xt7sqv3c0r5g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c0r5g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-07-25  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 25, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 25, 1952 1952 1952-07-25 2013 true xt7sqv3c0r5g section xt7sqv3c0r5g The Kentucky Kernel
As Conductor Of

Whitney To

Hovde Named
To Address


All-Stat- e

Dr. Frederick L. Hovde, president

High School Music Program

Purdue University, has been
chosen to speak at the UK summer
commencement exercises to be conducted Friday, August 8, in Memorial Coliseum.
The annual summer commencement program, only function of the
summer session, has been scheduled
for 7 p.m. on the west side of the
Graduates will assemble
at 6 '30 p.m.
Approximately 400 students are
expected to receive degrees nt the
summer commencement event. University Registrar R. L. Tuthill announced. Of this number, about 200
will be awarded bachelor degrees
and the remainder will receive advanced degrees.
A native of Erie. Pa., Dr. Hovde
has been president of Purdue University since 1946. He received a
Doctor of Science degree from Hanover College in 1946 and was awarded the LL.D. degree by Wabash College in the same year. He also holds

Hit lii tjl i si'liool orchestm
workshop will present its concert tonight at 7 p.m. (CST) at
Memorial Hall amphitheater.
KoIk-iWhitney will conduct.
This concert is a culmination
of the week's preparation and
includes works written
inem-Iht- s
of the UK Music faculty.
Dr. Kenneth Wright and 1'rof.
Gordon J. Kenney.
Mr. Whitney, the visiting director
is the conductor of the Louisville


Philharmonic Orchestra and is donating his time to the high school
This is the first time Mr. Whitney
has had any experience working
with young people but both seem to
be petting along very well. Dr. Kenneth Wright, chairman of the workshop and a member of the UK Music
faculty, said," Mr. Whitney is a
warm, enthusiastic conductor and
the orchestra is enjoying working
with him".
The students attending the workshop are "having the time of our
lives, even if we do have to work,"
said one participant.
Mr. Whitney said the music to be
presented tonight is comparatively
difficult. However, he expects the
orchestra to do very nicely and make .
a good showing. He has just returned from Europe where he was
guest conductor for six weeks with
one of the foremost orchestras on
the continent.
Fourteen Kentucky cities are rep- resented here and the students are
expected to take home a better un- derstanding of orchestra work, and
their place in the orchestra as a
The cities represented are: Louis- ville, Lexington. Taducah, Versailles.
Paris, Mt. Sterling, Frankfort, Fort
Knox, Pikeville, Harrodsburg, Beaver
Dam Independence, Middletown,
and Shelbvville.
Ninetv four students are included
in the orchestra, not counting the
elementary string players from
larxiiisiajii Kiiu ruvcttc cuumy. ine
high school orchestra is made up of
44 violins, eight violas, 13 cellos.
four doublebass, six horns, four
flutes, four clarinets, two oboes, one
bassoon, three trumpets, three trombones and two percussion.
The concert program tonight will
be opened with a short talk by Dr.
Leo M. Chamberlain,
of the University. Following his talk.
Dr. Edwin E. Stein, head of the UK
Music Department, will make a brief
speech and introduce Conductor
Wednesday night the students
were given a party at the music department and last night they gave
an ensemble recital in the Labora- tory theater. That program included
prass ensemoies, woodwind
sembles and string groups, all of
them here for the workshop.



















HhaiiMKly No.





Kh.ut'htui (an




Iong Conducts
Judging Course
Robert A. Long, one of the two
new UK staff members appointed
to the College of Agriculture, con-

livestock-judgin- g
ducted an all-dcourse for
members last Tuesday.
boys and
Approximately 25
girls from Fayette. Scott. Clark.
Madison, and Bourbon counties attended the course.
Assisting were associate agents
from the five counties. Irvine Overall, Scott; Charles Gulley, Fayette;
James Thornton. Madison: Perry
Williams, Clark, and Ed Rupgles,
The other staff member appointed
to the College of Agriculture, Dr.
James D. Kemp, will be superintendent of the Meats Laboratory and
instructor in animal husbandry.
Long is a graduate of Ohio State
University and has taught at Oklahoma A. and M. College. Kemp,
a native of Adair County, was graduated from UK.

4-- H

4-- H

Kernel Employee
Dies Wednesday

AU-Sta- te


'Der Fledermaus9
To Open Wednesday
The Bat will run riot here next
For four days, Wednesday
J o li a
through Saturday,
Strauss' operetta, "Der Fleder- maus" (The Bat) will hold sway
in the field of University enter- 3
tainment. Performances will
11 11


;lt S n.m (CST).
Thp version of the ooeretta to be
prei)(,nted here
an English transla- tion of the original version written
and presented in Paris, France, in
1872. The translaticn was written
by Garson Karen of "Born Yester- day" fame and was one of the
Metropolitan Opera Company's big- gest hits during the past year.
Brought l'p To Date
Mr. Karen has brought the opera
up to date and has furnished many
fitting to the
m9rVc n,,i
music. Although the words have
been changed, the music remains as
it was written almost 100 years ago.
Der Fledermaus is basically a
story of revenge between Dr. Falke,

IVtnalH Tw anH



fnend Eisenstein, played by Aim0
Kiviniemi. The revenge is quite
friendly, however, and is more on
the practical joke level than the
Four minor plots have been inter- cut-thro- at

Summer Band
Set To Give
Final Concert
The UK Summer Band, directed
by Warren Lutz, will present its final
concert Monday at 8:30 p.m. CDST)
in the Memorial Hall Amphitheater.
The program, which will consist
of light concert pieces and marches
will feature the Twirling Wilsons,
Don and Donna.
David Livingston, a graduate student in music, will conduct his own
arrangement of Bach's "Fugue No 5
in B Flat Major." According to Lutz,
this is the first time a transcription
of the Fugue has ever been made
for band.
Robert Griffith, graduate student
in music, will direct his own arrangement of the spiritual, "Were
You There?" by Purvis.



.l , . rl

1, n

popular overture "Morning.
Noon, And Night In Vienna" by F.
Von Suppe and two modern compositions, "Dusk" by Gibbs and
"Dance Of An Ostracised Imp" by
Fredric Curzon.
The Twirling Wilsons, Don and
his eight year old daughter. Donna,
will give three exhibitions based on
"Press March" by W. P. Chambers,
"Brooke's Chicago Marine Band" by
Scitz and "Chicago Tribune" by W.
P. Chambers.
The complete program follows:


Star Sp.uiul(! Huniht

long illness.


McFadden had been an employee
He was
connected with the poultry department of the Experiment Station until 1938, when he joined the staff oi
the Kentucky Kernel. He served as

pressman until his death.
ThP funeral will Ix held at
today at St. Paul's.

9 a.m.

from the University of' Minnesota
and a M.A. degree from Oxford University.
During World War II Dr. Hovde
served as executive assistant to the
chairman of the National Defense
During his
Research Commission.
undergraduate years at the Univer- suy 01 Minnesota lie was a siar 011
the school's football team, and in
1928 he was the leading scorer in the
Western Conference.

a degree in chemical

Anthony J. Mcradtien.
pressman for the Kentucky Kernel, died Wednesday at his home on
1503 Elizabeth Street, following a
of the University since 1922.

of Women Sarah B.
has announced that all
graduating seniors can pick up
commencement tickets in Room
202 of the Administration building
beginning July 29. Additional
tickets will be given on request
August 8, if any are available.

CONDUCTOR ROBERT WHITNEY exhorts at a sectional rehearsal
High School
in preparation for this evening's concert by the



Snitr tir StriHiss IriHii






Tickets Available
For Commencement


Lit. How a lii.M-


M.mh Ot Inn.--








No. 5 in H flat
Hath. I. it inutin
D.ixitl l.iv itn!stmi
'iti- Vhi T
I'iiiais. :nlhtii
( ..11.lmt. il l.v Holi.-r- t CnlKtli
I'rt-sW. Chainlx-rMan li
Sn-Hnioki-':lnaui Marim- - Kami :lianiti-- t
( !1ih ai;o
rilniM. I', f
14thanks and rtracs II nmniii- IhNm
Perry C.raitieiY
I)..,k.- ot a.. Ostrut-iMiimp


On, O...


ot k

within the revenge theme,
Tnese plots develop to sucn a siaie
that the author doesn't even attempt
to resolve things, hoping perhaps
that the audience has enjoyed what
it has seen and will figure out for
themselves how things should end.
The principal characters in the
operetta are Rosalinda Sue Henry);
her former lover, Alfred (Bob
Knauf ; her flirtatious chambermaid, Adele (Jo Anne Thomas); her
philandering husband. Eistenstein
(Aimo Kiviniemi); Prince Orlofsky,
a very effeminate person (L,uciie
Haney), and Dr. Falke (Donald Ivy,
crad Students Take Part
All members of the cast are grad- uate students in vocal music with
the exception of Jo Ann Thomas, a
senior voice student, and Aimo

Stroke Falal
To Dr. Nicholls
In Louisville

Intramural Program Receives
First Annual $7500 Grant
From Athletics Association
Korea Vets Will Get
New GI Bill Benefits
Veterans . of the Korean war are gram is allowed, except under cer- ...... iti...w riot
i rt
Kv t V,
t .training aim i . . imiimiu
now engioie lor


education benefits.
President Truman has signed into
law a new GI Bill for veterans who
served in the armed forces any place
in the world since the start of the
Korean conflict on June 27. 1950.
The new law provides five benefits,
including education and training.
The education and training provisions allow a veteran one and a
half days of training for each day
in the service after the outbreak of
the Korean fighting, regardless of
where the service was performed up
to a maximum of 36 months.
However, veterans who have pre- viously trained under earlier vet- erans training laws (the World
War II GI Bill or Public Laws 16
or 894 for the disabled), may get up
to 48 months, minus whatever time
they have already spent in training
under those earlier programs.
A veteran mav train in school or
college, on the job or on the farm,
so long as the school or training
estaDlishment has been approved by
an appropriate state approving
agency and meets other qualifica- tions of the law.
Only one change of course pro- -

The University has been presented
a gift of $1,200 by the Kentucky)
State Association of B'nai B'rith,
national Jewish men's brotherhood,
to support work in the Hebrew lan- guage at UK during the 1952-5- 3
school vear.
Herschel Weil of Lexington, chair- man of the Kentucky B'nai B'rith
ianguage project, yesterday pre-- 1
sented the check for the language
work t0 Dr jonan yf rj. Skiles,
head of the university's Department

oiu mu.




intramural program has received an annual grant of
"om the University Athletics Association, Athletic Director
Administration. Veterans
in GI Bill training will receive an Hemic A. Shively announced this week.
education and training allowance
' Lack of qualified officials lead?
rm js;ns f the irrant nrovide
each month from the government. r
arguments and unsportsmanlike
to meet part of the expentc of their funds
conduct which defeat the whole pur- training and living costs. Tuition
(1) a
assistant to pose of intramurals." the report
fees, books, supplies and equipment ,.r.,mr.,, n
1,.. commented.
mill nnf he rmid bv the eovernment.
committee members noted that
1, ,.
v.,.. ,..,,,
They will have to De paia out 01 tne
participation fees have not provided
,ii-- m
iiiumiu; ouuui,c.
11 mil secretaries, one iot enough money to replace worn
Rates for veterans in full time the men's program and one for equipment nor provide enough of
training in schools and colleges are
wie proper type 01 equipment.
$110 a month if they have no de- - the women's.
The report noted that the existing
pendents. $135 if they have one de- (3) a caretaker for the Hose situation has caused the Intramural
pendent, and $160 if they have more St.
tennis courts, and upkeep of Department to borrow equipment
than one dependent.
iruui me nivMiu cuuiuliuii irpiiiu- the courts.
Those in training less than full
nient and this has left both depart- time will receive lower monthly:
(4) salaries for officials,
ments without enough to carry on
rates. Top monthly amounts for on- their activities.
new equipment.
trainees are $70 without de- Should Add Sports
trophies for winners in Some sports should be added to
pendents, $85 with one dependent.
and 105 with more than one de- - various sports.
the program, the report said. Chief

part-tim- e





The new GI Bill contains iin- '
portant deadlines that
veterans should keep in mind, the
Veterans Administration has an- nouncea. taucauon ana training
veterans must be
started Dy August 0. 1904, or two
after release from active duty,
No training may be given beyond
either seven years after discharge
or seven years after the end of the
current emergency.
The GI Bill cut-o- ff
date for mast
World War II Veterans has already
passed, and training may not ex- tend beyond July 25. 195b.

Boy And Girl
Receive First


Beulah Ann Potter of Dorton and
Joseph Garland Hurt of Route 1.
Harrodsburg, have been selected by
the UK scholarship committee to
ceive the first two $1600 scholarships
awarded bv the Thomas Poe Cooper
Agricultural Foundation.
The Pike county girl and the
Mercer county boy will enroll in the
College of Agriculture and Home
Economics in September.
' The Thomas Poe Cooper Agri cultural Foundation was established
last year in recognition of Dean
Conner's lone and outstandinz serv- ce to the farm people of Kentucky,
Dr. Cooper served for 33 years as
dean of the University's College of
Agriculture ana Home
director of the Agricultural Experi-Iv- y
nient Station, and director of the
Agricultural Extension Division. He
as given a change of duties a year
ago upon reacning tne age 01 u.
phe purpose or the Cooper
Foundation is "to initiate, encour-byteriage, aid, and conduct scientific re- search" in agriculture and home
Officers of the non- profit organization voted at their
January meeting to award two
scholarships starting this fall, to a
Club boy and girl. Each
of the scholarships amounts to $400
a year for four years.



4-- H






it. .i










Money For Referees
On the question of officials,









committee stated that sufficient
money should be alloted to hire
qualified men in order to assure
good officiating and thus maintain a
high degree of sportsmanship in the

),..(.. " I', IHl



I A'I K HKill SCHOOL )K( 11KSTKA is pictured above in a
session with Kohert Whitney. ( (imlui tor of the I nuisville riiilliarnninic Orchestra, preparing fir the c.ini rrt tonight In the Memorial

Hall amphitheater.

700 00


Upkeep of field


Tennis ('sorts
Caretaker for 6 months.
Upkeep, labor, lime

Dr. Gifford Blyton, associate professor of speech and director of
forensics at UK, has been granted a
year's leave of absence to direct a
special US State Department proj
ect at the University of Svna in



Graduate assistant
Part-tim- e
Extra salary for director

Dr. Blyton
To Do Work
In Damascus


Cifford Attending
Democrat Convention

Lamport aS

the country, the report read,
which requires participants in the
intramural program to pay entrance
fees to finance the program. The
ra tvirt. aHHoft tViat TTXT'eo nrnoram .....
K.UB...... haf
a low percentage of participation in
comparison with similar programs
at other schools and offered as a
reason the entrance fee plan.
Lack Of Space
The committee also commented on
the lack of space available for men s
soiiDaii ana toucn loot Dan. tne lace
of tluallned referees, insufficient
equipment, ana tne lac 01 a sum- cieni sian to conauci tne program.
"At least three fields are needed
for mens sports." the report read,
"This would amount to approxi- mately six acres of ground."
"Over 800 men participated in
men's softball and touch football
last year." the report said, "and as
a rUIt u,e edmes naa 10 De piayea
as ,ate ai lu
lnls conamon is
baf from a scholastic standpoint.
"Tne. Atnletics Association will
mairitain the extra playing fields."
tonively said. II the University will
donate the ground."
The committee noted also that
lnese two sPrts. mens softball and
touch fnnfhall vprp th mnct Tvinn.
lar in the whole program. For this
reason, tne report said, proper pro- visions for the two is especially nec- essary.
The committee asserted that there
are enough tennis courts on camous
,f thA w.r. . , ... wi.- dition they would be sufficient for
intramural play. The report noted
that previously there has been a lack
of funds for tennis court mainten-

among these would be horseshoe
contests for the men. The commit- tee commented that the addition
had jon? been urged by Director
McCubbin and that the sport would
require neither much space nor
Another sport that drew commit-yea- rs
te comment was intramural hand- ban. At present the University ha.T
onjy one handball court and the
committee noted that at least six,
either indoor or outdoor, are
The cost 0f constructing the addi- tional courts would be extremely
high at this time though, the com- nuttee said. It was recommended
lrial any proposea wort on uiese
courts be postponed indefinitely,
provision was made in the intra- mllrai hudset for the hiring nf tmn
part-tim- e
secretaries to serve both
tne men's and the women's program.
workers would as- These part-tim- e
sist the directors with bookkeeping.
game statistics, and would notify
dates they were sched- uled to piay
xhe am0unt set aside in the bud- get Ior trophies was judged neces- sary by tne committee in order to
encourage Interest in the program.
Committee members noted that riv- increased when specific goala
are established.
Concemine the budeet for intra- murals, the committee said the sum
for2 girLs' equipment for the first
be higher than for suc- c ceding years because the girls hav
almost no equipment at present an
a ree sum is reouired to set the
program up properly.
Noting that McCubbin is nt
forced to spend his days teachi
cuucauou classes ana m
0f his nights working on the int
murai program. the committee p
Vided for hiring a graduate assistant
The report recommended that Mc- Cubbin spend full time on intra- .
10 classes in intramural
and football.
Here is the recommended budset
for the program in light of the Athletic Association grant:


The scenery was built by members of the Opera Workshop and
Dramatics Department under the
supervision of Ernest Rhodes, the
technical director and an instructor
in the Speech Department.
The complete cast of the operetta
will total 36, one of the largest casts
ever to be used in a Guignol production. Accompanists for the program will be Mary Bryant, solo;
Ruth Stallines, chorus; and Myra
Saufley and Ruth Stdllings, opening

Miss Chloe Gifford. of the University Extension, is attending the
Democratic Convention this week.
Miss Gilford, who was recently
elected third vice uresident of the
General Federation of Women's
CMubs, is at tending the convention

UK is the only major university










Shively explained that the grant
came as a result of an investigative
committee's report on the intra- murals situation on campus. The
committee inciuaea bniveiy. uean
of Men A. D. Kirwan, Intramurals
Director siu McuuDDin. tToi. koo-son D. Mclntyre. and Dr. Martha
G. Carr.
The report made several criticisms
of provisions for intramurals here









.... ,


B'nai B'rilh
Fund To Aid
Hebrew Study

Dr. William Durrett Nicholls, 67,
head of the Farm Economics De- partment of the College of Agricul- ture, died from a cerebral hemor- rhage last Thursday at Kentucky
Baptist hospital in Louisville.
Dr. Nicholls graduated from UK in
and had bien on the staff since
OlUCieni llLKCl OdlC
1912. From 1912 until 1915 he was nf Ancient T.anmiaees
Kentucky B'nai B'rith voted
Student tickets for the operetta assistant professor of animal husbandry, and from 1915 until 1917 he at its annuai convention in Paducah
"Der Fledermaus" will go on sale
at 11:30 a.m., University time, was professor of farm management.- iast spring to 'support work in
He had been professor of farm eco- Hebrew at UK for a minimum
Monday, in the Guignol ticket ofnomics and head of the department period of three vears
fice. An advance ticket sale is beThis grant will enable the Unl- ing held to assure students of good since 1917.
During World War I he served as versity to offer a complete under
seats before the ticket sale is
chief of the farm mobilization for graauate course in Hebrew for the
opened for the general public.
Kentucky. He was a contributing tirct tim in th. . nra f h
editor to the Southern Agriculturist school. The courses in Hebrew were
Kiviniemo, a voice instructor. Miss 01 Nashville, Tenn.. and was for- offered last year through a personal
Ha'iev is a teacher at Southwestern merly a member of the Fayette gitt from Weil
"Both elementary and second-veColleee in Kansas Miss Henrv a vuumj
Dr- Nicholls was a member of the Hebrew
will be given during the
voice teacher at Transylvania, Mr.
a teacher at Kentuckv Weslevan, American Agronomists Association, coming year together with oral
and Mr. Knauf teaches music in the the American Farm Economists As- Hebrew if there is sufficient demand.
sociation. the Kentucky Academy of and advanced courses are being
public schools at Fort Thomas.
rcniuuiiji planned for 1953-54Dr. Skiles
Another voice which will be heard
in the operetta is Earl Holloway, a tscnooi tsoaras Association. He was- sajd
The language department head
member of the music faculty, who aiso a meniDer 01 tne jiaxweu rreschurch.
termed Hebrew the "most prominent
appears as the "Duke de Bastille,"
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. minor language in American educa- who in reality is the warden of the
Elizabeth Hord Nicholls; two daugh- - tion now next to Russian."
local jail.
"We have been attempting to build
Mr. Kiviniemi said that the cos- - ters, Mrs. Frank S. Lewis and Mrs.
tumes used in this production are James D. Toy, both of Louisville: a Hebrew courses for several years
the most iaVish he has even seen in son- - Dr. William H. Nicholls, Van- - since the language is one of the
any college play or oiera. They are derbilt University: a brother. Axton languages of the three basic cul- quile colorful and are taken from Nicholls. Louisville, and six grand- - tures of Western Civilization," Dr.
Skiles added.
all neriods in history.
Only Summer Production
"Der l'ledermaus" is the only pro- tlio TTnit;i'L i
HnHrr tr K frivmi
this summer and is bemg lven by
the Dramatics Department, under
Wallace Briggs, and the Music De- if
if f
partment's Opera Workshop, di- ,t
v Aimo Kiviniemi.
Sets lor the opera were designed
by Jim Harman, a professional interior decorator for Wolf wiles. Mr.
Harman has, until recentlv, been in
chal.ge of all television sets for NBC

Cfrlon Tilrot

Group Urges Reforms
To Put UK On Par
Willi Oilier Schools


and Niulit Iti





The leave was granted by the
executive committee of the UK
Board of Trustees.
Dr. Blyton's assignment will be to
set up and direct a department of
spoken English at the University of
Syria. The State Department's grant
provides that Dr. Blyton super- vise all work in oral English at
Damascus College, also in Damascus.
Born in Clarkston. Washington.
Dr. Blyton joined the University
faculty in April. 1948. His assignment begins October 10 and will
continue through June 20. 1953. He
is expected to return to UK during
the 1953 summer session.
Dr. Blvton and his family will sail
from New York Sept. 12 and are
scheduled to arrive in Damascus



350 00
200 00
100 no
$1,625 00
800 00

Political Scientists
To Attend Convention
Seven members of the Political
Science Department will attend the
National Political Science Conven- tion in Buffalo. N. Y. Augu-s-t 26



Dr. Amry Vandenbosch. head of
the department, will go to the meet-als- o
ing from Washington. D. C. where
he is now doing research, and Dr.
Gladys M. Kammerer will go
from Puerto Rico, where she
is now working in collaboration with


the Puerto Rican government.
Other members of the department
to attend are Dr. Jasper B. ShanReeves.
non. Asst. Prof. John
Dr. Kenneth C. Vanlandinsham, Dr.
Herbert N. Drennon. and Miss Ruth
McQuown. Research Associate of
the Bureau of Government

� .



Fridnv. Julv




Chief among these recommendations was the
space1 for men's softhall and touch
football. The Association agreed to pay for the
co,t of leveling and maintaining two additional
plaving fields if the University would donate the
k.ii l. This sounds very much like the rich uncle
t!i f offers to shell out greenbacks if his nephew

Behold The Plight
Of This Poor Blight
His Income's A Sight

True, the autlxir of the article is married and it's
that women eat up money at a
fearful rate. Still, with so much to toss around,
the guy should lie able to buy the little woman a
couple of fur coats and still have enough change
left to buy groceries.

a well known fact

Students, faculty, and townspeople have an opportunity from now until Aug. 10 to see one of the
finest displays of reproductive art in the country.
The University's Fine Arts gallary is currently
showing the 23th Annual Exhibition of Design in
Chicago Printing.
Over 40 pieces display some of the year's best
advertising formats and lxtok make-upIncluded
with the Chicago work are some of the Department's own reproductions of paintings, both by
masters of the past and by contemporary artists.
The latter group was hung with the typographical
display to afford observers another example of the
complex and varied art of reproduction.
Exhibitions of this caliber explain why UK's Gal- lery ranks second in the state only to the Speed
Museum in Ixnn'sville. The latter is heavily endowed with private funds, an advantage not enjoyed by the local gallery. Dispite a lack of money,
however, UK's gallery consistently provides varied,
interesting, and satisfying exhibitions'.

In addition to his wife, our starving businessman
also has to take care of the federal and state governments, his liquor bill, and the upkeep on his children. According to his figures he's some $200 in

the hole by the time he gets through paying his
e're aware of the efficiency with which the
government collects its bills but one would think
that maybe the fellow could cut a comer here and
there even if he had to cut down on the quality of
hi 3 Scotch.



One of the most satisfying things that can happen
to a college student is to cut a summer sdiool class
for three days in a row (out of sheer meanness)
and to return, slightly nervous and green around
the gills, only to discover that the prof doesn't take
the roll.

Intramurals reaches an oasis at last.

The Readers Speak:

Central Kentucky patrons of music and drama
are in for some
entertainment next
when the combined UK music and drama
epartments put on a four-darun of Strauss
eretta "Der Fledermaus."


ar from Ixmig a staid, solemn affair, the show
put eel to have more laughs than a TV soap
e; a. Most of the melodies are as
!. tub singers as they are to opera patrons.


e of the subplots, to give an illustration of the
of entertainment offered, concerns the ad-tyj
,'ires of a philandering husband who, when invited to a fancy costume ball, gives the old eye
to a mysterious femme fatale. As is usually the
case in such vibrant melodramas, tlx. dangerous
Iadv turns out to le none other than the gentleman's

w if'o.

Everything comes out alright tliough as the final
scene shows our hero heading home a much wiser
la J. It seems that his flirtation w ith the little woman
i:i disguise has convinced him of her outstanding
merits. She. in turn, is quite willing to forgive him
in id all is well.

Dear Sir,
I never put much store in the newspapers and I
gripe alxnit what was
never was one to mule-anrite in the paper. But I tell you, I was fit to Ix? tied
when I read what Mr. Disgusted Student said
alxnit small towns called them "villa", .mispelled
I guess.
Come right out in the opeij and said us small
town folks was stupid and illiterate. Why, don't he
know that that reflects on his rasin?
Now alxnit this companionship that don't breed
intellectual fertilization. Our almanac tells of artificial insemination but don't say nothing alxnit this
other business.
I don't care if you want to size up the world, but
now I'm atellin yu son, you lietter keep your
mouth often' Pa's chicken coop.
And as fur that atomic bum I wouldn't think no
straight shootin' feller would wish that off on anybody.
Well, better close fur now. The tobacco is
agrowin awful good and I'm agoin' out to watch

P.S. I jest wanted to say that I've been around
in my clay even if I am from a small town. Why,
I took off fur 4 vears and got me a degree at UK.

Mid-Summ- er


Flashmud, Ky.

Amio Kiviniemi is cast as the amorous, drink-lovin- g
marquis, and Sue Henry is cast as his wife. Jo
Anne Thomas plays the part of a chaml)ermaid who

gets invited to the big ball entirely by mistake. In
one notable scene she gives our friend the marquis
the old come on, singing daintily, "Look Me Over
Once, Look Me Over Twice." Of course what
really puts the song over is the innuendo put across
when Jo Anne does a subtle bit of skirt lifting as
the song's dramatic accompaniment.
We understand Wallace Briggs had quite a time
in rehearsal getting Miss Thomas to put the proper
amount of "suggest iveness" in her gestures. It seems
Wally was encouraging Jo Anne to nudge the
bleary- - eyed marquis in a flirtatious manner and
was using Miss Icwis to demonstrate. Miss Lewis,
blessed with as much romantic sensibility as the
best of us, didn't object the first few times, but she
finally bruised to the Ixiiling point and gave Wally
a nudge of her own that could hardly be described
as flirtations.
Rehearsals went on through and next week-enthe paying customers will get a chance to see how
well Jo Anne took to her coaching.

Students who daily fltxtd themselves with chlorophyll tablets to kee p themselves prese ntable to society are wasting their time, according to a doctor
who was recently written up in Time magazine.
The good chxtor said that his horse, after cropping
on nice, green grass (just packed with clorophyll)
would come home from the fields, after a hot clay,
"rec king with sweat."

Your advice, to quit casting stones unless we ourselves are morally pure, is absolutely, positively,

and categorically insane. The only glint of the
actions you advocate comes from the reader's individual interpretation. I rather suspected that
your only real advice, concerning the erasing of
corruption, would be to eradicate a majority of the
human race.
If, in the future, you do find a way to rid us of
our mortal foibles, please let us know. We're interested.

An old friend of mine, recently graduated, tells
me that the people over at the library are slightly
bitter alxnit the remarks made alxnit their efficiency in the T(xllx. Out of a sense of fair play
the T(X)llx)x has this to say: the library is a fine
institution every school should have one, and, for
the most part, they