xt7stq5rbx78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5rbx78/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1950 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1950 Vol.21 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, April 1950 Vol.21 No.6 1950 1950 2019 true xt7stq5rbx78 section xt7stq5rbx78 E 1 s~wv~w~:“'*"'x—“”“"="‘*
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 1 ' 1 i i *1 11 ' .
1. Z 11 11111111, The Kentucky Press —-—April, 1950 ~..t3
1 11111 11111111111 3. _-

" 1' . 1 1‘11 11:11- . I.
1 1 1 11111111111 . .»
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1 .1 1 1 1, 1 1.
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~31 111 1 111111 Mrs. Bessue Hager Dies Upholds Libel Law Opinion On W—H Low 11Mc
1 '1' W1, "11 " ' ‘ i l
11 11‘ 111111111111 Mrs. Bessie White Hager, 87 years old, The Calilornia State Supreme (.ourt last VVray Fleming, general counsel of the ‘1‘

1. 1 11 1111111 mother of Lawrence and Bruce Huger, month upheld the validity of the 1945 Libel HoOSier State Press ASsoc'iation, is a practic- F0
i 1 Ill 111111 Owensboro newspapermen. died at her home Law which was sponsored by the California ing lawyer who is retained by newspaper 1 .
‘ . ' 1 . . . . ~ . ‘
15 1 1.1 ”I'll “ April 15 after a lingering illness. Mrs. Newspapers Press Association, reversing the publishers on an animal lee to adVise them ‘ Curl
, 1 5 , K t . _ , ‘ . . .
l 111! 1 l ,1 11 11 Hager was the widow 01 Judge 5. W. Hager. deasion ol the Appellate Court. on publication matters. Fleming recently 1 May 1
1 1 1 1 '1 who preceded her in death December 27, The suit charged that “under Section 48a, offered the following comment: r1111 SC

3 11 1 l 1'1: 1 1 1 1918. of the Civil Code, a person who defames an— “No exempt newspaper with job plant ,1, local c
11 1 1,31 . 1 1 1 . 1 Mrs. Hager was born August 5. 1862, at other must be fully responsible [or any dani- should ever have to meet the requirements 1 emptf
13,1 1 11111 1 1 1 Highland Cottage, historic ancestral home age caused thereby.” He said that the sub- 01‘ the \Vage-Houi‘ law if the hours of em- mg re,
1 1. 1111|1 ’11 E 1 1 i of the White family in Clay County, Ken- stitution of a retraction lor all btit special Ploy“. are staggered to bring them Within livery t:
1> 3'11111 1 3-111 11 tucky. being the daughter of Daugherty damages as allowed by the code was “an the regulation. \Vhether they are paid 1 tate t1:
1‘ 1 1111111 1111 111 White and Sarah Ann \Vatts White. Mrs. unconstitutional attempt to relieve news- straight time or overtime is no concern 01 local 1
13 5, ll1il; l l 1111 11 ', I-lager's father was one of Kentucky’s pio- papers and radio stations from lull respoii- the Wzige¥H()iii' Division. 1 daysrt

1 .-'1 : , 1 1 l . .' _ . . . . . . . . ,,
1 1‘ ' l 111 . 1'1 1- neer salt manulactlirers. “blhty for abuse ”I “CC speech. “The best way to understand the regula- 1 :hanie’
11.1 1 1 .,. .. .. ~. 1 2 " ,t. “ '- - -- - eoc
1 1 111 1 Z 1 . 1 Mrs. Hager was graduated liom Roshury The opinion stitcd, In tie“ ol the com ton on Job printing m exempt newspaper ‘1 t
1 l l 11 l 1 I ' 1 High School, Boston, and attended Univer- plex and Iar-llung activ1ties ol the news plants is to start from the beginning First aterno
, 1 , ' 1 1 1 1 ‘ sity 01 Michigan, graduating from its school serntes upon which newspapeis and iadio newspapers with circulation under 4000 are be dept
'1‘: 11.1 1‘ .3 . . . t , , . . 1 . .., 1. - W'1 _‘ ' 3 ’ andrea
1,311 ‘, 1 ‘1 1 g 11 1 “1 pharmacy m 18851 the only “"1116" niem stationstmust l‘lrgdl rely, and the ”“0519 exempt lrom both the maximum (40 hours our NE
11 111 1 1 1 , ber 01 the graduating class. Upon returning of publishing news while it is iiews,tntews- a week) and minimum wage (75c an hour) Instri
1,11 1 11, l l | 1 1 t1 to Kentucky she received the first pharma- papers and radio stations may in goot laith provision of the law. So, on such papers, jthon'ze
1111 1 1‘ 1 11511111 cist‘s license ever granted to a woman in publicue items thattare untrue but whosc the workweek may be any number of hours .
11' 1 l 1111‘ l j this state. falsity they have neither the time nor the required [or production. routcttst
1 1‘1 'l ‘ 1 1 '3 .' 2 ' '1 - E ‘ ' I in 1885 to ud 'e o ortunit to ascertain. . one 6
11 1 _l i: 1 1111 '1 1 Mrs. H itger “ [2 m ”rim I 8 p31 y._ , _ 3 , 3 . . “VVhlIC many plants have a fixed number Saturda
'1; 1 1 =1 1 11 1 11 : I’lager ol Salyersi'ille. For several years they lhe Legislattiie may reasonably conclude of hours ‘15 '1 standard work week the need
1 1 l 1 ! 1 1 resided in Salyersville, where Judge Hager that the public interest in the dissemination not conform ‘to that standard ever yweek 1011a. Pt
11 l 1.11 1 , was a merchant. In 1887 the family moved of news outweighs the possible injury to a For cxim )Ie su ndse aii eth t news )a mi POSSlbIC
111 1 11, 1 1 1 to Ashland, where he engaged in the mer. plaintilf lrom the publication 01 a libel, and with '01) bl'mt 111: a standard visiork weleklol than J1
1I 1 l 1 1, 111 1 (:antile business and was the first Democrat may properly encourage and protect news 1 I _ ‘ ‘ _ 1115111655
: 11 111 1 1 1. 1 1 1 . 3 . . .. . . . 48 hours, which would permit any employe be give]
1‘1 1 1 1, 3 11 1 1 ever to be elected m Boyd (,ounty. dissemination by relieving newspapers and to work 24 hours on 'ob )rintin that week I
.1 1 1 ‘ 1 , 1 . . . . .'
1} 1 1 1 1'11 In 1889 Judge Hager was elected State radio stations from all but special damages without the )lant bdin Isub'ecgt; to th e- norma
11 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 131 Treasurer and the family moved to Frank» resulting from defamation, upon the publi- Hour Ll“ colieri e thei ‘81!)J)OS€ it wougltl , than 011
, 3 1 : = , 3 1 3 , . . . ,, z 1 ' 1 2 .‘ s
11, ,1 3 l l 1 ' ‘ loft, He later served [our years as State cation ()1 El retraction. g II resentat
11 1 ' 1 1 1 11 _ 1 1‘ _ . . be necessary to extend the work week to 60 The 1
11‘ 1 ,. .1 1 11 . ‘ auditor, after which Judge Hager was nomi- . . . ‘
‘1 1 i '1 1 1: 1 ‘3 . ‘ . _._____ hours some weeks, which would permit any borhood
,1 ' 1' 11 1 ‘ nated lor Governor by the Democratic Party. 1 . . . _ ,
, 1'1 '1 1 1 1 1 .. . . . employe to work 30 hours on lob printing not req
1 1 1 1 i 11' In 1909 he purchased The Owensboro In- An advertiser Wishes to introduce a new ind still the minimum in e and overtime e hd
1. 1 1 , . . . , z .' , u t ' a
11 1 12 113 111 1 1: quirer and they moved to Owensboro. Mrs. product usng an insert only in those copies e _ e t )f the l E “ould not ht 1t C. a1
1 1 1' .’ _ , . )a r ( uirem n s ( a 1 ' t ' erritor
11 1 11 1 1‘1 - '1 1 Hager had resided there snice. of our papers which are delivered by car— . I 1y The Administrator lie Iield that if more ”sat t y
1111 1 11 l 1; 1 1‘1 ' Surviving Mrs, Hager besides Lawrence ’r’iers, none of the copies‘w’ith the insert go- {hy' rot/1 If the “01:1: h eek is went on work torlle °t1
1, 1.’ , ., 1'1 ‘ . . . . . . ,, . an) ’.o 1 1 J." ’ i
‘11 1 ‘3 l f 1 and Bruce I-Iager are Iour grandchildren, ing into the mail. May this be done? This . l 3 I l s
.11 1 1_ 111 1 1 3 y, . . . ) directly essential to the newspaper and tie Efforts 5
1 1 1' :1‘1 ‘, 1.1 , 1 )er, .awrence ., o l 2 , . c . 1 .. . 1 1 ~ . x i- ' , , . . . , ,
1 . r1 1 ,1 \\ 11 I Jr 1 hi Higcr 'lnd Mrs is prohibited by 10W.“ Rules 'md Reguh rest ()1 the week on lob printing. the exemp- 1livery to
11 1 ’ 1‘ 11.; 1 Anne Bruce Hagerman. tions. As has been frequently mentioned, t_ t )Iies’" - ‘ lber f
1 1 2 1 = . . . . io a )
111 1 11111 1 1 . an insert is a part ()1 the paper whether it l H tr 0 l
.1 1 .11 1.: fi —* . . - 1 _
1 f 1 111 .. 3 be one sheet, printed on both sides, or a ._ P
11 3 1 1 1 111 1 Iheodore L. Stanton, former publisher of m'iga7ine section The Post Office takes the 1 Comp:
11 1 1 11 '11 11 the Clay Tribune, “'1‘" recently ”Old that 1);" position that if a paper uses an insert of The Paris Kentuckian-Citizen and the 13daily am
I 111, 1.11 I 1111 1.1 1’C1 to 1‘ I‘d Md” Bradley, medem'c Jour- any Character it must be mailed to all pa- (iarlisle Star, edited by P311] and L4”) 1lerentia1
111 ‘ 1 1 1 131111» , [.1 ‘1 Luterprise, decided to stiy ”1 thentucky trons. It also conSiders that it has JLIl‘lSle Brannon, hfl'? gone to eight columnist. trails or
"g: ‘ 131 ' 111‘ 1 loiirnalism and purchased the ILarIington . . . . . . . .‘ 7: ' 1mstructi(
11 1131 . 1 1 1111 . _ f F 'l 1 Ed _ C 1 tion over all copies of every issue of a news— . 3 3
l 11' '1 11,11 it“: 510“; ‘ml kant .“m . (”1:11 (1)“ paper, including those that are no mailed. 351111110115 ‘
‘1 , :1 1 1 1 x ) ‘ . 'I i e ' te . . 1 '
111 1 1 ’1 11 1 . '11“ ( t e toctit possess on mntitt ltd 1y (SNPA Bulletin) James B. Rhody, 45 years old, was named ttte pub]
5: ‘ ' ' ’ 1 ‘ 1a ians Vi continue to )u) isi tie ' , . ~ 3
111 1 3‘3 ,‘ 1 [It t1 5 16 . I: ‘ I managing editor of the Frankfort State 0ka an
,. 1 13 1 ; _' 3- 1~3 h 5 . '.
111 1 11 l 1 11-1 turgis ens . Journal, on April 29. Rhody, known to his lniafll mai
'31 I l; 1 ‘ —_~_ —‘ . . '. . H .1 - , 0 .
1111 .1 i1 it ‘1 . . U. S. Weekly newspaper circulations total Iriends as Dummy. broke into newspaper air am,
11: l» ‘31 1 1.1 Parking meter advertising has been held 17,254,668, according to 1950 N. W. Ayer work on The State Journal 20 years ago 1'5. 1ntwmalll
' 3 ' 1 ' 1 . . . , . _ . . . 1 s
f 1 1 1 111113; 31 by the Attorney General ol \Vashington to Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals. a reporter and columnist, and since then has 0n ttltmlt):
131 - 1“ 11111-11111 1 be illegal. The opinion recited a number There are 10,158 weekly, semi-weekly and had a varied career in news work, radio;and iectg) ' ‘
111‘ tz‘li‘i‘iiw'v . . . . . . . . .. 3- _ 3
1 1 11 311111111l1| ol cases, both inSide and outside the state, tri~weekly newspapers. Approxtmately nine other actiVities. He has been acting man to hing?
1'11 '- 11 111111111 1 which support the principle that public percent, or 906, of these did not supply cir- aging editor since Delmore T. Caywood left eral thtlé
11‘ 1111331 11: :11 streets may be used only for public purposes culation figures and the I7»million-plus total that post several weeks ago to undergo an 3 I er
11" l‘!‘ " 123-.11 . .. . . . . . . . . - ‘_ '1
1 3 1111 (11111, 11 and that commerCiaI advertising is an en- is the per issue average Circulation of the operation. Caywood, now recovering, "“11 1h 116111 1:
1 ~11 1, . . -- ' ' h
11‘ 3 11131 1111111111 1 ('roachment on the public interest. remaining 9,252. cated he Will announce his plans shortly. htcttlttdlng
‘ 11"11 .1" ' 1 '. eae
1 1 I 11 . l' 11 1 . .'
. l ,1111 1 ill 1Ill 1 11 ~ 1 . 3:; - . . . - ‘ v_, _; » ..;..-:;‘ ' .i ’ _ 1““ 1‘ 4 i i '11, i
» 11111111 11,31 ~11
1'11 1111111111- - ' ' - ' 1 .11- ,
‘ 11 1, " ‘. ‘1 . «”21 _-
1 E 11.: .11 l a
v ;=' 1111113 ‘1'
1 ~11:

 1 - 1111 11;
1 111 11‘
. . 11 1;
1 April, 1950 The Kentucky Press Page3'Onei '_, 1 1 ~11 1
fl . I '11 d - - he is merely following the recommendation 1111 >1
1 Mall SChedUIes Wl Nee ReVlSlon ' of the House Appropriations Committee for 1 1 ' _'
1 1 1 . , sizeable savings in postal operations. It is 1111
£110 1 F0110Wlng New Postal Regulations his contention that the inconvenience to 111 11
mm. 1 ' patrons on residential routes is necessary but 1111 1
1111;: 1 Curtailment of postal service effective that employees are on duty.” Item 13 states: a large percentage of patrons will receive 11 1
early 1 May 18 will require some changes in press “All bulk mailings of second—, third-, and mail at their homes in the afternoon under 11111 11;
. i-un schedules for many newspapers. While fourth-class matter, other than that prev- the one-trip delivery arrangement. 111 1 .
. local daily and weekly newspapers are ex— iously mentioned will be accepted for mail- . 1 = 1
plant 1 empt from some of the acceptance and sort- ing only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 11 1
peg: , ing restrictions, the limitation to one de- 6 pm. 1 Journalism Teachers 111 1
film 1 livery a day in reSidential areas. Wlll necessr On this point, Item 1? .explains. Post— Honored By University 1 1 1
. tate'timing alterations in delivery in the masters are directed to rigidly enforce the _ . . . . . ' 111 :1
paid 1 local post office with the alternative of :1 requirements that bulk mailing of second- TWO pioneers 1h journalistic education ”1 1 1 1
m 01 1(lay’s delay for non-compliance. For in- and third-class matter prepaid at special Kentucky Wlh be 110110er during the .lhhe 1 1 -
1 stance, anewspaper heretofore delivered to rates, be separated by mailers into direct commencementseason through presentation 1 1 1‘ '
igulzi- the local post office in time for a carrier’s packages as prescribed by the regulations Of service certificates to top-ranking Ken- 1 1 :1, ‘ 1
m1)” 1' afternoon route delivery will be required to governing acceptance of such matter. There “Icky hlgh'SCh001_55h10r5- . 111 11
Fim' ibe deOsited for mailing several hours earlier should be no deviation from this require- The’award-s W111 be 0h the 1.33515.“ the 1 11 1’
10 are 13nd ready for the new one-trip service, states ment." This so-called ”directs" packages seniors contributions to journalism m the” 1 11 , 1
hours our NEA Washington office. have always been made up by the publishers SChOOlS- . 111 1
hour) 1 Instructions issued to all postmasters au- to expedite handling for a specified desina- The certificates, to be known as the-Enoch 111 ‘
ipers. 1thorize the readjustment of city delivery tion when many subscribers are located, Grehan Certificate Of Newspaper SerVice and 1 11.1
hours '1 routes in residential areas so as to provide usually out-of—town delivery. One effect of the Marguerite McLaughlin Certificate 01 111 1 '
lone delivery each weekday, Monday through earlier mailings for weekly newspapers is Yearbook SerVice, W111 be'issued W the uhl‘ 111
imber 15aturday. These routes are to be readjusted the need for early closing days on advertis- VCrSItYS department 0f journalism "1 . the 111 1
need 10“ a permanent onetrip basis as rapidly as ing and news copy. name. of the Kentucky I-‘Iigh18chool Press 111 1 1 1
week. 1possible, and should be completed not later The new directive “discontinues news- ASSOCIaUOh: Wthh maintaints Its state head- v 1111 ' 11"
paper 1than July 1, 1950. On Saturdays, in the paper treatment for publications of the quarters Oh the campus here. 1’1 1, '
791‘ 01 ‘business area, normal three—trip routes will second-class other than the regular daily and The newspaper award honors the 131.9 111 1}
1131076 be given not more than two deliveries and weekly newspapers as previously mentioned,” Professor Grehan, who .founded the uni— 1 11 . '1
week normal two-trip business routes, not more and stops during the hours of 6 pm. to 6 verSitys department 0f journalism 1h 1914 1 1
W380 than one delivery, adds Bill Daley, our rep- a.m. the distribution of all mail, both in- and served as 1‘5 head “htll hls death In 1937. 1 1 I 1 ,
would ‘ resentative. coming and outgoing, other than air mail, Under his direction, the department became 11 11
1° 60 1 The postmasters are advised “that neigh- first-class mail, daily newspapers as described one oflthe nation’s1pion'eers 1n.the field 0f _ 11111 1 11. 1
1t ""1 borhood stores and professional offices do in the previous paragraphs, and parcel post.” professwnal journalistic mStWChOh~ 111'1 , 1
111111155 not require more than the one delivery Subscribers stencils and addresses should Honored through issuance of the Iyear- 111111
:rtimc veach day. In mixed business and residential be checked as Postmasters will immediately hOOk awardois M15_5 McLaughlin, 3.5515153“ 1111 1 1 1
at HP- territory, where a second delivery is neces- discontinue directory service on ordinary professor Of journalism at the university and 11111 11 1
11110113 Vlsary to provide for other businesses and fac— mail other than perishable matter and par- a member Of the departmental Sthff Slhce'ltf 1111111 ‘
work tories dependant upon the mail service, cels of obvious value. establishment 3.5 years 330' M155 Margle: 3; 1 1
1d the 1eff0rts should be made to consolidate de— Publishers using third-class mail for pro- as she is affectionately known to thousands 1 1
xeiiip- livery to these areas to the minimum num- motion matter (third class rates» will be 0f current and former univerSity StUdhhtS: 1 1 11: 11
her 01 carries required to make a second adversely affected by Item 14 which will was. one Of the first women teachers 0f jour— 1 11 11.5 11
IhP' discontinue preferential treatment of so- nalism m the United States. . 1 11 11 1
1 Compared with other mail categories, called time-limit third-class matter. Mailers .Nomination blanks were-mailed t0 prin- 111111 1: 11
:l the daily and weekly newspapers are given pre- desiring such handling of their circulars will cipals ahd publication adVisers Of all Ken- 11.11 I 1111
Larry 1lerential treatment in the Postmaster Gen— be courteously informed that in order to tUCkY high 'schools havmg newspapers 01‘ 111 '11 111
leral’s order. Item No. 11 in the official secure immediate service, it will be necessary yearbooks, according to Dr. Niel Phlmmeh 111 ‘ 11 11
1instructions reads: “At the main office and to prepay the mail at the first-class postage W110 SUCCBEdCd Grehan as head 0f the de- 111111 111 11
- - 'stations where mail matter is received from rate. partment 0f journalism. 11 11
iamed 11116 public in large quantities over loading Postmaster General Donaldson’s letter to Sixty-three schools nominated 184 students 1111> 11 1
51m 1(locks and platforms, the acceptance of such the postal service claims this curtailed serv- to receive the awards. The nominations 1111 11:1
to his 1mail matter will be restricted to the hours ice is urgently needed for economy reasons. were-on the. ham of'scholarship, Cltlzenship, 111 1111
spalmi‘ 1018 a.m. to 6 p.m., except for first-class mail, ‘ He stated that Congress has voted increased and Journalistic serVice to their schools. Gre- 1111i ;
ago 115 pa mail, including air parcel post, daily salaries to postal employges of $740,000,000 han certificates were presented to 102 stu- 1 11112
81111215 gnewspapers, and weekly newspapers of local since 1945, H. R. 87 passed by the House dents, and 82 received the McLaughlin 11 1
o1‘antl Origin having the characteristics ordinarily and favorably reported to the Senate this certificates. 1111
mm recognized as those 0f a publication devoted week will bring the postal deficit beyond a Both Mr. Grehan and Miss McLaughlin 111‘ 1;1
)(1 left to the dissemination of current news of gen- billion dollars. Some observers believe Don- have contributed much to the advancement 111i 1 11
go an tral interest. aldson’s drastic order was calculated to force of journalism in the state, and many jour- 1111 1111
. indi- 1 Item 12 specifies “first-class mail, air mail, higher postal rates at this session and block nalists, working on Kentucky newspapers, 1111 1.‘
tly. 1'1““ng air parcel post, and newspapers, postal workers' unions repeated demands for received their early training under these 1 1 111111
vwillhe accepted in the post office at any time higher pay. The Postmaster General argues two professors. 1 1 1‘1 1 in},
4 . 1; 1 ;
' 1 i 11.. 1
~ 1 1 1' '1;
' 21.1 . ‘ r
' ‘ 1 1. 1 ‘ ' ‘1.

 1111 1 I -,
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1111111 1 11 e Sp ape ules Th r855
1111 1 11' 11213,
11 1
1 111111111 1 1 I; the Commeno all newspa erstate 1 April I 1
' ‘ *1 Dessau ‘5 made 11 10min the 0m heir bu. ' 950
1 11111 3 1 , South B 1 P11in Y an at: ““6 m Pro‘ . “new .
1111 1 1 1 ay 1) ShEr Orne and rC JCCt - 11 £11
1 111111 - 1 1 1 1 the PrCC ublishin and head y for other fea e busi 1 Wlth One ls manner 1.11
1 1111131 1 1 ‘ Uni Edent m _g Compan of the Wan-ant [Ures re mess and . mana aS a u . 1
1 1 ted ak th P a 1 ed . gem n
111,11 1 ‘ . State . lng d - . y f0110 ' of 6 C011 . P red 0 pant s ”on . th 1131‘! a
11111 1 wlch When I: Dlsmct 11131121510“ givenw1mg me the defendandusmn that 111}: of the Stat segmén hVeral neWSpal duectio‘; under one 111411111"
1111 1 that em 9 filed ge L60 by ICC’ . t are . t e em 6 Of l:lZe it . apers I and in 1111;
1 1111 1 1 1" . Ployee the o - . n R. Ya of th ‘ - So tha engaged ' P1°Yees the W In 0rde~ ’ Hey Ca , one ‘1, E
111111 1 1 ' uslng In S Of 10 Pln10n th nk. C PuIel t, COnc ' 1n di . ‘ emptio 1 to C] , nn0t II 1 1 E
111111 : 1 1 : i fits, fe Cal We at rul Ployee y loCal . Cdmg th Com- Vldual n n Whig} alm th ow ,- é—
, 1111 g 11 s:§-°“‘Side with“, and cat? neWSpape: “0n 0: may no: be eelrculation at1hbecause The 01321151111116“: 1 applies to :mhflnefir 1 E
1'11 1 1‘ 1 1 1 Ject ate a u- Ons . ~ - good nga ed . ’ t 3 Sent 1011 S :1 Jill- g
111 1. the . to the m- 1 re 1n c orlglnat In the s fol” co g In ‘th Cm- 611139. “ms 11 1 =
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111.1111 1 1 . fOr . abot S Wa e and COrPO . 10n of 1 thei , uC- 1 Ch C0 ulln - 1 1 =
1'111 1‘ “13 Pub - tahdard g6 Pr0v' - a mt1n - the n r aCtlv‘ - l0r - mplet g 1“ thi 1 E
1111 1 _‘ 1 1‘ 1 1 > Th llsher_ sACt, Sta 151011 of nd mate ' g Into Su eWspaPers ltles a llke u . e unified 1 S 1 E
11 1 11111315,: attomey Wro: tes the can ,plaCe therfimf gatherefih prodUCtionand in Pch>yee statusflty test in dOPeration c1 , E
11111, 1 1 ‘ 1 1‘1 comic 2:11 as yo“ h; to Dessau as f engaged in Cln the Categiumde the Sjews fen; Orders injun etermining 2111111 E
13111: ‘ 1 p 1 e d' 01 U 0m , T at, ant Ct' - ' _-'='_-:
11 11111 ‘1 1311221651pi§1§flent and thfpfnsed 111111113151 tionnder the Agnew ’1 1 of “Plow; 1011111611111ng 151116 against 1 E
11113 1 Ti i '55, 6: Cat 8 Was b ’ as 't ____m 1" th 1 E
111111 '1 1 ‘ Calg'fnate or c0mg C1 made fromure all”tides of Purel egun l1n 19; Stood When p unce With the de’ :3;
111111 1 ; 1 Tlsllilrma’ it is m from OutSide mats which Culationy j10cm Circula 91 weékly ne the ac- A New P o______ eAct. _=-==
11“ ; - . t o t' w ' E
1 1 11111 1 .3 1 neWSpaGp MATEIZIiXEmOn that EeASlgate of :16 Act iflesshthan 30313“ and havingpapers We 1 leure Stunt . E
1‘11,“ '1 1 er ' . ’ t . 1We a c‘ _ 1alv 1 2—:
1 111111 ' 1 1 ‘ -‘ are mahufa1S not Printed;11 PPearmg i VER1 15511111 Where ey1C1rCulate re F1Xemptfrolr COminuede seen thOus E
111111 1‘1 ‘1 1 1 . State of C C‘tured-or Co from mats” the c 9, the Con prlnted and Chlefly in “:11 for the C On other ands of new 1 E
11111 1 1 engaged ,ahfol‘nia, me from On _which “121mm to gress miSed published 6 guidin Entral Cit Pages, but _ 5 stories )1 E
111 11 1‘ 1 11 ‘1- : MUST In interstazou would not 151116 the golds thalt th40001 How the maximu1 In 21 Pic: g gemus Of A11 Messenger It remains —-==
11:11 1' 1 1 1 11 0rd ascmain 6 90mm the" be y the ~ . e emp1 ever, th m Ch- w ure ‘0 an mos Sto ’ uhder [1115 E
1111' ‘ 611 that: WITH “6: b d mleid Oyees at e Opin' ay: Other 3 he: to e‘ E
1:1 1:1 ‘1 1 1 1 that YOu w' CER “t you effinda1 u211 n e not 1011 IagE. 1 Comm 1 _E_
) 111111 31‘ 1 1 MA NO NEWSIH no: be sub-TAINTY in 11Th nts. The 0 .e‘f’sPapers b eImployw MS‘One phOtO thappenedtfie E
1 1111: 1 1 are TERIAL 3P1; PICTURESJCCt to the act fenda e printing plnloll sayS, ut by the tot1 Pngah Baghphed a fin 151 E
1 1. i 1 1 Printed f Caring i I or 0TH A Hts iS C establish ' the ri h tlst Chllr 6 picture 2
1 11:11. 1 1 u 1 c0min f rom ma 11 Your ER t their onduc: ment ab0 g t wh' Ch, I of the E
1:1 1 t he - 1 6d of t Ve 1Ch thad =
11 1: 1 1: 1 1 Theg mm States 0 S .manufactu wsPaPers 1‘ Printsp 111““ He1m 0“ a unita he ‘16- Prime 1116 Church “tended ‘1 ”66 011 g
111 111 E 1 1 Was adca.” Was triedutSIde Califo ”rd in 0r employeeand Publishe 0.53 Beach cry- bash the 11 BuSter A511 when timcomdmblyi E
111111111 11 ‘1 defendafimed that thearly in Fel::11a111 Paper b1; 11:1 employfed1151 newshapidomia’ of t£:Per it “91116211111110 get thee came for E
11 1;»11 1 ‘1 . 1 ts - e ua ’ ,n S. T Pa t a pic 1 E
1 111 1111 1 , 1 Cspe . dld Wage YY. It are 1 Y the , 0t b he us ge we tthe ture 1n =
11111111 1 1 . Clan net Co SCales Pald b PUbhsh- Y e2ch]. e of th re t00 top and =
111111111 1 1 time y as rega Inf011m of the newS y the def mg h neWs- B 6 Pic c1Ose t 1101101111 E
1111, ‘1111 and rds th to th paper enda 0x156. Uster ture Ogeth E
1 1111111 1 11 the record:halt the Com: Payment Ofe Act’ 1:11};1111111P10ye1: which that’s regalflleSS 0:111:11 Church 5111111111111 the Cuinifanythingretlo 811011! E
11 1 u re - an 0v W W0 t ’ a i - 0 ' se, 5
‘111 1 1 1 ‘1 Ilder the qulred Y kept er. 8 news Ork 0n rk, In e of a 3-c ng It a 1115: So E
111 1 ‘ _ It Was 3:111 of concerns “gm of days and Pxfiers are pu :11} hthe “CW5p;rUth’ Now (guinn by eig11f1-Columh 13:11:16 the 1 E
,1 1 1 . - : 1 a '=-
111111111 1 11 1 1 1 they did no: thfendant’s mlng 1533:1311 the WZIrlk the works oed on diffeEZrS1 flOWn thereph Utley Sighlslcsdeep Cut 1115111111 E
- 1 1 ecau . ave C011: ; 0 s 0 On 11 0n 1 nt In ’ and ills 1 E
1 111111 1 1 State 5; then. emploto €011me egtlon that Work or: “Chum areanlfther is bee IS COm. Onglyforgz; C01111111111111.was unhapfor engravings E
1111 1 . eme mmerCe andyees wCI‘e n -the Act the pr darnmgs of th Cpt Segre gu-n. No it uSlng 12 i Inches of FY about my , E
111111111 ' Pt from the 0‘ In in o . O “Ction 6 pers gating th 1 Ch‘flrch nchCS- s e“gravin E
11111111111 Purely 10Cal p 1:116 Act bfublicatiom ter. 1: 11111011ng the' of these neohs emPloyed e 2. With c aPpearS 0n 0 they “COME and E
11112111111”: 1 a Circul _ u liCa , Callsc WerE u at n 11‘ tim Wspa in mak 0mm page lnued" g
11 1 :1 1 at tlo th eWs e o PCrs e a ,, Cm b 1: tr =
1111111 11 Jud lon greater thus, none of e? were emPIOYed Paper_ 50 r wages t or ap_ ”(16' y UtleY11‘A ee on P113“ E
11111111 1 : ge Ya an 30 Wthh h n 0n thalt e 0 a pa ~ "’05 t 5
11111111111 1 While _nkWich re' 00. ad ewspaper the Prod ach em 1 ”1' _____ 1 00’ can E
111111111 E11 1 Which $111113 that 31?th bmh c were deal: ASSume thuction of 1; 11111166 is H e 1 . E
1111;- 1 ,1 . en , e Onte - of n - ’ ere f 1'0 _ —— E
1 1111 11 11‘ (3:11“): PuetWZEapers hadfzw Subscrgtlions. CorsaCh of gghevgth the diff:::e1 that if 0:: Safe_gr!_eoder AW 5
:11, 1 1 u - o n n ' E
1 111-111 1 11 ' 1 Caizlel‘ce, he lfelneWsPapertSSIqe Californli]: are 51:11:11 to reachesgspaperS, w: employees A Ce . 'Vlng PIOqUOrded E
1 11 1 newsp: good portij neverthelé: i"termite “Neveln the exempte CIODCIUSiOn Yfiuld be YCar Wifiificate of me ‘ €_‘ 1E
1‘_ "1111' 1 P613 n of [h 5: th ' rthel (1- 355 at [1 Out, . rlt f0 1 E
11 .1; 1 1 6m Cam e . at b . are d . eSs - 16y ‘0 th 3 Sm r (:0 . 1=
11‘ 1 1 1 ployees e from materl - e efilm ' ’ the f e Lex' 3116 ac ' mpletln 1 =
11111::311 ; o ‘ ~ Were OutSid al In th fend g With act T6 ' at lngtoh cldem g 1111 E
1 1111111111111 1 ' 1111;111:111 Says: Engaged in c3136 State th: e«Elchant: and notthe employizzms that We A8503; AmeriCarerrgldLeadeYE:11211511111111 S
1111-31131 1 e mel‘c 1 . 0 th with S 0f h . Jl0n ew n prime E
2, 1:11-‘11' 1 Out, e' Th W111 '3 f the t e d Lex meet' SP3 =
111111111111 1 the mat . Of'state . , e Ch the d oul‘ ind‘ . emplo e. . 1ngton 111% in Per Publish E
1 111 but in 6511111 not 0n10111.gln of a . have before efendants prhgdum new:668 of C1211‘_‘11(’n’s 53151111)er ParticiNew York. T1111: 5
‘- 11 1111‘ 11' 111 ‘ ’ t0OHS—‘11, 1 form ofy 1n the ferrfiortlon 0f employees “5 their emo uce_ In 3 Papers accldeht ratedrlving Ca pated in 'the a E
,. 11 1 1 11 i 1 the/ 011er 1 11 Prepare of new The in _ _ of the . ,Ployees 111.11, We The e to a r mpaig