “ so”..- “any“... in”, h m
. ' . ’ - better institution " i - - ~k It It - ‘ a... "”"‘ “l ”W ”W‘“ house ' ‘ "

rain late this afternoon. High Th ‘1 - . . (ents lat a , (Ullllllit n llt’t'll holding open houses at ,‘ p .

today in upper 30's; low tonight {~23 9 :1 "(Thu)” .Clorlel'g ‘5 dm‘ members said llall indicated he '1‘)“. “Kuhn”. hall president night llolnies llall had HIM ll . ‘ ~ .

in the mid-20's. High tomorrow ‘ll‘nlupi‘n “'1 arrive (“1 - U" d.‘ knew nothing. oi student dis— mm, J1“, indicate that ”H. (10,," honis bout to p m to | .t m . ‘

in mid-40's. Moon rises 12:03 l l l‘ ‘/ ant remain on campus “illl‘liu‘l'tm “"ll‘ ll‘“ “'l‘W’l ‘ 't)\'t‘l'lllnt‘lll ”will be ics ionsihle l”ll”“‘“t~' ll'" kt'l'l‘li ls‘ \nbiiin . ‘

throu h \Vediv l' ' 'F b 10) " L l
p.m., sets 2:26 a.m. g. l“ “l l e ' ”' ”W'” house l"’l”"“‘- lls'll (ll‘l ltH‘ seeing that the entire ball game ‘ -
According to a release by UK8 indicate, however, that it the “in be (.im” l'i 1-01. m the Hp!“ “\\u amt to itmitgn inn-ma ‘ ,
7 , _ , ,,,.,~--,-- Continued on Page 8. Col. 1 committee “”"l‘l show “ll“l‘l" house and that e\ei\ clloit w ill (‘ontinued on Page 8. Col. 2 ~ L

 p 2 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. Feb. 3. ‘97" _'_--————-—-—————————— '4
\ C
‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 0 l te ouse '
— Congress Launches Attacks n W h H _
V ' ' . , . , ' . ' taking out the necessary insur- ‘ .‘u g .h I I V I] ‘ rin rs ‘
' ‘ ‘ r I ' ‘ . . . ( (W u (‘5 9d
‘ ”oust Li .uli i 80ng [um s in We to keep the Mammy l‘ 11”" li—ht s i—
' ' V V . . " ‘ , , ) . chickens, or rather vultures, from . . ‘ .
‘ 0n “ “Wt“ land ltcomon) I Id" coming home to roost in 1972- ()n Laotian Border Operations Bi]
. \\ .-\5H|\(I [()\ r:\l’l—l’resi- The report, third of the Presi- 13, he ”Adf ‘ t ”ros . WASHINGTON (AP) _ The day that no American combat ec
dent \ixon's economic message dent 5 major "”55““ t0 the Instea 10%”;an vouv littlye Senate Foreign Relations Com- ground troops are being used la.
. , . ' _ has drawn a Democratic chonis new Congress. outlined goals for forecasts tfldf lfiilzive rte'l'yHeller mittee called on the Nixon ad- in Laos but ”he was very re Sc
, . . of criticism with one party lead— an orderly espanswn 0fthe ecomr Prospect 0 11 me ‘ , . ministration today to tell it luctant to be specific."
- , . .. ll‘ - , ~ . , . . . . th‘ . . - to ca in mid-1972 told the SenateHouse Economic - .
, - g . er mung it .i fantasy world of my 15 36‘” P C _ t N‘ I should tell about the secrecy-shrouded 0p. Sen. John Sherman Cooper,
’. . . ' : \lice in wonderland." With unemployment down from onimit ee‘h ltXO‘ tate of their erations near the Laotion bor- R-Ky., told reporters that no F;
_ - , ‘ Zeroing in on the report sent the current 6' percent to 4 l/r. Americans L Sh We 5 t “.8 de- der. U.S. or South Vietnamese have m
, , - ‘ ’ ; to (iongress Monday the Demo percent and inflation declini-ng fciigloniy-w e ‘eir :r no It announced plans for broad crossed the borderbetween South t0i
.“':‘~ crats said \ixon (lid not show a to 3 percent. Inflation rose 0.3 in as a recess 0 . . Y. public hearings on ways to end Vietnam and Laos but then said pl:
“ . 7 -- ' ' willingness to usethe full breadth percent in 1970. . After that, he ”said, l\ixon the Vietnam war. there is now no operation as de
. ‘ of White House powers to drive House Democratic Leader should aim for a fulLemploy- Sen. J.W. Fulbright, D-Ark., large as last spring's U.S.-South
. '2 .' down inflation and unemploy~ Hale Boggs of 110111518113, who ment defic1t to get full impetus told reporters the committee in- Vietnamese driveinto Cambodia.
. . ment. made the All“? 1" Wonderlalhd out Of the budget. vited Secretary of State William Fulbright said there was gen— De
‘ , 'I 'I ,A comparislon,Psaisld thtere intuit; The President should also P. Rogers and Secretary of De- eral agreement that it WOUld h0t Di
-‘ HELP mg ”l he“ resit 61“.} Otimistic raise taxes or reduce expendi- fense Melvin R. Laird to testify be useful to attempt to expand by
. J .. ' ' " ' ““119 to suppor m op ‘ tines-measures which he said -publicly if possible“as soon as the COOPCT'ChUYCh amendment, —
'i ' ,' We need Widen” male 0’ 1”“ ”min“ _ . would assure a budget balance possible” on what is going on barring U-S- combat ground
. ' .’ .' ' ffmtll‘; ik) represent US on Elght Cltles Add“! 0r 5“ rplus as full-employment m Vietnam. troops allld military advisers from _
,- _ I. _‘ (tlmptlb :Jbol tsale: cfxpiiincnfs He said eight morc cities have got closer. Asked about reports cited by Cambodia,“ to include all“ power. P
-- ‘ V . ~' " midi: ., , Inluym 0 p311 (1:13.” been added to the “St 0f areas Full employment is generally Republican Leader Hugh 500” He said the _comm1ttee 5
- - " , > high gin on hours. No suffering heavy unemployment» defined as about 4 percent. that the current operation might broad public hearings, Wh‘Ch
' . true-YWCr‘ii Write gismg data making it total 0t 40, Whlle the Also urging a more aggres- run SEW“ to 10 days, Fulbright could begin _m about twoweeks,
_' . . ‘ e m bjcitgrg‘tir‘id to cost of living index in December she role for Nixon was Rep. said ‘This is all speculation. We you‘ld exlaniine this admilgilistral.
. . 3 a . ‘ - g to an annual rate of 6 per— H , s R D-W" J ‘ t really don't know." 10“ S 901C185 an P0551 e 3' Ch
. ~ .. . JACKSON 8: JACKSON ””6 enn . euss, 1s.,a 0m _ . . ,
. ‘ ‘ ' '- . '. 604 P't R ad “9'”. .. Economic Committee member Sen. George D- Aiken, R'Vntp ternatives "1 an effort to edu~ 31'.
g g .I 5 Ab c "'36; 03201 In a broader attack on Nix- who said he would submit legis- has said State Department 93ft- cate members and the country . an
.V , . . se 0 , . . on} economic philosophies,Wal- lation extending the President's cials have told him of a buildup atlarge. m
- g . i .~ ‘ . . ter Heller, who adw'sed President power beyond March 31, to freeze of American and South Viet- '0:
,V , . .: '- . .4’ YOUNG DEMOCRATS John F. Ke‘imledy and Lyndon B. wages and salaries. namese forces. near the Laotian . 3::
_ ,1 t V, Johnson. sait there is a lack of Nixon has refused to use such border preparing for an impor— ()ll Tall(s ' .
l MEETING accounting for the future in Nix- authority in the past and indi- tant allied operation. g ml
. _‘, ; ' 5 '. Thursday, Feb. 4—7:00 on s predictions. cated in theecononiic report Mon- Fulbright, chairman of the .. ~ _ . \l’l \ i 3::
'- _. ; “W1 .t was strongly lacking da' he doesn't want the )ower Foreign Relations Committee, IUHM\— 1”“ ‘" g," ego- E m
' - . 1 . Room 245—5'"“"' Center 1“ ‘ 3 . ‘ I . - R . ed h 1. . F ' tiations broke clown luesday E --
.' . g was am evidence that we are now either. said ogers assur Lin ast ri- . . ,. .~ .
‘ . I." ‘ . - ' _ night between the world s mleT . ,,
_ .‘ ' ._ WW oil companies and the producing ' Pu
. -' ' , countries of the Persian (Lulf. : $1]
. i. . . v , ~ D;
ivfh’l‘. lhc collapse of the month- g N
~t " "- long negotiations raised anew : N
’ _‘ > .: 7 ,, 4i .. _ . , the threat of a shutdown of oil ‘ m
ALfiL;4WW; l supplies to \\ estern lLIIropc and is
'3 . « ', Japan. C;
-, ,_ a . ”“ e are terribly disappointed N
-. 1 ~ ,- _ , , : x because progress \s'asbeingmiide. . a:
-.' - FL. ' . but time was against us." said ‘C-i
" ‘ ., . , Lord Strathalmond of British (116
,. f I. § ' ’ . l’et roleuni, leader ofthcconipaiiy
. .'~; I ' pl negotiating team.
7‘, ‘v‘ ‘ 'l‘he negotiator was referring
. p~ -. j . . to a deadline of \\ cdnesdziy set
‘ -.' , " .‘. by the l’ersian (.‘uli countries.
.V~_ ”' . 'l‘he negotiators. representing
f;_ 22 Western oil companies. made
- .1 '. if: ;» a new price offer to the l‘ersian
_ . .‘f ._ .. . Gulf countries 'iuesday but it
‘ 7 .‘r’ ‘; you qua I y apparently was not enough. ‘
. . 7 ‘ .,' 0 an lng s ew : ' :gjgiéffiiits‘h Rated
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. "I 1 to you? Why not see (3&8. the billion-dollar bank at the , ”11 I'
F 3 . . _ ,. " crossroads of the South? Where 80 out of the top 100
V ' , .' U.S. companies bank. .
I . ‘i .‘ 5 C&S' Don Rochow will be on your “:53; gig“
. . 3 ' ~ , L 3' campus next week. Like to meet him? Sun -Tliur 2_4_5_45_7_35_9,30
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» ' . ' , , , x . THE KENTUCKY KERNEL
.- ' The Citizens: and Southern Banks in Georgia The Kentuckv Kernel University
i ’ . . ’. Station. University of Kentucky. Lex—
, . , 4' ington. Kentucky 40506. Sccond class
. . .' . postage paid at Lexington. Kentucky.
.' . - ' Mailed five times weckly during the
_ ~ . . school year except holidays and exam
‘ . . v‘ periods, and once during the summer
. ‘ '. I. M Siligllished by the Board of Student
. .- v‘ , Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986.
, '7 . . Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
published continuously :is thc Kernel
. . ' sl 1‘0 1915.
‘ ' advertising published herein is in-
. _ tended to help the reader buy. Any
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 I ‘ 5". .
“__.. THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, \Verlmulay. Feb. .‘I. l‘l7l -— ti _. .
o . . . . . 3 2
_ M uszc Revrew ,- ‘
B CI ' Off S "th f
A By BILL Blle'IZON introduction t0 the soundsa brass of the church. When performed The next number. ”(loncerto Matthew Locke. and (.ulllrni I 1 4~ I " " I.
Kernel Staff Writer ChOIT IS capable Of- . on the stage today, the technique for (II-arini and Timpani" was septimi toni \r‘, I" by (.glllrlt‘ll ' -‘ . . ' .
Under th 1. t' fW-I I‘ anfare W115 JIM that, 'd produceszm effect somewhat like written by Bach'stnimpetplayer. gave .1 fitting t'nllljlnsinn to the . ' ,
Blanton and ( I"? loll 0 \I I! ter fanfare. I‘ rench horns 311d tnim- stereo. Johann lirnst Altenburg, forseven concert. ,. ‘ , .11}.
the L'K Brass (2;: n ‘ ' ‘1 e. ton, pets "led back and forth to The performance was sliilhtly clarini and tympani. (llariniwere The brass choir gave an e\- -,'. ; ’, , .V
It ed Concert 58 I Olr g‘uiendfputi each other over the rumblings 9f marred by some SI‘IDIW attacks. an ancestor to our modern ceIIent performance of a board ‘ ,. .I . ‘.- ‘
'd last 3!.“ .tore a "Km“. cerW( trombones and basses. lhechoir but otherwise W115 Quite enjoy- tmmpet. a foot longer and with- range of music. Intonation and . 1 ‘. ,. -‘
a» Sc‘ienm I; (let _t‘e ’ gricu tural gave an “flung performance I" able. The two choirs did an ex- out valves. The tmmpet parts tone were near perfect. Ihe ‘ I j . ’1'. '
. ce u 1 onum. Which the l:rench horns especial- cellent job of matching tones are quite high. and the brass only prohlcun were a few slopp) »_. , --.: . ', 4 7 .
r, The Choir composed of four ly distinguished themselves Wlth and volumes. choir's tmmpet section did an entrances and attacks. The solo 3 . . p- ‘ .6
0 French horns‘ six tmmpets three some fine "“150" playmg. The choir continued with outstandingjob. perfomiances were all excellent ‘ _ - .l
'e trombones. bass trombone, bari- Split in Two Negev '61 modern number by The concert was concluded WithIack Zachary on the French . _ -
h tone, tuba and tympani. dis- For the (labrieli number, the John llartrneyer, , “Pd another With ”Theme and Variations" hom. and Richard “inslow. - . . 6 =
d played fine balance and a great choir split into two separate units piece "by (-abrieli, Anl‘l’hon)’ by \ erne Reynolds, a relatively Micheal Daultonandltich lIIman ‘ '-.‘ ' .6
8 deal of feeling for the music. playingfrom opposite ends ofthe No. 2 . Both were performed unknown modern composer. 0" the tmmpet (IOIHE especially : H; .
h ‘ ' stage. In the 16th century music excellently. ”MUSIC for King Charles “H by finework. . 3' >- I. I.
I- The first two numbers of the was written to be played in _ 1‘. '3 -I -‘W'. I
I' perfonnance—"Fanfare" by Paul churches, which were built in ' -, - . E 1" v.
; Dukas,and”Sonatapian'eforte" the shape of crosses. Choirs 1": "V .
by Giovanni Cabrieli gave agood Would perform in opposite win 7‘ . '. - - . . - ,
J . L5 1’ ‘ k ’- '
, W Student Center Board Concert Committee =~ -. -~ .,
‘ ———____._.____—___‘ presents . ,-
— :r . ‘1 I' :' f
. on‘iflgfii;..§°l..ii§"o.lly. A3333? 1'): ron man a ,_ - .
placed ln perso‘rll Monday! 'thll'ougdh W ‘2‘ I s, '. .. .
I Ffldly 0' by n“ . paymen “C 0" 6 FOR —— ooms. cose o campus. ‘ ' ’ _.
I THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. R m 1n n "'l _, . .h ~ (1 d f ' ‘ ‘ . ' .
...... 3.... “° a". ”assesses: IN CONCERT .. . . . .
Rates are $1.25 for 20 words, $3.00 $4000. 28.!‘173 .‘ .- I. ~. . . ,‘
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my clte race, rellxlon or national tor in \tlltltlg philosophy papers. I ‘ ,1} . -. 1' .
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, rooms or for employment. XVT—__.—.-IALE 't . 60 ”~“fi‘ ‘ " .‘f ‘ C. .
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_ I All work guaranteed. Trained by WW'“” I I .‘. ' .
StelnMuy & Sun» in New York. RIF. LOST ‘ 2 N .- v. ' ‘: ’.
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ta )0, oone-owner; goo con ition. ONE GLOVE— M d' b . ' "th '5 , 3
. Cd” 270-4362. 2F8 white fur/filming. idarrllanfolli? ClhsS- STUDENT CENTER CENTRAL INFORMATION DESK . I " I. I- I» V "
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. I 2 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. \Vedncsday, Feb. 3. 1971 ———-————————-———————-——————-—-—————— —‘
C L h A tt k W h ' t H
V A A ' ’ ' - " . iisur- ‘ ° " . ‘ ..
. llousc Leader Briggs lerocs in rhyfigmiegge t‘gfejffltmLM I‘ ulhright Schedules Hearings
' nc *
. I .. ' " . . " ‘ , ) chickens, or rather vultiires,from . . °
. n" “ ”Wt“ laud 130011101“, 1 Ian coming home to roost in1972- 0n Laotian Border Operations Bl
. , _ .. . .. ' ‘ " " le said. . ’ - th‘
, “‘“HIV'HA .IIIuihprew The report, thirdIof the Presi 43.1 i . i f . . . ut “ms, WASHINGTON (AP) _ The day that no American combat ed
dent \ixon s economic message dent s major messages to the nstear 0 passmg 0 . y Senate Foreign Relations Com- ground troops are being used I'
' has drawn a Democratic chorus new Congress, outlined goals for forecasts that have very little inittee called on the Nixon ad- in Laos but “he was very re- 8d:
. I . ’ , I' of criticism with one party lead- an orderly expansion 0ftheecontr prospect of fulfillment, Heller ministration toda I to tell it luctant to be specific." - t
’ - - - er calling it a ”fantasy world of my this year to cap in mid-1972 told the Senate-IHouse Economic ab ut the secred -shrouded 0 - Sen. John Sherman Cooper
‘. ‘ ‘_ ' 3 mm. in wonderland." with unemployment down from Committee, Nixon should tell (i, . the: [action bopp R-Ky. told reporters that DC; F
‘ - r- '1. Zeroing in on the report sent the current 6 percent to 4 1/2 Americans the true state ofIthcirir 31:10“ near ‘ ' U.S. (3r South Vietnamese have tr:
. . - . I .. to (Tongress Monday. the Demo- percent and inflation declining eCOIiomy-whetheIr or not it s e it announced plans for broad crossed the border between South , tor
I ' E " " -. ”at“ “id “‘0” (“d ”0t Show a m 3 percent. Inflation rose 53 final as a recession. Public hearings on ways to end Vietnam and Laos but then said Pia
'I , I ' ‘ ~ willingness to use the hillbreadth percent in 1970. . After that, he “said, Nixon the Vietnam war. there is now no operation as dez
- _ » ofWhite llouse powers to drive House Democratic Leader should aim for a full-employ- Sen. J.W. Fulbright D-Ark. large as last spring's U.S.-South
Ii ' down inflation and unemploy~ Hale Boggs 0f Louisiana, who ment deficit to get full impetus ld ‘ h ’ ‘tt - ’ Vietnamese drive into Cambodia
, . y. 'de the Alice in Wonderland out of the bud et to reporters t e commr chin- I - '
I '. ._ . ment- ”1" . -. .. ‘l tl e is iioth- g ‘ vited Secretary of State William Fulbright said there was gen- pei
I. . .. .' medmon’ 5‘1“. “if , ‘ . The President should also P. R0 ers and Secretary of De- eral agreement that It WOUld h0t Du
‘ I A ‘ r i the President s own sta— g
‘ HELP :1“; XII] f C “I; f hk‘n timittic raise taxes or reduce expendi- tense Melvin R. Laird to testify be USCfUI to attempt to expand by
.‘ .I ' ' ' I ”J19: ,‘0 supper. Vp ”” ' hires-measures which he said -publicly if possible~"as soon as the ICOOPCT'ChUtCh amendment, —
I: , . We ”“9" ”“19””! male 0' prfiuthm' .. would assure a budget balance possible" on what is going en barring U-S- combat ground
I, I. , I. I . mmt. mI represent us on Eight Cities Added or surplus as full-employment in Vietnam. troops and military advisers from _
. , -I . .I margin; 2:] IsachsO $531315; He said eight more cities have got closer. Asked about reports cited by Cambodia,I to include air power.
' I I - 4 j Shit is a hill)? Patid daily. been added to the “St 0f areas Full employment is generally Republican Leader Hugh Scott He said the Icomm1tteIe S
- . " - Nam.- \xiur mm hours No suffering heasy unemployment, defined as about 4 percent. that the current operation might broad public hearings, Wthh
' ‘ . ~ - _ Irw’t'sth‘cr‘i! \Vrltc gmng data making a total 0t 40~ While the Also urging a more aggres- run seven to 10 days, Fulbright COUId begin I") about twoy‘feeks'
’ , ' " ‘ m backgrcund to cost of living index in December sive role for Nixon was Hep. said ”This is allspeculation. We would exIamine thiIe admigilistral—
‘ . .' u - * " _‘ to an annual rate of 6 per— H . S R ~ D-W' . ' t really don't know." tion 5 poicies an [3055i e 3' Cl-
.« ,. _ », 2 N JACKSON rose enr} . 61185, 15., d JOIN . . . .
, 1 ' '. _ JAC’ZE? PIS. R ad (‘Hlt- Economic Committee member 5611- George D~ Aiken, R'Vt-, ternatives m an effort to edu- 21'.
I '- Ab ec "If; 00320] I” a broader attack 0“ Nix- who said he