xt7sqv3c2z22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c2z22/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1941-12-17  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 17, 1941 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 17, 1941 1941 1941-12-17 2020 true xt7sqv3c2z22 section xt7sqv3c2z22 V91 -;1-:u.':1~»:‘3'.l'l l1":‘r_‘))t')ill:lq;§i:flihig aggi-fi.’ :jgiggf a3::g;5 ' '(Qiiiii - a > . , , E I.

Minutes of the University Faculty = November 13, 1941

of Trustees. In this connection, it was agreed that the President's

Office would notify all members of the University Faculty of meetings of %
the Board of Trustees. or its Executive Committee one week in advance of a
the meeting, in order that matters to be transmitted to the Beard might

come to the President in ample time.

President Denovan reported briefly on the meetings of the National
Association of State Universities and the Association of Land Grant Colleges.
It anpeared thot those in attendance at these meetings were of the opinion
that the school year 1942,43 would be extremely difficult, and that instie
tutions of higher learning might expect further decreases in enrolment as
a result of the war emergency In view of such a situation next year, it
was suggested by President Donovan that unless essential, replacements on
the college staffs should not be made when vaCancies occur. President Dono-
van pointed out that the University was probably not doing enough to intern
pret the present crisis to the student body and to the community. He
suggested that there was need for greater effort in the direction of buildm
ing morale. and asked the opinion of the Faculty as to whether it would not ‘fiab
be desirable to form a committee to deal with this general probleme The
Faculty authorized the appointment by the President of a Committee of the
Faculty on American Defense.



On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the following
organizations were apnroved by the UniVersity Faculty:


Philharmonic Orchestra



The meeting was adjourned.


1’7 .
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DeCember 17, 1941
The University Faculty met 1 the President's Office Wednes da m;
December 17, 1941, with President Do.DV7n nresidinga Members in a.ttend ;
ance were Jesse E. Adams, Paul P. POyd, Thos. P. Coouer, Alvin E. Evans,
W. D. Funkhouser, J. H. uxdan, Henry H. Hill, Frank D. Peterson, 3. S.

laylor, and Edward Wiest.

The minutes of November 13 were read and approved. M
President DonOVan announced t‘n t the committee of the Faculty on i
American Defense, mer ti>ned in the nutes, had not been annointed. He


Minutes of tee University Facultv — December 17, l34l


United §tates into the War had so
lty and community, that

bod ;, fecal



4 -(t, a :1 q ”1 a ll . .

a; U" neRVp was Lu loop ger urgent.
1371.: @1111an L T‘If‘n‘ _ '\¢~.~~ -, “-1 w 1 q ‘ ,‘ .L ‘_ 1» 7 ,r, 1’ , ‘
A-eqidcht -oiuyd: anno1nced tu'L YFS. JOHOVan and u:



;. "' .. .A. [V « . .»-— ”‘ 5 l 1‘ - ‘- » L" ' ' '
at 1 m.m. on dgeflfliy l1, Lne date oi tde nert regular meetim
~“ . > ‘ .7 r" " ~-- ‘ j ‘ '
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11ra:r HJQCWLiOfi. They Squ ted that the FUJ—C1m~
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but th~t cansideration 01

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ooatnone Intil t1e next meeting at the

lue eneoi al comm ttee 31 toe Council was


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Eb be, lb 15 uuchhhqu uhub 1t Weuid go into effect in entenbc_, 1343.

if; a fieiitlax 11cm the Student fifiveiiment Aesociation







“TL...nn V \»fly1 1: ”p1 "4:.1N -‘1” up ’ =1 . - 1»
”4:1: 3, a suite oi 141 unlfiua between tie Un-ted Stntcs find otter

7: 11:51:19 1' l (I u LL will S 6? U l. C I‘ S 01 t £1 1. 55.


m “L: A4. '.,‘ l.‘ 1“ ,4“; '117 1., .1 .-_....‘. m r. ‘4. 7 a n+ 4 I H .- ». ‘ ..
needecu LU L‘b CE‘ilifi; 111110 Lllc‘: v-11 21.11;» 1.117111.L,11(~3:. ‘1; military service; (1116.



'e 01 toe Studeat Govern-


f etm: / coll ege of tne

. AL .1 A, .‘ . J»‘ ,‘V. -‘ , 7.
ne1u1 A stw3iati_41 teat: «griwu

fl . . , 1 . . . . a
univer31ty De awarded a degree in tueir reeveCIive col lefe ii and ween


such a Senior is called. or volunteere, for th: service of his country

d1rirr the nemeeter at the end of which he v uld g eduate, providing

Dhflt "r i5 doing massing .ork in all subjects as determined by the pro-


o-1de1- :vnicn he is taking work at the time.


t furtner resolved th t: If any hers n reqietered in this

Universit? is al.6d, or olunteers, for tee service of his country


Kg 21y semesue“ he shall be jiven credit for Lne work tow: he would


.. 2 .7. _‘ 1 , . a . ~11 . ‘L
ote dullfl{: sucn seme ster, brov1eing LHQU ac 1S 40.ng onseing NOId
in all subjects as determined by toe wraiessvrs under which he is tak-

1 ing work at the time."


After no extended cons d-reti: n of the various nroblems involved in the

giantin; of credit to students who leave for military service, the follow~

1.33 ‘A

ing t,tc1;1t was aonroved:

es of tLe armed forces

1 ӎnv student WHO is accewted into the servi
of the United States, or is ered Lu) servic a? a Eese rve 05f CST.

remeinder o: the may TBCEIVE cred-

it massing in


9 SD
it for eace corrse iL wnich Le 'H en“oll

(UV'e at the time of withdrawal.

; \nu mungw:

















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c Secemb r 17, 1941



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up‘eubu; LO ”A.A;; ; m. ~ 4hrlstnns HOlldOV erLms.
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Enlidav GLKS.


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AAA. ,, ..A..-AA...." A.._ :‘_.'
bug raid U{yblLth SEI‘MLIJibliflls


~ Pegisnratinn 1? :;ccnd semester.


'un resumed.

-.‘A —A, m, ‘V .A ‘z x . ‘
ubru 1. L; wc;ch a Student may entcr wn organ~




sea by stu~
rare non in college tue : rsu semesber.
a) rd of Trvstees.

. .q

mescay j a,m. - master Vacation.


ffliLLLary gruqution exercises.
~ Tinnl examinauiqns.

June j 'Calaureate services.
June 3

June A I Lg ", 7 a xth Annual COmmencement.

fiowrd of Trustecs.

Junidr Club Week,


” f ‘1 f")
Jun:;.- ,"‘ .A. .1



June 14 Monday ~ begistrati n icr fV'st term of summer school.

Monday — Heristrati n for second term of Simmer school.

—s‘*§£—3>m—' j LIZ-.4

Auguut 20 Friday M Summer school commencement. 1
L r‘ r. I w ‘ 'I '
Auguct zl aanurcay H Summer scnool ends. *

Committee distribu*ed tc the members 0i tnc Faculty the


.‘ 1n

irFt scciion of Due nroncsea revisijn o: Lhe rules governing academic





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