xt7sqv3c126j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c126j/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1957 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 32, No. 3, Winter 1957 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 32, No. 3, Winter 1957 1957 1957 2014 true xt7sqv3c126j section xt7sqv3c126j The Quarterly Bulletm
of the
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  at The Clearing

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Outside cover photograph by Alice Van Norden
Inside cover photograph by Juanett:1 Moore Morgan
Pul>1ish»·d Qu:1rt·r·r1y by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Lexington, Ky. . `
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year ‘
l€¢lit0r’s 0fIice: Wendover, Kentucky
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post OH“lc•w nt; L¤·xi11g·1.¤n1, Ky.,  
under Act of March 3, ]879."
4'opyrighi, 1957. Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

i A Ballard of Trees and the Master
    (Verse) Sidney LCM!/IZGT 2
ii  A Mother Needed Us Jane Carpenter 10
l P A Postscript Agnes Lewis 17
1   Beyond the Mountains 47
E_   Confluence Flood Waters Carolyn Banghart and
i r (See inside back cover) Molly Lee 11
? Field Notes 56
  Hazard Agnes Lewis 15
‘ i My First Home Delivery Beulah. Olson 31
 { Old Courier News 21
  Old Staff News 35
3   Thanksgiving Day 1956 Elizabeth Kindzerski 29
{   Trigger to Flat Creek Virginia Branham 20
3   Water, Water Everywhere (Illus.) Jane Fnrnas 3
A Hard Time 46
A Pat of Butter 14
An Announcement 45
. Boredom 33
i Children of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson 30
‘ (Photograph)
· ` Just Jokes 33
· Needed Now 19
,   Our Mail Bag 54
§ Play Fair 46
T i Tea at Wendover Rebecca Brown 46
J The Importance of Tugboats The New York H erald—Tribnne 34
` Thonsandsticks Finally Resumes
‘ Publication Thonsandsticks 16
H White Elephant 55

|nTo The woods my lvlasTer wenT,  T
Clean TorspenT, TorspenT.  .
lnTo The woods my lVlasTer came. ‘ 
ForspenT wiTh love and shame.  
BuT The olives They were noT blind To Him,  
The liTTle gray leaves were kind To Him:  T;
The Thorn-Tree had a mind To Him  
When inTo The woods He came.  I
OuT oT The woods my lvlasTer wenT, V 
And He was well <;onTenT.  
OuT oT The woods my lVlasTer came,  
ConTenT wiTh deaTh and shame.  T
When DeaTh and Shame would woo Him lasT,  
From under The Trees They drew Him lasT:  T
`Twas on a Tree They slew Him — lasT i` 
When ouT oT The woods He came.  
—s1dney Lanier, 1842-1881  

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I It had been raining without ceasing for three days. By
 Y Monday evening, the Middle Fork River, although swollen, was
 V still below the road at Pig Alley. We thought we were in for a
» big tide but we never dreamed what would face us Tuesday
 1 morning, January 29. About 3 :00 a.m. we had a terrible thunder
  storm and the heavens fairly opened up. When I got up at 6:30
  we could see nothing but water. At that time the top of the front
pull-gate at Wendover was still visible but the water was rising
A fast. Our electricity was off. As I walked towards the Big

House I met Ira, the night watchman. He had walked about a  
mile up Hurricane Creek trying to {ind a place to cross so that  
he could get to his home on Camp Creek. But he had given up I;
and come back to Wendover. He said he would continue to work V.
that morning as he felt sure none of the other men would be Q
able to get to us.  
Our iirst job was to get all of the rock gutters cleared, as  .
the leaves had washed off the mountain above Wendover and Q 
blocked a good many of them. We knew that some of our build- ~
ings might wash down if we didn’t get these gutters opened to  
drain off the torrents of water pouring down the mountainside.  ,
Agnes Lewis, with the help of the office staff, went to every _1 
building and disconnected all of our electrical equipment and  °
threw the breakers. The couriers were busy seeing to the ani-  
mals. As we were finishing these first jobs Hobert Cornett, our  Q
foreman, arrived. He never has failed to get to us. He had  `‘—
come across the hills from Camp Creek and crawled out on a  H
fallen tree over Upper Hurricane and jumped to this side. He I
was wet to the waist and he sure was tired by the time he made  _
it to Wendover.  I
We were terribly concerned for our neighbors up and down  i’
the river. As luck would have it the party-line telephone still  v
worked between us and the Brashears up river, although we .
were unable to call between houses here at Wendover, or any- ¥
where else. Mrs. Brashear kept in touch with us and we advised
one another, even though it was impossible for us to meet. She j
told us that their store house and barn had gone and we felt , 
quite sick as we saw both of them coming down the middle of  
the river.  ?
We were deeply anxious about our nearest neighbors down .
the river at The Clearing, and Anne Cundle, the Wendover nurse,  
tells about her trip to them, as follows; `
"The two couriers (Lois Buhl and Alice Van Norden),  I
Hobert and I made a detour around the mountain—as the road  `
was under water——to see how Becky Jane and Lewis Morgan, the  I
two old folk who live at The Clearing, were faring. We scrambled  
over fences and through the bull pen, much to Frontiersman’s ·
surprise. I must admit, I was a little wary of being so near an L 
unchained bull. However, he seemed quite unperturbed. The _

FRoN*1·1E11 NURSING smzvicia 5
A water was up to Becky J ane’s front porch, and we were distressed
' to hear that our two heifers were trapped in the barn, and no
one could reach them. They sounded so pitiful mooing inside
W their stalls that we couldn’t leave them there without making
  an attempt to save them. So Hobert went back to Wendover
 i for an axe and a ro e. When he returned he cho ed down a
» tree which we all hauled to the water’s edge, and pushed it across
g  what used to be the road, from the top of the fence to the roof
of the barn. Then I hauled myself across with the rope tied
{ around my middle while the others steadied the log. But, after
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i climbing on the roof of the barn, I discovered that there was
 I still a gap between me and the two heifers who had just their
  heads out of the water. There was nothing for it but to haul
Z} myself back over the log, and to leave the poor things to their
  fate. However, I am pleased to say, there is a happy ending to
  this story, as we heard later that they did eventually swim to

safety over a gap we had made in the fence. Two other lives g
were also saved when Alice reached across and grabbed by the  
neck two bedraggled chickens that were swimming frantically {T
in circles. We brought Becky Jane and Lewis back with us over  
the hills to Wendover." A
At Wendover, during this time, we were tending furnaces  
and fires (we had put the night watchman to bed), seeing to the  
food from the refrigerator and deep freeze, getting the oil lamps  *
and candles ready for the night, and collecting dry clothing for  *
the party from The Clearing. We were low—spirited because it  Q
was so sad to see buildings, bottled-gas tanks, etc., going down
the river; and some of the buildings were people’s homes. The {
water had risen high over the front pull-gate, had covered the  Q
gate in front of the pump house and was half-way up the pump  
house itself. When the water reached the turn at the cow barns  `
and the pig sty, some of us went to Pig Alley to drive Edna, the  °
Hampshire brood sow, and the other pigs out of their pen to
safety. But we let them be because just then the river stopped  J
It seemed almost like a miracle to watch this turning back
of the water. The river now started to fall rapidly and we forgot .
our immediate surroundings in our anxiety about Hyden and  _
the six outpost centers, and all our friends in those neighbor- A
hoods—although we knew it was impossible to hear from them. V
By evening we were getting reports over our battery radios and
learned that the iloods were widespread. We knew that Mrs.  1
Breckinridge in the East, and all our friends outside, would be " 
anxious too. _ 
The next morning—Wednesday, January 30—we decided to  `A.
try to make it across the mountains to Hyden. By this time we ;
knew that our trusty swinging bridge was no more. The day .
before we had seen from The Clearing, that the water on yon _  
side of the river was up to the roof of a store that is on the I
highway near the Mouth of Muncy Creek. We felt we just had  
to get out and see what the situation was and find out what we
could do to help. Then Hobert had a "brain wave." He crawled  

 Fnonrmn Nunsme smnvrom 7
down to the river to see if by chance "The Greasy Bean" was
A still afloat. It was, and there was great rejoicing——we and our
neighbors above us, could now get across the river by boat.
  Chained to a tree, it had stayed quietly under forty feet of water.
l We were soon ready, and Lois, Hobert and I got into "The Greasy
  Bean" and took off. The current was swift, but Hobert managed
` the boat well and we were soon anchored on the other side of
. the river, under the site where the end of the swinging bridge
had been.
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We walked around the mountain (maybe crawled would be
more like it) to the Mouth of Muncy. There we were again faced
with the problem of crossing, as the foot bridge over Muncy
Creek was now sort of suspended in mid-air and Hobert didn’t
I feel that it was safe. We finally got across (not without getting
wet) and trudged through the mire to Mrs. Mosley’s yard-
V above the highway and well above the river—where, through
her courtesy, several cars and jeeps were parked. "The Rabbit,"
our long-wheel jeep, was one of those vehicles and we felt sure
it would be flooded-—we almost dreaded seeing it. We were
greeted with the good news that McKinley Mosley had crossed
l the wires in "The Rabbit"—to start it without its key—and
] with it had pulled the other vehicles high above the rising water
’E‘ to safety. He used it to evacuate his sister, with some of her
5 belongings, from the Ritter Lumber Camp; and to take other
G people to higher ground. It pleased us no end to know that our

jeep had been of use in rescue work, and we were deeply grateful  
to Mr. Mosley for having salvaged it for us. l
We went on into Hyden Town and were appalled by the ,
sights which greeted us en route; cars had been swept into `
iields and were caught in trees; the highway was washed out {
in places and there was mud everywhere; houses were gone and
other houses sitting in places where there had been none; stunned
people with their muddy, wet furniture and clothing were all ._
along the highway. When we reached Hyden we found that the F
town itself had not suffered too much damage, as the houses
which had piled up against the highway bridge above the town g
had held back the water to some extent. From one of these `
houses, backed against the bridge, a cold and very frightened i
little boy had been pulled out unharmed. We later learned that g
another little boy, swept away with his house by the waters of ‘
Cutshin Creek, had been drowned. ,
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At our Hospital on the bench of 'lihousandsticks Mountain,
Betty Lester had everything under control—everything except
that she had no medical director in residence! Dr. Beasley was
in the East attending a medical symposium. Dr. Gene Bowling,
who lives across the river from Hyden, was standing by for Dr.  
Beasley, but he had barely gotten across the swinging bridge the y
day before in time to evacuate his family from their flooded wl
home to a neighbor’s on higher ground. Betty also knew, after f
hearing over the battery radio of Hazard’s isolation and destruc- l

   FRONTIER Nuasmo simvrcm ia
’ tion, that the surgeons there would not be able to get to Hyden
  even if she could reach them by telephone. Fortunately, there
_ were only a few patients in the Hospital and none of them in a
Ip critical condition.
l The old coal range, kept for such emergencies when the
Hospital had an electric range installed some years ago, was
cooking food for the patients, nurses, nurse-midwives of the
p Frontier Graduate School and Dr. Beasley’s family, as there
 { was no electricity. The hospital wards were illuminated with
 § night watchmen’s large battery lanterns. The great anxiety, in
.-  the absence of electric power, was the water supply. Without
  electricity the deep well pump, booster pump, their motors and
 l controls could not furnish water from the 200-foot well below
` Joy House up to the two storage tanks on the side of the moun-
kg tain high above all the buildings in the hospital plant. Somewhere
 il in the line from the pump to the tanks the pipes had pulled apart
[ and one tank had emptied itself. When we reached the Hospital,
 { Alonzo Howard, the hospital foreman, had just located the break
 ig and was busy repairing it.
  As yet there was no news from any of the outpost centers
 I and the patients in their areas. The hospital staff were busy
‘ getting clothing into boxes to give to washed-out families when
* it could be gotten to them. Several horses, mules and a dog
from the flooded area of town were housed in the barn. As
 I there was nothing we could do at the Hospital, we went back
j down town where the local Red Cross Chapter and other citizens
, were feeding and housing refugees. We were relieved to learn
 ; that Judge Elmer Begley and Magistrate Onzie Sizemore had
  gone out to call for help. We also learned that the Black Bros.
  Bus, a mountain line, was going to try to get out through Man-
chester to Richmond. They had learned that highway No. 421
 · to Manchester, and the bridges between Hyden and Manchester,
{ were now clear of water. I gave the bus driver a telegram to
 {L send from Richmond to Mrs. Breckinridge in New York.
  Although I didn’t know it then, Governor Chandler, with
° a military convoy from Fort Knox, came through Hyden that
i same evening en route to Hazard. He arranged for emergency
' electric power to be furnished Hyden through the T.V.A., and
 ` Hyden Hospital and the town got power that very night. Alonzo

stayed down with the pumps all night in order to fill the tanks ’
as quickly as possible. The Army brought cots and blankets ._
for the refugees. ; i
by E! 
JANE CARPENTER, R.N., s.c.M., M.T`.D. {
Shortly after noon on the day of the floods the Middle Fork
River and Rockhouse Creek were still rising and, from the Hos- ·'
pital Hill, we could see a vast expanse of water between us and
the far side of Hyden Town. An agitated man arrived at the A
H0spital——"Can the nurses come? My wife is bad off." Poor  .
Silas was so out of breath that it took us a few minutes to find  .
out what was troubling Sally, his wife. Then we gathered that
this was an emergency maternity case and we must hurry. We  =
would have to cross the flood waters to get to the other side of I 
town. Silas told us he had a small rowboat waiting, and a car  .
on the highway. Irma Cohen (student in the Frontier Graduate 4
School of Midwifery) and I packed the minimum of essential
equipment and, with Silas, we hurried down the hill to the 1 
waiting boat which carried us safely across the swirling waters.  
We could not take the regular road to Si1as’ house as it was  _
under water, so we drove along the highway to a point above V
his home, then slid down the mountainside to his door. ,
Sally’s baby had come much too early and she had had a y
hemorrhage. We gave emergency treatment and tried to reassure  p
her. A quick look around told us that we must get Sally to our  A
Hospital as soon as possible. She needed careful watching, and  ~
the flood waters were just underneath the floor of her house!  ,
Trying not to alarm her too much—she was already worried l
about leaving her children and home--we wrapped her up and  ,
helped her up the hillside to the car. Silas stayed to mind the ,
children and to watch their endangered home. We made the  {
return trip by car and boat without incident, and heaved a sigh  
of relief when we had Sally safely in our Hospital high above the T
flood waters. Later, we were happy to learn that Sally’s home .
did not get taken by the flood, and she has gone back to Silas  
and her children.  p

 FRoN·r1ER Nuasiue SERVICE 11
·. b
  CAROLYN BANGHART, R.N., C.M.,yB.S., and MOLLY LEE, R.N., s.c.M.
i (The Frances Bolton Nursing Center of Possum Bend)
 3 See inside back-cover picture
Y Much water had flowed beneath the bridges of the Middle
Fork River all winter. Since before Christmas there had been
 .’ rain and tides instead of the usual snow and ice. Unable to cross
_ with the jeep or ford with the horses through swift, deep water,
we were having to walk via the swinging bridges and balance on
_ logs over creeks and branches. It was good to hike among the
  hills doing district nursing work, even though time-consuming.
I On the morning of Tuesday, January 29, after a week—end
  of steady rain, we awoke to find the river nearly level with the
T road just below the nursing center. We quickly did the morning
_ chores (our young housekeeper, Opsie, was away) of feeding and
> milking and doing the Hres. Then we ate a hurried breakfast.
The road below us soon became a busy highway. Boys from the
 A village down river were using an old rebuilt Army jeep to tow _
 ~ cars to higher ground. Many of these cars had been left at Roy
j Sizemore’s store and Post Office, since his place marked the
 ‘ end of the gravel road. Beyond was a rough creek bed, often too
;  full of water for a car to get through. Putting on rubber boots
 ‘ and raincoats (it was pouring rain) we walked the short distance
  to the village to find the road there already iilling with water.
 i A boat piled high with store goods, covered with a big tarpaulin,
 , was being pulled up the flooded road to higher ground. Water
. lapped at our knees as we helped carry household furnishings
 { from our neighbors’ homes on the river bank. Wading across the
, road to the store we stepped up on the porch just as the swinging
 , bridge snapped in two with the force of a whip. Within a few
l minutes water swirled on to the iioor of the store.
Li When we returned to the nursing center, the water was
very near the lower side of our barn. Dear old Doc, who was
on the seaward side of the barn, was pawing and stamping about
i in his stall. The rushing sound (like the wind) of the flood waters
 _ was frightening. He and Flicka pranced nervously when led to

12 THE QUARTERLY Bnnnnrin l
the pasture to join Feisty (our cow) on the steep hillside above  
the barn. g
Bolt, our jeep, was providentially across the river on high il
ground, where we had to leave him after the delivery of one of if
our mothers. But a new pick-up truck loaded with store goods, l
and a car had taken refuge in our yard. Soon the boys from the l 
village returned floating another car up the road, and pushed and —
pulled it up to our barn. Y
By this time our good neighbors from Peach Orchard, which -_
is across the mountain and far from the river, had come to see  
if we needed help. A one-armed man with Herculean strength  ,
packed bag after bag of grain from the feed room to the loft.  
Likewise, feed and bales of hay were carried to the pasture  ·
above the barn, for the animals. Windows and doors were opened  ,
and made fast, to permit the water to flow freely through the
barn, and saddles and bridles were moved to safety. Then some
of us went to the house. Planning ahead—we heaved up buckets *
of coal and a supply of potatoes from the cellar; rescued as l
much firewood as possible from beneath the porch; filled the A
bath tub with tap water; turned off the main electric switch; .;
and closed all openings in the pump house to protect our precious l
pump.  Q
All the time it rained. With the river still rising, the loaded _
truck at our back door was in danger of losing its cargo. With  *
many helping hands, sacks of flour, sugar, cornmeal, shoes, etc., i
were passed from truck to house. We had moved rugs and furni—  _
ture upstairs from the Hrst floor, so there was lots of room for .
stacking goods. People passed by on the mountain trail above }
our house, looking cold and wet. Some stopped by to warm at v
the kitchen stove and gratefully accepted coffee and sandwiches.  Y
Our attention was almost constantly directed toward the }
river. Of course there was much flotsam, but when someone  
exclaimed, "There’s a house coming," everyone hurried to a  
window or door to see whose house. After this, houses, barns,  
stores and schools passed at frequent intervals—and most of i
the dwellings belonged to people we know. Some of the men
were watching when the house across the river started to move. »
Occupants of this ill-fated house were carrying their belongings _
to the hillside behind them when their home slipped slowly from  

  FRoN1·1E1>. Nunsms smavicr. is
  its moorings. There was a shocked silence among us. The house
A eased its way along the bank, crushed trees under its great
l . . . '
il weight, moved majestically past our center and came to rest
  slowly with creaking and crushing sounds between big trees
j on the opposite bank. Before this sickening thing happened,
T  Roy’s store and two dwellings near it had moved downstream.
— One house had stopped amongst debris at the mouth of Wilder
‘. Branch. Men had gone to it by boat and secured it to electric
. light poles. Inside the house were all the household appliances
  of a young family.
, It was still raining. We had placed a ladder up for an exit
  from the back porch roof on to the hillside, and had taken drugs,
 * nursing records, and emergency rations upstairs, expecting the
 i first iioor to be wet. As the men were going to move the faithful
old refrigerator up on chairs, one practical man said, "Wait a
minute, let’s see if it is still coming up." The water level had
‘ held its own just as it was washing the top porch step, and an
h inch from running into the first floor from the cellar. Thanks
T be to God!
  It was the edge of dark and the rain had almost stopped.
, With night coming on and the flood waters receding, we set to
 ? work. It was good to be able to do something to dispel the
. feeling of helplessness and anxiety for the homeless ones. We
 * lassoed Feisty when she attempted to swim to her cow shed, and
: milked her while sitting on an overturned bucket on the steep
 . hillside. The horses showed little interest in the pail of oats
T placed near them. They must have filled up on the hay which
? had been carried to them earlier. When these chores were done,
V we left our house guests (men from Bullskin stranded here while
 Y buying pigs down river) sitting in front of a coal fire, and went
g with our friends from Peach Orchard by a mountain path to the
Q village. Roy’s house on the hill was a refuge, like our dwelling,
  and was filled with people anxious about their homes. We offered
  bed and board to any who wanted to come. It was distressing
·  not to be able to reach people down river. We returned by the
path to the center.
‘ As soon as the water was low enough we attacked the barn
_ with brooms and buckets. Turning the receding flood to our
  advantage we used many buckets of water to clean stalls, man-

gers, and the cowshed by the light of two oil lamps. While we  
were engaged in this necessary job, we heard the house (which E
had been moored to electric light poles at the mouth of Wilder)
break away, and were aware of similar tragedies in the falling {
river. By late Tuesday night, the river was back off the road. C
On Wednesday morning, January 30, it was down inside its banks.
It had left mud, quicksand, and destruction behind in a night- .~
marish unreality. i
We shared bacon and eggs with our Bullskin guests that  2
Wednesday morning. They very kindly helped carry moved arti-  l
cles back to their rightful places, before starting out in search ‘
of their truck load of pigs (which had been set free when the  ,
flood waters came) and to get to their homes as soon as possible I
to see how their families had fared. *
Everybody began setting to work cleaning up since there -
was no other choice. They used the fast-running mountain .
streams to scrub and wash and drink. There was no self-pity
anywhere. They just got on with the job. The homeless were I
readily taken in by kinfolk and neighbors. We stopped by, going ’
to our· patients, and helped de-mud one kitchen. Water had  .
reached the ceiling and had ruined everything in the house. The ‘
family surveyed the destruction and said, "We can be thankful  —
the house didn’t go." i
By nightfall of Wednesday, January 30—the day after the ·
flood-—everybody was housed. Food was scarce, because help I
had not reached us yet. But many folks had milk and eggs from  .
their farmyard animals. Fortunately, in this area, few animals  
were lost; no cows, horses or mules to our knowledge, only chick-  
ens and some pigs and hogs.
Sent to Mary Breckinridge on New Year’s Day with this note.  
"This little gift comes primarily from Feisty, who manufac- `
tured it. She is a perfect cow ‘. .‘ .; also from Opsie who milked i
it, from Carol who churned and wrapped it, and from Molly
who patted it. It comes with all our loyal love and very best
wishes for your health and happiness in the year aheadQ"
Possum Bend Center at Coniiuence {

J On Tuesday, February 12, Lena Gray and I went to Wooton,
 i Combs and Hazard-—all were a sickening sight. Buildings all
 , along the highway-homes, stores, filling stations, grocery stores
 -’ —were either completely gone or in shambles. Clothing and
 V household furnishings hung from branches of trees. When we
reached the main business section of Hazard, we could hardly
 I believe our eyes. The water from the North Fork of the Ken-
f tucky River had been nearly eight feet up in the Sterling Hard-
_ ware Company, turning over all of their display cases and mixing
household utensils with tools, paint, fishing tackle et cetera.
V Nearly every store on Main Street had been Hooded. Some build-
· ings were still closed, others were open for business but the
Q merchandise was mixed up and a lot of it damaged. The wonder
 , to us was that they had made such rapid strides towards cleaning -
 if up and getting things in order again. We went on to the new
 _ Super Market which had moved into its modern building only
I a few months ago. The manager told us that he had lost seventy-
_ five per cent of his stock and had suffered several thousand
dollars worth of damage to his building and equipment. All of
 _ his refrigeration units had to be sent by truck to Lexington to
i be cleaned and overhauled. In addition, one side of his home
  had been so badly damaged that it has to be replaced; and all of
 I his household equipment and furnishings were ruined except for
 ‘ one bedroom suite of solid walnut which, when dried out and
  polished, seemed to be none the worse for the Hoods. The Hazard
 3 Clinic, we were told, was operating from the second Hoor—every—
g thing on the first Hoor had been damaged or ruined. The Hazard
  Laundry lost five or six trucks; all of their equipment and laun-
dry, including our Hyden Hospital laundry, was covered with
§ water and mud.
We stopped by the L. and N. depot to find out what had
happened to shipments by freight and express which had been
covered by the angry waters. Addresses on most cartons had
  been washed out and the contents ruined. Where a shipment

could be identified, the addressee was asked to claim it—insur-
ance does not cover flood damage as it is considered "an act of i
God." -
We called Mrs. Walter Hull, chairman of o