xt7stq5rbv75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5rbv75/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-02-16 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 22, February 16, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 22, February 16, 1911 1911 1911-02-16 2015 true xt7stq5rbv75 section xt7stq5rbv75  
a I` H E I D E A \
_ I
Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., FEBRUARY 16, 1911 No. Z5 Y
5 \ BASKET BALL. Christ Church has and justly has the MANSHIWS LECTURE A $PLEN' ers; lt is rather the charming story-
-——— reputation of being the best team in DID ENTERTMNMEN-r' teller visiting with his friends. Don't
? TEAM RETURNS FROM TRIP. Ohio. The men composing this team '_-` forget plucé.
·-—— are old college stars, every man a LARGE AU ¤I ENC E WELL -3-••-•—-——
Great Improvement Shown. star, and with this reputation staring PLEASEQ WASHING-rON’S Bm-I-HDAY cELE'
-—— them in the face and having already "%` BRA-n°N‘
The gqugd of bggkgt bgll plgygrg been defeated twice, State’s five, un- S"'°°_°°° Grutly A'd°d BY th° H°°' """'
representing the University of Kem dimmed, met them Saturday mgm in pttality of Prof. Mackenzie and HILARIOUS EVENING IN OUR
M tucky, returned to Lsxtngton Sunday the host played sorno of tho trip. tt" '""°t“'“‘°'° E"°"“’ °t CHAPEL
  srter pmylng three or me fastest Ont-woishod. out-rooohod and on s P"' °"""" . __
  teams in Ohio. While it is true, they Strange Hom,. State gave Christ —-- Decorattnons, Band and. Instrumental
A) lost all three, yet every game was Fhnroh the hardest SUM th0Y'V€ hid TRIP? HERE SATURDAY NIGHT" Mmm, Reprsumatwu. From
fast and moss, me last rew minutes this roar From tho time the whiotio ——— th° F°°°` L°t°my S°°i'°"°°'
deciding the game_ sounded until the end of the last half The immense audience, which lis- Glu club and var°°°°
v After traveling eevea hgupg, they it was fast and furious all the way. tened to Gov. Luther Manship, of oth"` Am°°°m°"t°'
t ar;-{ved at De]avva;·e, Qhie, whgrg they The lst half ended 14-11 favor Christ Mississippi, in the University chapel _ "__ _
met Qme weeleyan Thursday uighh Church, and in the second half they the night of February the second, Th? Qtemng °f_F°bmm`y 22* wm be
z This game was played under ee]. substituted two fresh mon, one of were indeed afforded a rare treat. an hllamolfs we m _°ur Chapel" I?r°f‘
Q tegiate rules, whteh of cgurgg, proved them, Easton, having largely to do Seldom does the entire audience re- Farquhr is managlgg pmparatfons
l a bgd handteap to em- beye who gpg with the flnal result. The Alumni spond to a speaker as did this one, in mr a grand celebrimotl On me bun"
. unused to the ··d,·;b]e_·· At the gud and supporters of Old State there, turn, to the humor and pathos as dty Ot George washmgmm there
of the iirgt ha]; the aeepe gtood 14.11_ and there were quite a few, weren’t painted by the gifted orator. Mr. ww be batlds ang tuusic t°°‘ COIOTS
favor Wgglygn, the game being fast in the least ashamed of the game put Manshlp is certainly a born actor wm be nylug arusucauy; Strings wm
T and clean, only gng foul being cgugd up by our men who did remarkably and his story telling was simply ex- vtbrmei Speakers and Speakemsses
and that eu State But towards the well playing the`.·· opponents as they cellent. wm Speak aug clubs wm sing; all
latter part of the eeeead hglf Qhig did. Hart scored largest for State, In fact, we found him a most excel- vm Combme U} one mumwdiuous
Wesleyan seemed to euteelaee eur dve making four lilflculz shots. Both lent man along all lines, and believe Jubgee as 8 mtmg honor to me °°u°`
and the game ended 3g-24_ All {hg guards played w.».l throughout the that he cannot be excelled upon the U`y_S féqlel"
men played well, {hg gpgctgtgpg ye. trip, mak°ngg their rr-en work for all platform as an entertainer. We hope btrainwg ever?} neva and _l?'b°rmg
marking that not only was that the met not The final score was 3‘> 21. that it will be possible to have him to the tutteét °t their capacmes the
hardest game Wesleyan bag had {big it might be menttcrcd that this is with us again another year. OPGS that will b°_h°ard °° that 8},6
year, but the eteaeet guarding they the team that bent Georgetown Col- Gov. Manship was entertained while mug Cermmly wm have Sémethmg
have ever seen. Line-up: Harrison, l€g€ 99-9. this year'. Among a. host here at the home of Prof. MacKenzie, worthy of the Occasion and It is an`
eentep; Marx and Hart, fgpwgrdg; of Kentucky followers Messrs. Gra- who is an old friend, and after the Cumbem upon every Student here to
Gaisgrl and Preston, gu3,rdg_ b€l‘, Bild Ridd, ,12, RBSDGSB ,].4, M8.l'X· lecture the 0I‘3tO1‘ WHS giV€I1 8. dill- S€€_that' the general public knows
The next game played was at West- m¤€U€I‘ ’15, H8I‘t ’08, \V8.§/ne Plummer ner at the Phoenix by Prof. Mac- of it and _lf possible 8'tt€udS' No
Ewing, where they played Otmrbom V12. and u host of whew Kennel Those present Were, Prof. such extensnve demonstration has hap-
University. In this game it seemed Although our team didn’t win games F- Pant And€¥`S0¤· Prot- R- H- Sv¤hr· Dened in me megmry of man, sim?
as if some hoodoo was camping on on the trip te was guccgggfu] mee- Judge Henry S. Barker. Major John me death °t him m “"h°S€ h°“°r “°
tho hools of tho Ky. quintet. Even much as the improvement shown and Skoin. Prof- A· S- M¤¢K¢¤Zi€· Gov- Shan Speak' smg.°'°d pl"' .
though the game was played in a the game pat up against stronger Manship, Mr. Jack Murray, and Mr. P°°tS wm reclm their mspimd
ruthrr Small ¤n¤¤¤- with no ontoioo mms. ws so disgrace to me a w. E. maven, ot Lotnsvnte. rue *‘h>’¤¤€S· story ¤<==§¤‘t wm throh for
lines and under collegiate rules, State close game and every game was close Student b°dY heartily thanks Prot- the IOW Ot comm`) and au the while
Started in with n rush. throwing has- and hard fought. Not one or those R- H- Snohr for his efforts in <>¤t¤b· we wm bf? S`? Smjmd ?r°rP wmwut
kets from every angle and guarding teams can eay gratee men are ··qdit. lishing this Lyceum course, whereby that we “   mel miie “° me in the
well and though the score at the end ters_" Every man plgygd hard myd such a dehghtful entertainment was best cmmut On [hh Side the Gulf Of
of the flrst half stood 19-11 in favor gave forth the bggt in mm_ The {C]. made possxble. M°¥i°°‘ _ _
of St,8tB, Otterbein Came back   lowing [QQ!] made the trip; Cf)aQh Saturday Bight. February 18r at 8 'lhreu let us   Feel lt our   to
a rush and won out in the last few lddmgs’ Manager Bum), Captain 0.010ck, Mr. Walter Bradley Tripp, show the honor ot our presence not
moments, tho more standing 42-29. Galser, Preston, nsmssn, mn, nm, P¤·of~=>¤¤o¤· or Dramatic Art in the Em· °?"." ‘° me "‘“*°"°· "°"‘S °“d ‘““`
Barnett went in at right forward in Barnett, Beatty and Kimbrough. €*¤`S0¤ Collrso of O*`at°t`Y· B°¤t°¤· will %ma“S’ but [0 the country aud. its
Hart’s place and played well. The render Shakespeare’s "Twelfth t°Tu"d°'?‘ Pet Ps bum with me mes"
rest of the team played hard and fast. . Nlght." "[ pammlsm my Om- history and its
Captain Galser’s arm was injured in This number wil be held tn the h°"°°S‘
the first half so badly that he couldn’t ATTENTION, SOPHOMORE8! Sayre College chapel instead of the —"_"’*°*""`_'
lift it but set a flue example to his State l7lltV€l'Si{)' chapel. Prof. Tripp THE UMOON LITERARY SOQETY
men by gamely sticking it out the ———-— comes to us with excellent testimon- HOLDS GRAND MBE-nNG·
rest of the game. The line·up in this lals and you cannot afford to miss ———-—
game W3.B, Harrison, center; Gaiser, All Sophomores are earnestly re- hearing him. The distinctly personal Judge Barker, Dr. Patterson and Prof.
and Preston, guards; Barnett and quested to be at Spengler’s Studio element which Mr. Tripp brings to his Gordon as Speakers.
-. Marx, forwards. · Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock to work at once makes him one with —-——
The third game was played with have the class picture made for the his audience, so that he never gives Last Saturday night the Union Lit-
the Men’s Club of Christ Church. Annual. the impression of talking at his hear- crary Society was gratified beyond

 2 T11 1; 1 12 1: A ‘
Ask Your Grocer for- measure. Pres. Barker, a member of which is of more than usual local lll-  
. the society when it was first called terest. The tenor solo is especially
` b
    the "llnion," was announced to speak effective and called for several en-  
Doo,t Forget Hoo Cake Moot to the members and visitors and cores. but the manner in which hl
trade ov among the visitors sat Dr. James lx. "'l hat Old Sweetheart of Mine" is
_ ` ' _ Patterson and Prof. Gordon. handled fairly eclipses all that pre- Y
I-•€XuV"t°¤ DOH"` M¤11¤ 00- Pres. Barker spoke cn the times ceded it and puts a fitting finale to  
... -—-—-——-—-—-—— during which he was a student of about the most pleasing and ap-   ·
tllc A. and M. College. He entered pealing creatioll that vaudeville has O  
NI A   : I-I in 1869 and worked in a blacksmith ever afforded, cgmN Bguigggtn t i
shop to sustain himself. We were      
mm. - ew R W — .
F U-RE told of the many experiences he had ——-———•-•-•-—-·———-— 4 It
GOOD ’ while in college at Ashland. He told 1·sAcl< TEAM OUTLOOK. Notch CQLLARS  
Carpets, Wall Paper and stoves. her Well he remembered Pref Wmre - a..,.lbbse elbab. l»..bal,.beb.,bl...,. I ,
tall, straight and very handsome. And The oroeheete for a eaeeeeethh   I
“‘““" “""g“ °* ‘“‘°'°*" ‘”°'° ‘°'° meek reem tme veer ere very brism- _.._.;...._._....
B   of the early days of the institution Nlany of the old meh are out and We ·
Bl     then located in what is now a barn hope there may be Some Stare th the
··The Tailor That Satisiies” at H€Y;1¥°Y (`WYBS 012 };;?m€·i E"€"`Y 0;; new material. We have an unusual f
AN must OVO OO OYO e¢e¤ Og te Ou chance with the weights. Our old ` r
  and     m’G• 3 gpegch ccncerlllllg llS it did 1.116 men that run the long distance are at  
159 80uth Limestone SE"‘_‘·"gl€S and the begmmng ef Our work and the sprinters also are busy.
_   l";‘V$"Oi€y· P B I d Last year our track team never got ca, CO
`O Owmg "OO· errer WO reer out of the city excepting, if you will .
UNIVEQSITY LUNCH STAND Dr. Patterson who spoke on some of remember, a few times during prao_ THE LEADm,G
First (`lass Lunch and his remembrances of the institution. ttee_ This year we are certain that
HG1; ]\]gg]s He showed the marvelous growth and they wm go to the alhsoatherh meet SPECIALTY HOUSE
AT ALL HOURS progress in the last fifteen or twenty which te to he held at Birmingham, ,
A. B. BARRETT Y‘°m`S· For a time them would Only Alabama. The contract for this meet  
Cor. S. Llme and COHHX STS. be me graduate eeeh Year While BOW is signed. It is fixed. Any one could   1
 —— me rirrlrger Otdgriduztes ere up in well afford to indulge in practice tor Y ES
EVERYTHING pgg THE O Og OS an OOO Ob- the chances on that meet alone. It
KODAK! After D"- POOONOO OOOOIOOOO WO we get some good new men to work IN HIGH CLASS
Developing .bl 1;ri¤ti¤x }‘§“I'Zl.Z’“§$;. ‘.`Z`..N;. °ZZ2°Z`3;.b 51;.:2;*: °“ ““" g"‘ ‘“ "““*"’* ‘”"‘°"   “""· ' °"'m‘ °”·M“'*`“ AND
` ‘ " ' O there is a possibility that we will win MHIINER
Lexington Photo Supply cot manifested in literary work in our that meet at Btrmthehahr And who Y'
om Kirby’s M om sm, 8*1*901- He edrieed me emdeme re would bbt like to llslp his school wlb FOR
EO t‘Val;Ouftl;O‘;)` tt*;OO;;“· ye ZOO it: a victory such as that would be?
Om O l “· O O S er Owe W Berea wants to have us come to
I     °Or;};1OO°; gmt ESO'} OOlgvO;iO“· h ld their town and indulge in a little      
we 1 N LO e mon erary 00 Qty S Ou l manly sport, Surely we will g0 Bild
iw CRIMMI PAR R eg; dgejéeeerlerrlern  eg   3 lb is likely, lb lb probable and after s Fbll Lme New ba Dlsplay
o tr * second thought we believe we are
AND LU§CH STAOD mem OOO O meet Many “'OlOOmO almost certain to win at Berea. We
Smith Lime and wmslow Strat, awaits tha" rOt“m· hope that the men may realize the •
    . _
_, _, FITZGERAID ~·rreeee~=· $;;‘i;‘*§.‘;.°£.§.E‘§.T..l‘“;‘£*€?§;"2;. .22; mm ems me
or ..A Ni ht ith th P t ,, that most students doubt as to our  
St Pffwmmt GH t, lb tbS°SLZ°b...dllf. bKb.albZ §°bZ.. eerge erm- It me rem eeem el-
269 W. Short. - - Lex¤¤gte¤» Ky- be on mestally bill, but ltls amlghty tr ps O O ° “‘ “°V°r be *“k°“ .;.;._______.
  eleesr vresrem ther the management by y°" Tg? asdweu im tha; gut , A
has arranged for this week. The show ° ycur ee OO g° ° WOT O`     S  
KINKEAD GOAL WMPANY barbs with Blanton abs Bowers, s f;“jIj j;;‘;]°*;‘;t‘Stg:’;¤gA§;°S”*:h’:; B ,
GIFICE and YARD- blackface act which is of more than a G ` Ou 6 l
No_ 157 N. Broadwa . the usual merit. As a feature song , ·_ t
RAILROAD YAR S F YM D tho boys oro introducing Hstaamboat We havie ztwgoord manager, a live OUT S€n1l Annual Cut t
I :` ‘ rug °` Bill," a close relative of "Casey Jones" manager n I" mncs and you an   S | is now gin
.. . k , h C CC 8 8 g g
pot, b_ Broadwaov and Chnsty Sto ,, . now t at our oach is both able and _
and Monday s audience forced them '_ l_ , , _
.  le Slllg themselves healse. Y` *1 ‘"g·t The mei “*;° :1"mth“;° sui 00 In F¤|‘U|$hiUg G00d$ l
t Eddy Gardner is about t.he only jug- Jumpj Q C" Ore go ng O 0 6 r Os and Hats   ;
    gler who has ever been able to in- Oud nt E1 hir the islaudent body te . `
, terest a Hippodrome audience with bP(;)})O: _€ eam wr ee mreh as O ' .
IOHANGE S CANDY KITCHEN tho manipulation gf huts He wgrkg   *;*5 *23 wet ag W3 give OO"  
· . .. .. ‘ r Ul muc ·
119 South Upper St, fast anu doesnt stall, which is very gave the Woot ban mf; Ozcaswzi 140 West mem so
‘ - , _ l t f tl di _ f - ’
Lexmgton, - K¢¤t¤¢kY   Ou 0 le er naw or R jug bring home victory from every en- "_"""*' lr
    r 1
. Hghe hiiehplut Duotiare tolld favortiteg Oagemenh __ JUST RECEIVED!
• • ‘ Q an 6 "°°€¤ °¤ GY rece re oussrlous IN osoenael-lv . 1
  &&   Monday was but a repetition of their a shipment of
fermer me- The rielm mevms er \Vlli<·ll bay tlllfblbblablt eblbbe
. , ~ ‘ ‘ WHITMAN’S
Everything Thurs Goodto young., Bebout lS easily the feature what heh dtd Sandy Hook?
er Ow eet- How did the first Long Island Sound? The Best Ch0¢?0l¤Y€$ ¤¤d
P R I N T I N G     has brought     And what     Out look? Confections Made, h
we tim? Of Oshmpany iwhich 1; rally When did the Schuylkill anyone?
140 South Limestone  "q““ O O NOV O““ O"? “° ee Of what was Delaware? C      
at M   IA giglllt Qvith the lgoets, which How mem, ootme dtd Whmooegt,   Ph   . U
Payette Phone ,,,.37.); (viii!-lll€ .ex ng on au ences che How much had Sho to spore? armaclsts - t
{_¥::oO*}Oort!;}:l{`; Iggid _i_2);’d“l“:c;*Ow°g: How much dill Fond du Lac? N_ W_ C0; Alain und [Jim_o_ .
‘ . - . · ~ A d l t dld B hi S ? ·
Lexmgtom Ktntucky l·‘rell EIIIETSOII Browne, a reading n wm ear ng ea Both Ph0u0—12'3‘

, 1’ I1 E I IJ L A
l ——————?-————————-——-·-—-————- LAW DEPARTMENT NOTES.
A Penn Saved —··
_ y i The following gentlemen have mat-
IJ a Penny Made riculated in the College of Law since p L
l (‘hristnnas: t  
» W. ..... ....»... ,-0.. ma., p.........     <>¢h· gamer-   L _
_ l. ,. Stone, onanza, y. · • ‘ l,·
T; b}_"Umg wu Leehurn Allen, (‘ompton, Ky.   .  
Y Rebel Martin, Vest, Ky.   be  
      H. H. Moore, Louisa, Ky. , ~ . xt
\V J Pri   (w   T K _   TheWorldsStand- 4 I   \,‘
, . . ets, .»ar se. y.   wg; ,,.d_ Tgng glggr, ,w¢"-` he w.
D C0. 5 Mr. G. Bain Morrison is in Louis-   §¤» mellow and very   \’— »_ _'  
T ville this week in the interest of t.he ,   powerful. f H I \ · I _ " ‘_
,   `   * Ab c nsca e. s.
T Sink of kentucky Law Journal. "I,»‘ ' E pihzgguzsgxrnsunehip. i,   / /
· lun William Henry Townsend. edi-     P§;$,:tflZ:`ii`ii.:3`¤ll:`ad` » J   A
COL•D   tor of the "ldea" and a member of the   y l’ll ‘   t cutalogtotliemukern. , ·   *_ é
Law Department, spent the week-end     F°' $“'° br '“'°'dl"' /-"` =`.¢Z;”:'  
- »· ‘ l . .   · 5
  with his parents at his home in ·   mlgtjsggz    Ti! /-?3h\`* @
s V _} I ‘ · "/
  inleusboro.   . Lyonkuuly in .‘@Jl' ~é’ I  
    Mr. 'l‘. C. Carroll, of the Law Class ' /"·   ·· chin., ` .m__ C //
_ of ’l0, was mingling with his many ‘ \. X · ` ‘n \
AT COST friends here last week.   ° ` , \_
.._. Mr Carroll has formed a partner- {   K
ship with his father and their oflice ` ‘ { · I ...
The QU; H0; Chat-Ojata in is in tlie Paul Jones Building, Louis- <••>
· ville.
I/18 Cl! D HEALY
y Mr. V. Y. Moore, who was at the St. MAKERS OF LYON AN
.--.. Joseph Hospital for several days suf-  
• fering from an attack of appendicitis, States highest eeurt has upheld The  
        has ab°“‘_*€°°"€"°d Mid is agam d°“" constitutionality of the initiative and M  
g g ' mg deep m the mysteries Oflthi law the referendum, and from this decis-
l The students of tlne severa c asses ion an appeal has been taken, the re.
l Phone 154 Your Neuron: Drug Store Of gyhlch he is the lhSt,·u(.tm._ are very Sun Of which will be of great interest wants yglour pictures since you left
· . · one-So oes tour
  glad indeed to have him 8.g3i¤ l11 O16 to those States which have adopted ` y
  "ha"`· tnie innovation. The Kentucky Ceurt l SWEETHEART
P E E R I E S S Mr. (`harles Kerr returned home gf Appoals holds that the Jim Crow t—·-
last week from a hunting trip in the hal- law hah hot bg lllgdg to apply to CALL AT
south. Mn-. Kerr holds the unique dis- Sleeping para H h I t d'
. I , A U N D   l tinction of being the only man who Dt; (`ggk, the fake explorer, has     S u  
has ever riwlured a real live "T<·ddy gone into vaudeville. John Viall is d I t Hi hel k th
BFST BY TEST Dear", that can perform his duties also l`€(‘Pl\'lI1}I bids for engagements an Q ‘ m D you ma G mo er
4 - ,. . _ . happy and also help you to WlD
W C WTTSON ACT i‘¤11l9 l1€ 18 3W3Y· and will put on his one act melodra- ’
` '° ' ` ’ J ' Mr. Richard Stoll delivered one of ma entitled "The Return of the your
a sel·ies of lectures last. week on cor- Killg_"    
    & C0. i*"1‘&li011S. Mr. Stoll is one of the ’I‘he Kentucky Law Journal will with some of those
best corporation lawyers in the state make its first appearance about the
Incorporated are his lsctures(a}l·eu;*lery ingtractille. ;lll(l(;l9 tgt March.] It with pelitain   Ugzelg gggéolzlglglgs
·l1(2`€‘ A'111311 13 Gy 311 . I'. . . ega su jects on y, an ar l(‘€’S Wl  
wm do your Society and C0m_ G. Rehorln, special pension examiner bg contributor] by the best lawyers Ml WEST MMN ST F"' Pl‘°"°l635"
i`0i‘ lhr slate Hi l8-1`KP. l13V€ 0l1€11€d UD in the state. It is sincerely hoped  
monument Invitations and Pro- 3 l3“’ oliice lll ih€ 'l`1‘l1Sl C0. buildin?. tlnat every student ill school will sub- OVER 66 YEAR?
the style of the firm heir <`ha1k1ey scrilne tot- the journal and help make Ex'°':°':"°':
gI'8¤1Sl1€l€€1'il18.¤0¥l1¢I'$· & Rehorn. Although this is Jutlge it a gtict·ogS_ All the eastern law
(`lif1lkl€‘Y`S il1`Sl l`€’31‘ 3i Slat?. hé is schools publish an law journal and
one of tlne lllllSl popnllar professors at there is Htl reason wlnv KPIllll('kV
A• • 2 V. A · T - `
\O 15 W est Ham Street sth ol. Judge Latlerty should be con- State should nnot do the 581119.
Lexington, Ky_ 1lI'{lllllIll€"II1l}l the foot out ill front ?il‘€ql‘l· ` ‘· ..E________,,. ·
• lnelievc that Oregon has a system of and grub the ground witln your spikes.   M
· . HOME-MADE CANDY popular g()Vt‘I'lllll(‘lll ill keeping with Always rull with your toes strzliglnt All work TéElF(&.T_NéNRHT  
1 ... . l 1 'Z
that }i\liil`&illll‘Q‘(l by tllc ('()!lSlll\lll(lll to thc trollnt; and if an string were (;lt·l.th€Tll.l,ll_ Q
}·`R»li'9ll }·}Vl·IR.l' DAY 2III(l will put it up to the Supreme slrctclncd alonnl: thc l'llllllt.‘l"S path, 3l3 l.2 EAST Mlm STREET
lll? Eagt ;\ll8][] St (`U\ll'l to dccidc the tluestioll. 'l`he l(`0lllllIllt‘tl onn Page l·lil;ht.l Neill- pl,$lT,ml.e

4 THE was 5
Published eve:} Thursday by the student body of State Fniversity of Kentucky.
for the heneflt or me students. the faculty and alumnae of that
THE IDEA is the official newspaper of the l'ni\·ersity, and is issued wekly ‘
during the college year. Its chief object is to give the college news of Kentucky.
In addition thereto it g§·es;iteg1sd0é1nt3rest conoming other universities and  
·~ lhges in the United ta es n ana a.
Entered at Lexington Post Ofllceaas seoonl class mail matter. Is 1\ow (¥OHIg OI]
WILL H. TOWNSEND, Editor-In-Chief. At {
IL \\’. TIXSLEY .............. . ......... . ............ . .......... Assisltnnt Editor, B
F. L. MARX .......... . ................. A .... . ......... . ....... Atl t0 EI't>
2: 1,. BROKER ,....... . ..... { ................ . ........ Assistant ,~.ah$e:$c Eintst;  
S. C. EBBERT, Business Manager t C
F. L. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. J. B. SA.\l)1il<¤, Asst. Adv. Mgr. 0     00
'l`I1l£O. SLMJE, Advertising Manager. \V. A. LL`RI'l·.Y. Asst. Sub. Mgr.
\'. L. DUWXIXG, Subscription Mgr. E. J. KOHN, Asst. Sub. Mgr. 136 & 138 S_ Limestone {
This issue ot The Idea was pre- The next issue of The Idea will be  
pared by the following members of prepared by the following members of ' '
The Idea Staff: The Idea Stuff:   &     C0•
  w. Jackson. I“°°""°"““"‘
Jesse Miner, P R I N TI N G Y _
wl C. Shultz, RUSH WORK A SPFCN Arly ou san save fiom 25 t0
J. A. Wilmore, BOTH PHONES 50 Der Cent. on all your
Mnss \\1]ll8mS. l24_]28 N_ UMESTONE _ _ LEX|Nm.(N· M. Dufcllascs m Clothing and
  Furnlshiflg C;OOdS .........
"Which yet my soul seeketh, but Farther iwqn the §a§°?hi°f this    
1 M ¤¤¤¤ GM mw Bmw 8 thou- S?`“ ““g -°‘“` ‘°°’ `Ye “ S ass"` Great Reductions in all Do artmonts I
Sand have I found; but 8 woman txon. Xoung ladnes should be sent p
among an these have 1 not found ·· ‘° S°“°°‘S °S"°°‘““" “d“p‘°“ ‘° ‘“°" St6t€
Fool T28 ' ` needs, while young men should be
4 ' ` sent to institutions equipped for their U ° • I H E   A
S°";;3v fe? de}? ag): as "QV $6*9 special requirements. In this way,  
caiua I g°n°m¥> Owl the utmgils much time will be saved, which is,
C0 °g° papers On Our exc ang'? a °· under the present co-educational s s- f ;
we came in contact with an editorial tem wustedn y G 7HE COLLEGE MANN? STORE 2
;l;l<‘th  <>;;;r;;¤— OUALIT Y PRINTING Comer Mm and Bohvar

I T I1 E I I) E A 5
I .-
I » /' * I ·  
"   I P • •   5
* ’ M t t Sv IH t ---~»-—-—»—~——~»~
I . 4 ~
    I   I A TRANSMISSION OF BEAUTY. The lifc we ne’er can gain, I
/    I .-— And strive to shun that fatal leap I
I         The rising sun shoots forth its earli· And up the right road onward keep . •
:3;; ; :;:;E;E;E;= ', 2;;  .35552;*- ;§3E_5Z_ ,,t.
    I ast my till death shall conquer pain. I
    Across the silvered edge of the ——\V. C. S.
  -===== I       eeslsm hm I It ~e~· ·· I
 IF   lt kisses downy buds and leaflets, THE ABD|CAT•ON.
 it  f-   till "‘—‘
  lt meets e sllSl€¤i¤¤ 
I .     Ig; I isis? Vnglorihetl as other crystal spheres, b3¥l'l· I
I   ‘   I Touched bv the golden sun-ray, AR ER I
I     soon appears Steaithily they look around I HEADQU T S
I     A tnantt»nt1—sntt flashing many a hue. Str‘¤i¤i<·‘ ere and ear I FOR ALL
I       E_ _ R, ·i4_ .-\ll is silent, not a sound 1
   5 •:u••t.rng{?I E  I Prom the darkness do they hear.      
i- =% AKIRIOI '
I ,.‘ = . . .5 - I
I   .   I I I  
I . egg] §ta:3, % v_ THE FATAL LEAP- No valiant band of armored knights I
i . f ' I  ~' ——-——— . (ln crusade quest are they I ’
..-4 / xr • ~
I ~· I   (`0l1l'll Thi? CQSY and <`0lllllI lh'3 Eallk Their mission is to deck the heights I I    
I lleliberate o`er joy and pain, yvhich tower be side the way.
I "Look before you leap;" I
    Y I-PSY sometime lll dim flllUl`9`S d3Y Perhaps in rtading stories old   For college M'en‘
ln "hell’s own pain" and wild dismay They t-amp tO that dgpadg  
I Yfll mill' ° III *I·“I to see I
- Come To-day Where every dew pearled floweret ··llut·i·y, let`s be otf from l1ere." · OIL
—···——·-" Allll “'llh€‘l`lllt°-K (UGS BW8-Y. So they said, "since steam is dear,
l·et’s lllll like lost Fllllls Dl0l1tIh The \\'e`ll place the darling way up here
Y foam \\'ht~re no harm shall e'er come near . .
  Of troubled seas and wayw