xt7sqv3c2s77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c2s77/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1979 1979 1979-10-22 2020 true xt7sqv3c2s77 section xt7sqv3c2s77 I
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Vol. Lxxit, No. 47 2 Wm“! 0' “midi!
Monday. October 22. I!” 4aa Independent student newspaper Lexington, “mud!
- 44, . - . ' at .
; a am. g 4 5 ~ 4 d .
, .. ,v 4 WBKY up ates Its .
I, 44 4&4 a '... .. if“? = 4.2 ' s44 44
.4 444 4 . _ -' 4- . 44. ..
.4 p . 4,. .. . 4,... a a. , 4 .4.“ v ,5 programs equment
: 8 % V ‘ fl ‘:;333‘-5=3’l»"ii:2;3=;.;.->ii.-" & i it I ' C a "'” ‘1 9. V-
4 44 fl ‘4 \ o 44,471" . ‘4 44 . By BOB COCHRANE increase, pending review.
. r 44 a 444 if” f 4 .4 . 4..” "” . 4 Staff Writer Constantly changing the station's
4 4'. ' ' ‘ 4 4“ 4 44% g h '- 4 . ' 4 ' 4 programscreated part of the problem.
‘ V . ‘ ' . fl i Q r 4,, Sporting a new satellite hook-up Wheeler said. “People don't listen to
e 2 § a - i”.- c, ‘4 - .4 ”v '4 with National Public Radio (NPR) radio program by program anymore.
i 3 ‘ .,- ~ 4.3” we; é_ ~ " 4 - a. i «45‘ ‘ and its first budget increase in seven They want a format,“ he said. “We're
' 4 4 - "' g . 44 a 44..“ " ' - .4. f 4 - ' 4 years, UK‘s radio station __- WBKY- trying to be more consistent"
‘ g 4 ' fi .. 3 '44 ' -' ‘ 5 " ' FM ~ is attempting to come back to Under the new schedule,a medium-
. ' . - . . 4 ’ .4 a. life and shake off its recent dormancy. tempo jazz format — interspersed with
_ . 4 4 4 .4 . ; . .. ' ... - - -.. . . . , . k - ' 4,. -- . - According to the latest Arbitron short features -~ will occupy the l0 ,
' ' 'i h ratings (Arbitron isanational service a.m. to 3 pm. slot. At night, the
4 4‘ ' fr ~~ . i M” . which conducts surveys to determine station‘s format will be classical music.
44 44 4 ,. 4. audiences for radio and television), “Classical music lovers probably make
4 V 44 . ’1 WBKY draws 10,000 listeners each up the bulk ofouraudience,”Wheeler
' ., ~ 44 week; a figure below those of other said.
'- 4 4 .- ’ ‘ / . . - . public radiostationsincitiesthesizeof A new two-hour show, Morning
‘4 . 4 .4 4444 i . - _' m - ' Lexington. Edition, debuts Nov. 5. All Things
4’ M 44.44;», “a... ’ ' - " 4 “A non-commercial station can‘t Consideredthe evening news show on
4- 4:444?”wa '4.“ 1" . ,, ' paya lot of attention to ratings. but we WBKY, will be sandwiched around
4‘4 44 . ' " 4 4- " _ can‘t ignore them either.” said Don the 8 to 9 pm. slot which is occupied
”7 " ’ 4,4,4 " ' “ ~44 . Wheeler, station director. “Until a by Jazz Patio.
vet‘«:”‘° - ' ' " ' " r year or two ago the tendency _, my The satellite receiving dish. under
‘ By DAVID COH'E/K'md Sh" own included was to ignore them.” construction behind Scovill Hall
- seven for seven There is no way to determine (located between Washington and
whether the low number of listeners is East Virginia Aves), is scheduled to
As Felix Wilson, No. 8, gives the signal for a score, No. 7 Terry Henry, game. Despite a strong showing in the first half, UK lost to the Bengal the result of a decline in WBKY‘s begin 4 operating by January.
who started at quarterback for the first time against LSU, completes an Tigers, who came back to score three touchdowns in the second half. The overall audience because Arbitron According to Manis 4 Samons, chief
18-yard scoring run during the second quarter of Saturday night‘s SEC final score was 23-19. UK is now 2-3 on the season. ratings have been calculated for only engineer. the dish wrll receive four
, . two years. according to Sue Smith, channels at the frequency of l5
s , Electlon two weeks awaY' publicity manager. kilohertz.
— What has decreased, Wheeler said, “it will mean a tremendous
,_ ' ' is the number of services WBKY improvement in sound quality," 4
rown unn S Strateg'es S ow ltt e C ange provides and its broadcasts' sound Samons said. "Right now we receive
I quality. "We used to have five or six one mono signal on aphone line. With
4 4 programs at a time syndicated to some the dish we will receive two stereo, or
By SY RAMSEY l O at Republican Louie Nunn when the become secondary in Nunn‘s 40 stations across the state,“ Wheeler one stereo and two mono signals
Associated Press Writer ectlo occasion arises. campaign. said. simultaneously.“
Meanwhile, Nunn stresses issues Apparently, the former governor Now there is only one program ~- Simultaneous reception will allow
’ FRANKFORT _ Kentucky‘s ‘ such as education and coal while plans to mix the allegation about Kentucky Blue, a half-hour of WBKY to choose from two or more 4
. gubernatorial campaign enters its final 9 inserting remarks about his rival‘s Brown‘s lifestyle with detailed bluegrass music v and it is broadcast NPR broadcasts. “It will be nice to 4
_ two weeks and the strategies of tlic “Emile discussions Of the GOP Platform. to about 20 stations. The cost of have a choice.“ Wheeler said, “but it
contenders show little or no change. Some observers speculated that in the view of the former governor. packaging and mailing the syndicated can pose problems.
Democrat John y4 Brown Jr, and improve their quality of life. after thedebate onstatewidetelevision the voters don’t know much about programs is prohibitive, Wheeler said, “For example. whenever a .
continues to stress the upbeat theme: Al the same time, and often against Wednesday night (sponsored by and Brown. who "6"“ has held public explaining that WBKY has the congressional hearing being broadcast
that Kentuckianscanworktogetherto the advice of consultants, he is broadcast on Kentucky Educational office. therefore it is proper toinquire smallest staff of any public radio ran past five o‘clock, NPR would cut
make their state great economically skipping no opportunity to lash back Television) the lifestyle issue might about his private record as a guide to station in Kentucky. to All Things Considered. Now I'll '
how his public record might develop. “Our records and tapes are getting have to make that decision," Wheeler
. But Brown dismisses all the charges old." said Bob Cook. chiefannouncer, said. ‘
ECkankar r0 Vldes access to as smears, distortions half truths or explaining the worsening sound All Things Considered, NPR‘s
p lies. quality. “Last year we bought l20 widely-acclaimed evening news show.
So. the Kentucky electorate can records. They were the first we had is probably the station‘s most popular ‘
. . CXPCCt accusations to fly until NOV. 6. bought in five years.“ program. Would Wheeler consider
I I when ll decides the matter. The production problems can be bumping it?
Inner world says horse anlst Who‘s ahead? traced to the tight budget policies of “Well, during the committee . ‘
I The Brown camp has been the past few years, Wheeler said. debates on the Kennedy-King 4 ‘
Optimistic since the multimillionaire “Frankly. we were mistreated. We assassinations, things werejustgetting _
By PAUL MANN experienced soul travel when he was tion, said there is a tremendous fried chicken king swept the received no budget increase in spite of hot when NPR had to cutaway. lfthe
Copy Editor almost six years old. He didn‘t Eckankar interest in this area. “There Democratic primary last spring after inflation. and we were made to feel means had been availablelmight have
remember the experience until he was are classes which are no larger than announcing his candidacy only two lucky to get what we did,“ he said. stayed with the hearings. [don‘t know,
Larry Shearer is a commissioned 27 years old and had another one. twelve students," she said. “but there "10"th bCiOIC election day. Wheeler is optimistic now. however. though. It would takealotto makeme 4
race horseartist.Hetravels aroundthe After this, Shearer started to read have been over sixty people from Brown's post-primary poll showed “We're starting to get things going. pre-empt All Things Considered."
country with his wife, Rhonda,and his books on the subject of Eckankar. different age groups at our him way ahead. but the gap inevitably Former Dean Rush, Dean Drennon, One change inthe new schedule sure
children, Jade and London, while “I was not brought up a strict gatherings.“ had to ClOSC and by all accounts. it has and Vice-President Cochran are very to cause controversy is the
painting horses which are worth Christian,“ he said. “i waslooking for Twyman said an out of the body ,_ but perphaps only comparatively. helpful,"(Ramona Rush was dean of cancellation of the morning version of
millions of dollars. answers." experience is the obtaining of a The word leaked by Brown the College of Communications, Adventures in Good Music. Karl
However, Shearer had an Once Shearer became involved in different level of awareness. “You‘ve headquarters is thatthe Democrat is as George Drennon is now acting‘dcam Haas4 the show‘s host and a concert .
experience seven years ago which Eckankar, he said he realized the got to become aware of your spiritual much as 30 percentage points ahead of Lewis Cochran is vice president for pianist in his own right. has built a -
changed his life. It is an experience advantages of spiritual awareness. life,“ she said. “You must realize your Nunn, which by any measurement academic affairs) large following with his casual
many people say they have, but few “Death is not a fear for Eckists.“ potential. It‘s amazing what can be “bid be a landslide Victory ifit held This year‘s budget was increased to approach to what has often been seen _
understand — an out of the body Shearer said. “Being spiritually aware accomplished.“ Continued on page 3 $3,000, with the possibility of afurther Continued on page 3
, experience. makes the Eckist realize that the spirit ’
' While Shearer is in a city practicing is eternal." Oda
his artistic talent, he takes every Another reason why Eckists do not Parkland Hospital and mom” was men 40 nearby with a barrage of 20 shells yesterday, killing four
4 opportunity to lecture on4the subject fear death is due to their belief in Baylor Hospital. The mm of the injuries was persons and wounding seven ohm, The attack,
4 of out of the body experiences, also reincarnation. Shearer said that the unknown. blamed on “chums: "004,54 heightened tensions
known as Eckankar. (He Will speak Spirit passes through stages. With the State One of the fallen cars from the “Swiss Skyride“ between Thailand and Vietnam. - ‘
-, tonight at the Lexington Public humanoid stage the final one. The A ”43 BILLION PLANT DESIGNED 1-0 crashed about too feet onto a game booth which it was the second such mortar attack against Thai
' . 1 Library at. 7 P-m-l Spirit iS constantly gaining knowledge CONVERT high sulfur coal into clean-burning fuel is officials said broke its fall. and the other fell an territory in a week. 4 4
Eckankar. said Shearer, is the while progressing through these illuminating western Kentucky's crippled coalfields unknown distance near the entrance to the midway. The open market in this town l.200 miles east of _ -
._ ability for a person‘s soul to travel stages, he said. with a ray of hope. ”“8“le ““1 by Cambodians Wh‘icmmhc “rd" I
through the “inner world,“ gain Sheareraddedthatcontrolling one‘s Site preparation in Newman, Ky., has already THE AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION '0 buy blICk market “em! from Th" "3“” 0'” Pf
" ‘ information, bring this knowledge destiny can also be achieved with begun for the first-in-the-nation demonstration plant FAILED in two attempts yesterday to make a last- the dead wasaCambodtan.and the others were Thais.
7 back to the physical world and put it to Eckankar. “Everything that happens and ground-breaking is expected within a year.,The minute appeal to the US. Supreme4Court to stop the
4 use in everyday life. He emphasized in the physical world occcurs in the 91"“ fwd 11°?"szlzly ehiploy 2‘800 Pmplc With a Zxsgziiosizijsyngiasyaiticonfessed hunks” BIShop‘ MOSHE DAYAN RESIGNED YESTERSAY as .
. that ' ' ' w - .. annua payro 0 "1' ion. 4 44 _ ‘ , . . . Israel‘s forei minister, an red by Prime inister -
~ a the fififiiiii'pi‘iilffili‘l.‘ilé': L'L'l‘ielii’fidai'e'iie 35,313., 3333?: on... for n, project has her 4.... last 4...... Wm on...“ .. “shim" rejected No.4,... 45.1.44, mini; 4.0.4.. “.4 ,4. n,
t . . . . . week the Senate approved S4l million to help foot the the ACLU S PlCit for 3 stay 0f "WWW “’0‘“ 5 pm. Palestinian issue “yhe ke ueatton 4,, our [my
. should it be confused with astral to this. One must fill his thoughts With - ' ’ kes n Barr tt McGurn. . ‘ . .y q . .
~., - - . . bill. EDT, ““d court SP0 ma ° The surprise resignation of the military hero-
‘ PTOJCCtton. feelings. In the end, let it go and go on McGurn said the ACLU then asked that the mm d- political mum, thmmned 4° dealasharp .. .
. “It is hard for most people to With Me.” FORMER REPUBLICAN GOV. LOUIE NUNN petition be taken to Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, blow ,0 Begin's shaky government coalition. But its
pnderstand Eckankar. Shearer said, 4 Two years ago Shearer wanted tobe “id yesterday 4h“ his campaign polls show he is but Burger4rejected the appeal at about 6:25 pm, political impact could not be Wd immediately. 4
:4 because they are so hung up on the in Kentucky painting race horses and doing hem, ,hhh he was in his I967 gubernatorial McGurn said. The opposition Labor Party immediately ",va
. 4 physical world they don‘t even his dream has come true. Now, he has campaign. its call for new elections. but Begin is expected to '
\44 ‘ ; recognize the spiritual world." new hopes forthe future.“lwould like Nunntold about 200supponersatarally herethat A FEDERAL JURY FOUND PORNO- reject the idea.
4 ; Shearer said it is difficult to describe to go to Europe and paint,” he said, he Won” b“ full-time 80mm! Ind would Work 10 GRAPH?“ Mike TheViS Builty yeltfldly 0‘ The 64-year-old Dayan, who underwent cancer 4.
‘ _ what an out of the body experience is “and I‘m sure that in a few years I'll be belP “O"bcrn KentUCltY- "°"°‘F"'“8- "C“‘cmnfi _°°“5P"‘°Y "“1 "“"d" misery eIrlici’ this ye". notified Beiin 0f bi! {"11th _
. ; . like because every individual has a over there." He said he would complete the development of Big conspiracy aftera lengthytrialon Cbltzfllbflbe it”? resign in a secret letter Oct. 2. He confirmed it with 4
. 4 different experience. This is because of The head of the Eckists, Darwin Bethe State Park44dappoir4i4t1 northern Kentuckians to 34:14:10: 2n: ar4st4t4r4144ttor try to gain control of Americas mother my: t4?e :egrn at Sunday's min Cabinet .
,4 4. - . - . . t . CI met all I W0" IVC VOICI’S I VOICC in r P m y. meet!“ . I l CCIIIOII WIS IIIIIOU .
' ' -. 2 2:;:2‘:t:::.::1::.°:.;:::.:.°"::: 3.1123,?i?§.2"~‘°’?i:'~si‘°i”'i“"’ ......r:. — - .4 - '
, 4“ h 1 ,, . y . 8“ ° °_"y m controversial attempt to annex surrounding Jeanette Evans and her cousin. Bart4 Hood of woathflf 4
_ axe onehdyou know it, he said. the physical world butualso in the commuhhm Summernlle, s.C.,guilty of murderconspirscyalona ‘
4 4 4 4 4 Eek:3464t:04;444i4it4g0 Liesmgelr. thebekey to spiritual or4ii4tner world. While one is nation with rhevis in the shootlng death of Thevts former PARrLY CLOUDY. WINDY AND WARM
4 4 4 4 4 pa ance tw4een- in the spiritual world. Eckmaster iissttcuttti- R08" 0"" Underbtll- today with achanceofthunderstormsthia afternoon
. "W 'Ptmull ml the physml Grosssmdesusthroush.” he said. rwo cxau; CARS PLUNGED FROM A and tonight. Today‘s high willbein the low80send '
4 world.“After you have a experience Although tonight will be the first MIDWAY ride yesterdayatthecrowded State Fairof ”d 4 temperatures tonight will drop to the upper 50:. .4 . ‘
‘ . * such as this you feel like a spiritual time Shearer has spoken in Lexington, Texas. and fire department officials said at least I] wo Cooler temperatures and occasional showers are in .- 4
giant," Shearer said. “But you still the organization Eckankar is present people were injured Scam of other "new" we view for Lexinaton tomorrow. I ’ ' .
, * ' have to come down to clean the house here. stranded in stuck cars. MORTAR CREWS FIRING4 FROM INSIDE - 4
. and put gas in the car.” Diane Twyman,area Rpmntative Fire officials said l2 persons were taken to CAMIODIA pounded a Thai Village marketplace Couture. Arfipatebaa .
Shearer, 34, said he first of Lexington‘s Eckankar organiza- _ l I
' i
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4 4 .. 4 . 4 4 . 4 4 \\4 4 . I \ ,
‘ ‘ v ' a . I i I ‘

\ ,.
. _ 4
KY mucous M-tGreeI . MM!- Tlll-CIIII Joli-Ch! Garth-en ‘-
_ KENm “,0, in Chief Steve m Item Mend-u Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Director of Photography ;
Associate Editors CH, ":60. “iii
I ' cg, w. Khy Ste” Cyflbh DOM-re- Ith- list“ David May-M 'r: i
1 e n ”will! 54,70, Lb l] I Copy Editor: Autumn Assistant Sports Editor Photo Manager .3}, l
. . . . Entertainment Editor “'15
Editorial Editor J t
. Jay Faucet if ‘
. dit o I &CQ ts Coma Editor 1-... Young :1:
e ”la 5 mm Special Edition: Editor it?!
a"? t
BI'OWD IS 951: man or governor 8 seat
. .‘Jl
Selecting a candidate to endorse in this year‘s promises the world and Brown says he can‘t promise known businessmen inthe world. having traversed the And L°t"e 3- Nunn‘s credibility was neverthathigh I.
-_ gubernatorial campaign is not an easy decision. anything until he examines the state budget. Brown globe With Kentucky Fried Chicken. inc. and other “We?" What d'd he do as 89V°m°i back i" the late '_
On one hand. we see John Y. Brown J r.: young, has become increasingly aware of what is and what busmess ventures._ _ u 3 . _ I9605. Who ordered the_Natit;nal Guard to come to
handsome. a successful businessman with a beautiful. isn‘t important in the campaign. He hasn't promised He could certainly persuade his friends in high UK to F“ e student “Pmings- _ 2; .
talented. famous wife. “Nice“qualitiesv but attimes to “cure“ Kentucky of all its ills — espeClally our places to bring their manufacturing plants or P reCious little warrants his re-election._ :3;
it seems the Browns are nothing more than a financially and scholastically troubled educational franchises to the Bluegrass. 3 In addition. his proposals to relax enVlronmental ' :
glamorous image. system — in a four-year span. 3 Even Nunn 5 staff Will attest to Brown‘s extenSive controls on the coal industry and to abolish the 5'- '2
On the other hand. we see Louie Nunn: slinging But he does hope to bring more industry. and travels and contacts. They claim he 15. never'in present CounCll on Higher Education are .1 ‘
mud and making expensive promises in every city he consequently, more Jobs to the state. And we believe Kentucky and that he has conducted busmess With questionable. , The. result would damage the
campaigns in. Pledges to fund building and road he hasthe power to do that. Brown is one of the best- convicted felons; these are important paints in Nunns enwronment In mining areas and create more 5.3 3
. . - - . ~ we olltlcal mud le. competition for education monies. . ,
construction protects are typicalpolitical rhetoric. but . . . P P ‘ ' lf J h Y B '1] be h ‘ , f -. é
promises to put in stop lights border on the absurd. g a ' " -« it was last Wednesdays debate With. Nunn, o n ' rown m .remem r es running or t
Although it isn‘t a new phrase by any means. some . -. 1-“. broadcast on Kentucky Educational TeleViSion, that governor, not preSident, it he Will adhere to his .
. have said voters willbe“picking the lesser of two evils" i s5 «is , _ -' really made the chorce clear. . ; statements that be “h“ 35kt“ adVice from people
when they go to the polls in two weeks. . 3 _ r . . In one. of _ the most humorous political experienced in government if elected. Kentucky Will
We at the Kernel have not supported Brown until V “ % _ ‘13:, jg? confrontations in years. Republican Nunn seemed have a brighter future. .
now. One deterrent for our support was his show-biz , . .; lilte a Silly brat: he had nothing POSitiVe to say about W°.d°"t need a fault-finding crybaby who has the .
appearance on campus with Muhammad All a few ”i w __ ‘ his own campaign; he merely accused Brown of experience, but not the 300d record, to take 9m“- .
weeks ago __ it was alarmingly superficial]. as the a; "I“? 3:. . .' “M;- ., m' . everything thatmight pass for improper. ' we need a bright. aggresswe worker m the l
Democrat avoided the issues and just smiled a lot. " ' :r . '7. ’2 All the While, Brown remained C_OOl and in governors seat. We urge you to vote for JOhh Y- i
Phyllis’ comments of “Okay. now. raise your hand . ' ‘ , command; apparently he had prepared himself for the Brown.
if y 0“,” a registered voter” and “Isn‘t it fun to be .. 3 _ . 3 Nunns mudslinging and for the campaign issues he
w cutting classes?" were astonishingly condescending. ._ . gs, i i t . " discussed when he wasnt on the defensive. it
When Brown and Ali walked from their helicopter, f j: Not. to say Brown is completely innocent of Opponents of candidates endorsed in the Kernel will be given -
cries of“ Ali. Ali“ made it obvious more students came . fl . - ,. throwmg a little .mud of his own, but Nunn is so space for Mering viewpoints. I/Mr. Nunn withesrompond, he
to see the retired boxer than ,0 see Brown. " s: weious .and deriswe that the former governor loses shouidsubtnmotheeditotastatetnentofm wordsorlessbefore ’.
._-. - But when comparing the two candidates, Nunn JOHN v. BROWN JR. LOUIE B. NUNN credibility. noon Thursday.
‘ L tt t0 the Ed 'tor
Boycott urged health professionals and their wives Book exchange “that was my problem.” Consequent- guilty conscience — or would he? headquarters are located in the same
_ expensive gifts. and sponsoring . ly, I had to walk across campus alone building as a health spa which was ‘
Nestle promotes sales 0t its infant medical conventions and paying Many people have spoken up in the dark. I could not believe this Martha Honlek briefly closed for prostitution And _
formula to poor mothers in under- physicians” expenses to attend other alreadyconcerningthe need fora book officer was so insensitive; the least he Social Professions graduate student while the health spa may be totally '
developed countries. causing millions conventions. exchange. Let me add one more voice could have done was drive me to the I . , legimitmate, what about the ~ oh my }
of babies to suffer from “bottle baby We are outraged that the problem of to the chorus. I‘m sure that the local Transportation Building where 1 Don Of 3'" gosh! — private disco located almost if
disease" from which many die. The “bottle baby disease“ was exposed as bookstore is run by very nice people, would pay my line. His disregard for directly beneath Nunn‘s headquarters 53’
members of the Board of Directors of early as l939 and yet it is more but I would still rather see money go me and his offhandedness infuriated All this talk about John Y. Brown Jr. where who-knows-what goes on, t
the Women's Neighborly Organiza- widespread today than it ever was into our pocket than theirs when a me as much as having my car towed having gone to Studio 54 is really maybe even dancing! Louie Nunn‘s
tion, sponsor of three Lexington before. ; ; used book changes hands. A book away. beginning'to get to me. bee Nunn. rent money is helping to support the "_
preschools and one day care center i We denounce N-stle‘s reaction to exchange has worked in the past. When i did get to the Louie‘s brother. referred to Studio 54 landlord who accepts money from
among its many community the boycott and .:quests from the Those of us who were around in Transportation Building. the officers asa“den of sin“and said thisreflected these other places. Scandalousll ,
programs. are 01" raged at Nfltlets World Health Organization “974). January of 1978 remember how nice it behind the desk found humor in my poorly on John Y.‘s lifestyle, making l'll rant you that this is a totally '
blatant exploitation Of this market. the Pan American Health was to walk into the book exchange misfortune (also with the two other him unfit for the governor‘s office. ridiculgous argument but then so are
Consequently. at out Organization (1970), and 250 health and see your textbook, for which you women who were there for the same Really now. The only thing wrong Nunn‘s How many ‘of us have never .
Consequently at our September professionals at the llih International thought you were going to have to reason.) with Studio 54 is that they play disco. been u; a lace where people were .'
meeting, we went on record in support Congress on Nutrition “978). Their shell out $15. selling for $2.75. Perhaps besides more clearly Also, Brown belongs to a club in doin sometphin illegal" '
~ Of an international boycott Of all reaction to these requests and Come to the book exchange marked signs, the officers should take Florida which also happens to havea g 8 ' E i
Nestle products and of all products complaints has been to hire public meeting. Monday, Oct. 22 at6p.m. in a course at the university dealing with member who was in some sort of And remember, if Nunn is elected 3‘ i
SOld by Nestle sudsidiaries. rela t l 0 ns iii ms, train P R Student Center Room “9, and make community awareness. [can‘t help but trouble with the law. Anyway. the there Will be 49 states With governors ; . 3
Specifically, we denounce the representatives. prepare defensive it happen again! laugh when I recall my education asa point is that this also was supposed to and Kentucky Will have Nunn. - 1
following tactics employed by Nestle: letters and pamphlets. and mail child. teaching me how policemen point to a flaw .n Brown’s character. (Interpret this as you wish.) I, l
the promotion of its infant formula as elaborate “rebuttals” to religious chkie French were my friends. lf 1 had been raped With all this going on. how would ‘ i
__ / better for infants than breast feeding; leaders and other influential people. Medical student, second year that night walking across campus that Lee react if he found out about his Michael Alt T
the distribution oflts infant formulato We therefore support the Nestle . policeman would have had a mighty brother? Louie Nunn‘s local A & Sjunior ;
mothers who cannot afford it — Bo con and the membe f b d | at. ff. :
women who must spend 20 to 80 ) rso our oar "senSI Iveo lcer :
percent of their family‘s total earnings refuse to purchase any Nestle product ' - 3/ '
, to purchasethe formula and who often or products Oi Nestle SUbSIdlaiies- We Parking on the UK campus leaves Nlne-pOIntprogram ft
resort to thinnin ' “78¢ 0th" concerned people, in this much to be desired, not only because .1' _
8th°t°’m"h-t“m‘“e International Year of the Child to ~ ' - I I i
it into useless “white water“ thus . ’ of the parking itself, but the way in I ’1 ‘
~ , - - support this boycott. Nestle products which violators are handled by the on na 8 I east 0 IC 2‘;
causmg severe malnutrition, brain include chocolate 8 d k' . , . p
damage and death; the distribution of ‘ S n C90 1: mixes, campus polioe. My car was towed t, I
f . T0“ House Chocolate Chips, Nescafe. awa one evening sometime after 6:30 ?
crmula to mothers who dont have Taster‘s Cho'c D C f C . , y . . .- ,
sanitary facilities to properly prepare . l e, c a ’ am 5 pm. i had parked in a place that was ‘ ‘ ;
. . Coffees. Sunrise Coffee, Pero Coffee su osedl for “handica ed" ca 8 or roops In area i .
the formula or refrigerate it and the . . PP y pp _ it 2
distribution to illiterate mothers who Substitute. Nestea, QUIK‘ Maggi. students but was unclearly marked. 1 3‘ i
can‘t read the instructions on the label Souptime, several brands Oi Wine and would like to mention here that I work ‘3‘, 2
- cheeses, Libby‘s, Crosse & Blackwell, with handica ed ersons b John Connally‘s call for sending and cuttin off this nation's access to typically Connally because it is tough. §
and consequently prepare the feeding S ff . La ‘ _ PP P 3 . y . . _ 8 . . . . .
bottles incorrectly causing diarrhea. tou er s, ncome and LOreal professmn. and am very sensmve to American troops to the Middle East Middle Eastern 0il. But it seems to me that it is also 5
malnutrition and often death. cosmetics. lonax Skin Care products, their needs. However, the fact that the Will be denounced by those who have Connally proceeds to a nine-point typically Connally because It. goes h:- 5
We also denounce Nestle's sending and Contique Lens Cleaner. policeman admitted to several other tried to draw the general principle of program. mo of which are intended to right tothe heart of the matter, risking 3 7,
“milk nurses," saleswoman dressed in For further information and for a cars being towed away for the same “never again“ from the war in suggest a binding solution: the bruising 0t many politicalegos hilt : i
nurse-like uniforms 30 greet new full list of Nestle subsidiaries please reason. proves that the problem is in Vietnam. — First, Israeli withdrawal from cnuncrating clearly the twm problem gt.
mothers with free samples and advice. call 258-5938 between noon and 1 pm. poorly designated parking places. It. will also be denounced by that the occupied territories, dismantling of the United States, namelythe deSire ‘3‘ t
and we denounce Neatle‘s sending Ask for Richard or Ken. As if this was not bad enough. when section of the American Jewish of settlements and demilitarization of to maintain the security Of Israel and I, '
“frgc samples“ to mothers. doctors, [asked the policeman how I was to get community which supports the Begin the area. the need to maintain free access to the z '
hospitals and clinics in underdevelop- Bocrd of Directors to my car, which was towed quite a govcmment‘s policy: No withdrawal —————-——— world 5 oil supply. . .-
ed countries, sending many of these Women‘s Neighborly Organization distance. he matter-of-factly told me from the territory occupied during the These twin objectives are now.at .1
‘ l967 war. brads" loggerheads. Our politic1ans havetried ;
- . , ' Nevertheless. it is a suggestion to pretend there is no conflict. .
'\ \f 5 3/ ' / 1/ V . which might break the current report Connally has proposed a means of ‘h
../i ,-, / /’/, ' 7,; GOT ANY impasse. It will certainly stimulate achieving both oblcctivcs in our own .3“
'3 i. ”it ' _//’/';" ‘ 4" debate in this country and help us to —-—_-—— direct interest. 3;
3.! [/3 /. :‘7/%\\\(// LAST decide and to enunciate our own — Second, a decision by the 'We had ."0. direct interest. in g
l U i . fig ‘ /. Q priorities in this corner of the world Palestinian inhabitants as to whether Vietnam. Whieh is why the American 33
‘ _ .(;“{l\‘~" , ” 3 '2 ’1‘ WORDS . where American interests are so they prefer to govern themselves people could never figure out why our
1, _, .u 3% .H i _ \ clearly at stake and where we most fear independently or to become an Brmrcs were there and why successive a i
l. , ' l ; it“s,l i" a. 3 the outbreak of war. autonomous area within the state of presidents were unable to find words ‘
‘31.}. ; it, ill 1 .lghan Connally starts from the Jordan, a solution which has been in which to answer their question. '
. 3 h \\\\l iiitl'hll ,l , Whig It?” ‘ M proposition that the current talks have privately suggested as a possiblity by There were no such words. j, 3
‘ l. ‘ ‘hi ‘ Mil 7,957.8“.4'; ‘tfi‘c ‘ //// ‘ lost “force and effect" and are unable Henry Kissinger and which Connally . But in the Middle East we are
. 5‘ ‘ ' ‘,\ ml 3 éfi’ficfifiz' .tzflfioto‘sk “to provide the basis for successful thinks has much merit. involved. At the outbreak of .
l . 3 if 3 Wag} 5993““ W negotiations on the remaining issues." — Third. a clear understanding hostilities. our armed forces 80
- . r ‘ " gt . "Qty/‘2. “ :29 . . He is certainly right about this. The from Saudi Arabia that. withthis “just instantly on alert. 50 why not get over .
i 1 l, ,3 - 2’ ,, r»,'///I;,%i%\.xe fa ’) remaining issues have to do with and comprehensive peace settlement," the Vietnam “syndrome.” i007 ii the 3
~ ‘ \ ,\\,l d] ' l‘ ’1) ,7"“’."te \ d?\. /// Israel's pledge. enunciated in UN it will forsake theuseof the oil weapon presence of UStroopscould assurethe .
' i I ' ‘ \\\ ‘ ' , 7/ / x If {h “t , Resolution 242, to withdrawtoitspre- against the United States. permanence 0t isncl. "titty the
1; \ l ‘/ ’// NM 4/, ': warborders.Theyalsohavetodowith — Fourth, a treaty alliance to legitimate aspiratio