xt7stq5r8j02 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7stq5r8j02/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1923-07-jul20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1923-07-jul20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1923-07-jul20-ec. 1923 1923-07-jul20-ec. 2011 true xt7stq5r8j02 section xt7stq5r8j02 

     Minutes of the Regular Monthly fleeting of the Executive
Committee for Friday, July 20, 1923.

     The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in
rosu1ar monthly session at the University in the office of the
President at 11:30 a. m.,,on July 20, 1923.    The following mem-
bers were present: R. 0. Stoll, R. G. Gordon, H. 1,I. Froman,
R. T. Wells, and George Colvin.

     (1) The report of the Business Agent was read and ordered.
incorporated in the minutes.   The report was as follows:

                      University of Kentucky

             Statement of Income and Exrenditures for
                          year 1922-1923

General Fund
      Excess of Income over Expenditures

Patterson Hall
   Income                              45,125.64
   ExDinditures                         38,389.79
      Excess of Income over Expenditures-
        Patterson Hall
      Excess of Income over Expenditures-
        General Fun&

      Excess of Expenditures over Receipts
        for General Ledger Accounts
      Accounts Receivable for Current year,
        included in Income
      Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for
        fiscal year to date - General Fund

      Overdraft July 1, 1922-Generai Fund
      Overdraft June 30, 1923-General Fund


  6. 735 .85






Trust Fund
   Expendi tures
      Excess of Expendit.ures over Receipts
      Cash in Bank July 1, 1922
      Cash in Bank Jana 30, 1923

( 1,257.44)
1 324.78



Experiment Station
      Excess of Income over Expenditures
      Cash in Bank July 1, 1922
      Cash in Bank June 30, 1923

Extension Division
      Excess of Income over Expenditures
      Cash in Bank July 1, 1922
      Cash in Bank June 30, 1923
  Cash in Bank and on hand
      Combined Fund - June 30, 1923
  Note - Deficit in General Fund as at
     June 30, 1923 estimated $70,000

246 325.19
39.478. 62



     (2) Location of the Stadium and Basketball Building. A com-
mittee from the Alumni Association appeared before the Board and
asked that a site for the proposed basketball building be desig-
nated by the Committee.   'They proposed a site on the west end of
Stoll Field bordering on ['Vinslow Street and facing on the walk be-
tween the University and Patterson Hall.    The Executive Committee
made an inspection of the site recommended, and after discussion
a motion was made, seconded, and adopted authorizing that the
Alumni Association be permitte6 to place the basketball building
on the site requested.   A committee consisting of President McVey,
Judge Stoll, and Senator Froman was appointed to cooperate with
the Alumni Association in the erection of a building.    This com-
mittee was also authorized to sign whatever contracts may be nec-
essary for the construction of the Building.

     (3) Interest on DepFosits.  A communication was read from the
Business Agent suggesting that the University ought to make ar-
rangements for interest on deposits at the local banks.    On motion
duly seconded, the President was authorized to take the matter up
with local banks and find out whether it is possible to get inter-
ist on deposits and make a report at some future meeting.

     (4) Loan of Q.J50.000.  A communication was read from the Busi-
ness Agent asking that the Executive Committee make provision for
borrowing a sufficient sum of mones to defray the current expenses
of the University during the coming fall until such time as funds
shell be received from the Auditor.

     A motion was made, seconled, and adopted directing that the
Business Agent and chairman of the Executive Committee be author-
ized to borrow Pt one time or from time *to time suQch sums as may be
nicessaEl7 to meet the current ex:,rnses of the University not to
exceed 50,000.



     (5) Bill of Harcourt and Comnanv for Diplomas.   A bill for
 .44 for eleven diplomas from Harcourt and Company, Louisville,
 Aentucky, was presented to the Committee and, on motion duly see-
 onded, mayment was authorized.

     (6) The E. O. Robinson Mountain Fund.   President McVey pre-
sented to the Committee considerable correspondence regarding the
agreement with the E. 0. Robinson Mountain Fund.    The matter was
discussed at length.   A motion was made, seconded, and adopted
stating that the University of Krentucky is willing to accept from
the E. 0. Robinson Mountain Fund any or all lands in the tract of
land in question which may be given to the University with a fee
:Simple title exclusive of mineral rights.   If such an agreement
can be entered into the University will gladly discuss further de-
tails for the conduct of the work.

     (7) Dead to Maxwelton Park.   The chairman of the Executive
Committee presented the deed of Maxwelton Park which had been
formally approved, as authorized at a previous meeting of the Board.
On motion duly seconded, the deed was approved and ordered incorpo-~
rated in the minutes.

        THIS AGREEIMNT, made and entered into this the 29th day
   of June, 1923, by and between the University of Kentucky,
   party of the first part, and Arthur M. Miller, party of the
   second part,

                        W I T N F S S E T H:

        That in consideration of the conveyance of a tract of
   land at an agreed valuation of Twelve Thousand ($12,000) Dol-
   lars, which tract of land consists of one and thirty-five one
   hundredths (1.35) acres on South Limestone Street in Lexing-
   ton, Kentucky, and which is conveyed by deed from second party
   to first narty, of date June 29, 1923, the party of the first
   part hereby covenants and agrees with the party of the second
   part to pay to him during his lifetime an annuity of Seven
   Hundred and Twenty ( 7201 Dollars in two semi-annual payments
   of Three Hundred and Sixty ($360) Dollars each, which said
   payments shall, be made on January first and July first of each
   year, the first payment to be made on January 1, 1924.

        It is agreed by the narty of the second part that the pay-
   ment of the annuity herein referred to shall cease with the
   death of the party of the second part, and that there shall be
   due to the estate of the party of the second part by the party
   of the first part no further sum otter than the proportionate
   amount due from the last semi-annual payment made by the party
   of the first part up to the death of the party of the second



        IN WITNESS WHPEREOF, the University of Kentucky has here-
   unto set its hand by Richard C. Stoll, Chairman of its Execu-
   tive Committee, and has caused his act to be attested and the
   seal of the University to be affixed by Wellington Patrick,
   its Secretary, and the party of the second part has hereunto
   set his hand at LexinRton, Kentucky, the day and date first
   above written.

                                 UNIVERSITY OF  ENTOIJCKY

                                 BY   Richard C. Stoll
                                 Chairman, Executive Committee

    Wellington Patrick

                                    Arthur M. Miller
                                      Party of the second part.

     (8) Salsry of Lyman Chalkley.   A motion vwas made, seconded,
andl ado Sted tl,? t jie lyman Chalkley be allowed $50 a Tmonth for
administrotivo services as ticting Dean during the second semester.
l92D; ants thst h-e be          PFs nstod Ss Acting Dean' until such time as
a Dean shall be appointed.

     (9) Inerxq..9n 2f Slarr of Business Agent.   On~motion duly
seconded the salary of the Business Agent was increased by $37.50
for the month of July, 1923 on account of his bond as Business
Agent of the University.

     (10) Road Through an Experiment Field in Muhlenberg County.
A communication was read from Dean Cooper stating that the County
of Muhlenbero wished to make a road through a part of the Experi-
ment Field in MuhlenberR County and that it would be necessary to
use part of the land for that purpose.   On motion duly seconded
and adooted the Dean of the College of Agriculture was authorized
to execute whatever deed necessary for transferring the property
for this purpose.

     (11) Resignations.   The following resignations were pre-
sented to the Board, and on motion duly seconded, adopted:

     Resignation of Berley Winton, field agent in poultry, ef-
fective July 31, 1923.

     Resignation, of Mary MHay M'-iller, fi 31d agent in home economies,
Extinsion Division, effective July 28, '923.

     Resignation of Paul R. Record, assistant county agent, Morgan
County, effective June 30, 1923.


     Resignation of J. Garrett Kemp, Associate Professor of Phy-
si8(S, effective st the close of the regular session in June 1923.

     (12) Appointments.   The following appointments were recom-
mended by President MoVey and, on motion duly seconded, approved:

     Appointment of Reuben Morgan as Community leader in Knott
County, for twenty-five meetings at $4 a meeting, one meeting to
be held each week if possible, effective May 1, 1923.

     Appointment of J. C. Nixon as instructor in Mathematics for
the year 1923-1924 at a salary of pl,500.

    Appointment of Paul L. Boynton as instructor in Psychology
for 1923-1924 at a salary of $1,500.

     Appointment of H. T. Wensel as associate professor of Physics
at a salary of $2,800, effective September 1, 1923.

     Appointment of Miss Katherine Hodge as student assistant in -
History and Political Science for the year 1923-1924 at a salary
of 020 a month, effective September 1923.

'  Appointment of Miss Minnie M. Kennedy as instructor in Home
Economics, College of Agriculture, at a salary of $1,800 a year
and lodging in Practice House, payable on a ten months' basis,
effective September 1, 1923.

     Appointment of Dr. D. A. Sanders as assistant in the Depart-
ment of Veterinary Science at a salary of $1,800 a year, effective
at such time as he reports for duty and continuing until June 30,

     Appointment of Mrs. Eda I4. Giles as director of girls.' dormi-
tories at a salary of $1,500 with board and lodging at Patterson
Hall, effective September 1, 1923.

     Appointment of Thurman Andrew as instructor in Mathematics
for the year 1923-1924 at a salary of h1,500.

     Anpointment of Alfred. Brauer as instructor in the Department
of ZooloRy at a salary of $1,600 for the year 1923-1924.

     Appointment of Sarah Blanding as assistant to Dean of Women
at i5Q per month, effective September 1, 1923.

     Appointment of Mary Lynn Daugherty as assistant home demon-
stration agent, Muhlenberg County, from June 4 to June 30, 1923
at a salary of $12.5 a month.


6 .

     Appointment of Vash-ti Cave as assistant home demonstration
agent, Oldham County, from June 15 to December 31, 1923, at a
salary of $158 1/3 a month.

     Appointment of Ruth Wilson as assistant home demonstration
age t, Campbell County from June 4 to July 31, 1923, at a salary
of Kl25 a month.

     Appointment of Annie Benson Priest as assistant home demon-
stration agent, Graves County, from June 5 to September 5, 1923,
at a salary of $100 a month.

     Appointment of Sallie Coleman as assistant home demonstration
agent, McCracken County, from June 26 to September 30, 1923, at a
salary of $100 a month.

     Appointment of Elizabeth Holt as assistant home demonstration
agent, Leslie County, from June 27 to August 31, 1923, at a salary
of $100 a month.

     Appointment of Gladys lVaddell as home demonstration agent,
Lee County, from July 1 to June 30, 1924, at a salary of $151 2/3
a month.

     Appointment of Joyce Syler as home demonstration agent, Garrard
County, from July 1 to 31, 1923, at a salary of $150 a month.

     Appointment of Jessie 0. Yancey as home demonstration agent,
Fayette County, from June 1, 1923 to June 30, 1924, at a salary of
$216 2/3 a month.

     Appointment of Mary Mharks as home demonstration agent, Hender-
son County, from May 24, 1923 to June 6, 1923, at a salary of $150
a month.

     Appointment of Kathleen Brand as assistant home demonstration
event, Daviess County from May 28, 1923 to September 27, 1923 at a
salary of $100 a month.

     Appointmqnt of MIVrs. Rose B. Craft as home demonstration agent,
Knott County, from June 1 to July 31, 1923, at a salarr of $125 a

     Continuation of employment of Lloyd F.Cutler as county agent,
Webster County, from May 15, 1923 to May 14, 1924, at a salary of
$175 a month.

     Continuation of emploNment of R. 11. Heath as county agent,
Washington County, from May 1, 1923 to March 31, .1924, at a salary
of $200 a month.



     Continuation of employment of Ximber J. Bowles as county
agent, Estill County, from M4ay 10, 1923 to May 9, 1924, at a
;laiahry of $133 1/3 a month.

     Appointment of H. J. Childress as county agent, Ilarion
ic, -rvn, from July 1 to December 31, 1923, at a salary of *)200

     Appointment of J. L. Shaw as field agent, club work, from
June 15 to August 31, 1923, at a salary of $100 a month.

     Appointment of Paul W. Miller as field agent, club vwork, fromr
June 15 to August 31, 1923, at a salary of $100 a month.

     Appointment of J. F. Graham as field agent, club work, from
June 15 to August 31, 1923, at a salary of $100 a month.

     Appointment of Stewart Brabandt as field agent in club work
from July 1 to August 31, 1923, at a salary of $100 a month.

     Appointmentoof Z. L. Galloway as assistant county agent,
Fleming and Mason Counties, from June 16 to December 31, 1923, at
a salary of $100 a month.

     Continuation of employment of B. B. MaInteer.as assistant
county agent M ade County, from May 16 to July 9, 1923, at a
-ilary of  150 a month.,

     Continuttion of employment of James Vt Coleman as oounty
ageat, LaRue County from May 1, 1923 to June 30, 1923, at a salary
oi ;166 2/3 a month.

     Appointment of J. L. Miller as county agent, Bracken County,
from June 1, 1923 to May 31, 1924, at a salary of $183 1/3 a

     Appointment of P. R. Watlington as assistant county agent,
z.cIean County, from May 26 to December 31, 1923, at a salary cIP
0.00 a month.

     Appointment of John C. Brown as assistant county agent,
'i;dd Ctunty, from June 14 to September 15, 1923, at a salary Of
'_-0 0a month,

     Appointment of R. H{. King as assistant county agent, Madi-
( County, from June 18 to December 31, 1923, at a salary of
     a month.

     Appointment of M. H. Sasser as assistant county agent,
     2-:   County, from June 18 to December 31, 1923, at a salary
        : a month.



     .Appointment of G. WN. Gardner as assistant county agent,
Wa shington County from June 11 to September 11, 1923, at a salary
of 100 a month.

     Appointment of Bef %ordon Itarsh as county agent, McCracken
County, from May 10 to Dde6tber 30, 1923, at a salary of $150 R

     Appointment of Fannie Ellis Cooke as assistant home demosstr;.
tiol agent, Christian County, effective May 30, 1923, at a salary
of W100 a month.

     Appointment of R. W. Scearce as county agent, Grayson County,
from May 15 to June 30, 1923, at a salary of $191 2/3 a month.

     Appointment of C. 0. Dickey as assistant county agent,
Fay tte County, from June 18 to December 31, 1923, at a salary
of W00 a month.

     Appointment of Charles E. Miller as county agent, Boyle
County, from July 1 to December 31, 1923, at a salary of $225 a

     Appointment of John E, Sommers as assistant county agent,
Wayne County, from June 18 to December 31, 1923, at a salary of
$100 a month.

                                       Respectfully submitted

                                          Wellington Patrick

                                       Secretary of the Board