xt7sqv3c2z6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c2z6d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1977-02-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 14, 1977 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 14, 1977 1977 1977-02-14 2020 true xt7sqv3c2z6d section xt7sqv3c2z6d _ _-._,..,.,.., mumw p-anuvuzmt‘mun.-~,~_fi,,..-»....—..~..mu _ . Mama-w- m-wp: ..,...... ... » -

Minutes of the University Senate, February 14, 1977 5017

The University Senate met in regular session at 3: 00 p .m. , Monday, February
14, 1977, in the Court Room of the Law Building.

Constance P. Wilson, Chairman, presiding

Members absent: Michael E. Adelstein, Roger B. Anderson, Gerald G. Ashdown,
Ruth Assell*, C. Dwight Auvenshine*, Lisa K. Barclay*, Charles E. Barnhart,
R. Paul Baumgartner*, Robert P. Belin’l‘, Norman F. Billups, Harold R. Binkley*,
Jack C. Blanton*, Wilbur C. Blount*, Peter P. Bosomworth*, Russell H. Brannon*,
John L. Butleri‘, Donald B. Clapp, Glenn B. Collins*, Ronda S. Connaway*,
Samuel F. Conti*, Bill Crosby, Donald P. Cross*, Nancy Daly*, Guy M. Davenport*,
Robert J. DeAngelis, George W. Denemark*, William H. Dennen, Donald F. Diedrich,
Anthony Eardley, Mike Easley, Bruce S. Eastwood*, W. W. Ecton*, Jim Elder*,
Mark Fenzel*, Michael Ferri, James E. Funk*, Art Gallaher’l‘, Joseph H. Gardner*,
Claudine Gartner*, Alexander Gilchrist*, John L. Greenway*, Joseph Hamburg,
Michael Hammons*, Bobby O. Hardin*, Andrew J. Hiatt*, Jeffery Hoeck, Raymond
R. Hornback, Charles W. Hultman*, Steve Ibershaff, Donald W. Ivey*, Raymon
D. Johnson, James A. Knoblett, Theodore A. Kotchen, Robert A. Kuehne, A.
Virginia Lane*, Lynn Larkin*, Gordon P. Liddle, Austin S. Litvak, William E.
Lyons*, Abby L. Marlatt*, Levis D. McCullers, L. Randoph McGee*, Marion
E. McKenna*, Bill Miracle, Jacqueline A. Noonan*, Terry Norris, Elbert W.
Ockerman*, Leonard V. Packett*, Anne E. Patterson*, Doyle E. Peaslee, David
Peck*, Alan R. Perreiah, Betty Powers*, Anna K. Reed*, JoAnn Rogers, Robert
W. Rudd*, John S. Scarborough*, John Scirele, Otis A. Singletary*, A. H.
Peter Skelland, John T. Smith*, Stanford L. Smith, Emilie Steinhauer*, John
B. Stephenson, Marjorie S. Stewart*, William J. Stober*, Joseph V. Swintosky,
Jennie Tichenor’k, Harold H. Traurig, Harwin L. Voss*, John N. Walker*,
M. Stanley Wall, Marc J. Wallace, John Wanat, Richard L. Warren*, Frederick
W. Whiteside, Jr. , Ralph F. Wiseman*, Judith Worell*, Debi Young

The minutes of the meeting of November 8, 1976, were accepted as circulated.


I. Action item:
Motion to amend Senate Rules Section IV Admissions circulated February
3, 1977
Motion voted and passed
II. A Resolution commending Malcolm Jewell, Past Chairman
III. Memorial Resolutions:
Wendell C. Binkley, Agricultural Economics

Lyle Ramsay Dawson, Chemistry
Max Judd Wasserman, Patterson School

IV. Nominations for Honorary Degrees



Minutes of the University Senate, February 14, 1977 - Cont

V. Senate Council activities and information items

A. Meetings with President Singletary, Vice President Cochran, Vice President
Zumwinkle, Committee to implement Freshman Year Report, Vice President 1%
Wall. '


B. Ombudsman Search Committee 1

C. Computerization of Senate Rules

D. Publication ”Images of the University” '

E. Recognition Dinner — April 4 I

The Chairman made the following remarks: ,

Since this is the first time a woman has presided over this body, I feel

we must clarify some trivialities which may occur in the effort to re- 1
flect in the language the equality of the sexes. For simpli ficatiorr-

_ and to avoid certain tongue twisters--l would like to be addressed as em

‘ Madame Chairman, or Professor Wilson. 1

Chairman Wilson recognized Professor Paul Oberst, Secretary of the Senate Council,
who presented the following Resolution on Professor Malcolm Jewell.


A Resolution of the University of Kentucky Senate February 14, 1977 [

WHEREAS , Professor Malcolm Jewell has served as Chairman of the J
Senate Council during the year 1976 and has presided over the meetings
of the Senate. |

AND WHEREAS, he has executed these duties with great skill,
fairness , patience and dispatch. I


AND WHEREAS, while a member of the Senate in 1972-73 he was R
Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee to Study the Reorganization of the 6
Senate and is greatly responsible for the renewed vitality of the
Senate due to its new Standing Committee System.

AND WHEREAS , as Chairman he skillfully steered the Council

and Senate through a perilous course of legislative battles to adoption l

of a number of new measures , among which are:


a perpetual calendar, which shall be forever
known as the Jewellian calendar.
2. The creation of two new colleges~-Fine Arts
and Communications--and adoption of an all—
new nursing program.

1. A new long-term projection of the calendar- :




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Minutes of the University Senate, February 14, 1977 - Cont

1‘ 3. A New No-Smoking Policy, despite the most
‘1 vigorous opposition from smokers who
complained it was neo-facist, and environmen-
I7 talists who complained it was a cop-out.
4. The creation of a program of new research
i professorships, and numerous other accom—
. plishments.

I 1112 WHEREAS , as Chairman he demonstrated great diplomacy in
'1 ferreting out and solving potential conflicts in the committee and
council structure of the University, in stimulating programs which
had bogged down, in giving respectful burial to those which had ex-
pired, and in general tidying up the agenda.

B_E ll RESOLVED, that the Senate expresses its appreciation
to Malcolm Jewell for his vigorous and distinguished service as
Chairman, and directs that this resolution be entered in the minutes

of this first meeting of the year 1977 and that a copy be suitably
I inscribed and sent to him.

1‘ Professor Jewell was given a round of applause for his work as Chairman.

The Chairman then introduced the following:

Sergeant—at—Arms — Colonel James Alcorn and Assistant to the Vice President
David Stockham
New members of the Senate Council: Professors: Joseph Bryant, English;
Stephen Diachun, Plant Pathology; Jane Emanuel, Allied Health;
I Joseph Krislov, Economics

I Parliamentarian - Professor Robert Bostrom

The Chairman made the following remarks:

. 1 Things are better at the University, but not all is well; because
looking at this group one sees few blacks and very few women. Pro-
gress has been made, but we need to do more.

[ I feel University governance is one of the most important com-
ponents of academic life. An alive, vigorous University Senate makes
‘ for an exciting, progressive academic community. I hope that you will
i take seriously your Senate responsibilities. At this University we have
' an enlightened administration and a highly developed system of
governance, that enables participation at all levels. Because of this,
i we are apt to become apathetic, and leave the decision making and
' participation to just a few. Anyone who assumes the role of Senator
should take it on as a positive commitment and not as a burden. I feel
& very strongly when 50 people think they have discharged their respon-
M sibility by calling Martha Ferguson, the Recording Secretary, to report
they will be absent. If for various reasons you cannot be a Senator in

 Minutes of the University Senate, February 14, 1977 - Cont










the full sense of the word, then I feel you should allow someone else
in your Department or College an opportunity to take this role in order
that your colleagues can be fully represented.

Chairman Wilson presented the following three Memorial Resolutions on the deaths
of Wendell C. Binkley, Lyle Ramsay Dawson, and Max Judd Wasserman. Professor
Wilson directed that the Resolutions be made a part of these minutes and that copies be
provided to the members of the immediate families. Following Professor Wilson‘s
presentation of the Resolutions , the Senators were asked to stand for a moment of
silence in tribute and respect to Professor Binkley, Dr. Dawson, and Dr. Wasserman.


Professor Wendell Chester Binkley served the University of Kentucky
in the Department of Agricultural Economics from 1946 to his death on
December 4, 1976.

Professor Binkley received a B. S. Degree in Agriculture with ”High
Distinction” from the University of Kentucky in 1939 and an M.S. Degree
in Agriculture, with a major in Agricultural Economics, in 1942. He did
doctoral work in Economics at Vanderbilt University in 1952-53.

His professional interests centered around Cooperative Marketing,
Agribusiness Management and Youth Education. In each of these areas,
he received recognition at the state, national, and international levels.

Perhaps the most rewarding to Professor Binkley was his work with
the youth of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He developed the Kentucky
Youth Seminar for high school juniors for the purpose of learning about
the American Private Enterprise System. Several hundred Kentucky stu-
dents participate annually in this nationally recognized program. State
winners have made an enviable record in national competition and thus
achieved recognition for themselves, Professor Binkley and the Univer-

In 1964 and 1968-69, he served as a consultant with the Ford Founda-
tion in India. He helped develop the VAIKUNTH MEHTA NATIONAL
Institute engages in management research, training and consulting. He
was a member of the Delhi-based Ford Foundation's Intensive Agricultural
Development Program team, who worked with cooperatives and government
officials in utilizing the ”package” approach to improve agricultural
production and marketing.

He was author of numerous publications in agricultural marketing.
In addition, he was a member of the Youth Education Consulting Committee
of the American Institute of Cooperation and the Social Sciences Advisory
Committee of the Cooperative Foundation in Chicago, Illinois.



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Minutes of the University Senate, February 14, 1977 — Cont

‘ Professor Binkley was a member of Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma
_ Delta-~agricultural honorary societies, Block and Bridle, and U.K.
(N Agribusiness Clubs and the Methodist Church.

i He is survived by his wife, Byrd Binkley; a daughter, Mrs. Lewis
B. Henry and a son Dr. Thomas K. Binkley.

Members of the Department of Agricultural Economics, as well as 1


% a host of co-workers and friends, will miss this enthusiastic, dynamic
and compassionate colleague.





Dr. Lyle Ramsay Dawson, Emeritus Distinguished Professor and
F former Head of the Department of Chemistry, died on April 16, 1976, at , f
a?” the age of 71, after a long illness. He had been retired since 1970. I 1

i He was a native of Illinois and received the Ed.B. degree from
Illinois State University in 1928. He received the M. S. degree in 1932
from the University of Illinois, and the Ph.D. degree in 1935 from the
University of Iowa. In 1971, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of
Science degree by the University of Kentucky.

I In addition to his professional career at the University of Kentucky, ‘ i

Dr. Dawson previously served in academic positions in Illinois, ‘
1 Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Louisiana, and as a research chemist and
, supervisor of analytical laboratories in industry. During World War II, i
i he was a Research Chemist and Group Leader in the Metallurgical :1

Laboratory (sponsored by the Manhattan Project) of the University of ,
i Chicago. In 1946, he was awarded the War Department's Certificate ‘
“A of Merit for work related to the Manhattan Project in which one of his ‘
rt". “ Chief contributions was in connection with the discovery of a funda-

mental process for the extraction and purification of the elements

plutonium and neptunium. He was the inventor associated with the

original patents for these processes. He was a member of the committee

which organized the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies and was a

member of the Council of the Institute.

the Department of Chemistry. He provided key leadership in initiating ‘1
and building the doctoral program in chemistry at the University.
He individually obtained the major portion of extramural research ,
support during the first decade of the program. Over the period t

L 1946—1965, he held contracts for fundamental chemical research with

6% the U. S. Army Signal Corps, the Army Ordnance Corps, the National

' - ‘. Science Foundation, and the Atomic Energy Commission. Along with his

administrative and teaching activities , he directed or co-directed

i Dr. Dawson came to the University of Kentucky in 1945 as Head of






Minutes of the University Senate, February 14, 1977 - Cont

seventeen Ph.D. dissertations and nine M .S. theses. He was talented
as a research director and had a special ability to transmit to the
graduate student the importance of conciseness of expression along
with clarity and completeness in scientific writing. He published more
than fifty research papers dealing with the chemistry of non-aqueous
solutions and co-authored a reference book on non—aqueous solvents
which was published in Germany. Another of his major contributions
was his persistent advocacy for, and principal role in the design of,
the Chemistry—Physics Building which became available for use in


He was a master teacher both in the classroom and in less formal
conferences and discussions. His classic lectures in physical
chemistry, thermodynamics, and general chemistry will be long-
remembered by his many students. Through his guidance and
counseling, many graduate teaching assistants and beginning faculty
members became better, more effective teachers. He always set
high achievement standards with respect to course work, research,
and the broad education and training of chemists in general. Along
with expecting much of his students and faculty colleagues , Dr. Dawson
led by example by giving much of himself through his administrative
and scholarly activities and contributions.

Dr. Dawson was elected Distinguished Professor in 1954—55 by his
colleagues in the College of Arts and Sciences. In 1956, the Board of
Trustees appointed him to the rank of Distinguished Professor in the
field of Physical Chemistry. In 1954-55, 1956, and 1960-61, he served
as Acting Dean of the Graduate Scool.

He was a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemists, a Fellow of
the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a member
of the American Chemical Society, Electrochemical Society, Kentucky
Academy of Science, Sigma Xi, Omicron Delta Kappa, Alpha Chi Sigma,
and Kappa Delta Pi. He had served as President of the Kentucky
Chapter of Sigma Xi, President of the Kentucky Academy of Science,
and Chairman of the Lexington Section of the American Chemical
Society. He served several times as Tour Lecturer and as Visiting
Scientist under the sponsorship of the national office of the American
Chemical Society. He was a charter member and had served as Presi-
dent of the Lexington Chapter of Torch International, and also was a
member of several other non-academic organizations.

Dr. Dawson's twenty-five active years with the University of
Kentucky represented a truly outstanding combination and balance
of administrative leadership, teaching, research and service. For
his many contributions and dedicated service, the faculty of the De-
partment of Chemistry expresses its profound appreciation.




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