xt7sqv3c2p12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c2p12/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1996-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1996 text GLSO News, April 1996 1996 1996-04 2019 true xt7sqv3c2p12 section xt7sqv3c2p12 as}; ‘ 1 , " ’- , ‘
by IT. Macl‘arla-ne. ' by Margaret Christopher Cartwright Peter: pjtayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
‘ The LomsVIlle Youth group describes . There were 3 religious—right fundamen- Elizabeth: bee@mis.net
Itself is a “a confidential peer support—group talists that had a fatal car crash. This landed Tammy: sappho@mis.net
for self-identified lesbian, gay, and bisexual the 3 at the gates of heaven. St. Peter was off ———————.__________———————
youth, ages 14-21.” Irecently attended one of that day so God asked them their screening ' 13: , '_ If You have a , ‘ . '
their Friday night meetings and I’m already questions before allowrng them in. God asked ,1 , ‘ ' p I .’ . ' '.
looking forward to attending again. My each of them “What does Easter mean to you? WW walling label
motivation for attending is thatI amcurrently The first fundamentalist responded, “Well, we It’s time to RENEW.
working to form a similar group for lesbian, dress-up in orange and black and go house to ' , '
gay, bisexual and questioning youth ages 14— house for candy..." ZAP! God sent him to hell. . 1’ ' V l V 3 .
21 here in Central Kentucky. The second one then gives it a try, “At our FEWER, MORE VIOLENT GAY
The Kentucky Pride Initiative — Sexual house, we decorate a tree and put presents HATE CRIMES IN REPORTED
Minority/Straight (PrISMS) Youth Alliance under it and...” ZAP1! and to hell he goes. God IN ’95
will hopefully fill the void which exists then asks the third passenger in the ill-fated The National Coalition of Anti—Violence
regarding services for central Kentucky’s auto the same question. “Easter means thatyou Programs issued a report Tuesday that said
lesbigay youth. died and were crucified on the cross. You were there were 2,212 such hate crimes targeting
My trip Louisville was as much an taken to a tomb where your body was was lesbian, gay or transexual persons in 11 major
opportunity for observation as it was achance embalmed with oils and spices. A large stone cities in 1995, down 8% from 2,401 in 1994.
to quench my curiosity regarding the closest was rolled in front of the tomb. 0n the third Documented gay—related slayings fell to 25
non—collegiate lesbigay youth group. There day, you arose, the large stone was moved away from 29. Still, the crimes in general were more
were 3 facilitators and 28 youth (14 male and by an angel.You went out and saw your shadow violent, with a 10% increase in assaults and
14 female) in attendance, including myself and then went back in for six weeks!” rapes, according to the coalition, which also
and a friend who accompanied to me. The You see, the religious right is neither. They analyzed such crimes as arson, robbery, larceny
evening’s topic was “Diversity,” but because just can’t quite get the story right. Our world and harassment.
the scheduled speaker couldn’t make it, wide congregation includes lesbian, gay, The national peak in reported violence
improvisation set in. bisexual and transgendered people. If you have against gays and lesbians was in 1992, when
The evening began with an introduction left your traditional religious beliefs because of homosexuality was an issue at the Republican
by everyone, including name and favorite car, what the religious right has taught you, National Convention, the issue of gays in the
after which 1 the group about PrISMS and reconsider. We talk about and worship aloving continued on page 11
where it will go from here. PrISMS is an and caring God that does not condemn us for
alliance of supportive organizations, acting naturally God made us and loves us. We WW,.,. WW . WW , . ,.
businesses, and individuals willing to provide talk about what “Thou shalt not commit GLSO Sponsor of the Month
their efforts both directly and indirectly to adultery” means to gay and lesbian people. We
better meet the needs of central Kentucky’s sing songs and celebrate our lives. We socialize, The Mctropolita n
lesbigay youth. A focus group is scheduled for we support each other through sickness and C 0 m m u n ity Ch ll r C h
April 12 from which an advisory council will health. We use inclusive language in our of Lexington
be formed. This council will then meet and services. “We talk about things like that.” Hope
continued on page 2 to see you Sunday morning at 11:30 am! V T ’ “

 from thefront page
&QGEY& till—Lambda conference. Shortly thereafter, 6
LBSIAN‘ Pr'ISMS will begin conducting meetings for
SERWCE A discusswn of the I.0u1svrlle Youth :EI _ T_—ia
KG! ‘ ' Group's own beginnings ensued, aftelward we ”9;:;‘;"=: ===== :-
{0913”ch moved on to an open discussion regarding {av-93:43.] |. a
i Lexmg diversity, both within the LYG and the \3: " . I g ‘ E: :E P
community at—large. I would like to thank the ‘ ‘l I - V__ :EEII L
LYG and all those who welcomed my questions [9%- 9 . , ‘ IIIF: it
and note—taking. Hopefully with LYG’s help, ‘A’A‘N” ' __ ' 7‘ a! .1 Vi
GLSO News PrISMS will not have to undergo the many “I 1. cr
Published Monthly by the initial problems which often sink an organiza— _..'_:: —— p:
_ . tion such as this.
Lextngton Clay/Lesbian Anyone interested in helping with KY A A A A , A A re
Services Organization PrlSMS Youth Alliance or any young person 8 fc
no. Box 1 1471 interested in attending, PLEASE contact me at KI
Lexington KY 40575 (606) 548-3206 Ol‘ Milly ill (606) 266-5904. FURNISH l1:
"All human beings are born free and w
Editor: equal in dignity and rights" — from the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1 , 1948. V el
Peter Taylor m
Layout Editors/Co-Editors:
Tammy D. Strong/
Elizabeth A. Gilliam 5‘
6150 Annual Dues and eh
NeWSIetter: $15 At Snoaty Seconds, we carry b2
Dues and Newsletter for Quality Used Furniture, Original 3
Couples: $20 Art, and Antiques at balft/Jeprzce m
u c ofne‘wjuné. or
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO CO
News are those of the authors and don't necessarily OPE” Monday t/Jru Safurday 30
represent those of the GLSO Board of Directors, 3 77 Virginia flue, tir
Submissions are welcome, All submissions ’ L ex in etc 71 KY 40508 in:
become the property of GLSO and mllst indicate ’ pf
full name and address of the author. Tile staff pe
reserves the right to edit submissions and ads to . O I 606/ 225-1036 All
meet publishing requirements, as well as the right llCCnSBd pSYChOlOngt on
to reject any submissions, ‘
Placement of advertising in GLSO News SNimTY SEfloNnS C0.
denotes neither a person’s sexual orientation nor a th‘
business’ customer preference. lfll
________.__.__—_________—_____ _
GLSO News Page 2

 THE WASSON AWARD lllichael(225-1828), or Terry/(2556469) 7 specific support groups in the United States. In
The Wasson Award, to be presented at the KY PRISMS YOUTH ALLIANCE central Kentucky, there are none of these
annual Volunteer Awards Banquet during Gay The time has come for a outside of college campuses. The time has
‘ Pride Month, is the most prestigious award out lesbigay/straight youth support group in come for us to act. Join us on April 2nd for
Lesbigaytrans community can bestow on an central Kentucky PrISMS Youth Alliance discussion of KY. PrISMS Youth Alliance. v
individual. The Wasson Award is given to the (Pride initiative—Sexual Minority/Straight ATTENTION LATENT JOCKS!
volunteer who has made the most outstanding Youth Alliance) is in the developmental stages This is for you womyn that have always
contributions to our community during the and is looking for help. A focus group will be wanted to be a ”jock” and play softball but
past year. meeting on April 2nd at the downtown Public were always afraid to try. Are you the
This wards is named for after the first Library on the 4th floor in meeting room B. cheerleader in the stands while your girlfriend
u recipient, Jeffery “V3550“: who was responsible IT- Maeferlanei who writes the Fountain is out on the field? Do you desire to get
for having the sodomy laws overturned at the of Youth column for the GLSO and volunteers involved with softball but either have never
Kentucky Supreme Court. Other recipients With AVOL: has gathered together some played the game or you skills are so latent that
have been Keith Elston and Linda West for her material and initiated this brainstorming you aren’t sure what your abilities are?
work with Fairness Alliance. meeting. We will be talking about our goals, Well here‘s your chance! “SOFTBALL
I Organizations and or individuals are organizing concepts, and ways of reaching CAMP.” This is an'organized effort to help you
I encouraged to submit nominees to: Wasson interested youth. We hope to form a core realize your potential. We will work on the
I Award , GLSO, PO. Box 11471. Lexington, KY group of people and an advisory Board made basic skills and knowledge necessary to play
40575£y£§r3153tv E 111)“)th Cgmmurfityt. members representing a softball. Thiswill be done in asafe, supportive,
OARD LECTIONS vane 0 organizaions. nurturin environment with the em hasis on
l0 The nominating committee of the GLSO As the lesbigay pride movement has havingffn? p
Board is looking for individuals With some gained social and political strength over the The plan is to meet4times then evaluate
time and energy to commit to the lesbigay 13$ few decades, more lesbigay adults have where we want to go from there. We will meet
community. There will be five positions up for found freedom and happiness in their lives on Sunday mornings starting April 14th.
election in June and we will be mailing out than ever before. Adolescence, however, is still practice time will run from 1 r0 2 hours.
ballots to all members as well as having them a time of isolation, harassment, fear, and self— Spectators are NOT invited. _
rza/ available at the Pride Picnic. Board members hate for far too many of our youth. Fourty—five If interested please call us: Janette and
, are expected to attend regular monthly percent of gay males and twenty percent of Laura 276-2685. 7
we meetings of the board and to serve on at least lesbians report experiences of verbal or
one committee during the year. Some of our physical assault in high schOOl. lesbigay LEXINGTON MCC FREE SEMINAR
committees are: Pride Month, Advertising, youth are two to three times more likely to . Lexrngtons MCC 15 again offering a free
I Social Events, Newsletter, and Excel. At this attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. seminar to the community. It IS a program
time we are particularly in need of an Many of us remember our high school yearsas that you would usually ”7 up t0$100,',0 0' The
individual interested in becoming a Excel our most difficult time. p ”em 15 called Leading the Way and 15
Phone Co. Representative and in a number of And yet, as a whole, the adult lesbigay desrgned to help you better understand yourself
people to help organize social events. community has been reluctant to reach out to and the people you work Wlth and. become a
Although each of these committee has at least youth, often because we fear homophobic more effective leader p 15 hlghly
one GLSO Board members, other people in the charges of recruitment. Throughout the recommended to anyone th,’ 1.5 a leader ”1.3
community are always welcome to volunteer country this trend is changing. There are now lesplgay organization or who 15 m a leadership
their time with us. If you think you might be close to 250 youth groups, phone lines, and posmon awork. Itw11l start on Wed. April 10th
interested, call Mary (266—5904), lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered- at 7:00p .m.. at MCC' Everyone 18 welcomev
— ——‘_—‘——m

 SONG FLAP CANCELS GOP STUDENTS REPORT and our friends We found out that he doesn’t
GIG FOR GAYS SENATORIS AIDS REMARK representus very well.” . I
The Maricopa County Republican Party TO GAY RIGHTS GROUP The teens, who said they are not gay, (
has handed a Phoenix gav men's Chorale a from The Detroit News contacted the gay—rights Triangle Foundation
hard—line edict: Don't ask 'don’t tell and for State Sen Doug Carl doesn’t deny saying that they were told about by a friend The tl
Pete's sake don'tsing. The PM" canceled a that AIDS stands for “Anal Inserted foundation issued a news release detailing 0
Friday night appearance bv {the Grand Death Sentence” But he regrets that hiswords Carl's comments and blasting the senator as 3
Canyon Men‘s chorale at an awards dinner became public after two Sterling Heights homophobic and insensitive “They came to
after party Chairwoman Bernice Roberts teenagers reported them to a gay advocacy town with hating on their minds," said Carl, 1
took offense at a phrase in a sonu the group group in Detroit. “1 have said that in the R—Sterling Heights. “it was a setup motivated 1;
planned to sing. The song EDiversity” past, but it was in the context of talking about by their desire to discredit me in the public '1
includes the lyrics “We're gay men and dangerous, sexual acts that are not natural for square." v T
we‘re here to sing for you." tWO men to engage in" w
“Thev were here to sing patriotic The teens 1nterv1ewed the senatoraspart WWE WWANW W.U
music,” she said, adding that it would have Of aresearch paper on politics. He suggested it
been just as inappropriate for her to stand the teens may have 591 him up, but they deny if
and sing, slim married and l have a it, Both of us Just wanted to talk to the AS a Volunteer D‘
husband and I’m proud of it." v senator but with his gay-bashing and his 56
’ comments about AIDS, 1 lost all respect for
him," commented one of the students. “We call M ary at 266-5904 in
were just asking questions to see what the Tl
senator’s views were on issues that interested us hi
’ m
- th
Apr1123, 1996 h;
Commonwealth Stadium sio
Reglstratlon beglns at I‘
12300191n WE CAN STOP :
Walk begins at 2:30 THE SPREAD I
For more mformation OF HIV’" :
call: ONE STEP AT l
AIDS Volunteers A TIME I
(606) 254-AVOL :
(800) 840-AVOL |
L .
——_______—______—_ _
GLSO News Page 4

 IT'S FUNDAMENTALLY CHRISTIAN T0 REJECT with many other temptations, should be resisted: “Be not deceived; neither
POLITICS OF HATE fomicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterels, nor effeminate, nor abusers of

3! Jimmy Carter themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor
(FtFStm't'nthe WAngeteST‘mé’M3/96) revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." (I

It is admirable for Americans to promote our personal beliefs Corinthians 6:9).Then he goes on to say that all these acts had been totally
through either religious or political processes. But when we attempt to use forgiveh H And such were some of you but you are washed, but your are
our govemment to force others to worship aswe do or treat those who differ sanctified, but you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, flhd by the
as secondary citizens, then we violate the basic tenets of a democracy. Spirit Of our God.”

A5 21 conservative Bapthti 1 am deeply concerned about divisive The driving issues in the early Republican primary contests have
arguments that have dttVEh wedges hEtWCCh people. We ChhStttthS can been made a strange and disturbing shift from economic and budget items
buttress our arguments on almost any subject with Bible scriptures to divisive social issues, notably abortion and homosexuality. In the early
hhd thEh claim that 0t” COhClUStOhS ShOUtd be applied universally. caucus contests, pressures from the more extreme religious activists have
These attltudes can lead to condemnation or even persecution of those pushed almost every candidate to demagoguery, emphasizing vicious
who are different. . ‘ attacks on gay men and women ostensibly based on the teachings of Jesus

‘ Beglnnlng 3h0ht 20 years ago: some ChhStlah 193th COththd a Christ. An even more disquieting claim is that AIDS is God’s punishment
Uthh Wlth the more conservative wrng 0f the Republican P arty BUt even on someone who has sinned and that the sufferers should be treated
It the POhtlcal marriage 0t fundamentalist ChhStlahS had been Wlth accordinglyjesus had similarencounters with lepers, who were also looked
Democrats, this WOttld have been a COhtth With my OWh belief in upon as condemned by God and capable of contaminating their
separation 0t church and State neighbors. Christ set an example for us by leaching out to them, loving

Now leaders of the highly organized Christian right have successfully and healing them.
injected into America’s political debate some divisive religious questions. Other Christians and the general public must not condone, even by
The most Vtth examples involve sexual itmterencesi WhtCh OthOUSlY have silence, these obnoxious attitudes, increasingly promoted among a few
hlgle P65011211 and €m0t10h31 OVCItOhes- Traglcally, these 1351195 have demagogic religious and political leaders. in addition to the direct
moved to the forefront 0f the 1996 presrdentlal ‘3thth scene. punishment of many American citizens, undisputed acceptance of a

Since almost all Protestants now condone divorce 35 an acceptable premise that originates within the religious community tends to authenti—
way of life and rarely mention fornication or adultery, it is much easier and care it among those who have their own personal prejudices.
more convenient for heterosexual Christians to focus on Homosexuality, We must make it clear that a platform of “1 hate gay men and
refusing to acknowledge that this is 3 Sth never mentioned by jesus. From women” is not a way to become president of the United States.
the New Testament, it is clear that leaders of the early church treated Jimmv Carter was president of the United States from 1977 to 1981‘
homosexual acts the same as fornication, adultery and many transgres— He can be reached by email at 767022062@compuservecom. v
sions. The apostle Paul makes it plain that homosexual tendencies, along
I Namets) —~——————————————— I
. 5353?; Address .

watt ,3; . "'1 '- z .

I gee Clty, State, ZIP :
I <5. in . l
I .W‘, $15 Membership and Newsletter I
| tweed”? $20 Cou le Membershi and Newsletter I
| = z t“ 1% I do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Mailing List used I
: exclusively by and for Kentucky Gay/ Lesbian organizations. :
: Please become a member: help support and build our :
communit and receive our newsletter b mail!
I o I
. MAIL TO: GlSO Newsletter, P.0. Box 11471 , lexmgton, KY 40575 .
— _—_———m

 ' 1996 W ALEALHl
Aprll fig»
H s ' R ' $01323" g."
appy prlng acmg eason ~~ ”new
Wednesday Thursday Saturday . 9 ~' . -
I 2 3 4 5 6 '
Agril Fools 129; 12:00 PM GLAA ixmnv s . , Good Friggl 9:00 AM Frontrunners
_ . 7.30 PM Gay/Lesbian 61001:!“ Fronmgimwmndmk) "0 ' ' L'enl am 'e A ': 7,30 PM G /Lesb' R E s T A U R A N T
7.00 PM GUESS (EKU) A1 Anon , 7:30 PMUK mm (Rm 231 8.30 PM 13y 11 [an A3
' ‘ - 7001’!“ T31: Backth N' tudcn , 2 uisvi e You .
7§rggoirlc32de Ctr. 8245 PM Rainbow BOWl- mMcorehead Setatfémoll. 330(5) PM gafgms SPPL G111. Gfoup (Fairness Ofc) 5 5 7 S . LI m esto n e
ing (Joyland Lanes) . ' . _ _
3;“) PM 703%wa M 8:00 PM "S ike Heels" Actors’ Guild) ' ' ~ Lex | ngton, KY
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 253-0014
y_h‘ quSm‘n gs-sdabeul 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 12:00 PM GLAA WM 7200 PM LexMen'S Chorus 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Louisville Gender Society
E , 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al- 2433:1114?! Sppt-GIP- 7 3251112231“ Lambd AA Mtg.
_mr Anon : romrunners : a .
We mm mm» WM) am 231 smdem cm 90°“me Renowned Weekend Brunch:
4;og}i>uMcrs0RA Mtg, 8 £61331; _ b0 Bo 1. 7300 PM MCC 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. Grp.
WM ‘ = 2““ ”V W “W G“ Wan“ '
mpmixzsm (Joymms) y ' 8'00 1’61"” serwng blueberry bur/(wheal‘
14 15 16 17 18 19. . 20 pancakes egg: benea’ief arno/d
Imperial Ct. (RISC) Mtg. 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 12:00 PM GLAA xngIV Sppt.Grp. 7100 PM Bluegrass NOW (at Integnty (St. Augustine's) 900 AM Frontrunncrs /
11:30 AM Metropolitan Com- 7:30 PM Faimess Meet— 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian GLSO News Deadline mfgfffigfighm 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 10:00 AM Men's Network 5 an ['5 h 0 m C" / eh! E 5
mumty Church _ mg (Alfalfa's) ALAnon 6:00 PM Fromrunners (Woodland 7:30 PM UK Lambda (Rm. 231 AA p /
élégopilz/léntirgvfigester 8: 4 5 PM Rainbow Bowl— 7 0:13 M head St. Stud m G“) Studexglfltfzfi) S 8:30 PM Louisville Youth
2 . : L ore e , 8: PM S _ .
(Actors. (guild) mg (Joyland Lanes) 700 PM MCC ‘ 9o , ppt Grp . G:°“R(Fmess (3fc) ' , , _ ,0 anal ITIUC/l more...
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 PM Gay/LesbianAA 8.00 PM Sike Heels Actors Guild *
21 22 23 24 25 26 2 7 , W is
11:30 Aycngetfipolimn Com- 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. kgg’g‘fumm, Chm _ Saddam's D211. 9:00 AM Frontrunners ednesday
mum urc 730 PM G /L b' 6:00 PM Frontrunners R hearsal . . ° ’
2:00 PM Lesbian Potluck A1-An0n ay es Ian (Woodland Park) racism UK Lambda (Rm. 231 7‘30 PM Gay/Lesblan Inter 11813101131 nght
2:00 PM "Spike Heels" . 7.00 PM MCC Student Ctr.) AA
(Actomv Guild) 8:45 PM Rambow Bowl- - . 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. (31;).
7:00 PM Dignity ing (Joyland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesblan 9:00 PM COLTS/Mtg “ ’ n ' . ‘ V . ‘ V
7:00 PM Gay/LesbianAA AA , v 8.00 PM Slke Heels Actors Gmld v ' ‘ ' " ‘ ' Breads and desserts
. O I
28 29 30 Mm May baked daily in our kitchen
Imperial Ct. (RISC) Mtg. 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 12:00 PM GLAA S M T w '1‘ F s s M T w T F s
11:30 AM Metropolitan Com- 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 3 4 5 6 7 g g 5 6 7 21; g :3 1i
' Ch h _
“0“} 84757 QEEWWB 1 i2 £3 E? ii 1: 5, :1 ;: z :1: FREE EVENING PARKING-
(Actors' Guild) ‘. ow - 31 26 27 23 29 30 31
2:00 PM GLSO News Folding m8 (Joyland Lanes)
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA

 x: m“ cwmy mam;  
g W W W W W W W W W
E W APRIL 1996 W
: SUglfiAYflWOfiSHIP @ 11:30 a.m. :
:~ ' S ' &
fix eStILllily 303521357335: W
, L ed ' h A ' ' ' '
w at“1§9‘*w?7s°fi"oi?s‘ii'§e?““d‘ng w
.' W Entrance atgfiar 01f; lguilding which is W
. 7 urc treet
¢< Reverend B. Rex Van Alstine, Pastor ¢
4% (606) 271-1407 W
' baseman FOR ALL GOD-"SPEorW '

new YORK (AP) # Golfer Muffin Everythlng
Speiiceerevlin reveals she is a lesbian in this
week‘s issue ofSrorts illustratedbecomin tl e d
~- . . I ‘ -. , g 1 you nee "ig‘a‘gigé‘éria‘ {ii-KN ’»”a’*\
first player in the 46-year history of the LPGA egig gw «,2\
to publicly declare ‘ her homosexuality. to Sta“ 2“ irks”,
‘ Coming out is like an incredibly huge weight «awe!
being lifted from my shoulders," she said. ”No $53?“
more living in the shadows. No more lies.” your own i§3fi§r§é
LPGA President Vicki l’ergon 21 19—year tour h . yfiix‘flvfij
veteran, responded, "l'ni not saying every “Slness' - ngiéfif’g” :;'
player will be thrilled about (this announce— , ' \‘t‘fvt
ment), but we’re a family and we respect each ’ ‘ ‘
. . Spencer-Devlin, 42’ who has three At Excel Telecommunications we've made starting your own busi-
wrns in her 18 years on the tour, says she ness eas W V l d h' 'll d ,
plans to “exchange vows” in May with y. eve pace everyt mg you nee into one small box.
musician—composer Lynda Roth. Contents include; No capital investment. No inventory. No delivery.
Homosexuality in womens golf became a No quotas. N0 employees. No experience.
prominent topic last year after CBS
announcer Ben Wright was quoted as saying For more information about an opportunity in one of the world's
lesbians hurt the LPGAYS image. V fastest-growmg industries, call today.
=I£=y=L 3’
._._____.___.—._—. The Opportunity is Real. The Time is Now.
Are you being discriminated ' .
. i . K + k Cl l GLSO-Associates Excel Independent Representatives
ClgGll'lS In en UC y ue 0
your seXUO| onenlahon? Carrie Straub, MR ..........606.233.3462 G1naBaker,MR . . ......606.289.8505
Denise Peskar, MR, AC . . . . . . 606.233.3462 Karen Stormbringer. . . . . 606.252.5009
R Jf H N (Certified Trainer) Lee Stormbringer , . . . . . . 606.277.9365
GPOI' 0W. Excel Note:
[all lhe ELSO Discriminolion Projecl, and Several customers who have signed with Excel have found that
h l + + d' . , ion 0 ,th book their phone bills have been reduced even from lower costs
ep 0 pu our iscrimino I n 5' companies such as Working Assets Long Distance. We are in need
276 5393 of people interested in being Independent Representatives to work
' with GLSO to bring in more customers. It is a good opportunity
9 _ to earn money while helping GLSO. Call Carrie 0r Denise (233-
3462) if you are interested in learning more.
0180 News Page 9

 214 E. Main St. ’0 231-6997.. First Run $4.50 0 Others 1': Midnight $3.75
FREE PARKING NIGHTS & SAT/SUNALL DAY City Hal! Annex Garage, Next to Police Dept.
First Area Showing
Playing April 1 2 - l 8
_ ‘ Call Theatrefor times
[I ‘
Emotlonally Sumptuous.
An elaborate, near—operatic melodrama 01
drugs, Violence and sex-for—sale.”
— Elliott Stein, Viilagv Vein?
“The film gives new power to the words
’erotic’ and. ’sensuai’.”
- David ".w'lh'f, Tm-nm. In: "mtionai Film Fostu'ai
3% Next Calendar
“i“ Ladies Treat!
G150 News Page 10

 from front page IA CAGE became the highest— attempt atsuch acharade results in predictable
military was being debated and gay-related grossing foreign film ever released in the US. yet hilarious complications. The biggest
initiatives were on the ballot in Colorado and The remake, THE BIRDCAGE earned $18.2 complication is Albert. Albert is the epitome of
Oregon. The coalition predicted that 1996 million in it‘s first week giving it the third every gay stereotype imaginable. An effort to
would be another high point due to the presi— highest March opening in movie history. On coach him into looking and acting more
dential campaign and because 18 state legisla— Broadway, the musical version of IA CAGE was masculine proves to be an impossible task. In
tures are debating same—sex marriages, which the first gay—themed play to winaTony Award. fact, Albert and Armand (aka. Albin and
is firmly denounced by the Christian The success of the phenomenon that is LA Renaldo in the original): manage to be the
Coalition. CAGE raises an important question - does it most stereotypical gay couple in screen history,
Unfortunately, the statistics may reflect a nation that is more tolerant of gay and yet at the same time, the most lovable.
reflect the extent of anti—lesbigay violence lifestyles or a nation that is more tolerant of Wisely, Robin Williams portrays
inaccurately. Research shows that 70 percent the negative reinforcement of gay stereotypes? Annand with less flamboyance and camp than
of anti-gay offenses g0 unreported. Victims Certainly the boorish rednecks who sat in the Ugo Tognazzi displayed in the original.
“essentially are ‘outing’ themselves“ by back row and booed at the end of the film Nathan Lane on the other hand, relishes
making their sexual orientation public. v support the latter theory. The moderates where playing Albert, an uninhibited queen’s drag—
this is question is concerned are represented by queen. What the current actors share with
a couple. The male left the theater midway actors in the original is a screen chemistry '
OUT 01'-' THE CLOSET AND through, while the female stayed. The based on the simple premise that Armand and
INTO THE BIRDCAGE majority of viewers laughing with, and Albert truly love each other. The actors easily
Byiohn Shellon cheering on the characters clearly reflect convince us that these two have been together
Heard a funny joke about Pat acceptance. for 20+ years. Above all, THE BIRDCAGE is a
Buchanan the other day: His speeches are For the fans of the original film, love story and that is, perhaps unconsciously a
fiery. passionate. t0 the point, and even watching BIRDCAGE is like seeing a favorite large part of its appeal. The subtle way that
eloquent at tirnes—but theywere more effective play with a different cast and setting, for it Armand has of making up with Albert after a
in the original German. It is quite ironic that parallels the original almost scene for scene. lover’s spat is simply sweet, sincere and roman—
in this election year, when same—sex marriages For those unfamiliar with the story, LACAGE is tically. THE BIRDCAGE is a love story that is
and gay rights are major issues, and the about a gay couple Armand and Albert who funny, entertaining and worth seeing - but it
radical right—wingers like Buchanan compete own a gay nightclub. Armand’s son wants to was better in the original French. 7
for the country’s top positions (and I for one, marry the daughter of a prominent
wouldn't want him on top) the Americanized Republican Senator but must first get the
remake of Jean Poriet’s classic gay—themed parent’s approval. Thus, he asks his father and
French farce La Cage Aux Folles is #1 at the Albert to hide their identity and lie about who
box office. they are — the typical set up of a farce. The
Laura E. Kaplan t R ea 0,.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker s° 1!)
1 v a.» $25
‘ HIV/AIDS I Personal Growth 0 0 o Female~0rlented Cards
Relationships l Women's Issues 0 ° Mary Sojourner Crone
n 2665904
606.254.1690 I Pager: 232.0873

GLSO Board (Mary) 2665904 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark)2337266
GISO Discrimination Project (Jeff) 2765383 E-Male (Juno) 2522353
GLSO: News (peter) 2755845 Fairness of Lexington HOTLINE 2757812
Advertisements (Tammy) ...........................225-3955 Fairness of Louisville (502) 893-0788
(Sue) 2554864 Front Runners (Keith)......1........................l......................254-6850
Calendar 09102765383 G/LAA (Charlie) 224‘4067
Folding (Mary).......1.......................................266-5904 GIL Defense Fund(502) 589-2896
Layout (Elizabeth) 2255953 [GEO Mid-Year 1995 (Steve)...........................................276—3058
GISO PRIDE COMMITTEE (Mike) 2251828 Kentuclfy Legislater
6130 Speakers Bureau (Mary) 2665904 31“ Status Line (800) 582'2455
6180 Support Group (Mary) 2665904 Legislator Message Line (800) 572'7181
Meeting Info Line (800) 653-9650
STUDENT GROUPS Lexington Men’s Chorus (Shelby).....1.................‘...........231-0090
Louisville Youth Group...............1.....................1...(502) 655-1302
ACE [463311933393 (Ed) 625—7312 Names Project, Lexington (Katie)..,....,...........................272—2588
AGLF: NKU (Pat) 5725604 Newcomers Group (Ice) 2785032
GUESS: EKU (Nell) 622-5816 Pegasus Trave1268-4357
Morehead State. (Angela) 7852950 Rainbow Bowling League (Teri) 2688563
UK Lambda (Julian) before 10pm 272—7232 RISC (Mike) 2255151
Trl-State Gay Rodeo Assn. (Teny) .........,................255-5469
t Jessamine County8854149 (an1) ...........................278—8023
Lexington-Fayette County 2882437 The Women’s Chorus (Connie)...............1.............r...r......276-2554
Madison County 7237512
Woodford County 8754541 RELIGIOUS G R0 U PS
Al DS [N FO/SERVIC ES Dignity [Catholic] (Don) 2994458
Episcopal Diocese AIDS Ministry (Steve)........1.......1.....233-1782
AIDS HOTLINE2317545 Honesty [Southern Baptist] (Eddie).....U........(502) 637-7609
AIDS Volunteers of Lexmgton...1..................................‘.278—7494 (Dorothy) ...........(502) 458-5392
AVOL Legal Advocacy Program.........1......................1......278-7494 Interweave [Unitarian] (Davina) 2716174
"“1““ Department “W “PP"rt Programs MCC-Elizabethtown (Cathy) (502) 459-6075
(Amanda)2832574 MCC-Louisville....1...............................................1..(502) 775-6656
HIV/AIDS Legal Project....l....................................(502) 584-1254 MCC-Paducali. .. (502) 441-2507
HIV-Education Youth Group...........1...........................1...278-7494 P an Forum (mow ' 268-1640
Kentucky AIDS HOTLINE.........................1...1........(800) 840-2865 a? .