xt7sqv3c0r62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c0r62/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-07-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 18, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 18, 1952 1952 1952-07-18 2013 true xt7sqv3c0r62 section xt7sqv3c0r62 Ji



FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1952



Social Security Taxes
Again To Be Withheld
From UK Pay Checks


Proficiency Exam
Schedule Announced

The schedule for proficiency
examinations in foreign languages
has been announced by dean of
Social security taxes will once again Ik-- withheld from the pay Arts and Sciences, M. M. White.
checks of University employees. President Herman L. Donovan The schedule is as follows:
Spanish, July 29, Room 111,
lias announced.
Hall, at 3 p.m. (all times are
President Donovan attended a conference in Frankfort last UK time);' French. July 30. Room
Monday with Governor lawrence W. Wctherby to discuss the pro- 111, McVey Hall, 3 p.m.. and German and others on July 31 in
vision in the Social Security laws which makes UK employees in- Room 111, McVey Hall, at 3 p.m.
eligible for Social Security l)enents.
Students planning to take the
examinations should sign up in
Attending the conference with College of Commerce, W. L.
Dean White's office before July 29.
Donovan were Attorney thews, acting dean of the Law
Buckman. Judge Van Sant, lege, and Frank D. Peterson,
of Economic Security, versity Comptroller.
Following his return from the
Commissioner Vego Barnes, Profes- sor James Martin of the College of conference. President Donovan
Dr. Ralph Tickett of the sued a bulletin to the faculty and
rstaff in which he stated the out- come of the conference. The essence of his statement follows:
Attorney General Ruled
"The federal decision was made in
Former UK
spite of the fact that the Attorney
General of Kentucky ruled more Spivey's attorneys will ask permisthan a year ago that we did not sion to inspect the minutes of the
New York grand jury in the case
have a retirement system.
"At that time," President Donovan involving charges of perjury'placed
Commander Dean Rumbold, rep- continued, "the federal agency took against Spivey, the New York dis
resentative of the Naval Air Station, the position that the State's At- trict attorney's office has announced.
Spivey's trial was originally set
at Columbus. Ohio, will be on cam- torney General's ruling should govpus Thursday, to interview men stu ern and that the Social Security for last Wednesday.
John Young Brown of Lexington
dents who are interested in the tax should be withheld. According-NavAviation Cadet flight train- - ly, this ruling was complied with and Harold O. N. Frankel of New
Ing program.
and the tax withheld for all em- York gave notice Tuesday that they
would appear before Judge Saul S.
Interviews will be held from 8 ployees from Jan. 1, 1951 to July 1, Streit In General Sessions court to
a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday in Room
"Last week the Comptroller and I, make such a motion, District Attor- 204-Administration Building.
together with representatives from ney Frank S. Hogan, New York, said.
An applicant for the Naval Avia(Judge Streit is the same jurist
the faculty and staff, met in Franktion Cadet Program must have com- fort with Governor Wetherby and that lambasted UK's athletic poli- pleted a minimum of two years of
officials concerned cies and personnel so stringently a
college, be between 18 and 27 years certain state
few months ago when he suspended
with this matter.
old, and single until commissioned.
"After discussing the problem," sentences on three former UK play- In addition, each candidate must the president added, vit was decided ers involved in fixing basketball
pass a physical exam and an aptiat this conference to appeal the games.)
tude test.
The charge against Spivey was
FVdpral Commissioner's oDinion to
After 18 months of intensive flight his superior Mr. Qscar Ewlng. the made after his testimony earlier this
training, a NavCad is commissioned Federal SeCurity Administrator.
year before a grand jury investigat- ing college basketball games fixed
an Ensign in ine u. o. navai
Change-of-Wor- k
by professional gamblers.
or a 2nd Lieutenant In the
"The state officials," stated DonoU. S. Marine Corps Reserve.
He was freed on $2500 bail.
van "emDhasized that the chanee- The newly commissioned Naval of.work plan adopted a number of
Aviator then spends approximately years ago by the Board of Trustees
years with the cannot be upheld legally as a retwo and one-ha- lf
fleet. Following this tour of duty, tirement system under the Ken- former NavCads have the opportu- tucky Constitution and decisions of
nity to make a career in the Regular the Court of Appeals of Kentucky.
Navy: but most return to their
"It was thought that this legal
hometown areas and civilian jobs, question should be explained care- and continue flying as members of fully to Mr. Ewing before any fur- - f
Naval or Marine Air Reserve squad- ther steps are taken. The Attorney
General agreed to arrange for a
During the 18 months of training, conference with Mr. Ewing so that
a NavCad receives $110 a month, this could be done. Mr. Buckman,
plus uniforms, lodging and board, the Attorney General, Judge Van
medical and dental care and $10,000 Sant, legal counsel for the Departworth of insurance. Upon receiving ment of Economic Security, and I
his commission as an Ensign or 2nd will present the case to Mr. Ewing
Lieutenant, his pay increases to over in Washington as soon as the con
ference can be arranged.
"The state officials," Donovan
added, "also have advised Mr. Peterson, the Comptroller, that he should
continue to withhold Social Security
Dean of Arts and Sciences M. M. tax until this appeal can be made,
University last Sat- and,
White left the
if the decision is not reversed NEW CAT COACH. Phil Cutchin,
urday for a week's vacation.
on appeal, they will request that the who starred as a triple-threDean White did not leave Lexing- tax which has been withheld be reback for the Wildcats before and
ton, and is expected to return by funded."
after World War II, was named
assistant football coach this week
by Coach Paul (Bear) Bryant.
(See story on Page 4).



Program Officially Opens
High School Workshop
To Be Held Next Week




CI KIOI S STl'DEXTS AND FACULTY members milled around the side or the library Tuesday after three
fire engines pulled up to a door leading to the basement. One of the women working in the library had
smelted smoke in the basement, and telephoned the fire department. At 1:20 p.m. the three engines arrived
and firemen rushed into the basement. The smoke was caused by a small fire in the hot water circulating
system in the basement. No damage was done to the building.

Lawyers Ask
For Minutes
In Spivey Case

Union Sponsors Opera Trip Chorus Finds
Popular Songs
The Student Union is sponsoring a
to Louisville next Friday
to see the light opera "Up In Central Park," Student Union Social
Director Bruce Cruise announced this week.
Music for the opera was written by Sigmund Romberg and the
show is part of the Iroquois Amphitheater summer program. Miss
Cruise explained that the Louisville organization puts on a series of
such operas every week during the summer.
Tickets will sell for $4.50 and can be bought in Room 122 of the
Student Union. This price includes admission to the show and a
round trip bus fare to Louisville. Buses will leave from the Union at
2:30 p.m. University time. Miss Cruise stressed that only a limited
number of tickets are available and urged those who wish to go on
the trip to sign up immediately.


on the convention floor, but in the
Biackstone Hotel.
A big difference could be noted
between the party workers for Taft
and Eisenhower, according to Haw- good, who described the Taft machine as "ice cold" and the Eisenhower backers as "red hot." The
Taft workers seemed to feel, he said,
that nil.. thpir wnrlr hnH hpn . rinnp
before the Convention started and
did little more than pass out but- tons' Eisenhower's workers, on the
other hand, impressed Hawgood as
being alert to every opportunity and
The convention, with its minute taking advantage of every opening,
Likes TV Best
to minute decision changes, was not
Although Hawgood expects to at- onlv dramatic. Hawgood said, but
was "democracy to the nth degree." tend the Democratic Convention
Four moments were picked as ne5" eeR. n intends to spend very
highlights by Hawgood, who, al- - littlp time in the convention hall,
though he had seen previous elec- - After attending one session to get
tions in this country, had not seen atmosphere, Hawgood says he will
watch the rest of the preceedings
an American convention before.
The first of these was the open- - on television, since he feels the TV
ing day' calm when the delegates viewer can actually get a better view
ere asked to pose for a picture of f the action than someone in the
entire group. Hawgood said this convention hall itself.
Hag wood spent some time in ex- moment stood out in his memory be- cause it was so different from the Plaining the manner in which the
hectic atmosphere of the remainder rrwie Minister oi tngiana, wno
most nearly corresponds to the
of the convention.
President of the United States, is
Mac's Speech A Xow'
selected. The Prime Minister is
General McArthur's speech was chosen by the central committee of
picked as the second highlight, or the strongest party following an
"lowlight" of the Convention. Haw- - election, he said, and the people:
good said he felt the speech was out have only an indirect voice in his
of tenor with the thought of the selection.
majority of Republicans and there- fore was not as effective as it might
have been
The third highlight, former Presi-dent Hoover's speech on Tuesday. IS liranteCl
was much better received according!
ell. brass
to Hawgood, although he felt it!. Ptrof- J. W'1Ua.m
would have carried more import if
an Old Guard candidate had been has been granted a sabbatical leaveand is now studying at the Unielected rather than Eisenhower.
versity of Illinois.
For the fourth and most important
Prof. Worrell rs working on the
hiyhlieht. Hawgood picked the fight
in the Credentials Committee, even staff at Illinois and is completing
though it did not actually take place requirements for his doctorate. He
' will resume his teaching duties here
at UK in the fall semester, 1953.

"Not a circus, but the American convention, is the greatest
show on earth."
This was the opinion of John
llawgood, chairman of the Department of History at the University of Birmingham, England,
nimj(iK-i- t,.l!:
viiiviisiiY aiuuima
Mondav on "An Englishman's
Impressions of the Republican


Dean Takes Vacation


Police Academy Begun Dr. Vandenbosch
With Help Of Keenland At Visiting Lecturer
Washington School



Police Training


Courses to be ottered at the Academy include: Police Administration,
141. Trooper Stephens; Police and
Public. 142. Sergeant Espie; Police
Science Laboratory. 143, Captain
Cornwell. and Traffic Regulation,
Sergeant Bierly.
The schedule for students taking
courses in Police Administration approximates the requirements of Arts
and Sciences. In the freshman year
students are required to take English la and lb. Military Science la
and lb. Physics 51a and 51b. Psychology la and lb. Political Science
51a and 51b, Hygiene, 7, and Physical Education.
Sophomore requirements are Anthropology 1, Social Work 24. Political Science 82. Military Science 2a
and b, Anatomy and Physiology 2.
Humanities B, D or E, A or C. two
semesters of a modern foreign language, and Ethics 51.
During the junior year students in
Police Administration must take Sociology 40. Sociology 103, Social Work
a-- b.

130a, Psychology 141, Psychology 114,
Introduction to Press
Law 107 a-- b.
Photography. 130, Police Administration, 141. Police and the Public, 142.
and Traffic Regulations, 144a.
For the senior year: Sociology 102.
Anthropology 125, Law 124, Political
Science 150. Police Science Laboratory 143, and Traffic Regulations


fin-ul- tv






Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of
UK's Political Science Department,
is in Washington, D. C. this summer
professor and visacting as
iting lecturer at the Johns Hopkins
School for Advanced International
Early in August, the fenool will
sponsor an Institute on Far Eastern
Asia, at which Dr. Vandenbosch will
be one of the principal speakers.
Diplomats and foreign service men M And
from all over the world are expected
for the Institute.
Dr. Vandenbosch is also doing priRobert J. Bryant of 824 Darley
vate research while in Washington Drive, assistant foreman
in the de- and will return to UK to resume his partment of Maintenance and Op- teaching duties this fall.
erations and retired Navy veteran.
has been awarded a commendation
medal pendant by the Department
of the Navy.
Surv ey dant citation accompanying the pencommends Bryant for "distinDr. Gladys M. Kammerer, Associ-- ! guished service during the attack
ate Professor of Political Science, is on the U. S. Pacific Fleet in Peari;
now in Puerto Rico on leave of Harbor by Japanese forces. Dec. 7,
1941." The Department of the Navy
absence from the University.
Dr. Kammerer is conducting a statement attributed the delay in
survey of the electoral the presentation to an error in Navy
laws of Puerto Rico for that coun-- i records.
Bryant, a chief boatswain's mate
try's government. After completing
the survey. Dr. Kammerer will aid on the USS Barley at the time of
the Puerto Rican government in the Japanese attack, was cited for
writing more effective election laws. "making all deck preparations for
After the completion of this work, getting underway with practically no
Dr. Kammerer will return to the assistance" while his ship was under
University and resume her teaching fiie. He was retired by the U. S.
llulius (luring the fall semester of Navy in 194G after serving more than '
i.25 jcuri.
this year.






New Cello


Convention Impressions
Given By Englishman


tve-ecr- ve


"Tyrolean maple is used for the
back of the instruments and spruce
from the Carpathian mountains is
used for the fronts. The instruments
are fastened together with glue from
France, and the bridge is of ebony
from South America.
come from Australia, dve from India.
turpentine from Spain, and the
lsh varnish is an American product."
f-ohe said.
Not Sold On Market
Moenning instruments are not sold
on the open market. Prof. Kinney
said they were made to order and
used by some of the most famous
The program will consist of cham- concert artists in the world. Two
ber music with two of the selec- he named who use Moennings are
tions arranged by local people. Gor- KreLsler and Piatagorsky.
don J. Kinney, cello professor, will
Only four to five instruments are
present an arrangement of Chopin's made each year and the average cost
"Etude, Opus 25. No. 7" and Mary is from $750 to $1000.
Dann, a former resident of Lexing
The program for the recital f6l- ton, will present an arrangement of lows:
"Dragonfly" by Palmgren.
Trm o.
The following members of the Mu- "Lonikm" nMHlT.itn; I in C
mluntr; Vi.M.e
sic Department will participate in
liftim-tWriahf. vnIiii
the recital: Dr. Edwin Stein. Prof.
dirikm kinnr.
Kenneth Wright. Prof. Gordon Kinin A NUiiw. First
ney. Nathaniel Patch. Warren Lutz.
WnijM. uthanit-- P.it, h
and Prof. Frank J. Prindl. Others Ft, AiUumi
appearing in the recital will be JosEJ in
Warri Liil
eph Beach and John Zurfluh. sum- Rhapol (ir CWrnrt
VVTFrn jha Mur Lutx
mer members of the staff, and Mary
Son.it.i fir Two CVlkiv- Lutz.
Kurvt MmriiM!lt

The chorus of the opera "Die
Fledermous" was surprised to learn
that it was singing popular songs
written 150 years ago.
During rehearsals the chorus was
told that many songs they had been
singing for years as
numbers are really "long-hairepieces, written long before their
Unlike most opera choruses, that
of "Die Fledermous" is closely woven
into the story and is an integral
part of the opera. Usually, the
chorus bursts forth in the wrong
places (musically speaking) and is
somewhat irrelevent.
Among the songs the "Fledermous" chorus thought were semi- popular but are actually semi- classical, are:
"Drinking Song.' "But The Time
Is Now." "Oh The Delight Of A
Night With You," and a polka number. "I Took A Girl With The Golden Hair."
In "Die Fledermous" the chorus
fits in very naturally, in that they
are guests at the party and ball.
thereby justifying their singing and
dancing. The also remain as sec- -,
ondary members of the cast
throughout the play.
Most of the chorus personnel are
enrolled in the Music Department's
summer opera workshop. Members
of the chorus are James Arnold.
Betty Bower, Lucy Dunnigan.
Normaglen Fields, Martha Hoskins.
Virginia Payne, Sudrey Keith. Mar- garet Berry Eversole. Robert Knauf.
Alfred Ocko. Josie Schenck, Sue
Thomas, Max Smith, Carolyn Tur-ner Suzanne Wallace, Harry Car-th- e
ter Ben Lane, Alice Crossfield, Bry- son Currv. Fred Hines. Barbara Ke- gani Jack Ritter. Betty Rowland.
Benjamin Smith, and Ruth White.


ice; and Trooper William Stephens.




A police academy at UK has been
made possible by a $6000 grant from
Keeneland to the University.
The money from the grant will be
used to buy, books, supplies, and
equipment for the new academy,
which mill be used for the benefit of
all police officers in Kentucky.
In addition to the academy for
police officers, a new course in Police Administration has been set up in
the Department of Political Science,
leading to an AB in Police Administration.
Courses in Police Administration
will begin in September, in the Social Sciences building and in Room
212 in the Journalism Building.
Included in the special equipment
to be used in the Police Administration courses are a lie detector, a
for examining
special microscope
bullets, a drunkometer, equipment
ray examination, a
for ultra-violmoulage caster, fingerprinting devices, and a complete photographic
For a number of years training in
police administration was limited to
Europe, but recently beveral American universities and colleges set up
courses for people interested in police careers.
Instructors in the Police Academy
will be Captain Ozni H. Cornwell,
Bureau of Personnel and Training.
State Police; Sergeant Clyde Bierly,
Instructor. State Police Training
SVhiml: secant David Epsie, Personnel Officer, Kentucky State Pol

a11 over the world.
The wood is
seasonea tor luu years Deiorc it is

The UK Music Department
will present a faculty recital at
S p.m.
(CDST) Monday in
Memorial Hall. The recital will
officially open the high school
orchestra workshop to le held
on campus next week.
The recital will be the onlv
performance given by the fac- this summer, said Prof,
don J. Kinney of the Music Department, lie said the program
is to honor the visiting high
school musicians.


Naval Officers
To Interview
Students Here

Recital To Be Given
Next Monday Night


University Will Appeal
Commissioner's Ruling
On Change Of Work Plan






Profposor FmpHhl

"Moenning violins are considered
slightly superior to any stringed in- struments made by either of the ac- cepted 'old masters,' Stradivarious
or Amati," Prof. Kinney commented.
for them is collected from




manuscript concerning late prehistoric people in the Kentucky
Lake area. Publication of the
script is expected in the near future.


A summer high school Orchestra Workshop, sponsored by the
University Department of Mt isic, with UolH'rt Whitnev, conductor
of the Louisville Philharmonic Orchestra, as director, will open
here July 21 and continue through July 23.
Over 85 Kentucky high school
musicians are expected to participate
in the week of musical activities
which will feature a symphonic con- by the
High School
at 7 p.m. Friday. July 25.
at the Memorial Hall Amphitheater.
The students will also present
several informal programs, said Dr.
Kenneth Wright, associate mu-si- :
professor who is general chairman
of the workshop, and will receive in- dividual help on their various in- struments.
Dr. Wright said another feature
of the workshop will be the forma- tion of a group of 40 selected ele- mentary school string players from
Lexington and Fayette
schools, similar to a group that was
formed at the 1951 workshop.
Directed By Zurfluh
The string group will be directed
by John
Zurfluh. instrumental
supervisor, Louisville city schools.
On the Friday night program it will
present two solo numbers with the
Workshop activities will include:
Monday. July 21. 10 a.m. to 1:45 p.m..
registration. Fine Arts Building; 2

to 4 p.m., full orchestra rehearsal;
Monday evening, music department
program for students,
Tuesday evening, movies at
mortal Hall Amphitheater; Wednes-Orchest- ra
day evening, party for students,
Thursday evening, student ensemble
music program.
Friday evening,
orchestra concert. Amphitheater.
Full orchestra rehearsals will be
held daily from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.,
and sectional rehearsals from 2 to

All-Sta- te


rpf Tpnrhpr

The Veterans Office has announced that veteran teachers
who wish to be eligible to reenter
school next summer must be in
school at least five weeks this
summer and be a
teacher during the 1952-5- 3 school year.
Graduating veterans should file
with the Veterans Office, if they
have not already done so. for
graduating expenses. While in
school it is important that veterans notify the Veterans Office
of any change of status, such as
courses dropped, interruption of
training, change in income, and

4 p.m.
pro- -

Gordon J. Kinney, associate

fesSor of music at UK. will assist Dr.
Wright in planning the
program. Others who will take part
are or Edward Stein, head of the
Department of Music: Zaner Zerkle.
supervisor of music. Lexington city
schools; Joseph Beach, instructor in
all-sta- te

strings in the Lexington citv schools;
warren Lutz. UK music instructor;
and Frank J. Prindle. director of tho
University concert band.
Kentucky towns to be represented
in the
orchestra include
Louisville. Lexington, Paducah. Versailles, Parts. Mt. Sterling Frankfort,
Harrodsburg, Fort Knox. Beaver
Dam. Independence, Pikeville and
all-sta- te

Ail-Sta- te

1 J"

Kcntuckians Works Included
Compositions by three Kentuck-ian- s
will be included in the Friday
night program. Dr. Wright said.
They are a special arrangement of
"Gnossienne" by Satie made by
conductor Whitney: an "Overture"
by Dr,. Wright, written for the
Central Kentucky Youth Symphony;
and "Pizzicato March." written by
Kinney for the elementary strm
The complete program for the
symphonic concert follows:




iKammerer Conducts
Puerto Rican



Hm k


j two-mon- th



Webb is now completing work on

Orchestra Workshop
To Open Here July 21

0 Employee

Awarded Navy






Jihll Zurfluh




HriliMi kuinrv.

pi 2V
feature of the program will be Klmle. y. kimw-- No. T
the new cello used by Prof. Kinney. Pliirr. t Spanish IWrl
Paluiteri-He said it was a Moenning, made by Dr.itCiniHv I Arf. M.ir Nathaniel
tniTiUtn kmnrv.
William Moenning Jr. of Philadel Oi"
"Thr Tr.mt."
Sihulx-rphia, and is being used by the UniNathann-Patt h. piano
versity on a trial basis.
B.m h. VHila
Wnitht. mtlia
"Mr. Moenning Is a
:urlMi kinn.
craftsman in the art of violin and
Frank Primll. dnuMr Has
cello making." Prof. Kinney said.
"The Moenning family started mak- - ,
ing violins in Germany prior to the
renowned Stradivarious family C.

Pish ihi









ln ht'stra

Umh vhmil Orthrstru
SMiiphum No. i
Final,' Ml. -- r..
Suit.. tHT Strings from
In. Fifth)


.lIltT W .llK011111.1111.111

SI i;K IT'S HOT lint it's such nice weather for sun hiMiin?
man majoring in Physical Education.




iSnv 4'lernmon. a


fresh- -


.uiissi, urn-





ill. .11



Stf .hiss-s.No.



kh.K h.itnri.iu
H iiiti.im
S.li, - tiittii v


� Tape 2



Friday. July 13. 1052


The Toolbox by Ronnie Butler

Political Corruption 's Roots

Beat The Heat Plan
Gets Out Of Hand
With One Poor Man

Deeper Than High Offices

quick to subscribe to the idea that bad grades can
lx "fixed"' or that good grades can be gotten by
"buttering up" the prof?
Rather than believe that men change overnight
when they attain high position, isn't it more logical
to reason that the attributes for graft and chiseling
are w ith most of us all the time and even that they
are manifest a great deal of the time.
If we wish to erase corruption, it would be sensible to start with the relatively minor offenses. The
men in Washington are merely representatives of
the voting public and. as such, are typical of it.
Even those who are appointed to office are typical
members of society.
A Man once said, "Let he among you who has
not sinned cast the first stone." Perhaps we should
look to our own moral valuations before we become
so able at veiling about the deeds of others.

of conversation these clays
corruption in our federal
To deny that such corruption exists
would lx- ridiculous but we don't think the people
who do so much talking alvnit it have done much
about finding out u lnj it exists.
Historians and political scientists claim it's simply
a nutter of high office automatically corrupting
those whom it touches. This doesn't seem to lx a
wry satisfactory answer to us.
If such were the case why would it be so easy
to find the vestiges of corruption in
Why do so many people not even in public
olfice have the "something (or nothing" attitude that
is so apt a symlxil of our times? Getting a little
cloM-to home, why do so many students right here
on campus endorse cheating as the proper way to
net a degree? Whv are these same students so
A vorv popular topic
is tin- - alleged and real






The acme of nonchalance was reached at Joylanel
the other day, with two or three UK students sitting
in the background. A friend of ours was swimming
underwater when he sighted a man lying flat on his
back at the iKittoui of the pool.
hauled the fellow to the surface, whereupon the
wet one remarked, ' I just can t float. ' eah. and we
bet he was just doing it to keep cool.
Self-sam- e



If Hollywood doesn't send some of its workers to
college to find out what campus life is really like,
there is going to lx- a bloody re- tBSS
staged by students who
;ire going cr.tv watching techni
color depictions of college. Wonder what Dean W hite would do if
accoma comely young
panied by a
lx"'.iii danc ing on his desk, sing
ing O, Her Ink Spot Test Was Lousy, But What A
Figure?" One thing hr sure; he wouldn't sing a



A Reflective Conversation
'Tween An Angle And A Saint

""lit Peter. dreamed the idea up when it was
needed and it looked like a goxl thing." Mr. Marx
shifted his we ight on the small cloud and regarded
St. Peter ruefully. "I predicted that it was coming
and that there was nothing anyone could do about
il. but I didn't think that people would get it as
fouled up as they have. Just between you and me I
always was a little leery of what might happen, but
it s getting out of hand."
"That's not your fault." said the
ink stain from the feathers of his left wing.
"You vere sincere, you meant well, and the proof
lies in the fact that you're here. There are a lot of
people clown there that mention your name along
vulgarities that wouldn't
with some
half as well even if they had your foresight.
Of c ourse they couldn't make it w ork. They're still
in suc h a rough state that power to them is like food
and drink. . . . How alxmt another little shot of
"No thanks, if we milk any more out of this cloud
it'll disintegrate and right now I'm so tired and discouraged tliat I couldn't even flip a feather if I were
falling all the way clown. It might do some good
though, if I were to fall on the right people. Not
that I'm advocating it. That wouldn't be in keeping
with my surroundings. I'm just saying that it might
do some good."
He leaned over and sigjied, "That the name of
K;;rl Marx should lx' aligned with that crew. All
they want is power. They lust for it. They fight for
it. If they pray at all that's what they pray for. I
know that there shouldn't lx? discontent in Heaven
but if I only had another chance I'll bet that I could
make them see that I meant well."

arch-ange- l,




"Sure you meant well, old man. It's just that you
were a little short on human nature. 'Ideals' is a
nice word down there and, strangely enough, a lot
of people have them. It's just that you tried to
create an altruistic state but unless everyone has
those ideals it won t work. Another thing, you advocated overthrow by force. That just wasn't in
keeping with the general spirit of the thing. Perhaps it might come under righteous anger but it
was the only thing that looked bad on your record.
I think I'll hop over to that lime flavored cloud.
These rolxs are loose but a man has to have something cx)l on a clay like this. He back in a minute."
He dived off the cloud with the grace of years of
practice and flew gently away.
Mr. Marx leaned over the cloud and looked down.
"There's that man again," he thought. "If he doesn't
come to pretty soon he'll lose all of his mustache in
the eternal fire. He's in a position to do a lot of
gcxxl, but w ill he? No."
Mr. Marx glanced quickly around and, seeing no
one, he carefully tcxk aim and spit. "It isn't as if
he didn't deserve it," he thought.
The cloud jiggled and the good saint landed just
as gently as he had left. "Nice shot," he said, "but it
isn't too advisable. Still and all we're above sin so
I guess it was all right. Here, take this glass and
forget the whole matter. You just got a bum steer
and a lot of people are mad at you. You couldn't
help it if the idea just won't work."
Mr. Marx txk the glass and looked happily over
Heaven. The little cherubs played in the golden
streets and angels everywhere wore loving smiles
on their faces. Mr. Marx suddenly broke into a
smile himself.
"It works here," he said.


Tut that

As a service to students asking questietns a!eut
a certain bit of architecture', mailt- - of tin, in back
of Memorial Hall, The Te)ollx)ex has this to say:
That thing ain't an outhouse-- , it's a projection Imoth.

match out Sonny!"

Personalities, policies, drama and technology conspired to arouse widespread interest. Viewers on
television shared and to a degree surpassed the
sense of participation of those on the convention

Personally, the most intensely interesting part
was the fight in the credentials committee. From
the vantage point of the press table one could see
clearly the contending strategies of the opposing
In brie f compass, I will set down my impressions
of the conflict. First of all, the issues cut deeply.
Profoundly emlx'dded in the
were the fierce loyalties of Midwest nationalism
fanned by the Intra patriotism of the Chicago Tribune. This lxxly of delegates found themselves
confused and baffled by the complexities of the
modern world made physically one by technology
but still spiritually and psychologically disparate.

Says People From Small Towns
Need Not Be Bored With Life
Dear Editor:
The "educated, intellectual" person who attacked
your editorial on small towns is obviously a very
fact that
boring person, since it's a
people who are bored in any given environment
(within reason, of course) are usually boring themwell-accept-

I was born and raised in a town with less than
five thousand inhabitants; my father, and my father's father lived in the same town, and, somehow,

we've never come to the conclusion that our lives
were being wasted, mentally, morally, or spiritually.
Certainly there is less of interest in a small town