xt7stq5r8j4d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5r8j4d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1960-07-aug19-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-07-aug19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-07-aug19-ec. 1960 1960-07-aug19-ec. 2011 true xt7stq5r8j4d section xt7stq5r8j4d 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, August 19, 1960.

      The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met in the President' s Office at 10:35 a. m. CST, Friday, August 19,
1960, with the following members present: R. P. Hobson, chairman; Harper
Gatton, Robert Hillenmeyer and J. Stephen Watkins. Absent. Dr. Ralph J.
Angelucci. President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met
with the CQmmittee, and members of the press were present.

     A. Minutes Approved as Published.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Executive
Committee of July 15, 1960, were approved as published.

     B. Financial Report of the Treasurer.

     Mr. Peterson submitted financial report and made available to each mem-
ber a copy. He recalled that the report had been made available by mail toeach~rnem-
ber of the Committee. He read a summary statement and asked if there were
any questions concerning the report. Mr. Watkins stated that he had reviewed
the financial report and had no question. O~her members of the Committee
concurred, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was
authorized received and filed,

     C. Contract with Department of Finance. Farm Management Unit, Ap-

     Mr. Peterson submitted an Agreement between the University of Kentucky,
Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Department of Finance, through Ben J.
Butler, Director of Farm Management, whereby the Agricultural Experiment
Station would be employed to prepare a plan of organization and operation for
the utilization of the agricultural resources owned and controlled by the State.
The Experiment Station would determine how to produce the dietary needs for
the State mental, penal and children' s institutions at the lowest cost per unit,
estimating the number of man hours required and, in general, would work out
a master plan for the operation of the institutional farms owned by the Common-
wealth. The Experiment Station would be reimbursed, during the calendar year
1960 the sum of $8,000, and for the calendar year 1961, ending September
30, 1961, the sum of $12,000 for services rendered in complying with the Agree-

     Members of the Executive Committee discussed the feasibility of the pro-
gram and decided that it seemed to be a good plan.  Upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the contract was authorized approved and executed.



      D. Transfer of James H. Graham Memorial Funds Authorized.

      Mr. Peterson reported that Colonel James H. Graham, Dean Emeritus
of the College of Engineering, recently died, and his family requested that
flowers not be sent but that those people who wanted to make a contribution could
do so to a Graham Memorial Fund. He reported that a number of contributions
had been made and that some checks were made payable to the Kentucky Research
Foundation and some to the University of Kentucky. It is desirable that these
funds be administered by one source, and it seemed to be the wish of the family
that they be administered by the Kentucky Research Foundation. Mr. Peter-
son reported receipt of $500 or $600 payable to the University of Kentucky out
of a total received to date of about $1, 800. -He suggested that the funds be
transferred to the control of the Foundation so that the Kentucky Research
Foundation would administer the total Graham Fund,  The Committee was
advised that these funds were earmarked for Engineering scholarships.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the funds received by
the University for the James H. Graham Memorial were authorized transferred
to the Kentucky Research Foundatidn so that the Fund may be administered by
one source, in accordance with the provision of the Memorial.

     E. Transfer of Scholarship Funds for Heniderson Center Approved.

     Mr. Peterson reported that he was in receipt of two checks made payable
to the University of Kentucky in the sum of $200 each, as contributed by the
Henderson Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Valley Soy Bean Coop-
erative of Henderson. He stated that it was the request of the President of the
Kentucky Research Foundation that these funds be transferred to the Kentucky
Research Foundation, to be used as a scholarship fuid for students attending
the Northwest Center. Mr. Peterson asked for guidance.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the funds were authorized
transferred to the Kentucky Research Foundation so that the Foundation might
administer the scholarship funds received in the form of gif's to the Northwest
Center at Henderson, Ky.

     F. Purchase of Houses and Lot at 124 and 1249 Colfax Street Authorized.

     Mr. Peterson stated that Mary Douglas, the owner of 124 and 124-1 Colfax
Street, Lexington, Ky. , had recently died and that Grover C. Thompson, at-
torney for the estate, had offered these properties to the University for the sum
of $2, 500. He stated that the lot is 40' x 100' and recommended that the Uni-
versity acquire the property.

     Members of the Committee discussed the recommendation, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized the purchase of 124 and
124-i Colfax Street for the sum of $2,500,



      G. Negotiation for Sale of Gas Rights on 20. 5 Acres of Land in Muhlenberg
County Authorized.

      Mr. Peterson reported an offer from the Texas Transmission Corporation
for the oil and gas rights on 20. 5 acres of sub-experiment station land located
in Muhlenberg County near the city of Greenville. Mr. Peterson recalled that
the question had been before the Board of Trustees on a previous occasion, and
at that time another company was interested but since then had withdrawn from
the area. He also reported that the Experiment Station personnel had had some
objection to the drilling of an oil well on the acreage which might disturb experi-
mental work.  He stated that the Texas Transmission Corporation desired to
use this area only for gas storage and that it would not have a right of egress or
ingress, neither would it have the right to drill a well. He stated that the Com-
pany had made an offer of $2, 100 for the University' s interest in the oil and gas
rights on the acreage.  Mr. Peterson expressed the opinion that these rights
might be worth more money; however, he desired to ascertain the wishes of the
Executive Committee as to: -- Does the University desire to dispose of its rightis;
if so, for how much?

     Members of the Executive Committee discussed the proposition, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized Mr. Peterson to negotiate
for the sale of the property and report back to the Committee.

     H. Appointment of Director of Spindletop Research Institute.

     President Dickev stated that he was not ready to make a recommendation
for the appointment of a director of the Spindletop Research Institute and asked
permission to pass this item on the agenda.

     I. Parking Iegulations Requeste b the Student Judicial Committee Au-

     President Dickev read a recommendation of the Student Judicial Committee
regarding student parking and traffic control on the campus of the University of

                    Student Parking and Traffic Control
                          University of Kentucky

                  1 Student Operation. of Motor Vehicles

     A. All students registered as freshmen and sophomores at the Uni-
         versity, regardless of th-e number of years they have attended college,
         are forbidden to 'oossess and/or operate motor vehicles at the Univer-
         sity.  All students registered as Sophomores at the University who
         have an overall academic standing of 3. 0 or above may be granted
         the privilege of operating motor vehicles at the University.



B. All students on academic probation or disciplinary probation,
    regardless of their classification, are forbidden to possess and/
    or operate motor vehicles at the University.

C. Exceptions to these regulations will be granted only with special
    permission of the Dean of Men and the Student Congress Judicial
    Board in order to avoid hardship based on physical handicap,
    necessary commuting to classes, use of car for essential work,
    and other proven need.

         II. Registration of Students' Motor Vehicles

A. No student may operate a motor vehicle at the University until he
    has registered it as specified below and has met the conditions pre-
    sc ribed.

    1. All student cars shall be registered in the Office of the Dean
         of Men during the official registration period at the beginning
         of each term or, if brought to the University during the term,
         a vehicle shall be registered immediately.

    2. A student desiring to register a car must present a valid
        operators s license, and must show that when he is driving
        the vehicle he is insured against public liability in an amount
        not less than $10, 000 and against property damage in an
        amount not less than $5, 000.

    3. If the student is under 21 years of age, the application must be
        accompanied by the written consent of his parent or guardian,
        regardless of the ownership of the vehicle. Exceptions may
        be made only by the Dean of Men.

        III. Drivi g and Parkin Re ulations for Students

A. No student may drive his motor vehicle on the University campus between
    the hours of 7:00 A M.  5:30 P.M. (EST) Monday through Friday, and
    7:00 A. M. - 12:30 P.M. (EST) Saturday, unless he has written permis-
    sion of the Dean of Men.

B. No student may park his motor vehicle on the University campus
    during the above hours unless he has an official parking permit. Those
    having permits may use University drives and parking areas only as
    necessary to entering and leaving the permit area,

C. A special parking sticker will be issued to each registrant granted
    campus parking privilege.  This sticker will designate the assigned
    parking area and will be affixed to the vehicle as prescribed by the
    Dean of Men.

D. A charge shall be made for each parking permit issued, such charge
    to be approved by the Vice President, Business Administration.



                         IV. Violations by Students

      A. Any student violating Section I of these regulations shall, be placed
          on disciplinary probation, shall be ordered to send the vehicle
          home, and shall be warned in writing that a second offense will
          result in suspension from the University, for a period to be
          determined by the Dean of Men and approved by the President
          upon the recommendation of the Student Congress Judicial Board.
          A copy of this warning shall be sent to the parent or guardian of
          the student concerned.

      B. Any eligible student possessing and/or operating a motor vehicle
          at the University who fails to register hi, vehicle as set out in
          these regulations shall be disciplined and required to register his
          vehicle immediately, or send it home. He shall be warned in
          writing that continued failure to register his vehicle will make him
          subject to suspension from the University. A copy of this warning
          shall be sent to his parent or guardian. There will be a late
          registration charge to be determined by the Student Congress
          Judicial Board and approved by the Vice President, Business Ad-.
          mini stration.

      C. Any student who violates driving and parking regulations shall be
          charged $10. 00 for the first violation, $25. 00 for the second
          violation, and shall be suspended from the university for a third
          violation. The period of suspension shall be determined by the
          Dean of Men and approved by the President upon the recommenda-
          tion of the Student Congress Judicial Board. A violation shall
          be excused only by the Dean of Men and the Student Congress
          Judicial Board upon showing of just cause by the violator.

            V. General Policies on Parkin and Traffic Control

      A. Parking areas on the campus other than the large parking lots are
          restricted areas for faculty, staff, and students who have serious
          physical handicaps.

      B. Only students who have parking permits for the regular campus areas
          shall be permitted to drive upon the campus, and they shall restrict
          their driving to the areas necessary to entering and leaving the as-
          signed parking area.

      C. Students who have hardship need shall be given first priority for
          permits in the University parking lots. If spaces remain available,
          other students may be given parking privileges.

      Member-s of the Committee discussed the various recommendations and
considered, under IIA-2, that this was a good recommendation, but amended
the statement by adding "At any time that this insurance lapses, the permit is
revokedt". They also discussed at length, under IV. Violation by Students,
Item C, the severity of the recommendation for penalty fr violation o  riving
and parking regulation, and amended the statement to provide for a $5. 00 fine



for the first violation, a $10. 00 fine for the second violation, a, $25, 00 fine for
the third violation, and suspension from the University for a fourth violation.
They also agreed that the statement be reviewed at the end of one years s opera-
tion, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following regula-
tion was passed:

                   Student Parkin and Traffic Control
                         Universit oKentucky

                 I. Student Operation of Motor Vehicles

      A.   All students registered as fresh-men and sopibmores at the Uni-
           versity, regardless of the number of years they have attended
           college, are forbidden to possess and/or operate motor vehicles
           at the University.  All students registered as Sophomores at
           the University who have an overall. academic standing of 3. 0 or
           above may be granted the privilege of operating motor vehicles
           at the University.

     B.   All students on academic probation or disciplinary probation,
           regardless of their classification, are forbidden to possess
           and/or operate motor vehicles at the University.

     C.   Exceptions to these regulations will be granted only with special
          permission of the Dean of Men and the Student Congress Judicial
          Board in order to avoid hardship based on physical handicap,
          necessary commuting to classes, use of car for essential work,
          and other proven need,

                II. Ristration of Students' Motor Vehicles

     A.   No student may operate a motor vehicle at the University until he
          has registered it as specified below and h..as met the conditions

          1. All student cars shall be registered in the Office of the
               Dean of Men during the official registration period at
               the beginning of each term or, if brought to t-he University
               during the term, a. vehicle shall be registered immediately.

          2. A student desiring to register a car must present a valid
               operator' s license, and must show that when he is driving
               the vehicle he is insured against public liability in an amount
               not less than $10, 000 and against property damage in an
               amount not le s s than $5, 000. At any time thal this insurance
               lapses, the permit is revoked.

          3. If the student is under 21 years of age, the application must
               be accompanied by the written consent of his parent or guardian,
               regardless of the ownership of the vehicle, Exceptions may be
               mrade only by the Dean of Men.



            III. Driving and Parking Regulations for Students

A.   No student may drive his motor vehicle on the University carnpus
      between the hours of 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. (EST) Monday through
      Friday, and 7:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. (EST) Saturday, unless he has
      written permission of the Dean of Men.

B.   No student may park his motor vehicle on the University campus
      during the above hours unless he has an. official parking permit.
      Those having permits may use Uiiiversity drives and parking
      areas only as necessary to entering and leaving the permit area.

C.   A special parking sticker will be issued to each registrant granted
      campus parking privilege.  This sticker will designate the assigned
      parking area and will be affixed to the vehicle as prescribed by the
      Dean of Men.

D.   A charge shall be made for each parking permit issued, such charge
      to be approved by the Vice President, Business Administration.

                  IV. Violations by Students

A.   Any student violating Section I of these regulations shall be placed
      on disciplinary probation, shall be ordered to send the vehicle home,
      and shall be warned in writing that a second offense will result in
      suspension from the University, for a period to be determined by the
      Dean of Men and approved by the President upon the recommendation
      of the Student Congress Judicial Board. A copy of this warning shall
      be sent to the parent or guardian of the student concerned.

B.   Any eligible student possessing and/or operating a motor vehicle
      at the University who fails to register his vehicle as set out in these
      regulations shall be disciplined and required to register his vehicle
      immediately, or send it home.  He shall be warned in writing that
      continued failure to register his vehicle will make him subject to
      suspension from the University.  A copy of this warning shall be
      sent to his parent or guardian.  There will be a late registration
      charge to be determined by the Student Congress Judicial Board
      and approved by the Vice President, Business Administration.

C.   Any student who violates driving and parking regulations shall be
      charged $5. 00 for the first violation, $10. 00 for the second viola-
      tion, $25. 00 for the third violation, and shall be suspended from the
      University for a fourth violation. The period of suspension shall
      be determined by the Dean of Men and approved by the President
      upon the recommendation of the Student Congress Judicial Board.
      A violation shall be excused only by the Dean of Men and the Student
      Congress Judicial Board upon showing of just cause by the violator.

      V. General Policies on Parking and Traffic Control

A.   Parking areas on the campus other than the large parking lots are
      restricted areas for faculty, staff, and students who have serious



          physical handicaps.

    B.   Only students wbo -lave parking permits for the regular campus
          areas shall be permitted to drive upon the campus, and they shall
          restrict their driving to the areas necessary to entering and
          leaving the assigned parking area.

    C.   Students who have hardship need shall be given first priority for
          permits in the University parking lots. If spaces remain available,
          other students may be given parking privileges.

    J. Extension Centsr Discussed.

    Mr. Watkins made a statement concerning his trip to attend the dedication
of the Northwest Center at Henderson.  Mr. Hobson called attention of the
members to reports on the Center at Cumberland, and President Dickey stated
that the communities at Henderson and Cumberland were supporting the Centers
and the appreciation and cooperation at each place had exceeded the expectation
of University authorities,  Mr. Watkins recommended to members of the
Committee that they visit these Centers whenever possible, and emphasized
the dedication at Cumberland at an early date.

    Mr. Gatton reported that he had had a v bunch of folks? from Cumberland
at his office in Louisville and that they were enthusiastic and very happy over
the Cumberland Center.  Mr. Gatton further reported that he had been to
Elizabethtown attending a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and found
much enthusiasm and interest in that community for a University Extension

    K. Personnel Employed for the Indonesian Contract and Rank Specified.

    President Dickev submitted a recommendation from Dr. Merl Baker,
Coordinator of the con'ract with ICA for work in Indonesia, and made the
following recommendations:

    University of Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia:

    Dr. Fred F. McKenzie, Professor of Gynecology Obstetrics, Ph. D.,
    for a two year appointment

    Dr. Charles W. Titkemeyer, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Veterinary
    Anatomy, for a two year appcintment

    Dr. Raymond F. Johnston, P'.. D, , Associate Professor of Animal
    Physiology, for a twrxO year appointment

    In some cases the two year appointments will exceed the lengthl of the
    present contract. effectiveness with the expiration date of June 30, 1961.



      Therefore, these appointments will be contingent upon approval and
      extension of the present contract, which we have already received
      verbally, but as yet not confirmed by written contract extension.

      He also recommended for approval Professor Harry F. McFarland,
Associate Professor of Mining, for the Kentucky Contract 'eamn in Bandung,

      He stated that this appointment will be contingent upon receipt of written
extension of the present contract with present expiration date of July 2, 1961.
Professor McFarland? s appointment is for a two-year period, provided the
contract remains in force for tha.t time.

      Members of the Executive Committee, being advised, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, concurred in the recommendation of the President,
and Dr. Fred F. McKenzie, Dr. Charles W. Titkemeyer, Dr. Raymond F.
Johnston and Professor Harry F. McFarland were approved for the appointments
as listed under the Indonesian Contract.

     L. Lawrence R. Gaitskill Appointed Coordinator.

     President Dickey presented a recommendation from Dr. Merl Baker, Co-
ordinator of Foreign Contracts, that Mr. Lawrence R. Gaitskill be employed
as Associate Coordinator of the Indonesian contracts and the Guatemalan contract.
He stated that Mr. Gaitskill has the master? s degree from the University of
Kentucky and has recently terminated a teaching assignment with the Bay City
Junior College, Bay City, Michigan. Dr. Dickey concurred in the recommenda-
tion, and upon motion duly madcl, seconded and carried, Mr. Lawrence R.
Gaitskill was authorized appointed as Associate Coordinator of the Indonesian
and Guatemalan contracts.

     M. Appointment of Graduate Facultv Members Approved.

     President Dickey submitted a recommendation, with his concurrence, from
Dr. A. D. Kirwan, Dean oi the Graduate School, that the following be appointed
to the Graduate Faculty:

     Okra Jones Abbptt, .Associate Professor in Poultry Science
     Lois A. Gillilan, Associate Professor of Anatomy, Medical Center
     Holman Hamilton, Associate Professor of History
     Pradyunmra Prasad Karan, Assistant Professor of Geography
     Donald Wayne MacLaury, Professor of Poultry Husbandry
     Ralph F. Wiseman, Assistant Professor of Bacteriology

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation of
the President was concurred in and the professors were given the appointments


      N. Non-residen' Fees Remitted.

      President Dickev submitted a recommendation from Dr. Leo M. Cramber-
lain, Vice President, th;t the non-resident fee assessed against Max Gerson
Barack, Rich.ard Louis Ccok and Gzston Robert Williams be remitt.ed.

      President Dickey concurred in th.ae recommenda-tion, and upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the request was granted.

      0. ICA-W-99 Bcornon        ean Con'lrac- Extension &Prcved.

      President Dickey submitfed contrac. between the United Staltes of America
and the University cf Ker-lucky extending an existirg contract: to June, 1963. Me
stated that this contra.ct relates to the work being done by the University of Ker-
tucky at Bogor, Indonesia.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and czzrried, extension of Khe contra.cft
was authorized and approved.

      P. Restricted Budget, Bureau of Business Researh Aproved.

      President. Dickey submitted Bureau of Business Research accounts 3240,
3244 and 3245 for appro-a.l.  He started that, at the time tr..e budget of the I~ni-
versity was approved, this record was not available.  The budget for 3240
provides for the sum of $4, 200 to be used for travel expense and publications;
the budget for 3244, amounting to about $12, 0009 is for persona.l services; and
the budget for 3245 is a. continua!ion of tke prior year and is approved for the
completion of bt-he unfinished 'u :rt of tV`e project.

      Upon motion dulv made, seconded and carried, t` ese projects were au-
thorized p'ut to record and approvred.

     Q. Governing Regu   xions ofe U      ,nersit. Revised.

     The Governing Regulations of t.e University were amended and revised
as they relate to persons reja'ted to Tiniversity faculty or administrative officers.
The change is to add te'.e following st:.5.t'ement to tVe material in Para.gra.ph 1,
page 40, of the mimecgra.UP!Sd copy of the Governing Regula-tions dated May 25,
1960, by adding to t l-e !-.st sentence, so tF.hat3, when added to and chlzanged, it
will read as follows:

     99An exception to te rue m.-y be made by t.he appropriate budget
     officer wher. the employment, is tempora-ry and part-time, as
     hereaftPeer defined.  The dur?.tion of such employment shall not
     exces7d six monthrs in any single calendar year, and during the
     six-montls periAd th averoge number of hours of employment
     per week shaRJll net exceoted twenty.  Th-e same individual shall


I i

      not be eligible for reappointment under the terms of this exception,
      unless approval is given by the Board of Trustees.  Any other
      exception shall be made only on specific recommendation of the
      President and approval of the Board of Trustees."

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the amendment was approved
and authorized.

      R. Professor Mildred S. Lewis Given Change-of-Work Status.

      President Dickey submitted a recommendation for change-of-work status
for Professor Mildred S. Lewis of the Music Department of the College of Arts
and Sciences.  7re recommendation shall become effective September 1, 1960,
and her assignment shall be a research project, "History of Music Education
in Kentuckyt'.

      Miss Lewis was born July 7, i890, and has been working at the University
since June, '1931. She has accumulated consecutive service of 29 years and
three months.  She is entitled to 49% of her annual salary at the age of 65 and
is, therefore, entitled tc $2, 768. 50 per annum.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the change-of-work was
granted and the recommendation was concurred in.

     S. Dr. John W. Hamblen to Do Consultive Work.

     Vice President Chamberlain submitted to President Dickey a. request, with
his approval, that Dr. Tohlrn W. Hamblen be permitted to render counseling ser-
vices to the Typewriter Division of IBM Corporation.  Mr. Hamblen will re-
ceive $100. 00 for a maximum of ten to fifteen hours per month.

     President Dickey also submitted request of Professor Paul R. Tarpey
to continue to render consultive services to IBM Corporation, Typewriter Division,
on a similar arrangement as that recommended for Doctor Hamblen, with pay
of $50. 00 per month, The recommendation was made for a period of twelve

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the requests were approved.

     T. Lexinigon Banks Named Depositories

     Mr. 1-1arper Gatton-'ton submitted suggested plan for the distribution of Uni-
versitv of Kentuckv funds for deposit in the six Lexington banks.  He subrnitted
the following suggestions.


The resources of the six Lexington banks as of July, 1959, were:



     1 First National Bank & Trust Co.
     G Citizens Union National Bank
     3 Security Trust Company
     4 Bank of Commerce
     5 Second National Bank & Trust Co.
     6  Central Bank

The approximate balance in the several University accounts

     A General and Restricted
     B Kentucky Research Foundation
     C Athletic Association
     D Cooper Foundation
     E Medical Foundation


$61,500, 000
25, 300, 000
20, 700, 000
17. 800, 000
12, 000. 000
  9, 400, 000

as of June 30, 1960

 $ -7571w0u0'
    3 18, 000
    75, 000
    53, 000

It is suggested that a General and Restricted Fund account remain in the First
National Bank and Trust Company without molestatipn and that the other four
funds be rotated among the remaining five banks as follows:

BANK       1960-61  19 61-62  1962-63   1963-64   1964-65   1965-66 etc.












An      E
























In this five-year cycle
of the four deposits.

each of the five banks would receive for one year each

     The recommendation was discussed, and upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the Vice President for Business Administration and Treasurer of
the University of Kentucky was authorized to effect the transfer of funds at a con-
venient time, preferably not later than October.



1 3

      U. Gifts.

                      From: The Kroger Company, Cincinnati. Ohio.--$1, 000. 00.

      President Dickey reported that the Kroger Company had given to the Uni-
 versity their check for $19000. 00 to be used for sch-olarships in the College of
 Agriculture and Home Economics for the fiscal year X1090-61,  He expressed
 his appreciation of the continuing interest of this Company in the work of the
 University, and recommended that the check be accented.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, The Executive Committee
 concurred in the recommendation of the President and requested him to thank
 the Kroger Company for their gift.

                      From: Kentucky Artificial Breeding Associaition, Lzuisville,
                                     Kentucky - $4, 000. 00.

      President Dickey stated that he had received a. check for $4, 000. 00 from
Kentucky Artificial Breeding Association, given for use in the Experiment
Station? s research with dairy cattle.  He recommended thnt the check be ac-

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee concurred
in the recommendation of the President and requested him tc write a letter of
appreciation to officials of the Kentucky Artificial. Breeding A.ssociaa:ion.

                     Fromr  The Ralph E. Mills Foundation, Frankfort, Ky. --
                                     $1 000, 00.

      President Dickey presented check for $1 O0M 00 from the Ralph E. Mills
Foundation, made payable to the Kentucky Research F ouindation.  He expl.ained
that this check is in support of two scholarships the Mills Foundation has been
furnishing during the past years, one in Engineering a.nd one in Agriculture,
and recommended that it be accepted.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,