xt7stq5r989f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5r989f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-06-08 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, June 8, 1973, no. 3 text Bulletin, June 8, 1973, no. 3 1973 1973-06-08 2014 true xt7stq5r989f section xt7stq5r989f CLC%7%// 2l~ §”*·§ E5 F ?”"*?‘$P,$
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I SOLINET: The network is now incorporated under &” `¤* “ L“°1’” i Es Q
EH§"lé¥: of the state of Louisiana. Formal
operating eooounre for handling the money have gN;VggggTy Cp KEHjUCKy
been eet up. And the search for a Qireetor of LIBRARIES
the organization continues. "Consieerable time
was devoted by the SULINET Executive Committee Sure 8, 1973 N0. 3
to the frustrating direction negotiations with e
OCLC and Mr. Kilqour have taken. There was "M`*`m"`M_"”~"°“"—“"mm~
general oomcensus expressed of disappointment w"**“`”*"`"`m"*”*`m"`“_”
with such a turn of events as seems apparent at this point. The SOLINET
Committee hopes delays in ocxtract negotiations with OCLC can be shortened
and speedier progress cen be forth coming." (SOLINET. Executive Committee
Meeting. Minutes. May l4, 1973) -
EQQIQ: The division of the present Fine Arts Library into an Art Library
and a Music Library is underway. The catalogs have been separated; since
May 2l, Ebba Jo Sexton, the library assistant, has been spending her morn-
ings getting acquainted with the music collection and learning the routines
of a departmental unit. Starting June ll, Adelle Dailey will assume limited
responsibilities: reviewing the recent inventory, arranging transferrals
from MIK to Music, initiating orders for new materials, and planning for
the rearrangement of the music collection within the space of the present
Fine Arts Library.
ggyz Mr. Ankrom of the Soileau Bookbinding Co. will finish refurbishjng
bcoks in the Law Library approximately June ll. At that time he will heve
repaired, cleaned and put new labels on l0,000 volumes (7,970 buckram and
other; 2,030 leather). He started working on April 9, l973.
EgQ_Q§§@.: Aside from acquiring maps of only research interest, the depart-
ment will collect selected maps of general interest. A travel agency it
is not, but it does have several excellent European road maps and guide~
books from the Michelin Tire Co.; U.S. state and Canadian provincial high~
way road maps; many U.S. and Canadian city street maps; Kentucky county
highway maps; Kentucky topographic maps (l:24,000); and detailed maps of
most U.S. National parks.
QQQTH READlNG: If you haven't yet, you really should. The article is
entitle§_TK_Eomversation with Hendrik Edelman" and it's by Cecilia Reino.
Mr. Edelman is the Assistant Director for Development of the Collections
at Cornell. His impressions and thoughts after spending three weeks on the
main Cornell reference desk are the subject of the article. (Cornell
University Libraries. Bulletin. no. l82:4—7, March—April l973)
QEEQQYMRNT OPPORTUNITY: Assistant Director of University Librarics far
TecHEiEal“§er¥ices; Srate University of New York ar Buffalo; MLS with
substantial Technical Services background; $18,000+; apply to Mrs. Madeleine
Stern, Chairman, Search Committee, Lockwood Memorial Library, Stare
University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York l42l4.
EQ§;@;pN OQENINGE: Map Dept., new classified, open approx. July l, 1973,
see Jih_EiB{oET" Admin. Services, new classified, open apprcx. July l, 1973,
see Tom Maroumr Biological Sciences, new professional, open approx July l,
l973, seo Bill Lee. Circulation, professional, open new, see Mr. Gordon.
Acquisitions, classified VI, open June lS, 1973, see Deanna Huisou,
Qg5§Q§§§L g§gNQ§§: Appointments: William Marshall, professional;
Nanusoriil Uareloger, Special Collections MIK. Majorie Hughes, classified,
Cataloging MIK.