xt7sqv3c097g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sqv3c097g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1999-06-sep21. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1999-06-sep21. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1999-06-sep21. 1999 1999-06-sep21. 2011 true xt7sqv3c097g section xt7sqv3c097g 


                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                  University of Kentucky
                                         1:00 P.M.
                                    September 21, 1999


Oath of Office

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes

Nomination of Officers and Executive Committee

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1    President's Report to the Trustees

PR 2   Personnel Actions

PR 3    Central Administration
        A. Appointment of Board of Directors University of Kentucky Research Foundation
        B. Approval of Administrative Regulation Regarding Non-Resident Fees Committee

PR 4    Community College System
        A. Candidates for Degrees - Community College System

PR 5    Lexington Campus
        A. Candidates for Degrees - University System
        B. Appointment of Dean of Undergraduate Studies Lexington Campus
        C. Reappointments to University of Kentucky Business Partnership Foundation
        D. Name of Degree Title
        E. Center for Aluminum Technology

PR 6   Medical Center
       A. Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Sciences
       B. Consolidated M.S. Program in Medical Sciences

Finance Committee

1.    Acceptance of Audit Report for the University of Kentucky for 1998-99
2.    Disposal of Surplus Property
3.    Approval for Withdrawal from Maintenance Reserve Account
4.    Report of Leases


5.     Approval of Leases
6.     Capital Construction Report
7.     1999-2000 Budget Revisions
8.     Proposed 2000-01 and 2001-02 Tuition Schedule
9.     University of Kentucky Capital Request 2000-2002
10.     Special Initiatives Request 2000-2002
11.     Equipment Transfer
12.     PricewaterhouseCoopers Gift and Pledge
13.     Charles E. Schell Foundation Gift and Pledge
14.     James W. and Diane V. Stuckert Pledge
15.     Acceptance of Gift from McDowell Cancer Foundation of MRISC Building Expansion
16.     Authorization to Convey 3.962 Acres at Owensboro Community College to Department of
             Highways for Right-of-Way Purposes
17.     Temporary Property Easement to Bluegrass Regional Mental Health-Mental Retardation
             Board, Inc. Coldstream Research Campus
18.     Resolution of Official Intent of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky to Finance
             Construction of Educational Buildings Projects from Proceeds of Proposed Issues of
             University of Kentucky Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds or State
             Property and Buildings Commission Revenue Bonds
19.     Resolution of Official Intent of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky to Finance
             the Construction of Housing and Dining Projects from Proceeds of Proposed Issues of
             University of Kentucky Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds


       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
September 21, 1999.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and
the invocation was pronounced by Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie.

      B.    Oath of Office Administered

      Governor Breathitt asked Richard Plymale, General Counsel, to administer the oath of
office to the following members:

      James H. Glenn III, who will serve as student trustee for the 1999-2000 academic year.

      Alice Stevens Sparks, appointed by Governor Paul E. Patton to replace James F.
      Hardymon, for a term ending June 30, 2005.

      Elaine A. Wilson, appointed by Governor Paul E. Patton to replace Martin I. Welenken,
      for a term ending June 30, 2005.

      C.    Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mr. Ted
Bates, Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Mr. James H. Glenn III, Mr.
Merwin Grayson, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Professor Loys L. Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether,
Mr. Billy Joe Miles (Chairman), Dr. Elissa Plattner, Mr. Steven S. Reed, Dr. Daniel R. Reedy,
Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Mrs. Marian Sims, Ms. Alice Sparks, Dr. W. Grady Stumbo, Ms. JoEtta Y.
Wickliffe, Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson, Mr. Russell Williams and Ms. Elaine Wilson. The
University administration was represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.; Vice
Presidents Fitzgerald Bramwell, Joseph T. Burch, Ben W. Carr, Edward A. Carter, George
DeBin and Eugene Williams; Dr. Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; and
Mr. Richard E. Plymale, General Counsel.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being present,
the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:04 p.m.

      D.    Approval of Minutes

      Governor Breathitt said that Board had received the Minutes and called for a motion to
approve them. Dr. Plattner moved that the Board approve the Minutes. Mr. Shoop seconded the
motion, and it carried. The June 8, 1999 and June 29, 1999 Minutes were approved.


- 2-

      E.    Nomination of Officers and Executive Committee

      Under the Governing Regulations, officers of the Board and the Executive Committee are
elected annually at the September meeting. Governor Breathitt called upon Mr. Wilcoxson,
chairperson of the Nominating Committee, for its report.

      On behalf of the Nominating Committee, Mr. Wilcoxson said he was pleased to submit
the report for the slate of officers for 1999-2000. He placed the following slate of officers in
nomination taking into consideration that there are many members of the Board that would
qualify for any of the positions:

      Paul Chellgren, Chairperson - Mr. Chellgren has been chairman of the Board and CEO
      of Ashland Inc. since 1997. However, he began his love and leadership of the University
      of Kentucky as the Student Congress President in 1963. Since then he has continued to
      show commitment to UK and its development toward greatness. Paul earned a B.S. from
      UK College of Business where he was inducted into the College of Business and
      Economics Hall of Fame in 1995. He earned an MBA from Harvard University and
      received a Diploma in Development Economics from Oxford University of Oxford
      England. He is currently Director of Arch Coal Inc., PNC Bank, Medtronic Inc., Centre
      College, and American Petroleum Institute. He is a lifetime member of the Alumni
      Association, a UK Fellow and has never ceased being that amazingly faithful supporter of
      the University of Kentucky and the Alumni Association. The University has been and
      continues to be grateful for his dedication and financial generosity and undying

      Merwin Grayson, Vice Chairperson - Mr. Grayson is the Regional President of the
      Huntington National Bank and is responsible for operations of the Greater
      Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky, Dayton, Franklin and Springfield offices of the
      Huntington National Bank. He earned his B.S. in Finance from the UK College of
      Commerce. His graduate studies were at Xavier University and Stonier University
      School of Banking Trustees. For 18 years he served St. Elizabeth Medical Center as a
      Board member and as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee. He
      received the Northern Kentucky University Foundation's 1989 Distinguished Public
      Service Award. He also received the UK College of Business and Economics Hall of
      Fame Award in 1998. He has served for two years as the UK Board's secretary. He is a
      UK Fellow. Mr. Grayson has been lauded much for his community service involvement
      and received many awards but nearest to his heart is his devotion and generosity to the
      University of Kentucky.

      James Glenn III - Secretary - Mr. Glenn is a Junior from Owensboro, Kentucky. He is a
      Civil Engineering major and is a 1997 graduate from Apollo High School. His activities
      include President of the Student Government Association, former Vice President of
      Student Activities Board, and Student Development Council. His memberships are Phi
      Kappa Psi social fraternity and Alpha Phi Omega co-ed fraternity. What is impressive
      are his awards and honors. They include the Mayor's Distinguished Citizen's Award,
      UK Outstanding Freshman, William Parker Scholar, and Kentucky Transportation


- 3-

       Cabinet Scholar. Most of all, he is a UK Ambassador. These Ambassadors are carefully
       selected students through keen competition who are spokespersons for UK both on and
       off campus. The Ambassadors are very special students and role models.

       Governor Breathitt said that the Board had heard the report from the Nominating
Committee and asked for any other nominations for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and
Secretary of the Board.

      Ms. Wickliffe placed the name of Billy Joe Miles for Chairperson of the Board. She said
that the Nominating Committee had never had bio's on their nominations before, but she
certainly appreciated it. She said she did not come prepared with bio's, but she can assure the
Board that Mr. Miles' bio is equal to Mr. Chellgren's. She said she was happy and honored to
enter his name in the nomination.

      Governor Breathitt said that Mr. Miles was nominated for Chairperson of the Board. He
called for nominations for other officers on the Board.

      Mr. Williams said that he would like to nominate Steven Reed as Vice Chairperson of the
Board. He said that he did not come prepared with a biography of Mr. Reed, but his experience
with him over the last several months has shown him to be a person of deep devotion to the

      Governor Breathitt called for other nominations for Secretary.

      Dr. Mather said that he would like to nominate Dan Reedy as secretary. He said that he
believed that Dr. Reedy is well known to this body, is a distinguished member of the faculty, and
former Dean of the Graduate School. He was head of the "Reedy" Task Force that helped the
Board identify the areas of emphasis in graduate education.

       Governor Breathitt said the Board now had for the first time, maybe in its history, a
choice for all three of the officers. It is up to the Board how to do this. He said it could be done
the traditional way with the Board voting on adopting or not adopting the report of the
Nominating Committee. The Board would have to vote aye or no. If that fails, then the Board
would go to the other group of officers and vote on it as a group of officers or individually. It is
the pleasure of the Board. He called on the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee for a

       Mr. Wilcoxson said he would move that the Board act on the Nominating Committee
report first. Governor Breathitt asked if everybody understood the motion. He called for a
second to the motion, and Mr. Bates seconded the motion.

       Dr. Mather asked Governor Breathitt to clarify Mr. Wilcoxson's motion. Is it essentially
whether we accept the report?

       Governor Breathitt said that the motion is the report of the Nominating Committee. He
explained that if there are 11 or more aye's those people are elected. If that motion fails, then the


- 4-

Board would go to the other slate of nominations. He emphasized that it is up to the Board as to
how it wants to vote.

      Ms. Sparks asked, "What might the non-traditional way be."

      Governor Breathitt replied, "Whatever this Board wants to say. I am not going to tell this
Board how to conduct an election. That is up to this Board."

      Mr. Guthrie said, "Just take each office that you stated and vote for each one. That would
be one other option."

      Governor Breathitt said, "That is one of the ways to do it."

      Dr. Mather said he was a little mystified with the motion. Many times in a group you
will hear a report from a Nominating Committee and either accept it or reject it. After that you
take additional nominations. I have not seen a case where you accept the Nominating Committee
report as a motion. That basically constitutes an election. It has in a sense in the past because
the Board has not had additional nominations.

      Governor Breathitt said he thought it was important for everybody to know what the
choices are before anybody takes a vote.

      Dr. Mather said that is not the question.

      Governor Breathitt said he would be glad to entertain a motion as to procedure. He said
that he intended to do what the Board wants to do in the way the election is conducted.

      Mr. Shoop made a suggestion. He said, "I think what we don't need is probably more
controversy on how the vote's taken. I would like to make a motion that we call the office such
as Chair of the Board, let the roll call be taken, and those people either respond for Mr. Chellgren
or Mr. Miles and those votes be tabulated as the winner of that position."

       Governor Breathitt said there was already a motion on the floor.

       Mr. Wilcoxson said he simply made the motion that the Board consider the nominations
from the Nominating Committee. He has served on the Board for many years, and that is what
has always been done. As a member of the Nominating Committee, he felt the Board should
vote on the Committee's slate of officers.

       Governor Breathitt asked, what would happen if the Board votes "aye" on this motion
and those three officers are elected? If the Board votes "no" then the Board would shift to the
other officers for a vote. He said, "If you have got the votes, it doesn't matter."

Mr. Shoop said that he doesn't see that it is a problem, and he seconded the motion.


- 5-

       Governor Breathitt said this is the first time the Board has had candidates and a choice for
every office. He said he thought it would be fair to let the two candidates for Chairperson have a
chance to say a word in their own behalf. He called on Mr. Miles. He said that it was not KET,
and there would not be a debate. This will let the University family, the media, and the people of
Kentucky know what each of the candidates think about their qualifications to serve.

      Mr. Miles said, "Mr. Chairman, I didn't really come prepared to make a long speech and
really don't intend to. I guess my objective in this is that -- it almost goes back -- it's ironic
wherein the University of Kentucky by far the highest intellectual education place in the state.
What I'm really running for is something we learned in kindergarten and that is to share and
make everyone equal as Board members. And that's really what my candidacy is about."

      Governor Breathitt thanked Mr. Miles and called upon Mr. Chellgren.

      Mr. Chellgren said, "Thank you Governor. I must say that I am pleased and honored and
thank the Nominating Committee for putting my name in consideration. Clearly in a few
moments we will have a chance to vote publicly on the two candidates, and I know each of you
as fiduciaries of this institution need to exercise your best judgment as to what's in the best
interest of this institution.

      "There are two nominees. I would hope you would consider what the Chair of this Board
does in terms of leadership, governance, and representation of this institution. I would hope you
would consider the challenges this Board has in terms of its multi-hundred million dollar
fundraising campaign that we have in process. Obviously, over the next year or two we are
going to be initiating a presidential search as well.

      "I think it is important that we all keep in mind that this is not a vote on President
Wethington. He has a contract which this Board approved unanimously a few months ago. I
certainly would not entertain revisiting or reopening that contract discussion. Secondly, it is not
a vote on Governor Breathitt. He has given this Board seven distinguished years of Chair. He's
not running for the Chair either. It is between the two nominees.

       "I just learned a few days ago, four days ago actually, that I was the likely nominee of the
nominating committee. I have not had much time to campaign. I haven't stated in the press
what I think the vote is going to be. I haven't stated in the press how long I would consider
serving. I haven't stated in the press who should succeed me. I talked to many of you. I know
many of you have made commitments publicly and privately. But now it is going to be time to
vote and I would hope you vote in the best interest as a fiduciary.

       "You know my background or some of you do. I have had the honor of serving with all
but three of you on this Board for at least a year. The three new Trustees, I have not had the
opportunity to serve with you and I really don't know particularly the three new Trustees at all
well. I think -there are though some differences between the candidates. And I don't want to
highlight this, but there are a few distinctions and differences, I think. Obviously, I am a
graduate of the University. All five of my brothers and sisters attended this university and lots of
depth going back almost 40 years. I have been very active as a graduate, clearly in the Alumni



Association and various other activities. I am a contributor to this university and have been for
decades. I became a Fellow in 1982. I have played numerous roles in financially supporting this
institution and in supporting the institution in a number of ways. I have always felt that it is hard
to raise money for the institution and make the ask if you are not a supporter. I'm obviously a
member of the UK Fellows as well. I have some relevant experience in the area of higher
education governance. I was a member of the faculty of the University of Missouri at one point,
a lecturer, been involved in various organizations, particularly on a national level in terms of
higher education.

       "In terms as what I would do as Chair. It would be open. It would be non-political, very
non-political. It would be inclusive. It would be sharing. This Board would be perhaps more
engaged and involved in some policy judgments that this institution must make than it
historically has been. But my vision for the institution would be very much supportive of the
existing Chief Executive and the Chief Executive to be. And it would be an inclusive, hopefully
an activity of recognizing what's a non-executive Chair. I think I have some understanding of
the role -- a non-executive Chair as opposed to an executive Chair.

       "With that in closing, we are all going to take a public vote. There are just two
candidates. One of whom has just been considering running for this office for four days
although I certainly have expressed a willingness to serve if this Board calls upon me to serve.
We all have to make a choice. This is fiduciary. We all have to weigh the candidates and make
a decision, make a vote, and live with our decisions. That's all I have to say Mr. Chairman."

       Governor Breathitt asked if anyone else had anything to say. He stated, "You are voting
to adopt the report of the Nominating Committee. That means if you vote "aye" you are voting
for Chellgren, Grayson and Glenn. If you are proposing to vote for the other candidates that are
named, you should vote "no". He then called on Mr. Plymale, Assistant Secretary, to call the

       Mr. Guthrie asked for clarification. "While this would be voted as a slate, then I am
assuming if this particular motion, if the no's prevail, then the other slate will be those that are

       Governor Breathitt replied, "Unless somebody wants to do it a different way."

       Ms. Wickliffe said, "In approving the Nominating Committee's report, we are voting to
elect those three."

       Mr. Bates asked, "What happens if there is a tie -- 10 to 10?

       Governor Breathitt said if there is a 10 to 10 vote the Board would keep voting until it got
 somebody elected.


- 7-

      He asked Mr. Plymale to please call the roll.

                                       Aye                No

      Ted Bates                       X
      Edward Breathitt                X
      Paul Chellgren                  X
      James Glenn                     X
      Merwin Grayson                  X
      Jack Guthrie                    X
      Loys Mather                                        X
      Robert Meriwether               X
      Billy Joe Miles                                    X
      Elissa Plattner                                    X
      Steve Reed                                         X
      Dan Reedy                                          X
      Frank Shoop                                        X
      Marian Sims                     X
      Alice Sparks                                       X
      Grady Stumbo                                       X
      JoEtta Wickliffe                                   X
      Billy Wilcoxson                 X
      Russ Williams                                      X
      Elaine Wilson                                      X

      Mr. Plymale reported that the "no's" have it eleven to nine.

      Governor Breathitt asked if everyone agreed with the count. He declared that the report
of the Nominating Committee failed by a vote of eleven to nine. He then asked if the Board
wanted to vote as a group on the other three nominees or vote them individually.


- 8-

      Mrs. Wickliffe moved that the Board elect Miles, Reed, and Reedy as a slate. Dr.
Stumbo seconded the motion. Governor Breathitt asked Mr. Plymale to call the roll.

                                       Aye                No

      Ted Bates                                            X
      Edward Breathitt                                     X
      Paul Chellgren                                       X
      James Glenn                                          X
      Merwin Grayson                                       X
      Jack Guthrie                                         X
      Loys Mather                      X
      Robert Meriwether                                    X
      Billy Joe Miles                  X
      Elissa Plattner                  X
      Steve Reed                       X
      Dan Reedy                        X
      Frank Shoop                      X
      Marian Sims                                          X
      Alice Sparks                     X
      Grady Stumbo                     X
      JoEtta Wickliffe                 X
      Billy Wilcoxson                                      X
      Russ Williams                    X
      Elaine Wilson                    X

      Mr. Plymale reported that the "aye's " have it eleven to nine.

Governor Breathitt asked if everyone agreed with the eleven to nine vote.



      Governor Breathitt said this vote is for the motion that they be voted as a slate and called
for a second to that motion. Dr. Stumbo seconded the motion. He explained that those in favor
of that motion which would then elect the slate that has been nominated by Mrs. Wickliffe
should vote "aye". If you oppose vote "no". He asked Mr. Plymale to call the roll.

                                        Ave                 No

      Ted Bates                                          X
      Edward Breathitt                                   X
      Paul Chellgren                                     X
      James Glenn                                        X
      Merwin Grayson                                     X
      Jack Guthrie                                       X
      Loys Mather                     X
      Robert Meriwether                                  X
      Billy Joe Miles                 X
      Elissa Plattner                 X
      Steve Reed                      X
      Dan Reedy                       X
      Frank Shoop                     X
      Marian Sims                                        X
      Alice Sparks                    X
      Grady Stumbo                    X
      JoEtta Wickliffe                X
      Billy Wilcoxson                                    X
      Russ Williams                   X
      Elaine Wilson                   X

      Mr. Plymale reported that the "aye's" have it eleven to nine.

      Governor Breathitt said that the three officers were elected. He asked Mr. Miles to please
come forward and conduct the meeting.

       Mr. Miles said the Board has to be 20 people together. He said that everyone in the
group has to get the University to meet or exceed all the goals that any of them have ever seen.
He said his goal was to make the University not the top 20 but the best university in the whole
world. Mr. Miles received a round of applause.

       Mr. Miles said that the background that he came from is a lot more humble than Mr.
Chellgren. He encouraged the Board's support. He said he did not want to be Chairman. He
wanted to be one of the Trustees. He said that he really wanted the Board's support to make this
what it can be. Before the meeting adjourns, the Board has to recognize Governor Breathitt. No
one in the room or the state has done more and loves the University more than Governor


- 10-

      Mr. Wilcoxson continued his report from the Nominating Committee. On behalf of the
Nominating Committee, he placed the following slate of Executive Committee members for
1999-2000 in nomination:

             James Glenn III
             Marian Sims
             Elaine Wilson
             Alice Sparks
             Billy Joe Miles, Chairperson

      Mr. Shoop seconded the motion.

      Mr. Miles asked for any other discussion.

      Dr. Mather asked Mr. Miles if the Board was going to take additional nominations.

      Mr. Miles asked if Dr. Mather wanted additional nominations. He said the floor was
open for additional nominations.

      Dr. Reedy said that he would like to suggest some nominees in keeping with the approach
that the Board used in open nominations for the other position. He nominated the following

             Ted Bates
             Paul Chellgren
             Elissa Plattner, Chairperson
             Grady Stumbo
             JoEtta Wickliffe

      Mr. Wilcoxson said that he thought that was too many. He said the Chairperson is one
and the Executive Committee is comprised of five people.

       President Wethington said there were five members on the Executive Committee plus the
secretary serves as an ex officio member which would make six.

       Mr. Chellgren asked Mr. Miles if the new Chair envisioned a different role with the
Executive Committee. He said that the Executive Committee has met once in the seven years
that he has been on the Board and asked if this was going to change.

       Mr. Miles said that he thought it would change. The Executive Committee would be a
very important committee. He said he envisioned the Executive Committee being exactly what it
says. It will be the people as we look to the future of the University. He thinks that was one of
the reasons that Mr. Chellgren -was placed on that. It is the vision of a broad base and as we look
to the future -- I think the Executive Committee has to function. I know it hasn't functioned in
the past, and I think that is one of the problems that I see. I think these committees need to be


- 11 -

      Governor Breathitt said that he had not intended to say anything but the reason for the
Executive Committee not functioning is that it is exclusionary. The Board has operated as a
committee of the whole. Every member had an equal voice in running the Board without a little
star chamber Executive Committee. He said he operated under one of those one time. He asked
to be taken off the Board and put back on the Council on Public Education because the Executive
Committee ran it all. The rest of the Board had nothing to say about what went on.

      Mr. Miles asked if the Executive Committee does not have a function, why was there an
election. The Board could name fictitious names, and they would serve the purpose.

      Governor Breathitt replied that he was just telling Mr. Miles why the Board has preferred
to operate as a committee of the whole unless designated by the full Board to do some ministerial
act. The Executive Committee acted one time in seven years, and they had the solid support of
the Board. He said it wasn't his idea. It came from the Board, and he just wanted Mr. Miles to
think about that.

      Mr. Guthrie said since the Board has a new Chair that he would think that the Chair
would have the option whether this should be a vote today or whether he would like to table this
until the next meeting and then elect the Executive Committee.

      Mr. Miles said that there was a motion on the floor, and the Board had to honor the

      President Wethington said he could not discuss the motion, but the Governing
Regulations indicate that the election for both the Officers and the Executive Committee must
occur at the September Board meeting each year.

       Mr. Miles said as Chairman he intended for the committees to function on their own and
to let the committees judge whether it is relevant or not that they meet and what they discuss. It
will be up to the chairman and the committee as to how they will function.

       Mr. Chellgren said if Mr. Miles wants the Executive Committee to fumction on its own,
he did not want his name to be placed in nomination. He said that he did not want to function
separately from the Board.

       Dr. Mather said he would like to clarify for Mr. Chellgren. The notice in the Governing
Regulations state that the Executive Committee only deals with those things that the Board
assigns to it.

       Mr. Wilcoxson stated that he did not think the Board should meet all afternoon. He said
that he had a motion coming out of the Nominating Committee on the floor and asked the Board
to act responsibly as a Board on the Committee's nomination. He said he was doing his job as
Chairman of the Nominating Committee, and he would like for his nomination to be either acted
on or turned down. If somebody else wants to put forth another slate, that's fine.


- 12-

      Mr. Wilcoxson was asked to repeat the slate from the Nominating Committee, and he
read the following names:

             James Glenn III
             Marian Sims
             Elaine Wilson
             Alice Sparks
             Billy Joe Miles, Chairman

      Mr. Miles called for a vote and asked those in favor of the slate named by Mr. Wilcoxson
to hold their right hand up. Dr. Reedy reported there were eleven in favor and nine opposed.
Mr. Miles said it was obvious that the motion carried.

      President Wethington asked that the individual votes be taken for the record since there
had been a question recently in the legal arena.

      Mr. Plymale concurred that it would be safer to have the individual votes recorded.

      Mr. Miles asked Dr. Reedy to call the roll. All of those in favor of the motion from the
Nominating Committee vote "aye".

                                              Aye          No           Abstain

      Ted Bates                              X
      Edward Breathitt                       X
      Paul Chellgren                         X
      James Glenn                            X
      Merwin Grayson                         X
      Jack Guthrie                           X
      Loys Mather                                         X
      Robert Meriwether                      X
      Billy Joe Miles                                     X
      Elissa Plattner                                     X
      Steve Reed                                          X
      Dan Reedy