xt7sn00zsh2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zsh2h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 2001 Vol.72 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 2001 Vol.72 No.9 2001 2001 2019 true xt7sn00zsh2h section xt7sn00zsh2h F (UK) LEX 405 P ‘ .


UNIVERSITY OF KY. ‘1 s, “5;;


LEXINGTON KY 40506-0035
1 ._. WI ' .

Volume 72, Number 9 - September 2001 as S

St t d. tak t. I I d h. t
By LISA CARNAHAN Al mss - 0 - - ism since their youth and all remain committed
Member Services Director Th CC ’ political :lntvzll I ' " to their respective industries after 20-plus years.
Kentucky now has another distinction to add e. ouner'Joum . ’ . _’
to its list of credits, besides fast horses, hard mdllCted as PreSldent ““3” Al Cross
liquor and great basketball: three media figures of the national Society 3 . Onle of the best anlwg names in Kfentucky
in the state have attained top leadershi osts in - - Journa 15m: t e name “ r055” rings ear to a
. national journalism organizations, p p of.Professmnal Joumahsfs . gr eat number Of state politicians but that fear *
A] Cross, political writer for The Courier- during the annual convention is usually accompanied with a healthy dose of
Journal, will be inducted as president of the reSpfisteaskZSilh A] for 23 years ,, sa'd H e i
. . . , , 1 ous ‘
SOClet): 0f :PI‘OfeSSIOHal Journallst-S (SPJ) next preSIQen-t and CEO ofthe Kentucky Broadcazsters Majority Leader Greg Stumbo, one Of the most ‘7-
month, Dav1d T- Thompson, execut1ve d1rector 0f Assoc1atlon, Just completed hls term as presudent powerful political leaders in the state “I call
the Kentucky Press Association was inducted of the Broadcast Executive Directors’ Association ' "
last month as president of the Newspaper (BEDA).
Association Managers (NAM); and Gary White, All three men have been involved in journal- See NATIONAL, page 6 '
b t ‘ - ‘ ' ' . a ' ' “:-
00 ca p K . ,e, .3., ,
3 .. i .: 2- ”in 3 7 ..
called a success «3 -- fl 7‘33 ‘3 ...... «W . .
" '3“ "“ ’ 7... s 1-,: "4% ,7}? fl "W‘s:
By LISA CARNAHAN 1* ‘ .3.... m ‘ ' . ,- , e. - . ‘
Member Services Director p , .. 3,, , _ 33:3,”: 7'7"” §' ‘ __ " ESQ..-
In this case, two times was a charm. After an . . fig? 3 i I“; "v .. 3 =3». ’9. y. \
_ ,- ’33. #1:,” ,6?!“ i '. M ‘ *5 ‘ “‘7. 1
unsuccessful try last summer to launch the train- : 3 :3: ms: f“ i .13 3-," - h ,_ _
ing, the KPA Journalism Boot Camp graduated “33* ., "3 i' 33% . 3' , eggs *f33;-’ '
the first class onAug. 3. 3% fivfi 3“ 3:, ’ - ' :3;* '. " Q,
The group of 22 ranged in age from 22 to 60 if . g 3 . w. . ,
. and came from all over the state to attend the 3 7"“ a I 4,: gas; 7 E;
three-week course that was held at Georgetown ,, it" p 3 3g, -
College. The boot camp was led by Indiana ~ . , “is .3 W _
University Southeast journalism professor Jim Ag ,1, E g ex $13M,” ,
St. Clair but it was the brainchild of KPA Vice- ' ”a -' E “i 7
President David Greer. ‘ a .., .-
Greer, publisher of The Kentucky Standard » ..
1“ Bardsmwn’ dlscussed the ‘dea “th 3 The met-ever KPA Joumallsm Boot Camp was held July 16-Aug. 3 at Georgetown College. The stu-
Landmark execut1ve some three years ago, and
. dentsparflclpatedlnagmduafloncemmonymeflnaldayandwerepresentedwnhacerflflcatelhe
then a short tune later read about the Thomson we, nts 12 that' mm | thl l fThe P
SeeCAMP,page4 pa pa oompleteda -pagenewspaper s n sssueo ress.
Nominations and letters of in the Kentucky Press Association director or those persons who have
applications are being accepted may submit a letter of application. served three consecutive years as
until Monday, Oct. 1 for the office of KPA bylaws state: “The only an appornted director.
vice president of the Kentucky person eligible for election to the Nominations must be sent to;
Press Association for 2002. office of vice president are those DBV‘d T- Thompson, Kentucky
Any KPA member may nomi- who are currently serving as elect- Press Association, 101 Consumer
nate any individual who meets the ed directors; those who have been LaanFrankfort, Ky. 40631' to th
criteria set forth in the KPA bylaws elected to serve on the board, pro- minaiighmanedes consien :5 e 5.
for that position. Addigionallx indi- fidwfiwn :Pl'eviously served no n agree 113 serv
viduals interested in holding office as ei i" 'elected or appointed 8.. mamas, m 4

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, September 2001
K t k l . th
Herald_Leader herS Prize for public service this year for the newspaper improve in its role for the Alice (Texas) Daily Echo.
' documenting the mistreatment of as a public watchdog. Since then he has worked at several
Portlands Bennett legal immigrants by the US. Bennett joined The Wall Street other papers including, The
A t' 11 t d . Immigration and Naturalization Journal shortly after she graduated Pentagram News, in Washington,
t' t' na ional.yt will)“: :3 invtes- Service. with honors from Harvard College D.C., the Pampa (Texas) Daily
Figfiive Wig“? ls ’ WId ro 981.11 wo She will succeed Pam Luecke, in 1975. She spent 23 years there News, the Northern Virginia Sun,
u l 7‘31 rizss an experience who left the Herald-Leader in May as a reporter and bureau chief, the Richmond News-Leader,
3m“. 'e g othe, a) --‘ st; to take a new endowed professor— working in Canada, Detroit, Arizona Daily Star, the Akron
2:; Jfénfingd e M: ship in business journalism at Washington, DC, China, New Beacon-Journal and the Honolulu
itera - 53.: er a; :.= Washington & Lee University in York and Atlanta. Star—Advertiser.
1: new? I or an, (1;an Virginia. In the mid—1990s. when “Jim has been an institution
“mm Vlce preSi- ff: 1 For Bennett who has s ent Bennett was the Journal's Atlanta here for man ears,” Jessamine
dent M f ’ p . . . . . y y
A 1 q d much of her career as a reporter, bureau Chief, she partiCipated in Journal editor Randy Patrick said.
B ) ItIt ‘ n a ' the editor's chair offers more con- stories that exposed flaws in “He has provided an invaluable ser-
thEdeu’rrEanig: trol and a broader perspective. The national AIDS policy. The stories vice to the community, and he will
i E?“ l ) t irph ) ' - i Herald-Leader's editor oversees a won a Pulitzer Prize in 1997. be missed by a lot of people.”
5“ ‘ro a n in I; rtland Or) i‘ 142-person newsroom and sits on Three years ago, The Oregonian Easterwood cited health con-
L; reg, “fia h (d 1 ’ L" i: the editorial board. asked Bennett to become its pro- cerns as his main reason for leaving
.nown or a ar -news approac- The Herald-Leader already jects editor and strengthen its the newspaper.
that holds governments and bus1- en’o g a ood r) utation for .t" . ‘t' t' J t' r
nesses accountable for their actions. newsycovefa e aniopii T oth r .0 r lalb inves iga WC repor mg. . .
Bennett, 49, helped lead a team ists‘ Benneft said bBut :Ii‘J/e: 1111” . . ElklnS named Cdltor
' - 5 s.‘ ) P t k " ' ‘ ‘ I V o u
of ieportcrs that won the uli zer experience, she added, she can help Reed wrltlng columns at Clay Clty TlmCS
Th K k P fOr CNHI newspapers H.B. Elkins, 3 Beattyville
e entuc y reSS Former Herald~Leader sports native With more than 20 total
columnist Billy Reed has signed on years oi}; communications experi-
The Kentucky Press (lSSN—(XlB—(l324) is pub— District 13 to write columns and features stories ‘nw’ ab. been. -
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise for the Bluegrass Division Of named editor . 0f ,
Association/ Kentucky Press Service, Inc. C 0 m m u n j t y The Clay City <3,
Periodical-class postage is paid at Frankfort, District 14 N e W S p a p e r ”*«w Times. Elkins, 39, 3ww§2
KY. 411601. Subscription price is$8per year. David Tliornberry, Cominonwealth-lournal Hol din IQI C ‘ began in his new ‘V’Wx,’4”
Postmaster: Send change of address to The g n‘ ' _ osition 0n JulV 1 ,. 3
,. i .. ,, . . . . . Reed Will write . p . v ' w
Kentucky [ ress, ]()l Lonsumcr Lanc, Dl‘iirlCi IRA . _ .. fit -%-«;~> E [kins h 3g %
Frankfort, KY. «venison 293—8821. Donwmie Andomm New about University of 1‘s»? ‘ h ‘ f
()iticersand Directors . , horse racing nogtal- : ’ years In State gOV- i t i
Kentucky“ l’re' \s'ix‘iiti n District IS'B ~ ’ L . . 1 1 t ‘ ‘ i ”I.“
. “‘5’ *5 ‘ “ . , « - ._ , z i lthe world of .. ”“an " ‘15 an
John Nelson, DanVille Advocate‘lylessenger in 1 'mc , 2;. '.....".:sa;:;:-: info n . t. ff' u
) ‘_ ' sports in general for . r 1d ion 9 ”a. i
if“??? k \ I l‘ N l‘ (5” it the Company’s i; in the Public Information and
. or }' .iic 'us, : ppa ac nan ews— :x iress _ d e a ..arge ‘ i . ._ - w ,1 1 ) , -
‘ Keith Ponder, Glasgow Daily Times KentUCky papers. Commumcatmnfiberuccs Branch Of
President Elect Reed began his career as a the Revenue (“abmgt’ where he
Dare Eldridge, lessamine Journal Mike Scogin, Georgetown News-Graphic sports writer for The Courier— was responsiblefor internal and
P _ 1) “d. k‘ww‘i I M I“ d N ,. Journal in Louisville. He served as external publications, and was the
Vast‘rtsl .cnt ‘ \ Y ‘ lac i t. ce y, ore .ca ens the paperis sports editor from 1977 developer of the Online Taxpayer
Teresa Rex lett, McLean Lounty News . SEI'VICC Center
V Sharon Tuminksi,WinchesterSun to .1986‘ He served as a senior PI" I. t th t 1. . t ,
Vice President writer for Sports Illustrated and h 10 0 ‘ a, ‘9 spen. more
David Greer, The Kentucky Standard, Associates Division most recently was a sports colum- t an 10 years WIth newspapers 1”
Bardstown Armando Arrasti nist for the Lexington Herald- Estill, Lee and Breathitt counties.
Kentucky Department of Education Leader. He began hls Journalism career ”1
Treasurer . .. . ‘ . . . . , Reed said he left the Herald- December 1983 Wlth The
Sharon Tum,ink5i,Winchester Sun Advertismg DiViSion - Beattyy'llle Enter rise and The
Elaine vaan Owensboro Leader because his contract was J k T‘ p ‘
. .‘ . . , i’ ' ~ not renewed as part of the cutbacks ac son _imes, where he served ab
Districtl Messengerlnquirer - S orts edlto ' rid t t d t
- . . , , , . that include many of the paper’s p r a 33313 an e 1 or.
Alice Rouse, Murray Ltdger&Times , _ In Se tember 1987 he b c d
News Editorial Division longtime columnists. p _ _ i . e ame e .1-
Distrith Chris Poore, Lexington Herald-Leader Reed, who has won several tor.“ the 0‘9“” .Vmce.& T‘mes m
led Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress awards throughout his career, is a Irvme, a posmon m WhICh he spent
‘ ‘ Circulation Division member of the Kentucky 7 1/2 years.
District3 Krisslohnson, Lexington Herald-Leader Journalism Hall of Fame. He will d Elkinfs earns/Id hi: baichgiort’s
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer oumalism Educatiin be inducted t0 the Kentucky egree .roni ore ea 3 e
' . l3uck Ryan ‘ Athletic Hall ofFame this month. Un,lve”,lt3.' m 1982’ where he
DWI?” , _ University of Kentucky The CNHI Bluegrass Division maimed m Journalism and minored
Charm Portmann,Franklin Favorite includes the cities of Richmond m government. He earned a mas-
Districts GeneralCounsels Somerset, London, Corbin, ter’s degree in communications
‘. . Jon Fleischaker and Kim Greene M‘ddl b H I from MSU In 1983. While in C01-
TeresaRice,LebanonEnterpnse Dii &Sh hl 1 es (”'0’ 3" an, Hazard, 1 . .
ismore o Morehead, Prestonsburg, as well as ege, he served on the editorial staff
District6 KentuckyPress Association neighboring New Albany and 0f the camp‘FS newspaper, The
Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era Kentucky Press Service Staff Jeffersonville, Ind. Trail Blazer, including one semes-
David T. Thompson, Executive Director ter as editor.
District? Bonnielloward, Controller . He and his wife. the former
KelleyWamick,Gallatin County News Lisa Carnahan, Member Services Director EaSterWOOd I‘Ctlrés as Melissa Thomas are native Lee
Larry Brooks, Advertising Director . ' 7 i - .
District8-9 Rebalewis,Research/MarketingCoordinator Journal sports edltor Omaha“: Thomarslfs also 3‘“
Ken Metz, Bath County News Outlook left Stutesman, [NAN Account Executive , awar -Winn1ng journd mt who most
David Spencer, New Media Director After 14 years as sports editor recently was deSIgn editor and
Districth-ll Jacinta Feldman, News Bureau Director of The Jessamine Journal, Jim senior staff writer at The
JerryPemington, Ashland Daily Independent Sue Cammack, Administrative Assistant Easterwood retired in July. Winchester Sun.
mm 12 32:2; 152;: Bookkmg Assistant Easterwood began his journal-
afiy' V “‘8 55‘3“!“ ism caree i '
Stephmflowlirlgladtm Times Holly Willard.TearsheetCoordinator ’ n 1958 as 8pm“ “in“ 5” PEOPLE p"9° 1°

 The Kentucky Press, September 2001 - Page 3
o o o o g 0
01 101118 trend 0f Charglng fOF oblts Small donations mean b1 g
By JACINTA FELDMAN that they want in the paper.
KPA News Bureau “It is our goal to let families h . f K I I SJA
In late August, The Courier- express themselves as they see t lngs or papers
Journal began charging people fit,” she said.
for obituaries that run over its Everyone who dies still For the third strai ht ear we
new nine—line limit. receives a free nine-line obituary. r e c e ntl ask e d our ulflishbers to On the 3, 3:
And it is not alone. Larger Funeral home directors said that S onsorytlieir local iii h schools in . . l
papers across the country are should be enough space to include tlIie Kentuck Hi h Sghool J‘SSOClatwn g5 _
charging the deceased’s families all the important details, like age, Journalism Assofiation Yes the Front ': #E’Q
for the space it takes to run their children and funeral and visita- timi n stunk _ with “downksizin ,, .— ff;_ ,&V”‘§g
loved one’s obituaries. tion times, Pursell said. But, if b . g ‘ - g By Lisa Camahan
,, , . . . . . . . . eing the buzz word of the industry KPA Member gem-m
We re really jOining what families want to include addition- this year it wasn’t an eas decision Director a .
has been a national trend,” said al information, ranging from nor (he that we did withobiit a eat ‘
Linda Pursell, Vice President of names of surviving grandchil- deal ofthou ht gr tion as well? Call the adviser and
market development for the C-J . dren, or clubs the deceased was But we gecided the commit- ask if a photographer can come by
Pursell said that families involved with, they will be able to t t h’ h h ' l . 1., and snap a picture ofyou and the
have asked the paper for years at a charge of $5 per additional men, 0 lg SC- 00 journa 15m pro- news a er gtaff and run it with a
for the option of including more line. Photos can also be run with grams was too important t9 1% the nicer: Ftion detailin the news a-
information than what its obitu- the obituary. The cost of photos :llurgegéfsolitesconomy totally dictate per's ingolvement wgh the sch-0%!
ary policy allows. She said the will be determined by the size by And once newspaper or
new paid-obituary option will converting the size of the photo .- ’ , _ yearbook. These
allow families to include any into a number of lines, Pursell :g:sr;rreeeih;g:ler- These papers, and the type ofthings gt, a
aspect of their loved one’s life See OBITS, page 5 mg the call. In others who are in the long way in the
Mfi" fact], this year’s process of filling out the afifill‘fjpe-Ifi $0169
' ' ear res onse is - ' ’
Oplnlon the g,,, $8“ sponsorship form, know to the students
“'“""“”“‘" , had phone calls the $50 per school mem- your newspipfifr’s
' V - - t‘ ‘Ct t ,
Tennessee High Court should have fromfoggngws- bership fee is much more 3,333,513,, ,5;
papers 9 ay . s. ~
- - after we sent out than just fifty bucks the nalism program.
rev1ewed newspaper libel case “,1,ka journalism advise, won’t “h The twin:
. o e invcs n on
When a Tennessee state legis— First Amendment libel defense in {$0221}??th have to try to come up are starting to pav
lator sued her hometown paper the state of Tennessee." said g Thy ‘f L' With __ it’s the first ste off. We‘ve heard ”
for libel three years ago, the Richard Hollow, general counsel ; ‘hu? {Elli , k P several reports
action had “nuisance suit” written for the Tennessee Press 3“ Vfcllwl rom Of that bridge between from college advis-
all over it. As soon as he was Association. You might think the {10 ‘o‘oging l eager voung journalists “is who talk about
asked, the trial judge dismissed Tennessee Supreme Court would ifglpttrbk Veg )ra‘ ‘ d“ th I ld students coming
the lawsuit on summary judg— want its own say on such a radi- her? UL] y ‘ (WE an e rea “If”. out Of high school
ment,notingr what was evident to cal rewriting of state libel law. 'Cl)io:nr{lti)wn 0f newspapering. who had positive
any fair-minded reader: The Instead, the high court refused \li ET” ' l" experiences in
newspaper had published a true the case and let thee appellate lVI(tht-fll('1pru£, KHSJA (winning
and fair new account of a sheriffs ruling stand. Now the Democrat A l" Metrimi" awards, great U,”
deputy’s claim that he say the will be forced to spend more time ( ‘0” L’ s vcntion S. ,mk”q ('tc ) who .1“.
politician and her husband tear— and money to defend itself in a Henderson (ileaner, Lebanon .i d]; lb” ' . ,, (-
ing down campaign posters trial Enterprise, Grayson County News' pumpe up 8 (mt a hm ( r m
- .. ~ ~, , , , . . . news a ers.
The paper’s glancing mention Of course, there is another :1“ if?” Agldfirson glewg, Il{entbucky “98,58 told Kentucky’s high
of the incident in an editorial, the route: Take the case to the US. Niw‘ Si 'Lll aAnd 1?} O um la school journalism advisers and stu-
judge said, was clearly protected Supreme Court, which ruled in its ‘ ('Wh’ am” e . voca e- . dents that we’re in this for the lon
opinion. And the legislator has not 1986 Anderson v. Liberty Lobby filesseqfigfir’fojlmf (éieendDzlly haul and that means ih good g
met a public figure’s burden to decision that the actual malice SEVYS’ .118 82nd]: {Neill/r: :rld, times and bad. The former high
show the paper acted with so—called standard cab be applied in sum- S Sing/fileld Sui: ] e 5 school press association in the state
“actual malice,” that is, that it pub- mary judgments. Alfred H. p ' disbanded some 20 years ago for
lished something untrue or with Knight the dean of Tennessee These papers, and the others 1 Lk ff d d K L k
r kless disre ard for the truth First Amendment law ers is who are m the process ()ffillmg out ac 0 un mg an entuc ‘y was
ec But thatgwas not the end of defending the Democrat aynd gave the sponsorship form, know the $50 WItahOUt one (thfi-mllly Stj‘te m t3?
Tennessee Rep Mae Beaver’s that course some serious thought. per SChOOl membership fee ls much Ebt or souwelt‘ m ’ ant SOtka 182-1
$1 3 million lawsuit against The He said he’s leaning against it more thanjust fifty bUCkS thejour— tilmflon t m waEIYSfllX ac )un 1
~ ~ — - - , e orma ion 0 .
Lebanon Democrat, a daily with a for reasons that should frighten Eggixggghlsfizit‘ifg—t 3,: vt'lizofig t Five years ago, KP A was the
w H m
from court to court as a slowly Rehnquist, who wrote a sarcastic young journalists 89d the,real 22:32:22? Nlogw stat/igzéizgigfliim
accelerating nightmare that now dissent in the 6-3 Anderson deci- world Of newspapering. Its a ges- followed our lead, and we fre uentl
threaten to turn libel law upside sion is now chiefjustice with new ture Of good WI“ on behalf Of the . , .. 11 f h - q di' y
down for all Tennessee papers allies The court could take the newspaper and one that won’t eaSi- git] Cd ts rftm 0t ers l'nterleSt: ' m
- '- ly be forgotten. a eas ge ing more invo ve in
m A. havew
- - ~ , - now imes are ou , inan-
November, when it reinstated the to be the lawyer who brings that take Dal/1d T' Thompson S adVice ciall for news a ers I fead the
com laint a ainst the editorial about ” Kni ht told E&P from last month: tOOt your own _y, p p h I
I 02in fedgral and state rece; Siimmfry judgments using horn. Don’tjust write the check or stories and know from contacts
(Sin dating back to the 1965 New the actual malice standard are have it. deducted from your KPS lac$25312:Statiirifi’nggiirgon;1:9
York Times v Sullivan decision the first and most effective pro- advertismg revenue and be done dy, - y ‘ - d h V
th t threw out the clear: traction a ainst ublic fi ures mm It' We’ll send the adViser a let— epressmg economic tren S t at
e cour . d ldg p - l g”) l ter. telling them their membership currently envelope our industry.
headed summary judgment an who wou . use merit ess. i e has been paid by the their local But making an investment m
turned the burden of libel law on suits to Silence or intimidate news a er and ho efull the scholastic education, as KPA did
its head by demanding, in. effect, newspapers. That protection advisgrsptake the time: to 8);le a five years ago when it launched the
that the newspaper prove its edi- must be preserved f— in letter ofthanks, too. high school journalism association,
torial was not written With actual Tennesseeand acrOss Agsrica. & But why not let the public is something that can only pay off
malice. (Reprinted form ztor k 't ) tt )d _ m the long run.
“It was an evisceration of the Publisher) now your commi men 0 L uca

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, September 2001
e . C
‘- 33-1 "I“...e...55332333“3:-:.-:;?:..?=II?:=::::=: :'- '-"-“".:5'3::’::::e'53=s-5.3;-9;::=: -.:;u::s.--; ‘3:'3:2:2::2:s:=.~3: . "2:32.: -:.:3:e::§:3:3:5:5:- sits-size:5:2:=:3:s:::s::: .e;:;:;:.--.~--assert:festfsiisisfsi23.513:1?:2FteiEth:5:‘i:5?I-'t.""‘ wrest}. * '
§>§§é ’1 ' l 1:” testis .; . amp
Siaifi“§ . ”time” "s "’8’ " »_ _
tt’ '- “t . test -. e , . . -
it - te‘ia s C°""""°d "'0'" ”39‘31
est. ‘ " ... ‘ . ' =: . “I. thought I hadthts teeny Otte-
tsetse set" _ goes. there is no ‘new’ idea.” he said-
teeters. ' t e -..- Thomson executives in charge of the
~: 2 getteezttt-t'" 3522:2232: . “’VWLi’wfi" . ?- ~ . :--. .-;,.-.;-:-. ,t_--.:::a;r;-,.:;....-.,_ fie;y.=,:.::g;.;;;
We wees "' ' . ’” .. temPW’S beet temp and {emulated
e’i’” ' " ”t a proposal to take to the KPA Board
igtgttz“ M 4,5, _ g last year. They endorsed the project
its?” " tfi'ji. ... ' ._ ' ' 3. and Plane were made to hold the first
i, p » . {5; t Maybe it was fate but the
._ ,_ _ s: 925%.? 9 is: . presented St Clair with a gift troni tgroup an: sieverzl cililangles in th:
s . is ‘ -
is, g; t,“ m... the class. St. Clair, a journalism 33:: 23:8 :1: deer} ifi'idfifllvzfeit
4‘ . . 3" - a“ , . professor at Indiana University ma have been the best cancella-
.‘-;'Zt . _ " ‘ t "J ".t-:;. ., r . ’i - -. :1..=-v~-'::::=~:=~.- Southeast, was praised for his t. yKPA’ h d
Left to right: Randi Jacobs, Cynthlana, worked with boot camp lnstruc- style of teaching. patience and mum’s afwediesrexiitin to see some
tor Jim St. Clair and Kim Johnson of Louisville on the newspaper the :illitngness to work With the StU' thing move frzm the coicept stage to
class produced. en 5. a workable plan and then become
. ‘ , reality,” said Greer. “With the jour-
Experlence of boot camp proves worthy sstsm toot ...... the tssttts far
exceeded my expectations. We had
the right mix of students, we had the
By SANDRA MYERS working at newspapers. Fleischaker -—— he’s credited with right instructor, we had the right

You never know how much Thompson told us on day one writing Kentucky’s Open Records location and the students told us
home, colleagues and friends that regardless of background or and Open Meetings laws — pro- through their evaluation of the boot
mean to you until you go away for experience, everyone. would start vided informative, insightful camp that we had the right concept.
a few weeks. on equal ground. Everyone instruction during the entire The graduates told us they had a

I was ready to come home. received the same 110 hours of training. great experience and that we did

“Where have you been? Good intensive training, including KPA does not guarantee ajob most things right the first time.
to have you back,” were music to everything from publishing news— for everyone completing boot That is, of course, very gratifying.
my cars. It felt good to be missed. papers, to learning the Associated camp, but the training should be Now, it’s on to boot camp No. 2 next
The "where” was Georgetown Press’ A- BC ofwriting attractive to newspapers looking summer.”

College, the “why” was three What is typically 14 weeks of for reporters. Frankly, the train- There’s already a success story.
weeks ofjournalism training. training, was succinctly taught in ing was designed to help solve Sharon Roggenkamp has been

The training — aptly dubbed three—short— weeks, an incredible some of the problem newspapers hired at the Georgetown News-
"journalism boot camp” because of feat. and editors have finding qualified Graphic as a freelance reporter.
its intensity — is the brainchild of Yeah, it was tough duty. I reporters. “Our publisher, Mike Scogin,
David Greer. Kentucky Press admit I was apprehensive going Thompson said that after come was impressed when I showed him
Association vice president, and in. However, in hindsight, now pleting the course, each student’s her clips,” said News-Graphic editor
publisher of the Kentucky that I am back at my Trigg resume would be made available Kevin Hall “and he said ‘let’s bring
Standard, Bardstown. His goals County beat, I know this was the to newspapers that contact KPA her on to fi‘eelance.’ She knows the
were to offer additional training best opportunity I have had since looking for reporters. They will community and her enthusiasm
for journalists in the field and pro— being dubbed “reporter" by Robin also post student’s resume on the means a lot too. She wants to write
vide a starting point for aspiring Stevens, former editor of the KPA website. and wants to be part of the newspa—
journalists. Cadiz Record. I’ve come home with a lot per environment n

“We are very pleased with the The other incredible thing was more than I left with, mostly Next year’s’boot campers will
success of this first camp. We plan the quality of our instructors. greater appreciation for the craft have big shoes to fill
to make this an annual event. We Although each would humbly ofjournalism and evidence that “We’ll b6 hard‘pressed next
have already received requests decline the title, all our instruc- good reporters are the direct . ’

. . . . 7 7 . . . . year, or any followmg year, to match
asking for information for next tors were experts in their field. result of good editors. the caliber of this year’s grou ., said
year.” said David Thompson, with credentials that could fill a I encourage anyone interested KPA Executive’Director Dark/id T
Kentucky Press Association execu- book. in attending next year’s camp to Th “Th . h d '
tive director. The main instructor, Jim St. contact KPA at Frankfort, 502— ompson. ey came m eac ay

Twent -tw students from Clair heads th '0 rnalism 223-8821. eager and ready to learn. They real-

y 0 . ’ e] P . . . . 1 formed a camaraderie With one
across the state, ages 22-60, With department at Indiana UniverSity Sandra Myers 13 the Trigg Co. y th 11 An th b' rt f
a variety of experience, back- Southeast. Kentuckyjournalists correspondent for the Kentucky New ago er as we ' Oh er 1g 193 of
ground, and diversity of propose Jack Brammer, Ninie O‘Hara, Era. Her column runs periodically. t e success was t e Iqua lty 0
made up the camp members. David Hawpe and First She can, be reached at 887-3233 or speakers we brought l.n and the
There were four of us already Amendment attorney Jon editor@kentuckynewera.com. commitment and enthus1asm these
Journalists relayed to the class.’
' ' Service Board of Directors. °

Nom mauons Following ...... by the beam, API seminar set for Oct. 14- 1V 9
the md1v1dual “”11 be recommended American Press Institute’s popular “Management of the Weekly
Continued from page1 for approval to the full membership Newspaper” seminar will be held October 14-19 at API’s training

elected will be interviewed by the 0f KPA during the business 3535“?“ facility in Virginia.

Nominating Committee once it has 0f the 2002 Winter Convention 1“ This seminar covers every major aspect of weekly newspaper
been determined that the nominee LOUiSVIHG- management: revenue growth, performance m,management, leader—
meets bylaw requirements. The person elected Vice ship styles, new-business development, circulation challenges, edito-

Following the interview process, President during the January bUSi- rial excellences and strategic thinking.

the Nominating Committee will rec- ness meeting will become President- Costs for the week-long seminar are $850 for tuition and $975 for
' ommend candidate for vice presi- Elect of KPA/KPS in 2003 and serve a hotel/meal package.

dent to the Kentucky Press as President of the organization in For more information about this or other API seminars, visit the

Association and Kentucky Press 2004. organization‘s website at www.americanpressinstitute.org.

 The Kentucky Press, September 2001 - Page 5
Photoshop Elements useful Adobe releases PageMaker 7.0
as as s1 stant to full vers1on Technology »- , ass:
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Dr. Tech “‘4‘ . HQtIIn-e ‘ ps * (’3: WHO“ H
Hotlme _ 3- N Nu- mbers By Kev!" 31""? 4 ;; Q
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By Tun Jones . .. was spea mg in IllinOIS a cou— .1 use: No,“
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Sion was that it must be some kind _ gence of InDesign, it was doubtful. 23" ”Saw.“ " 1.3.
of Photoshop add-on. Actually it is e-mail: tjones9692@aol.com I felt pretty foolish a couple of days ’ "
an economy vers1on of Adobe . later when I heard Adobe was get— The latest version of PageMaker
Photoshop tbut VtI'DIfiht sheverl‘fg , FAX: 859~624~9898 ting ready to release a new version is geared toward the business
1m rovemen s over 0 0s 0 V ts." ' z ' . ' '

The major missing element in the filter on the image. The best ask news a ers‘ what a 'n t' to use the program, I was hblh t“
Elements will be four-color ability feature may be the t8“ “feds softwareptlha i’ . "p gth/‘hlflnl lay out an 8.5 X 11- page in tour
so who would use this in the news- WhiCh include 3D effects, dropl A kX Ly. re .usin‘g. 1th hours and print It to my HP
paper environment" It will be shadows, bevels and warping text. Quar press continues to domi— LaserJet in another three hours.
great for scanning 'pictures if Anyone creating advertisements nate our {ndumy and Adobe Later PageMaker was released

th ‘ 'th f 11 Ph t h will appreciate this. IhDeSlgh gams users, approx1mate- on the Macmtosh platform and the
flshzdifilnPBFSSIEX; licemSngsargfi In conclusion, if you have only 13/ 20_ percent Of our newspapers rest is history. An interesting note
output. fi'sing it fog photos to be been using PhOtOShOP LE 0" Photo rfimain loyal to PageMaker, With 15 how PageMaker’s platform mix
used on a web site where three Deluxe, this program for 1938 than t at m mlhd’ I dec1ded to take a has changed over the years. In the

1 ' 11 . d 1d b $100 is a good buy. If you need 1001‘ at "”3”“ 7- 80's and early 90’s, Mac users rep-
001:; 1h"? you nee wou e more than one person scanning For many years, PageMaker resented the majority ofPageMaker
W0 Itw 1 8'1d b th b ‘ photos but cannot budget $700 was thehomm‘mt Player 1“ demo!) use“ “(13% Mac users account for
replacergdiit for Photo Selhletchlai each for the full version of publishing. I still remember when less than 23 percent of PageMaker
comes with some scanners. The Photoshop. Use one full Photoshop Aldus (later purchased by Adobe) owners. , '
tools and menu items are all in and have the other scanners use release PageMaker _1.0 in July Frankly, users won t notice a
keeping with previous versions of Photoshop Elements and transfer 1985. The computer sc1ence depart- lot of differences in the appearance
Adobe Photosho therefore learn- scanned images to the full version ment at Florida Southern College of PageMaker 7. The program is
in to use this 3) am is eas In for color work. (which was next d