xt7sqv3c2w1c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c2w1c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-04-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 2001 2001 2001-04-05 2020 true xt7sqv3c2w1c section xt7sqv3c2w1c LEII Of CENILR

Me me me me

A hard
day's night

Oh. guys and gals. today
seems to be your
lucky day as I am
finally going to grant
your request and let
you in on what it's like
to be a rail editor.
We've received scores
of e-mails saying that
our job seems as easy
as Music lOl but
without the jazz.
However, that is not
true at all; it's more
like a KHP 101 class
(Kinesiology and
Health Promotion:
Ultimate Frisbee and
Flag Football). To be
honest. though,
nobody has been
asking what we do all
day except for my
parole officer, but this
could be funny so bear
with me.

Today I'm having
breakfast at Tiffany's,
or whatever that girl's
name was that I went
home with last night.
That will teach me not
to mix Tylenol PM, Pop
Rocks and Heineken.

Now it's time to go to
class. For all you other
suckers, I'm going
back to sleep. See
how hard I have it? I
feel a great deal of
guilt, laughing-my-
butt-off'guilt, but guilt

A little later is usually
when I receive a
distress signal from
the mayor, and it's
time for action. The
Joker is stealing some
kind of radioactive
chemical used in
explosives and 1,
Batman, have to stop
him. Then my alarm
clock goes off and
ruins my dream.

I climb out of a mountain
of clothes a la Dante
Hicks from Clerks and
go to the computer
lab where l
games. Lab
consultants have it
rough - at least that's
what we are told to
say if questioned by
the police.

About this time - any
time, actually - I'd be
getting hungry. Here's
a tip: Delivery services
care more about
money than
convenience so they'll
deliver anywhere on
campus, including
classrooms as long as
you can give precise

After lunch I have another
class/nap and then it's
off to play flag
football. I‘m the
center, and we have
this secret play where
I go out five yards and
cut to the left but
instead I slip and fall
on my head to distract
the other team. I
swear that's the play
that was called. I’m
not just clumsy.

-Jonathui Ray


Keep those e-mails
coming or we'll have
to start running
redneck jokes.

7.5 5.7

Sunshine is great, is-
n't it? Enjoy it while it's



VOL. 32106 ISSUE 8131


News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:





Smith's contract approved

‘Satisfied': UK head coach to
receive $1.7 million annual salary

By John Dobson

UK men‘s basketball coach Tubby Smith has
agreed to a four~year contract extension. spurning
an offer to coach at the University of South Carolina.

UK athletics director Larry Ivy said that the ex-
tension would make Smith one of the country‘s
best-coinjwnsated college coaches. potentially in
creasing his annual pay to $1.7 million up front a
reported $1.2 million under the current deal. which
had two seasons remaining.

Essentially. UK has handed Smith a new six
year deal at a rate Ivy seems very comfort
able with.

"Once the numbers come out. we‘re very riiuch
in the range ofthe top four or five programs in the
nation." Ivy said yesterday at a meeting of the ITK
Athletics Association Board of Directors.

“It‘s a figure that Tubby was very satisfied with

and something that I feel is deserved for him for


the job he's done."

ESPN .com reported Wednesday that Smith
turned down a $2 million offer to coach the Game-
cocks. lvy had granted USC permission to speak
with the UK coach earlier this week.

“Tubby never mentioned South (‘arolina to
me." Ivy said. "I gave [South Carolina] my permis-
sion to speak to him, and I don‘t know what their
conversations were.

“Anytime any of our coaches iii any sport
have the chance to look at another opportunity.
we want them to do that. ()bviously. this was
not something that Tubby wanted to consider

'l‘he board authorized Ivy and UK president
(‘harles Wethington to complete the terms of the
agreement with Smith. who is expected to sign the has
extension within a week.

“We've agretxl. it's a done deal and now wejusi at UK
have to get it on paper.“ Ivy said.

Wethington expressed a need to ensure Smith's
presence on the Rupp Arena sideline for the fore
seeable future.

"We wanted to extend the terms of' his contract
because we believe (Toach Smith is the coach we
want to keep for some time." Wethington said.

Ivy said the contract could
include a loyalty bonus. which
Smith would receive should he
stay through the coiitract's con
clusion at the end of the
bonus would. presumably.
be an attempt to ward off
fears of Smith‘s departure
to the National Basketball

niors about the NBA.
but I'm not sure what
Tubby's thoughts are
on that." Ivy said. “He
indicated to me
that he is very happy



heard ru-

aiid wants to

stay here. win us a mu.
ple of national
onships and ride off into the


SportsDally Editor Travis Hubbard
contributed to this article.

Bush extends an olive branch to China

The waiting game

0.5. Ambassador to China, Joseph Pruehler, walks past a Chi-
nese military police officer outside the us. Embassy in Beijing
on Tuesday. Pruehler said he expects the 0.5. military attach-
es in Hainan to be allowed Tuesday to meet the crew from the
“.5. plane which made an emergency landing Sunday at a Chi-
nese naval air base.

But no apology: Administration
says this would imply wrongdoing


WASHINGTON The Bush administration of-
fered Beijing a chorus of regrets but no apology for
the collision between a US. spy plane and a (Thi-
nese jet fighter. China. still detaining 24 American
crew members. said it was a step in the right direc-
tion amid signs that both sides wanted a face-sav-
ing resolution.

President Bush. who issued a stern warning to
Beijing a day earlier, had his advisers extend the
olive branch Wednesday.

“We regret the loss of' life of that (Thinese pilot
but now we need to move on.“ Secretary of State
(‘olin Powell said. “We need to bring this to a reso-
lution and we're using every avenue available to
us to talk to the (‘hinese side to exchange explana-
tions and move on."

White House press secretary Ari Fleischer
echoed Powell‘s remarks. saying "we have ex-
pressed our concern and our regrets about that in-
cident." but he declined China's demand for an
apology. In China. a similar regrets-but-no-apology
formulation was offered to the nation's foreign
minister by the US. ambassador.

“The United States doesn't understand the rea—
son for an apology." Fleischer said. “Our airplanes
are operating in international airspace. and the
United States did nothing wrong."

An apology would imply wrongdoing by the
US. officials said. something Bush has not been
Willing to concede.

Powell. in a little-noticed comment. had said
Tuesday that the crash was “fatal for the pilot of
the Chinese plane and I regret that."

But the remarks Wednesday were the adminis-
tration‘s most emphatic expressions of sympathy.
designed to set the course for a middle ground that
could lead to the crews release and allow both
sides to escape dangerous diplomatic territory. offi-
cials said.

Since the first day of the standoff. the president
has steadily increased rhetorical pressure on the
Chinese while leaving room for a diplomatic settle
ment. Bush and his foreign policy team debated
whether he needed to make a personal statement
similar to Powell‘s. but there were no plans for one

See CHINA on 2


World watchers

Iotcbors." Tbespyptno's mission is to gather electronic lntcllgoncoandrlooltor

0 1000!





Military militia
I Missile




What the spy plane looks for

Olland y Electrode“
Ewm pol-econ!“

Marthe-molt”. fronnlitarysitucan booth.


mmmm “thomooodaodtypo






UK Lambda explores new generation at weekend convention


An invitation: Group says event will enlighten heterosexuals

By Ashley York

James Obenshain didn‘t define himself
as a product of Generation X or Y. He
prefers Generation Q, what he calls Genera-
tion Queer.

That's the theme of the Sixth Annual
(‘ome Together Kentucky conference. an
annual gay and lesbian event sponsored by
UK Lambda. this weekend.

Obenshain. the vice president of [K
Lambda. said Generation Q is a generation
different from the X and Y generations.

“The reality is that most of us don‘t fit

in mainstream society because it is hetero
centrist." he said.

Which is why L'K Lambda sponsors
an event for the discussion of the different
life experiences and lifestyles of the gay

The conference was started by UK
lambda in 1994 to bolster the Generation Q
theme. (Thenshain. a history and Japanese
studies junior said. This year. it coincides
with 17K Lambda's 10th anniversary.

()benshain said UK Lambda expects
more than 100 people from Kentucky colleges
and universities to gather this weekend for
the Sixth Annual Gay and Lesbian (‘onfers

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington

ence. an event created by IR Lambda in 1994.

Even though the conference was de.
signed especially for members of the gay
community. ()benshain said it is open to
everyone. In fact. be extended the invite to

“It‘s really important for someone
straight to come. to explore the aspects of
our lives they weren't used to." he said of
the unique set of challenges the gay commu-
nity faces.

It will be enlightening for them. he said.

Kathy Stein. state representative for the
73rd district. will speak at the conference on

“In order for our county to be as pro
ductive of good things as possible. it is nec-
essary that we join together in education on

difficult social issues." she said.

And she said Lexington is long overdue
on including all segments of our population
in civil and human rights. which perpetu-
ates hateful and divisive rhetoric about
equal rights for persons. irrespective of their
sexual orientation. by some fringe groups.

“That's too bad." she added.

Where it's at

theIilliarn T. Young Library Auditoriumute




z I THURSDAY. ma 5. zoori agnrucavm




The Low-down .  5

not that
the earth
to feel
bare feet
and the
long to
play with

-Khalll Glbrll.
The Prophet

Welfare caseloads begin to rise

WASlIlNG'l‘ON The number of Attiericans
on welfare has begun to rise in about a dozen
states and has stopped falling iii most others.
forcing policymakers and politicians alike to re-
tliitik their approach to aiding the poor. (‘ase-
loads are still dropping in nearly a dozen states.
and the national total is still creeping down. but
for most of the country. it appears that the days
of ever shrinking welfare rolls have come to an
etid. State officials. already anMous about the
weakening economy and about time litnits that
will soon expire. are re-e\.'iniining their pro-
grattis to see what changes are needed to serve a
more disadvantaged popiilal ioti.

Russia journalists defy takeover attempt

Moscow 'l‘ired and defiant journalists
at Rossia‘s only independent nationwide televlr
sioti network stayed on the job all tiiglit after a
takeover moye widely seen as a Kremlin at-
tempt to bring NTV to heel 'l'he rebellion came
after state run gas giant (la/prom purged N’I‘V
of its leadership Tuesday. (la/prom's media sub
sidiary teamed up w itli a small. l'.S.~based com-
pany to amass just over the All percent neces
sary to yote through the sweeping changes. NTV
journalists canceled all entertainment progi‘ain
ming beginning Wednesday Ill what they called
an act ol'ciyil disobedience. (la/prom's' move to
take over N'l‘\' catne as l'S media mogul Ted
Turner reportedly agreed in principle to pur
chase \"l‘\' founder Vladimir (insinsky's shares
in the network. although it would otily be a mi
north share.

Israel, Palestinians to resume contacts

t}.\7..\ (‘l'l‘Y. (la/a Strip After a week of
steady escalation in lighting. Israel and the
Palestinians tentatiyely agreed to resume limit
ed contacts chapcroned by the l‘nited States. ls>
racli and Palestinian officials said 'l‘uesday that
they e\pected a three-way meeting to take place
in llll Hilllllltl d iys but that a little ind place
it id not been set The (ll‘t ision e llllt after a
Palestinian mottar shell ( l itic ally injuted ati ls
raeli infant. and Israel shelled bases of Palestin
tan leader Yasser Arafat's security forces in the
(iii/a Strip on 'l‘uesday Seventy rockets were
tired at live areas in (la/a. injuring 77 people. in
cluding polli‘emi'li. said 'l‘ayeb Abdel Rahim. a

setiior aide to -\r;il}it

Ousted Philippines president charged

.\l.\.\'ll..»\ Philippines llis presidential
immunity stripped. .loseph listrada was indicted
\\'ednesd:iy on charges alleging he amassed $83
million from kickbacks and payoffs in 3 l 13
years in office Among the charges leyeled by
prosecutor ;\niano Desierto. who specializes in
goyernment corruption. ‘were plunder a non

Two centuries
after being
moved into the
Louvre and
becoming one
of the world's
great tourist
attractions, the
Mona Lisa is
finally getting
a room of her
own. The Lou-
vre on Tuesday
revealed the
blueprints for a
new private
gallery that
will house the
wood painting
and contain the
crowds that
throng the
museum's top


Tom Harris has
$125,000 to
help restore the
high school
where he per
formed in the
19705. The
money will up-
grade the audi-
torium's light-
ing system. The
actor also has
promised to
attend the
grand opening
of the new the-
ater in 2002.

bailable offense that could lead to Estrada's ar-
rest. Plunder ~ illegally accumulating more
than $1 million while in office A is a capital
crime, but it is considered doubtful Estrada
would get the death penalty.

Cosco to pay $1.3 million settlement

COLUMBUS. Ind. w Baby products maker
(‘osco Inc. has agreed to pay $1.3 million to settle
charges it delayed reporting safety defects that
led to hundreds of injuries and the deaths of two
children. The Consumer Product Safety Com-
mission had alleged that Cosco redesigned or re-
labeled five products after receiving reports of
more titan 300 injuries but failed to notify the
agency as required by law. The Washington Post
and USA Today reported Wednesday. The
agency also claimed (.‘osco failed to inform it of
24 cases in which infants were trapped in misas-
sembled cribs over a two year-period before an 8-
montheold child died of asphyxiation. the news-
papers said.

Report critical of EPA actions

KAIJSPELL. Mont. The Environmental
Protection Agency could have started cleaning
up asbestos contamination at a Montana mine
years ago had it adequately responded to several
red flags that were raised over the past two
decades. a federal report says. The EPA last year
asked for the independent investigation of the
agency's monitoring of the former W.R. Grace
vermiculite mine in liibhy. The report came
’l‘uesday, one day after W.R. Grace atid Co. filed
for (‘hapter 11 bankruptcy. citing hardships
frotn asbestos lawsuits. Several published re-
ports in 1999 linked the Libby mine to scores of
asbestos-related deaths and illnesses among resi-
dents and former employees. Grace faces nearly
200 claims in Montana related to asbestos expo-
sure at the mine.

Woman sues Northwest Airlines

DETROIT A Northwest Airlines passen-
ger who says she suffered second-degree burns
when a flight attendant spilled coffee on her has
sued the company for more than $5000 The
lawsuit by Fran Amos. an ()akland ( ounty com
missioner whose oversight includes contracts
for Detroit b’letropolitan Airport. accuses the
airline of "cold and callous corporate indiffer-
ence." Amos said she was traveling to Detroit
froin Washington. D.(‘.. on March 6 when the full
cup of hot coffee was spilled onto her lap. Amos
said she told the flight crew she was in severe
pain but they offered no first aid or ice. When
she asked for cold water. she was told to get it
from the bathroom faucet. she said. ”I felt like
they wanted tne to disappear." Amos told The
Detroit News for Wednesday‘s editions.

Compiled from wire reports.




Continued from page i

as of Wednesday afternoon.

Despite the signs of
progress both sides held pub-
licly to contradictory posi-
tions: China called itself the
“injured party" and blamed
the United States for the crash
while the White House called
it an accident and Pentagon of-
ficials said the Chinese pilots
buzzed the lumbering spy

()n Capitol Hill, the sister
of 31-year-old detained Petty
Officer Kenneth Richter said a
carefully crafted apology
might be in order.

“If it’s just a simple apolo-
gy that‘s going to get them
back. then that should be
fine," said Barbara DiStefano
of Staten Island. N.Y., before
tying a yellow ribbon around
an elm tree near the Senate.
“But if it‘s an apology with
conditions, then the United
States government has to de-
cide what they're going to do,"

Day 4 ofthe standoff began
with Chinese President Jiang
Zemin demanding an apology
for the collision between the
Navy PIP-8E Aries ll electronic
surveillance plane and a (Thi-
nese jet.

He also said the United
States should “do something
favorable to the smooth devel
optnent of China-US. rela-
tions." a statement taken by
administration officials as a
sign that Beijing would wel-
come any act of contrition
front the United States.

Their hopes were fueled
shortly afterward when For

eign Minister Tang Jiaxuan
echoed Jiang's call for an apol'
ogy in a meeting with US.
Ambassador Joseph Prueher
but also said China hoped to
see the incident “resolved as
soon as possible" with China
protecting its sovereignty and

Chinese Embassy press
counselor Zhang Yuan Yuan
called Powell's remarks “a
step in the right direction."

State Department
spokesman Richard Boucher
said the administration was
looking for channels to open
talks with the Chinese about
the incident.

As the two countries
squared off over the fate of the
crew. the husband of a US.
based political scientist arrest-
ed by China and charged with
spying said she was a victim of
souring U.S.-Chinese relations.

“I am pleading to both the
US. and Chinese govern-
ments: Please do not put my
wife and my family as a sacri-
fice for any political reasons,“
Xue Donghua said in a state-
ment. Gao Zhan. her husband
and 5-year-old son were de-
tained by China on Feb. 1].

In a sign of potential po-
litical fallout from the plane
crash. a Republican lawmak-
er who opposed granting Chi-
na permanent normal trade
relations last year introduced
a bill that would revoke the

“A favored trading part-
ner with our country would
follow proper protocol and
not continue to hold our ser-
vicemen and women. along
with our equipment. after
being asked for their re-
turn," said Rep. Duncan
Hunter. R‘Calif.

A crowd of Chi-
nese gather to
watch as Defense
Attache Brigadier
General Neal
Sealocli, of the
0.5. Embassy in
Beijing, departs a
department store
in a taxi, in Math-
ou, on China's
Halnan Island





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 Mother speaks
out on profiling

‘Target practice': Kadiatou Diallo will discuss the
controversy surrounding the death of her son, Amadou

By Carl lloelielman
tourmaiutincwwnrti 7g

Soriietimes ll leeture given zit UK hzis
the power to interest tiny student. no mat
ter w'hzit t‘ltiss‘. major or hometown

Tonight. Memorial lltill will house
one of those leetures. Ainzidou ltitillo's
mother. Kadiatou. will speak :ihout her
son. a 21’s yt‘ltl’rttltl hlziek West [\l‘i'ietin ttlt
tive who was killed two years tigo.

"()ne of our ndvisers .s‘ziw‘ liei' listed
:is It possihle guest leeturer." snid .lettr
nit'ei' Mueller. iniiltieultui‘ul ('t) t‘ltttlt' ot‘
the Student Aetivities
ltonrd. “We thought it
wottld he it good oppor-
tunity to see her."

Aiiizidou lllftlltt was
gunned down on Feh. l.
1999, Four New York
(‘tly polit‘e otheet‘s‘ tired
it hullets tit ltizillo. w'lio
w'tis' unzirmed. :is he lind
just entered the
vestihule oi~ his :iptirt
ment huilding in the Soundview neigh
hoi'hoorl of the llt‘otix.

l)i;illo derided to move to the l'tiited
States tit the :tge ot' Bit. and iii Septemher
of HMS. he moved to New York to sttirt :i
littsiiir~ss with :i ttimilv ineinher

N'rordmg to ti lt‘eh. 27. goon. .‘ll‘lll‘ll' Hi
the New York Times, ltt ol'the tt htillets
shot hit llitillo. 'l‘he i‘epet‘eusstons ol
those httllets hrive heeii felt for outside
the llronx

New York. w‘hit'h hzis heen torn hv
severnl news events involving rtire. htis
:ilso seen zi drop in street erime under
anor Rudolph (illlllttt‘il. Areordmg to :i
Mnreh goon :irtiele in the New York
Times. the deerezise has not heen the
souree oldieeoltides l‘roni llll eorners. how»
ever; some residents \itltl tltt‘\ feel the po



l rvwm-x lln ll» \rv-mr
R‘M krrtmm t l-rm
Fin" \trwr'


‘lnlih Almlml ldntavwn
i‘vmm. on,

Inll inn-r Hall

3(— Md?»


lll't‘ lltht‘ nhused their power in the name
of redueing eriine.

lit the “Mill! ezise. the [Hill otthe por
liee ollieers. tzieing ehzirges ranging t'roin
endtingering lt\‘s‘t£llltlt'l's to hoinieide. was
moved 130 miles upsttite to .-\lhtmv.

The move was made in nii ettort to
tind (lll tintitnsed itiifiv.

Aeeording to the New York Times. tit
tei‘ ‘31 hours ot~ deliherntion. the jury re
turned :1 verdiet of not guilty on till

ltut even the i‘eziding ot’ the verdiet
wtis i'neked with eontroversv. 'l‘he :irtit'le
reported that one ol‘ the eourt eitiplo_\'ee.s
managed to leak the verdiet to tilt (tflit‘llll
of the l’ntrolnien's llenevolent Assoeizt
tion. :i pow'eitul propoltee lohhv group in
New York.

Alter the erimiiizil ll'lttl. the Times re
ported thzit llizillo met with .ltistiee l)e
pnrtment t)lll(‘lt‘tl.s to turther pursue the
mzitter hv hringtng t't\'tl elizirges tigninst
the otheers in t‘edei‘nl disti‘iet eourt,

.lustiee Itepni‘tinent oilieitils s‘tlltl in
the :ii'tir'le th:it the\ helieved :i eivtl etise
wotild not remedv the iiizittei'

The Rev ;\l Shurpton wits reported
[It the 'l'tiiies :is saving tlitit the llizillo
ezise wzis ":inother rhnnee to use oiir elttl
dren l'or tzii‘get prnt'ttee.”

it Is through speeehes like the one
Kudizitou llitillo will give to l'K students
tonight thtit she lights to stop this "ttii'get
prnetire.” now known .:is l"tt'l£tl profiling

Listen up

Kadiatou Diallo will speak at 8 pm.
tonight at Memorial Hall. State Sen. Gerald
Neat, D—Louisville, will also speak on racial
profiling. The event is free.


KNOXVILLE. ’l‘enn The first
elk to roam the (it‘t‘i'lt Smoky Moun
tziiiis in almost two eenturies me
now on their own.

'l‘wentv t‘ive elk hrought two
months tigo from the Lund Between
the Lukes‘ pi'esei've on the western
'l‘etiiiesseeKenttiekv hoi‘der were
freed Mondtiv l‘i'oin ti threenere tlt'
elimzitton pen in the (‘zitziloot'hee
\'zille\' le't’.’l of the iititionnl [)éll‘k

'l‘he gtite was gently opened illltl
the :ininnils were nllowed to walk
oitt. thdlii'e ott'tenils s;i\' [ltt'\ hope
this "soft i‘elettse" is. less stressful on
the elk (lllll will eneourtige them to
t‘t‘ltlilllt inside the pzirk.

".‘tloiidtix 's i‘eletise from the pen
wetit exzietlv zis we had hoped it
would." pzii'k wildlife hiologist Kim
llelto/iei‘ sziid Wednesday "The elk
tiotieed the open gzite hv ziliottt St
zi.iii. hut they t‘.‘tttt(' out very rtiu
tiouslv rtither thztn like it jziil hrenk ”

l)t'l.tt/lt‘t‘ stud the tinitntils didn‘t
venture ottt until 311m p.m.. (ttltl then
stayed otit onlv nhout an hour before
\tllllt'llllllfl stzirtled them and the\



Home, home on the range: Animals will be studied
as part of five-year, $1 million reintroduction project

rnn hziek inside

lltht'Yt‘t'. lie wtis pleased to see
thtit "when tliet did emerge. thet
moved :is ti group inithei‘ llltllt st tit
tei itig in dittei'ent diieetioiis "

(tn 'l'iiesdtn . :i sninller group let‘t
the pen tind intide tlieti \\It\ down
ttito (‘titnlooeliee‘s \'.i|lev‘s ittllll
.‘iei‘e open tiie.idow to hegiit grsi/in-x
oii spring Lll'ilssl's

l’.’tt‘k ol‘t’n t.tls e‘xpert the ttllllltrll‘s
will inoxe htelt .ind torth hit the
tie\t seveiiil tints We w ill prohuhl'.
pro\tde soine supplemental his lit
the pen tor 't wet-ls or two hot is.
llltit'l‘ 111ml t’resh griss eineit'es th.it
will hate less nppsutl to them.” s.iel
Stiiokies spok‘estntin Itoh \ltllei‘

.\ltllet‘ stud the elk ire tlttlttLi
well 'l‘hotigh \ll"sslt'lItlr'tl deaths
tire r‘otiiinon ttt stir it I’t'ltit ;ll|tit| pit,
let-ts. .‘lll ol the Smokies elk
heultli\ rtltll how ttttl on '.‘.itt(ltl
stiieetlien l‘el» ’iit‘is il

"'l'hei his» heen tnietted ted
ttispet‘tetl lot" “‘H't'. :iriltttl‘e' \ltll~t

Nine of the elk tie rontii‘ined
lll't‘tlllttltl 'l'hev uhould deii‘tet in



|,-tttt';t§96t<fl'& s-2001 I 3

Elk released from national park

l'niversitv ol 'l‘eiiiiessee hiolo
gists will he i-loselt wzttt'hing the tin
itii;il.s using i';idiotrziekitig (-ollzirs
linked to it glolitil positioning net

Whgit the\ exit. where thev go.
whether the\ i‘epioduee and how
[lies .Hlillll hotli to ntittve lililt'k hezii's
zind people in the t'oittitrt's most vts
ited ll.llltlllttl p.irk will he studied :is
put ot ti ll\e NHL. ‘51 million i‘eintro
tlttt'lltitl pi'oieet

l’l;ins tire to tiring Z.» mote ell-L to
the p:iik tl“\l '.e:ii 'llltl ‘15: ”hit“ the

Returning elk. whirh were ltlltll
oil out oi mush-tn e iii the Smokies Hi
the tttltos. to the lt.tlllttlllltttl.’tttt‘
on k on the 'leiiitessee \etth (limit
on hordei~ ts hettig tin ltlt‘l‘tl t‘t‘iltt“‘l\
with |)t‘|\ ite tuiids

'l‘he ltorku \lount llll l-Ilk l-‘ottn
dtttton. tlie l’iiends ot 'lte (mutt
\niol;\ ,\lountitns out the (it"‘fl’
\ttl’ilfi .‘xlo'int.iins Nitui ll llistoi \
\ssot Litton tie pi‘inetpiil sponsois

l'nltke ll‘u‘lt (ll‘l‘l‘.':|l iii l’ehi'ii
tt't. wlieh itti’nted ite.til\ Witt
wiltlntewrittvzsmstsgind newsniedt:i.
the elk wei- teitut wrl this week with
out tintit‘e rllill the ptihlir w'ts ltt'ltt;'
:slwd to rein rlll it .t tllstttlit‘t‘

"l'hes :ne still sti ingers in .1
sh ange lzitid tlltl\'.lllllt‘i'!l\l>llt'l‘1ttttl
tnn» 'o rill iptf ltelto/ier ssitd

Big Talk about
Big Tobacco

Dr. David A. Kesslor, right, who as
istratlon waged an eight-year bat-
tle against Big Tobacco, talks with
Roger Cossack ol Cllll baton tho
two went on staoo tuosday at
Kentucky Center for tho Arts as
part of the Kentucky Author
Forum. the two discussed
Kossler's book about the tobacco
industry. entitled "A Question ol
Intent." during the forum.





April 9

April 11

facing g


April 10

What now?

The Student Alumni Assocxat/on Invites
you to attend the fol/owing seminars.

Time Management
12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m.

Financial Management
2:00 p.m.—3:30 p.m.

Marketing Yourself for
the Job Hunt
12 p.m.—1:00 p.m.

Find the answers to your questions


Graduate School Dissertations



I'Jti'lllrl lit

Program ‘ lieiiiii til I tiginei ring

Iiiswimtioii litle \pplii illllln ol l iglit
\i .ittt f‘tlIL‘ iti \tiitlirs of transport
lllt'll‘lllill\ll.tll|lis l tulit \f1\ttl'lllitt'lillltl
I let tiii .il Properties ul \mulo Droplets
\|.iior Pioltssur ltr \sil Rm.
llate‘ \pril ll. Illtll

le r

.‘p in

l|1\ l R\l\


\ume. kristi'n l enorr \treater

Progmm' llistori

Dissertation Iitle. \heJti-hels on the Border
Lender and Politiis nit iiil “tar kettlm‘ln
\luilir Professor llr kathi kern

Date. Hint In. Zlml

lime ‘l
Pliit :-

l I an].
24‘ Patterson (if‘tit e lower



\ :init’

Program \ii.itoni\ K \l'llrtlllltlllt:\


\ltilor Pit-lessor llr lion t,,.\h

lute \pril ll thltl

IlnH‘ '1 it "I

Pl.“ r \l\ ’14,! \letlti .il 1' enter t\rtiiiii.ir

\l\ Elf. \letlii .il l i'nler I)t'rl'n\l"

l.lori.i helm Hull hiiisoii l min rger

lihst'l‘LIIlIIn llllt" I'h\sii.il \tti\il\ .ind Its l
ltiipmt on I llll’ \lotor l lllll tioii with Human

\utnr, kirk \\ lliithler

Program t illlllllllflltdlllfll

l he lntliieni e of
Peripheral t ties on the Prix'essiuu of
Persliusur \lessuges on the \\ nrld \\ Idt‘ “eh

)isserltilion ltllr

\lanor Prul'i-ssor ilr Philip Paltngri-eii
Iluti- \pril lti.l|>1ll

lime: S-lF :i m

Plate. 1W (.relmu Huilditiu





\.iiitr Ionulluiti l).i\irl lisher

Program: l iotioiiiii s

lll\\('rl.lllllll litle Personal "idllkl’llplt \
llu- l lTrtts ul ltankriipti \ I :ius
Inn i-riimi nt lrtiiisler l'rogi .inis

\ltiior Professor lli \\ illi.iiii ilott

hziti' \pril ll. ZIMIl

linii ‘F ii iii



I tlttius

‘ZJ ”ll\lltl'\s .\ it viiiouinsl Mllrt'rt‘

\iime- t hris R
Program, \nunul \tii-nrrs


Dissertation Iitle. Plusioloux .ind \loleiiilar
'md Bitilou) of \IIL'NT l tilliation tn
Ihermnanaeriiharter l- thzmuliriis W}
\lujor Professor Ilr. Herbert \trohel
than. \pril 18.2lltll

n... linie' 2 p.m.

Plate-228 \uru'nltural t ngineering Building



\ It": llel-ri \l «in Iiulrlut lltllt i
l‘mzi mi stun-tout

lll\\l llJ'lttl! litli \t hoot .inrl \oo \i lit-o|
I’VJIUI'IU III -, the 1,. m r,ili/.il\ilit\
lltl v \
\l.i,ot l‘r v.1.xltl [it \'v llli.mi sktnitit

l>it. \p-iltls not


: ,. wt

I; l'iitiis-ui l tl'liu luv-pr

,i .i. ..n ItiiuillltL“
‘iiioii; liitliui lN>H\ .iiitl \ttll‘|lll'r‘_‘t’ll<>l|~ lliuh

p. li-‘nrt stvuli tits in It»- \ot‘lhern \l.ui.iii..tsliiu1s

l\;inie‘ Delores l-liiri~s-\il\a

Program. \pamsh

Dissertation litle' ( rlll \ i-spada en la uhra
ite Rosario lerri-

\laior Professor lir Damn-l Refl‘h

“llh‘ \pril In. ltlll

linw' l . '1 p.m.

Plun- lll.‘ Patterson ' mire lower



\;inie Bridget \l t‘nlI'T'lnL'

Progrum' l’ln sies

Blue ltron/i-

\l,.|or Pr tli-ssor Ilr I \\
\[lt'll ll. Iltlll

‘4 “t ,i in


"';.I l I“! I hemisln I’tnsu's "lllflllnu


Dissertation litle l Il'l trovt )ptieul \tudies In

\ alt'l’lt' R. \umma-rs

l’rogriim l tlun iitionul Polin \tiidies and
1 Minimum

Dissertation litle \ \i'u Rural I if?‘
kentiii M l- din :ition Reform and the

1 oiinln life \lotemenl. [0054920
\l:i|or Professor Ilr Rirhard \nue