xt7sn00zsh33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zsh33/data/mets.xml Vermont Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects. National Archives (U.S.) Vermont Historical Records Survey 1938 iii, 111 l.; 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.4/no.44 books English Rutland, Vt.: National Archives Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Vermont Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Vermont -- Catalogs United States. War Department -- Archives -- Catalogs Vermont -- History -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IV. The Department of War: No. 44, Vermont, 1938 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IV. The Department of War: No. 44, Vermont, 1938 1938 1938 2019 true xt7sn00zsh33 section xt7sn00zsh33 1 ( s(1111111111111111111111 *

3 .
:: Prepared by
5 The Survey of Federal Archives'
5 Division of Women's and Professional Projects
;‘ Works Progress Administration
‘ The National Archives
Cooperating Sponsor
{ Rutland, Vermont,
) The National Archives Project
J 1958
t t

 , ii.

The Inyentory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products
of the werE_of the Survey—ofmFederal Archives, which operated as a nation—
wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1956 to
June 50, 1957, and has been continued in Vermont since that date as a state
project of that Administration. .

The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I
consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments,
and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal
archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed infor—
mation secured by workers cf the Survey, in inventory form, a separate
series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (GXCGDt
the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government.
Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organiza—
tion and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding
numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to
each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for
Alabmna is No. 2, that for Arizona To. 5, that for Arkansas No. 4, etC.

For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of
related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive
dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was
secured), general description of informational content, description of v
the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and
purpose of use, form_of the-record itself (bound volumes, sheets in
folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical

- condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room
number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the
Form 585A on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey
worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This TOTE is
on file in The National Archives. When it contains substantial infor-
mation on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographcd
abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda."

In Vermont the work of the Survey was under the direction of Judge
Edward K. Gould, Regional Director for Heine, New Hampshire, and Vermont,
with Mrs. Ella C. Newman as his assistant, and with Hr. Philip Griffin as
supervisor in Vermont from its inception until June 50, 1957. Since that
time the work of the project has been under the supervision of Mr. Frank
Mesorve. This inventory of the records of the Department of Tar in-
Vermont was prepared in the Rutland office of the Survey and was edited
before final typing by Dr. Henry P. Beers of the Division of War Depart-
ment Archives of The National Archives.

Frank Meserve, Supervisor
Rutland, Vermont - The National Archives Project
June 23, 1938 in Vermont

Reserve Officers' Training Corps -
V University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Fort Ethan Allen .0...'UIIIIOOSIOOCCD'COOIOOOIC'... 2
Cmander's Office no....nonoo-ooo-noo-oucuonnouocoooowoaoooI-I 5
., Civilian Conservation Corps, District Headquarters ............ 55
Post Quartermaster's Office .3................................. 94
National Guard, Regular Army Instructor (not surveyed) ........... 105
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
_ NorWich University (not surveyed) ............................. 106
National Guard,.Regular Army Instructor .......................... 106
, Organized Reserves lat-OIODOOIIOOOIOICOIIObonlloloocnhoncolnooctoo 109
Engineer Office (not surveyed) ................................... 110
Engineer Office (not Sllrveyed) 0"...III'CICOOOQOIOIIOOOIOCCIII'.. lll

 ' 1
Hall Furniture Co. B1dg., College St.
- The first office of the Organized Reserves was established in August
1922, at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, where it remained until October 1,

q 1922, then the agency was moved to the Federal Building, Burlington; and
on November 1, 1925, it was transferred to its present location, 212
College St., Burlington. The office is administered at the present time
by Major A. S. Knight, United States Army, who was assigned from First
Corps Area Headquarters. Archives are kept safely in steel filing equip- '
ment. No archives have been lost, there are no useless papers. Archives
consisting of personnel records are sent periodically to Washington via
the First Corps Area Headquarters. I

1. CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1, 1921 to date. Communications with officers

. Of the Organized Reserves. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.)
10 x 15 folders, 9 ft., in 5 drawers of filing cases. R. 2. (98)

Enrollments canceled because of death, sickness, er other causes. Filed
alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 falders, 2 ft., in
drawer of filing case. R. 2. (99)

5. HOURS CREDIT, Jan. 1, 1921 to date. Heurs of credit in training
of officers, active and inactive duty; inactive duty being attendance at
conferences and wsrk not classed as active duty. Filed alphabetically.
(Frequently, official.) 5 x 8 envelopes, 2 ft., in drawer of filing case.
R. 2. (100)

4. MOBILIZATION AREA PLANS, Jan. 1, 1921 to date. Official mobiliza-
tion plans of the First Corps Area. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently,
official.) 10 x 15 loose papers, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer sf filing case.
R. 2. (101)

5. EXTENSION COURSE MATERIAL, Jan. 1, 1921 to date. Charts dealing
with various problems of all extension course phases. Arranged alphabeti-
cally by subject. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 9 covers and loose-leaf
books, 15 ft., on 5 steel shelves, open frant. R. 2. (102)

 Fort Ethan Allen 2

6. EXTENSION COURSES, INFANTRY, Jan. 1, 1921 to date. Record cf
officers now enrolled in extension courses. Filed alphabetically.
(Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of filing
case. R. 2. (105)

7. RECORD CARDS OF OFFICERS, Jan. 1, 1921 to date. Showing complete
records of all officers of Organized Reserve Corps in 97th Division.
Arranged alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 1 ft. 6
in., in drawer of card cabinet. R. 2. (104)


' 1929 to date. Issued by officers of First Corps Area, Boston, relative
to activities of the outfits. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently,
official.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of filing case. R. 2.

University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
(not surveyed)
Fort Ethan Allen was designed to form a link in the chain of military
posts along the northern frontier. It was through the efforts of United
. States Senator Redfield Proctor of Vt., formerly Secretary of War, that
Congress in August 1892 passed a bill to establish a military post at a
point near the northern frontier. An act of the state legislature
approved Nov. 18, 1892 gave consent to the United States Army to acguire
by purchase, gift, or otherwise, such lands in the towns of Colchester
and Essex, in the county of Chittenden, State of Vermont, as the United
’ States Army may select for the establishment and maintenance of a mili-

' tary post.‘ In compliance with this act citizens of Vermont in Dec. 1892
purchased and gave the United States Government about 600 acres of land
in the aforesaid towns, two miles from Essex Junction and six miles from
Burlington. The site was immediately accepted and Captain Guy Howard

_ was appointed constructing quartermaster. Buildings for a four company
cavalry post were erected; and the post was named Fort Ethan Allen in
honor of the "Hero of Ticonderoga." The first garrison arrived Sept.
28 and 29, 1894 and consisted of Troops C,E,F, and G of the Third Cavalry

 Commander’s Office, Fort Ethan Allen 5
in command of Major L. T. Morris. On June 22, 1896 the United States
Army purchased about 190 acres and through further acguisitions the site
now contains about 790 acres.

At the present time, there are twenty—eight buildings of brick and
stone, with slated roofs, including four cavalry stables, four double
officers' quarters, four single officers' quarters, four double barracks,
a hospital, guard house, bakery, work shop, a water tower 80 feet high
built of white vermont marble, and several other buildings used for
storehouses. The parade ground covers about 50 acres, and there is an
excellent rifle range of 1000 yards. There are now about sixty officers
and twelve hundred and six enlisted men stationed there. The training of
good cavalrymen and field artillerymen have comprised the main activity
of this post from its beginning. Records were discovered and surveyed
in five buildings within the military post. All current records of the
post are maintained safely and accessibly in modern fireproof filing
equipment or in fireproof storage vaults. The older records of all
departments are safely kept and in good order.

Commander's Office

9. MESCELLANEOUS MILITARY BOOKS, Jan. 1, 1920 — Ian. 1, 1956. Books,
pamphlets, and bulletins on military subjects. (Rarely, official.) 5 x 8
vols., 2 ft., on shelf of bookcase. lst floor (Bldg. 94). (616).

10. COUNCIL BOOKS, Apr. 1, 1921 - Jan. 51, 1955. QMC Form 452, made
out by recorder and signed by president of council of administration and
commanding officer of Battery C, 7th F.A. Shows monthly expenditures
from battery fund and sources of fund increases. Entered chronologically.

_ (Rarely, official.) 5% x 8 vols. (8), 4 in., in covered wooden box.
Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (860)

11. CEECK BOOKS, Aug. 51, 1951 — Jan. 12, 1954. Show checks drawn
on Howard National Bank, Burlington, Vt., by battery fund custodian for
supplies purchased for use of Battery C, 7th F. A. Stubs show amounts,
dates, payees, and items. Entered chronologically. (Rarely, official.)
9 x 15 vols., 2 in., in covered wooden box. Basement vault (Bldg. 94).

“ ' (859)

12. WAR DEPARTMENT BULLETINS, Jan. 1, 1908‘— Dec. 51, 1915; Jan. 1,
1928 - Nov. 1, 1956. Bulletins issued to post adjutant by War Department
headquarters dealing with modification of Army regulations. Arranged
chronologically. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 5 x 9 (2) and 5 x 10 (2)
covers, 1 ft. 5 in., on open wooden shelf. Basement vault and file room
(Bldg. 94). (626, 668)

15. MAR RISK INSURANCE, Jan. 16, 1916 — Dec. 5, 1917. Bulletins and
memoranda from Chief of Staff to post adjutant dealing with war risk
insurance and benefits of same. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 5% x
9 envelopes, 2 in., in pasteboard document holder. Basement vault (Bldg.
94). (772)

Printed technical and tactical training regulations for the current year.

 Commander’s Office, Fort Ethan Allen 4
Arranged numerically. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 6 X‘lZ cloth covered
covers, 5 ft. 4 in., on shelf in bookcase. File Room (Bldg. 94). (628)

15. MEDICAL ATTENDANCE, Jan. 1, 1952 — Nov. 1, 1956. Registration
forms (Ft. E.A.) filled in by civilian practitioners treating civilian
components of the Army who suffer injury or sickness in line of duty.
Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15 folders (2), 4
in., in drawer of wooden filing case. File Room (Bldg. 94). (665)

16. POST CIRCULARS, Jan. 1, 1904 « Dec. 51, 1910; Jan. 1, 1921 - Dec.

, 51, 1925; Jan. 1, 1929 « Dec. 51, 1954. Circulars issued by post adjutant
to officers in command of units dealing with compliance in military regu-
lations and social activities on the post, also dealing with problems on
the post, but not of a strictly military nature. Arranged chronologically.
(Rarely, official.) 5 x 9 (6) and 8 x 10% covers, 1 ft. 1 in., on 5 open
wooden shelves. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (824, 829, 840)

17. WAR DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS, Jan. 1, 1921 — Nov. 1, 1956. Printed
circulars pertaining to all War Department duties, serially numbered and
paged. Arranged chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 6 x 10 covers,
2 ft., on shelf in bookcase. File Room (Bldg. 94). (624)

18. CIRCULAR LETTERS, OCAQN, Jan. 1, 1924 - Dec. 51, 1926. Issued to
post adjutant by office of First Corps Area quartermaster dealing with
changes in and interpretation of Army regulations. Arranged chronologically.
(Rarely, official.) 8 x 10% covers, 1 in., on open wooden shelf. Basement
vault (Bldg. 94). (820)

19. CIRCULAR LETTERS, GONG, Jan. 1, 1926 — Dec. 51, 1954. Circular
letters issued to post adjutant by office of Quartermaster General,

. Washington, dealing with interpretation of Army regulations. Arranged
chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10% covers, 4 in., on open
wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (817)

20. SPECIAL CALENDAR, Jan. 1, 1928 — Dec. 51, 1955. Calendar issued
by post adjutant, showing all social events planned during the year.
Copies are furnished to officers in command of all units. Arranged
chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10% covers, 2 in., on open

‘ wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (845)

21. CORPS AREA CIRCULARS, Jan. 1, 1951 — Nov. 1, 1956. From First

_ Corps Area commander, Boston, covering military subjects. Arranged
numerically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 cloth covered covers (16),
2 ft., in open cabinet. File Room (Bldg. 94). (658)

’ 22.‘ ARMY ORGANIZATION, Jan. 1, 1952 — Nov. 1, 1956. Circular
information and instructions from the Department at Washington and from
First Corps Area at Boston, relative to Army organization, function of
various units, and man strength. Filed chronologically. (Frequently,
official.) 12 x 14 folders, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. 1st
floor (Bldg. 94). (758)

 Commander's Office, Fort Ethan Allen 5

25. TREASURY DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS, Ian. 1 — Dec. 51, 1955. Deal with
the relations between insurance companies and the War Department. Issued
to the post adjutant by the Treasury Department. Arranged chronologically.
(Rarely, official.) 8 x 10% covers, % in., on open wooden shelf.
Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (818) '

24. MISCELLANEOUS CIRCULARS, Jan. 1, 1954 — Nov. 1, 1956. Miscellane—

, ous information issued from post headquarters. Arranged chronologically.
(Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 cloth covered covers, 2 in., in open
cabinet. File Room (Bldg. 94). (629)

‘ 25. MOBILIZATION REGULATIONS, 1956. Printed pamphlets containing
current regulations for mobilization. Arranged numerically by subject.
(Frequently, official.) 5 x 10 covers (2), 2 in., on shelf in bookcase.
File Room (Bldg. 94). (625)

26. QUARTERMASTER CENERAL'S CIRCULARS, Jan. 1 — Nov. 1, 1956. From
the Department of War, Washington, relative to housing, equipment,
supplies, and service. Arranged numerically. (Frequently, official.)

8 x 11 covers, 5 in., on shelf in bookcase. File Room (Bldg. 94). (651)

27. CNTC DIRECTORY, June 15, 1950 - Sept. 1, 1955; June 25 — Aug. 15,
1955. Individual records made by post adjutant and commanding officer,
showing name, rank, and address of all men at ONTO camps. Arranged
alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 ft. 7 in., in 2
drawers of steel filing case. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (672, 769)

* 28. CNTC ROSTERS, June 15, 1950 - Sept. 1, 1955. Post adjutant's
record, showing names and home addresses of all men attached to ONTO camps
at Fort Ethan Allen. Arranged alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x
_ 10% covers, 1 in., on open wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94).
‘ (770)
' 29. CETC IETTERS, Jan. 1, 1951 - Dec. 51, 1955. Letters received by
post adjutant from the First Corps Area headquarters, dealing with manage-
' ment of CMTC units assigned to Fort Ethan Allen for training. Arranged
chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10% covers, 5 in., on open
wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (765)

50. FIRING COMPLAINTS, Mar. 1 — Apr. 50, 1914. Complaints received
by post adjutant from residents in the vicinity of target range, who have

1 been molested by stray shots. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 5% x 9

‘ ' envelopes, l in., in wooden document holder. Basement (Bldg. 94). (599)

‘ 51. PRECLUDED LISTS, Mar. 1, 1914 — June 50, 1915. Issued by post

, adjutant, showing names of civilians precluded from the reservation
because of complaints made by military authorities. Filed chronological—
ly. (Never.) 5% x 9 envelopes, 2 in., in wooden document holder.

' - Basement (Bldg. 94). (544)
‘ 52. CIVILIAN COMPLAINTS, June 4 — July 9, 1914; May 1, 1915 — Far. 51,
1916. Complaints received by post commander from_civil authorities

 V Commander's Office, Fort Ethan Allen 6

' dealing with disturbances caused by enlisted men while off the reser— ;.,
vation. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 5% x 9 envelones, l in., in
wooden document holder. Basement (Bldg. 94). (560, 412)

55. BOARD FINDINGS, Oct. 1, 1914 - May 1, 1915. Results of an
investigation by a board of officers following complaints of enlisted

‘ men that barracks were in need of repairs. Filed chronologically.
(Never.) 5% X 9 envelopes, l in., in wooden document holder. Basement
(Bldg. 94). (405)

' 54. CIVILIAN CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1, 1882 — Dec. 51, 1885; Jan. 1,
1909 ~ Dec. 51, 1914. Correspondence between officers of the post and
relatives requesting information of deceased, court—martialed, or dis—
charged soldiers. Arranged chronologically. (Frequently, official.)

5% x 8 and 5% X 9 folded papers, 7 in., in wooden and pasteboard docu-
' ment holders. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (750, 846)

55. ADDRESS NOTICES, Jan. 1, 1885 — Dec. 51, 1889. Notices submitted
to commanding officer of Fort Walla Walla, Washington Territory, by
officers of the garrison, absent on official business, telling where they
can be located. Arranged alphabetically. (Never.) 5% x 9 folded papers,

' l in., in pasteboard document holder. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (748)

56. CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1 - Dec. 51, 1894; Apr. 8, 1909 - Nov. 19,
1914; Jan. 1, 1950 ~ Sept. 1, 1955. Between post adjutant, Fort Wingate,
N. M., and Adjutant General, Washington, relative to transfer of enlisted
men; between post adjutant, Fort Ethan Allen and men assigned to C.M.T.C.

r and with Adjutant General about special problems. Arranged chronological-
ly. Index. (Never.) Variously sized folded papers, bundles, and covers,
1 ft. 7 in., in wooden document holder and on 2 wooden shelves. Basement

. vault (Bldg. 94). (768, 811, 859)

57. CORRESPONDENCE BOOK, Aug. 20, 1894 — June 15, 1914. Post
adjutant's record shows name of sender, dates of dispatch and receipt,

' subject matter, and disposition. Entered chronologically. (Never.)
9 X 15 vols. (55), 5 ft., on open wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg.
94). (675)

> 58. POST IETTERS SENT, Sept. 29, 1894 — July 15, 1907. Deals with
compliance of regulations and orders received from First Corps Area
commander, and issued by post adjutant to officers. (Copies.) Entered
chronologically. (Never.) 9 x 15 vols. (l5), 2 ft., on open wooden
shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (712)

' 59. POST LETTERS RECEIVED, Dec. 26, 1895 ~ Oct 14, 1906. Letters
received by the post adjutant regarding Army regulation. (Copies.)
Entered chronologically. (Never.) 9 x 15 vols. (29), 4 ft., on 2
open wooden shelves. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (715)

40. FIELD COMMUNICATIONS, June 15, 1898 — Ear. 17, 1899. Between
officers of units assigned to Cuba from Fort Ethan Allen during the

 Commander's Office, Fort Ethan Allen 7
Spanish-American War. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 5% x 8 envelopes,
1 in., in wooden document holders. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (844)

41. FIELD CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1 - Dec. 51, 1899. Between units
assigned to field duty in Cuba, dealing with activity of hostile troops.
Arranged chronologically. (Never.) 8 x 10% loose papers, 5 in., on open

V wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (710) .

42. TELEGRAKS SENT, June 10 — Dec. 1899. Transmitted by Army units
in Cuba, by Signal Corps, showing names of sender, receiver, time, date,
and signature of sender. (Copies.) Filed chronologically. (Never.)

5% x 9 folders, I in., in pasteboard document holder. Basement vault
(Bldg. 94.) . (707)

45. CUBA COMMUNICATIONS, Jan. 1 — Dec. 51, 1900. Between post adjutant
and officers assigned to units in Cuba relative to promotions, transfers,
and veterinarians. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 5% x
9 envelopes, 8 in., on open wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94).

44. TELEGRAN DUPLICATES, Jan. 1, 1909 — Dec. 51, 1914. Telegrams
between units on maneuvers and commanding officer of post, dealing with
problems mapped out for the units. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 5%

* x 8 envelopes, 2 in., in covered box. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (756)
V 45. CROSS REFERENCE CARDS, June 25, 1911 — Dec. 21, 1916. Nada out
by post adjutant to locate miscellaneous correspondence. Record shows
name of person involved, principal subject, date of filing and file
, numbers. Arranged alphabetically. (Never.) 5 x 9 cards, 4 in., on
, open wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (807)

46. TELEGRAES, May 21 - May 50, 1914; Sept. 1, 1914 — Apr. 15, 1915.
Communications from department commander to post commander relative to
practice march to Plattsburg, N. Y. and transfer of enlisted men to other
stations for duty. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 5%-x 9 envelopes,

1% in., in wooden document holders. Basement (Bldg. 94). (558, 401)

47. FUEL IFFESTIGATION, Nov. 20, 1914 - Far. 5, 1915. Report made to
commanding officer by a board of officers, regarding excessive use of fuel
in post buildings. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 5% x 9 envelopes,

1 in., in wooden document holder. 1st floor (Bldg. 94). (594)
48. REQUESTS FOR QUARTERS, Feb. 1 — May 51, 1915. Requests received
by post adjutant from newly assigned officers for quarters for themselves
1 and families. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 5% x 9 envelopes, 1 in.,
, in wooden document holder. Basement (Bldg. 94). (402)
49. FIELD MESSAGES, July 20 — July 29, 1915. Dispatches between
* officers of units engaged in field maneuvers in New York State, showing
method of dispatch, date, hour, and reply given. Units attached to Fort

 Commander's Office, Fort Ethan Allen 8

Ethan Allen as headquarters. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 3% x 9.
envelopes, % in., on open wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (700)

. 50. VENTILATION COMPLAINTS, Jan. 1 — Apr. 5, 1916. Correspondence
dealing with complaints to Burlington Traction Co. by commanding officer
regarding ventilation of trolley cars transporting soldiers. Filed
chronologically. (Never.) 3% x 9 envelopes, % in., in pasteboard
document holder. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (756)

51. SHIPMENT REQUESTS, Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 1916. Requests to post
adjutant by officers transferred to other posts, for transportation of
personal effects from Fort Ethan Allen to new station. Arranged alpha—
betically. (Never.) 3% x 9 folded papers, 1 in., in pasteboard document
holder. Basement vault (Bldg. 94). (753)


' Correspondence relating to hospitalization of enlisted men transferred
to the Army Reserve outside the limits of the United States. Filed »
chronologically. (Never.) 3%*x 9 envelopes, % in., in wooden document
‘ holder. Vault (Bldg. 94). (175)

52A. TRANSFER POSTPONEMENT, May 10 - May 13, 1916. Details and
reasons for postponement of transfer of field hospital from.Fort Ethan
Allen to Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania. Filed chronologically. (Never.) 3% x
9 envelopes, % in., in drawer of-wcoden filing case. Basement. (107)

53. MEDICAL REQUESTS, Oct. 1 ~ Dec. 31, 1916. Requests to commanding
officer of Fort Ethan Allen, for assignment of surgeons and assistants to
fill vacancies. (Copies.) Arranged chronologically. (Never.) 3% x 9
folded papers, 1 in., in pasteboard document holder. Basement vault

' (Bldg. 94). (779) 7
54. CHANGE NOTICES, Aug. 8, 1920 - Jan. 15, 1927. Communications
from office of Quartermaster General to post adjutant notifying changes
~- in circulars issued. Arranged chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x
10% bundles, 2 in., on open wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94).
' (802)
l " ' 1921 — Nov. 15, 1936. Between headquarters and officers concerning indi-
vidual officers. Does not take the place of officers‘ personal file.
Filed alphabetically. Index. (Frequently, official.) 12 x 14 folders,
2 ft., in wooden drawer. 1st floor (Bldg. 94). (618)
Nov. 15, 1936. Communications concerning enlisted men or civilians.
' Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 12 x 14 folders, 14 ft., in
3 steel and 4 wooden filing case drawers. File room, 1st floor (Bldg.
» ‘ 94). (619)
57. TRAINING, Ian. 1, 1922 — Oct. 1, 1936; Jan. 1, 1926 - Nov. 1,
1936. Correspondence with First Corps Area headquarters and War

 - Commander's Office, Fort Ethan Allen 9
Department, memorandums and orders from War Department on annual training
~ camps, training schedules, extension courses, special tactical and
’ ‘ technical training, practice marches, and mobilization; reports of
officers of 7th F.A. on these activities. Filed numerically and chrono-
’ logically. Index. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 18 folders, 11 in., in
' 2 drawers of wooden filing cases. File Room, lst floor (Bldg. 94).
(655, 848)
- 58. RECRUITING LETTERS, Jan. 1, 1922 - Dec. 51, 1950. To post
adjutant from headquarters of First Corps Area, dealing with recruiting
service. Arranged chronologically. Index. (Rarely, official.) 8 x
10% covers, 2 in., on open wooden shelf. Basement vault (Bldg. 94).
. (856)
. 59. SUPPLIES, SERVICES, AND EQUIPMEFT, Jan. 1, 1924 — Nov. 1, 1956.
' Correspondence chiefly with corps area headquarters in regard to needs of
, post for fire equipment, telephone, telegraph, and radio services, tools,
' ' office supplies, and other miscellaneous materials. Filed chronological—
ly. Index. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 18 folders, 4 ft. 6 in., in
- . 5 drawers of steel filing cases. File Room (Bldg. 94). (655, 656)
60. ARTILLERY RANGES, Jan. 1, 1925 — Nov. 1, 1956. Correspondence
with First Corps Area headquarters relative to leases of property for
' - artillery ranges. Arranged chronologically. Index. (Frequently,
official.) 9 x 18 covers, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. File
, Room (Bldg. 94). (661) -
' 61. RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING-CORPS, Jan. 1, 1954 — Oct. 1, 1956.
, Correspondence and special orders from Commanding General, First Corps
Area, pertaining to training schedules for reserve officers. Filed
V chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 18 folders, 4 in., in
- drawer of steel filing case. 1st floor (Bldg. 94). (652)
-' ’ _ 62. POST EXCHANGE, Jan. 1, 1925 - Nov. 1, 1956. Correspondence and
' “ orders from post commander and First Corps Area headquarters pertaining
* ‘ :7 to civilian concessions, post exchange sales and services, minutes of
the board of officers of the exchange, and reports of civilian auditor.
j. . Filed numerically. Index. (Frequently, official.) 12 x 14 folders, 4
. . in., in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor (Bldg. 94). (798)
- 1 65. FEIGL MEDAL AWARD, 7TH FIELD ARTILLERY, Jan. 1, 1925 — Nov. 1,
~‘ 1956. Correspondence between commanding officer and Mr. Feigl, the donor
of annual award to outstanding member of the 7th F.A. Contains reports a
' ~ of officers deciding award. Arranged chronologically. Index. (Annually,
« official.) 9 x 18 covers, 2 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. File
Room (Bldg. 94). (649)

64. INSPECTION, Jan. 1, 1926 — Nov. 1, 1956. Correspondence with
corps area commander regarding criticism of officers detailed from corps
area headquarters to the post for inspection and inspection officer's
reports. Filed chronologically. Index. (Frequently, official.) 9 x
16 folders, 6 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. lst floor (Bldg.

94). (797)

 Commander's Office, Fort Ethan Allen 10

' 65. CIVILIAN NILITARY TRAINING CAMPS, Apr. 1926 — Sept. 1, 1956.

, Correspondence between corps headquarters, Boston, and post headquarters
concerning regulations for civilian military training. Filed chrono—
logically. Index. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 18 folders, 1 ft. 5 in.,
in drawer of wooden filing case. lst floor (Bldg. 94). (678)

66. COIZSTRUCTION AIIJD IITESTAILATICF, Jan. 1, 1927 — 170v. l, 1956.
Correspondence with First Corps Area regarding road programs, Federal and
EPA, construction needs and annual allotments for building repairs. Also
' contains correspondence regarding new post theatre. Filed chronologically.
Index. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 18 folders, 8 in., in drawer of steel
7 ‘ filing case. File Room (Bldg. 94). (657)
. 67. MOVEMENT OF TROOPS, Jan. 1, 1927 - Nov. 1, 1956. Communications
'v . and orders between First Corps Area and post headquarters relative to
_ transfer and itinerary of troops and privately owned property. Filed
’ numerically. Index. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 18 folders, 6 in., in
, drawer of wooden filing case. lst floor (Bldg. 94). (828)
q 68. SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT, Jan. 1, 1927 — Nov. 1, 1956. Corre—
. spondence between commanding officer of the 7th F.A. and Commanding
- General, relative to tools, implements, uniforms, and miscellaneous
material. Filed chronologically. Index. (Frequently, official.) 9 x
18 folders (15), 6 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. File Room (Bldg.
94). (656)
. 69. BANDS, 7TH FIELD ARTILLERY, Jan. 1, 1927 — Nov. 1, 1956. Corre—
spondence between commanding officer of the 7th F.A. and the Commanding
General or recruiting officers relative to enlistments for the band.
Filed numerically and chronologically. Index. (Frequently, official.)
, . - 9 x 18 folders and covers, 5 in. File Room (Bldg. 94). (650)
70. CMTC IETTERS, Jan. 1, 1927 - Dec. 51, 1951. Issued by First Corps
_ »v Area headquarters to post adjutant dealing with administration of citizens
military training camps. Arranged chronologically. Index. (Rarely,
official.) 8 x 10% covers, 6 in., on open wooden shelf. Basement vault
(Bldg. 94). (854)
71. REGULAR ARMY LETTERS, Jan. 1, 1927 - Dec. 51, 1955. Letters
issued by headquarters of First Corps Area and Adjutant General to post
7 adjutant, dealing with changes in Army regulations and military procedure
on Army posts. Arranged chronologically. Index. (Rarely, official.)
‘ 8 x 10% covers, 6 in., on 2 open wooden shelves. Basement vault (Bldg.
.' . . 94). (762, 814)
72. FLOODS, POST COOPERATION, hov. l, 1927 - July 1, 1956. Letters
_ and telegrams from War Department directing participation in flood relief.
.2 _. 1 Includes correspondence with corps area headquarters and with Red Cross.
Filed ch