xt7stq5r8z8c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5r8z8c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-01-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 12, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 12, 1945 1945 1945-01-12 2013 true xt7stq5r8z8c section xt7stq5r8z8c Besi uopy Avanaoie

The ECentucky Kernel

Wildcats Are No.
Team In NationI





Eleven Straight
Is Wildcat Goal

1 Couvo

Saturday Night


The Kentucky Wildcats, "number
one team of the nation," play Michigan State, anticipating their eleventh straight victory, in the Alumni
gym at 8 pm. Saturday.
This should prove to be the day
to even the score with the Michigan
State Spartans for the defeat
handed the 'Cats on the gridiron,
if percentage or figuring will decide
the outcome. Although the Spartans possess no remarkable record
so far this season they should prove
a stubborn foe and provide plenty
of excitement at the Alumni gym.
Michigan Mainstays
Spartan Coach Van Alstyne cited
the work of Sammy Fortino, sophomore forward who registered 13
points against Ohio State and Nick
Hasha, Hammond,
These two along with Jack Breslin.

Pep Rally Slated
To Honor Groza
A pep-ralin honor of Alex
Groza, who plays his last game
for UK against Michigan State
Saturday night, will be held in
the Alumni gym at 7: IS p.m.
prior to the game. SuKy asks
that students come early for the
rally which is a part of the
'Farewell to Groza Night" observance.

who has recently Joined the team
footafter playing in the East-We- st
ball game at San Francisco, should
account for the majority of points
in the Spartans scoring column.
Van Alstyne will probably use Bob
OXeary, freshman, at center as an
Increase in offensive power. O'Leary
is the fastest man on the squad and
plays with a protective brace because of an elbow injury which
does not interfere with his play in
any way on the hardwood.
Cat Hold
ce According to the schedule, both
the Wildcats and the Spartans have
played teams of aequal skill with
Kentucky holding, a decisive edge.
Michigan Slate has beaten Drake
and then lost twice to Ohio
State 1, Iowa 9 and Cincin46-4-


The Wildcats have now run up
an impressive record of 10 straight
victories defeating Ohio State
and the University of Cincinnati
the only two teams both have
played. Thus by the records of the
season so far Kentucky is stacked
up to come out on top.
This 'Will be the last game of the
current home stay before the 'Cats
take to the road again.
(Continued on Page Four)
39-3- 7.


66-2- 4,

Sweater Swing . . . from 6 to 7:30
p.m. Friday in the Bluegrass room
of the Union building.
will meet at 5 p.m.
Tuesday at Buell armory. All girls
interested in joining are asked to
attend this meeting.
will attend Mass
Newman club
and breakfast at 9:30 am. Sunday
at St. Catherine's academy.
will meet at
Dance committee
4 p.m. Tuesday in Room 204 of the
Union building.
will be held by
Folk dancing
the Physical Education department
at 7:30 pjn. Friday in the gym





Freshman club

. . . will meet at 6:30
p.m. Tuesday in the Card room of
the Union building.
Cosmopolitan club . . . will meet at
7:30 p.m. Friday in the Music room.
music will be fea
tured on the program.
SuKy . . . will meet at 5 p.m. Wed
nesday in Room 205 of the Union
Koffee Klub . . . will meet at 6 p.m.
Tuesday in Room 205 of the Union
Pep rally
at 7:15 pm. Saturday
in Alumni gym.
Dutrh Lunch club . . . will meet at
noon today in the Y lounge.
Philosophy club
will meet at
7:30 pm. Monday in Frazee hall to
hear Dr. Charles Snow speak on
Origin and Development of the
Human Race."
House committee . . . will meet at 4
pjn. Tuesday in the Union building.
VMCA cabinet . . . will meet at
pjn. Tuesday In the Y lounge of
the TJnicn




Registration Results
Show Big Increase


Michigan State Encounter
Qives UK Chance To Even
Defeat Of Football Season



First Scheduled
For February 6


President's Greetings
May I express through the columns of The Kentucky
Kernel greetings and best wishes to the students, faculty and
friends for the New Year. May it be a year rich in happiness
for you. And may peace come to a troubled world is my
For the past month, on the advice of physicians, Mrs.
Donovan and I have been vacationing in the Florida sunshine. I am returning home much improved in health, with
a new energy and vigor I have not felt for sonic months. It
is good to be back and to be at work again.
We thank you for the many letters and cards we received
while on our vacation. It was impossible to answer all these
messages of greeting, cheer and affection we received. We
did not send cards this Christmas. But we do want you to
understand that we deeply appreciated these greetings. We
would like for you to know that we thought of you often and
that our affectionate regards go out to you.
The prospects for a great year at the University are propitious. Construction of new buildings will start if materials
are released for building. The student body will increase.
We trust that many of the faculty members now on leave
will be returning and that the war will end before the close
of 1945 so that our boys will be returning home to resume
their studies.
We ask for your support and cooperation in making the
New Year 1945- -a red letter year in the calendar of the
history of the University.
II. L. Donovan

Three convocations have been
scheduled for the winter quarter it
was anounced by Dean Leo M.
...fvn - 4
February 6, at 10 a.m., Norman
Cousins, editor of the Saturday Re
view of Literature and former editor
of Current History, will be speaker
at the first of these convocations.
The subject of the convocation has
not yet been announced.
A convocation in observance of
Lincoln's birthday will be held at
11 a.m. on February 12. The speaker
has not yet been anounced.
The third convocation, from 10
a.m. to 12 noon, February 22, will
Alex Groza
feature as its speaker Dr. Frank L.
McVey, president emeritus of the
University. The subject has not
been anounced but tlie convocation
is one of an all day program now
being planned by a special committee of the faculty for the first anBy John Violette
nual observance of Founders day.
All the convocations will be held
Uy Dick Lowe
On January 1, Dr. Lyle R. Dawson,
With the observance of "Farewell in Memorial hall and classes will professor of chemistry from the
to Groza Night" at the Saturday be dismissed for the convocations
Louisiana Polytechnic institute, asnight game between Kentucky and
sumed his duties as head of the
Michigan State, the University will
University Chemistry department.
bid goodbye to Alex Groza, the
succeeding Dr. L. L. Quill.
lanky center who made basketball
Prior to his arrival at the Univerhistory in Kentucky's
first ten
sity, Dr. Dawson was the .supervisor
games. He must report to his draft
of a group of chemists in war re
Tlie Lexington Camera club has search work in the metallurgical
board January 15.
The big freshman averaged more announced that approximately 100 laboratory at the University of Chi
than 20 points a game as his mark- - prints of pictures taken by its mem- cago.
manship sank such fine clubs as bers have been placed on exhibition
Got in "Dutch"
Wyoming, Temple and Long Island in the foyer of the University libraWhen Interviewed tills week Dr.
He would have un ry. The display will remain in tlie Dawson confessed that, as a college
doubtedly been an
had library until February 1, and will be chemist, he too often got In "Dutch"
he been able to finish the season, open to the public from 8:30 a.m. to and enjoyed a few thrilling exshowing such great ability against 5 p.m. daily.
The University - campus display periences, but they, like his war
this year replaces the club's annual research, had to remain confidential.
When Alex came to Kentucky to exhibition
record in tlie lab,
of pictures at a down- His
play basketball he had the shoes of town
he attributed to "Crossing my finglocation.
Bob Brannun to fill
A number of prints from
Winand that he did to perfection. Now ston Coleman's collection J. hisDr. Dawson expressed a keen de
the problem is to find someone to toric photographs, principally of light in the scenic beauty of Ken
take the place of this
scenes taken in Lexington many tucky and praised highly the frlendJ
years ago, are included in this year's llness of the people. He bad previously travelled through Kentucky
At Martin's Ferry, Oliio, he won show.
honors, and tlie honorary
At a recent meeting, the club and acknowledged that these two
captaincy of the
elected the following new officers: factors were greatly influencial In
acceptance 01 tlie Uniteam. In his senior year, Martin's A. Z. Looney,
president; John Riley, deciding lus
Ferry rolled up 26 victories in a row vice
president; J. Winston Coleman, versity position. "Lexington is an
spot in which to live," said Dr.
of secretary,
before losing ir the
J. W. Davis, treasurer; ideal
uie siaie tournament, uuring uie Prof. Duke Young. Dr. Claiborne Dawson.
1943-4- 4
season, Groza registered 628
To Continue Research
Latimer and Mr. James Poole, dipoints in the 27 games for a new rectors.
"When time permits," continued
Ohio high school scoring record.
Dr. Dawson, "I hope to continue my
All persons interested in photogCoach Rupp, who has developed raphy, especially
service men, are personal research. It will not be war
great centers at Kentucky, ranks invited to
club's meet- research, but probably along the
Groza among the best pivot men ings, held attend the
the first Thursday in each lines of applied and industrial
ever to perform in the Southeastern
month at Room 202 Frazee hall.
conference. "Big AJex can do it
A native of Long Point, 111., Dr.
all," says Rupp. as Groza's height
Dawson Is married and has one
makes of him tops on the rebounds.
child, a daughter, who is now atHe has scored 151 points so far tills
tending hjgh school In Chicago.
When the school term is completed,
Groza scored 27 points in the
Funeral services for Mrs. Shirley his wife and daughter will jon Dr.
Temple game to hold the highest Warren Beeler, 48, hostess at the Dawson hi Lexington
and they plan
individuals scoring for the season, University Union building and a to make their home here.
which equals the record of Milt former housemother of the Alpha
Dr. Dawson holds the M.S. de
Ticco in the 1942-4- 3 season and also Gamma Rho fraternity, were held at gree in lnorgantic chemistry from
the record of Jack Parkinson in one 2 p.m. January 2 at the Kerr Broth- the University of Illinois and the
of last year's games, but was six ers funeral home.
Ph.D. in physical chemistry form the
)xints shy of Leroy Edwards' record
Mrs. Beeler died suddenly at her University of Iowa. He has taught
home, 101 Venice Park, December at State Teachers College, Eau
Groza will have one more chance 30 as a result of a heart
Claire, Wis., tlie University
to beat the record when he plays
She was a native of Nicholas Omaha, and Louisiana Polytechnic
his last game with the Wildcats on county,
Mary institute. For twb and one-h- alf
Saturday night before becoming a Jane a daughter' of the late
Prather Warren and David years he was research chemist with
member of Uncle Sam's team.
the Universal Atlas Cement comHarrison Warren.
Besides her father, she is sur- - pany, a subsidiary of the United
ived by one daughter, Mrs. Jane States Steel company, at Gary, Ind.
W. McGraw, wife of James W.
McGraw, now with the United
"What is Modern Painting" is the States Army in Europe.
title of an educational exhibit now
in the art gallery of the Department
J. A. Sanders of Nicholasville,
of Art, Biological Science building.
Dr. Henry Noble Sherwood, acting former journalism student at the
Compiled by the Museum of
head of the University Department University, was reported killed in
Modern Art, New York, the exhibit
of Political Science, has been ap action in India according to inforis made up of thirteci. colored
pointed to the commission on world mation received by his parents, Mr.
panels containing reproductions of
paintings of modem art and ex- order, representing the international and Mrs. J. A. Sanders. Mr. Sanders
was gunner on his plane.
planatory texts on: realism, im- convention of Disciples of Christ.
pressionism, analysis of form and
cubism and abstraction;
dream and fantasy; moral and social
The purpose of tlie exhibit, which
will be in tlie gallery until January
By Dora Lee Robinson
25 is to give better understanding
resolved "To make my usual 2
to just what modem painting really
When asked what their resolu- standing."
is, Mr. E. W. Rannells of the art
tions for the New Year of 1945
"Not to fall asleep hi class." Val
department said.
students Kostyk, ASTR, Youngstown, Ohio.
The gallery will be open week were, most University
"Not to make any more 'E's'."
days, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; on Saturdays looked rather vague and said, "I
from 8 a.m. to 12 noon; and on Sun duuno guess I forgot to make any." Arcliie Joe Rigney, ASTR, Huston-vill- e.
days from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
However, there were a few steady
"Not to get drunk until Saturday."
and dependable resolutioners who Don Strieker, ASTR, Charlestown.
"Planning to be in bed by 12 noon
"I resolve to never be late for every day." Lorraine Turck, A&S,
keep the company sophomore.
Lieut. Cauel W. AJcNasli, former formation and
"To quit smoking (as though cigjournalism student at the Univer commander happy," said Kenneth
sily and member of ilie Kerne! Dixon, AST from North Carolina. arettes were available anyway)."
"To open my text books at least Martha Matlack, A&S, sophomore.
staff, has been killed in action in
"To quit smoking cigars." Bob
the Southwest Pacific, according to once a quarter," Pat Clarke, A&S,
Beckerlch, ASTR, Indianapolis.
Navy notice received by liis wife sophomore.
Jiiaury 1 In iucLpcrt, N. Y.
5U to rriie anj fcitra


'Bye UK
Hi Uncle Sara'


In Library Foyer

All-Sta- te

All-Oh- io


Mrs. Beeler Dies
Suddenly At Home

Art Department

Sherwood Appointed

Former Student
Killed In Action

Faculty Okays
Post-Wa- r
Plan To Waive
Some Requirements
For Veterans

Definite policies of expansion and
adjustment outlined In the report of
the University committee on postwar planning were approved by the
Faculty in its final acceptance Monday afternoon of the committee's
Waive Requirements
General University policy toward
returning servicemen will tend toward waiving some regular requirements and adopting a liberal attitude in substitution of courses.
However, Dean Leo M. Chamberlain,
chairman of tie committee, summarizes the University view In saying, "We will do everything possible for the veteran consummate with
maintaining the standards of the
institution and the Integrity of the
degree it grants."
Already in effect is the policy of
giving physical education credit for
armed forces service and of consulting the Armed Forces institute
in evaluation of questionable applications for credit. The section on
admissions required only the specific approval of definite courses in
the AST program as worthy of
Receiving Center
Official receiving center for veterans of World War II is the University
office, which
guides discharged men in choosing
curricula and informs them of all
privileges under the "GJ. Bill of
Rights." In view of the fact that
the federal government provides tuition, books fees and expenses of $50
monthly to each veteran, the University "does not feel obligated to
furnish veterans with
L. R. Iawson
privileges not afforded the general
student body." This general attitude
with the University's
avowed policy of minimizing any
differences between veterans and
regular men students.
Tlie University Radio studios will
Gain Approval
Divided into three sections con- soon open station WBKY, new Unicemuig admission and credit reversity frequency modulation. With quirements for
students trained un- the opening of this station the need der military programs, problems of
for engineers and studio operators student welfare, and curricular and
In the McVey hall studios will be- instructional adjustments, the report was presented by a committee
come acute.
of fifteen faculty members authorAnyone, whether or not he under- ized October 11, 1943,
and appointed
stands the engineering behind the by President H. L. Donovan hi Noknobs and dials, can easily learn vember.
the fundamentals of radio operaConcrete suggestions to meet altion, and can open for himself a
ready foreseen problems are made
new and fascinating
activity, according to Mrs. Lolo and the committee says "it is necessary that th edepartments of in
Robinson, director of the Universtruction, the colleges, and the ad'
sity studios.
ministration note carefully the reStation WBKY will broadcast for sponsibilities
which this report
a stipulated number of hours each would assign
them and that they
day, and a sufficient number of
take steps at onoe to discharge
student operators must be trained them."
to run the shows. All students interSocial Programs
ested in this work apply to James
Student social programs should be
Hisle. chief engineer UK Radio studirected toward creativity, guidance.
dios, fourth floor, McVey hall.
flexibility, and general appeal to the
students themselves. To this end.
the- committee urges continuance of
social com
the present
mittee with special emphasis on
Dick Lowe, arts and sciences programs stressing the objectives
from Covington, has been named as outlined above and the removal of
conditions which are
sports editor of The Kernel; Mary
Louise Patton, Cynthiana; Dora Lee detrimental to the welfare of the
Robertson, Lexington; and Betty student body as a whole.'
Tevis, Richmond, arts and sciences
Temporary quarters to house the
juniors, have been named as assis- present influx of students, and per
dormitories to
tant news editors.
manent post-wa n estimated 1,000 new
Janet Edwards,
Doris Singleton, managing editor; students are proposed In the reand Mildred Long, news editor. The port, which urges furthe a "periodstaff of last quarter, will continue ical inspection" of all residence
in the same positions.
(Continued on Page Three)



UK Radio Studios
To Open FM Station

extra-curricul- ar

Kernel Appointments
Are Announced




University Students Resolve That

Former Kernelite
Killed In Action



Registration Reaches 1,672
With 70 Veterans Enrolled;
Women To Men Ratio 3 To

Dr, LR Dawson Pleased
With UK And Lexington

Photo Club Prints
To Be Exhibited

Has New Exhibit


12. 1945

"To clean the dust out of my post
letters unless I can expect a letter
in return." Bruno Jaeger, ASTR, office box," Jane Doyle, A&S, freshman.
"To settle down and meet more
"Not to fall for any more lines,"
women." Jack Workman, ASTR, Ami V. Webb, Ag, Junior.
To wolf as many men as I can,"
"Not to crack a book just scratch Lily Maud Baker, Ed., junior.
the surface (nothing new)." Polly
"I resolve not to make any resod,
VanBuren, A&S, sophomore.
lutions, because I'm so dam
"Not to use the Kentucky Press
I would break them, and
association's money for anything I want to maintain my self respect,"
other than professional reasons." Billie Fischer, A&S, sophomore.
"To remain our own sweet, adorJanet Edwards, A&S, senior.
"I resolve that no women shall able, bachelor selves," four ASTP's.
But, as usual, the general feeling
interfere with my career." Dick
Lowe, A&S, freshman.
of most UK students is "New Year's
"To write at least one letter every- resolutions just aint no good
day to a fellow who is across," Jean they're bound to be broken before
Tir-letiis j tar geti s. gas sUirt es; aj'."
AS, stiver.

Enrollment Tops
Winter Quarter, '44

Turn In Snaps
For Yearbook

By 26

Per Cent

At the close of registration Wed
nesday afternoon the registrar's office announced that approximately
70 returned veterans had enrolled
and that a total of 1672 students
had registered for the winter

Tuesday is the last day that
snapshots may be turned In to
be used in the Kentucklan. The
snapshot section is to be made
up os snaps that students turn
in. Editor June Baker says "we
would appreciate your bringing
snaps to us by January 16. Your
snaps make the snapshot section.
Let's make it good!"


Long To Play
For AST Ball

Shows Increase
This total enrollment shows an
per cent over
increase of twenty-si- x
the enrollment for the winter quarter of 1944. However, compared to
the 1944 fall registration, it shows a
decrease of 89 students.
Miss Mable Moores, registrar, said
that the ratio of women to men remained the same as last quarter,
approximately 3 to 1.
Colleges Report
Figures on enrollment were not
available from the College of Arts
and Sciences or from the Graduate
school, but the other colleges reported the following tabulations:
Engineering, 100; Education, about
100; Law, 25; Commerce, 187, and

Johnny Long of "Shanty in Old
Shanty Town" fame and his orchestra will play for the 1548th Service
Unit's formal Military Ball from
8:30 to 12:30 Wednesday night. January 24 in the Bluegrass room of
the Union building.
The ball, the first of its kind since
1942, when it was sponsored by
Scabbard and Blade, Is for all University students and soldiers. It is
not intended for profit, but to bring
the campus "for the pleasure of Agriculture. 223.
The military enrollment of AST's
students and soldiers," Capt. R. L.
Stivers of the Military department remains at approximately 200.
Said. Johnny Long's orchestra is
ranked among the nation's top ten. Service Record
The number of tickets is limited,
and admission is $1.10 per person. Reaches 6,653
They are on sale in the Union
Students and staff members of tlie
and the Book store.
University now in service totaled
6.653 on January 3, according to the
report of Prof. E. E. Gillis, director
of the department of source materials In higher education.
The report, issued periodically by
long-await- ed





Gillis who directs


pilation of service records into statistical form, also lists casualties
and citations. Deaths since the report Of October 30, 1944. total 24.
and boosts the number since the
war's start to 157 killed.
Captured service men total 57.
three since the, last report.
Forty-on- e
are listed as missing. 8
since the last report. Kentuckiaus
W. Gallant, departmental secretary have earned 237 citations. 31 since
in chemistry; Anna Newton and October 30.
Barbara Bachman. graduate assistants in bacteriology: Anna Lea
Schoultles, part-tim- e
graduate assistant; Mrs. Betty D. Crawley and

Appointments, leaves and resignations granted by the University
board of trustees for 1945 were announced at a meeting of the board's
executive committee at 10:30 a.m.
Saturday in the Union building.
Appointments in the College of
Arts and Sciences include: Charles
F. Isackes, visiting lecturer in the
Social Work department; Constance

Mrs. Lydia R. Fischer. Instructors
In the Department of Mathematics
and Astronomy, and Mrs. Leila Kil-ro- y


Harris, instructor in the Department of English.
Leaves granted In the College of
Arts and Sciences tncluded Dr.
By Shirley Meister
Amry Vandenbosch, professor and
head of the Department of Political
What do you think
Science, granted an extended leave about the recent Lexington city orfor the winter quarter; W. C. dinance which in effect prohibits
Tucker, associate professor of Jour- dancing in student "hangouts' in
nalism, part-tim- e
leave to assist at Lexington?
The Herald, and Dr. E. G. Trimble,
Mim Cohen, Corn, junior: I think.
associate professor of political science, leave extended to Sept. 1, It's a bad law because now ther
1945. Dr. Vandenbosch is on leave Isn't anything for the students to
to the State Department, Washing- do except go to one of the bars.
ton, D. C, and Dr. Trimble is on
Buddy Parker. A&S. junior: Very
leave to the Office of Price Adminnarrowminded ! ! !
istration in Washington.
Lorraine Perry, lid, senior; I don't
Resignations in the college mere like it because we need the recreaaccepted as follows: Mrs. Ok la B. tion after studying, and it isn't hinsecretary in the De- dering the war effort.
DoIL half-tim- e
partment of Art; William M. ArKyle Hunter, Ag., freshman: Bv
nold, graduate assistant in the De- cutting out dancing, students will
partment of Bacteriology; Ethel E. have more time to drink.
Wilner, secretary in the Department
Tbh Hames, A&S. freshman:
of Chemistry, and Helen Knott
Thornton, assistant professor of They must be asking for trouble
because there isn't any other place
Appointments in the College of for college students to dance.
Trt. Dana Adams, AST: If they
Agriculture and Home Economics
included Launa V. LittrelL home can dance in the country, why can t
demonstration agent in Mason they dance in the city? There cercounty; Helen M. Stevens, home tainly isn't any difference.
Morris Beebe, Com, freshmin.
demonstration agent in Union
county: Margaret Virginia Howard, It's gonna wreck us.
home demonstration agent in Ful
Dorothy Quirke, A&S. grad. stuton county; P. B. Sams Jr., field dent: I think it's a dirty trick beassistant in corn and small grain cause the students need places
Frances Ray Arnold, where they can have dinner and
stenographer, extension division; dance because there aren't any
Charles L. McGriff, assistant coun- other amusement places for them.
ty agent in Bell county; Bennett
J. W- - Jones, tng, freshman:
K. Brown, assistant county agent don't like
it because It interferes
in Logan and Todd counties; Louis with my social life.
L. Duncan Jr., assistant county
Morton AvTaca. Com, sophomore:
agent in Christian and Todd coun
speakties; Philip B. Harrison, assistant It will only lead to dives and
county agent in Rockcastle county easies.
Jane Brown, A&S. freshman: I
Rowena I. Sullivan, assistant home
demonstration agent In Simpson don't like it because there just isn't
county: John Hubbard, county agent any place to go to have any fun.
Ben Smiths n, A&S, freshman: I
in Russell county, and J. H. Finch,
assistant county agent In Warren disapprove because it's too far to go
to country places and they don't
and Barren counties.
Resignations in the college were have enough dances at the Union to
accepted as follows: David L. Estes make up for it.
Jr., clerk. Department of Feed and
Marie Current, Lorn., sophomore:
Fertilizer; George Jones, laborer in I think it will increase delinquency
the Western
because if students can't dance ui
John C. Coffman, farm mechanic; a decent place, they'll find ucde- Sub-Statio-n;

� Best Copy Available

The Kernel Editorial Page




lXfTT tioi.idavs or examinatton pertoiw

tir. rt at the Post Office at Ixinptnn. Kttituikv.
..a:s maiter under the Art 01 Mufii a.
membe- rn
F.. t i.ky Intfirollpgiat,
Icninpon Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Asf,rii ,on


National Editorinl



"""" e.T.,a

Catherine Oonian. W. B Wrench. John Vlolette, Edna Craw- ,ord Ml"-'orwvat. Martha Hagan. Jane Hunt Clark. Pa,sv
Burnett. Juliette Jones. Martha Yates. Marilyn. Mitchell, jane
Hammersley. Al Reynolds. Tommy Gish.




I..-.- ..


J rii One Quarter




A Challenge
just another yo:ir.
Iini :is we- find ourselves shilling t new tii:n-l- .
r viim iliino seems lo eltiul ihc Mssililiiies
l.i ;Ik- :k1 just mem. It isn't 1i;ii! t hike oil our
lints ;t ixl ledine in (lie rninfoi l;tlile chairs of
i':' ilni mil. ii ies and just
tin l.i
: ,.
ihe ! tip, i Ii of the war. yvonelrr whv the
l.t-- t
jis making things, haidei , lmtliii fault
,.:ih tin- tit (lions of the Student dow iiimeut
mU , citing riled up lietause we- can't
!: ne lii'; name hands on the
e.iitius e ve iv week,
or '.iiimliliii alxiul there not lie int; ;i milling
iii;'j on" aiivmore. It in't liard .11 all.
Km we'ic wrong. There's mote to do this
Miii ill. hi ever IkIoic it we hoe to keep the
on the high level it has established,
i'. ihaps the war has curtailed a liiiinher of
jic.'k etime activities, hut now thai tlieie is a
hajleiigc lo
something else to niter
into the school orgauiatioiis that need
its-- it
doesn't seem right lo hear the old "noihing
to !" ailimde flaunted ahout.
A 'jtntial education should develop
in a
Lt.iad ;tv, the indiv idual's apat it ies lor living,
; ti.l.
i the same time, stimulate his social con-s- c
i. itisness.
Hut there are more ways than regu-l.- t
t lass attendance to achieve this success.
S(. A. attempting to exhibit haimonioiis
of the various organizations on campus
in to ". . . promote the general w Ifaie of the
indent IkkIv" still remains the most representative group and bv so achieving this distinction
olUis o)Ki lunity for the broadening of this
nt i al e due at ion.
It's a IxmIv of siudeiils elected bv popular













For 1945

Not much has been said alxiut the Sunday
music ales. Of these concerts Dr. Herman L. Donovan stated earlier in the year that
"this is one of the programs we felt so essential
for the spiritual and cultural uplift of our students and friends that we have not permitted
the exigencies of war to interrupt it." We might
like them if we tried ihem out.
organizations need more attendance and the War Loan Drives are the most
important wartime college activities. The function of a college is supposed to serve society.
This it does in numerous ways but sometimes
fails to get across the idea that besides giving
the student the academic training it may overlook the opportunity of serving its own community. Lexington offers the Veterans Hospital
and the Red Cross as much as any other city.
There's plenty to do here!


I'.y Adele Denman
is a difficulty on

1. Tlu-r-



fact, one of the leaguers was heard
pus that has probably been dis-- ), to exclaim that it was shocking that
any one topic by the University should have Johnny
more than
..ii Lp students. The war has in-- r Long, a name band, during war
reused, the midnight activities of time. I should like to remind these
c iinin anonymous men more than persons that as long as there is a
vie. It is not only dangerous for University, there will be dances.
girls to be on the Maybe they don't think we college
uisr-ortf. li t is after dark, but it seems that
students are for the most part, repr
.'v and university police are doing resented by the thousands on every
ij.liing watsoever about the
battlefield in the world. I am sure
I would suggest that someone those who are fighting would want
make an appeal to these law officers
home to enjoy this innocent
i.i c!i,uble their vigil. Housemothers phase of our life that they are strivo
Miouid be more thoughtful about
ing to make secure. So I say. let's
ii'LT .imall groups of girls to leave
make up for this enjoyment ration
My refer- - by way of appealing to the dance
houses after dark.
:,rts are any number of published committee to give us bigger and
:;,( i! r.l.s dealing with cuttings, at-- i' better dances. Maybe we shouldn't
:itfd house breakings, and other dance, maybe we should resort to
YMlaMoiis occuring in the vicinity of the more drastic forms of amusenr own residence halls. Why take a ment that are still permitted, but
t hanre?
we didn't know the older generation
2 "Cheer! Cheer! arose from the approved of them until now.
League, 4. Pinnings
of the
and Weddings:
((.mposed of old maids, with broken
a. Bob Ogden to Bettye Jo Wool- c ;s and hopes of ever getting any
um, one Sigma Chi pin after having
i: .nocent joys out of life, when the
possession of it only 16 hours after
city ruling which banned all
iifd. and especially the more initiation.
t.i ,t
b. Received by June Hubbard: One
,r younger set from dancing
h '.: juke joints. These individ-u..- is army "A" pin from West Point.
c. Receiving wedding rings recentof 'lie league who believed feet
M.trjid only be used for walking ly are Oottie Robinson and Ve