xt7sn00zsf7b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zsf7b/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1995-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1995 text GLSO News, February 1995 1995 1995-02 2019 true xt7sn00zsf7b section xt7sn00zsf7b THE {W m? r , ; gt 2 ”“1, . :3 we; ; g WM?“ 1
G AY& ‘WMW New, 9, ,. , 2, WW 1 i am,
SERVICES ; I ; ’ ,, 1 r l
'_' BLACK our past, I was particularly struck A Note to Our Readers
Redlsggxtaemng LESBIANS IN by a picture 0f “Stagecoach Mary,” Some of you have noticed that
HiStOR)’ AMERICA a large, powerful-looking woman I during the past two months, the
i _ "' immediately knew was a lesbian. GLSO has been late arriving to your
contributed by Mary Ciro“ (1 W35 “0‘ Y6‘ CV6“ 011‘ to myself, mailbox and to its distribution areas.
February ls Black. HIstory and “bulldyke” W35 “0t yet a word These delays have been caused ‘
Month. AS I was reflecting on thls with positive connotations in my by an inordinate amount of personal
I realized that African Americans vocabulary.) I did PUt her picture tragedies on the part of those
were prominent. 1" m‘y flrSt ”P in my seventh grade Classroom; associated with gathering ads and
awareness Of lesblans, bisexuals I did not share 3” my thoughts articles, formatting and typesetting,
and gays m American culture and about her With my students. We and with folding. Lee was hospital-
hIstory. .1 attended high school and did agree, however, that this ized in January, a few of Mary’s
college In the 60’s and only a few particular woman could drive a friends have been very ill, and
teachers acknowledged the sexual stagecoach because she was Elizabeth & Tammy’s house burned
preference Of SUCh well-known gay obviously someone you WOUld down. After all of this, though, we
authors as James Baldwm, think twice about attacking. feel certain that all of our bad luck
Langston Hughes, and Walt I later learned that Mary Fields, for the yearis done now.
Whitman. I wonder If there IS as who was born a slave in Tennessee, Elizabeth & Tammy especially
much acknowledgment m SChOO] dressed and passed as a man to want to thank the numerous persons
rooms today. _ become a stagecoach driver after in the community who have come
LesbIans were, and no dOUbt 51.1” the av“ War. At one pOinta she forward and contributed to their
are, much less Visible" A.S {1.506%} accompanied a group 0f nuns on a rebuilding. There’s nothing better
studIes teacher In Louisvrlle In tour of the West. She obviously in a time of tragedy than the
1971, l was given black hIstory gave up the pretense of passing, as support Ofa caring community! V
materials to supplement the to)“ she is remembered as a black
bOOkS we used. AS I shuffled woman who successfully occupied .lllt‘lSJEE :FEBE'UAE‘Y‘S
through cards showrng faces from a “man’s role” in our hiStOTY- A Call to Action 8
Please Contribute! Perhaps her reputation and her ,Christopher Robyn’s Homo
lfyou are knowledgeable about appearance made the pretense Hollywood 10
our historically overlooked unnecessary. It WOUld be progress EfimrguoWNews 8
homosexual predecessors and jiggimd also be remembered as 1 riftteretiiljzwwith the Vampire ........3
would hkehto contribute to the Other black lesbians came to my .6159 Calendar.I.....I.I..........I.6-7
RedIScoverIng Our History attention in the early 70,5- Gladys Mecha Mythology 2
series, please contact Peter: 273— Bentley appeared on stage in top .Recéllscpxinbng Q‘UI‘AHISIIOI'y Senesl.
584i Mammy: 275—3037 continued on pages

 -. " ~«-~vy~rrrw»~§ MEDIA tions like Reed Irvine’s Accuracy in h
‘ 1.1.1}: 0% MYTHOLOGY {Media (AI.M)’ Parent] contlnu.es
. .m 3 .b d b I . ‘In a syndicated column appearing n
' : 2:325. " Av "5 cog" 1&1 ltheb‘ YA? Kle/I‘quster in over 100 newspapers and on a C
. (,,j;“f:13 ay 65 mn lance gains ‘ . h . d 200 O
‘ Gig? egg Detamafion, 50” Francisco Bay Area Tho S in: a”36nd (liliesfsghzat g
‘ a: ”Awe” Paul Weyrich, founder of NET aka S duons’, r me l‘ ‘ I . es
afigfl’fie" «ea “ - complain that conservative a
VIGE gag National Empowerment . . t f t fth d
,Z%;¢rflwfar TCIevision” (lately popularized by “(SymeI/II s “12:52:; (:10 :1 ”(e a
" t A ‘ ‘ / 5%/ one of its “stars” Newt Gin r‘ h m 121' any e r” ‘ u I e
f RG E V " kiln t claims that his cable netwirll: i)s to be frozen 0m the way AIM (and) S
. . “ . _ Limbaugh are.” ' f
Gl§© N@W§ dedicated to countering the far left P t' f th 1 . th t r
. political bias” of the media. “ aren 1 ur , er EXP ains‘ a
. PUbllShed Monthly by the According to Weyrich, the religious media enterprises in the t
Lexington Gay/Lesbian mainstream media are riddled with us also m.amfe‘8t a , §mss
. . . . L‘ . imbalance of right over left. He (
SerVIces Organization news about gender'normlng, . ,. ‘t , . (
PO BOX "47] racial quotas global warming gays writes. The fundamentalist media
0 o ’ 9 — - . . . t
L . in the military” and other “unac— featuring h0m0ph9b10,.S€XlSt,
exmgton, KY 40575 ceptable” ideas reactionary televangelists like Pat l
. . . This notion —— that the media Robertson _. comprise a $2-
Interim Editor. . . . . . billion-a-year industry, controlling 1
exhibit a pervasive liberal bias —— , ,
Peter Taylor is a common myth It is also a about 10 percent of all radio outlets 1
dangerous one The inyth of media and 14 percent 0f the nation’s ]
Layout Editors: liberalism is touted routinely by teleViSion stations. In contrast, tens 1
Tammy D Strong/ right-wing critics in an effort to Of thousands Of liberal and often '
. ' . . censor all but their own, hateful radically oriented Christians and I
Elizabeth A. Gilliam speech Media analyst Michael their organizations lack the 1
GlSO Annual Dues and Parenti explores that effort in “The finznmal backing needed to gain ‘
Newsletter $15 Myth of a Liberal Media,” his m; ”3:96:51 . th P bl.
D d N l f cover story for the B at?” a,” :xartninesPBes u 1:;
"85 an EWS etter Ol‘ January/February 1995 issue of .roa casting ys ern ( )’ an
Couples: $20 “The Humanist” magazine his pOints are espectally relevant
. Newsletter Only: $10 In his article, Parenti carefully all?" thle PBS (tinnding debate now
Views or opinions expressed in the exposes the hypocritical arguments “IInggviiiéhconsflf‘fisi-Ve halluci-
GLSO News are those of the authors 0f right—wing critics who complain - ' -

. nation is that the Public l
and don’t necessarily represent those that they are ShUl’OUt by the mass Broadcastin S stem is a left‘st ‘
of the GLSO Board of Directors. media. To make their case, such t h Id ”1% yt‘ . I fl
Submissions are welcome. All critics routinely use the very media S rong 0. ’ aren 1 writes. It act,
submissions become the property of they claim are so “biased.” As he pomts 0”." :noslt . plBlS
GLSO and must indicate full name and Parenti notes: “To complain about progjramrmng ‘5 .P?’ ”W: y
address Of the author. The, staff how the media are dominated by non escript or centrist at éSt'
reserves the right to edit SubmlSSlOHS . . Moreover, a clear right-Wing
and ads to meet publishing require- liberals, (RUSh) Limbaugh has an ers ective dominates a number of
ments, as well as the right to reject any hour a day on network television, gBSppFO rams such as “One on
submissions. Placement of advertising an hour on cable, and a radio show One” (hosted b 7 John McLau hlin)
in GLSO News denotes neither a syndicated by over 600 stations.” at ~ - y. n g

, , , “ and Firing Line (hosted by
person 5 sexual orientation nor 3 Then there are the well-financed W'll‘ F B kl .
business’customerprefeience. right-wing media-watch organiza- 1 1am - ”C ey). Parenti
GLSO News Page 2

 1 reports that, according to at least picture.” This framework fully useful contribution to “asking for
_ one exhaustive study of PBS supports the conservative’s the facts.” Comments or
; news/public affairs programming, censorious objectives: “Their goal compliments can be directed to
1 corporate representatives far is not partial control but perfect Frederick Edwords, Editor, “The
) outnumber activists as sources or control, not an overbearing Humanist,” 7 Harwood Drive, PO.
; guests. (Actually, there is a wide advantage (which they already Box 1188, Amherst, NY 14226-
; and growing research literature have) but total dominance of the 7188, tel. 800-743—6646 or 716-
; demonstrating the falsity of the communication universe.” 839-5080, fax 716—839-5079. v
3 l1beral bias myth, unfortunately, Cer’tainly, the liberal media REFLECTING ON
) such research seldom crosses over myth continues to be used — INTERVIEW WITH THE
from the academic to the often to great effect —- in the effort
I mainstream press.) to censor fair and factual reporting VAMPIRE
; Parenti concludes his article with on gay, lesbian and bisexual issues. COHtribUted by PERT Taylor
; this question: “If news and Consequently, journalists must be lfinally caught up with the recent
3 commentary are so preponderantly encouraged to aggressively movie Interview With the Vampire
1 conservative, why do rightists blast challenge that myth, and do what and i must say i was amused. The
, the press for its supposed leftist they do best —seek out the truth. drama 0f the movie, i think suffers
t bias?” His answer is chilling. Right-wing pundits must not be in comparison to the book’s moody,
. Parenti suggests that the myth of allowed to make sweeping general- Philosophical depiction 0f the -
; media liberalism is used (or izations about “pro—homosexual” vampire as the ultimate outsider.
; abused) as “a way of putting the bias in the media. Instead, and at Still the movie has many interesting
; press on the defensive, keeping it every turn, they should be asked to and even excellent parts. The
; leaning rightward for its supply rigorous research in lieu of explicitly homosexual tone 0f the
1 respectability, so that liberal empty rhetoric. They should be central characters was Of particular
I opinion in this country is forever asked for systematic rather than interest to me. it has aroused
; striving for credibility within a anecdotal evidence to support their considerable comment, and I agree
1 conservatively defined ridiculous claims. They should, it is quite remarkable to see such
framework.” Thus, Parenti quite simply, be asked for the facts. well-known, bankable stars playing
: concludes, “the media limit public And — if they are asked for parts this suggestive Of a
l debate to a contest between right often enough — the facts will homosexual partnership.
; and center Meanwhile, real ultimately surface, putting an end On the spur 0f the moment, i
. liberalism and everything to the myth of media liberalism. can’t think 0f anything else that
progressive remains out of the Michael Parenti’s article is a even comes close, though the
continued on page 9
1 Ffigzjj: 77:77.7. .7 LIT
' h n
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' GLSO News Page 3

 Sunday fififie

Apri123, 1995

University of Kentucky ' , V

‘Lexingtonr Kentucky

Registration at N 0 0n

Team Photos at 1:30 pm WALK

Walk Begins at 2:30 pm

Raffle Follows the Walk AGAINST


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For more information,
please call (606) 254-AVOL or (800) 840-2865.


 from page 1 STAY TUNED: FUND- Reagan/Bush, who didn’t seem to
hat and tails in Harlem night clubs of even know it existed until his
the 20’s. Ma Rainey wrote “Prove It RAISER POSTPONED “friend” Rock Hudson died. We
on Me Blues” in the same era. 1 W63”: 50”.)” bUt If you were are lucky, for now, to have a
didn’t actually get to hear the words planning on gomg to the benefit for president who has increased the
to this song until the rise of the the Health Department AIDS funding. Despite this, there is still
lesbian music industry in the 80’s: Medication Fuf‘d and the Pedro not enough money to cover the
“Went out last night with a crowd Zamora Memorial Fund at Actors tremendous expense of having
of my friends Gu1ld you already know that it was AIDS. Many people fall through
They must have been women, postponed. There was a scheduling the cracks of social programs and
‘cause I don’t like no men... conflict that could not be resolved. cannot afford the medicines they
They say I do it, ain’t nobody The Vaudev1lle Variety Show IS need to preserve their lives. The
_ caught me, being rescheduled at the Arts Place, Health Department’s AIDS
They sure got to prove it on me...” hopefully in Pebruary. If you Medication Fund is used for people
Also well-known during the days already have tickets and cannot who do not qualify for government
of the Harlem Renaissance, Bessie attend the rescheduled show, you funding (and there is a substantial
Smith and Alberta Hunter were can get a refund at the place 0f number ofthese people).
often referred to as bisexual, purchase. _ , There is no telling what our new
although some of us would like to Some may thmk that'there IS no Congress will do to current funds.
claim them both as lesbians. I need to have a fund—raiser for-the (We sure haven’t heard anyone
learned of these black women and Health Department smce It IS a Washington suggesting more
more before I began to run across government-funded agency. money for anything but prisons and
references to white lesbians. I read Nothing COUId be further from the soldiers lately). Please watch for
Willa Cather for more than a "Uth' Where would we be now If the announcements and attend at
decade, for example, before hearing we had all walted for the the new time and place. There are
that she dressed as a man and asked gOYimmem to ”SRO“? to the AIDS people (not just people...FRlENDS)
to be called William Cather in her CHSIS from the beginning? who need all the help we can
college years. You saw how much response we muster. '
lwonder if African Americans in got from the twelve years Of
our heritage were actually acknowl—
edged as homosexuals earlier and W'INDY KNOLL
more commonly or if that is only .
my perception. I suspect that it was FARM ;, '
easier for predominantly white i
writers and teachers to refer to the 4 $629917 3 m
“gay reputation” of black writers,
musicians and historical figures than . mecca ARENA BOAPDNG Lessons in
to recognize the homosexuals of - Cacss Ccumav Cecase TRMNING Dressage
their own race. It could also be that - STADIUM JL‘MPENG Cecsse LESSCNS &
a number of black individuals had a ' OUTCOOR SAND DRESSAGE ARENA lumping
great deal of courage and were
willing to be more public about who Acreage for Tm” Ric‘qg
they were. In any case, I’m glad 3263 Cleveland Rd. Nonh Jennifchrossen
they were there, and 1 find great Lexington. Ky. 40516 Instructor~Trainer
pleasure in learning about their lives
as a part of my heritage. v '
— GLSO News Page 5

 O o o o 0 1° ,9: ,,
o o l
g 0 February 1995 113:4 EA
0 ‘O
o’ "o ' 9
but by) LOVE ! LOVE ! LOVE ! Valentlne s Day Is Here ‘
o \ o 1 '
‘ . I _
1 2 3 4 ' ~§ '. -' .
6:00pm Frontrunners— 710017111 LCX-Men's Chorus 7:00pm Dignity 9:00am Frontrunners . ' I
Woodland Park 73:3}:‘3‘31: 13“]de 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 8:00pm "Keely &
3100p!“ Gay/LCSbian 8:00pm 'Keely & Du'-Aclors’ AA Du"—Actors’ Guild
AA Guild 8:00pm "Keely & Du"-
AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Spptfirp. Actors’ Guild R E S T A U R A N T
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 557 S. Limestone
— 7:30pm Pride Ctr. 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian Al— 6:00pm Frontrunners— 7:00pm Lex.Men‘s 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 9:00am Frontrunners Lexmgton, KY
Actnrs' Guild Taskforce Anon Woodland Park Chorus Rehearsal AA . 253_001 4
6:00pm MCC—Greenleaf Motel 8:00pm GUESS (EKU) 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian 7:30pm UK Lambda
7500p!!! Gay/1M“1m AA 8:45pm Rainbow AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS
Bowling—Southland AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. SppLGrp. Tortoise & Hare lunCh
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 special: 10% off M-F
6100?!!! Imperial Ci-CIUb U 7'00pm GLSO 71309111 Gay/Lesbian Al-Amn 6:00pm Frontrunners— 7300;"; LeX-Men's Chorus 7:00pm Dignity 9:00am Frontrunners
6:00 MCC-G n1 fM tel ' 8:00pm GUESS (EKU) Re rsal , - . v _ o . _
7:00p: Ga [LastinjA o — 8:45pm Rainbow Bowling- Woodland Park _ 7:30P") UK Lambda 7.30pm Gay/Lesblan 10.00am Men 5 Network 1 1 1 1 .3oa,m.’ 1 .30 2p.m.
_ y p , . , Somhmnd 8:00pm Gay/Lesblan 7:3 m P—FLAG AA 10:30am Pride Cmt.
0p .
AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS swam. GLSO News Deadline Mk.
‘ AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. lntegrity— St. Augustine’s Renowned weekend brunch.
19 20 . 21 . 22 23 , 24 . 25 serving blueberry buckwheat
7:30pm Falrness 7330pm Gay/LESblan A1- 651903? mem‘ww‘flm‘i 7g2grglx-Meu 5 Chm“ 7:30pm Gay/LesbIan 9:00am Frontrunners .
6:00pm MCCWM Mom) Meetino -Alfalfa‘s 8 [330" GUESS (EKU) 8:03pm Wm“ M 7:30pm UK um AA 8:00pm "Jeffrey"- pancakes, eggs bened Ict
7:00pm Gay/InsbinnAA 1 Pm AIDS/HIV SuLG . 8:00pm 'JefT y'-Acw 'Guild 8:00 In "Jeffre "- Actors’ Guild -
“351d”? 3 D3 . 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm mw'st spfiisrp. ACE“. Guildy arnold, spanlsh omelettes,
Bowling—Southland 8100Pm COLTS M181 and mUCh more
26 27 28
2100p!“ GLSQ News Folding 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian Al- . .
2m: fifié‘u‘i‘éfiu Anon Wednesday Is Internatlonal
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8300p!“ GUESS (EKU) .
8:45pm Rainbow nght
January March Breads and desserts baked
—————SMTWTFS ———SMTWTFS dailinorkitchen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 y u
8 9 1O 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 . .
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Free evenmg parkmg.
29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 31
February is African-American History Month! 2/2/1995 -

 THE VOCAL MINORITY, government jobs. This. kind of Call'for directions 266—5904, your an
A CALL TO ACTION retro quibbling by the minions of cordially inv1ted!

We are anxiously watching the the Rel~lglC-'U.S Wrong is already COMMUNITY UNITY SHOW V‘
104th Congress, expecting the pretty familiar to all us here in Once again, Michael Blevins {S C]
ultra-conservatives, and the Kentucky, our ”If: 135‘ state hosting his Annual Charity Benefit ch
Religious Wrong to create a myriad legislature nearly. failed to pass a Show. This year’s Show has been A
of new problems for many minority budget-or any kind Of policy on moved from L‘OUISVIHC to in
subcultures, including gays, improvmg the health-care Of 9“! Lexington. Lex1ngton’s new
lesbians and bisexuals. House citizens yet had 11 different bills premier nightspot TIMES 0
Speaker Newt has already admitted introduced to recriminalize SQUARE ‘(TIMES SQUARE/ w
that while he thinks homosexuality sodomy. CLUB, 14] I? located at 141, Vine at
should not be condemned because .. 1 strongly encourage all Of you to Street m Lexmgton) has graciously ar
it’s like “alcoholism” had agreed educate your defied. representa- Offered their space for this 3rd 6:
to hold hearings at the urgings of tives on the experiences and Annual Show. Proceeds WI“ be C‘
Lou Seldon, one the nations most concerns 0f tyPICill lesbigays (“kc donated to various charities. The in
vehement homophobes (and one of yourselves). Direct comments to show will be held on March 19.

Newts regular political contribu— Newt Gingrich (and 1-0 your The door opens at 6pm and the
tors) once his “Contract on Senators and Representatives) 3!: show will start at 6:30pm. Cover
America” is fulfilled in order to a US Ilouse Of Representatives, charge is $500 per person.
ascertain whether or not federal Washington D.C 20515’ and the US Contact Michael BIeVins at (606) m
. . Senate, Washington DC 20510, or 225-515l for more information. w
money 1? bemg “56‘1“” Prom“: call the Capitol Switchboard at SC
Egriersfdrilsd Je:sfie “Jfrraostizsliilrk” (202) 224-3121, RSIC OF ALL KENTUCKY W
i ' . —————-——— SAYS “THANK You” 32
Eilzjlsfgisaallrgg1155213312316”Eff ANNOUNCEMENTS The Royal Sovereign Imperial 5‘
impartiality and by introducing a Several GLSO Board positions COP” (it A” Kentucky hosted aToy W
bill calling for the complete will be open in June, and Drive in December at Crossmgs. M
withdrawal of the federal volunteers are needed to staff the The Court raised $267 fOT“f3)’.5- se
government from any program that GLSO Phoneline. [f you think you The toys and a large basket of triiit, be
promotes the “homosexual” might be interested, plan to attend nuts, and candy were delivered 10 A
lifestyle as a viable alternative. one Of the Board’s monthly the .Ronald McDonald House on 31
The bill also mandates a ban on meetings to find out about us. Our Christmas morning. Thank YOU t0 w
hiring lesbigay citizens for next meeting Will be on February CTOSSINES and ‘1“ who have er
13 at Mary Crone’s at 7:00pm. supported the Court through this hr
«( ELIZABETH BARNETT Pegasus T rovcl Inc. 2‘
(Kg-1W”- ,.
gfé—émm) Psychic Counselor A‘m/u film-um: A fun
@3239)» Ordained Minister («2. 5.7.1 {swat as... 5mm
g Spiritual Healer _ -:.~ 3. .. L.
= ear. hi
~ Li’rilroiogy . 3:323” (800) 228-4337 (606) 268-4337 I:
- Pendulum/Dowsing - Lectures 204-0 ldle Hour Center ‘
. psychometry . Classes Richmond Road, Lexington, KY 40502 ag
- Past Lives - Telephone Readings GLSO DONATION WITH EVERY PURCHASE!
GLSO News Page 8 _

 r and other fund raisers. from page 3 sure how many of you would
The Court will be hosting a protagonists 0f Hitchcock’s thrillers remember when Anita Bryant Stood
’ Valentine Underwear Party a ROI’‘3 and Strangers 0” a Train d0 Up for America, claiming with a
S Crossings on February ll. Door come to mind. We are all much straight face (so to speak) that
it charge is $2.00, 50%—50% Raffle. more accustomed to that long homosexual relationships were
n Aprize will be given for the sexiest HOHYWOOd tradition, the Ptdtd' vampric in nature because semen is
0 in theme underwear. homosexual “buddy movie” lately a blood product and the relation-
V Anyone interested in the RSI exemplified by Mel Gibson and ships were cemented with the
5 Court of All Kentucky or helping Danny Glover’s in that adventure ingestion of this “blood”, but I’ll
1/ with any function is welcome to trilogy that they grossed about a wager the films’ openly gay
C attend a meeting, held on the 2nd half a billion dollars With Their producer, David Geffin remembers
y and 4th Sunday of the month at relationship bloomed just like a it well.
d 6:30pm a 207 Hillcrest Avenue. love-affair, females and feminine The actors throw themselves into
6 Call (606) 225-515] for more love interests always seemed to be this travesty of decency with great
0 information. an afterthought, it addressed at all. energy, Tom Cruise, the campy and
), Even without an explicit subtext, threatening seducer, pulling the
e PRIDE COMMITTEE the implications were distractingly ambivalent “trade” Brad Pitt into
if MEETING erotic. (Mel Gibson + Danny his degraded deathstyle. Then,
1 There will be an organizational Glover, hmmmmmm). They seem when the relationship falters,
3) meeting for anyone interested in to love and value each other SO largely due to Tom’s violent lack of
working on Pride Events to be MUCH, how COUtd sex be much 0f concern for humanity, which he so
scheduled for the month of June. astretch? eloquently rationalizes, he tries to
We will meet at 10:30am on Well, needless to say, in the mind keep the relationship alive by
Saturday, February 18, call 266— Of American mass-culture, a near- “having a child”. I laughed out loud
al 5904 for directions. Any group miss is as comfortable as a mile. at this - this is the classic mistake
)y who wants to sponsor a Pride Of course one COUtd get all literal couples make when they try to
5' Month Event should send a repre- minded and object to the depiction “save” the marriage. If Abigail Van
s. sentative to this meeting. We will in Interview 0f the haPPY couple as Buren had been alive in the lSth
it. be drawing up a calendar of events. blood drinking, undead fiends. century, Lestat would have known
to A coordinator and other volunteers After all, the “gay villian” is a better. Later, after the ever-popular
)n are needed (we particularly HOHYWOOd tradition. Bht this Louis entertains and then rejects
to welcome volunteers with lots of movie’s morality isn’t as conven- another offer, the spurned and
(C energy!). If you are interested in tional as tradition WOUtd demand, jealous Tom even “stalks” the
‘5 helping make this the best Pride there are no “heroes” here and hapless creature. It’s really just a
Month ever, call Mary Crone at really no villians. ls Lestat avillian bad marriage that lasts for 300+
266-5904. just because he accepts his nature years. I really am curious where
FYI and the needs it compels? For the sequel will leadmv
An excellent gay youth “"6 is despite his reticence, Louis ends up ——
LAMBDA Line... 915-562-GAYS do.‘“s. ab?“ the same thi'lg’ 1”.“ THOUGHT FOR THE
(915.562.4297). It’s available 24_ enjoying it less. The relationship “ ‘MONTlrl...
hours/day and a special Teen between Lestat and Lows, the focus Our bodies are just temporary
Hel Line is offered on Saturday of the meme, at moments becomes vessels for our souls, which Will go
evefijngs for youths 15-21 years of a neat send—up 0f the anti— on toreverf. hYOU really are a:
the Religious Wrong is so anxious ’ ”
. . , drags you have on. -Ru Paul, to
to impose on our soc1ety. l m not Atlanta’s Etcetera magazine 7
GLSO News Page 9

 fashion: “Talk asphalt! Check them both out!
about anything that In movie news, closet dyke Jodie
(HPISIODHEP pOan‘S moves!” Foster is being called a shoe-in
7“ Speaking of Oscar nominee for her lead role in
Win/A] ‘@ mmwmm. queer—friendly “Nell,” the story of a woman who
‘ : punks, success spent her entire life isolated from
doesn’t really suit civilization. In the film, Nell
multi—platinum develops her own language, and
I’m baaaaack! After a lengthy punk band Green Day. In order to must learn to communicate. It
contract negotiation, I have been weed out some undesirables in warmed my heart, and that’s
lured back to the glamorous pages their newly-expanded audiences, something about as likely as the
of the GLSO News to give you the Green Day recruited fag punkers Devil selling Sno—Cones!
celebrity dish you’ve been dying Pansy Division for the opening slot Meanwhile, director Greg Araki’s
for. Let’s get it going on! on their national tour. The shock second film, “Totally F***ed Up,”
After revelations in this very value of a band playing songs like is being released this month. This is
column several months ago that “Rock and Roll Queer Bar” and the follow-up to the worst movie
alternative godhead Michael Stipe “Fern in a Black Leather Jacket” on the planet (queer or otherwise),
of REM swings both ways, he scared away the homophobes, but “The Living End.” Araki’s new
finally confirmed it himself in a was enjoyed by most, including movie is queer themed as well.
cover story for Details magazine. one of my sources, who Hopefully this one won’t make us
Mz. Stipe, when asked the pronounced the band, “cool, man.” look like complete wankers.
inevitable question, said he was, Aren’t the punk children adorable? If you are looking for more
“an equal-opportunity leach.” So Drag goddess RuPaul will be positive queer appearances, look no
how about hauling your lecherous releasing his second album further than MTV. The latest video
booty over to my place Mikey? At sometime this spring. The album, from rap sirens Salt ‘N Pepa
any rate, Details was obviously tentatively titled “Soul Food,” will features couples of all persuasions
behind the times since ages ago I be a more serious departure from cuddling rather sweetly. Not bad
reported on my personal his smash debut, “Supermodel of fora bunch of strayt girls. You go!
connection with one of Stipe’s ex— the World.” Meanwhile, drag Celebrity Fag Joke of the Month:
boyfriends in Georgia. Stipe was queen staple (and the second How many Pet Shop Boys does it
also busted by punk buddy Catwoman on the “Batman” TV take to change a lightbulb? Two.
Courtney Love, who, when asked series) Eartha Kitt has released her One to change the bulb and the
by reporters about Stipe’s proclivi— first American album this decade, other to stand there and look bored.
ties, mouthed off in her usual and it is hotter than Georgia Haveahappy Valentine’s Daylv
Laura E. Kaplan —————————-————————p rogram
Llcansed Cllnlcal Soclal Worker. . A-k
Rll'IV/AIDhS l Personal Growth !=’
eations i leomen’s Issues
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506.254.9112 I Pager: 232.0873 lSlt) Newtown Pike. Suite H Phone (006) 2510300
Lexrngton, Kentucky 40511 Fax (606) 231-12 I4
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— GLSO News Page ll

 GLSO Gaglln92310335
Staffed 8pm-11pm Wednesday. Thursdag. Friday and Sunday (Voice Mail Available When Not Staffed)
GLSO Board (Mary) 2665904 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark) 2337266
GLSO Discrimination Project (Jeff) .............276-5383 Country Dykes (Debbie) (606) 871-7452
GLSO: News & Ads (Mary) ..........................266-5904 Cumberland Cares........................................678-0587
Calendar (Jeff) 2765383 Diversity Business Coalition .......................281-8444
Folding (Lee) 2779365 Fairness of Lexington HOTLINE..................275—7812
Layout (Tammy) 2753037 Fairness of Louisville..........................(502) 893-0788
GLSO Gayline Volunteers (Peter) ................273-5845 Front Runners (Keith) 2546850
GLSO Speakers Bureau (Bill) 2669175 GBL Veterans, Columbus (Mike) ........(614) 299-7764
GLSO Support Group (Mary)..................V.....266-5904 G/L AI-Anon 2771877
(Mike) ........................225—1828 G/L Defense Fund................................(502) 589—2896
Stonewall Network (Ann).....................(502) 839-8417
STUDENT GROUPS Imperial Court of KY (Ken/Ashley)................255-9881
ACE League: Berea College (Foula) ............986—5669 KYACZLU (Ke'th? 2811482
AGLF: NKU (Pat) 5725604 anizgxfiggmfiwe'm)"W"""~""""""281'1482
B‘GLA'?‘ centre.c°"e9° (“h/km)"""""""""238‘5332 Bill Status Line .........1.....................(800) 382-2455
3:3in? J(3ir;”;é‘f3r'é”1”6“3‘15""""""“""‘g§:§;:: Legislator Message Line................(800) 372-7181
p Meeting Info Line............,...............(800) 633-9650
Lesbian Potluck (Esmerelda)..............t....4....231-0335
ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING Lexington Men‘s Chorus (Shelby).........l......231-0090
Jessamine County........A...............................885-4149 Louisville Youth Group (502) 635-1302
Lexigton-Fayette County..............................288-2437 Names Project, Lexington (Katie) ................272-2588
Madison County..t.............4...........1...............723-7312 P-FLAG (Ruth) 2727075
Woodford County........................................,.873-4541 Rainbow Bowling League (Teri) ...................268-8563
‘ Tri-State Gay Rodeo Assn. (Terry) ...............255—5469
' AIDS INFO/SERVICES (Paul) ................278-8023
AIDS HOTLINE 2317545 Womynweave (KathY)"~--~-'-~-"-"'"~'~""""“"271'3484