xt7sqv3c2v6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c2v6r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1996 1996 1996-12-09 2020 true xt7sqv3c2v6r section xt7sqv3c2v6r    

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illBllIl Ifll‘ new year



TBI changing I

By Rob Herbst

Assistant Sports Editor

When students come back to campus for the
spring semester, one change in a student’s everyday
life will be evident.

Cable television will no longer be the same as
TCI of Lexington has decided to make a number of
changes in their lineup.

StartingJan. I, such channels as Comedy Central,
WGN and E! will no lon er exist on the TCI roster.

“It’s in an effort to TCCEJCC expense,” said Marshall
Bowden, general manager ofTCI of Lexington.

Eight channels will be dropped. Other stations
that received the death sentence are the Inspirational
Network, Bravo, NewsTalk, Intro-TV and VH-l
which currently shares a channel with Comedy Cen—

The company which serves approximately 78,000
viewers in Lexington has received both positive and
negative opinions from subscribers.

“Anytime you make changes the response is inter-



esting,” Bowden said. “No matter what ou have
you’re going to have some negative feedback.”

Six new stations will be on the new service. One
freshman station for TCI is ESPN 2 which received
large support from viewers. But because of ESPN 2’s
debut, Comedy Central and VH-l will be taken off
the air.

“We had to make a selection with Comedy Cen-
tral and VH-l,” Bowden said. “Do we offer this in
share or ESPN 2? Because of the outpouring it was
probably OK or acceptable to make the change.”

For those viewers who are concerned that the
Dec. 31 UK-Louisville basketball game on ESPN 2
will not be shown because the new lineup does not
take effect untilJan. l, have no fear. TCI will pick up
the game.

Other freshmen stations added to TCI’s lineup
include Odyssey. This is ood news for those who
enjoy religious television a though TCI has received
complaints from those who believed Odyssey was an
adult services network.

TCI will also have Animal Planet, a station much

WEATHER Partly sunny
today; high 40. Partly cloudy
tonight; low 30. Partly sunny
tomorrow; high 55.

0M8" IllIfl IIIIPP The Dave

Matthews Band played for a packed house in
Rupp Arena. See Diversions, page 5.


like the Discovery Network but one that solely
revolves around animals, veterinary care and safari

The Cartoon Network will also make an appear-
ance on TCI's new lineup. Bowden said the station
devoted to cartoons is not only for young viewers.

“This network is also for folks who enjoy old car-
toons," Bowden said. “It's appeases to those in their
mid to late twenties."

TCI also brings Home and Garden TV to the
viewers after the new year.

“It’s more of a niche pro ram but it has a big fol-
lowing,” Bowden said. “T ey have self-help pro-
grams and talk about things in gardens and do—it-
yourself programs."

Encore Plus, a basic outlet which broadcasts
movies will also be added to the new 1997 program-

Channel numbers will also be changed for most of
the current stations. TCI is attempting to place the
sports, movies, and news channels together into
respective groups on the dial.

unites pair

By Jason Greer
Contributing Writer

You might say this holiday season seems to bring
out the best in people. You might say that, or you
could say the inspiration of some can be all it takes to
bring out the best in others.

That seemed to be the case when it came to the
wedding held Saturday afternoon at the chapel inside
the UK Chandler Medical Center.

The bride, Angie Smith, is a 31-year-old Lexing—
ton woman who is awaiting a heart transplant. Smith
wed Johnny Shephard, 32, of Louisville. Also present
was the couple’s baby, Quinten, who was born July 8,

“[Shephard] has been with her from the time she
has been right here at the hospital," said Edgar
Smith, Angie’s father, at a reception held afterward.
“He has always been there, willing, taking care of her,
stuck by her, done everything he could.”

Shephard quit his job in Louisville in order to be
by Smith’s side after she was hospitalized last
September. She suffered from cardiomyopathy sec-
ondary to pregnancy—induced toxemia. In Novem—
ber, Smith received a ventricular device as a bridge
to heart transplantation. She is UK’s fourth patient





I ‘ .‘fis‘a




we}! "




Bull“: "l "IE ”MPH. Quinten Smith gets attention to his tuxedo from Becky Smith, right, Tara Howard, center,

and nurse Sherrie Null, left, while his mot
and his new wife, Angie, share their first kiss as newlyweds.

er Angie talks to a friend before the wedding. (Below) johnny Shepherd



to receive the implantable cardiac-assist device.

“No matter what you go through, there’s still life and you
can’t give up,” Smith said happily as she sat holding hands
with her new husband. “You gotta keep the hope and faith in

Smith said they had planned to marry some time ago, but
she became ill following the birth of their son. With her
bri ht outlook on the future, she decided the time was right
an UK staff worked together to make the ceremony a reality.

“They talked about it after the surgery, but we didn’t know
for certain until a week ago,” said Debbie Meade, Angie’s sis-
ter. “I‘m excited for her to be happy.”

The wedding ceremony was held in the hospital’s chapel
with family, friends, several members of the transplant team
and other UK staff present.

The room was no larger than two school buses. “0 Perfect
Love” was played on a small stereo, atop a piano in the back.
Pastor Owen S. Moody, along with a nervous John Shepherd,
looked on as Angie began being escorted down the aisle.

Proudly, acefully she walked. With her she carried a soft
knock, like t e slow-ticking of a metronome. Underneath the

back of her wedding gown, a small tube stretched. It attached
to a machine rolling slowly behind her, the technology that
allowed such a miracle wedding to take place.

Known as Heartmate, the device supports the natural heart
of a patient awaiting a heart transplant. It works to support
the umping function of the natural heart and remains
attached until a donor organ becomes available. Heartrnate is
no bigger than a two-drawer filing cabinet with wheels.

It continued its soft beat, like the ticking ofa clock, sym-
bolizing the im ortance of each passing second. Hands were
taken, vows exc anged, all paced to the new sound of life.

There was a lot to be thankful for, a lot more things to
look forward to.

“I’m ready to get a heart, go home and try to raise my son.
Start a new life,” Smith said enthusiastically.

Saturday’s happy occasion also carried an important mes—
sage from everyone involved, the need for organ donors.

“There’s a lot to be thankful for,” Edgar Smith said. “We
need donors and other people need donors. Hopefully, this

See WEDDING on 2



, v




Walkers remember Students



Ill. mm Wm);
m: UK President Charles Wethington and
Father Dan Noll of the Newman Center lead Friday’s
memorial walkers through campus.



By Brandy Carter
Staff Writer

As darkness fell on campus Friday, students carry-
ing candles walked across campus in the Student
Govemment Association-sponsored Memorial Walk
to remember those students who have died since the
beginning of 1996.

The walk be n with a few words 5 oken by Pres-
ident Charles ethington and Fat er Dan Noll
from the Newman Center.

“At a time when the leaves are gone from the
trees and everything looks dead, we must remember
that they will come to life again just as the memory
of the students who died is alive in our memories,”
Noll said. “Those who have died live in us as we
reflect on their lives.”

The Memorial Walk began at the Memorial Hall
amphitheater and continued to the front of the
White Hall Classroom Building. Twelve ellow rib-
bons were tied on the trees in front of the uilding in
memory of the 12 students who have died since the
beginning of 1996.

From there it was on to the Sigma Ka pa social
sorority house where last year UK student ana Oliv-
er died.

At the Sigma Kappa house Oliver’s parents
addressed the crowd.

“This is a great tribute to Jana. We see her life
reflected in her friends,” Oliver said.

“This is a great event not just for Greeks but its
also a good time for others to remember the people
who have passed away in their own lives,” said Sigma


Kappa member Rebecca Lambert.

The remainder of her sorority sisters also attend-
ed the walk.

“I think the walk is important to remember those
who died. Jana was my little sister at Sigma Kappa,
and I’m walking to remember her," said Stacy
Wood, a member of Sigma Kappa.

Following the stop at the Sigma Kappa house,
students walked on to the College of Agriculture.
The route was chosen because of the recent death of
Ceres women’s fraternity member and College of
Agriculture junior Stephanie Henson.

To conclude the Memorial Walk, former SGA
Executive Director Carrie Sterling Wilder read off
the names of the deceased: Franciso Sunico Barres,
Jana G. Oliver, Gregory Scott Redman, Kok Lim,
William Jeremiah David Adams. Amy Scott Dille-
hay, Isaac Henry Hale, Linda Sue Maxberry, Tonia
Gail Williams, Clayton H. Blankenship, Laura Kay
Stutzenberger and Stephanie Henson.

“When a student passes away there is never an
opportunity for students to have closure since funer—
als are generally held in the student's home town,”
Wilder said. “This lets friends of those who died
have a sense of closure.”

Aliza Rice, also with SGA, said she thinks those
who died would want this remembrance.

“When people come to UK they feel like no one
cares about them. Things like this are important for
people to drop what they’re doing and remember
those who died,” Rice said.

_ - 40-.»0- ,3,” , _ ____,‘ .


December 9, I 996

Classifieds 9 Campus 5
Crossword 9 Sports 3
Diversions 5 Viewpoint 8





Secretary says
market will recover

\VASIIING'I‘(')N -— The economy remains
solid, and the Clinton administration expects the
stock market to continue reflecting that despite
\Nall Street’s rough ride last week, Treasury Sec-
retary Robert Rubin said yesterday.

But the Republican House’s chieffinancial pol—
icy maker, Budget Committee Chairman John
Kasich, questioned that rosy outlook, speaking of
“an undercurrent of fear” pervading the econo-
Stock prices on Wall Street and around the
world took a short-lived dive after Federal
Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan questioned in
a Thursday night speech whether “irrational exu-
berance" has inflated stock values.

Rubin said it's not his place to predict market
directions but offered: “I think that over time
markets do follow fundamentals, and we’ve had
very good fundamentals in this country for four
years. Grounded, I might say, in good policy."

noun Serliian court upholds election

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia ——— The Serbian
Supreme Court ruled against op osition parties
who say Slobodan Milosevic rob )ed them of an
election victory in Belgrade, a verdict likely to
ignite even more determined protests by thou-
sands of demonstrators bent on driving Milosevic
from power.

The opposition reported that ei ht protesters
were arrested over the weekend, maiing 40 in the
past week. One of those arrested was badly beat-
en, opposition officials said.


Reeve holding fundraiser III theater

PRINCETON, N.J. ~ Christopher Reeve’s
hometown theater, where he got his start as a
stagehand and performer, will be the site of a
fund—raising concert for the paralyzed actor’s
spinal cord injury foundation.

Carly Simon, Mandy Patinkin, John Lithgow
and others friends of the Superman actor are
scheduled to take part in the show at McCarter
Theatre onJan. 12.

Compiled/ram wire reports.

SEA surveys
student body

By Gary Wult

Assodate News Editor

Students are being asked to express their opin—
ions about the services and work of the Student
Government Association this semester.

The survey will be handed out in residence
halls, posted on SGA’s website and available at
their office in 120 Student Center.

“What initially I wanted to do was ask the stu—
dent body about the tutoring program. I feel the
students come to SGA and ask why some courses
aren’t available for tutoring," said tutoring coordi-
nator Sherri Eden.

Eden changed the tutoring service this year so
students worked in groups. From what she has
experienced this semester, it has worked well.

“We have a small budget and we want the
money to benefit as many people as possible,” she

But from the original plan, several questions
have been added by different representatives in
SGA, such as, one about students opinion on the
closing ofMemorial Coliseum pool.

Another question asks about a tangible memo—
rial on campus to honor deceased students. Some
people have suggested having a reading room in
the new William T. Young library.

Eden said the reading room would be a good
way for students and parents to recall the memory
of those who have deceased.

Another question asks if students would pur-
chase a publication of teacher evaluations.

Joe Schuler, academic rights chair, was
approached by a publishing company that prints
teacher evaluations.

The difference between the teacher evaluations
available on the Internet and ublished ones
would be that the publication wou d list the grade
distribution of each teacher. A related question
asks how much students would pay for the publi-

Eden said the company Schuler talked with
charges $2 .50 per copy.

A general question about the opinion of how
SGA has done so far and what suggestions stu~
dents have to improve is also listed on the survey.

“This is just to show students that though the
semester is ending we are still concerned,” Eden

Ideally SGA is hoping for a 50 percent response
from the students. Students will have until Friday,
Dec. l3 to turn in their res nses. The results of
the survey will be availab c by the end of the

SGA’s website is at http://www.uky.edu/Stu-



3.x: ‘



. .


. .~ my, 2 a





1 .‘Himday, Detmbrr 9, I996, Kmrucky Kernel




Heart patient marries,-
a'waz'ts transplant

l‘I’nm PAGE 1

'l‘lll make

Currently. six people are on the
medical center's active heart
liaiisplant waiting list: statewide,
ihere are ()5 people registered.
.\iii__{ie Smith is at the top of U "s

“I' ll be glad when she gets
me Shephard sud, holding
Qumten in his lap, “\\'hen she can
r'ulllC home. be with me and the
.> lily.“

:\ilglt‘ looks at the two with
irielitreyes and a smile that still
’iasn't left her time.

“You never really know what
':«.-s around the corner,“ she said,
t'yL‘S still locked on her family,
'i'ou just gotta keep the faith,
wep the hope don’t give up."

Asked if she has a particular
place she‘d like to honeymoon?

a lot more people





“Anywhere but a hospital," she
said, laughing.

Her father shares her enthusi-

“I hope this will lie an inspira-
tion to other people who have
heart problems. A lot of people
think it's the end. but it's not," he

“lhere s so many things the
doctors can do. With a little bit of
hope or inspiration, if a person 5


WEIIIIING Bills Right, Dr. Tom
lVade rhetki Sam/1 'x vim/l before
the teremany. Tap, nurse; andfiimi—
[y member: watt}; at the maple is
inirn'iewed. Above, Smitb’r pare/its
bug Quintet] ax the maple kisser.

willing, they can fight it and they
can make it."

For more information on organ
donation call 278-3492 or 1-800—



nomumnn ' ’

, ~EXHlBlT: Angels: Monotypes by ond




All registered organizations wishing to publish iiieetinqs, lectures,
special events and sporting events, must have all information to Student Activites room 203 or call 257- 8867 one week prior to publication.

The Campus Calendar is a lrce



Priority registration for Spring '97
ithru l/Ol)

Add/Drop for registered students for
the 1997 Spring Semester (thru l/l l)
Deadline for applying for admission to
a program in The Graduate School for
thi- I997 Spring Semester.
Applications for readmission, post-bac~
. alaureate status, and visiting student
status will be accepted after the dead-



-SAB Rasdall Gallery features "The
Toutimbles," Stone. Sculpture by CR.
‘ Sthicfer with Photography by Kevin
Lee. Johnson, 257 Student Ctr (thru

‘ Ill/l8)

-Gallcry Series Exhibit: Harlan
Hubbard: Kentucky Artist, exhibit of
works noon, Peal Gallery, King Library
Nomi (thru l/l7)

—UK Dept of Art: Faculty AitWorks
”Ti 0. Downtown Gallery," 200 W. Vine
St nside the entrance ofthe PHC
Dank Bldg (thru 1/97); 257- 2727


{Newman Ctr Catholic Mass every
Weekday, l2: l0pm, 320 Rose St; 255-

Career Center Orientations: Mon.
Wed, Fri, 10:00am: Tues. Thurs
5:00pm (thru 12/15) 257-2746

, -Allddo Club, 8. 008: 30pm, Alumni

Gym Loft 2694305

’* -ux Men's Basketball Wright State
. WRW). 8:00pm,- bexlngton. KY



XHlBIT: Beads Ancient. hadlflonal,
bal and Trade, UK Art Museum
lthru l2/24) -
éEXHIBlT. Robert niaislng: I
Retrospective, UK M Museum (thru
0 l/O5)

elly UK Art Museum (thru l/l2)
.Xl'ilBlT: Bertinto Rodin: IBIh- and


"rm mum-fiver- * '

cservice which appears in the Monday edition of the Kentut ky Keinel.

I 9th€entuiy French Art, from the J .5.

Speed and UK Art Museum (thru


EXHIBIT; The Elements:

Representations of Earth, Air, Fire,

and Water from the Collection, UK Art

Museum (thru 6/97) . ,

-Baptist Student Union Meeting at

LCC, ll:45am—l:00pm. 128 Maloney

Bldg; 257-6087

-HEIE Christmas Party Meeting,

6:50pm. meet at Olive Garden

Restaurant; 257-1210

Baptist Student Union "TNT”

Tuesday Plight Together, 7:50pm, 429

(blumbia Ave; 257-5989

Wesley Foundation PHAT Tuesday

(Praise, Honor 8c Thanks), 7:50pm, .5,

206 Student Ctr: 254-0251


‘UK Ballroom Dance Society: Dance 5

Lessons, 7:00~8:00pm Beginners.
8:00 9: 00pm intermediates, Buell .
Armory Dance Studio CALL Jim 257-5:
[947, Ballroom a: Latin Social
Dances—Partner helpful but not

fencing Club 8. 00pm, Alumni Gym
Loft; 257 3812



-Last day registered students may pay
$50 to confirm their 1997 Spring
Semester registration

-Last day for registered students in the
Employee Educational Program to sub-
mit EEP form to their personnel office
to confirm 1997 Spring Semester reg-
istration and tuition defrayal


. -ASCE Meeting, 12:00pm 525 CRMS

Robotics Bldg
it works! Every Wed., 5: OOpm.»Rm 4
Newman Ctr.

~Allddo Club, 8:00-9:30pm, \Aiumni .
Gym Loft; 269-4505



UK Food Services Winter Music
series 'Marilyne Denham, acoustic


guitar. 12:30-1150pm, interme'zw
Mezzanine POT


-Baptist Student Union Weekly

Devotion and lunch $1 all you camp} ‘
eat], 12: 15pm, 4-29 Columbia Ave “

Manley Foundation Thurs. night
Dinner 8: Praise, 6: 00pm, 508:
Columbia Ave. $2;25M231
Campus Crusade for ChrISt Weekly
Meeting, 7:30pm. Student Ctr
Worsham Theater -
fellowship of Christian Athletes
Weekly Meeting, 9:00pm, Christian
Student Fellowship Bldg, 502
Colombia Ave; 266-2946

-Fenclng Club, 8:00pm, Alumni Gym
Loft; 257-3812

Recognition Reception for Decem cg
Graduates in Collofie of Human
Environmental Sciences. 2. oo-
4: 00pm, 128 Erlkson Half: 245- 0561
sponsored by RAECS &' SAC
-Phi Beta Sigma 8: Zeta Phi Beta
Blue 8: White Christmas Ball, 8:00pm..
Baptist Student Union e


-End of class work

~mxingtou Ifhllharmonlc Orchestra
Holiday Festival Concert, Vince
DiMartino, trul'tipét. é.
Singletary Ctr Can
255- 4226 i '








UK Wildcat Divlmfiiivitationil

All Day, Lexington, W (thru 12/1‘5’;

-UR Women’ s Basket-bull Vs. Miami
- -, K .






Lexington, KY

Sunday I 2/ I 5


Central Kentucky Youth

aUK Hockey vs. Louisville, midnight;

Orchestras: Holiday Benefit Concert,
4:00pm, Singletary Ctr Concert Hall:

Paid"admission 233-4226

hm Center Catholic Mass. 9:00

a: lliso'am, 5:00 or 8:50pm

Christian Student Fellowship

UniVerslty Praise Service, 1 1:00am,

502 Columbia Ave. 2330313


-Aikido emu, I:00~.5: 00pm, Alumni

Gym Loft; ,. 269-4505



~UK Men's Basketball Ticket
Distribution for games against: Ul‘lC.
Tennessee, Miss. State. or Canistus
College. 8: 00am Lottery, Memorial
Coliseum '


-UK Women' s Basketde vs. Indiana,

2:O-O Lexington KY

-UK Jewish Student
Organization/Hillel Foundation
Blood 8t Bagels: Come support JSO in
our competition to donate the most
pints of blood among the various
other organizations and congegations
in the Jewish community. 9:00am-
l:00pm, Ohavay Zion Synagogue,
2048.Edgewater Dr; 255—9548








”Angel Wing”

Angels.- NimoIi/ii‘s lit Lloyd holly

’l‘lii'oiiiili .lilll.



l'._’ at lllt‘ l’l\’ .‘\ll Museum



Use the Kentucky Kernel to figure out
fiwher: to do all your Christmas shopping



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ers l


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. :











, W..- .l-‘ _.

WI '8 the biggest margin of victory in the
UK-Indiana series?

'596! u; 9S'I6HI "WIND 30.“!

' Wildcats humi






HEAT (Kilian/1'53,


C ii l‘i \ T






Anderson, Mercer share spotlight
as No. 6 Cats post decisive victory

By Jay G. Tare
Senior Staff Writer

LOUISVILLE —— Tradition
dictated that Saturday ni ht’s
matchup between Indiana an UK
would be a close one.

Since UK head coach Rick Piti-
no’s arrival in 1989, the series was
split 4-3 in favor of the Cats, with
nearly every contest coming down
to the final minutes.

The onl deviation of this
year’s installment was that the
final minutes came mid-way
through the first half.

After stringing together three
consecutive blowout wins in the
Great Alaska Shootout, the Cats
stacked another onto their grow—
ing stash of Ws, thumping No. 6
Indiana 99—65 at Louisville’s Free-
dom Hall Saturday night.

The Cats came out hot on both
sides of the ball, jumping out to a
13-3 lead with only five minutes

Those earl minutes set the
tone for the w ole contest, with
UK shooting 55 percent and forc—
ing four turnovers which led to
nine UK points.

“We got beat by a better team
in the first five minutes,” IU head
coach Bobby Knight said. “By the
second five minutes, the game was

“They’re not just this much
better than we were tonight, I just
think they are a much better team
then we are.”

IU was unable to recover from
the earl -game assault and never
got wit in 22 points after half-
time. The Cats forced 28
turnovers, led by senior Jared
Prickett who slyly notched five


"K rifle team snaps
Illllflflfl home streak
BVBI' Ill college sports

The No. 2 UK rifle team ended
the longest home-winning streak
ever in an colle e s ort when it
defeated o. l est girginia Sat-
urday in Mor antown, W.Va.
The loss was t e first in a dual
meet at home for the Moun-
taineers since 1979.

The UK victory also ended a
32-match winning streak for West

Vir 'nia.

‘Tm really proud of the way
our team com eted today,” UK
coach Harry Nfullins said. “Both
teams robabl could have shot
better, gut in t e end, our shoot-
ers kept our heads ug and fought
throu h the pressure.

U15 took the match with an
overall score of 6,178-6,170.

DURHAM, NC. — Robert
Traylor’s dunk with 6.2 seconds
left capped a closing 16-3 run yes-
terday, giving No. 7 Michigan a
62-61 victory over No. 10 Duke in
one of the toughest venues for a
road team.

The Wolverines (5-0) trailed
58-46 with 10:37 left, but the Blue
Devils (5-2) turned the ball over
eight times down the stretch and
managed only three free throws
the rest of the way.

Tra'an Langdon’s pass with 32
secon s left missed a cutter and
went into the hands of Michi n’s
Maceo Baston, setting up ray-
lor’s final basket.

Duke never t off a final shot,
with Jeff Cape losing the ball in
traffic as time expired.

Compiled firm mfl: wire reports.

steals. UK capitalized efficiently
on IU’s mishandlings -— scoring
36 points off turnovers.

Big Blue got a strong effort out
of junior swingrnan Derek Ander-
son, who acted as UK’s horn ’0—
plenty by snag ‘ng 30 points, four
rebounds and our assists.

In addition to his offensive
efficacy, Anderson played a solid
defensive game, harassing IU’s
young backcourt throughout the

“We wanted to keep the pace
real high,” Anderson said, “and
make their freshman guards make

After the game, Pitino was
enthralled with Anderson’s overall

“I think Derek Anderson is the
premier two-guard in the coun-
try,” Pitino said. “I’ve never
coached a player that plays every

ossession — it’s very unusual to
have a player like that at both

Ron Mercer, the second part of
UK’s scoring tandem, had a solid
game as well ——- chipping in 26
points and six rebounds.

Many people feel the Ander—
son-Mercer scoring machine is
among the best in the nation, pro—
viding a “go-to” presence that is
commensurate with a champi-
onship ball club.

Knight seems to agree.

“Mercer and Anderson are a
little shorter and maybe not as
strong around the bucket — but
they shoot well and they give
some things in what they do
offensively that are really good. If
that balances out, I think they’re
as good as they were last year.”

But scoring has not been a hin—






DOMINAIIIIG PERFORMANCE/1 UK fan (lefi) reminds Indiana of its
misfbrtunes against the Cats, hot/.7 on the football field and the basketball
court. Ron Mercer (above) goes fiJr two of his 26 points against the Hoosiers.
lVIercer and Derek Anderson combined for 5 6 of the Cats’ 99 points as UK
downed I U 99-65 Saturday in Louisville.

drance for UK this season. The
early-season loss to Clemson pro-
vided a glimpse into UK's woeful
lack ofinside power.

Since that tell-talc game, fresh-
man ]amaal Magloirc and so ho-
more Nazr Mohammed ave
stepped up their play and are
beginning to silence the critics
who labeled the team as a “dough-
nut” — a team with nothing in the

“In the Clemson game, they
dominated us inside," Anderson

“But now we're getting the
shot blockers and big bodies in
there — it makes a big differ-

The two centers combined for
only six points, but stunted IU’s



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typical low-post prowess, swatting
three blocks a piece.

Indiana was led by freshman
center jason Collier, who put 21
points by the UK defense. Power
forward Andrae Patterson, recent-
ly awarded the MVP of the pre—
season NIT, was expected to carry
the I'Ioosiers’ offensive load.
However, continual UK low-post
pressure arrested Patterson’s typi—
cal strong play.

He finished the game with 16

At the post-game news confer-
ence, Pitino was asked, “did any—
thing displease you tonight?” The
answer was quite simple.


Total domination indeed.


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Kentucky Kernel, Monday, December 9, 1996 8

RICK Pitino, when asked if anything disappointed him about

Saturday's 99-65 win over Indiana


Iiate eitihth-r'ankerl Hoosiers

No rest for weary; team returns

home tonight to play Wright St.

By Chris Easterllng
Sports [ulnar

LOUISVILLE —— After six
straight games away from Lexing—
ton, UK will finally play a regular
season game at Rupp Arena
tonight when Wright State comes
to town.

The game will tip off at 8 p.m.
and be televised live by the UK
Television Network.

The Raiders enter the game 1—
0, after defeating Thomas More
back on Nov. 30. They also have a
new coach walking the sideline in
Jim Brown. Brown replaced Ralph
Underhill, who was fired by the
school in November after he was
arrested while shoplifting a bottle

Wright State will have to face a
Wildcat team that is averaging
96.6 points a game in its five-game
winning streak. The Cats have not
lost a game since the overtime loss
to Clemson in the Black Coaches’
Association Classic on Nov.

15. UK has been defeating NOTEBUUK down

its opponents by an average
of 28.2 points a game in this

Despite the long time away
from Rupp, the players don’t seem
to mind playing on the road.

“I like playing on the road,”
Ron Mercer said. “It just gets us
fired up when we’re playing in an
opponent’s gym and all the fans
are yelling at you. It gets every-
body together as a team.”

Mercer has been one of the
biggest reasons for the five-game
winning streak, averaging 21.2
points a game, including a 26-
point outburst Saturday night
against Indiana.

“I think we’re a lot closer on
the road,” Wayne Turner said.
“We can’t really play to the crowd
(on the road). It’s like us against
the whole state.”

It's a had sign

With ESPN at Freedom Hall
to televise the UK-Indiana game
nationally, several fans brought
homemade signs with them to the
arena in an attempt to get some
air time.

One of the more creative signs
took a swipe at both the Iloosicrs’
basketball and football fortunes
against the Cats. It read, “If U
can’t beat (Iurry, U can’t beat

Iior the record, UK beat 1U 3-1)
back on Sept. 21. It was the (Iats’
second consecutive win over the


Mercer, always an expert on
the art of dunking, was asked to
rate Derek Anderson’s in-your
face dunk in the second half on
which he was fouled by IU’s
Andre Patterson.

“One-to-IO, I would say an
eight,” Mercer said, “because he
didn’t jump as high as he could
He can jump a lot higher.”

“Now I give Allen’s (Edwards)
a nine or 10, because it‘s harder to
dunk over a 7-footer,” he said.

Edwards’ consisted of him
driving baseline and throwing it
one-handed over
Indiana’sjason Collier.

IIK-lll notes

The 99-65 win by UK marked
the second biggest margin of vic-
tory in the 40 games the two bor—
der rivals have played.

The biggest margin of victory
was 35, in a 91—56 UK home win
back in 1965. Indiana's largest
margin of victory is 98—74 win, a
24-point differential, at Bloom—
ing-ton in 1974.

Also, Rick Pitino is now 5-3
against IU, all while at UK. Bob
Knight is 14-16 against the Cats
overall, 14-15 while at Indiana.

The win evened the all-time
series between the schools at 20 a

It also was the third consecu-
tive win by UK, and fifth in the
last six in the series. Indiana’s last
win came on Dec. 4, 1993, a 96-84
victory at the RCA Dome in Indi-

The Hoosiers have not won a
game in the series in the state of
Kentucky since a 1988 win at
Rupp Arena.



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4 Ahmday, December