xt7sn00zst7d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zst7d/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1796-12-25 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 25 December 1796 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 25 December 1796 1796 1796-12-25 2023 true xt7sn00zst7d section xt7sn00zst7d   

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if” - Quintidi S'uhéée, an V.




( Dimanche 25 Décembre 1796 ).




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 m que nous sommcs parvcnus z‘i dcli‘rnrc h bziucrie

Aims venous (Papprcndi-c quc in forte conmmuflc Jtic
'POiUllL 11,2} dcnt join‘s (Emit dosiim’sc 1'1 cmpc‘clicr l‘onn‘mni (1C-
? gang"), lir llllL: batterie (121115 Fish: (i’Aucnhcnn, d on As us—
'homniv 1m! ruinin' nos punts. ' ‘ .
ain- 1m fmid- cxce-zsm', [,Oll‘l—zl—Coup 1'1 est ‘s'm-vonu,
11c 111111.10 unit, 1111 vent chaud, (1:11 a among; 1c (li'St’l.
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Tons anns donnsr lcs noms dos: 'ifilimons c‘omposant
[1»qu sortie do Brest, (-I. can: ([25 ofiicicrs (Jul JCS

.., "i 1’11d]1l](.‘11i.

Vilam d; '_ 7 .. /
110191» l/Zl—gY/lkle) Ole (/5‘/L\‘l.'—Ul'? it '.:(':v . ("aluminium [MI ,9
“116p (zlixuw/ [5‘0in v".

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' ’,\Issn_w};. — I, ”Mm , 7'1 muons; Common-lam?
Au, chef do (I: 1'71}. Le (izlful/'(/, 7’; cum: (12111321.;
Kw, capilamu do \‘rliiwu' ' .1 : Dr 70- 1/,“ [Nomi/ire
(aim; (:omm., szi'ot. ’i- . /,:. ,’/'.~.-. '

ism. ; comm. , Iiifil'l‘y ' '

mm. ; Comm. ,

('iU]. 7 ”Juli“.

F‘Jrirn , 1-. . ' “Iai-

(Ilémc: 1-,2 .Iironizei‘c
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; comm. , Dilpiii; (do Huang), capil. (to vans—

,ii. (10 \‘:1i’ camil. dc iii:-
‘zguui. .Ltt stz'wz'llrmle _; comm. , Jon-pi] it‘l‘nflld , cupil‘.
(h: frigate. Lib Claire/Lie ; comm. , Bruilhac, cupiL. dc

COIHET'I‘E. —— L’Aflm‘onlcur ,- comm. : 'Culclin , liculc-
112ml do V'uissczm.

Les d-filzzils qn’on vicnt dc lire , ainsi qnc coux que
nous army; pubiiés iiicr sur l’émL at 10 (lépzn'l, do 1115-.
cadre , soni Eirés (rune Lith‘o parliz‘uiim‘v , qui nous pzn‘oit
fll'i‘l‘iiitl‘ Ionic cum‘ian‘e. Quant 51 ]a (105 inulion (in) I’m:—
pi-riiliun Pfilél‘ This-.1 , nous n’cn nvon-s d’iiuli'c pi'euvc
(pic 12: ppm.- _ Hill!) :1912’ocheuhnli. nous avons parlé (1’41.—
gu'érv, m; :1. c wanna] , nub; Gout i‘ii': no nous gunmlit
Fun“ . j‘a'ona' polli'i‘ions 111131119 (101150!" (“179110 exifizii ,
pzu' ;: sonic 1Rli50l1 gnu nuh'c cor]? 20118.1;11 dam :‘u iciiix:
do Bi‘czi, (~51 flak: (in 27 i'i'inntii‘c ., ‘L‘HHI/lu‘c gnome 10
11in; gran! “:"f" HIT liobjpl dc Totipédiiion.

(M [as 53:) {on
J. In cilimn‘ih: pour ( '
srum'i. 1:' 1:11;,
You! 1min! pm‘iic

("Us iuHs‘C dz: Dimktrn
noma- «1m, in, fiflhe mzi . i.
. .iL'. ,,. .‘ I .1
(,mnmnim-i- 1111 J.) «own mum“).
(is piai111 11111111111111:
fui , ct 1l11’1111 1'13111‘135011111111 0111'03'1': dam 10:1 1101,1111-101110115
a 111 11111411111 (11: 1‘011111'01‘ 1011203 111:: E12111114103 i11j11sliccs,11
:1 ('0111111111111'1'1’1’11'1gnc , 1n(10pm1(10.111111011t (10 111 tam,- (1111
1111 scroit 1111110500 par 10 (1010511113 (111 1'0111'1'1901111111t 1111
110111114», {1. 1'. 3201' 1111 501111111: 11;: 15,000 11V. (11111.: 1.1 caisse
(111 ("001110 1‘07011111011101110 (1.0. 110111‘gcf;, (111111 10,0001111.
5010115111.. [11.10009 :11"a11l:1gc11se111011€ 2111 )11'01‘11. (10$ 11111101113
(101111311. (-1. 3000 501010111: 110111105 51 101111 11cm pour
1'1111111111111901‘ 110:; 11111111011'111011 01. (10-; 011113111151 11110 1111
2111110111: 1111111113 09110 (11111110. '

11:1 1051111111011 est 11111110111410. .

{)11 r1'-;11‘1‘1111 111 (1150115511111 5111‘ 1:1 1'03'011111011 (111 9. 1‘1'1111311'0
111511'211'1'-t:11'iv11 (10 1’111‘1. 17 1111 (11300011111 (1 (11301 111111 1790 ,
1‘::l.'1.111' (‘1 L1 1115011111011 (103' 1110113 (105 1'01ig10111'1311'0s fugilifs.

1111112101 5011110111 (10 11011v0:111 ([110 02:11:: 11511111111011 (10111113
11110 1:1;111101111011 111115110 01 11111-110 11101111112111 1111 0111.1 1'1"-

.1121 111011351011 01111111111019. 1101111111.

(10 110121110 , avoit

Unmsnrn 111:5 (711:0.011211'1‘5.

15007100 (/11, 4 "(111.90. .
On :1 repri< la 1115011951011 5111: 11:1 11103301111111
(31355011: 11 1111350111": 1111 1110101. 110 055011111011 5111‘ 10

113101110111; 11;; 11.11101, 11011110111; 01. 111100015 (111$ (10. choycn

11 011057011; 11 051 1111111110. E11 111101105 11111101111110: dispo—


D815 1111111111101111011 (10 1a préscnlc loi , 103 1111:1105: , pen.—

WJ - ,1 - yw ““
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111111.. dmlive, 1 1111.6 8. —— 011111,


exigés 5111' 10 111111: 01—-r1p1'&s 1'1'1gl1': , snivant 121 natux;
111 (11110 (10 1311010,. 11’01‘1 ils procudcnt.

Lus 1‘011103 , [10111-10111 (11 inléréts (1113 (at 13011113 1‘1. 'l’épo.
(111 1"". juillct 1790 (V. s11.) scronl payés 011 11110111".
mémire 111611111111110 , 5111‘ 10 11111.! réglé' par Paste , ct,
(101111115 , p211“ 111 101. 1

Les rcnlcs , 11011310115: 0t inlérfits arréragés dopuis lcl
juil‘lct 1700 (v. st.) jusqu’au jour (10 1a public-2111011.

sions ct 111101613 113311111131110111.1111.1 01 (1011119 , 11011111111; ‘.

111 101 (111 29 11105511101‘ , 1111 IV, seront payés 5111‘ 11111»

slipnlé (1.11115 1121010 , 01' 2'1. (10121111. , 51111121111. 121 101, par
Valcur 011001110, of. 011. 11111110111110 11113la11iq110 , qn’zn‘mt
p.’1p101‘—m0n11010 51 10111111110 (10 01121011110 (105 0011011111105

'11: 10111.11, pension, 011 111101015 (11101111509.

Cello vulcur 1:11'00liv0 .«11-1'11 11.2131: (1’11p1'0S 10 [111310111
cours £01111 1‘1 1:1 1105010110 1miio1111c , (111i scra 1111113131
11113501110 loi. ()11p1‘1~11111':1 10 0010‘s (11's (11; jonrs 111111111;
CL 1108. (11K junrs 1105101101113 :1 01111011110 (10$ 001102111001 (1.
11.1110 , pcnsiun 011 11110101 ; on 11111111111 (10 01:5 Vingl 11.:
10111115 1111 001115 1111151011 , 0101250111 5111‘ 10. courfi (11111111
1011111110111 .111 50111111: 1:11 11111111111110 111011.1111q110 , ([111 11011£
puyéc 0n1'0p1‘1'~.‘~1011lz11.1011 (10 111 50mm: 1111 11.111101411121111
par 11111113110 011 1111111’011'; s1: 11b01'01' £1 1’00110111100.

Nora. 1.1: 00110011 (105 11111-10115 11 (111111011110 111105011115.
5111' 103 buns (105 11011g10111111i1'05. '

BUN/'30 ([16 4 7151111116.

Bordeaux. . . . . . . .
()1~1‘i11...:... 10111
Ling. 11’111‘g.. .5011v.
1’111511‘0. . .. 51.1113
(31111111111110. . . . .791. 2 1
1)110211‘(l".l'10l.. , . .11 1.1
Souveruiu1....331. 17 ~'.‘7
Manda! , 21. 4 11.9
11 , 3 .5. 9 (1.

Amsmrdam. . . . . .60}, 61 ' .
1.111111111111151. . . .190 3 , 1113 ;.
.1‘1111111'111. . . . . . . . . . . 211 11V.
Cm1ix.... . . . .10 .1. 17 5.16 (1.
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