xt7sqv3c189m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c189m/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1921 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_113_annual_report_1921 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 113 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 113 1921 1921 2014 true xt7sqv3c189m section xt7sqv3c189m   COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE ·
I  i Extension Division
A  it THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
  ron me
 ` I I [ ’r
? Dcccmber, 1921
I'\¤I*Ii#I1•··I in <‘t·]¤;trtm··ut ·¤I` .\¥l'I\'ItIIl1I`¢* IlII\It` t`¤·11:r¤ ss t»I` May S. `
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E1 list I:
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 · H
 . Letters of Trarzsnzittal ·
 . President F, L. )Ic\'e>'» P
 _ University of Kentucky. i
 1 My dear l’resident Z\Ic\'ey:
  I have the honor to present the annual report of the Division of
 2 Agr·ien1tiiral Extension of the College of Agriculture, University or
 t Kentucky, for the year ended June 30, 1921. lu this report will be
 A found a statement of the work as carried on through the Extension
 ’ Division covering brietly the various activities of the past year, also
a list of the publications and in addition a financial statement by the
. Business Agent of r<—t·t·ipts and expenditures.
Dean and Director.
Lexington, Kentucky,
November 15, 1921.
To the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky:
l herewith submit the annual report of the Division of Agricul-
tural Extension, established under act of the Legislature of the State
. of Kenlueky. approved March 15, 1916, containing an account of the
  Extension Division of the College of Agriculture, University of Ken-
P tucky for the year ended June 30, 1921,
 _ Respectfully,
FRANK L. Mc\'EY, President.
Y Lexington, Kentucky,
 _ November 15, 1921.
1 Hon. Edwin P. Morrow,
Governor of Kentucky,
Frankfort, Ky.
 ‘ Sir:
I transmit herewith the animal report of the Division of Agricul-
- tural Extension of the College of Agriculture. University of Kentucky,
for the year ended June 30, 1921.
 ` R. C. STOLL, Chairman,
Board of Trustees.
l Lcvngtml Iv ` University of Kentucky.
- . , xeatucky,
November 15, 1921_
• . »

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{ Annual Report, Extension Division, 1920-21
  The (`·»llt·;rt· tal` ,\;!l'lt‘tllllll't‘ is <»m~ of tho fnttr <·t»lI¢~;10s that
  wiiipnst- the l'lll\'•‘l'>ll_\' ¢»t` l(t·iitm·lIIl¢' ('t'UlllVlllll'< ll} IN’l`$Ull$
i not attvmliiig wr l`<'>l llli`tvl'1ll2lllt>ll tm saitl
A sttl>_jt·t·ts thru *it·l·l tl··:m»11st1·;ttinns. ]»ttl»li<·;1ti·»11s uml ¤¤tl1t·1·wis<·."
` This 1·t·[»<»t·t attvmltts to t'till\`l‘}` an itlva ttf tho ]>l't»{__"l`<‘SS that
 -’ is ll*’lll{j ]l1iItlt‘ l<¤\\`ill`ll the snhttittii nt` lil mttltitmlv of 1‘1l1`ill
  I)l`(1lll(’lll$. lll llltl llilllll`t‘ lll. lll(` <'il\<‘ lllillly lll. llll‘St‘ lllillgfs l°l"·
 ‘ tlttiro roars t`~1· thvir a··t#t»t11]»lish1m·11t. hut it is }Il`illlf_\`lll{I to he
1 ztltlo ttt 1·t~]»t»tt t‘t>ll\'t‘1l1t‘1ll of agriuttl-
` tural t·t»mliti··t1s 1llll>l 1·t·t·<»g11ixt~ that l`ill'1lll11{I must he matlc
  21 ]*1‘t>lit2tl¤lt* l:usim·>s, that tho l.2ll`lll littiiic 11111st lw a t·t>111fU1‘l2ll>l0
 ’ and il§l`t‘t‘2ll1l•‘ plztw in whit·h tu live aml that 1'lll‘&ll stwial wu-
 ` tlititms inttst ho satist`_x‘in;1. The 1\{Il'it‘llllllI'ill lixtvitsittit St‘l‘\'lt‘t‘
_ of tho l`11ivt·1·sit_v at` l{l‘lllllt‘l{)' has tttlwit il(‘(_’(1lllll of thvso facts
` Hllllt1llllt‘ pmltltittis.
‘ and t2) tlntttcstic aml s<>t·it>lt>git·al ])1`Ul)lL‘1l1S. ·
• 1

6 Circular N0. 113  A
I. I£coxomicPnon1.1z11s. ;_
 . tive:
1. Restoration and maintenance of the produetivenese    _ strei
‘ g()i]5_  ° Dlcll
2. Use of pure seeds of high vitality. I CDU]
3. {Isc of live stock of better quality.   illlll
4. Better feeding and management of live stock. _  
5. Curtailment of the tenant system.  ` QXLI
6. More even distribution of labor thruout the year; 1 the
7. Adoption of better business methods and cost ;n·eoin.¤ ' Siliit
img; club
8. Establishment and maintenanee of standard grad·~~—;
all products.
9. Businesslike disposal of farm products.
10. Better utilization and care of farm machinery. . upoi
11. Control of plant and animal diseases and inseet p··~·~ 111011
y 12. Production of more and better fruit and vegetahlm IWC
I favo
in o
‘ II. Domasric Asn Soc1o1.0o1c.xr, Pnonrmis. pmj
I cour
1. Better equipment of rural homes. s prog
2. Organization and co»operation. A lllllll
3. Adoption of better dietary habits.  ‘ 1`1‘1·1`
4. Improvement of rural schools. . purl
5. Good roads.    
6. Improvement of sanitary conditions.   with
To assist in the solution of these problems the ("ollege el pmy
Agriculture has utilized its subject matter departments, sueli ae to Q
Animal Husbandry, Agronomy, Horticulture, etc. Iiaeh depan·t— prod
ment; of the college, in addition to its former work of lIl\'0$i~l‘ The
gation and teaching, is now charged with the duty of ¤l1·i11¥ IOM
field work known as extension work. The work of the depa1‘1· 1111
II"l0I1lS is 0O—01‘dinated and directed thru the extension (till"`- Simi
Tilt? C0llH’£y and home (lC111O1lSlI‘211llO1[ agents are the repreS011l¢1‘  
( it

  Annual Report-Extension Division 7 T I
  tives of the University in the individual counties and are
    strengthened in their work by the representatives of the depart- p
 i ments. such as Agronomy, lloine liconomies, ctc., who visit the ’
 Q county and home demonstration agents periodically, or upon
 ii call. in order to assist them in technical work . The University
 i hasiinade special provision for the prosecution of work with the
’ bovs and girls and a section of the Extension Division is devoted
 in exclusively to the direction of the work of junior clubs. During
  the current season about 20,000 boys and girls are actively en-
i._  it gagcd in the several definite projects prepared by the junior
V T club department.
Mmruon or 4’\I’PRO.\CH.
The foundation of all county program building should be
upon the basis of conimunity programs. llcpresentative local
·_ incn and women are called into a conference to study and ana-
; A lyze the local business of farming, its favorable and its un-
i  %· favorable aspects, and to determine upo11 the efforts to be used
I in overcoming the dit`ficulties. A leader is assigned for each
  project determined upon. Having several con1n1unities i11 the
 · county with such programs established the building of a county
  program then becomes a matter of harmonizing the various com-
i munity programs. lu order to do this all conuuunity leaders
¥ representing a certain project are called into a conference for the
 Q purpose of determining the county program ou this one line of
1 work. ’l`his program is built UPOII the assumption that the best
_ 111011 I0 determine a county plan are those who are most fz1111iliI1I‘
 · with the specific parts of the program. l·`or example, the
`  l l\‘il£iUl'S from the various connnunities on the subject of soil i111-
'—’l ‘ Drovement meet and decide that their best procedure would be
*l° t to @1lCOl1l‘£lL`0 the growing of clovers and other legumes \Vl10S€
it production at that time was meeting with indifferent success.
ti. The county goal would be established and each connnunity
he l@?1dG1‘ would be assigned a certain allotment for l1is CO11l1l1llUll}'·
Vt, lt then becomes his work to secure a sufficient 11llllll)Cl' of demon-
N. 1 st-rators to irect t.l1e assigned acreage or goal, having at his
tu. dl*l10'$F1l at all times the assistance of the county agent ill edu- ·
cational and publicity matters. Other leaders meet in groups 1

 8 ('1'1·1·11l111· X11. Il.'}  :
S1.1ll1li11'l}' 111111 1l1‘1k‘l`lll1ll1‘ 11111111 1ll(‘1I' l'l‘Sl|("1'1l\'1‘ 1lll1‘S <11` 11111-1; 1,1-    
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1011 111 1110 :111111·111·11l 111 21 l1112ll`(l ill1l>1>lll11‘l'1S1‘_ SU llljll   ‘_ 
sults Illily 110 1ll<11'1‘ \\'11ll‘l}' 11l1s01·1‘01l uml 1110 111ll)l`U\·(`ll 11101111, _
1111111* 1*11111111)* 111111l1101l 111* (11ll1‘l’S. .\s 11ll‘S1‘ Utllllllllllllly l11-11_l1·-1  1 mm
il1'O 1111011 111;*011101* uml 11111·11111111z01l 111* 1110 0x01·11111·0 l'11lIll1l1T§  _ ll_Hll`
1110 (°l)llll1>· 111·11g1·11111 1s 1l1‘1t‘l`]ll1ll1‘Ll.   \_lll_lll
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CCOI11rll11lfi1l 111·111l111·111111. I1 1s Ullllillly 1l1ll1<>l'1il|l1 1I1111 11 111..] `1 llll_l
1110 1)1'11IC1}_11Q\ 111 IIl11I`1‘ 111l1*1111111g01111s 1ll1‘11l<1(1S (11. 1l1\l11>$ill. l1` t. llllllll
l O111}' 1l1111011l110s 11·01·0 11111s0 of 1l01111111s11·111111g 11<1\\' 111 l11·1111·;-- ·_
1 1)O111*1‘ i1l1(l 111 P1 10ss 011s1, 1110 111s1< \\'<)ll1(l 110 1‘1>1lll>2ll`&i11\'1’l}' sE111l1}· 1 1l1I\\`
4 TI10 1l1l(\$1l()l1 of (11Nl111Sill 1ll\'U1\'l‘S s111·l1 l1l2l11<‘l`S us 11111 ~11111~1- l  —,
Zl.I'(l1Z2l111>l1 111 ])1'<11l1lL‘1. 11·111`11101· 11 110 ;Il'211l1, l11·0 $1111'1{. 11·11·`  ` Wllll
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]llill'1(1‘1S, 1110 ]_11`1l1<'1l)l1‘S 111 0<1~11l101·111i1·0 01l'111·1 uml 11111·ll1;··:.t  — llllllll
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1)l`()(`1lll't1()ll.  . Ullllll
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(·0T11f'11'121l>l1* 211111 11s 2l11l”&l<‘11\'(‘ 11s ])<1SSll\l(‘_ 411· 1111\’111·1l 111z11€111f   llvlln
l1011s01v<11·1< 10ss of Z1 1ll'll(l{J_'<‘l`_\'. r1`1ll‘ 11111_j111· l1111·1i1111 (11. 1110 1.2111111}*  I lll lll
111110 1s s110111 111 1111 111111111 1110 1·`2ll'1]l ll11lll1‘ 111111 111 1110 IllEl'l11l`11)4   1 llllllll
c111s0s 1110 Q`l'(‘d11*S1 ]'1‘11ll‘ll 111 (‘<)lll1·(>l'1 11ml (‘1(1l111‘ll1lll1‘ll1, 1`111'111’“ 1 lll, l,l_
{1111011111 of 11l<>1l{i'll11 11l()ll(*_\' 2l1l(l (‘ll(‘1'{_[`_\' (‘]l1i)l()>'1‘(l_ ('illl 111* ;J'11111‘Y1   Wllvll
f1‘0l]1 11110 1]ll`l)l'U\'1*lll(‘ll1 <11` 21 (l\\'l‘l1llI{J_` 111111 1.110 \\'()l‘l{lllg' 1·11111l11111111 11111.
1 ff)llH11 111 01* 11,1111111 11 11 is \\'l1ll 1ll(‘S(‘ 1.211*18 111 11111111 111111 :!1`1`~11  - lmllll
(¥1.f(>1'1' is l)(*1l1;I 11111110 l1y 1110 (‘X1(‘llS111ll S(‘l'\'11‘(‘ 111 l>l’1lIg‘ 11I111111 1111-  

  .lIl}lI(lIl I1'r]1nrl r— /y`.r//·11sI¢1n I)I·l'/Sl'!/ll ll
l  1,,-1,\·.·m1·11t i11 lll(‘ 1·<111\'1*l1l<‘111*1*S <>l` Il11· llfrllli‘ uml to i1·u1·h rillier i
1`Qi   >u],j,·1·1$ $m·h us 111i;:l1t lw g:1‘1>11]11·I'l{ l1:1s :1 Yury l!l]l)(1l'lil]l[ J
    hl~;1i·i11g 11i»1»1: ll11· ><¤¢·l21l \\'\‘ll-2ll'l‘ <»l` llI(‘ ('U]ll1l]llllll}'_
1 ‘*V·   (`11-<11·1·;1<.x’1‘1<»N.
    lll 1111111-:1:1lI'*>{."l`2|ll1 1>l` \\‘111‘l& i11 u <‘i>lllll}' thc rrollugc
"  · mi-1i1111s 111 111ili%1· 1·\‘<·1‘_\‘ <·Xl~Ii11;: l<»1·:1l pi<·<·1· of lIlEli'lIllll’I'_\' lhut
"  l IQIHIN j1>1·]l` 1·» 1h·· ]1lll'|><1>l‘ of llll‘ \\`*¤l`l{. .\Il1|lllQ` sm·h 2ll‘(} thc
S \'{{]‘l1>ll$ l~2Il`l]l¢`l`N` ll5\l|1'l}IllUllN Zllltl Ul`}IZllllZ2lllUll$. $l‘ll|NllS, l)(72ll`ll?§
:4  1»l` ll`illll‘. l»:1111:s. 1·1»111111··1·1·iul l1<»11s1·>. 1·1»1111111111i1y <'llll)$. i111]11·1»y‘<~-
  llllllll l1'2lQll\‘S, ]>&ll'<‘lIl-l•‘2|<‘lI¢‘l`>. ilN>(N'llllllllls. llllZll`ll< nf l1<·ul1l1
1*;  Q Il11‘l\l1‘1l l`1··»»~. Y. Bl. (`. .\. uml lllillly ¤1ll1t‘l` u;:1·m·i1·s \\`ll1·s
* Q ll2l\`l‘ lllll<‘ll i11 1···1111111>11 with 1l1·»s1· ·1l` 1h1· l‘:Xl1‘llSl¢>ll Sl*l'\'l('(‘ of
l-   1l11· 1’1»ll1-gw of ,\gl‘l<‘lllllll'<‘ uml thc l`. N. l)ll1l{ll'llll\°lll of Agri-
    lI1111· ll1¤l`X'l`\` .1N1> ll1¤All·Z l)1·;x1·»Ns’1‘1<.v1‘1·1N .\<:1-;N’1‘s A111-: S1·§(`l`I(l·§I>.
  ’ `\\’ll<‘ll u 1‘¤llllll_\' hus p1·1·:1t0
  ~. with tho l·]xt··1111 of 1h1· (`nllvg:11 11l` -\Q'1`li‘lllllll't‘ i11
T';   llll[*l"·\'lllyZ' in il;!l`l('lllllll`lll (‘Ull(llll1>ll 1h1‘11 tho <‘lll]lll>_\`Ill<‘lll of
`l·i  . il <‘l1lllll_\' 111* zz l!U]ll1‘ 1l1·111<111>l1*:1ti<>11 :1;:1*111 111* lllllll. 1l11* lllll‘l`(‘Sll‘ll
    ]ll‘l`S<>llS got i11 11»m·h with thu l‘lXll‘ll>ll>ll l)ivlsi·111 of tho (`ollogo
i`   1·f1\g1·i1·11l1111·1· \\'lll1‘ll svmls u 1·1·p1·1·s1·111111i\‘1· 111 <>lllllIl<‘ tl11· lt‘I’lllS
*1l L lllmll \\'lll‘ll lll(‘ lllll\'l‘l'$ll_\' uml 1l11· I`. N. ll1·11:11·11111·11t of 1\g1·i~
‘ c11l1111·<· will 1·11-1»p1·1·:1l1~ llll&llI<‘lilll_\' uml 111l11·1·wis0 i11 the (‘lllI)lUy·
1 1ll0lll nf ill] 2l;I¤‘lll. \\`l11·11 1l11—s1~ t1~1·111x 2ll`1‘ l`11lly 11111l1·1·xl1>111l thc
[UN  ` TlS<‘11l1·<1111·1 is ;1sl;111l, hy :1 ('l>lllllllll1‘1‘ l`l`<¤lll thu t‘l>lll1l_\'. l1)]l]i1l(L‘ :111
M  \ H]>]11‘r¤]11‘i:1li1»1. s11l`li1·i1·111 to 1·1>v1*1· ;l]\]>I'1lXllllElT<‘l}' hull` of Il11‘ vnst
HN  . (lf Nll1·l1 \\'111‘l{. ln v1*1‘l:1i11 <·:1s1*s lll(‘ 111‘1·1‘sN:1l‘)’ lwvzll l`lllll‘11\‘i1l1~.l hy ]11>i11ilu1· NllllN('l'lI\ll1?ll, hy hwul uss1>1·.iuti1111s
   i UV l`Hlll1<*1N` <>l'Q`£llIlZ2lllfIllN_ lllll i11 the 111:1_i1>1‘il_\‘ <1l` l‘il$<‘N lll1‘ llwul
    fUI11)1ll(‘lll of methods (lllldllg the year just
 i ended has been the adoption of the eonunnnity as a basis for
i I building a program of work of which tl1e following is a fair
_  ; sample:
l ;
l .
l .

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 ; -·l11uuu/ ]1’1;m1·/-——»E.1·/1as/1111 [)[l'l·$li/III 13 `
  'l`his prograui is built by ll1t‘(‘ll|l{!` with a group of local  
  I`t‘]lI't‘St‘Illilll\’t‘ IllL‘1l to analyze the [)I'Ul)lt‘]IlS, inake plans for i111- .
,  ])l`t)\'t‘l|ll'lll to he Juarlc autl to assign il loeal lcatler for each sub- V
  ject attcniptctl. Nueh ]»1·o;;t‘an1 for the most part is a sell. tletcr- F
l 1111111-tl type in which the county a;:<·11t is able to secure thc help
 1 of thc local [»c·>]»l<· in lllllltllllllf a proizraiii ol' interest to them
fi  as zipplyiilgx to their local ncctls. 'l`hc looal leatlcr sclectetl looks
 I al't1·r the tlctails ol` >t·ulll'lIl;I tls-uioustrators. planning ltl<‘t‘llIl{IS
j  and looking alter results i11 that coniuuuiity.
_' This plan ot` work is being followed elost-ly by the State
-i .\gt-ut autl his assistants witl1 the result that llllI'l_\’·><*\'<*l1 county
 F ;1;;1·uts ll§|\`\‘ I't‘I>UI'lt‘{jl'illll< ol` work.
 T 'l`he spirit with wl1i.·l1 tht-sc ]ll'il{II'2Illl< arc ]ll<'l is i111lit·.1tc1l
 » by the following extract l.l`i1Ill a letter written hy a t‘tIllI|l_\` ag;.-ut
 ° ia the mouutaius till l{t-utucky:
 ` o 4;..- so;
A  Last week I overlooked stressing my tirst successful meet-
 ; ing wliere I endeavored to start a program of work, so I want to
  tell you just what we did.
 · The tirst meeting advertised was in the north end of the
  county. I put Alr. — —- --—» · in charge of this me:-ting_ but
 _ no one came tllll so ot` course nothing could be done.
  The second meeting was held in the southern end of the
  county where we have a few good farms on a creek bottom. Four
 ty men were present. I hung my board on the wall, and drew the
  ortline for them and then got them started to talking about the
 _ niost important thing that their community needed. \\'ell. do
 · you know they jumped me about drainagze right away. I had
thought of drainage some t`or tl1at locality l)ll[ didn`t know they
 V were so interested in it. They started right out to plan how they
·‘ could get not only their own bottom tiled but how they could
J interest their neighbors. It did me good to see these men begin
 · to plan out their campaign. This was something they wanted
5 and they didu`t sit back and let me talk. \\'e tinally appointed
 I a good leader and set ten men as our goal to order more or less
 = Illia:. The plan is to order all together.
·   Next. these men informed me that plantain was ruining their
grass. It developed that the creek overtlowed on their bottoms i
` and set it fresh each year.
l Ilere was a problem that I knew little about and I saw it was
serious, so we set to work and I called their attention to the fact `
` ~

14 C·z`rcular N0. 113  
that they were on the head of the creek and we could try A v_  strtttf
rotation on the bottoms which were highest up on the creek wlu_~;·., ;_  as nll
plantain is tirst found. This we are going to do if we can l}('l'Slltttl•;  ·` their
the Hlflll rarthest up on the creek to work out at rotrition. ill; _,  out tl
those present, of their own accord, agreed to cut off a part O·  ‘ .
` their bottoms where tl1e overilow did not reach but where tgt  'Z Umli
' plantain had spread, and try a rotation. A good leader was voted   me S
on and the others promised to back him up.  ; could
I then steered them on selecting their seed corn in the ti··i.§  ‘ WVU i
and the leader was agreed upon and six men set as their goal.  * tester
This gives us two short time projects and one long time projec; » is tht
When I look back on my past work as an agent and thiug · A
of the times I have wished that I might be of more scrriccl
deeply regret that I did not have a plan of this sort to follow. i  mpg
Very truly yours, im` "
(Signed) R. O. DATE, County Agent, g Most
McCreary County, Kentuclty, _ speci.
I11 an effort to develop a favorable mind for this pi·ogi·atu 1,],,,,
building and to establsih the county agents relationships within s um],
his county, these subjects were featured at the annual c<»nt`··r~ . for  
ence held January 27 to 31 in which the following men toll; _ T0 qt
part: Lucius E. \Yilson of the American City Bureau; lt. li. ` Lying
Bliss, Director of Agricultural lixtension; Iowa; M. C. l;lll`l`t‘ii. _ (tum.
‘ Director of Agricultural Extension, New York; Cla1·k S.  Z this
WVlhceler, Ex-Director of Extension; Ohio; 'l`homas Cooper, lleau   and q
and Director, Kentucky; Dillon Meyer, County Agent; l·`ranl¤» 5 Nm
Red (`lover ....... . ................. . ........ 198 112 H,15-1   NW
Sweet Clover   ____________,_________,.._.. 511 1,$5li 1,6-li:   Em
Lespedeza ................,..............,.   63 SHS 175 ’ Tim:
Mille; ....,........ ... 1.,.......,................ 23 S1 271l Y Tim:
Sorghum ......1» . ......,......,..,............. 113 225 T5 ` ·I·,,m
Cow Peas ...... . ......1,...................... 1-11 1,31lS 1,1111} ‘ XL, `
Soybeans .........,.............................. 311 3.611 1¤>,7»1:: · N,
Irish Potatoes .....1...........,..,......... 1,223 TM2 5,nm  
Sweet Potatoes .........,.................. S0 131 2,121  I
Orchards . ..........t..,...,....t.._..,..,1 .. 3913 25,722 trees 22,nmn  L
LIVE STOCK-—Pl`RE BRICDS lN'I‘l{(>l)l`(`l·Zl1 lN'l`() <`()l'N'l`ll·ZS  V
Stallions ....,,.....,..1...,1....4........... 5 Beef Cows and lleifers .. 11T ;
Mares .............,......,.................,. 24 Iioars ... .,,. .. .. __ jp; t
Jacks ....,............,........................ 9 Sows and Uilts _ . ,_____,, , __,_ gn; .
Dairy Bulls ._...................,. . ..... 121 Rams   . .. .. TIT "
Dairy Cows and Heifers ,.... 376 Ewes ......,.   ...... .. . ., 1·T~· ,
Beef Bulls ...................,.,.......... TS l
_ No of visits by agents ...........................................,..........,... . ..........   1Jl.ilfZ•I  ‘
No. miles traveled ................. . ...............................................,.,,.. . ....... 232.3>~ {
Calls on agents relative to work ....1..........