xt7sqv3c0b0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c0b0x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1962-08-sep18. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1962-08-sep18. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1962-08-sep18. 1962 1962-08-sep18. 2011 true xt7sqv3c0b0x section xt7sqv3c0b0x 

      Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, September
13,  196:.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the President's
Office cn the. campus of the University at 10200 a, i., EST, Tuesday, September
18, 1962, wish the following members present: Governor Bert Combs, Dr. Ralph
J. Angeluc6, Robert H. Hlillenmeyer, Emerson Beauchamp, Dr. R. W. Bushart,
W, F. Foster, Dr. H, B. Murray, Clifford Smith, Floyd H. Wright, Dr. Harry
Denham, Gilber" Kingsbury, Judge Jarnes H. Sutherland, Smith Broadbent, Jr.,
Wendell Butler, 3arn Ezelle, Aubrey J. Brown and Lewis Cochran. Absent,
none. Present also for the meeting were Dr, Frank C. Dickey, President of
the University, Dr. Frank D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board, and Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Grafton of Gi-fton, Ferguson and Fleischer, bond attorneys for
the University.

      A. MeSeYiU Open'.d.

      Governor Combs called the meet ng to order and asked the Reverend
T. M. McMillan, Jr., pastox of Hunter Piesbyterian Church, to give the invo-

      B. New Members Welcomed.

      The Board welcomed the new membe-,rs, Mr. Gilbert Kingsbury and Dr,
Harry Denham, and Faculty representative, Ur. Lewis Cochran. These mem-
bers, having previously qualified by taking the Constitutional oath prescribed
by law, assumed their membership on the Board,

      C. Approval o Minutes.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the meeting
of the Board of Trustees on June 5 and of the called meeting of the Board on June
9, 1962; and the minutes of the Executive Committee on July 17 and August Z4,
1962, were approved as published.

      D. Financial R~eport.

The Financial Report was presented by the Vice President and Treasurer,


             UNIVERSITY               OF KENTUCKY


                                                        September 13, 1962

Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President
University of Kentucky

Dear Doctor Dickey:

I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the University of Kentucky
for the two months ended August 31, 1962. This report contains a balance
sheet and related financial statements which present a complete financial
picture for all funds of the University.

The Current General Fund budgetary operations for the period reflect income
realized for educational and general purposes in the amount of $ 8, 232, 113, 05
or 32175% of the budget estimate of $ 25,588, 692.00, The expenditures,
including encumbrances outstanding amiount to $ 4, 260, 317, 87. This represents
16. 68% of the total Current General Fund Appropriations of $ 25, 540, 915. 05.

                       Respectfully submitted,

                       Frank D. Peterson
                       Vice President
                       Business Administration



University of Kentucky
Balance Sheet
August 31, 1962


I. Current- Funds:
      A. General
              Cash in Bank
              Available Balance, State Appropriation
              Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
              Deferred Charges
              Accounts Receivable
              Accounts Receivable-Hospital ( Net)
              Unrealized Income

$ 1, 201, 100. 95
   4, 307, 170. 04
   1, 122, 865. 42
   430, 084. 18
      7, 666. 20
      250, 873. 19
      38, 692.92
  17, 356, 578.95

            Total General

B. Restricted
        Cash in Bank
        Petty Cash Advances
        Accounts Receivable ( Net ) ( Medical
        Notes Receivable ( Haggin Fund )

Total Restricted

            Total Current Funds

C. Loanx Funds:
        Cash in Bank
        Notes Receivable
        Investment s
        Due from Federal Government

Total Loan Funds

III, Eftlwvmnt Funds;.
                Cash in Bank

$ 24,715,031.85

  $  1 054,179.82
      2, 839, 604. 78
Fund)    15,045.49

3,963, 868. 09

$ 28,678,899.94

$     42, 413. 68
      26, 500. 00

$    655, 746,43

$     13, 291.29
  276, 617.46

Total Endowment Funds9

......... 289 908 75


University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
  August 31, 1962


1, Current Funds:
      A. General
           Reserve for Departmental Requisitions
           Reserve for Inventories
           Reserke for Fire Loss
           Other Liabilities
           Appropriation Falances
           Unappropriated Surplus:
             Division of Colleges     $    326, 234. 15
             Medical Center                401, 818.14
             Agricultural Experiment Station  128, 077. 13
             University Hospital             17, 672. 06
             Agricultural Extension Division  76, 615. 35

               Total General

      B. Restricted
           Outstanding Check Liability
           Restricted Fund Balance

$  1,976,762.42
     430,084. 18
     69, 505. 04
  21, 280,597. 18

     950 16.83

$ 24,715,031 85

$     15, 906 16
   3, 947,961.93

Total Restricted

Total Current Funds

l,, Loan Funds:
       Principal Balances-
             National Defense Educ, Act. -1958-
             Federal Government        $
             Accun. Interest Incone-NI)EA

    Total Nat'l Defense
    Education Act

University Student Loans
Expendable Balances

3 963, 868. 09

$ 284678,899. 94

512, 670. 19
56, 963. 34
  1 3%. 19

$    571, 129.72

      55. 761 B6 $

    626, 791. 38
___ 28,5. 05

Total Loan Funds

$ - $55,746.43

lE. Endowment Furns:
             Principal Balances
             Expendable Balances

$    279, 197.50

Total Endowment Funds

$    289,908.75


University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
August 31, 1962


IV. Plant Funds.
      A. Unexpended Plant Funds
            Cash on Deposit, State
            Available Balance, State

         Total Unexpended Plant Funds

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
     Cash in Bank  -$
     Cash on Deposit, State
     Cash on Deposit, Trustee
     Unrealized Income
     Due from Othe r Funds

         Total Retirement of
         Indebtedness Funds

C. Invested in Plant
     Construction in Progress

         Total Invested in Plant

$  3,269,706.56

   6, 974, 600. 59
     228.000, 00

$ 10, 472, 307, 15


817, 707, 20
53, 427, 98
264, 727 00

                    2, 327, 154. 49

$ 4, 059, 927 29
  64, 907, 248. 00
  16, 762, 224. 26
  14, 829, 926. 79

                -100,5. 326. 34

Total Plant, Funds

V, Agency Funds:
            Cash in Bank

$113, 35.8,787. 98

$  114,255,09
       - 5 967. 19

Total Agency Funds


University of Kent ucky
   Balance Sheet
 August 31, 1962


IV. Plant Funds:
      A. Unexpended Plant Funds
            Reserve for Plaat
            Plant Appropriation

$ 7, 170, 356. 19


         Total Unexpended Plant

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
     Fund Balance             $  2, 327, 154.49

         Total Retirement of
         ladebtedness Funds

C. Invested in Plant
     Bonds Payable
     Me to Other Governmental
     Net Investment in Plant

$ 10, 472, 307. 15

2,327, 154.49

$ 20, 029, 500.00

   4, 232, 771, 60

                Total Invested in Plant

                Total Plant Funds

V. Agency Fundsq
      Agency Fund Balances

-100, 559. 326. 34

$    120, 222. 28

Total Agency Funds

$ 113, 358,787. 98

$ 21201,222. 28



           University of Kentucky
    Statement of Unrealized Income
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
  idy 1, 1962 and Ended August 31, 1962

I. Educational and General,
      A, Student Fees
            Incidental Fees and Tuition
            Training School Fees
            Adult and Extension Education Fees

              Total Student Fees

      B. State Appropriations
           Division of Colleges
           Medical Center
           Geological Projects
           Agricultural Experiment Station
           Agricultural Extension Service

              Total State Appropriations

      C, Federal Grants
           Division of Colleges
           Agricultural Experimnent Station
           Agricultural Extension Service

              Total Federal Grants

      D. Endowment Income

      E. Sales and Services of Educational
          Division of Colleges
          Agricultural Experiment Station

              Total Sales and Services of
              Educational Departments

              Total Educational and General

II. Service Enterprises
           Post 'Office

1II, Gifts and Grants:
           Kentucky Research Foundation

IV, University of Kentucky Hospital

Total General Fund Income


$ 1, 557, 414. 00
     33, 300. 00




128. 330.90 $ 1, 429, 083, 10
                33, 300. 00

    1,48 000.00     11 697.49      136 302.51

$ 1, 738, 714. 00 $-  140, 02,8. 39- $1, 598, 685. 61

$ 9, 568, 601. 00 $ 3, 012, 800. 00 $ 6, 555, 801. 00
  6, 125,000.00  1,744,000.00    4, 381,000e00
    640,000.00     598,000.00       42,000.00
  1, 315, 540. 00  394, 50000      921,040. 00
  _1,530,000. 00    459, 000.00   1,071,000.00

$19, 179, 141. 00 $ 6. 208, 300.. 00. $ 12. 970 k %41.00

$   241, 778. 00 $  232, 742. 62 $    9,035. 38
    968, 293. 00   355, 326, 00    612,967. 00
  2, 112, 781. 00  1, 056 391.00   1. 056 390. 00

L-      852. 0$1 4,49 62$1,6 %            ~8

$    38,600.0  $     22,723,07 $   _15876.93

$    30,000.00 $      3,533.97 $     26,466.03
    700,000.00 O212,151.34         4874847, 8466

 $1, 277, 160. 00   2568,31 $, 1, 061, 44 74.69

 $2,556, 467.00 $8, 231, 196. 39 $17, 325, 270, 61

 ,    _ 95, 500,00      916, 66 $    4,583,34

 _    26,725,00 $           j   .     6 725. 00

 $ 547, 160. 00 $     $            547,, 1.60. 00

 $ 25, 588, 692.00 $  ,232, 113.0  $ 7 36,LQ



          University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1962 and Ended August 31, 1962

L. Educational and General
     A. General Admiuistrative

     B. General Expense
          Student Services
          Staff Welfare
          General Institutional

             Total General

Appropriation Expenditures



$ -.446,766.40     93,673.43        8 480. 18  $   344, 612 79

$  574, 833. 37 $  71, 344. 04  $  5, 113.. 66  $  498, 375. 67
   283,000.00     31, 367. 33                     251, 632.67

   611, 456,40     34, 061.82      12,622.43      564,772.15

$1, 469, 289. 77 $  136,773. 19  $  17, 736, 09  $1_319, 78r0.49

C. Instructional ( Includiag
     Departmental Research,
     College of-
     Agr. & Home Ec.
     Arts and Sciences
     Graduate School
     University Ext. Prog.
     House Staff

        Total Instructional
              Research )

D. Activities Relating to
   Educational Depts.

E, Organized Research
     Univ. Research
     Agr. Exp. Sta.

        Total Organized

$ 533,573.59
2, 966, 712. 25
   311, 885.02
   691, 239.31
   170, 628.00
 2, 156, 859. 38
   182, 924, 08
   139, 350.00
   742, 917, 30


75, 764. 35
368, 007. 89
57, 652. 05
31, 906. 18
99, 115. 61
104, 259.40
27, 904. 04
255, 161. 93
23, 410. 59
  5, 386. 0
  4, 479. 33
94, 013.36


9 424. 42
30, 750,03
1, 107, 80
6, 930, 78
3, 584, 84
10, 398, 27
   527, 60
49, 653, 30
   625, 20
 6, 030, 49
11, 592, 43

$  448,384.82
2, 567, 954. 33
   288, 272, 48
   273, 048.06
   S88, $38A 86
   142, 196.36
 1, 852, 044, 15
   127, 933.46
   23, 159, 25
   637, 311.51

$ 9, 143, 839, 32 $ 1, 1681424. 26  $  130.677,06. $7,8.44,738.00

$  304, 513. 82 $  38, 017. 25  $  57, 531, 58  $  208,964.99
3, 023, 833, 00 387, 491 S59.154 013.26 2,482,328,15

       $3, 38, 36, 8  $  42, 50, 84 $  2911,544, 84  $ 2,691,93 14
             ^~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~                      -- tr^              293 r  



        University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1962 and Ended August 31, 1962


      F, Extension and Public.
          Univ. Ext. and Public
           Agr. Ext. Service

              Total Extension and
              Public Services

      G. Libraries

      HI, Operation and Maintenanm
          Physical Plant

             Total Educational an

1, Serice Enterprises:
           Post Office
           Medical Center

             Total Service

LII, University Hospital

IV, Student Aid

V. working Capital

VI, Clearing Accounts

VII. Debt Service-Bonds Retired

VUII Debt Service-Reserve

              Total Departmental


$   968,798,59
  3. 642, 781, 00


$ -.718, 990, 59

,e of
_$ 2,605, 487, 00



$    44,376, 77




27,776,45 $   896,645.37
5,577,82   3,075,464.27

   606,115. 68 $   33 354. 27 $ 3 972 109. 64

1 $ _107,033,54 $    -10,4          601, 508.23

F  $  229 879 32 $   331 768. 43 $ 2, 043 839 ,25

22 397 499,49  $2, 7766 671,             9. 69 ; 18,_S6906J1

$    442,720.00 $      5,959.60 $        143.00 $    36,617.40
     77 531.00        16, 389. 44      6 259. 02     54,882. 54

  $ 120,251.00  $     22,349.04_$      6, 402.02      9 49.9

$ 2,570 423.94    $    214,054.64 $     229, 362. 90 $ 2 127, 006.40

$    13, 800.00  $       620.00          $             13, 180.00

$    90,000.00~ $      5, 133. 64)2  169, 283.53$   ( 64, 149. 89)1

$ 219, 000, 00 $     21,603.00 $                   197, 397.00~

  L 1.29,.940 ,62      6,250.00  $                   13690.62

  $25, 540, 915, 05 3,113A59.7           $            (1,146858.1421, 280,597,18

1. Overdraft 2. Negative F, igure



              University of Kentucky
     Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
          For the Current Fiscal Period
Begining July 1, 1962 and Ending August 31, 1962

1. Unexpended Plant Fund

Apropriations Expenditures

OutstandinK     Unencumbered

Construction of Building,

Consol. Educ, Bldg. Bond Proceeds-
  Chemistry and Physics Bldg,
  Haggin Hall
  Northern Extension Center
  Northwest Extension Ceater
  Southeast Extension Center
  Women's Dorm, Arch. Service
  Consol, Educ. Bldg. Bond Proceeds-
  M, King Library
Addition to Student Union Bldg.
Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity House
Sigma Chi Fraternity House
Commerce Building
Elizabethtown Extension Center
Med Sch. Plans and Specif.
Medical Science Building
Medical Center Heating and
  Cooling Plant Project
Medical Center Hospital
  Outpatient Clinic
Medical Center Landscaping
Medical School Dental Wing
Medical Center Laundry. and
Maintenance Building
Seed Building Offices and
Service Building
Agricultural Research Center
Feltner 4-H Camp
Weed Research Greenhouse
Cereal Plastic Greenhoase
Swine Farrowing and Testing
Hortioultural Shed
Beef Service Facilities
Office and Service Building-
Swine Farrowing Barn-
Swine Testing Station

$ 155,576.04
    80, 575. 56
    5, 431. 14
     2, 323.25
     4, 407. 06



54 00.00

398, 317.12
164, 606. 31
  1, 184. 44
    841. 27
24, 870. 00
29, 099, 00
13, 616. 33

78, 347, 00

97, 448, 02
3, 991, 24
5, 056, 78

24, 484, 55


862, 55
601, 62
386, 74) 1
500. 00

17, 800. 00
1, 712. 43
2, 253. 00

$  155, 576. 04
       781. 14
    ( 3,678.41) 1
    ( 2, 776. 75) 1

    398, 317. 12
    164, 606. 31
      1, 184. 44
    24, 870.00
    29, 099. 00
    13, 616. 33

78, 347 00

97, 448.02
3, 991.24
5, 056, 78

24, 484.55

125, 000, 00
9, 862,5 5
20, 601, 62
( 386, 74
   500, 00

17, 800.00
1, 712,43
2, 253,00

141, 677. 57

141, 677,57

611. 36
590. 68

611, 36
590, 68

1, Overdraft


               University of Kentucky
      Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
          For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1962 and Ending August 31, 1

Construction of Buildings ( cent)

Appropriations  R enditures



Delta Gamma Sorority House-Women's
Small Residenje                  $
University of Kentucky Prestonburg
Community College
University of Kentucky Somerset
Community College
University of Kentucky Hazard Blackey
Community College
Sigma Alpha Epsilon House
Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity Hou-e
Landscaping Commerce B3uilcdng
Decorating Consulting SBJ3
University Entrance-Ma4n Campus
Beef Cattle Shed-Mercer- Farm
Poultry House-Poultry Farm
Bull Shed-Coldstream Farm
Steer Feed Shed-Coldstmam Farm
Animal Pathology Barn-rCoLdstream Farm
Machinery Shed-Robinson Sub Station
Ram Testing Barn-Coldstream
Sheep Barn-Coldstreamn.
Two Plastic Greenhouses-Poultry Farnm
Agr, Research Center- 4 Greenhouses
and Headhouse
Lath House Horticulture

     Total Cor truction of
     Buildings                   $

180, 20 $

26, 200. 00

26, 200. 00

26, 200. 00
  500. 00
  500. 00

3, 500. 00
20, 000. 00
3, 000.00
16, 000. 00
16, 000. 00
   360. 92
 1, 699. 37
   170. 06
 1, 387. 38)

.95, 075 54
    42, 78


$      1.80. 20

26, 200.00

26, 200.00


850. 00
4, 600*.00
4, 300. 00

3, 500, 00
16, 000. 00
16, 000. 00



26, 200. 00

   500. 00
   ( 850,00) 1
( 4,600.00) 1
( 4,300.00) 1
3, 500, 00

(  500,000) 1

 1, 699. 37
 ( 171, 94) 1
 ( 1, 387, 38) 1

195, 075, 54
    42. 78

'69, 721,33 $            $   80, 092.00  $  689,629.33

ksenovation, and Impre n Bud s

Repairs to Coldstream             $
Horticultiral Greenhouse
Remodel and Paint Dairy Heifer Barn
Coldstream Beef Barn -
Paint Coldstream Buildings
Repair and Paint Dairy Rouses
Convert Sheep Building-PestWide
Install Commode Dairy Ban-Eden Shale
Renovation of Aninmal PatholQgy Building
Repair and Remodel Buildings-
Repair Agr, Engr. Bldg.
Hood Replacement-Home Fconomics

1, Overdraft

2, 802. 61 $

5, 736. 88
1, 500. 00

$      393. 00
     1, 200 00


( 455. 38) 1
( 181.61) 1

  ,153, 16
3, 534, 55 1
  803. 28

2, 409, 61
1,200,00) 1
  402, 04
5, 736, 88
 1, 500. 00

 ( 455, 38) :
   54, 78
( 181.61) 1

, 153. 16
   803, ..8



             University of Kentucky
     Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
           For the Current Fiscal Period
Begitming July 1, 1962 and Ending August 31, 1962

RenovationanRmov      et  
Buildings (Cont)

Appropriations Exrpenditures



Agr. Engineering Building         $
Renovation of flouse-Quicksand
Repair Entomology Greenhouse and
Air Conditioner Installed in Dairy Barn
Repair Small Animal House
Reynolds Warehouse Roof XRaair
Isolation Barn
Repair Tobacco Barn-Mercer Farm
Repair Animal Pathology Barn-University
of Kentucky
Repair Roof and Repair Dairy Barn

5,021. 30 $
( 818.83) It

  562. 10
( 457. 37) 1
(356.40) 1
  322. 84
  635, 85
( 103. 77) 1


$    5,021 e30
    ( 818. 83) 1


6, 300,00

3. 000. 00

  342. 10
  ( 457. 37) 1
  ( 356e 40) 1
  322, 84
(5, 664. 15) 1
(  103. 77) 1

3, 500.00
3.000  00

Total Renovation and Improvement
of Buildings               I

18, 678, 93 $

$    8 113.00   $_  10,565.93

Acquisition of Egnipment

Northern Ext- Center-114'uipnaent
Northwest Ext. Center-Equipment
Southeast Ext. Center-Equipment
Med, Sch. Lib. Acq. and Supplies
Med. Center Hospital-Chpatient
Clinic Movable Equipment
Med. Science Bldg. Equipment
Med. Science Bldg. Act. of Inv.
mlist yyhwica Bufloing-
Chemistry Department Equipment
Chemistry Physics Bui:ling-
Physics Department Equipment
Margaret King Library Equipment
Air Conditioner Units
Hospital Equipment Accounts
Univ. Hospital Patient Care-
Activation Inventory ,
Dental Science Building-Equipment

     Total Acquisition of

$    4, 580, 76
     1, 672. 07
     8, 690, 28
     28, 664. 28

   123, 252, 79
   67, 558, 68
   29, 070,04



478. 25

1, 254.54

62. 84

31, 210, 19

20, 70 1, 05
(14, 751, 20)1
  1, 065. 28
  8, 253, 06

( 39,874,23) 1
376, 841, 51


    3, 12

135, 128,84
46, 756, 15
  2, 150.04


$    4, 580,76
     1, 672. 07
     8, 212, 03
     27, 409..74

   (11, 938. 8L, 1
   20, 793. 79
   26, 918. 50


55, 835, 41   ( 35, 134. 36) 1
              ( 14, 751, 20)1
                 1, 065. 28
44,502,21     ( 36,443.56)1

22, 389, 37
51. 816. 07

( 68, 27 6. 22)1
325. 022. 32

646,93456 $     777 $ 374,844.94 $ 264,551.85

1  Overdraft


            University of Kentucky
     Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
         For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginming July 1, 1962 and Ending August 31, 1962

Other Improvements

Appr   a          nditures



Water System-South Farm           $   40,000. 00
U. of K. Electrical Dist. System      34, 178. 87
U. of Ky. Steam and Return Line
Renovation                              346. 63
U. of Ky. Razing of Water Tank            891.51
Boiler Renovation                         477.92
Razing of Neville Hall                    700. 00
Misc. 13oiler Repairs- U, of r.           829.32
Robinson Sub-Sta. Renov of Heating System
in Auditorium                        10, 803. 08
Feltner 4-H Camp Sewage and Water
System                                16, 374, 99
Replace Water Line-W, Kentucky          1,083. 30
Road-South Far-im                       4, 785. 00
Pumphouse and Distribu.on System-

South Farm
Fencing-Agrouomy Area
Install a Transformer W. Keatucky
Repair Roads, Mercer Farm
tiniversity of Kentucky Lighting-Campus
Coldstream Farm Water System

     Total Other Imaprovements

Medical School Clearing

     Total Unexpended Plant Funds  t



           $   40,000,00
37, 000.00    ( 2, 821, 13) 1

  346, 63
  891. 51
  477, 92
  700. 00
  829, 32

10, 803. 08

16, 374. 99
11 083. 30

2, 618.84
1, 189. 25
     55. 50
55. 000. 00

2,6 18. 84
1, *i89. 25
 1, 224.00
50. 000. 00

        170 5fiO.2l $          37, 000 00  $   133~ 560. 21

k,-203, 643. 64 $          $               I 1$203, 643. 64

),-80O9, 538. 67 $ 7, 537. 77 $ 500.~ 04. 94 $3,301, 950._96

Retirement of Indebtedness Funds

A. Debt Service
     1st PWA Issue
     2nd PWA Issue
     Dorm Rev. Bond tssue
     Auditoriuim Field -ouise 1ssue
     Library Building Issue
     Stadium Addition Issue
     Dornm Rev. Issue ( 456 Rose)
     Journal ism Building Bond Issue
     Dorm. Rev. Issue ( 476 Rose)
     Student Dorms- 1953
     Student Dorin-.( Kappa Signxa)
     Student Dorm ( Lambda Chi)
     Student Dorm (Phi Sigma 'Kappa)

$      59. 83
   18, 699. 86
   24, 095. 25
   61,5 79. 53
   111, 626. 51
   18, 434.90
   7, 936. 35
   30, 989. 50
   4, 962. 93
   6, 620, 27
   4, 315. 10



40, 331.25

$       59.83
    24,095. 25
    12, 248. 28
    111, 626. 51
    18, 434. 90
    7,936. 35
    30,989. 50
    4, 962. 93
    49, 893. 49
    4, 924. 93
    6,620. 27
    4, 315. 10

1. Overdraft



            University of Kentucky
     Slatement of Plant Fund Appropriations
          For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1962 and Ending August 31, 1962

Retirement of Indehtedress Funds
(  on 0

APIL02.riatiopn Expenditures



Student Dorm ( Pi Kappa Alpha)     $
Dormitory Rev, Bonds of 1952
Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1954
Dom, Rev, Bonds 1956-Cooperstown
Dorm Rev. Bonds of 1956-Six
Sorority Dorms
Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1956-Stuient
Dorms Reserve
Dorm Rev. Bonds of 1956- 33G Clifton
Dorm. Rev, Bond of 1956- Holmes Hall
Dorm, Rev,, Bond of 1956-Shawneetown
Dorm. Rev, Bond of 1957- 468 Rose
Dorm, Rev. Bond-342 Clifton Avenue
Housing Bond of 1958.- aggin Hall
Consol. Edue, Bldgs, Project
University of Kentucky Housing Bonds

     Total Debt Service            $

5,485. 41
78, 224. 50
40, 077 61
254, 225.55



$    5,485.41
    78, 224. 50

58, 182, 50

31, 250.00

58, 182. 50

31, 250.00

8, 138, 00
120,000. 00
7, 667, 00
102, 130, 00
619, 385, 88
L 50000

8, 138.00
63, 000. 00
120, 000. 00
102, 130.00
619, 385, 88
1I, 500, 00

1,751,715,45 $   49,33T:25 $                 $1  02, 384. 20

B. Sinking Fund Resertes with
    Dorm, Rev, Bonds of 1955
        Reserve Holmes Hall
     Dorm, Rev, Bonds of 1956-
     Dorm, Rev, Bonds of ]$2- Res.
     Dorm, Rev, Bonds of 1954- Res.
     Consol Educl Bldg,
     Housing Bond 1958- Haggin
     University of Kent4ucy Nousing
     Bond 1960

          Total Sinking Fund.

          Total Retirement of
            Indebtedness Funds

          Total Plant Ftud

$  67,918,68 $

179, 136, 01
130, 498. 49
70, 752. 27
129, 780, 84
23, 483. 54


$   67,918. 68

179, 136.01
130, 498. 49
70, 752. 27
129, 780. 84
23, 483. 54

   23 200 46                                     23 200 46

$ 624, 770. 29 $                $                624 7(70.29

$O,176,485.74 $49,331.25 ~              $2 327 154.49

6,86,024,41 $    56, 869.02 $~ 500, 049, 94  $5, 629 1Oo5. 45


     Universiy of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1962 and Ended Augast 31, 1962

Restricted Funds:

     Fund 13alances

Loan Funds:

     National Defense Education
        Federal Goverament
     Accum. Interest Iwome-
     University Student Loan


Endowment Funds:



Aene Fund,


Combined Totals

July  1   1962  Receipts

$4.555.660.67 $1.397.037.10


$ 2. 004. 735. 84

gSt 31. 1962

$ 3.947.961.93


$  512,670, 19 $              $              $   512, 670. 19
    56,963, 34                                    56,963. 34

    1, 184. 58      21J1. 61                      1, 396, 19
    55,761,66                                     55, 761 66
    28, 626, 63      365.54           37. 12      28, 955.05

 $  655,206.40 $     577.15  $37.12I_ $ ,..655,7 46, 43

 $  279, 197. 50 $             $               $  279, 197. 50
    10,429._12       31213            30.00 _     10711,25

 2.89, 626. 62 $   312. 13I         30.00       8998,7

 $  128, 0 06.64 $  235,553.62  $  243, 337. 98  $  120222

              $5,62,50033 $, 63, 48. 00 $2, 48. 40.9  ~ 5013,39. 39




         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Financial Report,
having been in the hands of the Board of Trustees for some days and all mem-
bers having had an opportunity to examine it, same was ordered received and
file d.

         E. Basi   greement for Off-DutyAcademic Instruction, Fort Knox,

         Mr. Peterson presented an Agreement for instruction at the Fort Knox
Extension Center. He stated that this is the same contract that we have had in
existence for several years and that the terms and conditions are the same.
He recommended its approval and authorization for execution.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Agreement was ap-
proved and authorized executed,

         F, Easement with the City of Princeton, Ky,, Approved.

         Mr. Peterson presented a Contract Easement with the City of Princeton,
Caldwell County, for extension of the water main to the Western Kentucky Ex-
tensioni Station Farm,  The Easement grants to the City of Princeton the right
to lay, maintain, operate, repair and remove the water main approximately 1, 500
feet over property which is owned by the University. All necessary safeguards
to the University have been stipulated and placed in the contract,  Mr. Peterson
recommended that the Easement be granted,

        Members being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the Easement was approved and authorized executed on behalf of the University.

        G, AnnualReport of the President, 1961-62, Received,

        President Dickey called attention of the members of the Board to the
annual report of the President of the University for 1961462, Hfe stated that
the brochure reviewed the fiscal year and the accomplishments of the University,
and requested the members to read the brochure,  He stated that the University
is in many ways presenting the image of a people' s institution envisioned by
John B. Bowman, First Presiding Officer of the University of Kentucky in 1865.

              "I want to build up a people's institution, a great free
        university, eventually open and accessible to the poorest boy
        in the land, who may come and receive an education practical
        and stitable for any business or profession in life."

        HIe further referred to the building program and operating budget and
listed the 1958 building prograrm as follows:



1. Chemistry-Physics Building--to be completed at a cost of approx-
    imately $5, 000, 000 in November, 1962.

 Z. Northern Center Building--completed in August, 1961,

 3. College of Commerce Building--architectural drawings almost com-
    pleted. Construction to begin early in 1963.

 4. Addition to King Library--to be completed at cost of $2, 000, 000 in
    November, 1962.

 5. Addition to College of Engineering--Architectural drawings in process.
    To be under construction in early 1963,

 6. Addition to Mineral Industries Building--no action,

 7. Southeastern Center Building at Cumberland--completed in November,

 8. Northwestern Center Building at Henderson--completed in February,

 9. Renovation and alteration of Pence and Kastle Halls.-to be started
   in November, 1962.

10. Agriculture building for instruction and research including library
   facilities--cost over $4, 000, 000, construction started in February,

11, Addition to Student Union Building--construction started in May, 1962.

12. Addition to College of Education Building--architectural plans almost
   completed, construction to begin late in 1962 or early in 1963.

13, College of Law Building.-architectural plans almost completed,
   construction to begin late in 1962.

14. General Classroom and Office Building.-no action, but programming
   for building needs is beginning,

15. Seed House for Experiment Station--construction now underway,
   completion anticipated by mid-1963,

16. Food Technology Building--no definite plans yet; however, this build-
   ing is included in overall complex for Agricultural Science and Research



         The President stated that he was pleased to note that all items listed
had been either accompli