xt7sqv3c2s8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c2s8t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1979 1979 1979-11-08 2020 true xt7sqv3c2s8t section xt7sqv3c2s8t . _ . . _....,_ _vm
..... ...._ ...-.,.,.-.. .. . ...... .... ..
‘ Newspaper/Minot“? .
University of Kentucky
Vol. LXXII. No. 60 ' Unlvmlty of Kentucky
"WM”. ”0'9me 3. I979 an Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
—_ *
B t c 't I t d'sc ss aid w'th Cart
By S" RAMSEY day after his landslide election ovcr hc will seek the Democratic thc situation. . Reiterating that he still plans to Brown said he planstoaskthc I980
Associated Press Writer Republican l.ourc B \tlnn. presidential nomination. He also said that l arry Ilownscnd. keep his hands off selection of the legislature for bonding authority to
.t y. . the state Democratic chairman. will (lcncral Assembly leadership. which finance the ailing state road system. -
/ ”W new govcrnor stiltl lhitl My,“ lltdl btllh men had direct a [r'insititm ‘im III" hith Villl OCCUI in lo dd '8‘ durinr re-
l.OUlSVll.l.E Gov-Elect John President Carter had called him last ”exceptional talent." Brown said he .' .. ‘ . L.‘ m, u “ K ‘ . . . _ .. . 5’ . L” p. Even though the state is heavily in -
Y. Brown Jr. said Wednesdav that he - . . . .. ' . will evaluate which candidate (" do “i“ m“! "t l.ouisvlllc M)" 7'9 to lighl‘mu mtctings In wcsttrn d ht ow h" d"'t‘d by d t “t ‘
' ' ' hm") “hm” 1h? muting and . . - an‘ discuss chaii'es from the administr'i- Kentucky. Brown said that if the e n ‘ t in M” ‘. (n .m eras
wrll lunch at the White House today “reminded me last night ( | ucsdavi." the most for this state. especially with . . 1‘ ‘ . 2. . 1‘ l‘r' l' l*' h’ g .. )2 rates are only one-half the inflation
with President Carter. and hopes to ‘ coal. and could lead the nation bcst. non of Dcmocratlc (10" "um“ yglsa‘turt 5 0-H] caders W ”at“ rate and it would be M5610 use bonds
find out more about possible federal 3’0“”.5 “”9 I’ll-‘11“ (“”11“ “'H “l w'll 'k‘ if . h. fd . ‘is'on . i th . (arroll. who could not succeed “influx“ he “I“ be compelled to act. to construct and maintain roads. '
funding for Kentucky‘s energy road attend the “1"“le “ll" “in" . .ll-milu‘thit, 1” :till‘ it himself. .. Hc My“; he has no plans to go to ' . . . .
program. The governor-elect said that this pmp” ”m- 4‘ E“ “n" t W V K: Brown said that thcrcarc hard fiscal Kentucky Dam Village. where the He said he is withholding any
"We need federal funding because does not mean he will support Carter .. Brown alsodi‘sclosed that one of his fly‘CNUm itht‘ilfl it” lht‘ Still? dud that l‘g'tl'dll‘c sessions “Ill be hCId~ bl“ proposals‘ for DOSSlblc changes ”I
we cannot afford to repair these coal for rc-clcction. Brown also is a close first acts after inauguration Dcc. It nls pledge to eliminate politicslnevcry ”N‘dd he and h” “"9 “l“ "“9390" Kentucky 5 8350““ and license [“65
artery roads ourselves." Brown said at friend of Sen. lidvvtlrd Kennedy. (l)- may bc to free/c all state employment pmstble area cannot be accomplished for about one week and return Nov. Llnlll. we see what we have to work
a news conference called less than one Mass). who announced yesterday that for 0110 month. “mil he monitors overnight. '9' “"h“
Pharmacy bur/ding firnded -
CH E approves higher budgets
M” / Al’ and stafldispatt‘hes described as “continuation" and $354.2 million for the l9th-8l fiscal
M ,,_ " "maintenance" budgets by university yearund $402.4 million forthe l98l-82
. 2.; W47” FRANKFURT The Council on presidents. include $34.9 million in fiscal year.
2 . 9%! Higher Education yesterday voted to l980-Xl and $38.2 million in I98l-82 l‘K is asking for Sl43.2 million in
5% _ " , / recommend that Kentucky‘s eight just to meet cost—of-llving increases. I980-82 and $|63.8 million in [981-82,
. .. ' ;-..:,- ' » state universities receive more than ()fthatamount.$27,9 millioninthc The University's budget in thel979-80
/ X "5'55, 848 million iii new money in each year first year and $30.6 million in the fiscal year is $l23.9 million.
. ~ 2 ' 2 a; of the net! biennium. second year would go toward 9.5 This means UK‘s budget would
. lhe bulk of the increased funding percent cost-of-living salary increases increase $39.9 million over the
‘i would meet inflationary costs.witlithe for faculty and staff. biennium. Of this amount. $25.8
" f '“t ; top priority given to raising the Another Sl0.2 million over the million would be devoted to cost-of-
' 2% :9 salaries of faculty and staff members. biennium is earmarked for salary living increases for faculty and staff
: i z The money also would guarantee increases above the cost-of-living members.
.2207 the construction of a new building for increase, Another $6 million would be for
. , . , 4%.. . , l ES,(.OHCEC of Pharmacy. “we are attempting to offset the “catch-up" salary increases. This
: p , . . .» “I '1... 2g ’ \llhrlc the total increase appears to inflationary impact on the people money would raise L'K faculty
3 i . _ 1:42, 5 be substantial. it contains no funding cmploycd by the institutions."Snyder members‘ salaries to a level equal to
" 7/ ‘frrg/‘V/ T? for new programs. no funding for said. the average faculty salaries in similar
. ‘_ ¢%& .4‘%. . significant program expansion and no Other increases caused by inflation universities in surrounding states
. . . . ‘_ . .55: I,“ " 2; W a . fundingyfor enrollment growth." said include S724 million over the biennium The council also approved a request
. I. _. . f ’Tfigffifi/ saggifi/ Harry Snyder. executive director of to meet higher operating costs and $5 for S | 6.2 million in state '
. ' ‘ ’53,: s ' w’éaw The council‘s rccommcndationswill utilities. construction projects. Half of this
. ""1“ 4"!» . 4‘ 324W . if . .I, ma2””fii..,z?fi~_c be forwarded to the state l'inancc The total requested budget for the would be for the $8.2 million l’K
' 2 2 = «. . . 11”,”, [KW/oi” Department for rcvrcw and inclusion crght universities t CK. University of pharmacy building.
”.... . _, . a /2, .2111: $924M at ’a in the proposed state government Louisv illc. Eastern Kentucky The building or more properly.
. 2 ‘ iltljgu hi or“ \ltiullllic‘t to “lie l‘lf't.‘ l n \CI’WI). “talcllt Kentucky. the plans for it have had a rocky
, General Assembly. Murray State. Morehcad. Northern history. First proposed two years ago. '
_ 2 'l he state university budgets. Kentucky and Kentucky State) is Continued on page 3
, l a ' ' I
/ Extensron servrce’s research distribution
C°me "V * allows Ag College to serve the peOple
- Ii " 3 . _;:=-=-\ sy>je;.:z:=: :=- M , I a
WIth me By DONNIE WARD contribute to that standing. "We have director. said. “The staff in a county
. stun wmm- the latest technology and any problem extension office provides the link
q is quickly dealt with." he said. between the U K College of
”v.“ Last ofaseries He also contended that the Agriculture and (College 00 Home
\ i extension scrv ices help lower the cost Economics and the people. That office
/ .: The research conducted by l'K‘s of food and fiber production by rcpresentsa branch ofthc land grant
__ . College of Agriculture would have spreading agricultural advances. university (UK) to the county." ‘
One of the ways Paul Marshall. a ii ’9 9' Y 1' :. s . 4. ' . -- little-valueiftherewcren‘tsomewayto f‘.A\I‘tcr farmers adopt new ways."he Ut7 said the three primary
communications freshman. passes . . . .. \ .. , . . . . . distribute the rcsultstothc people who said. “the prices decline. So the~ responsrbillties of county agents are
. the time is flying model airplanes.He soc $Mmhms a; 3 w ._ need II.‘ . . ' g g g ultimate bencfrcrary is the consumer. developing and maintaining an
i. prepares his radio-controlled glider is; at» 3. s a . The (ooperatlvc l:xtenslon Service Ra gland explained . that the effective informal educational system.
for flight (above) and sends it on its swam. a . o .12....1...a:=’fw “t . .» is that distributor. extension service directs its research developing programs based .0“ 'the '
way (right) near the, Shady Lane wagefwxsfsflm ... W£§®§fi The college has depended Ion'the programs to meet what planning needs of .the people he serves. }and
Woods. Marshall says he has been Effigy". w swaggoagg w®i§a§ézgh service to distribute research findings agencres‘see as local needs. , ‘ encouraging partrcrpation in t csc
involved in the hobby for away «a. “made an» \- _, srnce I9I0. according to John DonV Springler. assrstant director of programs. , 4
approximately six years. , s J . o .....- f . ,. o$¢°%% Ragland. assocrateagriculturc dean. the . HK Agriculture Experiment ".8tate research specrallsts from
. ‘ a 5.3: , stg‘fli “The purpose of this service is to Station. explained the structureaof various departments assist in planning
' ,. .. .wxfia. N: 8‘ a. _. _. .- sw’E“ deliver knowledge to citiycm of Kentuckys Cooperative Extensron groupactivitrcs. Utl said.“They help
“ _ .. . . *0“ ' t M 5. y ._ sh Kentucky for problem-solving and Service: . . ‘ . identify needs as well as respond ta .
\ . asa§§ a - a“ .; * dccisiflmmakmg." he said.“l.iteraturc “The. state IS divided into I4 needsin their respective study fields. ,
f . 3". {HT ‘ iffi‘dr’gaa dams“ ‘:‘WN «'0 is sent throughout the state to county extension areas. each with an Springer stressed that the cxtensron .
' . as a" " t “t " no ’ agents and publication departments.“ extension director who serves as a service. which is financed through a
” "W” " *2‘ 2 ... 9 Radio and television stations. liaison between the extension service combination of federal. stateand local '
' v. . lai- . “kw “'° newspapers. magazines and wire here at UK and the counties." funds. is oriented toward individual 1
I "The “at i‘ ' sen ices are also provided with Springer said all no Kentucky needs.
, information. counties have at least four extension “It takes the facilities of the .
‘ . ‘ Each state had an extension service agents. who specialize in the types of University.“ he said. “and helps the
- . . ' by I914. Ragland said. making the programs ofthe collegesofagriculture people of the state to improve their 7
peOple 0f the United States “the most and home economics. and of 4-H and lives atid solve everyday problems and
Photos by DAVID MAv'NARD/Kemelsuft ‘ ' ' A. . informed people in the world.“ community development. challenges they may face."
" l». , » . a ' i ’ He said he believes the services still Alan llt7.agriculture extension area Continued on page 8 »
odayr—~-—~—-——————~—————————————————————— ~
go over it with you." he said in an interview with The confer with Thai Prime Minister Kringsiak (‘hamanand and Tehran were stalled inTurkeyyesterday.whenIranian leaders
- state Associated Press. . members. of his cabinet and with King Phumlphol Adulet and refused to let them into the country. .
“Over ll years. there are a lot of complicated returns." hc Queen Siriklt. Ramsey Clark. aformcr US. attorncygeneral.and William
A STATE POLICE TROOPER was shot and killed last \iild Miller. a staff member of the Seantc Intelligence Committee.
night after stopping a speeding vehicle west of Hodgcmille. Brown said that he has always paid federal income taxes. SEN. EDWARD M. KENNEDY DijfLAREDtcsmdaV were reported tobcw'aiting in Istanbul l0? furtherinstruction.
state POIICC said but some ycilrs he has paid no state taxes. primarily because of he will seck the presidency in I980. beccause President Carter 5‘3“ Department spokesman Hodding Carter said the two E
The identity of the trooper was being withcld last night the federal tail structure and losses stemming from his has failed to provide leadership to a country that is "willing. emmissaries. carrying a personal mcssaagc from Presrdent .'
pending identification of next of kin. but a spokesman ownership of the Kentucky Colonels in the American even anxious. to be on the march again." Carterto|ranianleadcrs.would remainlnTurkcylndcfinitcly "
- CEiEZLZifiOTC iriforiciowasi assignedftsoijhe KSP post at Basketball Association. The last of the Kennedy brothers and heir to a modern “psnding clarification" from 11h: “:18" gov'ernn‘ticztvtih their .:
The n. a ou ml es‘vvest o gcnyrlle. . politliccal dynasty made his announcement in hoston‘s‘ . It is our hope that they wl I be a e to proce‘e ik s n ..
trooper wasvaapparently Shot several times with nat|on historic Faneuil Hall. listing what he called stark failures of missron at the earllct possrble opportunity. spo e ma 2,
. more than on: gun. but details ofthe ineldenty were “strictly . . ‘ . ' ‘ ‘ Carter administration policies. Carter said. . . . . 2:" i
‘ . o
‘ The shooting occured at about it p in along l' S ll about observe—at first hand the conse iuencwg‘csiftherhorrihletrti edv campaign tour taking him from Maine to Oklahomauw'lth laced with somewhostages held bv students dernandingthat f:
three miles west of Hodgenvrllc. the IlaRuc County seat that is occurlng there “ i q i 8 ' stops in New Hampshire. lllmors. Tennessee. Honda. 80th ph U ' d 9 h h'h for trial. .
. . > ' .Carollna and (OMICCIICUI. I e "I“ ~ ”“95 turn 0"” ° 5 a - .
’ Mrs. (‘arter and a delegation of aides. including the l3 S, -:
. GOV.-EI.E(‘T JOHN Y. BROWN .IR. said \csiclday that surgeon gcncral. lcft Andrews Air Force Base. Md.. with a weather ;
. ' . his election night offer to show rcportcrs hl\ income ray rcqllcst fromthcprcsidcntto .isscsstht‘obstaclesto delivery of worId . ii '
' . returns was made in jest. but often-d to let tht- ncyns media food and medical supplies to Cambodia and its counrtymcn ‘ SAME OLD THING. Mostly coudy today and tonight. T
l examine them under certain conditions who haye fled to lhalland. TWO AMERICAN EMISSARIES SENT to negotiate with a chance of rain. High today inthe SOs. lowtonightlnthe 2,.
. “lfl released my tax returns. I would want an accountant to In addition to visiting the camps. Mrs ('artcrlscxpected to the release of Americans held hostage in the l‘ S. Embassy in 305. look for clouds and rain tomorrow. too. ‘;
. . - __ 3;, ,
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' ‘ T
. ' l
' l BEST corny AVAILABLE ‘

 M W - .1 3 i
s 3
Y bottle McDaniel Mm Gnu Paul Mun ,Thoinu Chet John (1., cg, 1...“... .’
KENTWK Editor in (‘luej Stove Money Richard McDonald Entertainment alt/or Sports Editor Director of Photography
Associate Editor: (1nd) McGee '
I I Car, With Kitty Stephen: (‘ynthla DoMucu Ill-n lllchml Dnvld Maynard t
8 Managing [Edi/w Lhn D ouuu ‘ ('opi' Editors A‘flfllanl . Anlxlanl Sports Editor Photo Manager T
r E dmma’ Edllur Lnteriainmeni hditor .3. 3
Jay Foam . ’
editorialsfiacomments “WW“ 1......“ I 3
Special Editions Editor r
W l
._.. _. . I
D. I . l f4,r.;..~—~.~‘~\\V y/ t t ‘_ g
tp omacy ts ey to an my . / . . t
‘ Wu. \\\ / 3 ~ 1
I ' h t 't ation it Rolltle tlltST ' m . l. '<
‘ ‘- ~‘
remains, as age SI u it Beaerrirt i. i l g.
-\n ROI(‘sttidenturessed in uniform. yyaswalking execution." demonstrators said in a broadcast i I WW TO ”13—“ 3 ‘. r:
to class the other day when .inothei student he had message. '3. ANMNCE... . :~;::';j 0' .l 3- .
net er seen before came up to him and static-d cussing l ike the Iranian stttdent at l'K. the demonstrators l 2/ T T A —' . 3{ ~ f it ti 3’
‘ him out in lehran believe that threateningis the key togetting \ /’ _«._ , ll 3 . l Ii v R ,
I lhis type of incident might ha\e been e\Pected Hi what the) want whether it be someone‘s attention ‘ f7 .z. ,_ .7? w ill 3’ ' l g1 , .
years ago. ~\ftcr all. -\merica was deeply inyolycd in or the Shah, y y .\ vi, 1 . 3 *i 3 ll 3f , ll '.
the Vietnam War and life on college campuses yyas And in this particular instance. we Americans haye \ it 4! Ll' A? {3) W ’1“) #760 . 3
something less than subdued But today'.‘ a key to get what we wanttoo. lhe keyit'l'orcmain low' \ / ‘ lit 5 .31. \(L . 3 $35} 3'
Oh yes. yycalmost forget totellyou yyhostatted this AM. \nd what do we want? The insured safety and / ‘ . \t i f . ,/ 3 i i
cursing binge. Sure. the person was a [K student. but return of the American citi/ens held hostage. I ‘5 ' \‘ \ ’. ”$3” " h “we; ‘ .
we forgot to mention that he was from Iran What yye don't yyant is to do anything that would i?” (i 3 ‘t l)” l .——-——’;—
i 1 his lranian student must haye belieyed cussingout give the demonstrators reason to kill the hostages ‘ is!" ,f ‘ i ‘ t.‘ / 4% i 77 4
i this particular Rt) l (‘ student was his contribution to which many would do if giyen the chance. We must . l 3t l t 6&3 fl , l ,i '«I
etlorts of his fellow students in lehran. li'an. remain patient and respond calmly to this madness f / t. ’ _ 5R ' i'ltt \ti 3'3. 3% i it ' i 3/
In lehran. rifle~brandishing Moslem students ha\e because human liy es are at stake. t / (a: l ‘%§.s‘ W). i. i;
held oyer ht) ~\merican hostages in the [CS l'mbassy It‘s easy to get caught up in the hoopla and suggest ’1 I if“ _' 3: 1/2; We?) "‘ y -, ‘_ If i 3 l !
since Sunday. \nd alter the l'nited States failed to the possible use of force to free the hostages. as ._ f [lfli ’3: I ’ ' \el : ,7'\\.UlL_ ‘ i .
extradite the ousted Shah \lohainmad Re/a l’ahlayi Republican presidential candidate (ieorge Bush 3%; ‘.~ H L“ "WK . J. ‘ 33 . ‘-
as they requested. thedemonstratorsthreatened to kill recently did. but such talk is irresponsible because it '. 3 Q @J/ :'i '2‘?“ ‘ MW :~.‘\ fl ' i
the hostages. would most definitely endanger the hostages. 9??) ‘ " ‘ ";W~'7;r£;h{=‘hjgu 5*“ m6“ \‘yi'éL's-LE-fit; \“
" \ny military or non-military attempt by the l .S. As hard as it is to accept. it looksasthoughthe only :- \3 3'5— _. h ._../l‘ m t» :‘v‘ " a a
or its agents in Iran to free the .-\merican spies held as way to solve the problem is through diplomacy. A few 51*». - \\ QT “4‘7; (3 {5' .r‘ " ‘ s3; \9 3V .
hostages in their embassy yyill cause their immediate studentsat l'K might learn a lesson fromsuchtactics. ”W W W,— ‘ _.\
I l I I
Col um nist has had enough of born-again Christians
yeeordmg to \fax lynch and his the world. It killing another mantsthe -\n examination of these people haye been (iod‘s \yill'.‘ am critici/ing here (those who act your lace or please others. It is
telloyy born-again (‘hristians. iibottt‘N greatest sin against (iod that exists. meals that they are bigots. they have All ot the self-proclaimed messiahs contradictory to \y hat they proclaim in certainly useful to ask (iod for help in ‘
percent otthestudcntsatl Kai'egoing then I propose ('hristians haye been often acquired materialpossessions at who state that physical pleasures. church) are the people who need improying yotirself. but does the
to hell see boo/e. drugs. Rock music practically the greatest sinners of all the expense of other people la including material possessions. aiethe t‘t‘hglt‘h tht‘ thtt‘i- lht’ttts'h t “-‘t‘itltl ”\lyltttl haycto hs'“hilL‘|htliC company
and disco. some or all ot which most I do not mean this to be a consequence of our dog—eat-dog work of the devil have a screw loose tcspcct Miss landcrs' yyisdorn. the of others. smile of whom willgo home
college students partake oi. are the denunciation of all or eyen most world. perhapst.andthey have bodies somewhere, Who created the human logic behind this statement is hard to and beat their wife. kids. dog or
keys which unlock the gates of hell. present—day (‘hristians Many ol my thatarefat.outofshapeandhayebeen body and its \arious sensations. (iod understand. l he "religioUs" neighbor the next day‘,’
according to Mr lynch and his friends are('hristians. Butlhavealow "defiled" by alcohol and tobacco or the tleyil'.’(assumingyou belieyein hypocrites may need religion more lhe next time someone criticires .s
triends tolerance for narrow—minded egotists twhat a way to treat a gilt from (ind!) the theological explanation ot human titan do other people. btit certainly not you for your religious beliefs for lack ,
lhese self-apointed messengers ot who attempt to force their beliefs on How many “religious" hypocrites do existence rather than the purely religion as it is usually practiced. thereof) find out how intellectually. ."_
(iod go on to say that all other others. it is those Christians whom I you know‘.’ scientific explanationt. l~urther. yyhy Actually. deyout may be the better morally. and physically developed he 3-
religions are wrong. (‘hristianity isthe rcscnt. “—‘fi would a god. necessttrtly tby word than religious in the sense that l or she is. l-inally. those of you who i
only way? .lee/ it that isn‘t Religion is a lasclnating definition) perfect and \ccllrc_ desire mean It. t('heck your dictionary lor claim you've found “it"talso claimed {it
ethnocentiism to the maximum phcnomcnon. lherc are many schools Steve bis erctttmny to continually my the distinction between the two.) l rue to be lhe Only Way i. haye you real/i 7“
degree. l don‘t know what the hell is. oi fcliglutb tt't‘ttb'ht lh C\I‘tk‘ht‘c- hUt ' homage and prove their love to Him" l‘t’hgltm really hit‘ ht‘ththtl t“ d“ “ith tt’tthd ”W PCttW “tth .‘ttttt-‘Ctt and :3. i
How many oi usaresickandtiredot almostall of them havethree concepts we/ngaI—ten He wouldn't. An omnipotcnt being attending sei \ ices. following others or hate you simply lound a '53.
haying "born-again Christians" tell its in common. lhese are: I) All men are would Attou' ifwe loycd him. no proof traditions. or eyen praying to (iod. crutch to lean on'.’ Is your desire to [if
yye are doomed to hell because we created equal. 3) The human body is ———‘——'—‘— would be necessary. lit-typh- “ho need lrue religion is being true to yourself “spread the Gospel" based on a true .1.
don‘t believe in (‘hristiiimty"\ot only the temple oi the souland should not Many people act as though they to prim their tmc 0t (iod “its not and lair to others. It inyolycs letting one tor your tellow men. or is it
are \ye achsed ot being sinners by be defiled. 3| All men are brothers and haven‘t the slighest idea what being proying it to Him they ‘re proying it other people be themselyes without because of the fact that Christianity is ‘2
l ynch and his cronies. we‘re should treat each other as such. religious really means. Religion is Used to themsclyes or other pumhg Wecan harboring preiudicc toward them self-limiting in that part ol the criteria $7..
bombarded with the same accusation Most people claim that they are as a crutch by the morally weak to neyer be absolutely certain yyhy we because oftheirdilferences. Itinyolyes for beinga(‘hristianisthenecessity to ‘
ttom some of mu telloyt student. religious. 'lhcy'say thatthcy belicycin rationalire wrongdoings and by the exist. but I say thatlltiod didn‘t-“hm striying to be the intellectually. lorce (‘hristianity‘s espoused precepts .3" ‘
lndeed. throughout history (‘hristians (iod. and many of them add that they psy'ChOtOtllCttll." “98k to proyide a us to enjoy physical experiences and tht‘titlh- tthd Plt)>tCitll.\ hCSt PCNth down 1h“ thmt‘t‘ "t “thug-l \ 3'
have had a notorious reputation tor attend religious scryices regularly. sense ofsecurity.As an example.|cite possessions. he wouldn‘t haye made )0“ C11“ hC- lt lh‘t‘hk‘h “0t being PM“ tht‘ t-t’td-
attempting to torce their beliefs on Supposedly. those yy ho attend thy‘ case of Jim Jones and his them so pleasurable ,iculous of others successes and Praise Allah. : i‘
others look through a history book religious seryices regularly are more followers. lhcsc people yyere so If my cynicism toward religion asit ithttttitt-Ts. Mid it certainly docs not Shalom, '3: f;
and see how many wars haye been devoutthanthosewhodon‘t.Bullshit? anxiousforasenseofdireetionintheir is “practiced" by ntany people ic involye attending religious services 71.7.:- '
waged because some ('hristians l knoyy many people who regularly or “its that they OhCEfd Jones” CWT} apparent toyou. giyeyourself a pat on ‘tthhh t0 P'CtN ”ht "Uht Bertha. 00 Steve “eingarten t“ a PSFChOIOE.‘ iii- 31
couldn‘t stand the tact that not semi~regttlarly attend church or command. including his order to the back for perceptiyeness. Ann to church or synagogue because you Education senior. His column appears 5'33.“ 3%
eyer_\one believes that ( hrist will saye \tnatlogue yyho are blatant h} pocrites. commit suicide. COUld that PtNlhtY Landers once yyrote that thc PcoPlc I With) “itht t0~ “0t merely to >h0“ 9‘97) Thursday. {g 3
n I I u .553:
Who among you Will see that Justice is done? s .2,
'1 l
l l l 35;, 1
Black Student Unton responds to edttortal
By J()\..\TH\\' “INLS party is. [herelore. I‘m inclined to groups were covertly excluded. even understand unless they are courts. The [YK administration reasonableness test. 2:3}:
hell“? the admtht-‘tattt‘h 30th th the thOUEhth€}' had a rtghttObt’thlUds‘d- knowledgeable of the economic fulfilled this role for BSU. ()n the BSl' is currently seeking input into {:3}:
last Friday‘s editorial entitled best interest oi thisiiistitution andthe There is no reason to get into the history behind racism and national level. blacks hayc problems decisions which effect the.livcs ofour ‘33;
”Method tor Homecoming Queen state of Kentucky. question of intent, Our position paper discrimination, with the courts. |t‘ you examine the members. This is covered in our 3.5;.
Selection l eaye Much to be Desired" \our article impliesthat BSL' made stated this topic is covered under The BSt,‘ did not receive “special highest “law of the land . Constitution, We are willing to meet .5;
is the last ol a series oi articles yyhich “requests" which could be construed Kentucky Revised Statutes (‘hapter treatment" on “requests" it never ((‘onstitutionV it means anything a and discuss issues with any campus 3
base misrepresented the taets. to be demands. considering the way 344. This should effectiyely' counter made. BSlldidapprovetwoproposals group of men (Supreme Court) group. We consider this to be an .5?
distorted the issues. and have your article was worded. Againahis is your paragraph on "inefficiently." presented by the [‘K administration. interpretsttas being.atanygiyentime. integral part of the educational fift-
heightened racial tensions on the inaccurate because you tell your Moving to the question ofyiudging. This was donein an open metting held In this case. the 5(‘3 Royalty process. WetrUstthe Iy'ertie/willcover it}:
's‘ttml’U‘ readers thk‘ mayor argument. h.‘ there “35 much 10 be desired. The attheStudentCenterfl hese proposals Committee says who can participate. such issues more carefully and utilile rfi; :
I will begin by scrutini/ing the Friday. is how BSl' ”requests" were process is liberally construed and new voted on after | explained to at any given time. first~hand knowledge when it is freely if i
article mentioned aboye lhen. I will handled. Since we made no should be strengthened to insure eyeryone present how this situation BS'll never saidthcre shouldn‘tbca given. 23 l
relate thesetothe issues facing diyerse requests demands your argument equality. Who should be tasked with arose. If the Kernel chooses to use system ofchecks and balances. We do 3 . y j; 2
groups on the campus. finally a makes no sense. this responsibility"? The responsible “special treatment" or the affirmative sav. regardless of how you choose to Jonathan "mall-“the prestdentot'the 3
method it) dCCUleCi} dddTCS\ lllla parties who excluded Adrienne action argument. “thh man}. “hllC diSlOl'l thlSSUC.th system willbelair BlaCk Student l nlon. ~33
‘ttui‘t‘t'h “'11 h“ “Uthht'd it" mdiority ' ' Richardson did not do so on the basis students claim they don‘t understand. and equitable. NW» ('10 we say there (Editor‘s Note: This opinion appears . ,
gtt‘ul" ms'mht’t‘ t‘l.‘ ”(it limiting ml Opinion 0i "POiSE. personality. goal as an emotional tooltoincrease racial shouldn‘t be any lor'm of without editing of any kind. The '5‘:
assocmtion to blacks. I‘m sure this directedness. general appearance and tensions.thc campus will suffer. lfvou discrimination in the process. this is Kernel has no desire to further »
“tmmcmt‘tl “”1 ”1"“ mt’rs‘ Wimp “—__ leadership." This fact was established choose to {get the black commuhttt allowed under the t'_s_ Constitution. misrepresent facts. distorttheissuesor 5'3; l-
] :ueytions than I can hope to answer lhe next paragraph states “any in BSl'R“definingtheproblem"stage. has been “given“ a Homecoming ()nly discrimination which is heighten "flit tension. However. the 52.; l
CFL registered student organization is therefore. one could ask. was BSll finalist. I guess black students should unreasonable is not lawful. 'l herelore. paper does hold to its editorial stand '33 i
the Black Student I nion tBSl l. entitledtoenteracandidatefora place more concerned with how she was how and say’thanks. lhis benevolence 0m. may “mm“. the profit“ did not on the Homecoming issue as it 13;;-
acted quickly to channel all dissent on the Homecomeing court." In excluded or why she was excluded? is awfully “white“ of you. Since the withstand BSll scrutinitation and the appeared in Friday‘s Kernel.) a}:
created by the Queen Selection process definingthe problem.we proyedthisis The kernel stating BSU “took total selection process will be ___.—_——————_——__ .é.‘
into a forum After doing so. we did only black writing on white paper. in advantage of an accidental oversight impmycd. maybe blacks should be ' f:
:hree things for the I K administra- discussing the Student (‘enter Board‘s to pursue their own interests“ thanked. But its you state. where will The Kentuekv Kernel welcomes all contributions from 3;
“in power. it was found a grou of amountin to askin for “s ecial all this n 1’ - . . . . . ' 5‘
First. we defined the problem students could exclude anyonepthey‘ treatment?" is an instiglt. Though we the riiaiiv blacks and whites. l haye the UK community for publication on the Cd'tonal and ’3?)
Second. we asked who had oyerall choose. Blacks seeking equality live have stated the following inthc past.l been fortunateenoughto learnfromat opinion pages._ . b d d “'3
responsibility for the problem. lhird. with the fact many groups on and off will rc-state it again. “RSI? will pursue UK, hopeit willend injustice. But who 'Letters. opinions and comrlncdntaryies mustt ‘C type (an i
we asked what will the responsible campus do this. even though it is issues in its-interests. asdefined bythe among you will secthat iusticeisdone‘.’ t::le-spact:;fil. :nd "umbilical: 5:11;:[233113831'1E "
party do to insurea tustand equitable contrary to what is on paper. Since nine purposes stated in our Maybethe many (‘histian groupsyour ah tress an (i, one "uh: liniversit , cm loyees should list %
remedy. Since the answers to these BSI' partetpatcd in last year's Constitution. whenever we. and not paper has spoken ofwillsomedav'takc their year‘an "131:” t nt ) P i
‘ questions have an effect on all the Homecoming. we felt it unfortunate you. deem necessary." a stand on some ofthese issucsSSince l e” p08} ton/an “,3me i ’ t ontributions and $3
. States citirens. they were not initially we were excluded. Many blacks find it hard to believe this is no longer in vogue. is it any The [terrie may con “en's: [or reycc c h "htt ‘3
. presented to the Student Center Yourarticle states I said “thosewho people from outside our shared wonder BSl' perceived the lift frequent writers may be limited. Editors rcslervet ”:18 0 .i .
,. Board. I think the tilt administration failed to receive this information community will represent our interest administration as the only viable ed" for correct spelling. grammar and carity. an may ; .
,} acted responsibly by adding a |7th included nine of the twelve black in so-called equal opportunity source of rclief'.’ - drEgeniirbglllqpsnsstatsc’t‘tgilES. be delivered to Room ”4 , i
." sandidate‘weathcr than acting from organization. I never said this to activities.Manyofthehighlyeducated I can truly say. since the Gov. J ll U l slt [K t k Lexln‘ton Ky.40506. ‘ l
3 weakness as your editorial implies, anyone from the Kernel or to anyone blacks believe minorityintercstsarcn't Carroll-Board of lrustees-l’almcr ouml "n. n ver yo cu m: y. ‘ UK ID i i
t, Since [K and Kentucky are stillunder else Your pom! about BS1? stating it even considerd unless there will be Incident. evcrv action has been For legal reasons) contributors mUSt insult! atil ‘
_ '3 investigation by Hi W . there should be was "singled out" for exclusion is some type of reward for the dominant suspect. In this democrat