xt7stq5r8j3t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5r8j3t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1908-04-jun9. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1908-04-jun9. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1908-04-jun9. 1908 1908-04-jun9. 2011 true xt7stq5r8j3t section xt7stq5r8j3t 


     Said motion was duly seconded and carried.

     Upon motion of President Patterson seconded by Mr. Nicbolds
and carried unanimously, Mr. D. 0. Frazee was selected at the
Secretary and Business Agent for the ensuing year.

     Upon motion of President Patterson seconded by Mr. Frazee
and carried unanimously Major R. S.Bullock was selected as
Treasurer for the ensuing year.

     Mr. Stoll offered the following resolution:

     It is moved that until the Dean of Education is selected
that the President be empowered and directed to select a temi-
porary head of that Depart-r.ment.  Said motion was seconded by
Mr. Frazee and carried.

     Upon motion of President Patterson, seconded by M1r. Frazee
and carried, all applications for positions in the University
are referred to the Committee on, selections to fill vacancies.

     At this point the Board adjourned to meet at the Seelback
Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky, on Tuesday, June 9th, 1908, at
two o'clock P. M.

                                                          Page 2gO
     Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the State University
of Kentucky, at the Seelbach Hotel, Louisville, ky., at two
o'clock P. M. June 9th, l90.

     Roll call showed the following:
     Present: Messrs. Patterson, Barker, Carpenter, Stoll, Davies,
Nicholls, WatheW, Hopkine--Terrell, Lafferty and Frazee.   11


MINUTES OF TME BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-% 1908 Page 280(cont'd)

    Absent: Gov. Willson, Messrs. Stout, Clay, Smith, Walker,
Crabbe and Brooks.   7

     Professor Scovell and Dr. Pryor, were also present at the
invitation of the Board.

     There being a quorum present the board went into session
with Mr;. Frazee in the Ch.ir.

     The Board met with various representatives of the various
medical colleges of Louisville, and various citizens of Louis-

     Representatives of the Medical Colleges presented the fol ow-
ing propositions, looking to a union of the medical colleges of
Louisville and the taking over by the StateUniversity of the
plants etc. of said colleges as the M1Iedical Department of the
State University of Kentucky, to-wit:

     Prof. James K. Patterson
          State University of Kentucky
     Dear Sir:
        We, the undersigned members of the committees and others
in interest, representing the Louisville and Hospital Medical
College (M1eedical Department of Central University) and the Ken-
tucky Schoo. of Medicine, agree to unite and discontinue said
two schools, if the State University of Kentucky will make the
two united schools the Medical Department of said University,  P.281
and locate it in the city of Louisville, subject to the follow-
ing conditions:

     The Louisville and Hospital Medical College and the Kentucky
School of Medicine will give to the State University, all labora-
tory and othier equipments. This prooosition includes the fran-
chises of the two schools, their present student body, their
alumni, approximately numberinjg 5,000, located in every State of
Union, their good-wi31,,- etc. We also agree to furnish free of
cost or of legal responsibility, to the State University of


MINUTES OF TM: BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-9,190 Page 281(cont'd)

Kentucky, a building or a sufficient number of buildings, now
occupied by said medical colleges, for a period of five years
in which to conduct a medical department in Louisville. The
four years of the medical curriculum shall be taught in Louis-
ville, but the Freshman and Sophomore years may be taught in
Lexington, the Medical Department in Louisgille accepting the
work satisfactorily completed in Lexington.

     It is further agreed that the Board of Trustees of the
State University, shall allow all the income collected from the
M1edical Department situated in Louisville to be used for the
maintenance of the Medical Department in Louisville, and the
payment of a preferred claim of $9,ooo per annum for five years,
said preferred claim be paid the first of January of each
year, to a trustee or treasurer to be selected by representative
of the two above named Med. colleges said Trustee or treasurer P.282
to be located in the city of Louisville, and to be required
to promptly pay out of the above amount to the owners of the a-
bove named medical schools in the proportion of an appraise-
ment of said properties mqade by the representatives of the
real estate departments of the Fidelity Trust Co., the Columbus
Trust Co. and the Louisville Trust Co. all of Louisville, Ky.,
and in accordance wit-h an agreement entered into and signed
by the owners of the Louisville and Hospital Medical College
building, the Kentucky School of Medicine building and Gray
Street Inf irmary.
                               tWv. K. Mathew
                               F. W. Laimnell
                               J. W. Coomes
                               H. Orendorf
                               C. fly. Kelly
                               H. B. Ritter
                               Irvin Abell
                               B. F. Fumerman

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Louisville
having under consideration the matter of establishment of the
Medical Department of the Kentucky State University in Louis-
ville, the following resolution was adopted as a statement of
the attitude of the Board.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-9,190 Page 282(cont'd

     Resolved: That the Board of Trustees of the University of
Louisville is deeply impressed with the necessity of elevating
medical education in Kentucky and believe the first step in
the achievement of that end is a consotidationof all the    P.283
Medical Colleges in Louisville into a single strong Institution.
The Board further believes that if such consolidated Medical
College were made also the Medical Department of the State
University, great advantages will result to general medical
education in this State.

     The Board does not believe that a medical college at all
in line with modern requirements can be established elsewhere
than in Louisville, solely because that elsewhere there is
not such aggregation of oopulation and the resultant aggregation
of medical tutors as will afford the necessary clinics and
the necessary instruction.

     The Board is greatly interested in the success of the State
University in all its departments. Wherefore, it would be
pleasing to the Board to seea consolidation of all the Medi-
cal colleges in Louisville and to see the consolidated Medi-
cal college made also the Medical Department of the State
University; but at the very outset the Board is confronted
with the consideration that there is confided to it the trust
of holding and managing the property of the University of
Louisville for that corporation, an Mhat it is not empowered
to dispose of the property of the corporation.

     The University of Louisville is now about closing t.he
seventy first session of its medical Department, reckontug P. a2g4
the sessions-.of its predecessor, the Medical Institute of
Louisville. The corporation was created by an Act of the
Legislature of Kentucky, approved February 7th, l846. The
property of the University was given to it by the City of
Louisville through the Medical Institute of Louisville, a
corporation which was succeeded by the University corporation.

     On the 21st day of November l137, the City of Louisville
conveyed to the President and Trustees of the Medical Insti-
tute of Louisville a square of land bounded by Chestnut,
Magazine, Eight and Ninth Streets, in the City of Louisville.
The deed provided that the title to the land should revert
to the City in oase-A--t should cease to be used for the pur-
pose of a Medical College, and on this square of ground were
erected the college buildings, and this was done by funds


MINUTES OF TEE BOARS OF TRUSTEES,Jun-9,l908 Page 2S4(contid)

furnished by the City of Louisville. The Act of the Legis-
lature creating the University of Louisville contains the
provision following:-

     "That when the said President and Trustees, or the said
President and tanagers, of the Medical Institute of Louisville
shall upon the request of the Mayor and council aforesaid have
conveyed to the President and Trustees of the University, by
this act chartered and incorporated, or their successors, the
said square of ground bounded and described and conveyed by
the said deed, dated November 21st, 1837, together with all P.285
the improvements thereon and the library, apparatus, etc. be-
longing to said establishment, that then, and in that case,
the said Medical Institute shall cease to exist, and all acts
incorporating or creating the same shall be thenceforth deemed
to be repealed, and the Medical school established by the
said Institute, together with all its rights and privileges,
shall thenceforth become the MA.edical Department of the Univer-
sity of Louisville and shall thenceforth be under the control
of the President and Trustees of said University, and their
successors, to all intents and purposes: Provided, that the
President and Trustees of said University shall never anpro-
priate, nor shall the mayor and council of Louisville appropriatee,
the Medical College building, on said square, and the library,
apparattus, museum, etc., belonging to the sa.-.me, to any other
purpose than to the use and purpose of the Medical Department
of said University".

     It will be seen that this provision of the charter con-
tains an express prohibition against the transfer or appro-
priation of the Medical College building the library, appara-
tus, museum, etc., either by the Board of Trustees, or by the
City itself, to any other purpose than to the use and purpose
of the Medical Department of the University of Louisville.

     It is manifest, therefore, that neither the Board of
Trustees nor the City of Louisville, nor both conjointly, P. 286
may transfer the property to the State University, howsoever
much they might wrish to do so.

     It is the attitude of affairs the Board of Trustees of the
University of Louisville suggests that the Board of Trustees
of the State University postpone the consideration of the sub-
ject of establishing a Medical Department of the State University,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-9,1908 Page 286(cont'd)

with the hope and exnectation that, in the meantime, all the
Medical Colleges in Louisville will be consolidated into one
strong Medical College, which shall be the Medical College of
the University of Louisville. When this shall have been done,
it is the hope of this Board that by intercorperate action with
the State University, and by appropriate legislation, if need-
ful, the Medical Department of the University of Louisville will
become also the Medical Department of the State University.

     Such great achievements are not to be accomplished in a day,
and it become all persons charged with the responsible duties
of Trustees in either institution to act with deliberation and
with the single purpose of promoting the general welfare of the
entire State.

     Nevertheless, if it is the desire of the Board of Trustees
of the State University at once to establish a Medical Depart-
ment, and it has a fixed determination not to postpone action
thereabout, then the Board of Trustees of the University of
Louisville will at once do everything in its power to bring
about the permant establishment of the Department in Louisville,
provided that the Board of Trustees of the State University is P.287
prepared to announce its willingness to meet the following
necessary conditions:

     (1) That the Kentucky State University shall permanently
establish and maintain its Medical Department in the City of
Louisville, and shall not have or maintain a Medical Denartment
in any way or to any extent elsewhere, and shall at all times
furnish the necessary funds for, and shall provide all necessary
building, apparatus and equipment needful for the Medical De-
partment, so that it shall be recognized and approved by the
Ky. State Board of Health.

     (2) That in some way, to be agreed upon, the Medical De-
partment shall continue to bear the name of the Medical Depart-
ment of the University of Louisville, to the end that its pres-
tige and history may be preserved.

     It is ordered that a copy of this resolution be transmitted
to the Board of Trustees of the Kentucky State University.

    Addresses and remarks were made by members of the Board of
Trustees of said medical colleges, and their faculties, and by


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRtTSTEES,Jun-9,1908 Page 287(contod)

members of the State Board of Health and by other persons
interested in the matter in hand.

     After these statements were completed the Board went inb
private executive session and upon motion of Mr. Stoll, the
seconded by President Patterson, and carried the following
resolution was carried.                                      P.2;9

     Resolved that it is the sense of this Board that neither
proposition submitted to-day can be entertained by it; but on
the assurance of a united proposition from all the medical
schools of Louisville, we agree to meet on the call of your
Chairman; and

     Resolved: that if any proposition relative to the establish-
ment of a medical college be submitted to hire, that the Chairman
shall be empowered to call the Board together to consider that

     The Board then adjourned to meet upon the call of the

     Met pursuant to call of the Chair at 2:00 o'clock P. M.
Friday, July 17th, l908 in the President's Room in the Gym-
naesim Building.

     Roll call showed the following:

     Present- Governor Willson, Mdessrs. Hopkins, Nicholas,
Barker, Carpenter, Lafferty, Smith, Terrell, Clay, Stoll, Davies,
Walker, Sachet.   13

     Absent- Messrs. Crabbe, Brooks, Frazee and Stout.

There being a quorur present business was proceeded.