xt7sn00zsk6z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zsk6z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1982 1982 1982-10-12 2020 true xt7sn00zsk6z section xt7sn00zsk6z KENTUCKY W of \ ............,.......
er 2 I During the lost two years 14 U." stu-
/ ' ' dents have been disciplined through of-
‘c ‘ liciol channels for plagiarism. Adminis-
trators are unsure of the number of
offenses that are not reported by in.
P . structors and whether this is becoming a
' larger problem. See CINTIIPIICI. page
B . . 3.
. I - >7
Vol. LXXXV, No. 45 Tuesday, October l2, l982 An independent INIHOIH nOWSplpOl‘ University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
, 1 1’1 1 16 11 311‘,” «'1: 111141;”, 1 1 ”111.2? .-:= 1 Q11 6;
. a SGA calls for referendum
.. . . - first or
g , ,, . * 11166.1?111, “39,111 1. 111111111
» ”ti/’64? «f I I
we... , .. a ~ . on ea SGI‘VICG ee Issue
,2! I “3663 ' " ~ g ..
/. , 11,1113?) 1,1,3!“ " 1113:? ~ , 41" __ “What (will University adminstrators) say now when
- . ‘ W ,76' 2-621. 1%,, I’m 1 ‘1 x ”g By ANDREW OPPMANN I go and complain (about the cost of the addition) is . . .
,1 . 111.1111 1_....«,.6 . 1 ' ”‘1‘6‘66716rgf'; f1, News Editor ‘We gave the students a chance to say something about
. ‘ 1 / 1, .»1 ' 3 ,1 «.16! and JASON WILLIAMS it. The student body voted on it several years ago —they
. y '56., f Staff Writer have to live with it.‘ .,
‘< 111,11. 1 .. if f a??? 7.1;1‘.;,f.1, “I feel we have an excellent health service . , . but I
a? 1 1.1 .6, ., , 1 11. 111.1111 _.____.________________.______ feel that it would be very foolish of this body at this
. 6' . . ' “gig? 11. r . 1’ 6 , ’ 3%,? time not to allow the student body to have something to
- . .4, ' j.) 11., a 1.5.“ ’72 ‘ 1. ,1 ”“6 y} . The Student Government Association Senate last night say on this issue," Bradford said.
6 635’; ‘ . Q“ M‘s-o- approved 209 a bill calling for a binding student refer- In other business, Graduate School senator Vincent
,1: 15,151.73- Qg‘t’” 111,631,691 3v", ' -= .1“ ‘1; 6191.17 endum on the mandatory health service fee, reversing a Yeh said that a bill concerning the UK soccer team was
. ”h .5?" .11 ’ _ 6 . ; 7567!; Senate decision made over four weeks ago. considered improperly. Yeh said Davenport, chairman
*6» 411ng??? -' 1 M“: g ' The measure, sponsored by Senator-at-Large John of the Calendar Committee, should have placed the bill
M ”6;" ' ”It” ' " 1. 6 .151". ,,. 6' ' $3.4. Miller. calls for an independent referendum on Nov. 1 on the agenda,which Yeh said he failed to do.
6&1 ' “ . f ' ‘ v' 6’ w“ '4 .. 41.6.36 “to be used as the final voice of Student Government “1 would generally excuse this type of omission ex-
3‘: 1. 11,, _ : . ‘1 " 1 6 1/ 3" ‘1’! Association concerning a mandatory health fee provid- cept that it is part of a larger pattern of neglect," Yeh
10611 ... ’ , 1.11 " ,1'4- ”wan . l‘ “”111, ingat least 1.000voters participate.“ said.
' 1 f" i ' - » ‘14.." ‘ 6 . 3" At its Sept. 8 meeting, the Senate voted 13-11 not to Yeh cited what he said was Davenport’s failure to
weigh; 111,261,666, 11; 1 1r . 1 V ,1 f. bring the issue before the student body in a referendum. keep informed of new bills — especially a recent mea-
6 ., 6w . ’3’ .1 _ . . 5.11 On Sept. 28, the Senate endorsed 20-12 the mandatory sure concerning activities of the campus chapter of Am-
‘ 1V3 ’ 11 1. 1’6 1’ {1% ‘ 4x1 fee. nesty International.
ca“£m g,” . 6 . 1‘ _ 6 {66.7.1}: 72‘. 612’, University adminstrators have proposed all full-time Yeh expressed displeasure over Davenport’s voting
. .6 .’ N ' - ‘1 "41‘ " students should subscribe to UK‘s health service, at a against the bill being brought to the floor after not at-
. " ,gt ‘ , ’ 1. . ' 1. . .4'66‘6—‘6-1, ' cost of $25 per semester, in order to maintain its pre- tending a committee meeting in which the bill was to be
. . . _ : - ' ,6 - Jae-1m; ~;.- 1.1/1 if sent operation. discussed. “He voted against correcting his error," Yeh
1 ‘ 1 ' .' 96x1. . 1 g? ’53“: 1,111.. Miller, a former opponent of the referendum, said he said.
, , 1,63,“ 1,17 1 f';$:.,111 ““ 1'31, 1:???» changed his stance because opponents of the fee, orga- Yeh also complained that Davenport conducted a
, , 1 " ..;_ 3,11. ‘- max, “,1 1 ,"" ,.1~-, nized by Students for Political Action, had gathered the phone poll on bills instead of holding an actual commit-
‘ 6 .' ~ .1 ’{fWJfi-fiat 1," , necessary 200 signatures needed to call a general stu- tee meeting, which he said violates SGA comtitutional
‘ 1 ' , J I64. 26w 6. ”if” , 6" dent assembly, which he felt would call for an immedi~ by-laws.
' ,4 1 f‘. 11.. , ’ -. Xymglflu ate student vote. The soccer bill. which passed unanimoilly, involved
,' ’ ,4, I ,. 1.35” 3116."??? 61.1}; h" 76”,- , Jeff Rice, education junior and SFPC president, said helping defray the costs of an upcoming game. Tori!
“ ‘ .1. 1‘ ’ {ff/.1 ~66 53’s“; ” / z}: ,1 his organization had no problems obtaining the 200 sig- Whitman, business administration senior and ridit wing
. . ,3; 'f' Mdoflt 1f ‘Nc natures requesting the general student assembly —used on UK‘s soccer team, asked for support became socca'
,., . a. . 5.12.: 4, , / , , . . . . . ,
ff ’1; WM" 3th 1% (:6 1111111; asabargammg tool forareferendum. 1 isnotavarSity1sportattheUniverSity. 1 1 1 1
. - 116‘ '._6;- {vfi “hiya 1 “A lot of people feel there should be a vote on this The game Will be played against Louiswlle, which is a
. ; i7 ' .; “I ‘ 16" issue,"he said. varsity club, at Commonwealth Stadium, 8 pm. Oct. 30.
1 t’% M" . ; x! I" “If we have a general student assembly," Miller said. A high school game between local state powers La-
”11% 1 ".4, ' \ “I’m almost sure they will unanimously ask for a stu- fayette and Tates Creek will precede the game at6p.m.
1 1),, 1.333 6 11 ‘1 1 '66. “~66 ‘ dent referendum. If we have a general student assem- Tickets will be $2 for general admission, $1 for UK
541%» ‘ 3%: \x... s / bly,we willbeasking forareferendum. students, and 50 cents for any soccer player wearing a
_ ' 1119111112,: 1 4634;ng _ 1 g 1 p..." , “If the Senate doesn’t pass this bill, it will pass in the team jersey.
‘ &,_"1_3&M .';'6'__': .1 .11" ff ~ general student assembly." Miller said. The Senate also voted to aid Students Against Nuclear
. 6 4113151.”? # ”$1,331 1 V «6 ‘, . . SGA could avoid the “time, trouble and cost" of a Disarmament in sponsoring a rally for nuclear weapons
'. 1- 111;,“ 93".“ ‘1 11" 11 1 ‘3“ 1‘6"" 1 11 1‘ \ general student assembly by approving the referendum, education at 1:30 pm. Nov. 11 on the lawn in front of
1361.3; 332.515? ' ' " , " .‘ -1 6: . 6 _ hesaid. theAdministration Building.
1. 1. 1.1,:1 ’9le it; 1. Wfihh$h ; . "s SGA Vice President David Bradford, saying he Pete Lang, computer science senior and primary
' . , 1.31;; gm 1% 46“ who; 1 1,1,1 . ,w .1, wanted to introduce information on the mandatory fee sponsor of the bill, said no stand would be taken on the
‘ " 4 .. " _1 ‘ ' "6-36;- 1.». . “'6- .t 'fisw 541,1 1 .1,- to the Senate, called for an immediate election of a tem- proposed nuclear freeze at the rally. He said the pur-
_ 1' , . 5:15,?” * “gag?“ “ é; . porary Senate chairman pro tempore because of the ab- pose was merely to increase awareness of the issues.
' ' . ' ; t‘ ”‘6‘ uf’ ‘ ‘ . ,1 .. gwfivrflwi sence of Senator-at-Large John Davenport. Lang said he expected 1,000 people to attend the rally.
. » " . {Eff-i Xi ' 531.31”? 353! Arts and Sciences Senator 'I‘im F‘reudenberg was After debating the cost of funding such a rally, the Sen-
, . ‘ 1 ' 1*.~';‘1;«6,.“.1.o6,v1 elected unanimously by the Senate to temporarily take ate passed the measure, lowering the previom alloca-
1.1 .. , 1 1. '” {'4‘ 6' ~ ‘ 1 {3% Bradford‘s position during the discussion of the referen- tion of $595 to $450.
. ‘ , . ’ _‘ . . ‘ .~ . - of”: dum. The Senate also agreed to sponsor a visit by former
' 1 . . '1 . 6,563; Bradford, handing the gavel to Freudenberg, said he Secretary of Human Resources Grady Stumbo at 8 pm.
' ‘ ' ' .. " examined the operating budget of the University and Nov. 4 in 230 Student Center to speak on state issues.
k J.D.VANHOOSl/Kernei5ioit “found out exactly why (President Otis) Singletary has Senator-at-Large Jack Dulworth noted that the Senate
5" l1 Sifuc asked (SGA’s) opinion on the issue." had the right to cancel the visit if Stumbo officially an-
. . . . . . Student fees have steadily increased from $17 million nounces as a gubernatorial candidate before his sched-
CeCll Roundtree, an employee of Austin Harp Masonry Co., sprays a recently laid brick Sidewalk in in 1975-76 to $28 million in 1%1-82. he said. Student fees uled appearance.
from of the new Ambulatory Care Center on Rose Street while the afternoon sun reflects his work. “have almost doubled in the last seven years 1 1 1 Dr. Also passed was a bill allowing any part-time or Lex-
———-——-——-————-——-————— Singletary is very, very sensitive to the issue of rising ington Technical Institute student to run for senator-at-
menstruation. student fees at this time." large in the Spring elections.
TUE Th . d d 1 S 8 Several years ago. Singletary asked student opinion Alan Chumbler, dental school senator. was purged
9 prize was awar e 0 ”"e1 ergs"°m on another issue —whether the new $4.3 million Student from the Senate by Bradford for having three unex-
°hd Bengt '- Samuelsson 0‘ ”‘9 KOFOImSkO lnsti- Center Addition shouldbebuilt, Bradford said. cused absences.
MWMW tute in Stockholm and John R. Vane of the Well-
come Research Foundation in Beckenham, En- S. I t B d t I,
Blacks' pay Iowan agency says gland, who all happened to be in Boston at the Ing e ary says oar I’lay S a
Their research has delved into the workin s . . . .
FRANKFORT — State government pay for black 1 1 9 dm p I y
workers continues to trail salaries paid white and chemistry °l a perplexmg 9r°UP Ol SUb- a ISSIons o ,0 an I a
employees, the state Commission on Human stances called p'h5l019l°hd'h516 Wh'Ch are s'm'l‘" _—_ So far, 2,000 applications for ad- limiteddebatetothatsubject.
Rights reported yesterday. "6’ hormones. sc'em's‘s behave 'heY "‘OY be ByJAMESEDWIhflARR'S mission have been received by the He cautioned the 125 persons at
The commission's annual report on block em- able to treat a variety of stubborn disorders by ManagingEditor University, and Singletary said, the meeting, however. that the ad-
. . manipulating these substances, found through- “That’s all the more reason for us to missions timetable and certain other
ployment '" state government said blacks were tth h b d , _________________ go on and continue the present ad- details would not be discussed b8-
earning 5335‘ less ”‘0" While workers ‘35 °l au e umon o1 yond the animalworld. _ missionsprocessforanotheryear.“ cause the committee has not formu-
Nov. l, 198]. That was more than double the A"‘°"9 P°'°""°l uses ‘0' "‘9 SUbSWMeS 0'9 President Otis Singletary said 135‘ Singletary said he will meet with latedafirmstandon them.
90p found in 1975. treating heart attacks, high blood pressure, night the anrgsoaemfi 32:11:31: [vey later this week to get ”adsehnze One of the “£11115 my :3: fld
- asthma, ulcers and blocked nasal assa es. Cl e as ea y1 , 4 of the debate yesterday,” an t n not be discus , r r
The “my 9"" w'dehed. be'ween N°V°mher p 9 to proceed this year With the "“919 decide whether to “eliminate the pool, which would hold all applicants
‘979 and N°Vember ‘98] '" 37 state °9°h"°s' mentation 0‘ a proposed selective growing confusion” in the state‘s whose credentials would not meet '
while only eight state agencies reduced the amfiiwiapglicy 1111111 ts t news media aboutthepolicy. those for immediate acceptance,
0 . m S e . w 1 mee nex Ive said in an interview he was was extensively debated, however.
9 lhhe re h ' - Lebanese army SOBICI'IOS ca p Tuesday, may decide t0 1905‘th seekihg a consensus in the Senate on Robert Altenkirch, chairman of
port was t e lOth issued by the com 1 1 1 1 1
. . the enactment of the policy until the portions of the policy made pub- the committee. said usmg the pool
m'ss'°h' IEIIU‘I’, Lebanon "' The Lebanese ”my yes" Fall.1984. lie at a Senate Council meeting Sept. would not “decimate” the freshman
terday surrounded the Palestinian refugee The Board’s decision may parallel 221 but .. Judging from the debate class, as some critics have charged,
80898“ blasts Democrats camps of Sabra and Chatilla, conducting house- that Of Donald lvey. chairman 0f the today. Ididn't getaconsensus.” adding it should be used to “its 10g-
6 . UmverSity Senate, who yesterday . al nd “ with an a ressive recruit-
by-house searches for guns and demolishing told the Senate at its regularl . . 1,111 1111.4 0 e t 188 1
DALLAS — President Reagan campaigning for shacks builtwithout ermits. . - y - h ment program d95|8hed to increase
. . ' p1 . . scheduled meeting he w‘h recorn " 6 the enrollment of freshmen immedi-
Texas Republicans, aimed another shot at Dem- Panicked camp residents reported men in CI- mend later this week that the presi- ately accepted here.
ocrats yesterday before returning to the White vilian clothes had entered the camps overnight, dent postpone enactment of the poli- 1 He defended the use of high school
Hause to work on what aides insist will be a leading away several people. Lebanese parami- Cy1g1hglngsohgzggnfir hgylhsaid will . grade point gerage1intrei1ili1ikingsg
.. _ - ~ - . - _ ‘1 . picants in e poo, ng
n1o1napdrtisar1i1 speech :nfthedec1onarr1iy1. R b lgory secu1r11;ty1:110rces attempting t101c::11m1 111:1: re: allow a Senate committee to a dequa- 111 1 Smith, 1155151111111 professor of chem-
peec prepare or e war) 0 0 epu ' l on S SOI e men were p om p tely address “a whole barrel 0f 1 1» , istry. that USlng students’ rank in
lican rally, the president called Democratic crit- licemen, and that no further camp searches things we must decide if we are to their high school classes would not
ics of his economic plan ”Monday morning quor- would be allowed by people out of uniform. have a1 sound selective admissions \a? . be as suitable an indicator of their
terbacks" with no alternative to offer. There was no explanation for the searches mSlihhgletary 111111111me last night ’ ‘ maentglperfiCArrrsianffihéée. 1 1
~ - . - . e so to mi minimum
01 :1Ve h1ove11p1i11|led 1Admeric1ci b:1ck f::m the edge being conducted after nightfall. following the meeting. reiterated American College Test score re-
1 sas er, e soi , can on ing1 e economic what he told the Board ,1“ Septem- quired by the committee would
dilemma was caused by those who are now her. At that time, he said1it would be 11 t'. allow students 6", the upper 60 per-
our biggest critics." unlikely to expect the policy to be in \ i ‘ cent of the nation to be immediately
His rhetoric followed the pattern White House glitch“; :hhlglhedaliadumhdfiemtg s acxiept11c'1r1l1to1t1hel1g1r‘;ievdei‘sti1t1§.t t dents
~ - . - - - te irc a s u
aides hhave :zid fwil1l ,ihomde"? p;e1s1:dent1i:| mm Clhhhy recently-proposed stateWide DONALD IVIY would "float to the top of the accep-
sPeec es '1" e "m1 '99 wee s ° e 'h' ' mimmum “films-”6'0"? requirements. lvey said he decided to postpone tance pool quickly" if they could
term election campaign: Blame the Democrats The president said he wants the action on the policy because he amply fulfill only one requirement
for economic hard times and accentuate any Senate, its Committee on Adms- wasn't confident ”in the extent that of the policy with either an adequate
’ positive economic developments. 510'“ and Academic Standartb 31M l represent the Senate" that the Sen- grade point average or ACT score.
the UMVCPS'W'S faculty ‘0 examine ate could decide "at this minute“ to He said the proportion of blacks in
3 ha a Nobel PI'IZO Clouds wlll Increase today. with o 20 per- th‘? policy before deCiding what implement the policy. the acceptance pool would hell'b’
I l' cent chance of showers by afternoon. the guidelines will be set for incoming He also recommended the post- equal am who would be immedi-
M'h wlll 5' l" ”‘0 mlddle '° "FPO? ‘05 freshmen. 1 1 ponement to allow the Committee on ately accepted.

. ..., IOSTON — Two Swedes and an Englishman Yonlght wlll be cloudy wlth o 30 percent “9 #50 said he desires 8 3M3! Admissions and Academic Stan- Using 1982 figures, Altenkirch said
shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine yesterday chance of showers and a low In the mlddle “Mum hf the selective admis- dank ‘0 further research the nu- 50 percent 0‘ the 123 “30k! enrolled
for their research into a group of body chemi- 99 u r 40. 3'0“ question. but added, 1“We d0“ ances of the proposal. as freshmen would have been imme-
cols that 0"“, h man i”, ran . i th .1. 1'»: ll d W8!“ ‘0 get "“0 3 situation where The committee so far has delin- diately accepted. Eight blacks would

1 ° 9'"9 '°'“ °' _" " CW ' W' "'0'“ '°"'°"°W- “Ml "'0 we let ourselves set pressured Into? eated the standards for automatic have been immediato rejected.
00d hlgh blOOd pressure '0 “lhma 00d painful hlgh wlll beln the low to middle 60:. too-rapid coriSideration of this poli- acceptance to or rejection from the with the remainder ranked in the
M— 0!" freshman class. and lvey yesterday pool.

m . .
Keene" l *
om m Andrew W John Griffin Movosi W. W lid 8. I065- J... Van“... In w i
Editor in-Chiol News Editor Am Editor Sports Editor Special Projects Editor Photo Editor Grfihln Editor
P E RSUASION Mms'mmh 33:33.53; Il|||,m:':::: Anmzhomsdiiov switmdroc'fl.muom (hrvflmv @3333...
Assistant no Itcrl I
M d' t. f d t ‘ It I ,_
e ica ions nee amper-proo pac aging
Random killing. jured because they used products that were g
In; a phrase most people use to connect contaminated. SUCH A WMVUI— .
only with terrorists. During the past two However, it took an incident that caused SNACK I 3
weeks, however, Americans have been seven deaths — including that of a 12-year- ' Li” 0
forced to deal with a different kind of ran- old girl—to nudge authorities into action.
dom killing. Most people never really gave Health officials everywhere are now call-
any thought to taking over-the-counter drugs ing for tamper-proof packaging for over-the- v, 1 ‘
for a headache, backache, muscles'pains or counter medication. In the Chicago area, the ‘j ‘ f
whatever minor ailment was bothering them Cook County Board of Health approved an ’ 1"] 1' .....
— until Wednesday, Sept. 29, when five peo— ordinance requiring that these medications ‘, . If, I" A) .
ple died in the Chicago area after taking be sealed before being sold. w a . j/ s a '
extra-strength Tylenol capsules laced With And, the commissioner of the Food and l l, l, ,3 I 3
cyanide. . Drug Administration has said his agency is f u ' u p ’i
The victims who routinely picked up a bot- planning to work with the drug industry in . Q . , 5*
tle of the No. 1 pain killer -— hoping to effort- an attempt to develop a successful way to b '?
lessly relieve a minor ache Without much prevent unnoticable tampering with over- ,_ .
hassle — suddenly died, probably without the-counter medication. . 5 . f
ever knowing they had been poisoned. After The main drawback of is that the cost of “W... , , My" 7,.42' i ,
all, the bottles that contained the capsules making products tamper-proof will be V /M 63/ .
looked like any of the others on the shelf. passed on to consumers. The possible alter- y as“ 3,”; ' - \ ' .
Although the Tylenol scare has frightened natives,however,seem more costly. / _
many people, it’s not the only product that Of course, some critics will maintain that ,’ d .———~
has apparently been tampered with after a determined saboteur will be able to sneak l I
being distributed to stores for sale. Last through any precaution. But the stronger the 1 ‘ \ lg .
year several people in California were in- guidelines and rules, the tougher successful ‘ t l y -
jured when they used eye drops, nose drops sabatoge willbe. , l h .
and nasal drops that were contaminated Stricter safeguards for the packaging of ‘ ' i
with acid and chlorine. Other incidents have over-the-counter medicines is an idea whose 0 “'
also occurred in which consumers were in- time has come.
Anderson says best defense is ’viable and livable ’ na tio
Editor’s note: Almost two years still-unnamed book, political pros- took place at Anderson's office in with the so-called neoliberals, who increasedefaisespending. will suggst, in theevult that a new
after he garnered 7 percent of the pects in 1982 and 1984, and his own the Library of Congress. advocate “picking winners” in the Ithink ourbest defense—and this party is formed, that its charter for-
popular vote as an independent pres- mistakes in the 1980 "National industrial field with respect to eco- will be part of the book — lies in bid candidates under its banner i: '
idential candidate, former. Rep. Unity"campaign. Glen/Shearer: What's the basic nomic policy? making this country viable and liv~ from accepting PAC money. It .5:
John B. Anderson spends his time thesis of your book, and when do you Anderson. I think high technology able, in creating the kind of econom- would be good to start afresh with
working quietly in Washington on a “15“.. h expect tofinish it? is part of the solution, but I don't ic plan that give people a quality of that. ll .
book project. «m GLEN Anderson: It’s an economic strate- think we can sacrifice our role as a life that will make them happy, pro- G/s: Do you think Sens. Howard ;;_
He Speaks frequently to college . - . . . if , gy for the 1900s and 1990s. I’m try- goods producer. If you stop to think ductive and secure in themselves, Baker, Robert Dole, Rep. Jack «
students and has more time to spend . _ _- ‘ 7"" and ing to come up with something that that 20 years ago nearly half of our and to do that, people have to have Kemp and Vice President George 3:5
with the youngest of his five chil- ‘t‘f‘ ' SHEARER is.better tluin Reaganomics. I don’t economy was in manufacturing, work. Bish will all run for president in ”
dren. 3;; ' think that it's any real feat, you mining, transportation and construc- Some arms contracts might create 1984? "e
l" 0" interview a few weeks 080. ’ ~ know, to get inflation down to 3.3 tion, only about a third was in serv- 35,000 jobs, but then you can find Auden”; Yes, 1 think it will be a
Anderson told columnists Maxwell The following is an edited version percent (annually) if, in the mean- ices. public works programs that would real imbroglio.
Glen and Cody Shearer about his of the hour-long interview, which time, you sacrifice on the funeral Today, the ratios are reversed. create 100,000 jobs. 80, by any ratio- G/S: Of those four guys, who has E.
a F ‘ , ' ' l - u Bl pyre the hopes and aspirations of We’re increasingly a service econ- nal test of efficiaicy, defense comes the best mind? ,
~ J . \Ii‘ll'l ‘5‘]! l l | A l maybe 13 million unemployed Amer- omy and I don't think we can carry out in second place. Anderson: I’d hate‘to rate them on .
‘5. /a L;\_ ! ‘gfiw / 1081152.. out the role in the world that we 6/8: What kind of mood do you their 1.0. (but) I think Baker and
m we: .3 g . Lit“ Basically, the thesis is that the should without a strong industrial detect in your audiences around the Dole are, in my opinion, equal in- .-
. "Nazi" | III " I . ~ ; , , Republicans have demonstrably base. And I don’t think you can tell country? their intellectual shrewdness . . . (as ,
J r lnl'moii , 1‘ " W”... k ‘ ' 1 failed With supply-side economics. 3 40-year-old guy to piit on a white Anderson: My experience bears for the vice president) he's a nice ' ’
- 3, 1' w A— ; The Democrats, meanwhile, even if coat and stick him in front of a com- out the polls that detect an extreme enough fellow, but I don't put him ,
‘ ,,- ,5 =__=.:,. I“ | ' you look attheprogram which came puter console. That’s a hell of a cynicism which may lead to very up in the same league as Dole or ‘_
/ (/3) fl . ~ 049 a!) 'l l‘i—' ‘9‘ ‘ out of the House Democratic Caucus transition tomake. few people voting in November —- an Baker. -'
ff“ J, V‘ \ J" _ WEWNA ‘_——'_—; -‘ last week, are still ineluctably 6/8: What about public works all-time low of perhaps less than a 6/5: In retrospect, what were '
, mfg! . ‘ )1 ' .w \‘fig. ‘ ‘ 'th drawn to the old Keynesian econom- programs? third. It's no longer a question of your two biggest mistakesinlseo? , . ‘
_______ %.g ‘ ‘0 119,319 , # I ‘ __;_é;_~ us, which is demand-Side economics Anderson: If we can’t pump up “throwing the rascals out”: it's tra- Anderson: Starting too late, as an ‘
/ A WW "' . . . I think we have to marry the the economy to provide jobs in the- ding one set of rascals in for anoth- independent. I suppose it’s folly to J
1“ :9.” .y (whit. MM two. private sector, I would certainly go er. think that in six months you could _ ..
E / Fifi We’ve got to have the kind of eco- to the public sector. If we have a Some examples of why people feel amass the funds and organization
-—= fl INA ' * . I / nonuc policies that Will reflect some Federal Reserve that’s the lender of the way they do: Everyone from the you need. I think we were simply v:
M4,» ‘ ’ ‘h. A J decent attention to both the supply last resort to save the banks of this beer wholesalers to the usedcar overtaken by the two-party system,t "
_,_. l ’ , '0 ER. l’v and dema_ nd sides. This is the gener- country, why the hell can’t we have dealers, to the doctors, dentists and its conventions, and all the attention .7:
d '0. 'M al thesis, but I've still got to look at somebody of last resort to make funeral parlor directors want a legal that was focused on them. And to be '
\_. .1- \l/fifi‘ ”Stilt; dindugtnt'zs afiflfipia. It stu're‘futlhat pleople have useful and monopoly or exemption from anti- shut out of the debates, well, that ~
" ' . .... WARM: wuo M1350 co ne y een year. 831 emp oyment? Instead, both trust laws. waspuremurder. .;j
11.: Yg’ofléffigm‘gfiu‘aflfifi‘g gimp“ AT MlDNlGll‘l...." G/S: So you would tend to differ Democrats and Republicans want to Look at the $3_.4 million given by 6/5: A lot of people have said, “I :
doctors and dentists to congressmen like John Anderson when he was 3.
_———-———————_—_—-————-———-———.—- and you don’t have to wonur why really hitting Stride, telling the gun , of.
the Senate Appropriations Commit- owners to go to hell.” What hap
tee exempted them from Federal pened?
Trade commission jurisdiction for a Anderson: Yes, you have to avoid ,.:
year. appearing that way just deliberate- :1; t
It isn’t any wonder why there’s ly. After a while, they say, “this l
—————-————-————-—————————-—-———-—————-———— such skepticism. And then you read fella, he’s just developing some kind ,
one of the doyennes of the Demo- of martyr complex. He wants to be ’
- - - - - ' National Committee, Pamela like Don Quixote, charging up, tilt- if”? l
i l - - Any knowledgable person Will con- have never had before. Luckily, I ly-transmitted diseases, depresSlon “a"? , , _ , , _ _ n _ ,__
Calm Witnessmg sider mummy if one will take paid my health fee when i paid my or yearly physicals. Tllhmmugtwgmi 3,3639%?“ "‘8 W“ "gm?“m'll- ' "“"l‘ . ‘
time to talk to him or her. I think 15 tuition and went to the center to get Any of these services can be used mes 30 u 10" l_8 we youcanover . t
, - - - -_ - ~ must have two strong parties, fueled G/S: did you ever feel that you .
Ive had enough! minutes spent talking in a responSI help. the altire semester as many times b 1 kinds of fit cal t' l f ho d 1
I'm tired of watching Christianity his way with one person is worth a Upon my arrival I found not only as you need them, for about a fourth y_ al po ' 3" ion at“ ‘9“ 1:11” :odrz’ Y0“ were an . ‘
being robbed of its credibility every lot more than throwing out unintel- fast, efficient and prompt service, of the cost a local doctor would {Elm Tflmyv sot “gees!“ grace a wen ° yw I do ’t that {—1 ‘
single day of the week. I’m tired of ligi'ble bits and pieces of information but I also found myself in the hands charge you. .ulwar _ agains g nger, Andcrm' uh!" gum ,
Christianity being turned into the to50peoplehurrying by toclassos. of a reliable and professional doctor. My opinion is that the fee should third paftltifink he Am _ l anyone _ 5 tshaJeCt 0 d g t
laughing stock oftheUniversity. One true commitment to God is After a month and a half period for be mandatory. That way, the cost ldoh‘t . tda $519811 913:: tense scrutiny t you are-an ha- ,3: - ‘
I think one should realize that in wortha lot morethandestroying the weekly checkups, I know that my might go down to $15 or $20, the thlhk. the his rise! ml: the ’ comes the center of attention t t , ‘
an intellectual community people validity of Christianity for many $25wasusedmany times over. Health Center could get more equip- party, the hi? danger ‘5. E Y V9 you P"? m a .Pl'wd’ehhhl 08111981811, ,, - ‘
deserve to be met and dealt with on searching. If I had not paid my fee, I could merit and doctors and everyone 80t two parties performing in not a particularly if ‘you ve lived a rela-
an intellectual level. Steven Carlisle never have gotten my problem would benefit. Every school of which very noble fashion In solvms Par lively qwet emstencs as 9 member 1
God made man in his own image, President, FleWShiP treated because I would have not I have ever heard has had a manda- problems, hhd are more responsible 0’ Congress, can "Md be“‘8 thrown " ' t
and one of the noblest features of Of Concerned ChPiStlflhS been able to afford the treatment by tory fee that was a complete suc- to special interests than to anyone offstlride. 't to be bl to ‘
the divine likeness in man is his ca- a local Lexington doctor (around cess. else. . l d af m It t: 73 gm e 1? ma: avoida b; ,
pacity to think. There is not need to For health fee $125). I know that it has helped me plen- G/_S: What “I 3'0“ ° “3“ e con ro fimie‘de a? never felt this! _.
yell at the top of one's lungs at an- You might be saying to yourself ty of times and anyone would be elections. ‘ I“ dec'de ul’udow‘P 0 San" - ood” because I : é, ‘
other person like they were mere Recently the issue of whether the that you do not have a bad skin foolish not to take advantage of the Anderwhi 1“" I I'llwmud Wt” didn'tgone _° {1W hot-air balloons : 52m
animals. Some basic consideration fee for Student Health Services problem or any other major dis- excellent services we have at our form a third party, w‘ sen 0“ Ft don’tg‘iliiiikmla y pletel lost in. 5 33;:
wouldbeniceforachange. should be mandatory has been cases, but there are many other HealthCenter. P tri . F ankl Lester.” PPSWWMS I—dyotii‘ltm :8] com y y S e
Many people would gladly listen to brought to the attention of the pub- services the Health Service pro- “ “a r. .e "“5 “an“? “9“" “3' “CF : " .
, . . . . . . . Elem. ed.Jumor pect any PACs Will donate, and I At times, I appeared to be some- : , .
one s arguments for Chrlstlamty if it he Vides. th' othe the hat I f the . - ‘
were not presented to them in the It seems that the choices are for For women, the center has an ex- , .ing r o? w “l"? or ; .
form of a verbal attack. Remember everyone to pay the mandatory fee. cellcnt staff consisting of gynecolog- Letters POIICY first 20 ymtiia ’my POlquC: 08130;. . . :1
only man has what the Bible calls and possibly lowering the cost, or ists who are trained to administer but l Sue“, ‘5 9‘" ° , a“ t g
understanding (Psalm 32:9). those who wish to pay for the serv- pap smears, checkups and profes- loft-n MM 50 5'90.“ by l" mum. dire-at Ind phone mm- 8°°3_°h While 3’0“ re ”hm“! ‘07 the . . g.
Christianity can only be advanced ices on their own would have to pay sioniiladviceonbirth control. ”non or am to tho odltorlol hon, along wl'h molars and clan. precidency. It takes quite a man to
through calm, responsible witnes. amuch higher fee. For everyone, it has a wide vari- editor, in mellun Iulldln' - slfluflonsorconnutlon with on. control himself. -
sing. Only damage to Christianity When I returned toschool this fall ety of doctors who are trained in w.soxlnm.Kv-‘0M3- “00"" "l" h. M“ W '
can result from irresponsible yel- after a long summer, lfound l hada case you have colds, sinm problems, Writers should include their vormodbotoropublluuou. Maxwell Glen and. Cody Shearer
ling. very severe skin condition that l throat problems, backaches, {exual- “"9 Pull?" Prize-winning "am“! ,
® .
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