xt7sqv3c2n5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c2n5v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-02-02 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 20, February 2, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 20, February 2, 1911 1911 1911-02-02 2015 true xt7sqv3c2n5v section xt7sqv3c2n5v  
;   Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., FEBRUARY 2, 1911 No/`Zl
>;;  _  I
succeed J. B. Bennett as Congress- when they threw eleven of these? It force- No one that heard him can
`     man from the Ninth Congressional was more of a contest of overcoming deny that he has unusual talent and
, _ _ _ _.  .   District, is a self-made man. For a Wesleyan’s fouls than anything else power on the stage for the audience
  /z*·’   ·;', ‘ e_V`   Z A-»· . number of years, Mr, Fields was s, At the end of the flrst period the Was deply moved while he spoke and
-    ~'   _   commercial traveler. His territory score stood 17-11 in Wesleyan’s favor acted Hugos’ lines-
iv I     .. -     was Eastern Kentucky, and it is said but our men came back strong in the The other speakers were Mr. R. D.
  , _¢-··~;,   that when he became a candidate for last half and ran the score up to 20-17 Bowden- Se¤¤ to take rerrruertep, temperature, up- WOMEN and MISSES
' _ nm C1n8s"nnt°8· midity, barometric readings, etc., at
ICE CREAM PARLOR Both of these young people will be various points ln stx large mmap Fulll Line Now on Display
· T , T missed in college circles, as they have Boslooo this, he has to moko orogrooo
‘ I?} D Lb§CH STAND n Brent many {minus nmnng the °tu‘ reports on all kinds of construction    
Smth Lum and “ m°l°w S"°°t° dent b°uY· d work and keep tab on coal and water • j
  Tun Hlunnn exten n tn nun Y°un$ consum tion in the ower lants. ·
Jl Jl FITZGERALD couple the heartiest congratulations W_ WI? Sllolby__Lo$t lllo soollloo oo @111 su·°°t' Eau
nnu n°P°n tnnt umu urn wm un u engineer with the Smugler Union ,_.._.._..;,_______. A
PLUMBING lone and havn! ¤¤¤· Mine at Cripple Creek, cone., to take
Btegm and Water Heating -—————•-••—-·—··-· up special studies at Columbia Uni-    
269 W_ Short, _ _ Loxl_oglo¤_ KL WNING NOTES- versity, N. Y. City, where he now ls. S
······ N. R. Denham—Engineer for the
  Mr. C. K. Bain left last Sunday for Great Northern Coal cempepy tp   M   
KINKEAD GOAL COMPANY Earlington, Ky., to visit the St. Ber- Utah B l
  and   I13I°d mlD€B lll order to Obtain BOIIIO Wallace Ngwbgrggr..Engln6Br and
¤¤mDl6¤ of wil d¤¤t· This i¤ to b6 Superintendent of the Phenix·Jelllco _ ‘
N0- 157 N. B!`00·dW8·]· used in his Thesis work which is Cggl Cgmpguy at Altamgptl Kmlttlcky Our S€l'l1l'Al‘ll1\.I8l Cut
RAILROAD YARD-C. S. Freight De- ‘"I`h€ EXDl0¤ibiUtY Qt CM] D¤¤t of Page Blakemore—Divlslon Engineer price Sale is now going
pot_ S_ Broadway ood Chmty Sto tho K6¤¤1¢kY Ml¤€¤· with the Ducktown Sulphur, Copper _ _
-_-....__ & Iron Company, Ltd., Isabella, Ten- OI1 lI'l FLlI°l1lShlI`lg Goods
Bert Paynter and George Hendrick- nessee.
    son returned last week after a vlslt ........•...—.-- and HatS°
to the Asher Coal Company at Plne- DR. SNOW LEAVES FOR NEW
|0HANGE’8 CANDY KITCHEN ville, Kentucky. They were obtaining vonx Asour wool.; or GRADDY8 BRADLEY l
data for their Thesis, Developing C08.1 FEBRUARY. In ·m . _
Loxiogég Snlltho Ullllnr gglwcky p,ol,6t·ty_ This work is being done —·   Y ,
' for the above-named coal company. To Attend Meeting of Rellgloue Ed-
  Paynter and Hendrickson both have ucatlon Aseoclatlon. JUST RECElvEDl  
, , secured positions wlth this company --—-
Gflfflth m CfQ\N¢ and will probably go there to work Dr. L. F. Snow of the Educational pshipment Og
upon graduation. departments expects to leave for New ,
Evo thin Todo Good lo _____ York about the middle of February to WHITMAN S
ry R After March lst 1911 Prof. R. D. attend a meeting of the Rell ious Edu- ·
Qulckle will no longer pe seen around cation Association to be held ln that rh; Befst cihmiolatgs and
P R I N T l N G the Mmm; Department. It ls with city on the mn, 17th epa 18th ofthe °° °°u°°° Ma °‘
. . great sorrow that we announce his same month. This cordial invitation
140 South Lxmesmmi leavetaking for he has won a place comes from the committee of Arr      
Fayette phone 5;;-;,;; ln the hearts of all his students that rangements for the Conference on the Pharmacists
can not be forgottéu VGPY Boon. Prof. Moral Phases of Public Education and N W Cor Mom ood Limb
loxiooloo _ _ Kentucky Quickie leaves us to accept a job as in the discussion of which he has ‘ ' Boob P_homo_12o i
‘ ’ Fuel Agent for the Q. & C. railroad, been asked to take part. We are in- ' · g
· l
* I
-’ A

 . E T H E I D E A
·   deed glad to know that our Univer-
— A Penny Saved sity will be honored with a represent- ,_;,
l ative in that august body and es-
" [3 a Penny Mad; peciaily are we interested ln the fact ·
p that he comes from the educational A
I We can mtv: you many pnmiu department- b
. - Dr. Snow expects to be absent a out s
i I; by uumg you two weeks, and before his return is   \§\ _ ,
I   planning to attend a meeting of the       The World°s Standard. TOTIC
  TIZE PZITIIEII Dfug N. E. A., to be held at Mohne, Ala- lyzdndgllhé. clear, mellow and very pow-
»" , bama, on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of   • ¢|'f¤I· AI3$0I¤teIY Perreetfrl
l   C0, j` the same month. In the meantime,   ’ · a   scale- Finest w¤rkm¤¤¤h¤p·
f however, he has made ample provi- I nt   O   Prrccs rrem $I$ UPWar‘-I• 4)
  3;,;; gf sion for the spare moments of his '   l•$`7` Send for Illustrated Cate'  
_ students. We wish him a pleasant > ` _—/gf/¢> IQE te the makers- /; I!
_     and a most profltable trip, t `“_   For sale bygnxaggggiusie dealers. //
We are glad to announce that the ’   / _
   S department of education is becoming  __ tl / - 0N   Y  hi
.;   more adaptable to the needs of its   , (95)   /”  //,7;  _A
g_     students. Through the kindness of     ’   `    <§-Q
V. A7. COST the high school superintendent of this /   ·   \<‘»>-r      Z • ,*
-· city, arrangements have been made     \;•£[@]  Ilan
j —t whereby the present senior class may I  `   ‘‘`` 1..3 ’ zigqntxlgtgyii  4;;  J
q visit the school at will to study the ` "     `   I' ` I
I The BCI! Hot C}10C0]df¢ in various modes and methods of teach-
‘ ing. The senior class is indeed grate-
“` the City ful to the authorities of the nigh MAKERS OF LYON AND HEALY PIANO
-—- school for this favor, and will gladly  
nvnll fhr—m<1nlvn¤' nf this nppnrtun- ····*—"";"*—‘-"‘-"······‘*—··;’
’ D C lty of becoming acquainted with the COHSGQUGHCG. The men educated Ill
    0s work ,for all hope soon to be engag· ¤1i11I¤g COUFBGB RP8 €¥18¤·8€d Q¤It6  
od in the teaching profession, commonly 8.8 foremen, mine inspect-
Phon¢154 Your N¢ar•·.¢:’Drug Stor: There now is enrolled the largest ors, draughtsmen, surveyors, metal- wuts y°ur picmm °i°°° y°° mn
graduating class in the history or the lurgists. miueralcgists. geologists. h°m°'S° d°°° y°‘"`
  department. If these can be located manufacturers, assayers. managers,  E 
P E E R L E S S in various high schools of the State, etc., etc. Men trained along these lines ___
it will mean a revolution in the num- 10 alnupuadxa am JO aglgqo gum hm CALL AT
ber of State University students. For many millions of dollars yearly and y ·
L A U N D R Y each will enter his or her work with have the oversight of thousands of   S  
n a heart running over for the future human beings, or they may be em-
BEST BY TEST success of his alma mater and will ployed in humbler work about the aha let him help You make mather
, uo everything possible to induce stu- mines, and smelting works. It might haPPY aad aIS° help Y°a ta 'Ih
l W' C' WH‘SON’ AGI" dents to patronlze State. We feel that be said here that the largest salaried Yahr
now is the beginning of a new era, man in the world, John H. Hammond,    
& and that soon the buildings and is a Mining Engineer. And there are wnn nom, of thug;}
    c0° grounds will have to be made more many other men of today that are UP   DATE  
¤¢¢¤1'D¤¤‘¤·¢€d spacious to met the growing demand doing things worthy of notice that ° °
of the students. are Mining Engineers. Special mtu t° °tu'i°m°'
OPPORTUNITIES OF A MINING mining flelds are just beginning to  
l mcucement Invitations and Pr°_ ENGINEER- be worked, the opportunities of a OVER 66 YEAR?
¤ —···· miner are unlimited. In conclusion txI°e”IeNc‘
grams better than others. When 0¤6 BGGS the I¤1¤1€¤¤0 9·m0\1¤t it might be said that so great are the
of iron used in the form of all kinds opportunities gf n Mining Eu inggr
of machinery and structures, the dif- that it in beyond my pgwgr $0 px.
` Ne- 152 West Maia Street ferent uses to which Cu., Lu., Silver plain it to yen lu thg amount of
  *··¤*¤=*~·· Kr ?§’§‘2,‘.1‘.¥$2?c§“,£2°§zZI}.§'Z$;‘§€“..2§ “"°°° °".........°“°" “’ “‘°‘ T ··¤· ~· ····
  and commercial value, also the I'IIPPOOI°IONIE· Anmnaunmne·“°"$:;v;3?,E¢;€•dr¤m<=> for this }iZl?J‘lI?{éti§{·T5iili'5‘&!&l‘.T}‘ii¥•7Bl;ii¤•E`%W'$l'€Ll§’t'2
their meh to produce an that. Nath- week r·’·~‘<>d t¤ be ¤ wvrthv succrs- '“i¤§t'.§3F: 21227} ?ii?!J3{»f°ii$$.§"2‘E:%??$l%..
    ing can hardly be seen in use today SOI. to las: wé€k·s show and three bp; speclalnattcawlihout charse,lut.h•
Th _ _ but what some part of it came from °·‘“II°"°*`S M°hdaY Paid ample tribute    
y \‘ l 0 v‘ F , .
é n Ya;  ltr;] L¢>¤¤2¤¤¤ th? around. ;" “‘ I"' ms hy "f” I g ““`°° °· 3tl‘.lil$l1‘lI'€‘ZIZ}‘ll€?$l’2l3L’ {$3*3}%: Ii·2$‘fi`?2F•?l.
. . n View Ot these facts we nntnpnny OUP TG llI`llS OH OV€l‘) thing on the ytnr. four moutl.l|,|l. Bodbyullnewsdenlers.
. B- FOTSCH· Pr0PrI€r0I' turn our heads to those places from achadhla 'I`h9 hIII is 0Z~‘<‘¤€d bY Scott   & c0.38m'°°d*°"   
  whence it (j3,[{]@_ \Vo seo many people and CI9·rk€. 3 DI€8·SI!l§ Slllglllg and B"¤°hOm°°'625F8t"W°°mum°"‘D' ‘
,·’   ~ I all busy and as everything must be dah(‘Ihé§ d€VI&tI0¤·
—   " I   governed we need someone to super- The Sketch or HGFYY Morse and
222 West Main intend these undertakings. It is here COrhI’ahY· thr°a P€°I‘I°· ahd a DI0<`€ or   .· —" \
KODAK FINISHING that the fully equipped Mining En- FODG. 1‘Mh€*r two pieces, called "Uncle ( ' \
AND pH()*_[·()g_ gineer comes to the foreground and Seth ahh lhs H00d0°·" IS €¥U`*‘m€I3' ` iq- \
. BO “·O find hun (1 pa tain Of indugtr I8UgI`I8bIC. ThE! 8.Cl.lOIl (‘OI`lt(·‘l`S D.l‘0lllld Z . JI
  and a great factor lla the welfare o)f tha two DI€’<‘€S of ¤‘0D<‘. Whivh MVS    _____
tnn n-p,·]n_ _ been purlolned from a hangn1an's ,   _ _ .·
  & CO' Thy Oppgptunitigg for the Nuuing noose because a certain eminently re-        
HOME-MADE CANDY Engineer are so many and varied that ImhI¤‘ ·Z", .s'-slhrme · ·
F, 1,, MARX, Asst. Bugnezs   l.lll1ll3L§.%A\illn·3l§bT Asst. Adv. Mgr.   &     C0. 9 _
TIIICO. SLMJE, Advertising Mamugcr. W. A. 1.L*111'laY. Asst. Sub. Mgr, Im,m.pO,m,.d `
V. L. D0\\’XlNG, Subscription Mgr.   J. KOHN, Asst. Sub. Mgr, F) F? I NI TI N G ` U
—-This issue of The Idea. was pre- The next issue of The Idea will be RUSH WORK A gpm •A•.·rv D E I —
pared by the following members of prepared by the following members of Bon-. .=...¤~.;t» _
The Idea Staff: The Idea Suffi 124.128 N, L|Mr;sTONE . . l.l·Y\ll· is mg #· ¤¤=¤g¤¤i¤€· which it MCS *¤ creat Reductions in all Departments ,
indrtd in a stage of advancement and make 0**9 Of the bcst law 3¤¤r¤¤l¤ .
progress. The people of Kentucky are in the Country-    Q
awakening to the realization of the tl All these Skit; are ·enc0g11raging iiu • • T H E   L  
. · , is one uemse ves, u were ns a eeper s g- U lg
f,‘;°{h;“i§O;‘f ,,‘,§‘§§ge§§f”w?d°;;Z.ak€ in. nitlc sncs 8.U3Cll€d .0 thém than their ¤¤V€¥‘$itY up 
stitutionsin me scum. It is the mis- Sh<>-‘i¤g i¤¤ivid¤¤¤ w‘¤z¤‘¢S¤ in the g
Sm of a stm unlmsuy, more par- ;¤ffi¤‘€¤t cillsfesé U¤¤¢¤>:¤g] ithall Qf 7HE cmuscs MA~·s smns 1
. _ · s t e spiri 0 a vancemen a as ~
ggglilglcglggnthog xigthotgfrlhtg   imbued not only the whole Institution,   Chu- I-- $tr•°•· '98 - - - M•¤•¤¢r V  
in which it is located and by which but all K€muckY· This is indeed 8*  K:
it is largely supported and that is the day of vmmise for the educatomal OHCTS free tuition in an depart-   i 
chief end of our State lniversiiy. future °f the Stat€’ in which the mgntg ggcgpt; Law to ,qraduut,es of Il 
Amwg we number i¤ the g¤‘ad¤a'¢· Sm U“‘”°"““’ "‘“’“ “° ""°‘“‘""“* Kentuckv High Schools who are DRINK ‘ 
ing glass every year are students a part prgpgrgd to enter tht? F1‘CSllH'1&D · 
from all parts of the State and from Class. ‘l
other States as well, who go out from Rach county in the State is en-    
here and put in practice the principles     tidcd to Send FREE Of tuition, d lu
learned while in school and thus, by ;.. maU.iCu]atiOn, laboratory and oth.     » q
Cvilmvi with other D€0Dl€» \1¤€0¤· CROSS COUNTRY CLUB TO BE er fees, one or more appointees. L 
sciously extend the influence of their gR(;AN|gEp_ Necessary expenses moderate. I ( 
alma mater for good. This influence ._.. For full information Nmardinq   l  A.
is being Strongly felt and each year Coach lddings Issues can For canal- · f     i l 
the Freshman class shows a decided date; appom/mCS’ courses 0 Stu y’ COS l 
increase in students from localities .... of b0ard’ 8m" apply to     f h G · A A ‘
only poorly represented before. In order to stimulate interest in H' S' BARKER’ a Or t 8. enume 1  2
Tlw founding of l-h€ COUHIY High long distance running as well as to PRESIDENT'   " 
Schools 01>€¤S UD il great Gm in Gd- seek out and improve material for Lexlngtom :Ky'  Q
ucational interests and in the develop- the longer distance runs on the reg-       l  
ment of the University. A much ular track program, the Athletic Com- L ll
larger attendance is naturally to be mitee and myself have decided to in- If You \vmlt Under Fayette National Bank ‘
expected and also a higher standard stitute the custom of having a cross   8    
of preparation for entrance, which will country run which shall become an ` 1tQ ll1llO · · · — · A t·
permit of better progress on the part annual affair. Suitable prizes will be Pnl, d A   . Fmest Hi? Fultmi mg bhavmg  
0f the student here. given to winners of the first four \Vhl(·fh C‘”"P"lS Attpnttlon ar or mt C ity  
All the colleges and various de- places in the race this year which will , , . , , , · -· 
1>&r‘tmentS are being filled with great- be held in the first part or Mm-.¢h_ “7c hmm whew you um gd It    {
er I1l1llll)(‘I`S of serious, earnest work- Should Sumcicm interest bg taken  
ers and consequently a general for- in the event, arrangements will be THF       ·A
xvzml tenclency follows. The courses made for the holding of an inter-class J {
Of Study ure rstrcsnger, broader and run, each class to be represented by   t & R• h C   A
more liberal than ever before and the four contestants, the class whose       0' Everything fj;-St-C]nSg to cnt.
}(,'5`l?2§if(lt`lE§l'il'Z?}111‘5?..‘i§’(f??.YZ`(7‘t0§"§§~‘Z,'i$ §‘i?,I‘°"ih;"”}`$i1."`SM.?$“dJ£IZ‘$.d“lT` ¤l**¤*N•*¤l¤   ”"‘*‘ “"“"“"é   f‘.“’
ciencv in all llnes of studs} vtllnnir For- tlls event it   s becjc Style at H ‘mOmcm S mmm. 11}*3
Eaeh college of the Ilniserslty is · · I { lu 4 An l only first-class Lunch Clmuter m ‘
' U suggested that the prize be a banner _ ` r_ the South end of the (my. Open
bl`anClllng Out into DGW f`l€ldS and 0]* ghléld bggrlng   namés Qf thQ 1)0 (hilly 'lll&lll\1l1ll     night _
adding to its influence and import- contestants of the winning class V " .
ance. At present the college or Law wmch Sha]; bg hung in a Suitable W. S.  
has On mot W9 D¤`0D0SlU0¤ of Publish- place either ln the gymnasium 01* oth-     C0!'DQ1‘ Mill and Bolivar
‘  J

· T H E I D E A 5
  C ·———
gz ;.;¥!§§?;  
b I-  
I _ _"*  .    A SUMMER 1-wII_IgH·r_ On down the snow blown forest hill
l r       When crept. the light of day · .
r L   ~      S<>f¤>* W me ·*¤-tht E *¤“*¤g· U %l.§)lZ'L$LlQlrf§tar YS? 
    I     On Kentucky’s silent hills mg l IS Way'
 :+.35. Z;i;1:it 'i;i;i;·5:?2E1 `1;.i;?:?tZZ§1-.¢:T:Q1i1*;¥;¤  ‘ » ·Q:Qt;tT&,Q‘?S,
    , IIIg_I  ·-_».   Ig    Hear the thrushes sweetly calling _ U _ _
    {    ¥%i° ‘¥-T'  And the murmuring of the rllls. Then _SmV€ fottlst mmst an odds'
 _2{2gEgE;l£3;   ;3E¢23E¤E’ ,;{QlQl[l·}1`.QE¥»§{l    ___._'  TllO oft defeat befall
     if .l”V“.‘ °,2?l;’?T€°_'.".“?E  .   · .
   ==;;@z@2;g    ga?.;g;;;&e;¢;g;g;;;;;gg=‘    Day is dying midst the singing And dark the day and rough the Way'
 _;;g;;.;;.;g_  sag:. ·;;~ ,  gt gg=;s;gg;;g.;;g    Yet one may conquer all.
‘     -·     Ol ““ ‘"‘“‘°’“ s‘v°"’* °“" Clear w c s
        OU the ¤ll€¤l €V€¤l¤€; Gif- .
     ··   ·;i;‘; 4   THE "E"""-’°K'AN· ( S¤<¤ _ sruoswr GOVERNMENT AT ··PATT FLAGS.
q? YOll’ll Always   HCIC tl1C The revengeful wind loud walled, HALL"
II Fast fell the constant snow ———· PILLOW COVERS.
if PI°0pCl° The dim sunlight soon turned to night Rule N0. 1. NGVQF l‘€ll1l‘¤ kl bm`- '
Without one pale star’s glow. rowed article if you can avoid doing POSTERS, ETC.
I {I D A I S0.
II     The shivering bird its song had ceased Rule N0. 2. Never buy anything ————
l I All sounds of life were still which you can Dvssibly b¢F¤‘0W 0f __
Yi For All 0((A$i()n$ I SMG but the breath whose touch was transfer. \\t1]] Ill"-nys III, glad to SBB I
" - death Ru‘e No. 3. Ncvcr turn your lights YOU-
il Of thc wind upon the hill. out before twelve o'clock. I
I Rule No. 4. Never begin a feast be-
  Can courage conquer pain fore clcven, p. rn. l
a, `i And wear a victor’s palm Rule Yo.   Never fail to take your I
l 'I`ho' wild thc tide which it must ride shoes off your fcct and wear them on I I I
, Into the peaceful calm? you when you come down the stairs & COMPANY
at midniuht. I _ I
Firm courage battlrd flcrce and wild llulc Yo. 6. Never learn to wink; I H(>ll"*'A`$»**"l`$
Like cornered beasts at bay, its bad euoueh to let the lights do I to l- l·- ll<‘\\'i1lll‘St.)
For cvcrywhcrc fcll grim despair that. ,
  & C0. Likc vulturcs on their prey. llule Yo, 7. Never lot tho alarm l WEST MAIN STREET
clock disturb your slumbcrs: sleep on!
1"°`""°""°" Eternal seemed the wintry night Rule No. 8. Never stop dancing un- ’ A
ll 9   Where death was wont to rove, til you arc especially requested.  
      S   Despite the snow and north wind'! Rule No. 9. Never hang a picture '
I blqq from the molding. lf a tack ls handy.  
  The pilgrim eeaseless strove. Rule No. 10. Never Set UD when —--——————e——~—-— —~-————-
l- J

 6 T I1 E I D E A ·
show of all farm products. The coun· large crops ln the early nineties whlch,
try ls dlvlded into several zones: owing to the lack at that time of cold W   
M   d t Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern storage facilities and other m