xt7stq5r8k64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5r8k64/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-06-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 15, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 15, 1928 1928 1928-06-15 2012 true xt7stq5r8k64 section xt7stq5r8k64 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL














University Offers Unusual
Course in Study of
Famous Sons
Classes Held Each Day .at 11:30
O'clock Are Open to
Among the many interesting fea
tures offered during the first summer
term at the University is a series of
lectures on Kentuckians who have
achieved prominence in their respective fields. It is listed in the bulletin
as Education 19b, and is held daily at
the fifth hour, 11:30 o'clock, in the
auditorium of the College of Education.
Dr. J. T. C. Noe, poet laureate of
Kentucky, has completed the first
three lectures, which were: June 12,
James Lane Allen; June 13, John Fox,
Jr., and June 14, Robert Burns Wilson and Henry T. Stanton. Ot'p A.
Rothert will complete the lectures in
the literary section today with a lecture on Madison Cawein.
Other prominent men who will
speak during the coruse of leckures
are: W. H. Townsend noted author
and lecturer, who will speak on Abraham Lincoln; McHenry Rhoads, superintendent of public schools, who will
speak on Robert J. Breckinridge; and
Desha Breckinridge, editor of the
Lexington Herald, who will speak on
Henry Watterson, the noted journal
ist. All lectures are open to the
out- The remaining program
lined as follows:
History John Filson, June 16, by
Otto A. Rothbert; John Bradford,
June 18, by Judge Samuel M. Wilson.
Education Robert J. Breckinridge,
June 20, by McHenry Rhoades; James
Kenndey Patterson, June 21, by J. W.
Stoll; William Goodell Frost, June 22,
by Jesse Baird.
Daniel Boone June
23, by Harry V. McChesney; George
Rogers Clark, June 25, by Mrs. W. T.
Art Matthew Jouett, June 30, by
Edward Fiske.
George D. Prentice,
June 26, by McHenry Rhoades; Henry
Watterson. June 27, by Desha Breckinridge.
Military Life; John Hunt Morgan,
June 28, by Mrs. J. R. Johnson; W. O.
Butler, June 29, by Mrs. W. T. Fowler.
Science and Invention Henry Clay,
June 19, Mrs. W. T. Lafferty;
Samuel Rafinesque, July 2,
T. B. McCartney; John James Audubon, July 3, Dr. W. D. Funkhouser;
".Tosenh H. Kastle. July 5. by Dr. G.
Davis Buckner; Robert Peter July 6,
by lames Spencer McIIargue; Eph-riaMcDowell, July 7, by Dr. J A.
Statesmen Isaac Shelby, July 9,
Ezra L. Gillis; Abraham Lincoln,
July 10, by W. H. Townsend; Thomas
Harris Barlow and John Fitch, Dean
F. Paul Anderson; Zachary Taylor,
July 12, R. T. Taylor, LaGrange; Jefferson Davis, July 13, Mary Scrug-ha-


For Best Drama

Leave to Take Up
Summer Duties

Col. H. P. Hobbs, who has commanded the R. O. T. C. unit of the
University for the past three years,
was relieved of his duties here Wednesday. He will command the 11th
Infantry at FK. Benjamin Harrison,
Ind., and will take over his duties
their immediately. Colonel Hobbs has
served the University faithfully and
well during the time he has been in
charge and has built the military department in'o an organization of
which we are very proud. We regret
to lose Colonel Hobbs but send with
him our heartfelt wishes for success
where he may be.
CapL H. W. Schmidt and Maj. B. D.
Spaulding have gone to Camp Knox
for the summer. Captain Schmidt is
with the R. O. T. C. division, and Ma- ior Snauldinc is 'so have a post in
the C. M. T. C. division. They will
return to Lexington to assist in the
militarv donartment in September.
Captain James Taylor is assigned
to a nost at Ft. Benning, Ga. He will
for the entire summer but
.vill ntrain take over his duties at
the University in the fall.

American Book Co.
Holds Annual Exhibit
For the fourth consecutive year the
American Book Company has put on
a disnlav of text books which would
be of special interest to teachers of
the elementary and high school
The display, which is held in Room
G in the basement
of the Adminis
tration building, is in charge of W,
H. Puckett. It offers an opportunity
for teachers to become acquainted
with the different elementary and
hiuh school text books, and rural,
eraded and high school libraries
which are published by the American


Is Expected
Brinff Sports to Front
Next Year

Good Material

KY. JUNE 15, 1928

'Letters' Offers
Inviting Features
In August Edition

R. O. T. C. Men Leave
Dean Evans Writes
For Women's Clubs For Camp Henry Knox
Dean Alvin E. Evans of the College
Students Will Spend REGISTRATION WAS

George Ragland, Jr.
Takes Second Place
In Bar Examination
George Ragland, Jr., of the gradu
ating class of 1928 and a resident of
Lexington, made the second highest
average oi tne yz applicants wno
passed passed the April bar examination held by the state board of bar
examiners. Roy Robert Ray, of
made the third highest average.
The report of the examination was
approved today by the Court of Appeals which also reappointed J. D.
Mocquot, of Paducah, a member of
the board of bar examiners for a term
of three years.
Other members of the graduating
class who successfully passed the
are: Herbert Marshall
Dunn, Louisville; Joseph S. Feather,
Corbin; Joseph Eversole Johnson, Jr.,
Lexington; Russell Lowell O'Neill,
Drakesboro; Hugh Omega Porter,
Bardstown; Alfred Griggs Powell,
Lexington; Warder Clay Robinson,
Lexington, and Colvin Patterson
Rouse, of Lexington.

Plays of Columbia Students Published
''Copy 1928" Contains
Works by University




"Copy 1928," a book of four com
plete plays from the work of students in the play writing courses at
Columbia University, is off the press
and available for sale. These plays
were selected by a committee of six
prominent playwrights, and comprise
in their opinion, the best work done at
Columbia this year.
Hatcher Hughes, who won the Pul
itzer Prize with his play, "Hell Bent
for Heaven," wrote the introduction
to the volume. D. Appleton and Co.
are the publishers of the book.
The Man With the Book," a play
in six scenes by Agnes Porter, is a
short bit of drama, suggested by the
life of Samuel Johnson. "Release,"
three-ac- t
melodrama, sustains in
"His father's
terest throughout.
Boots," by Carol McMillan-- , iakes sev
eral unexpected turns. Hazel Chris
tie MacDonald's "Meeker and Meeker," is a clever portrayal of the life
of a small town "door mat."
This anthology of student-writte- n
work has been published for several
years past, and this year is devoted
entirely to student-writte- n
The Writers Guild of Columbia Uni
versity is sponsoring the volume.

Troy Perkins Writes
In June Number
Of 'The Bookman'
Troy Perkins, of Lexington and
graduate of 'lie University in the
class of 1924, writes in the June" number of The Bookman on "Subdivisions
In his article, Mr,
on Parnassus."
Perkins satirizes those who think of
culture as something to be acquired
by anyone who happens to be exposed
to it and insists that it is an entirely
individual thing.
Mr. Perkins has long been prominent in Lexington literary circles.
His play, "The Visiting Lady," a comedy in three acts, was produced last
fall by the Romany theater and enjoyed one of the outstanding successes of the season.

Take Advance

Several students in the physics department who received their Bachelor
of Sciences and Master of Science
degrees this year at the University
have entered into extensive work in
this field, and it is with pride that
the University notes these.
R. S. Scott, who was an instructor
in physics during the past year, has
accepted a position with the Geophysical Research Corporation of
Bloomfield, N. J. His work will be
in the oil fields of Louisiana where
the company locates oil pools by
means of minature earthquakes proMr. Scott
duced by large explosions.
was a major in physics and received
his masters degree this year. His
thesis consisted in measuring the re- sistence of various conductors at radio frequencies and it was mainly on
account of this that he got: the posi,
Sanford Gladden, instructor in the
physics department, has accepted a
position as instructor of physics in
the North Carolina Agricultural College.
He also received his masters
degree this year, writing his thesis
on the Value of Acceleration of Gravity at Lexington.
D. S. Hughes, who received his
masters degree in physics, will attend
the University of Chicago this summer and will continue work there
leading to the doctor of philosophy
degree. He is a member of Phi Beta
Kappa and Sigma- Xi.-C. A. Pool, B. S. in physics, will
also attend the University of Chicago
during the summer but expects to re
turn to the University and start
work on his masters next year.
Guy H. Stone, B. S. in physics, will.
attend Camp Knox this summer and
will return to the University next
fall as a graduate assistant in the
physics department and start work
on his masters. He is a member of
Phi Beta Kappa and was the first
student to receive honors in physics
under the new regulations
T. M. Hahn, instructor in physics,
has been promoted to assistant pro
fessor. He will attend the University
of Chicago this summer to take work
leading to a doctors degree.

Humorist Says That

Pittsburgh College

Has Wrong Policy

(By New Student Service)
Can. Stephen Lea- MONTREAL,
cock, better known as a humorist than
as professor of economics at McGill
University, was hardly joking when
he told University of Pittsburgh students that their Cathedral of Learn
building, as he
ing, or "high-up- "
calls it, is all wrong.
"I should prefer the dream of hie
and elm trees of the old college cam
pus to anything the Cathedral of
Learning might offer," he said. "Your
campus will be rubber trees on the
fiftieth floor and the shaded lanes will
be elevator pits.
"L have realized that the world has
changed since my youth. When I
first heard of the proposed design for
the Cathedral of Learning I could
hardly believe that so extraordinary
a building would be put into actual
effect. Now I begin to think that my
ideals and those of the older generation will go the same path as prejudices and hates.
"Buteven up there on the fiftieth
floor," Mr. Leacock admitted, "you
will be doing characteristic work. We
can, like the White Knight in Alice
in Wonderland, learn to think upside
down if we only know how."

Paul P. Boyd, dean of he College
of Arts and Sciences, will leave Sat
'jrday with his family for Beulah,
Mich., where he has gone for his va
cation for several summers. He oc
cupies a cottage on Crystal Lake
amid surroundings which are picturesque and ideal in every way. After
nine months of labor and worry, including interviews with irresponsible
students the dean should spend a very
enjoyable summer.
All women students attending the
summer session of the University are
invited to attend a reception to be
given in Patterson recreation hall,
Sunday afternoon from 4:30 to C. In
this way they may become better ac
quainted and have an opportunity to
meet all the members of the faculty
A short program will be given under
the supervision of Dean Sarah

to a statement made
Wednesday by Dean Sarah Holmes,
Book Company.
The name, address and line of work both Patterson and Boyd residence
of each teacher who calls is taken halls for women are full and students
down and the company mails them are being turned away. Any women
helpful material from time to time arriving late who have not reserved
during the following years. The ex- rooms may get information from
hibit will continue throughout the Dean Holnfes concerning rooms in
town, .
first term of summer school,



safe- -




Subscriptions tp the magazine may

The fourth annual Poultry Short
be made through Byron H. Pumphrey
or Melvina Heavenridge at The Ker- Course opened Monday morning at 9
nel office. The price of a subscription o'clock with the enrollment of 39 representatives from 25 Kentucky coun
is $1.00 a year.
ties. Registration was in charge of
James E. Humphrey, field agent in
poultry. There were no entrance re-

University Confers
Honorary Degree

Sir Leslie MacKinzey to Be
Honored at First Convocation Tomorrow

The first convocation of the summer session will be held Saturday
morning at 10:30 in the Men's gymnasium with Sir Leslie MacKinzey, of
Edinburgh, Scotland, as the principal
speaker. t
At this time the University will
confer upon him the degree of Doctor
of Law in recognition of his work
in the field of national health pro
Mr. MacKinzey has been active in
the British and Scottish health departments for 38 years and has held
a number of important offices, among
these being Honorable Medalist Brus
sels University, chief medical officer
of the Scottish Board of Health, and
a member of the British Civil Service,
from which he recently retired. He
is coming to Kentucky for the dedication of the hospital and health center
at Hyden and will visit the University
as. the guest of President and Mrs.
r ranK u. jvicvey.
President McVey will preside and
Bishop Burton will give the invocation. All students are urged to attend that they may hear this eminent speaker.

Bill Gess Disqualified
By Judges at Chicago
University Runner Comes in
Second in Half Mile Event
But Has Hard Luck
After running a beautiful race to
run of
the seventh annual national intercollegiate track meet at Chicago last
Saturday, William Gess, University
track star, considered much the best,
was disqualified for an alleged foul
early in the event. The nine finalists
in the event were milling about for
choice positions in the first 100 yards
when Orval J. MarMtin, Purdue Uni
versity ace, was sent sprawling out
of the bunch into the infield.
was nearest MartMin at the time and
was charged with roughing the Purdue runner. Gess had post position
number seven out of the nine starters,
with Martin number four.
Although the accident to MarMtin
also upset Gess, the Kentuckian re
covered and fcoon was among the
leaders. He forged to the front ati the
end of the first lap and set the pace
for the next furlong when Virgil Gist,
of the University of Chicago rallied
to pass him. Gist won, with Gess
nominally secunu.
utss ueui uisi
easily in thequalifying heat yesterday.
White, of Illinois, benefitted
most by the judges' decision, being
raised from third to second and eli
gible for the final American Olympic
trials at Cambridge, Mass., next
ynonth. The other point scorers in
the event were Uriovich, ot Illinois,
third; Brunson, of Rice Institute,
fourth; Caulum, of Iowa .State, fifth;
and John Gorby, of Northwestern,
Kentucky is proud of Bill in spite
of his bad luck and every student
applauds his sporting attitude and
supreme effort in behalf of the Uni
versity. He will run again soon at
Cincinnati where he will have another
chance to qualify for the Olympics,
and we wish him all success there,
finish second in the


Dean Taylor Asks That Rules
Be Observed
Parking signs have been placed
along the driveways on the campus in order that traffic may not
be congested. Since the summer
term started there has been a
pendency to disregard these signs,
and Dean Taylor, director of summer school has asked that more
attention be given to where the
cars are parked. Many of the students are from out of town and
are not familiar with the parking
rules on the campus and are asked
tfo be more careful in observing
these rules.





Harry Gamage, of the University.
Forty men are enrolled in the session, and according to reports all of
them have been working hard and
are showing good results.
member is given instruction in football and basketball and are especially
being drilled in the fundamental principles of both sports.
Kentucky's star athlete and great
Olympis hope, Bill Gess, will leave
for the tournament in Cincinnati on
June 21. If he is successful there he
will be eligible for the final elimination contest in Boston. We are all
pulling for him, and we believe he has
the stuff which makes Olympic material.



A prize of $1,000 is offered to the
undergradute of any American college
of Law is preparing a series of ari
or university who produces the best
ticles for Mrs. Lafferty for use in the
dramatization of the spirit of the
Many inviting features are being extension work with the women's
world-wid- e
Graham-Paig- e
Legion, a
There are eight articles in
The athletic board of the University honorary group within the organiza planned for the next number of "LetUniversity literary maga- the series, and the general topic is:
has stated that -- they entertain great tion of the Graham-Paig- e
Motors ters," the
"The Law and The Wife."
hopes for good football and basketball Corporation. Ten additional awards zine, according to Prof. E. F. Far-quha- r,
The articles are, "Betrothel, Mar
editor of the publication.
material which will come here in the of $100 each will be given.
riage and Divorce;" "The Wife's Infall. All appearances give credence
While Mr. Farquhar is unable at
Any fonp of dramatic expression
terest in the Children and in the Famto the belief that Kentucky fresh- will be considered.
this early date to make any definite ily Relations;" "Property Interests of
men will place themselves on the map
The judges of the contest, which announcement as to the material to Husband and Wife in the Earlier
next year in the field of sports. All Closes September 1, will be Zoe Akins, be published in the August issue, the
"Property Interests of Huswho saw the famous Carr Creek team dramatist; Norman-Beof the magazine will contain Law;"
Geddes, auth- make-u- p
band and Wife Under the Statutes of
in action know of Zclda Hale, the or
and pageant director; and a third its usual quota of acceptable short Kentucky;'-- ' "The Wife's Earnings;"
Carr Creek guard who so ably- assis- to be chosen by these two.
stories, special articles, book reviews "Wrongs Between
Husband and
ted his mates in winning games.
Students desiring to compete may and poetry.
Wife," and " "The Community PropThis man will be a freshman at Ken- obtain complete details by addressing
It is the hope of the editor to make erty System."
tucky in the fall. Probably one of the Graham-Paig- e
Legion, 8505 West this a publication of state wide interthe deciding factors which caused Warren avenue, Detroit.
est and for that reason he is especialhim to want to come to the University
ly concerned that those attending the
courtesy and good treatment
was the
University this summer may become
which was shown his team while it
familiar with the magazine. "Letwas in Lexington.
ters" announced in its last issue that
The summer coaching school, which
it would aid and abet any authority
has been in progress at the Univerproducing a creative work of genuine
sity since June 4, will continue
originality, introducing to its sub- Thirty - Nine Representatives
through the rest of this week and will
The school R. S. Scott
From Twenty-Fv- e
Accepts Position scribers in that respect the work of
close Saturday the 16th
All contriMr. Kenneth C. Reeves.
Enrolled; Lectures Are Given
has been under the direction of Craig
With Prominent Corporation; butions will receive the personel atRuby, head basketball coach of the
Each Morning.
Several to Teach While Others tention of the editor.
University of Illinois, and Coach

R. O. T, C. Officers

$1,000 Prize Offered



quirements or tuition fees for this

course, it being offered primarily for
the practical person who is unable to
attend regular college courses.
At 10 a. m. following the registra

tion the lectures began wih Prof. J.
Martin's speech on "The
Trend of the Poultry Industry." He
was followed at 11 o'clock by J. R.
Smyth, one of the extension poultry
specialists, who discussed "A Goal'in
Egg Production." Laboratory ses
sions were held every afternoon at 3
o'clock and every morning starting
Tuesday at 8 o'clock. Iir these laboratory periods, birds with trap-nerecords were handled and judged for
egg production.
Those members of the University
staff who appeared on the program
are: W. W. Dimock, head of the veterinary department; C. E. Harris,
field agent in poultry; T. P. Polk, extension veterinarian; James E. Humphrey, field agent in poultry; J.
Holmes Martin, in charge of poultry
husbandry; A. J. McFadden, superintendent of poultry farni; J R Smyth,
field agent in poultry; L W Taylor,
assistant in poultry. The staff of the
college was assisted by D. C.
who is in charge of poultry at
he Ohio Experiment Station, and F.
J. Lowe, a successful poultryman in
Kenton county, Ky. A feature of the
program were the lectures given
Tuesday and Wednesday by Mr. Lowe,
who has a flock of 900 Leghorn hens
averaging 216 eggs per hen for this
year. This is one of the highest records ever secured by any of the demonstration poultry flocks.

Ken-nar- d,

Sixty-Fiv- e

Six weeks in Training With
"Uncle Sam"


Students in the advanced course of
the Reserve Officers Training Corps
will leave Saturday for the annual
training camp at Camp Henry Knox
Sixty-fiv- e
juniors composing the corps
will spend six weeks of intensive
training as part of the R. O. T. C
Those going to Camp Knox are as
follows: Homer C. Carrier, James E.
Chapman, Smith T. Collier, Ben P.
Davis, Edward D. DuVal, Hugh B.
Ellis, James C Finley, James T.
Fleming, Blumic W. Fortenbery, Joseph H. Griffith, Jr., James R. Hester,
Albert D. Husk, Buis T. Inman, Ves-tA. Jackson, Carlos B. Jagoe,
Chauncey S. Johnstone, Lon R. Kav- anaugh, James G. Martin, Ernest M.
Newman, John B. Nichols, Arnold L.
Pigman, Joe A. Ruttencutter, Jr.,
Henry S. Scott, Robert A. Sweetser,
George A. Weisenberger, Prentice A.
Willett, James D. Wiliamson.
Robert M. Alverson, Kenneth B.
Baker, Lawrence E. Ballard, Grant
S. Bell, John W. Bratcher, John R.
Brown, William H. Cecil, Lewis J.
Davis, James R. Dorman, Jr., Fred
Clarke, Glenn C. Cook, Howell J.
M. Fister, Jr., Don B. Forman, John
R. Groves, Dwight T. Hamersley, El- lerslie F. Hartzog, William L. Heizer,
Jr., Ben G. King, Roger E. Laufer. Jr.,
Jess M. Laughlin, James R. Moore,
James L. Rawlings, Van Buren
Ropke, Mitchell Shape, Charles C.
Shipley, John S. Shipley, James S.
Shropshire, William K. Smith, Stanley M. Stagg, William T. Stith, Guy
A. Stone, Job D. Turner, Jr., Wendell
S. Warnock, Robert H. Warren, Troll


Chautauqua Will
Give Program on
Campus in July
The representative of the Redpath
chautauqua, which will give a seven
day program on the campus beginning
July 5, arrived Thursday morning to
begin his work of advertising the
He is known as the
and his job is to go ahead of the chau
tauqua and put streamers, posters
and all advertisements to advertise.
what will be given during the time
they are here.
The guarantee that must be given
the chautauqua people is put up by
members of the University staff under
the auspices of the College of Education. Last year, not only the guar
antee was made from the sale of the
tickets but the guarantors realized
enough to assist them in case they do
not make the required amount this

Graduate Receives
Library Buys New
Many High Honors
Set of Books on
Southern History Lowry Caldwell of Agricultural
College Wins Distinctive


The widespread interest in Southern
history and the demand for a com
prehensive and authoritative work on

the subject accounts for the apearance Howell, Ky., who was graduated from
of a series of books, "The South in the College of Agriculture this spring,
the Building of a Nation." Twelve probably has received as many honors
volumes of these books have been ad as any student ever graduated by the
ded to the University library.
Among them were: Alpha Zeta
Editors of this series of books say,
"It has been planned with the double medal, honorary agricultural fratercom- nity, for the highest record in schol
purpose of presenting in brief
pass the separate histories of the arship in the agricultural course dur
Southern States and in a satisfactory ing his freshman year; Phoenix hotel
way, the wider relations interstate, cup, awarded the senior making the
intersectional and federal as well as highest standing in military science;
the economic and social conditions of honorable mention in the graduates
the South, which have never received reserve officers' training corps;, a pair
full treatment at the hands of histor- - of field glasses from the Reserve Of
ficers' Association of Central Ken
The first three volumes of these tucky for having the highest standblack and gold bound books give the ing as a senior in the military de
"History of the States;" the fourth partment and all other departments
volume, "Political History;" the fifth of the University throughout the
and sixth volumes, "Economic His- school year; the Vaughn prize of $100
tory," including the years 1G07-190- 9;
awarded to the man in tthe senior class
the seventh volume, "History of the whose influence has been most helpful
Intellectual Life;" the eighth, "His and wholesome in the life of the Uni
tory of Southern Fiction;" the ninth, versity; the Weil scholarship prize of
"History of Southern Oratory;" the $100, offered by Jonas Weil, of Lex
tenth, "History of the Social Life," ington, through the agricultural hon
and the eleventh and twelfth volumes, orary society, Alpha Zeta, for the
"Southern Biography."
highest scholarship in the agricultural
course in the freshman and sophomore

Noted Instructors Are
Here for Conference
of Education Sponsors
Home Economics Study
for Teachers


Dr. James A. Starrak, of Iowa State
College, Ames, Iowa, and Miss Jane
Hinkley, of the University of Nebraska, are acting as instructors in the
Home Economics Conference which
is being held here from June 4 to 16
under Mie auspices of the College of
Education of the University. There
are 55 home economic teachers high
school superintendents ami principals
enrolled, which is the largest enroll
ment of which the Federal Board at
Washington, D. C. has any 'ecord.
This is the first time that a confer
ence of this kind has been held in the
state and Miss Ronella Spickard,
state supervisor of home econt'nics
from the department of education at

Frankfort, said that they felt that
they were very fortunate in securing
the conference here and especially in
securing such instructors as Dr. Star
rak and Miss Hinkley.
Dr. Starrak is one of the most out
standing method teachers in the coun
try. He will go from here to Iowa
Colleire where he will begin work


University Sends
Car on Livestock
Exhibit Train

Enrollment Is Largest in History of University Summer
Graduate School Increases
Size; Expect to Enroll


The first term of Summer School
began Monday morning, June 11, with
registration in the Administration
building and classification in the
Men's gymnasium. From all indications this summer term promises to
be the greatest in the history of the
Up to, and including
Thursday, June 14, the total enroll
ment was 1,078 which is slightly more
than the number registered during
that time last year.
The summer session of the Uni
versity has had a phenomenal growth
during the last six years. In 1922 the
number of students enrolled in the
summer school was about 150. The
number of students has increased
until last year there was an enroll
ment of about 1,200 for the first ses
sion and 600 for the second session,
making a total of 1,800 persons for
the first two sessions.
The University Has had two"
sions since 1924 and the number enrolled in the second session of the
summer school is gradually increas
ing, mere is a great demand on the
part of school men who want to spend
the entire summer in studv. nnl tuhn
have to teach during the year, to take
advantage of the opportunity for two
The University has ensratred a num.
ber of special instructors for the summer session who will give courses,
chiefly in the field of education. Those
engaged are Mrs. P. K. Holmes, of
bayre College, as dean of women; G.
Ivan Barnes of the state department
of education, for SDecial course in
vocational education; Prof. Ernest J.
Overling, of Vanderbilt, for courses
in economics: Miss Laurentza Hansen
of Columbia University, for courses
in nome economics education; Prof.
J. L. Leggett, of Transylvania University, for courses in education?
SupL John Howard Payne, of Mays- vine, Ky., for courses m education;
and Coach J. Craie Rubv. of the Uni
versity of Illinois, for instruction in

Graduate work has been prnwinc
rapidly at the University for the last
few years. During the summer ses
sion Jast year there was a total enrollment of 239 for the first summer
term. This year there are 260 al
ready enrolled and there are four
more days in which to register. Dr.
Funkhouser, dean of the Graduate
School, said that he expected a total
enrollment of over 300 for the first
term. A larger program has been
offered in the Graduate School than
ever before in order to meet the demand
of city superintendents of
schools and hich school nrineinals
who are doing graduate work. The
College of Education is attempting
to meet this need by organizing such
courses as will best serve the purpose.
Besides the graduate school, courses are being given in all the colleges
of the University, including the Arts
and Sciences, Agriculture, Engineer
ing, Law, Commerce, and Education.
Each colleee offers almost a full tiro- gram for the summer and most of
the regular residence faculty "have
been retained for summer work. Some
275 courses in the various colleees are
available to students for study during
the summer.
The summer session at the Univer
sity has each year expanded its facilities to meet the needs of the ever- lncreasinir erouD of interests makine
demands upon it. Courses are planned to meet the needs of public school
teachers teachers in private and parochial Schools. suDervisors in pxnr?e
school work in special subiects. citv
superintendents of schools, county
superintendents of schools, teachers
in junior colleges, normal school nnH
colege teachers; undergraduates in
the held of agriculture, arts and sciences, commerce, education, engineering and law, who find it desirable to
shorten the period of their college
courses; social welfare workers preparing for Y. M. C. A. work, Y. W. C.
A. work and social welfare service,
including playground directors


The College of Agriculture of the
Eleven hundred stamps, collected
University is sending a special live
stock car as part of the special live since his childhood, have been prestock train being run through a num sented to the University of Nebraska
ber of counties in Ken'Aicky by the museum by Robert R. Ralston, a stuState Bankers' Association, the Louis- dent and assistant in the chemistry
The stamps are from
ville and Nashville Railroad, and the department.
countries and date
Board of Trade during about eighty-fiv- e
June. The train started from Louis back to 1890. Exchange.
ville June 11 and wil be operated con
tinuously until June 30. During this PRESIDENT McVEY LEAVES
time it will make stops in 50 counties
and in many counties, more than one
town will be visited.
President McVey will leave SaturThis exhibit has been prepared to day or Sunday for Chicago where he
show the farmers the importance of will teach a class in International Law
increasing the number of good live at the University of Chicago this
stock on their farms and the growing summer.
of more feed. This also means the
improvement of the soil fertility. The
college representatives will have
large number of the station bulletins
American parents will select small
for distribution at various points
Farmers who are interested in certain colleges (2,000 or less), near their
subjects niay talk with the repre homes for their children if they folsentatives about' them and then take low the advice of Dr. Harvey W.
home some bulletins and get further Wiley, noted educator and health
information- authority.





The Kentucky Kernel