xt7sqv3c2v30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c2v30/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-03-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1993 1993 1993-03-25 2020 true xt7sqv3c2v30 section xt7sqv3c2v30 R

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.a‘om-gs-g.-. ._ ‘7,







UPAC endorses Ma30n for SGA president


By Nina Davidson
Staff Writer

The University Political Action
Committee last night endorsed
Scott Mason for Student Govem-
ment Association president, citing
what members called his ability to
meet the needs of a greater number
of students.

“As a group, we feel that one of
the major issues in this year’s cam-
paign is an attempt to expand SGA
to meet the needs of a greater range
of students and not be overly influ-
enced by a small but active group
of students," UPAC spokesman
Steve Enkemann said.

“We feel that the candidate who
best represented this opinion was
Scott Mason."

Enkemann, a member of UPAC
and president of the Graduate Stu-


dent Association, said committee
members had differing reasons for
reaching the conclusion, but he de-
clined to elaborate.

Mason could not be reached for
comment following the announce-

The decision was announced
about one and a half hours after a
live debate between all four SGA
presidential candidates was aired on
WRFL-FM (88.1).

During the debate. sponsored by
UPAC and the student radio station,
candidates Mason, Jeremy Bates,
Lance Dowdy and Thomas Arthur

“TA." Jones called for varying lev-
els of changes in SGA.

“The student government needs
to be more user-friendly,“ said
Bates, a current SGA senator and
former president of the Interfrater-
nity Council. “We need to let stu-
dents know what student govcm-
ment has to offer them."

Dowdy, who has served as an
SGA senator and cunently is presi-
dent of Pi Kappa Alpha social fra-
ternity, said students need to be re-
minded that SGA stands for
“student government and not gov-
ernment of the students.“

Mason, who is president of Kat»
pa Alpha Psi social fraternity, said
SGA has lost some of its integrity
over the past few years and that it
no longer serves the needs of all

See UPAC, Page 4

Ington Kentucky



.mpendent sihce 1971

Thursday. March 25,1993



By Caroline Shively
Staff Writer

In a room used to argument.
the Student Bar Association’s
forum for Student Government
Association candidates yester-
day at the College of Law court-
room lacked many sparks.

It also lacked many students.
About 25 people, many of
whom were associated with the
campaigns of presidential candi-
dates, attended the forum.

The two candidates for law
school senator. Amy Sullivan
and former two-term SGA presi-
dent Sean Lohman, also took


SBA forum draws less than 30 students


Each of the candidates gave
speeches and fielded questions
from the audience. A considera-
ble amount of the what was said
dealt with what the candidates
said were current inadequacies
with SGA.

Lohman stressed his experi-
ence in student government.

“I know this University,“ he
said. “I know the administrators,
I know the faculty. and they
know me."

Lohman also said SGA has
declined in the past few years
and he would like “to make
SGA what it once was."

Sullivan said the senate seat

was an important one to law stu-
dents because it is representa~
tive of the whole college.

“Whomever you elect should
be your voice," Sullivan said.
"It’s the only one you have in
the senate.“

Presidential candidate TA.
Jones also criticized what SGA
hasn‘t been.

“I guarantee you if there was
a poll three-founhs of the stu-
dents would say SGA is student

Jones said he and vice presi-
dential candidate Andrew Shve-
da are the only ticket represent-

See FORUM, Page 4




Keeneland Hall reopens after evacuation


By Melissa Rosenthal
Staff Writer


Keeneland Hall ww reopened
early yesterday morning after stu-
dents and staff were evacuated
Tuesday night. But exactly what
caused the evacuation remained

“The only explanation I can
come up with is that students were
pulling a prank, or there was some
type of accident." said John Low-
ry, director of the UK Environ-
mental Quality Management team.
At first, Lowry said, he thought it
might have been some type of
cleanser, but “you would see or
smell a cleanser and students said
that there was no triggering sign of
a problem.

“Whatever it was, it's gone
now," Lowry said. “I've been in
and out of the building all day. and
students haven't complained of
any problems."

UK spokesman Ralph Derick-
son said officials combed the
building thoroughly yesterday

“We have not been able to de-
termine the source,“ Derickson
said. “I, along with others, walked
throughout the building and made
a thorough check.“

Derickson said he would not
speculate about the cause. “We
simply don‘t know the cause, so
there is no need to try and think of

That didn't keep residents from


Students congregate outside Keeneland Hall Tuesda

Residents were allowed to return yesterday morning.




y night while emergency personnel check out the evacuated building.

PETER MOORE/Kernel Staff



group looks
at doctrine


By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer

The Latter Day Saint Student As-
sociation provides an atmosphere to
grow spiritually and to associate
with other Christians. president De-
nise Hettinger says.

“The church emphasizes educa-
tion; our group also provides spiri-
tual growth and a way to get togeth.
er and socialize as a Christian
organization," she said.

The group, which meets every
Wednesday at noon in 117 Student
Center. cunently is studying the
doctrine and covenants of the

The association also has an activ-
ity almost every weekend, said Het-
tinger. an engineering senior. These
include everything from lip-sync
contests to service projects.

Biology junior Judy Lai said the
organization helps her with her
school work.

“It helps me to take my education
seriously,“ she said. "It helps me to
try and learn better than I would
have normally."

Mark Tracy. a history senior. said




PETER HOME/Kernel Std!

Church Educational System Coordinator William Norton loads
a Mormon students group study session yesterday.

the group strengthens him spiritual-
ly and makes him feel welcome.

He describes the goals of the
Church of Jesus Christ of latter.
day Saints as "being a good Chris-
tian" and "taking care of other peo-
pk n

Hettinger sees her religion. more
commonly known as the Mormon
faith, as similar to other religions.

”I think we have a lot of the same
goals. Most Christian religions are
all trying to get back to heaven. and
that' is our basic goal. also.

“We do believe that Jesus Christ


lives and he is the savior of the
world, and that alone should be
something worth telling others

liettinger said the main differ-
ence with her religion is that its fol-
lowers have a living prophet on
Earth and they believe the “Book of
Mormon“ is the word of God.

The association does not try to
push its religion on anybody, Het-
tinger said. She said everyone is
welcome to come to the meetings.
but "everybody has a free agency to
worship as they want."


Merit days welcome
potential students


By Holly Powell
Staff Writer

Almost every UK student has ex-
perienced the frustration of attempt-
ing to register for a class, only to
find it already is closed.

But some incoming freshmen
will have the chance to register
months before their peers because
of a program called Merit Week-

The program allows high school
seniors with ACT scores of at least
28 or SAT scores of at least 1.100
to visit UK and advance register for
fall semester classes.

"The weekends are a way to re-
cruit top students to the University
who have done well both inside the
classroom and outside,“ said Don
Witt, director of advising confer~
ences and residency officer.

Eligible students, who will arrive
at UK either this weekend or on
April 3 for a second program par-
ticipate in two days of placement
cxmns, information sessions and ad-

"We WI“ to show the students
tend." said Witt. who will be assist-

ed by UK Collegians for Academic
Excellence and the 1992 Summer
Advising staff.

“Merit Weekend allows high
school students the opportunity to
become familiar with the University
and college life. in general." said
Susan Hardin. a member of Colle-
gians who helped with the program
last year.

Activities planned for the pro-
gram include Advance Placement
test sessions on Friday and a day-
long orientation program on Satur-
day. Students and their parents will
have the opportunity to attend ses-
sions on housing. financial aid, the
honors program and other UK pro-
grams and services. Students then
will meet with advisers and register
for the fall semester.

"This is one effort we make for
top students —— who have a lot to
worry about anyway —— to get (reg-
istering for classes) out of the way,"
Witt said.

Merit Weekends were established
eight years ago to attract students of
high academic caliber to UK. Witt

Inthepast95 percentofthcstu-
dents who attended Merit Weekend
mtuaily enrolled in UK in the fall.



job fair

By Elizabeth Harrison
Staff Writer



More titan 30 international com-
panies will be on campus today as
pan of a job fair designed to help
students with career choices.

Representatives from firms like
MCI and Microsoft Corporation
will be on hand to answer students‘
questions and provide an inside
look at the opportunities offered in
various fields.

Officials from the Army. Air
Force and Peace Corps also will be
present at Career Day. which will
be on the first and second floors of
the College of Business and Eco-
nomics Building from 10 am. to 3

"This is for students who have or
do not have a major. so they can get
a good understanding of what really
goes on in their chosen field." said
Ralph Brown. alumni affairs direc-
tor for the College of Business and

Career Day is an annual affair
that is directed by students. for stu-

It is cosponsored by The Student
Advisory Council of the College of
Business and Economics.

A new feature this year will be an
information table for students inter-
ested in entrepreneurship. Brown

He encouraged students of all
majors to stop by and talk the repre—

Workshops on resume writing
and interviewing skills also will be
offered. Brown said.


UK coach Rick Pitino and
Western Kentucky coach Ralph
Willard are the closet of friends
and neither is talking about the
possibility of their tearm meeting
in the NCAA Tournament -— yet.
Story. Page 9.


The Clinton administration
continues to cause unbelievu
damage to the United States.
Column. Page 10.


Cloudy today with a 40 percent
chance of scattered showers;
high around 60. Cloudy tonifla
with a 70 percent chance of!“
low between 40 and ‘5. use.”
percent chance of more I“
tomorrow, high betwen U u.



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Kentucky Kernel. Thundey, March 25, 1993 - 3

Spring brings life,
not necessarily love



lit .
t] n ginning of relationships; and agape.
it 2:: . con ues By Elmflh Harrison an unselfish and respectful love that
g Staff Writer often grows out of eros.
; gt By Sergel Shargorodsky

Associated Press


Ah, spring -— that time of the
year when life returns to a barren

Love's source is a more canpli—
cated matter.
Erox, a small Silicon Valley. Cal—

" " MOSCOW — Russia landscape and romantic fever _ . , .
k 1-,. d between confrontation s . es us hearts everywhere. if, firm, claims it has isolated. 13
.. , veere . , . human pheromones — chemical
2‘ and compromise yesterday, At least that s the popular notion.







ing their power struggle.

in support of the president.
Hopes for

[an Khasbulatov,

man Vyacheslav Kostikov.

news agency.


Clinton-Yeltsin summit
Vancouver on April 3-4.

sin and the

have more power.

ment should be established.


vote of confidence on him.



and President Boris Yeltsin
and his legislative opponents
ended up no closer to resolv-


declared self-rule in their
southern Don region. Siberian
coal miners threatened a strike

a settlement
dwindled after Yeltsin’s chief
rival. parliament speaker Rus-
“rude ultimatums" for conces-
sions during talks with the
president, said Yeltsin spokes-

“The president responded
with a resolute and firm rejec-
tion," Kostikov said. accord-
ing to the lnterfax independent

Yet. Khasbulatov later indi-
cated he still hoped for a com-

Also yesterday. President
Clinton expressed hope for a
negotiated solution. saying “It
is very much in our interest to
keep Russia a democracy." He
met with Russian Foreign min-
ister Andrei Kozyrev to dis-
cuss U.S. aid and the planned


The struggle between Yelt-
dominated Congress of Peo-
ple's Deputies had been stew-
ing for months over the ques-
tion of whether the executive
or legislative branch should

The situation boiled over af-
ter Yeltsin declared emergen-
cy rule on Saturday and called
for an April 25 referendum on
whether a new form of parlia-

Court on Tuesday ruled both
those actions violated the con-
stitution, although it approved
Yeltsin‘s request for a national

Yesterday began with the
Supreme Soviet — the Con-
gress’ standing legislature —
voting to convene an emergen-
cy session of the Congress to-
marrow to consider removing
Yeltsin for violating the con-

During the session. Yelt-
sin's office released a text of
his decree that omitted any
reference to the “special or-
der" of uric mentioned when
he announced the decree on

It was not clear whether
Yeltsin had revised the decree
to meet the court demands. or
whether he had exaggerated its



Employees at the Ink Spot make shirts yesterday in preparation for the Wildcats game to-
night in the NCAA Southeast Regional.



But this image may not be entire-
ly true, one UK professor said.

“On paper, ‘spring as the season
of love' sounds very appealing but 1

stands," he said.

There are two main types of love:
eros, which is a romantic and pas-
sionate love usually felt at the be-

substances that may play a role in
human sexual behavior.

And some people. like local as-
trologer Michael Thurman. look to
the heavens for romance.

The haven't found any evidence to sup- “Planets. as models of our body,
fierce argu- port it," said Rick Hoyle, an assist- can give us an idea on the time and
merits m ant professor 0f psychology. correlation of a relationship." Thur-
Moscow “Furthermore. we have found man said_
reverberate breakups occur more often in the But for all the theories and re-
d across college domain during May and search that has been devoted to
2::ng June." studying the source and composi-
offered to That doesn‘t mean, however, that tion of love, this complex emotion
form a romantic. interludes are totallyab- remains confoundingly simple.
presidentia sent during the 55350" 0‘ rebirth. “Love isachoice that two people
I guard to YELTSIN Hoyle said. can make when they care about one
defend “A‘ lot of activity goes on in a ro- another enough to commit to each
Yeltsin and PETE“ "cone/mm SM mantle nature — such as one-night other. Sister Ellen Kehoe of the

Catholic Newman Center said.

“Love is deep. beautiful and re-
sults in a true commitment," she

President says Russian democracy will save US. money


By Barry Schweid
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President
Clinton asserted yesterday that pre-
serving democracy in Russia with
injections of US aid would save
Americans billions of dollars that
otherwise would go into maintain-
ing a nuclear arsenal.

Clinton began his campaign for a
still-undisclosed US. aid package
at a White House meeting with
Russian Foreign Minister Andrei V.
Kozyrev. He also got a firsthand ac-
count from Kozyrev of the political
squeeze conservatives in Moscow
are putting on President Boris N.

“It is very much in our interest to
keep Russia a democracy. to keep
moving toward market reforms and
to keep moving toward reducing the
nuclear threat," Clinton said.

He did not disclose what he
might offer Yeltsin when they meet
at the summit in Vancouver. British
Columbia, April 3-4. However,
Secretary of State Warren M. Chris-
topher said one possibility is re-
scheduling some of Russia‘s debt.

Last month, Christopher told
Congress the administration would
propose boosting technical aid to

Russia and other former Soviet re-
publics from $417 million currently
to about $700 million.

Whatever the details, Clinton said
the preservation of democracy “will
save the American people billions
of dollars in money we don‘t have
to spend maintaining a nuclear ar-
senal if we can continue to denucle-
arize the world.“

He is due to go to Tokyo in mid-
April to work on a second. joint aid
package with the foreign ministers
of Japan. Germany, Britain. France,
Italy and Canada.

With pressures on the US. bud-
get. Congress may not accede readi-
ly to the administration’s proposals.

House members. in a closed
meeting with Christopher, stressed
that the administration must make
clear to the American people why
aiding Russia is crucial to US. in-

Lawmakers “are encountering a
lot of questions from their constitu-
ents so they pressed the secre-
tary on those very hard,“ said Rep.
Lee H. Hamilton (D-lnd.). the
chairman of the House Foreign Af-
fairs Committee.

“The American people have to
try to understand that we are offer-
ing this aid not from charitable mo-
tivations but because that aid is


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very much in the national interests
of the United States," Hamilton

Leaving the White House, Kozy-
rev said Clinton had told him that
the “notion of providing help is un-

popular in the United States." It
also is in Russia, the foreign minis-
ter said.

“So. we discussed opportunities
for cooperating between two great
countries, and it was very important

Sherman’s Alley by Gibbs & Voigt

that President Clinton is very action
oriented." Kozyrev told reporters.

Potential areas of cooperation in-
clude energy. natural resources,
atomic energy and space explora-

Save air Pork!



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, Agam We could have an

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back zeppelme





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‘ gag. ':.-.-=.._._.- were













Continued from Page 1

Jones. the only non-greek candi~
date. said he would “let all the non-
traditional students know that
greeks don't run SGA.

“I differ from all the other candi-
dates because I'm a free drinker. a
poet and a dreamer."

Later in the broadcast. during one
of a handful of confrontations.
Jones said he was “not a trained bu-
reaucrat like some of the other can-

Bates responded to Jones. saying.
"I didn‘t go to bureaucrat school.“

Jones also attacked SGA funding
policies because they allowed offi—
cials to buy pizza and t'mey name-
plates with student money. Bates
denied that SGA spends its money
on frivolous items like pizza.

Fach candidate also commented
on a recent Kentucky Kernel edito-
rial that called for the disbanthng of

“It saddens me that they feel they
have to go to that extent" Bates
said in a brief statement.

Mason disagreed. saying the edi-
torial campaign "excites me ,
Sometimes there needs to be a little

He said the Kentucky Kemel's
actions will get students thinking
about SGA and perhaps encourage
more student involvement.

On a more personal note. each
candidate was asked about the last
book he had read and about who his
personal heros are.

Jones read “Bury My Heart at
Wounded Knee." a history of
American Indians during the west-
ward expansion. His personal he-
roes include American Indians and
all “unsung heroes." He likened his
campaign to the Revolutionary
War. saying: “We‘re the revolution-
aries. We're the minutemen.“

The last book Bates read was “A


Who will be the next
SGA president?

Catch election
coverage in the
Kentucky Kernel.





4 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, March 25, 1993

, - .e.....,..m-».~.

. .i. on m.....~m......aw . .. .



VICTORIA ”YER/Kernel Stall

Law school senator candidate and former SGA president Sean Lohman speaks during a forum held yesterday at the law college.
Other candidates, from left. are presidential candidate T.A. Jones. running mate Andrew Shveda, presidential candidate Lance
Dowdy. running mate Amber Leigh. vice presidential candidate Michael Eaves, presidential running mate Scott Mason, vice presi-
dential candidate Ellen Hamilton and presidential running mate Jeremy Bates. Amy Sullivan also is running for law senator.

Time to Kill,“ a murder mystery by
John Grisham. He did not name a

Dowdy read “Courage" and said
his greatest hero is Jesus Christ.

Mason also listed Jesus Christ as
a personal hero. as well as Malcolm
X. Martin Luther King Jr. and his
father. “The Life of Malcolm X"
was the last book Mason read.

He said he wants to encourage a
more diverse group of students to
become active in SGA. Mason
called on students to come to him
with any suggestions.

“We’re open to anything and
everything you have to say."


Continued from Page 1

ing “the common man.“

“I entered the race because I
don't think there is a candidate here
who speaks my opinion.“ he said.

“Students feel alienated. that‘s
why I‘m running.“ Jones said.

Candidate Lance Dowdy also
said he and running mate Amber
Leigh want to improve SGA. Func-
tions he said he would like to im-
prove in SGA include informing
students. providing services and

giving students a voice in student

“The bottom line is I want to im-
prove SGA and this University," he

Presidential candidate Scott Ma-
son also said he would like to reju-
venate student government

“We want to inject adrenaline
into the veins of SGA so the Stu-
dent Government Association can
be what it once was," he said.

Mason said he and his vice presi-
dential candidate Michael Eaves
were are “ready to roll up their
sleeves and get to wor

Candidate Jeremy Bates and his

vice presidential mnning mate Ellen
Hamilton took a different tact than
some other candidates. Bates, a sen-
ator at large, said that because SGA
is at a “crossroads," students need
someone who has experience in the

However, he also said he would
like to change the way student g0v.
emment is viewed and used by stu-

“We need to make student gov-
ernment truly credible and accessi—
ble to students." he said.



Continued from Page 1


“The rumor around the dorm is
that it was mace. tear gas or some
type of cleaning fluid." said first-
floor resident Sam Gillespie.


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Gillespie, who spent Monday
night at home. said “(Tuesday)
night it really bothered me, so I
went home and came back (yester-
day) morning." Gillespie said he
woke up nauseated. but felt fine by

Tracey Marshall. 3 social work
junior, was treated at the hospital
for breathing problems. “It felt like
I was inhaling a bunch of dust," she

“No one could really pin point
the problem," Keeneland hall direc-
tor Mark Harkins said. He said the
building was aired out. but no prob-
lem was found. “It would require
real specialized equipment to find
the problem.“

Derickson said officials aren‘t
worried about a recurrence. “We
are confident that whatever caused
the problem came and went.“

He said he had been to the build-
ing several times yesterday and “no
one was complaining, so we're
back in business.“


















o Student/Faculty Specrals o
O H y d‘ . ‘86 $997 5; O PETERMOOIE/KomoiSt-tt
O 3 U" c" ~ - - O Keeneland Hall residents speak to UK personnel yesterday af-
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Jones OKs
Clinton plan
for economy

Associated Press



Brereton Jones gave a strong
endorsement to President
Clinton‘s $16.3 billion eco-
nomic stimulus package dur-
ing their meeting, which be
characterized as a “pep talk."

“Not everyone is going to
like everything about the
president‘s spending and tax
plans, but
should be
to bring
down the

He was
ied Tues-
day by a
n of Kentuckians represent-
ing business, labor and con-
sumer interests. They agreed
to encourage others in the
state to support the president.

Jones said it was unclear
how much Kentucky could
receive for construction pro-
jects that would create new
jobs because much depends
on how quickly states can get
moving on the programs.

“Those states that are best
organized are going to do
better than those states that
are not." the governor told re-
porters Tuesday after meet-
ing with Clinton.

The governor said that “if
each of us begins to pick out
the things we don‘t like and
try to rewrite it in our image.
or in the image of our own
state, we will fail again as
past presidents and past Con-
gresses have failed." he said.
“We cannot afford that fail-

The administration has es-
timated that Kentucky would
get $36 million for (‘ommu-
nity Development Block
Grants. used for such things
as public housing projects;
532 million for job training:
$45.7 million for road con-
struction and mass transit
projects; and $13.6 million
for educating the disadvan-

Jones described the session
with Clinton as a “pep talk"
and said he and the five other
Kentuckians who accompa-
nied him to Washington
would encourage others in
the state to support the presi-
dent. The five represented
business. labor and consumer

In February. the state put
together a $742.85 million
list of road, bridge and other
projects from across Ken-
tucky that could be started
quickly — within 90 days.

The biggest item is
$438.96 million for school
construction and renovation
projects in areas where un-
employment is highest
Those projects would pro-
duce an estimated 18.300

Jones press secretary
Frank Ashley said the Clin-
ton administration has
changed criteria for projects
and school construction may
no longer be eligible.






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KOMuclty Kornel. Thuredly. March 25. 19” - 5

Lexington actors
recreate classic
American drama


By John Dyer Fort
Senior Staff Writer


The Studio Players‘ production
of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof is appeal-
ing for two reasons. Number one. of

@QQCOG) @0>®o>@v)


The Tragically Hip course, is that this classic saga by having homosexual feelings for
Fully Completely Tennessee Williams is one of the Brick.

MCA Records most interesting and gripping At the risk of falling into stereo-

Ameriwn dramas ever written. typical gesturing. Studio Players

By Jenny Christiansson The second reason: Lexington‘s tackles Cat and its larger-than-life

Contributing Critic





its tragic and comic nuances. er of Williams' drama. i
Alternative rock is not the perfect One has to admire any theater Looking like a Swedish goddess 1g
word for the kind of music served company willing to compete against with an itch that can‘t be scratched, g
up by The Tragically Hip. A mix the icon-producing power of the Andrea Sayre plays Maggie in her ’5.
between REM and Pearl Jam is movies. Cat on aHot Tin Roof. like glorious, passionate and desperate E '
more onthemark. ' its sis