xt7sqv3c2q74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c2q74/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1938 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1938 Vol.10 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, November 1938 Vol.10 No.5 1938 1938 2019 true xt7sqv3c2q74 section xt7sqv3c2q74 r, 1938'17137773‘314; {3 133333373 ‘.
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l 1 i ' Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS November, 19383171: .N
i ' ' g: . 1:11"
' 313 M l o I tion. We may disagree upon the relativ3~'\"_ _.vert
1: .111 ewspapers usl: Cu tlvate Loca merits of the media but let’s aeceptthe gape,
1 1 111 facts as we know them with reference 10‘ 1’ llSht
,, . 1 , . . . 1
.1 1 1111 Ad t. O T k c: the inroads radio has made. 1 new
. 1 11 1 J
:1 1' , 111 ver lsers r a e onsequences Perhaps weekly newspapers have 110131 by V
:1. 1 1111 , noticed the decrease in national advenjlingt
-' 1: i1 1 . . . . tisin , due to radio and other f - is 111
C1 1:111 This paper by R. B. Howard, publish- comparison that I mention these in- g_ . . . . orms Of .1
' - 11: 1 . . . adveitismg competition, as much as- nita
.. 1 er, Madison Press, London, 0., was pre- creases in demands for new tax monies, . . . . . -
. 1' 1 . . 7 . . dailies. It is true it is only because wet the
‘11 1111 sented at the Newspaper Clinic held Oc- only a part of which ever contributes did not have as much to lose 1, A'
' I1 '11-‘11 , tober 21 at Ohio State University—Ed. to the increase of our business. . ‘ _ . ' ‘
. ,1 .11 . . Sometimes I wondei if we are not weel
1 111111 . I 1d b t 1 _ t But the increasmg demands for ad— “kiddin 1, ourselves a reat deal h' 1 then
I 1 11 . f t W01: ekex $311161? 13165”th utohus vertiser co—operation present a different we 5 ea: on weekl nevi '1 ers girl/111611 H
1 1:1 1 1 or me f0 ma e e} S $611163 to Is and brighter picture. This brings me to courEec there are :xce £011: f ’0 weel
,2 1 ' 1’ 1 group 0 newspaper Willi e11: 1:; ntews- the mention of the other side of my sub— "forei ’n advertisin lifter all (iv 0:1” iron
I, 11 ‘ 1‘ paperdfojgpeaathgthl t e a verhlser ject—“the getting of advertiser co—opera» not hiveca ver bgi hel in 5f eho isa
I 1 1 Pill/5 “’1. en 5‘ Here arei :lnfilnY-E :6 tion.” When we give advertiser coopera— mi ht(be t(rul dialled “[011; in 0111.”. atr‘ P'
' 1 3 | :V 3 arebJUStt as :e E11103? ed In: 0 a: tion we get advertiser co-operation. The tioigial” advertisin g na- still
1 1 1 I0 0 a C{:tIer Jo W1. 1e atl'lver 18611, work we do in giving advertising co—op- The reater artion of advertii 1 only
3 g . ham, 21m [am certaig ”:11 CY ”36:2: eration, even though it does cost us mon— that congies to wldekl news a ers florid * gist
1 > 1 .. - u . t
1 1‘ tie VEI‘Illie 0 glvmg a 1‘1"? Still CO 05 do ey, ls bread cast upon the waters and If outside throu h an :1 enc porp advertis 1 fCI‘CC
, 1 : 1i FOIL b etre 2ml) manh' fr e1d ti? arI intelligently handled is certain to bring in re ’resentafive or ihatywhich comes ‘L MW
1 [i 111g(12'l teiel‘ JO ”'1 tt'ls 16 an an: a cash return. t gmarli) smaller dailies for that matte k" A
1 111 . , I‘, l
- 115 an ltka 615 no P01? misfit 3:1 13y parf The greater the advertiser co-opera- hoad its bri in ri ht in our own commun 1 e f
I 1' 1 1 . to mae tiem rea ”,9“ e 0W 0 tion the greater the prestige of the news- . g g . ‘ W .
- 1. :1 1 advertising revenue is greatly increased 1 . . ity. It comes to us because there IS a verb
' ‘ ‘ V b h l ' th ad ertise P ap 61. It is no 5m for a newspaper to dealer in our territor or because some whet
- 1 1:' 7 _ . . . .
I‘ 1'. - 1 ' yAan) Sp “the tglvt? i :l't V thirs ub be small, but 1t 15 a 5111 for H mm to be firm is attem tin toybuild its sales in not
1 1 _ . 1 ' _ nyat emp a orig n 1 Y on S good! A poor newspaper never served a .p g - ’
. 1 1 1 Ject might lead me to another statement, - _ our community to the place where itI mun
1 11 1h h I th at 1 a t community as well as a good newspapei ma have dealers lishe
'_ 1 ' 1': a oug h presume 6:: are 'te it and, after all, as newspaper men and Id 't ' to me lies the ke to R(
-_ ‘ 1 1 ' 1 some W1 0 filmy iigue W1 me 03 1 ' women we should be interested, whether . Sr: (11 3:32am ii] weekl' n:ws us to
1' . 7‘. IS Sllnpby t 15' all Eewspapers W1 1636111- we are in the news department or the mm as g 1 Y u or
11 . 1 1 “$2181.? comp 61 e to give a greg he? advertising department, in the broader papers. _ , 1. leiei
‘4 ‘1 1 1 g tielii tlrlrlle, tieié resources an tteir responsibilities of the newspaper to its The closer we can link London, 01110, ’or o
1‘ ~ 1 * - . . r' -
1 , - 1 _ {6:12 “011g tt ‘10 a veitiserhcogperf. 1,211 readers and to the community it serves. Vilth the SO gillllid 11113121011211 advertizer leavi
' , . . , 1‘ e are 0 receive enou a ver 151 g _ . - - tie ‘reater w1 e t e o ortunit or
1:: ' returri to kee their doors gpen C9 Opelanon Ofl newsPapm- Wlt-h ad‘ e E ell advertisin forpIIIDI two riews-i apro
. - ’ ‘:. 1 1 pd f 1 . ' vertisers that begets cooperation in re- m 0 5 g y 1' ‘estii
1 1 .I : - ‘ The Iceman. or ZCZCTUECr cil-otpera- turn from the advertiser not only en— papers. {End
11 » ' . ' l in- ' . .
I ' tion IS}11C11€21511’1g‘aI: lhst 01.11111 b: e hances the value of that newspaper Local Advertzsmg Neglected Ar
1 l 3‘ .31 “6.356 urt 1‘31“ Jus W a W1 r property from adollars and cents an- , - 1 '1 I
1 E ‘ quired of my newspapers 10 years from 1e which is mi ht im Jortant b t 1 F01 tunately, 1n such a piogram b11111; let rr
‘ I now is a cluestion yet to be answered. g ’ - g .y 1 .’ u 3.50 around dealers we cannot make the fatal1flof ad
1 1 Y ' J t h h eff rt y ur neWSpaper from the standpomt 01: public serv1ce, mistake of overlooking our local field efit
: ( j 1 1 us ow muc o o - - ’3' 1
1: f ‘1 ' must expend during the coming years 31111111 caizlnot always be measured m while we explore the green pastures 0f the
1“ j 1 11 ‘ in building and keeping advertising re- 21001;: s'agifocents. We thereforeuneed nOt national advertising. T00 many weekly 1. stren
_ i 1 1 . lZ * r an a ress1ve se in cam- . - -
1 1 “ 1; mains to be seen, but you may becer- p. gk (1 y gg _ g new-913313615 dld thls a few years ago mam
( 1 tain that the demands that are now pallgln, eye to a greater cooperation when there was an abundance of adver-1 coun
1 wit the advertiser. In f ', . -- - - '
. 1 ‘ .‘ being made upon you will at least not acti e1 re . t1 3C; we gnu“ t1s1ng copy coming in from agenc1es. 1111. look
i l 1 i diminish presuming that‘ you may have 0 ei/atiyon C10 gniz: 1: nee {nor stuc CO‘ was too easy to “up the rate” on the out-1 been
1 1‘ : _ ~ 1‘we re oconi ue oserve - - . " '
1: 5 : ‘11"; 1 reached something of the acme of per- 211;) all slde adVCl USlng, demahd plates and get1 10 g6
1 5 ‘3 fection at the present time. . ' them; fill the paper With out51de advert creas
1‘ 2 1' , B d C t W t _ ' Time ’0 Chalk Up 1 rising, and then take as much local ad-1 maki
1 I 1 1 7641 as 0” a 6’s . It isn’t fair to blame existing condi- vertising as the advertiser was willing [01‘ ne551
1 1; ' 1‘ Before I attempt to develop this tions or changing conditions or to say bring in. I 1C
1 Z 3 3. thought further I should hasten to add that the advertising public is fickle or I don’t want to be too severe in H111 but t
1' f 1 _ that the demands for greater advertiser possessed of a lack of understanding, criticism of this era when local adY€1"1 they
1‘ t. l 1 co-operation ShOUId not discourage us when we fail to sell advertising. It is tising was neglected and when advertisera that
1 z ‘: or frighten us. I frankly admit that, as time to look at our own newspaper. It co-operation was more of a meaningless 1* can i
1 a 1' '1. I consider the ever-increasing demands is time to check ourselves and the mem— : phrase. I lived in this period and 1 OP' 1 bEtte
11 p ‘ placed upon all buSIness for greater tax bers of our staff for the answer. grated about the same as many other", On
1 g 1111 revenues, I become dlscouraged. and Let us accept the statements that are publishers did, m'uch to my sorrow later% every
1f 1.15 some of my sentiments on the subject all too often repeated that radio does when I found that I could no longer}! sOnt
n 1 ' are not safe to discuss! in pon-partisan a better selling job and that radio has get big copy from agencies and than ponsi
1; .'1 groups lest I might be con51dered to be taken revenue from our pockets by an» only the larger stores in my town had Sits i
, o 111 talking politics. It is only by way. of intelligent use of advertiser co-opera- been taught the value of continued ad? 7‘18a1es
n 1 ‘1’ l "-32
1 1 1 . a l “1.51,? l"
1 111 : 1 . ’ ' , f1. 13‘ :1.’_

 J . ' ' ' ' l 5 ll? all
. ’ l E i E ll"
(31‘, 19383":l'vw,Noveinbei‘, 1938 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ll 'EE -
he relativé“.,~,,V€rh5ihg that contemplates a close c0» discussed and the results are always orders—one for advertising and one for l" E‘EE? El, . .'
accept the Eoperation on the part of both the pub- good. printing, if you do job printing. .l EE fl EE E
Biereme t0 , fisher and the advertiser. So, I say, the Mus/ Survey Needs There has been much discussion about E l ’ Ely E ii:
,r newer trend that we find ourselves in, Not every newspaper organization can 50—50 deals and there are newspapers E EE ill E _.
: haVe not E by which we receive this extra advertis- have a Saturday morning sales meeting, that frown upon 50-50 advertising, jig : Ell lla‘ l
inal adver- fling only'because of some local condition, I know. Some weeklies have only one where the merchant pays half and the l lll E 13,? iii-
r forms of is helpful in that it keeps us ever cog- salesman and sometimes he is the boss, manufacturer pays half. But weekly § 'llj‘l till
much as! nizant of the most golden of all fields— who edits the paper also. I can only newspapers in many cases are using these ’l llll _
tecause we? the local field. speak from the experience of my own 50-50 deals with a’great deal of success. ll lEf‘; ll l
i‘ Automobile and tire accounts? Yes, newspapers. However, I think that just If you know your merchant and can - lll ll 3';
e are notE weekly newspapers carry them because about what applies in this connection be sure he will use additional space with EElilEill
deal when: there is a local dealer. to a big daily also applies to a smaller you because of the efforts you put out in iEE Eli l '
l‘S—and,of Household equipment accounts? Yes, daily, and what applies to a daily can helping him arrange these 50-50 deals, Elli ll llllE }
_ of our weekly newspapers often get them direct be made to fit the weekly, no matter how you are increasing your space. There is ' lE lEg'l‘l {ll l E
111, we do from the manufacturer because there small the sales personnel may be. It is no doubt of it. There is the danger, 'l IlEEll 7'}
i; of whati' is a dealer in that territory. a matter of surveying the needs of the however, of the national advertiser tak- ‘ EE EEill} l":
1” 0r “ME Patent medicine accounts? Yes, we advertisers and offering them all the ing advantage of this plan to get the, EEE Ell
v, still get patent medicine accounts but cooperation that your newspaper can local rate, which means that no agency E'E 3Ell til .
ldvertisingli only, in most cases, after the local drug— give. This cooperation must reach some- or advertising representative could exist EEE lEil ‘jl
.pers fromE gist has accepted one of the “deals” of- thing of the maximum that should be in time and without such representation ,5 Vi lEl E
r advertis- .. fered by the company. expected in that particular newspaper we might eventually lose in the end. ‘ . j E EE EE jl;
rich comes 1 'Much of It Comes Home field. How do you handle your 50-50 deals? Eli} EE ElE ll‘.
tat matter, 5 And so, as we check on down the line, In these sales meetings, we compare Do you charge one rate to the local Elli l I‘EE EE
E commun-E we find that a big percentage of the ad- our advertising linage of the week with dealer and another to the manufacturer? Ell E H
there is a V vertising received through an agency, that week of a year ago and check to see Do you allow your dealer to pay you for El E E E iE EE .
ause some whether it carries a dealer signature or why we made an increase or a decrease. the whole advertisement at a local rate ‘E E: l E EE
ts sales in not, really is dependent upon the com— We check the coming week, going over and then collect a higher rate from the IEE EEE lE»
where it; munity in which the newspaper is pub. the papers of the same week a year ago, manufacturer, thus cutting the amounts ljl Ell Eli l'
lished. to see if we can beat last year’s record he pays even below the local rate? I ’ EEE EEIE” . l
:he key to Realizing this situation, it behooves and to be sure not to overlook special would like to hear this discussed, for I Ell lll‘j E
“3’ news— us to hunt more of these accounts, based ads that proved good the year before. feel 50-50 deals offer a big opportunity El E l ll ll
upon local dealership and local sales, Even the credit of the advertiser is for increased advertising in weeklies, ;E El l ElEE l ,
lon, Ohio, ., where the check comes from the agency often discussed. but that they are fraught with danger, - E‘EE E:lE E” E
advertiser [OT 0111‘ advertising representative, thus A weekly newspaper can not overlook unless handled intelligently under some E l ll E’ ‘ElEg {l
tunity for leaving oUr local dealer’s advertising job work and these men sell job work standardized plan. EEEE llil E l:
two news-«l aPFOPI‘iatiOn intact, ready for our sug— as well as advertising. Special job work We might cite one example of how lr‘lil EsEEl E El}
l gestion for advertising of his other lines assignments are often discussed at these increased space may be obtained by get- l. i ll EE E l
land a fund for his tie-in advertising. meetings and a big increase in job work ting dealers for manufacturers. A paint ' E-E’ Ell ; . . l;
. And speaking of tie-in advertising, sales has resulted. They-are trained to company, known to be advertising in EE EIEE E E El
:ram builtE let me make a special plea for this type look for a job of printing with every other papers, had no dealer in London. ‘ El IEll “‘ . l
e the fatal l of advertising which has a two—fold ben- advertisement. It is surprising how much We secured one and received a fine llE Ell, . E l l
ocal field. 3. efit, bringing additional revenue from co-operation can be given a merchant schedule this spring. This is giving ad- ' ’il ElEE l E
lastures of the extra advertising itself and also by suggesting certain kinds of printing vertiser co-operation and getting it. :‘ lElEji j l
my weekly E strengthening the advertising of the with his'advertising schedule. And I Warrh Trade Ioumals é EEE . l
years ago manufacturer. Nothing should be over- don’t mean the old idea of “dodgers off _ l . _;E E (i; l, ' :
. of adver‘E Count that offers tie—iii possibilities has the ad,” although there is nothing wrong By watching the trade Journals. you l E l ii j l -
gencies. IEE looked in this field, After a national ac- in selling handbills off an advertisement can'often Pmk‘ 9‘“ an agency that 15 re- E l l‘ll j
n the NH been received, no effort should be spared if YOU and the merchant can agree that leasing advertising on a Ilkfilly account ‘ l ll a
is and get‘E to' get all the dealers to tie-in, thus in- they are needed. If they are not needed find by writing them, hOt Elu“ saying E El j l
ide adver-E creasing the sale of the product and you had better try to kep the merchant’s “he! “’0’ ,b‘h acmahY Offehhg CO‘Oper' . E l jii E
. local ad-E making a good showing in the effective. money in his pocket for next week’s ad— ' anon: recelVe a ShggeShOh as to how You 2‘1 l l3 ;E . l j
willing toE ness of the newspaper. vertisement in the newspaper or you Chh be'added to the 115t-_T0 write to an “ 3‘ Eli; lEE ‘ E j
. i_ ICOuld bring out many- Specific cases may 50hr him on bOth newspaper and listed 15’ 01? course, fOOhSh as you can I ‘jl lElE . ,
are in ml’E‘ but they are just as familiar to you as direct mail advertising because of the readily see that some are sectional sched- . ’i 7 E llfl . l l
cal adyef' E they are to me. I am frank in saying relation of his sales to the cost of the “1‘35 and that SOIhe are to be launched . EEE ‘ E .
advertlserEE that our papers have not done all they advertising. only in metropolitan centers. I-Iere.1s a - E EEE= . ' E
eanmglessfl can in this respect but they are doing As to 50—50 Deals big field in advertiser co-operation With . :ll EEEEE . E .
and 1 OP' ‘ better. On the other hand, a few neatly print- the agenc1es that can be cultivated. * ll g i l: E
any othCTE Our newspapers hold a sales meeting ed invitations sold to the dry goods .Install a proper rate structure that ,“E EE le
row lateLE every Saturday morning, when each per- store that is advertising a style show, for W11 permit your ClaSSIfied S§Ct10n t0 E Hill EE . E’E
no longer? son on our Staff, charged with the res- example, may help him to make sure of STOW—t0 show a Pl‘OhtT‘Ehd Shh a rate l; Ele'ji' ‘ El
and that', honsibility of selling any advertising, the attendance of a select group of per- that the public Wlh readily accept. The - llEj ' . lE
town had Slts in, offering suggestions. At these sons he wishes especially to invite, and 10W‘35t rate In C13551hed should be Sllght' EE E E
inued ad- ;.sa1es meetings, tie—in'advertising is often at the same time give your plant two Please Tum To Page Five _’ E E Elle ' l '
. ili'l'
Vii. E ‘ E l ll gl' l
" lat-fill 513’“ , E ‘ . l -_ l , l ‘ ' ; ,. . , . ., , ' _ all fill l ‘j‘

 3 ‘ E $13 Page Four 'rHE KENTUCKY PRESS November, 1938:7591"
E ' .E - [‘7 Q. Are Weeklies and Semi-VVeeklies plies cross state lines and the fact that the}:
2 EE e Completely Exmpted? printing they do is often sent across‘ifif T
21 2 . [E i .1 ». a A. No. There is no provision for ex- state lines by the customers, may bring *2
I? 2 2 E y ’83 emption of any paper from the child the job shop under control of this act. E. F
;‘ 2g ' labor provisions of the act. This pro- Q. How Will the Act Be Enforced? . '-_'
12. E 22' _ 2 —__——_ hibits employment of children under 14 A. The act can be enforced withomgf’;
'.' EE Ej ' Ofimlal PgEESStfsgogfafib; Kentucky years of age. Some lawyers have advised administrative machinery. Any emp10y_E ‘ . CC
. E g-‘E that papers cut off all out-of—state sub— ee can bring a civil action to collect in
.1 22 Victor R. Portmann, Editor-Publisher scribers to exempt themselves from this wages or overtime payments WherLsuéhf 2 E9
2' 2E ' EEE 22 ______ provision. It ls qulte possrble that cut- employee has been paid less than the f CE
E E .‘E printed On The Kernel press, Lexington ting off out—of—state subscribers will not minimum provided under the act. When-E G
I. E EEE \ __—__ prevent papers from being considered in the court decides in favor of the em- . AE
I E E Press Association Oiiicors interstate commerce. Purchase of sup- ployee, the employee collects the amount te:
.1 E; 3E J. LaMarr Bradley, Pres., Enterprise, Providence plies and equipment from other states due plus an equal amount in liquid. E61
- 2.2 E 2 Thomas R. Underwood, V. Pres, Herald, Lexington . . g . . ~ 2 . ‘ he
7 21‘: 2 2 E J. Curtis Alcock, Sec.—Tres., Messenger, Danvllle may put your paper in interstate com ated damages. The employer must pay
- , 2. E E 2 Executive Committee merce. This depends on court decisions the cost of the suit including a reason- . H‘
i I Gracean M. Pedley, Herald, Eddyville, Chairman; and courts are taking a broader and able amount for the employee’s attor- E
E. {Eadiefidvfgéfgfieifgrg‘ifiégifieg 3:33? Elsi—$35 broader view of what constitutes inter- ney.—NYPA Service Bulletin. ,, PE‘
2: 2 3.303%Egggji‘glggm‘egcfigg‘sgfifigi fig‘iafifiigg‘, state iommerce. Some associations, how- __ ' TE
2. 2 Egggfigvfl‘yicg; £63313;mfiiflafijgg‘gckfidfigfig; ever, have advrsed therr papers to cut The ruling of Administrator AndrewsE E}?
2 2 figfifitfrimggo£ $521116, nginggli3111212 gflgng: off papers gomg out of the state. The that dally newspapers must comply With 1
' ' ; Norris. Independent, Ashland; Russell Dyche. Syracuse Post-Standard recently cut off the provrsrons of the Wages and Hour"; fee
22 2 Sentmel-Echo, London; Robert L. Elkln, Lan- .' 2 .. _ 2 _ be
s . caster, Honorary. 500 out-of—state subscrlbels. As a further law cleared up some of the uncertalnty « 2
- E 2' Legislative Committee precaution, the P—S laid off all boys un— that existed when the law took effect?
; E‘ E - Thorfaf’;33"1Uilvliiii2rYnCQOd1-Tg‘eg‘z‘l‘ff, Iggggfii’i’crf‘iléi der14. but left many other questions unani‘ Fr
_ E ‘ gafififbrd, Aldvocate, Mbrganfieltfi George A'. Joplin, Q. Are some Weekly and Semi-weekly swered. The door was left ajar for a la- 2 ME
" 2* j . * night,CgflTfiWfigfi,aiysoifflfissitifie_vance Amen" Newspapers Exempted? ter rehearing on this important matter C01
' E E ‘ 2. Advertising Committee A. Yes. Section l3-A-8 exempts from and it is difficult to see how this can be _:- be
i E ' Shelton M. Saufley, Register, Richmond, Chairman; the Wage and hour provision (but not avoided. Profiting by the unhappy ex- ' ley
'2 E 2 E fiifing‘ T§°€V31§gn2NEg'gg‘gigja‘cfiggfigefwlif from child labor provision) “any em- peri'ences- under N. R. A., the newad- ad:
‘ E 2. 2 E E23133};gégfigfifgérfi‘gmfifngeE A' S' wamen' ployee employed in connectlon with the mlnlstratlon has proceeded cautlously 2
. . Newspaper Exhibit Committee publicatlon of any weekly or 'seml-week- and Mr. Andrews hlmself has reSlstqd :1;
E2 . 2:2, 823er 31. .I;29rtga%‘g 3.32225”? Psfiswififii‘irsgtéi"! 1y] newspaper w1th- a Circulationof less early efforts to stampede hlm lnto ma , hi2
. . E . 2 .2, Denny B. ’Sprage'ns, Marion'Faléon, Lebanon. . an 3,009 the-major part of whlch Clr- lng premature commitments. . ,. b'L
2; 2 2 E _ culation ls w1thln the county where The full effects of the new law Will not ‘ a]
E j :E printed and published.” be felt for some time but some of the re- E “E
E“: . ‘ EE . ... . Note: This exemption may be short sults are already apparent. Some small E .l01
E ‘ . - I MEMBER ' ‘ lived. An effort may be made to amend dailies have reduced their days of prrb- E Pal
‘ I i i g] . W the law at the next session of congress lication from six to five. A few have re- 1 . tak
E E E , K . TUCKY PRES cutting out ‘this exemption. There is verted to publication on. a semi-weeklyE day
2 i another possrblllty that hIS phase of the basls. In some cases, the mdrvrdual con- .: _
E 1 E ASSOCIATION law will be declared unconstitutional. tract has made its appearance as a means [5' 2113
E , E , E ORGANIZED “NW” ”69 The Louisianai newspaper tax law was of dealing with editorial employees. E. lfiC
E 1- " E —-————- held unconstitutional on the grounds These and other remedies may sel‘veE (311‘
E 11 22 What Is The Ultimate 2 that 1t was dlscrlmlnatory. The law dld 1ndlv1dual or temporary needs, bgt 1:11: 2 21)?
E ( E Eflect Of Wage Bill? not apply to all newspapers. Papers now final answer remalns to be worke 0112- E: 2
E r 2 E apparently exempt should keep these Nothing that has occured 1n yeals , —-
E t EE First let it be understood that no posSibilities in mind. serves to emphasize as much as this new E. C01
E2 'E-E one, not even the administrator, knows . Q. Are Job Shops Operated by VVeek- law the vastly different conditions that J 1y 1
E E ‘ E exactly what the ultimate effect of the 'lies and Semi-weeklies Exempted Too? effect present day newspaper publlshlllg' 2 flat
E ‘ 2E Wage and Hour Bill will be. This bull- A. Nothing sure about this. The law The motives underlying the legislatlon E hat
2 2 EE etin proposes only to pass along such provides for the exemption of “any em- in question are basically sound, but the E f
E E E . information as is available and such ployee in connection with the publica- application of the present yardstick In 2. age
2, t E suggestions as would seem to be right. tion of a weekly etc. . . This could be much the same manner to all busmesses .2 thn
2 (f3 i E 2 The actual effects of the law Will be de- interpreted'to cover the average weekly and industries subject to it ls questron- E a r
2 t 1 .22 2 termrned by court interpretatlons as newspaper Job shop, smce most employ- able. The adminlstrator already has thn
E v :‘E they are made from time to tune. ees also work on the newspaper. This some power to correct inequities or E0 E} can
E 8 E; Q. Are Newspapers Covered by the interpretation has not been made as} make allowance for special conditions.“ you
E: f1 : ii, A“? _ , YCt: h0W€V€T~~ The specific exemption of three-fifths E at]
2 a 2'2 A. Yes. Admlnlstrator Andrews has Note: There is also a possibility that of the weekly newspapers in draftrngthel pl‘lt
E f 2"; " ruled that newspapers come under: the job shops doing printing for customers law was sound. It is already plain, hOW'i‘l. Do
2 n’ j '3 act. He points out that exemption of in the state only may not be considered ever, that this was not enough. If the E clas
f4 some newspapers shows congress intend- in interstate commerce. On, the other daily newspapers cannot convince theq l\
E g 2 2 ed that newspapers come under the act. hand the fact that the job shop’s sup- Wages and Hours administration of the 2 and
E n : \. L v,

, a . . ~ . . l 'i‘l ll: .
4- , , ' ’ i; ii 1 '
""‘1.I.?"_“:r~"'" » II , I III
' QM”, 4 i ii i‘ i; I ‘
Er, 1938s1r November, 1938 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five II ‘ III jI iii I ,‘,
.;;I' I It i i I
ct that the." .II . . be made promptly. Ninety-seven per of your rates an even dollar, do that i ii iii Q
ant across Tentatlve Plans Lald cent of the American people are honest; and then promote that $1 ad. I 1;} '3I
nay bring e» . . . so loosen up on credit. The transient Charge for funeral notices. If your .I 'IlI I jii
this act. _ . For Mld-Wlnter Meetlng advertiser who does not pay his bill paper runs an obituary free, all well and ‘ i ' l'I‘ I i I ..L
lforcedP- _ rom tl can be easil sto ed from , ii “ll ii". .5.
:1 - 3.. The program committee of the KPA, ~P . p y y pp . good In the smaller towns all deaths _ 35 ll: l g. .5
Wltlloutj I l f V 4‘ .. _ l , inseiting future advertising by referring are news. Funerals, however, are com- a5 Ii, I I. ‘ :1
e l _ coniposec o ance . inientiout, eiair- . hi ‘d . . . . . . _ ii .II-3,II:I.
Y mp 0y , C A Hummel and VVel C . to s unpai account. meic1al piopOSitions in every town, else .; IIIII
t0 Collect man, t ‘ I‘tl P" 'leitt L 51:31 Hal'- The average small publisher has a your funeral directors would not be in i llI‘I iil ‘-
then, such I , “31’ ,me W1 {1” 16:? 1 t]. C rac ey, vague fear he will hurt his display lin- business. They make a charge for every if? III; E ‘
~ ' 4 7 ., . . II I; ; .
than the? Chaltlmi? (ii 16 d xsecu 1:6 omigittee age if he starts to develop class1fied. small detail except the funeral notice in 4" 3H, l? I 3
1Ct-WhenI G' k l\? W Ian (ride a? J' “It” For this reason, I recommend that no the newspaper. Do not discourage In ‘ liI‘I'l ? -- ,
E the em. . AlcocI, ovein 361 EH1 Em aiiaqgec ‘1 display classified be sold until such time Memoriam notices. I iiilizilifli.
ie amount tentatneIpiogrfanl 02F 6. 31.11““ “”5" as the publisher is convinced that classi- You are not going to get sufficient 1‘33 it“ 5:“ .
,n liquid. :11 Imeetlng 026 2&6 Iggzomiutin’ Em C lied is helping to build his display col- Classified linage to pass your national ‘; I Elli; I.
must pay ec JanuaryI _‘ ’ ’ a e 10W“ umns. Use only one size type—six-poin‘t figures in a month—0y three months— ' '1 .ilI‘ilf" :: '
Hotel in Loniswlle. . . .3; ,i, ugh. ~
a reason- " R - t‘ t' f l l t I'll k preferred. but alter classified becomes-a permanent" :f' H 59:; f
36 S attor- ! €ng ml 101130 “£16331“ ‘2; . la Ie Here are some of the Do’s and Don’t’s part of your paper, you are going to I II ll-I‘I II .
:' 1}]??? “CI iO‘Im 016 SE f(1)lC 0:; that are important: wonder why you (lid not develop it t: IIil'I'. 3-l :
iuis ay BVCHIHg, JanuarY ’ O owe Capitalize only the first word or two vears ago. 3. 1;: iii:
Andrews by a buffet sluppei, compliments Of the of an ad. Set the first line flush and in- 5““ l Ill 'l I
“Ply With Fiowp $13856 ' The usual .IIegIPWUS’III dent all other lines one em on the left. Postage On Tear Sheels 5' I I.“ I II
.nd ee 0 . . per person regisering w1 , . . - - . . _ II :‘ :‘i? :
‘ ...' ‘ .' i . A . ' ‘ ~ ~ 5 I: l 1);? l
0k effectr The first business session wil be held readers 5 g g P31131613 Iachompanied Wlth slipshbearing tI: IE I, I
’. I .~ . . . . - . . in ant writin or t ewritin t e name :I: ‘i‘ifi‘:
ns unan- Fllday mOining, Jammy 27’ when Stwg‘est different words and phrases, l l f .g ~ yp g - . III I: 1‘1, .‘i
Ma or Jose h Sholtz Wlll extend a wel- q anc (ate 0 the issue of the publication, I I I I
"for ala— y p espec1ally where the same phrases are . - I I3 .l;
‘ come to the editors The res Jonse will - - - - the space covered by the advertisement, ‘ ‘ii‘ i“ ""l '
1“- matter “ 1 used in Similar ads. Your suggestion '1 f 3 , . U .3". :l‘ . ~
. b6 made b 3. lVll‘ Pedle and MI‘ Brad— - _ . COSt [161"in , etc., such written mattei 33 III! l .
-15 can be “ .' l, ' y _ ' can help make better descriptive copy, . . , .- . ‘31. III -:? A
' ley Will deliver the )resident’s annual - . meiely ielating t0 the papers 1t accom- I M. : v.
tappy CX' t (11 l ‘ which in turn helps make better results panies would be acceptable for mailing III-III I,;II I it?" . I .
new ad- a “655‘ for the advertiser. tI also means more ’ -. ( _ ‘ . M It ' l '7' j C
autio’usly Several men of national prominence lines for you. :t‘eth:ctc1r1)lildliii)r £21131]; (if: Lite $221212??? I II II}! I 3 I I
. ' , . . ( , ’ ‘ ' .— . '1 I,lI :
; reSisted Will be asked to appear on the progiam Do not use too many classification 8 g-. . g Y ti II II. I3 33 : .
k and the entertainment will be u to the - - S- Black, Thnd ASSIStam Postmaster iii W lv’ 7i l ‘ 3
nto ma ' v . ‘ . p . headings or subheadings. They take up G . . 1 Fig: :I‘I‘ 5'» III E
hlgh standard of the past including a - ‘ - - eneia. iEI ii: ’I‘ . 4‘
. . ’_ . unpaid space and make it difficult to 2,13 I I, III
I, will not banquet dinner by the Louisville Board fiid ertain ads . . III: IIuII u, I
, of Trade 1 1 l b th C - _ 1‘ C ‘ _ _ Know the Value of Adam/151710 rg" .-‘l I 3 I! .
0f the 16' r anc unc 160115 Y . ,e. ourier Make your minimum requirement at , _ . u b til. W31 . -:
ine small I Journal and Kentucky Utilities Com- least three lines. If your advertiser The fiftliIof a series of Short Talks I III II I
; of Pub. I palhy. Annual election of officers Will Wants only three words in his ad, have on Advlertlismg prepaIied by tille Aiver- III [II I
.. t ' ' '- ’ r. - . tism ”crati n l r . . l. '; ,‘
have ie , . a 6 place at the business session Satur your composuor center each word on a . g c e a 0 of me ica as IeeiIi III IIIIII I I
[ii-weekly day momma January 28. ;C )'1Ta[€ line distributed to newspapers and periodi- :JIrI ll .3. I I
1 a1 con- _ ~—_ ‘ I c ' 3. cals throughout the United States. These :i l Ii .‘ 3 l
.u . _ , _ Keep ad copy changed frequently. k . . - I W5 . I 1
;a means ,‘I Iustness of their claims for certain mod- The averaoe sniall newspaper will have talks make excellent house ad copy. If ~ . . I III. II 1
DPIOl’eeS' i3 lfications, they must 100k to the courts a lioldove: of sixty per cent each issue. you havent