xt7sqv3c1881 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c1881/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1976 journals 225 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.225 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.225 1976 1976 2014 true xt7sqv3c1881 section xt7sqv3c1881  I
TE S TS - 1 9 76
Progress Report 225
Agricultural Experiment Station • Department ofAgr0n0my • Lexington

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LOCATION OF THE 1976    if  _
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Table 1.-Location, Planting Data and Climatic Data for the 1976 Soybean Performance Tests.
1 2 3 3 4 5 6
Henderson Hartford Princeton Princeton Ihyfield Lexington Franklin
Double—crop Double-crop
Farmer James Preston Exp. Exp. Gayle Exp. Joe &
cooperator McConathy Vaught Sta. Sta. Dobson Sta. Ben Neely
Extension William John - - William - Don {
agent Hendrick Kavanaugh Green Kessler
Soil type Wakeland Melvin Crider Crider Collins Maury Nicholson
silt loam silt loam silt loam silt loam silt loam silt loam silt loam
Date of
planting 6/9-%/ 6/my 5/25 6/292/ 5/27 5/21 6/182-/
Row width 30 30 30 20 30 30 20
Herbicide l lb Lorox 1 qt 1 lb Lorox 1 lb Lorox None 1 lb Lorox 1 lb Lorox
2 qt Lasso Treflan 2 qt Lasso 2 qt Lasso applied 2 qt Lasso 2 qt Lasso V
1 qt Para- 1 qt Para-
quat quat
Soil test;/
P 90 67 50 24 9 300+ 61
K 231 247 167 277 95 157 336
pH 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.2 6.3 6.3 6.3
Fertilizer None 15 lb N 58 lb P None 119 lb P 120 lb K on l0-13-75;
appliedif 60 lb P 75 1b K 110 1b K 15 lb N,
60 lb K 60 lb K
on 2-6-76:
50 1b N
Date soil
temp reaches 5/2 4/25 4/18 4/18 4/22 5/12 5/6
c5°F in the
50% chance
spring ki11ing4/11 4/22 4/10 4/10 4/13 4/22 4/13
50% chance
fall killing 10/26 10/13 10/19 10/19 10/24 10/23 10/24
See footnotes at bottom of opposite page.

 Kentucky Soybean Performance
( Tests — 1 9 7 6
_ By D. A. Reicosky, ]. M, Wood and Charles Tutt
The objective of the Kentucky Soybean Performance tests
is to rovide an estimate of the relative erformance of so bean
varieties in Kentucky. This information may be used by growers
and seedsmen in selectin the variet that will ive the hi hest
total production for a specific situation. Experimental strains of
soybeans provided by the U.S. Regional Soybean Laboratory
are also tested at several locations in Kentucky.
Soybean tests in 1976 were conducted at five locations in
the major soybean-producing areas of the state and at Lexing-
~ ton. The testing locations, soil types, planting date, row width,
and other information are shown on the opposite page.
_ The information on the dates that soil temperatures reach
65°F and the date of a 50% chance of a spring killing frost is
provided for various areas of the state as guidelines for planting
of soybeans (Table 1.) To obtain good germination and stand
establishment it is recommended that soybean planting be
delayed until after there is a low probability ofa killing frost
and until the soil temperature at the 2-inch depth reaches 65°F.
The date of a 50% chance of afall killing frost is important
in determining which variety you select to plant (Table 1). For
maximum yield, a variety must mature before the first killing
frost in the fall. Maturity dates of varieties are listed for the
Princeton and Lexington locations in Tables 7 and 9. Particular
(These footnotes concern Table 1 and material on page 2.)
1Originally planted on May 8 and 9 but owing to poor stands caused by heavy
rains, the test was replanted on the indicated dates.
2No-till d0uble—cr0pped after wheat.
3No soybean cyst nematodes were found at any of the test sites.
4Applied at planting unless otherwise specified.
5Temperature at 2-inch depth of bare soil for years 1967-72 (weekly average).
6Based on a 30-year average.
*Trade names of products mentioned or similar products not named is neither
intended as an endorsement nor criticism of such products by the Kentucky Agricul-
tural Experiment Station.

 attention should be given to the maturity date of a variety when ·
double-cropping soybeans. (See the discussion on double-crop
The dates presented in Table 1 are average dates over a _
long term, and the date for each factor may vary from year to
year. For the date of a 10% chance of a spring killing frost, add
13-16 days to the dates in Table 1 and for the date of a 10%
chance of a fall killing frost subtract 13-18 days from the dates
in Table 1.
Each variety was planted in three plots (replications) at all
locations, with individual plots being 20 feet long and 3 rows
wide except for the double-crop tests which were 4 rows wide.
The seeding rate was approximately 8-10 viable seeds per foot ”
of row. It should be noted that there were no soybean cyst
nematodes at any of the test locations. .
Lodging was rated on a scale of 1 to 5; 1 = almost all
plants erect; 2 = all plants over slightly or a few down; 3 = all
plants over moderately or 25% down; 4 = all plants over con-
siderably or 50-80% down; 5 = all plants over badly.
Maturity Date
This is the date when the pods are dry and most of the
leaves have dropped. Stems are also dry, under most conditions.
l\laturity may also be expressed as days earlier (——) or later (+}
than that of a standard variety (Williams). Maturity dates were
recorded at the Princeton and Lexington locations.
Plant height was measured in inches from the soil surface
to the tip of the main stem.

Shattering was scored 3 weeks after maturity and was
based on estimates of the percent of open pods on a scale of 1
to 5; 1 = No shattering; 2 = 1%-10% shattered; 3 = 10-25%
shattered; 4 = 25-30% shattered; and 5 = over 50% shattered.
Shattering scores were taken at the Princeton and Lexington
An important step of profitable soybean production is to
select good seed of the best variety for your management
system. The Kentucky Soybean Performance Tests are con-
ducted to provide information useful in making this selection.
Performance of soybean varieties is affected by many
factors including season, location, soil type, and time of plant-
ing. A particular soybean variety is adapted for full-season
growth in a band approximately 100 miles wide from north to
south. Thus, the best variety in northern Kentucky may not be
the best in southern areas. For this reason the Kentucky Soy-
bean Performance Tests are conducted at several locations in
the major soybean—producing areas of the state. Data from the
location nearest to a soybean grower’s farm probably provide
the best estimate of the potential of the soybean varieties in
that area.
Yield is only one factor to consider in selecting a variety
for your production system. Maturity, lodging resistance,
disease resistance, seed shattering resistance, and time and
equipment availability are other factors that need to be con-
Performance of the soybean varieties will vary from year
to year and location to location depending on adaptability,
weather conditions, and management. The average performance
of a variety over a period of years provides a better estimate of
its potential and stability than its performance in a particular
year. W/ten selecting a variety it is important to consider the
t/tree or two year average presented in the tables to get an
estimate ofa uarietyk stability and performance potential over

 Sm all differences in yield are usually of little importance.
The yield of two varieties at a single location may differ because
of chance factors (difference in soil characteristics, fertility, or
availability of moisture) even though the inherent yielding
ability is the same. To decide if an observed yield difference is
real, use the LSD (least significant difference) value quoted at
the bottom of the tables. If the difference in yield is greater
than the LSD value, you may be reasonably certain that the
entries actually do differ in yielding ability.
Variety Adaptation
Early-maturing varieties (Group III), such as Calland and
Williams, are best adapted in areas of Kentucky north of the
line indicated on the map shown below. The line is approxi-
mately the same as where the Western Kentucky Parkway is
located. Late-maturing varieties (Groups V and VI), such as
Dare, York and Forrest are best adapted in areas south of the
indicated line. Mid-season varieties (Group IV), such as Cutler
71, Custer and Kent, can be successfully grown in most areas in
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