xt7stq5r8k7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5r8k7q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) McDaniel, J. M. 1898 v. : ill. ; 38 cm.  Monthly during the collegiate year, September-May. journals  English Lexington, Ky. : State College Cadet, 189u- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College cadet University of Kentucky. Kentucky University. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College cadet, vol. 8 no. 4, January 1898 text The State College cadet, vol. 8 no. 4, January 1898 1898 1898 2012 true xt7stq5r8k7q section xt7stq5r8k7q _ _ ‘• r, ,5 6 ; V
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A Vol. 8. January, 1898. N0.1s.  

‘ _ . 7 '  
Drawing`_Paper in the sheet or roll, Proiile Paper, Trac-  
ing Cloth, Cross Section Papers, Field Books,  
T Squares, Triangles, Etc.  
. { ‘
(He Sell Only the Beer.  
‘ · S
49 East Main Street, Lexington, Ky. il
SI North Broadway. Broadway and Christy. ‘
, OQ w / I
€>ta1t @o ¥lmt if %€lzw1»uttl,; I
. { lx
Offers to the public the following Courses of Study;  
Each of which covers four years inthe College proper and leads to  
a degree. r
Its Faculty contains 2.9 Professors. Its grounds, buildings and E
equipment represents $450,000. Its Laboratories, Chemical, Physical,
Biological, Botanical, Geological. Physiological, Mechanical and Elec- _
trical, are the largest and best in Kentucky.
, Each Legislative District is entitled by law to free tuition, room
rent, fuel and lights for four properly prepared students in tl1e college ·'
proper, and to an equal number in the Normal Department. Alumni ~
of other Gollegesin Kentucky are entered in post-graduate courses ·
free. For catalogue and other information apply to » V
President of the College, Lexington, Ky. f

  b.u6`   ,   ··   - -  ’ .—  M l`‘`  
e o e 4 4·A   ‘ Ms " * ‘ ` A i**·x.;-
I-: ` i ( 3 I  
  . <°-~\~"`b r c . _      i·**°°f
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  ·;!  ;"'   I . `_ I I y
    ® ;, l%y» Qmbw tw www Qmmmwwmiatarm
       l §VS/A/E55}\¤/0/1
  ~ N OAHiS ARK, `
if 2S E. Main St. V i ·
China, Grassware, House Furnishing Goods,
Toys, Dolls, etc. ‘
Q TT-* `lll   A llll iii iinaiiiiiri   ‘'``   llll   M
3 College Boy’s Headquarters for Soda \Vater, Fruits,
  Cigars and Candies.
J: , Solo Agent for Empson’s Celebrated Candies. V
  Oyster Parlor. 46 E. l\’lain St., Lexington, Ky.
  IOQ and II 1 E. A/Iain St.
  Modern Machinery. High Class Work. 4
  T. L. CAMPBELL, Agt. at College.
{ www"iiny?-ic?o§—i§oc§QiEiii*i*,L i```ii`  
i l\/Ianufacturing Jeweler. Bottom Prices. Reliable Goods.
Y Fair Dealing. -
57 E. l\Iain St., Lexington, Ky. ·
WVatches. Diamonds, Jewelry ’
Q Vcach & Walker, eee A
y 13 N. lVliII St. A
rg ,
it i
.   gb A 7,7 . ‘ _,_j

 it i at @015 Wt} ii) Z5 n
Gi 'id 93 GD [ ' t
- I I I On Your Way tofthc Postofiice. I ‘ _
Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, ,
Stationery, Perfumes, Cigars and Tobacco.
§`5i`,"iki"9L>"`é&"`.é6"iQ66   ·
.   One Do11a1·s’ worth of these; `
Itiokets goods for 10 cents iu;
- {trade at CHILDS BROS.?
Y ZDRUG STORE, adjoining;
 Postotlice. Phone 52.   I
· I35 East Maln St. · ` Lexington, Ky. ‘ I
,   i
F I A Lexington, Ky.  
Fall term opens Sept 6, 1897. ·   ·
J. B. SKINNER, Prin.  
The place for college boys to go to get everything good  
to eat. Candies, Fruits, Ice Cream, Soda, Water, etc.  
44 E. Main St., Lexington, Ky. _
· , u
Bookseller, Stationer, Printer.
24 E. Main St., , Lexington, Ky.
Books tor all the Schools and colleges,  
I I Foot Ball and Base Ball Supplies.  
` i

    i   ee  @55*  ek   ,, ·
,  _»     ¢¤v»¤¤¢#·w¢v‘o.¢v»•z0¢4v
A Q?     STATHU l I`IG [‘ (ADITI "
n    4%,   A   i . ° ` · · · Y .
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V, . . '     M  N \@,,-O »1/Awe/:,.4 eqn
I Pur! 1. The Bamzel.
A bit of foundation as big as yo_ur hand {
Bows of ribbon and lace ;
Wire sufficient to make them stand;
V A handful of roses, :1. velvet band—
It lacks but one crowning grace.
· Par! 2. The Bird. '
• A chirp, a twitter, a flash of wings,
. Four wide—open mouths in a nest ;
From morning ’till night she brings and brings, *
; For growing birds, they are hungry things-
; Ay ! hungry things at the best.
` % ` A crack of a rifle, a shot well sped ;
i A crimson stain on the grass ;
i Four hungry birds in a nest nnfed—
  Ah! well, we will leave the rest unsaid;
, . Some things were it better to pass.
i . Par! 3. The Il*2*a1*er.
` The lady has surely a beautiful face,
She has surely a queenly air ; `
The bonnet had Bowers and ribbons and lace ;
But the bird has added the crowning graee—
It is really a charming aHair. g
Is the love of a bonnet supreme over all,
In a lady so faultlessly fair? 4
3 The Father takes heed when the sparrows fall, ’ `
  , He hears when the starving nestlings call——
S A .' Can a tender woman 7:0/ rare?
Il A

   sz THE CADET. .
  ._ (Delivered at the dedication ofthe New Natural Science Building.)
  Under existing conditions you will expect but little
  from me on this occasion. I congratulate you upon the
  circumstances.which have brought you hither. The im-
i portance of epoch-making events is seldom apprehended
i in their fullness until longafter the proximate causes which
. brought, them into being have become historic.
= \Vhen the Barons extorted Magiia Charta from King  
, john upon the field of Runnyrnede, who could have im- '
y agined that within the seals and emblazoned devices which
  encircled the scroll on which their asserted franchises were
  inscribed lay, in embryo, the undeveloped liberties of the
  English-speaking race throughout the world? Vi/'hen New-
{ ton took note of the commonplace incident which had oc-
  curred unheeded to thousands before, who could have pre- `
~ dicted that from this tritling event should be deduced the
. most profound and far-reaching of all physical laws, the
law that brings all the phenomena of the material universe
into an indivisible unity,
"That very law which moulds a tear
` And bids it trickle from its source;
That law preserves the earth a sphere,
And guides the planets in their course."
\Vhen Franklin caught in his kite the lightning from
the clouds, who then could have seen in his simple expe-
ment the beginning of the mighty power which bids fair
to revolutionize the industries and the commerce of the
world. E ‘
‘ So, we today, proliting by the experience of the past,
may readily conceive that we stand upon the threshhold y
of a` new era of scientific development and progress in I
4 in Kentucky. Her earlier colleges and universities took l ‘
little note of scientific investigation. The humanities and  

 ‘ ‘ THE CADET. 53
the liberal professions occupied the attention and exhaust-
ed the effort of the intellect of those days. NVith the es-
tablishment of the State College of Kentucky new lines
i ' were laid down and new fields of study and investigation
were opened. Its appliances were rudimentary, but its
- processes and aspirations were in harmony with the spirit
of the age. \rVith gradually increasing resources, its ta-
cilities and its numbers grew apace, and work was done
L and original results achieved which found generous recog-
i nition at home and abroad.
i ‘ KNO\VLEDGE’S 1>ooRs 01>1~:N. ._
· For years our capacity has failed to meet our require-
ments. This capacious though modest structure which
the Executive and Legislature of Kentucky received and
dedicate to the dignity and potency of Science tonight, -
marks an era in the internal and external expansion of the _
` State College. Hither the youth of the Commonwealth
will come to tread the broad avenues and thread the devious
I labyrinths which lead to Nature’s laboratory, wherey "lle  
_ who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working"
opens the portals and discloses to reverent enquiry and
patient investigation, mysteries deeper and grander and
more sublime than the votaries of Eleusis ever conceived.
From these walls may not issue Newtons and lfranklins,
Cuviers and Pasteurs and Darwins. "'l`hese are the lm-
mortals, who hold their sessions on white thrones forever,"
but we may in years to come contribute our quota to swell
the numbers ofthe mighty second best, the Faradays, the
Kelvins, the Lockyers, the Greys and the Tyndalls, the
high priests ofthe greater divinities, who interpret their
message of order and utility and beauty to mankind.
y h , NON NOBIS 1>oM1N1·:. . i
| r The State College must take the lead i,n the tield of
1 ` _ scientihc study and investigation in this Commonwealth,
· and among her sister States of the South. To the Legis-
l i

  ‘ . 54 THE GADET. · .
 V lature, representing the intelligence and pride and patriot-
  _ ism of Kentucky, we confidently look for the material re-
 ii sources by which this may be accomplished. Let her gait
 ` and her pace no longer be the hesitating and uncertain
  step ot childhood, but the elastic and confident stride of a
t , . , .
§ giant. On the field of battle, in the Senate and in the
E Council chamber the sons of Kentucky have made her
name illustrious, but there are other laurels to be won.
l Science, Literature and Art point the way to a distinction _
L not less real and not less enduring. Let it be yours to i
5 foster and upbuild, with no parsimonious hand, this insti— .
= tution, already deeply rooted in popular esteem and open- 1
  ing wide its doors alike to men and women, until as a bea- I
· _ con licrht, cons icuous from afar its life-ins iirin ` ra rs
an P v l 2 5
  penetrate every valley and illuniine every hill-top through-
i out the lenrrth and breadth of this croodl * land ; make it
{ e> as }
' the abode ot productive toil and ot reverent devotion to
loft r ideals · make it the l\’Iecca to which future venera-
5 = ¤
· tions shall turn for the inspiration which expands the hu-
, man soul} Then will posterity call you blessed.
In grateful and reverent recognition whereof. "Non
K nobis, Domine. non nobis Sed Tibi gratia"-—Not unto us
· oh Lord, not unto us, but unto Thee be the glory.
‘ Bewitching grace, entrantainp; smiles,
Blue eyes that speak of Ci1·<·es’s Wiles,
Two laugliing dimples, doubly rare,
Enshrined by waving, golden hair;
With cliarnis like these young; Cupid stills
Connoetions for a thons ind ills. I —Exchange.
T A dainty kiss. a little hug, i
To the pa1·sou’s then skedaddle ; I · )
For food and rainient then to tug ;
Then o`e1· the Styx to paddle. l
—Austin Reveiile. l

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l TT “ STATE COLLEGE or IH@E§Y¤§r6iTk§TE§"§éL{6§dZ@€Im11 mama.;
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I ,  
l\lz\TURAL SCIENL`.l£.—TI“1 his short life the student of
nature may discover many of her wonderful laws. But
` _ after he has learned her ways, has observed her phenome?
na, he has but just taken a peep into her wonderful labora—  
. tory where infinite forces are at work. At his best man
does well to master any one branch of Natural Science. ‘· T
It is interesting for him to look into causes and effects, to
read in the rocks the history of an immense past, to study ‘  
in plants and animals the evolutions of life. T l
Tim DE1>1cAT1oi<-—Of our new Natural Science Hall
was a great day for Kentucky State College. The C-ol-
lege, with all her departments open to the visiting Legis— `
lature and her friends, presented a happy welcome to all.
Speeches were made, college yells were given, and ban-
quets were served to the complete delight of all. The
{ dedicatory exercises were quite impressive and befitting
  the occasion. Not only is the study of Natural Science
l enhanced, but the work and reputation of the College
  will reap benelicial results. \Ve tip our hat to the new
l Science Hall. Long may she stand.
W "Deep mysteries, once deemed forbidden, V
The daring nnnrl ot man reveals.
Herbrings to light whatonce was hidden,
I And from the snn his glory steals. ’

 l a  
¥ .
i n 60 THE CADET.
= ,
  The present management of THE CADET is glad to
E have the assistance of the young ladies on the editorial _
  staff, and henceforth the proverbial NVE shall include them
·’ . · . .
gl and their opinions. VVe hope that the young ladies will
? freely contribute their literature and work to the building
,j up of the literary part ofthe paper. WVith their help we
  ttust to eclipse all former efforts. .
15 _.
,i i NVe desire a candid answer to the following question: '\
, Does it not show a lack of honor to read a paper over the I
it shoulder of a person, who has just bought it? Then sub- l
  scribe for your own college paper. Do the gentlemanly
  ‘ act toward it. A
(°Wll€1'G ignorance is bliss I
'Tis folly to be wise.’”—Gray.
She was a Winsome country lass,
` S0 William, on a brief vacation,
More pleasantly the time to pass, -
p Essayed fiirtation ;
, As they strolled in twilight dim,
` VVhile near the time for parting drew,
Asked if she’d like to have from him
A billet-deux.
Of French this simple maid knew naught,
But. doubting not ’twas something nice,
Upon its meaning quickly thought,
,— p p Then in a thrice .
._ Upward she turned her pretty head ;
  Her rosy lips together drew  
. For purpose plain, and coyly said; I
"Yes, Billy, do !"
· nxvoir. F
r And William did !-—Life.

 THE CADE?. 61
lr Echoes of the dedication are still to be heard. A It-was
a great day; ’ ` _
y The Normal Department is doing some good work.
It opened a week earlier than the 'usual time owing to the
V many new students who came in immediately at the close
a` of the holidays. Prof. Roark, and his able assistant,
I Prof.‘lVIillford VVhite, have charge of this department. `
li Our President ha J Jened to the misfortune of breakin
ll _ S .
his left limb during the holidays. \Ve are glad to report .
i that he is progressing well and may soon be in his accus-
tomed place in College.
Mr. George Cary, of Brooklyn, N. Y., spent a few y
days with his old friends of K. S. C. He is an old S. Ca
boy and is doing well.
i \\'l~IA'l` Tuiav <;o’r Fon xMAs. i
A moustache cup-Mr. Scheriiius.  
A bottle of Anti-Lean-—Mr. Straus. l
Her twenty—iirst proposal—Miss Bowden. A
A mirror-—Mr. Reisch.
y New YEAR 1
 i 62 THE CADET.
  _ with his friends here before going to Bowling Green, where
  he has a lucrative position. ·_
  Prof. Garman made a trip to Florida the first. part of
 E the month, to attend a meeting of the U. S. Fisheries  
  Commission. Prof. Garman delivered a lecture before  
F that distinguished body.  
Mr. E. C. Loevenheart wears four hearts on his coat i
“ collar. He must be a bad man.  
Mr. Joshua Ward is the hero ofthe hour. He sacri- I
· ticed his French beard (the pride ofhis heart) to the wishes
of his bestest friend.  
i Mr. T. S: Hamilton says he will make no more re-   p
‘ marks about his lady friends. He came near getting his  
eyes scratched out last week. V  
V According to rumor one of the new Professors was  
seen to go around the corner of the new dormitory one day  
y last week, in pursuit of one or our prettiest girls. tYVe re-,  
spectfully withhold the name.)  
Mr. Reiser is greatly "Addled" (Adler-ed) of late.  
A Medical Department is contemplated by the present  
T Legislature. and a bill to establish one has been introduced  
· by Dr. Lackey, Rep. from Trigg County.  
_ President Patterson was carried by four stalwart sold-  
iers to the Dedicatory exercises. lrle was cheered to the  
` echo by his students and friends. He delivered a master- F?
‘ ly welcome address. — - »
Many new students have come to old K. S. C. V YVe "
- welcome them and wish them a prosperous time at Col-  
V, lege.
E The societies are all hard at work. The Normal has  _
just been organized and will have some fine talent both  _
among the ladies and gentlemen. - ~ · · F ~ 

The Patterson and Union men,` some of them, are at I
work on their forthcoming orations. The Union Oratori-·
cal _Contest will be held on February ,22.
The Y. BI. C. A. State Convention- will be held at -
2 Maysville, February 17-20. The State College Y. M. C.
  A. contemplates having a number of delegates there.
g . I The Y. M. C. A. otlicers for 1898 at State College
i are as follows; ]os. Morrow, President; T. W. Scholtz,
Vice-President. _, ·
coL1-1z¢;E ucuons. V
§ "Hello there, Bill, whe’re you going?" 1 I
E "May I have your company for Friday evening_?”
  ` "Wait there, Roscoe, got them questions for-today?” ·
  "I’m not going, somebody’s got my girl."  
  "I can’t stand him, he makes me tired.”
  "Hold on, don’t let go yet." I
  "Oh, I wish the bugle would blow.”’ ‘
  "Girls ! Young ladies !" . I
  "Follow1n Jersons absent from cha el." ;
  g l P
  "Hand me that iron Nichols, uick." _ ' i
  (1 .
  "That’s just like old boys."
  "How’d’ you come out, Lester?" · `
  "Wonder if somebody is here today?" l —
"Well, how’s Physics !" I
·‘ "Chase that drip up here."
` "What’s the news from Albany, Caldvvell?" I _
3 "Oh, Lottie, what a pretty new medal." _ .
 I "Oh, shoo, I didn’t get to speak to him."
 _` "Please deliver this note tor me/’J s ·   · -

  E Z 64 THE GADET.  _
[ ,
 l   , "Say, Vance, are you going to take a girl over to the .
    College tonight?" y y i
  1 "lf she were only one foot taller, she would be the
 l Z · belle oi the College."
  "Well, I donlt know.”
  i "Hello, there, sweet l"
i I "There are others."
6 i'
l "Please ask llarry to open the Philisophian door." ’
{ "Hush boys, Captain’s coming." \
  i B Company, rise Z llep Z Hep!
. The dedication will long be remembered both by all
  connected with the State College and also by all the visi-
tors on that eventful day.
E Prof. Coulter, of Chicago University, whose works _
were in the botanical rooms, listened very attentively
while Corp. Roberts tried to explain them to him.
Mr.   D. Turner paid the State College a visit this
Nliss Clara VVhite, who assists her father, Prof.   G.
A Wliite, in the business management of the College, has a
. very pretty ollice iitted up in the room formerly occupied
by Prof. Blanton. The otlice   tastefully decorated and
  is a place of beauty. ·
Misses Gunn and Cassidy, both of ’97, are now tak-
ing some special work under Prof. Roark.
All ye old Batchelors and ye admirers of all ye_ old
· Maids are respectfully requested to be present at ye Old -
Maids’ Convention.
  Mrs. Swigert’s death is not only regretted by her
family, relatives and friends, but also by all the students ’
of the College, whether they were personally acquainted l

 ¤ THE eanmi. as
i or not. Mrs. Swi ert obtained a State ~Colle e 'room at
g g _
T the Protestant Infirmary and by her untiring efforts ` f`1tted`
it up neatly. She was always a warm~ hearted friend to
the oun meh ofthe colle e. . _ 4 .
Y g E .. . ,
, Oflicers ofthe Philosophian Society; "
Miss King, President. ,
Miss Terry, Vice-Presieent.
, Miss Spears. Secretary. if -
Miss Foreman, Correspondent. ` S T
Miss Peyton, Treasurer. . _ i
Miss Scott, Sergeant-at—Arms. _ pr y _
The recent dormitory election with all its excitement,
has passed and the victors are enjoying the spoils. hir. _
Farley was elected President of the mess over Mr. Severs.
Mr. T. L. Richmond, from Tennessee, was paid the
` compliment of being elected unanimously as Secretary.
Mr. Pennin ton was elected on second ballot over Messrs.
McVean and Handley. ”
Drill diligently Milburn, you may yet learn to use the
gun and be a successful Hunter.
  B—-— is very fond ofjohn Adams’ speech. es-  
pecially these lines : "l give my hand and my heart to this ·
Vote (Vogt) .
` Many of the boys have Senatorial aspirations and seek
popularity by associating with M-- Hanna.
V We passed upon the oaken stair ·
_ \Vith never a bow or smile. , , `_
And 1 coolly gazed into her eyes so rare _ V
Though my heart beat fast the `while. i
Ah ! why was it thus she walked away, Q; ·   I
° ·- _ Wliy didlniy feelingsvsiuotlaeri . y ,_ , .      
E   . * _ You see there was nothing else to do ·  
k VVe did not know eachother. t ` ·‘ "‘ ‘ A   ··’i'
1 . i

  yi as THE CADET. .
[ _.M.. .
  C A special train brought the General Assembly and
I many of its friends to Lexington to be preseut at and take
  part in the dedication Ot` our new Natural Science Build-
] mg.
I . The battalion under arms met the train and escorted \
I the legislators to the College. where the artillery tired the
I Governor’s salute. The {orenoon was spent reviewing
  the battalion drill and in making speeches of welcome in
I the college chapel. Prof. Shacl;let`Ord acted in place of `
I President Patterson. Many members OI` the Legislature
Q it responded to calls and they paid many compliments to our
i College and city. Luncheon was served ot one o’clock. 4
_ after which they were shownthrough the buildings. `
I Late in the afternoon they went Out to the asylum,
where they spent a short time inspecting it and its work-
ings. The visitors returned at 6 o’clocl; to the Phoenix
Q hotel where the city tendered them a time reception. At
y 8 o’clocl; the following programme was carried out in the ‘_
I the l\Iuseurn Hall of Natural Science.