xt7sn00zsf07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zsf07/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-11-26 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 11, November 26, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 11, November 26, 1914 1914 1914-11-26 2015 true xt7sn00zsf07 section xt7sn00zsf07 I
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UHiV€?Slty of Kentucky
A n i _ I
Klllllllill |IIlll[EES 'lI|l|lBAlS lEAVE Hill t JHESHMEN Mill llllll. STATE HAS CHANCE
. Ml
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lll BIIIIVEIIHIIIEIZ. 5t 4 t  t.,,_y )
* ,_  I ’ A   I ___  __
. * • ‘ . .
Annual Meeting of Assocta- T“d*`};_€Y Dgyyimetwlth [gn ¤G?_’P€ldCali§g 2_·3Q °"5§t°u If Wnldcats Defeat; Tennes-
. FS A { 19 . Il"llSS10I1 C.
_ tton to be Held at Tran- " °at‘;{ OXO   9** a __ Coupons Good see, the Southern Laurels
. . ll V . . .
gy]v3m3,_ Will Rest Oh Thém.
’ The Varstty held its last. practice The unddeawd Freshmen team Ot! -—-;-
The annual meeting of the Assocw Tuesday afternoon on Stoll Field. The UW UUIVEFSHY will m€€t the undeteat- (By Ed. Danforth-Lender,)
  Mon gf Kentucky College, and Univer. [Gab iS "°adY for {hc fm-Y and received ed Freshmen team Of the Universiw The Wildcats will hike to Knggvmg
`· Smeg which wm meet this ye". at "s0me" send—off by the student body. . 0f Tennessee on Stoll Held Thursday Thursday to meet me football mam of
’ ft. t 2:30. 'l`l , .t d t d
Transylvania University. wm convene The team left on the L. & N. TUGSGBY   ·- [ 8 emomi 3 Y V {lp qqu an B an University of Tennessee on Fail; Field.
• mgm at 9;%, and wm arrive at Km,} gg _ , friends ot the Lnitereity will have the _
* December 5. The membership ill the d i   _ pleasure of Seeing one O'. the best This is the game that the Wildcats
t ville Wednes ay morn ng. _ 4·· · V '
asmcisuon is at present kcongtncd T This is the lirst time in the historyl A} A `gnmes played in the city this Benson, haw been working for every day since
the University of Kemuc y' muy · of the Universit that me wudcatst ‘ -· l'I`he Kentucky Freshman team has not the first. tbud of the booted oval was
‘ vanla. University, Center College, Be- ’ Y [
mu College Kentucky Wesleyan and played away from home on Thanksgiw been scored on but once this SBGSOH. heard on Stoll Field, and should Coach .
' ·— _ while the Tenn s t m hav b .
{ Georgetown College, but it is probable lng. While the Varsity goes to len d i E See · ea Th G fini Urumages men succeed in defeating
Q that the membership wm be increased nessee the Freshmen team will meet S°°"€ °“ tw ce S0 mn 9 Wag Lme Volunteers, State would wm the
t . · . q ll PARK · ’ ·  ), Q · ° '  ACK, of thc two contesting teams are aboutl
l at the next unsung All me mambeml the Tennessee breblttnen on . to champmushi of me South
i ’ _Fi€ld   equal and a. royal contest will follow. D ‘
z of the faculties ofthe universities and I ' V i The Tennessee coach said that they No game was scheduled on the
Q colleges, mentioned above, are elisibltél [ha Outcome of the Yaibitil guile 8       had Several Freshmen that they could \\’ildca.ts` playground Saturday after-
l to membership ln the association. uncertain' Our team lb n ne mm noon and the Blues were put. through
, have used on their Varsity and this
t The Executive Committee which is and will be in the iight. until the game. _a hard scrimmage with the Freshmen
’ - explains that they are real players.
¤0mD0¤€d of D¤¤¤ A· M- Mme? of the is Oven The Tennessee team is heavy eleven The Varsity has never worked
’ r , ; Dr. Tlgert has had a very successful '
University of Kentucky president; {and fast, tv ith several individual sta.rs.` , better and Tmmer uoom said that
’ , b t -——-; season with his beam and at present ’ ‘
g Professor Frank L. Rainey of Comm, Dope is somewhat tangled up etween with me exception of Captain Jimmy
, the two teams Tennessee defeated! D€fI10I)$t,I‘3t,i()I1 Ol'] S t 0   has °‘ great machine mr the last com
College, secretary; Professor M. E. _ _ ' . test Park, every man is in perfect, trim.
Marsh, ot Berea; Professor T. B. Mc- Louisvlue 66 to U' while the Wudcaml Fléld Followed by   III I TIG H { th t t it Park`s shoulder is improving, and lt
. with a crippled team and several subs! _   ‘ u°`“p ° 6 w° °“mS as _ _ ,
Cartney, of Transylvania University. Cha G] at N1 ht {vm b Th d 1, H , eeems tertam that the able held gen-
. , only piled up 42 to 0. Kentucky and; P g · i 6 nrs ay 0 ows. V _
President M. A. Adams, of Georgetown d 19 i t , , Kentucky Tennessee eral or the Wildcats wut sum the but-
burn each score po n s oni ‘ ·
College, and P¥‘08id6¤t Clark. of Ken- Au 1 . tle Thursday. Special attention has
Mississippi A. & M. Au/burn defentedt       T- H8Yd0!1 ..... L.L.R. ...... Brinkley
tucky Wesleyan, is at work on the _ T d f d Hickcrson _'__'L_T.Rm ·~__ l Spivey been given to strengthening tha do-
affairs that are to be taken up at the vandy b_ to U` Gmlessee 6 mm   Simpson H_HHL.G.H_ · ‘ U Kemp fensive play of the Blue and White
fun m9et]ng_ Algg [hg Committee on Vfuldy lb [0 IL This Shows that thel I he last practice Of the football I Dempsey • · · · l . l ·C· h l Moore (Capt ) fgrwgpdg, gnd great imprgygmgnt has
Arrangements has been at work ar- “Hd°at° are d gram Scmmg machiml season was held on Stoll Field Tues- S mi RGL H b I been noted The performance of the
and will write some football history att V _ . p I va ng ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ am augl , .
!‘¤¤Sl¤8 thi! démil m¤¢¢9¥' f0!‘ the m0€t· day atternoon. Mr. Hrumage invited _ Server R T L Morris secondary detense has picked up, and
ing- This °°mmm·°° is m°*d° up °t Knoxville. imo battalion and students to wltnasslc Ha don R EL W I h Kentucky is in a better position to
me following. Professor Henry Lloyd The probable line-up is as follows; I - y ...... . . ........ ec bmak u forward asses than ever be`
• ` ' Kentucky Tennessee 'the last practice. On this evautl Runes (Capt.) ...Q.n ...._ Dongldggn P P
of Transylvania University, and Pro- ‘ ’ i t t th i d iumbfelder LH R Lothmn (Om,
man were resen 0 a er ue ····· · · ·······
· lessor A. C. Zembrod, of the Univer- Schrader `'`'‘'`' RE '‘''`°‘'‘ Voweul y D D y tBrn0m Kinney F B Wynne Down in Knoxville, they are expect-
shy of Kentucky. Downing ,,...... RT .......... . Kelly) respects to UIQ Wildcat t93m that de' Gibson h l INR H L H I Ragland I ing a hard gulne, and (.118 TSDDOBSGG
this meeting ls "Governmeut and Dis- Bailey ‘'''''‘'`'' C '‘‘‘`'''' McLean the band, soldiers and students lent Kelley Harrison and Flynn T€nm_S_| Held accommodations to take care of
clpmw in C°u°g°° and Univemmesy qom   I · ' ` ' ` I · H KO", much joy to the afternoon and will be See Fowler wakeneld and Smvau M16 big crowd expected. The spirit
The meetings will be held ln the Lrutcher ‘'`''``' Ll '°''''''‘' Bayer _ gprveulent in the Volunteer corral is
ZBl'f0Ss LE (jgyyoll H lasting i¤1lJ¥°€SSi0tl upon the whole , ——•·••-—~1
l‘00m8 of M0|'|'l80¤ College. ill ih6 ) k ```'`````   `'`'''`' M tteam l       Iexpressed in a recent letter from
morning and afternoon, with a. lunch- in '‘‘‘'‘'''‘'' Q '‘'`'`‘‘''' ay! ' j Coach Z. G. Clevenger to Coach Tigert
Gon at Six Ouock in the evening. A Hite ............ RH ......... Rai11ey· Following the demonstration on Seniors who have not received theirlm, Keutuvkvl Uwe have one big barb
pap9|‘   be p|‘Qpa|‘¢d   Q mQ@bQ|' Tuttle ``°`°°'```   ''``°` rrllomason Stoll l"i€ld iu [IIB B..tt,BI'I100[] B,   Wag ring. can oetaln lim! from J. T. Gebllle yet to be decided, next Thursday.
of tho faculty of each of the Schools Scott ‘‘‘'```'''`' H; ``'`''‘' Lindsey held in chapel. A new custom en- d"' Sn mm at °n°°' _\\'e are looking for as hard u. game as
, represented. and read at the meeting. M` l 4 {med ·-Kentucky ,,igm·· was mw- we had at Vanderbilt, and 1 do not be
Fucuny men of all the schools in the A-Zufttltid Bild Illully students were prey- . Y*‘* 2 lieve we will bo dis,a,ppolnted."
°°s°°hm°" am invited to attend the tg t,   ._;qf_ l ,··‘?;__;rt  ent. The cadet bnnd furnished music _; TA   t The cltuntpionship of the South lg
. meeting, {Q  1*:.- vii —,. ‘    E; for uw Ocgusiour rendering Selections QJ _ ` tt;   now doped out for 'l‘ennt·5nee_ Geo-
0UR ¤Av   irtterwoven with interesting Spe6ch6¤_ ` ` · v' stu and Auburn went to at svoreless tie
l .5 K .,,_,_,.¢ The stwukers of the evening were lust “`°**k·
Just to we Omifudcms nimble. ·- .··. ,__ __ ·yr— IJ4 J` ,Hgm_[, wl ul Townsend and I The 'Fennessce and Auburn teams
Break me une of Tmmessee; ____, Illean Mnssiv. President Barker had _ h“"‘ "*"`*"` '“€[· and it is 'WW Certain
Aye, Kentucky,B man d0n,t tremble` uu y|]gug(¤ulpn[ which preyeuted   lllilt [IIB laurels l`t;‘S[ \\'l[ll (`()8,Cll Clev·
But play fair for victory, X   ° i`¤`<>¤¤l l>ut‘tlt·it>utittg in the rnlly_ The •·nger‘s bunch,
·   student body as a. whole showed much *"’“*'h H"“'"“B*‘ $**3* that lf T°¤¤€B‘
Just the watch the YBBFIIIIKB lilly. {J     " y,m.,·,.S[ in lh`, lowing comes, and · I sw does not show aut iutprovetneut in
Cross the goal of Tennessee; V `.L;— ` A -·   l,N.fU,.lm.d udmimbly [heh. pun of the ° It the- tornt disph•.yt·d in the gnme with
, Au Tlgert'a Freslmten enter the fri?. M t·onrlh·t_ (`nllt*t.;e· spirit hns boenl .» S"“'“"“' hm S“*""d"* th" Wildcats
And brlng to State another victory. lmtm. hm _im.,. there has been my \~ill earn at tl•·t·ision, ’l‘ennessee's
Just u lender leg of turkey. Smdvm mmwilm and Student me und; strvttgtltlnis in hot- nontlerrul line, and
And the games with T9nneBBe8_ lutynirs has h`,(,H eumiuuled fro"!] ll [liv \\lltlt‘;lls vain t‘l1•:t·k the Volun-
Tulk of bum. and www and bam _ '_.|m|N_I k,M_'.‘,iM,_ { i····t· l`oi‘\\aii‘ds,vtlt¤~ lriue bn,t·kllcld vnu
qu6ts_ i ·•. -t f ttlilavolv ilt•· lvllon and \\h1tt· spuotl
That were wlne enoush for me   ¤ { I"`~~ut|t•·s tht·t·t· it tnnn with soul sol urtists Suvh is the bt·liet' of those
l ·· tle·ud_ 1 who hun- seen both teams, and lt will
Just a pale and dying Autumn. i\\'ho nt·xt·t· to himself hath said, iw on this, thnt the Kentucky sup-
And our dream of libéfty. _ I"|`is my lust, lust jitney; l need lt for! l¤·»t‘toi‘s will base their hopes of pulling
(lame and turkey, home and country. brend, I in under the wire ahead of the Volun-
That, I0!. Our Thl¤kI$iVl¤KI D6- I » I V ` · 4 lllttt |'ll gu to the movie show instead. ` ` . ' • * ‘ ‘ t » teens.

*··   Z
' r hestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Gon Go.
ymp 0l‘ll(‘ C Child
Me At Admission 10c 4
FIRST-cI.Ae• IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER, Jr., Ovm•r and Manager. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P  M. n
. I
· iMl88 BILLIE BURKE IN ‘*JERRY."LIar moetlng of the society, December        
‘ . I ____ nth. The Wlllet amendment to the __....
I \ The announcement that Miss Blllletcmmmuuou which hu been postponed Although Intercollegiate athletlcs ` ·
Q nurkc In to appear at the Hen All next· WO dmemm umu already, wm belmny be detrlmental to an Institution {
. ' {Wednesday, matinee and night. Del brought up that mgm for nm, dlspw as some seem to think, but In a Unl-
    l lvember 2, in a brand new comody.' Mmm versity where this system ls practiced l
I The ,.11.5;,;; gggpgggtlon, composed "Jerry," the plece In which she madet The dechmswry contest wm be the men who oppose It should show \
or mon, who In umon png; have played u phenomenal success at the Lyceum ~ held me mum] of December in me their loyalty to their Institution by co- .
2       with such mam, M vmd,m,m_ A;·my_ Theater, New York, last sprI¤;—| ch·pd_ operating with the mon who uphold
3 , ,     . . 8 Ngvy gud sum wm moe; T;·s¤sy|ys. ought to send every local theaterzoer · I the system. If their objection cannot
ma December 1_ on the run to the box offlce to bespeak HORACE MANN. change the situation then It is their
··pew·· R0d€s' qua,-ter gm- the su. his favorite seat. Comedy ls what the The Horace Mann Society met In duty to boost the policy approved by
    I   stars, was once captain and quarter people want ill the thohtof at tho DRI- Prof. J. T. C. Noe's room in the Educw the University,
I nc   2  for Ngvy_ Llguggngnt Underwood was cnt time-—If not all the tIme—a¤d’ tional Building. Thursday evening at Is lt for this reason that there as ao
one of the best ends to have evgr wom when as good a one aa they |ql7 0'cloci. little school splrlt at this University? {
`uu Army un“0,m_ _]_ _;_ Tiger; is an ··.1e|-ry" In comes along every one Miss Rachel Bohrer read a paper on When the team is defeated all interest
umm Enilrgly New R•nq•m••.• old Vanderbilt star of renown. All wants to see it. Besides Miss Burke "WaIt Whitman," and Miss Ina Dar- ls lost, an spirit, snbsgqss If they wm
lower men were Once mm, on their In always charming on the stage and nell read a few selections of his poe- our loyal (?) rooters carry the team k
1 respective manu ·-Rey Remey In this part she ls sald to be adorable. try. Miss Callista Bezold read a short off the fleld on their shoulders. (
lplayed for many seasons on the local She has a splendid supporting com- story from Scrlbners to illustrate the Some men say that the mama are _
<‘ high school m8m_ pany, too—SheIIey Hull, Olive Oliver, trend of the modern magazine. coached to win and at any coat. It `
V , I This wm be one of the bes; gameslborothy Dorr, H. Lawrence Leywn, ......-.••-•--—- this is their objection, why is it that *
} {played in Ikxiugton this ggggon md Thomas Reynolds, et al.-all fsvorltesl       these same men forget their loyalty ,
  should bring nn; a record crowd to and each in a congenial role. NOTCHES ON COA]; when the team comes home donated? g _
· 1
root for thm mon. the greater part —-————·••—-——- ——-— Out team vI•Y¤ I¤ 'I`°¤¤¤¤¤°°
lj 0, Whom ,,6 Sm, ,,,,,,_ KENTUCKY DEBATING' ‘“ “ °““°“‘°“‘ "°°°“"" ‘"°” °“‘ Thanksgiving day ana at will um .
V / The game will more than likely be       by Dm C` J' N°rw°0d’ of the College hard. Let the students of this Ken·  
\ .....—- of Mines and Metallurgy, it was stated tuck University show that they am N
¤ - Played at L°’·€“° P“k· Offlcera Elected and Prellminarlee of that it the last two years Kentucky y
. .....••-·-——- behind their Varsity, wln or loose, and
· ii • ·• • • • • ·• • • • • ·• • • • ·•· ol Nm mbm Am m°u"°d° "°" “""““°°" “°'“ “°"°"“‘ ‘° mh that uns unlvmuy stands rot- cncnn
I ._.. . ’
’ A |• UNIVERSITY NOTES • A meeting of the Kentucky 1n¤o¤-co1- "'“°° "“‘°°‘ “‘° *"°‘“‘°“‘g “‘“"’“· nam-rongm contests In which the um
that now there are 30,000 men em-
' ~ • • • • • • • • • • · • · * * * + leglate Debatlng Association, held at may wln and both thereby be honored.
In .__. the Y. M. c. A building, me oonsutn- "'°y"d "‘ "‘° “““°“· '°""°“°““"‘ ° STUDENT.
§ Prof. J. D. Turner, head of the Feed tion and by-lawls were revised. S. D. °°p°l°u°n °f 100'000' wd th"' such °° _......•....._.
iDepartment of the Experiment Sta- Boggs, of Central University, presided. itldustzialhpoxlatiolt m;rm‘ th; latent C, U.  
1tiO¤ 1'€t¤I‘¤€d Monday Dtlht IPOID Four colleges were represented by ;I:;t° t 9 mmm! omu ove']      
New York. the delegates: Richard Barbee, of M ' f K k I I in ...—--
Mr. Turner attended the meeting of Transylvania; C, P. Nicholson and myio gn °°m° Y °°° m ui 8 The new gymnasium at Central Unl-
the Feed Manufacturers Association, Clyde Taylor, of State; S. D. Boggs, of °°mp°n °° °°° °r in °°`°p°"'t °° versity was destroyed by fire Sunday
the Association on Official Agricul- Centra}, and Robert, Hubbard and Wm. with °th°r ;’g°m;i°° M6 Ming m‘;°h in night. The new building cost approx-
tural Chemists at Washington and Holliday, or Georgetown. behalf °f ° u°°t °° °m°°g umm M"' imately $40,000 and was one of the ·
iwns entertained at dinner by uno The Intercollegiate debating cham- ""’ “"“°’“` *"’f“‘°*’ “* “““° U""°""*’ finest exercise halls In the sms. re
L?   iA1umni Club of State University of yignship or mg stats wm be decided °f uw m:°°” Y’ M'kC'   hsuumy was to be opened today. The old ll-
· @*5,- -_. ·  A ` Kentucky in New York. While In in chapel March 19, when a debating °°“°'°d nu th: :°r ‘ th ° °° F? brary building was destroyed also bot
New York he attended B méet-i¤l of team from Georgetown College will KB: umu Z? D t 9 Tm; ry t° T3; the blaze but no books were lost.
`the Association of Alumni Secretaries. mss; ms Kentucky state mo, The B °' ° ° °°“”° ° °°°°°° ° ° T-—-•••-——- ·
I ____ subject wm be: Hnesolvcd, That the mines and has met with much favor. Patroluze Our Advcmscrs·
    Hywel Davms h“ ”'·“'“°d t° thu State of Kentucky Should Adopt the   AM I   I
city {mm Wasmngmu "h°'° h° hu Unlcameral System of Government." .
_ been for several days, conferring with The Sum tum will be selectgd De. li
ESI muy     S°°"°““`y °l L“·b°" W"“°“· in mgud cember 18, when the Patterson and To
Find our wes way a vc “’ the C°l°"·d° mum"` ’mk°· Union Literary Societies wlll debate I c   t H   Q    
[hg gvgragg , , , , . . A ';'—" the question, "Resolved, That the X g 0 g p Y
1.Jh C.K ,fOhl,N-
tion;] lnspelttor of !tl(;eAI(;>ha Xi0D¤I; Monroe Docmm Should be Abu-   °
Sorority, guest of a local chapter this d°¤°d' .a    
week, addressed the Pan-Hellenics • ,•, • • • • ,•, .., ,•, ,• • • g, g g 4. .
(   {ng Monday afternoon at Patterson Hall. g. C C C   & C  
Fall nh Th A, h X, D R S it • AMONG SOCIETIES . . 8 oway 0I11p8l`ly .
9 1*** 6** °'°'Y °¤*°*‘••·•·•••e••••••••• _
tained with a tea for Mrs. Knots, the __.....,.._...   U  ,
Hats! other Sororitles on Tuesday afternoon. UNION UTENANY °°c'ETY· Q
Sh d ._._ ..... 1 t in SPORTING GOODS AND HARDWARE
ggs an J. 1.. 4··1r¤· '14· was in I»¤¤¤¤st¤¤ nnnlnnnnnn-onnlnn eonnnnu. and Suppliu. Toya.
'""_' im II I"' d¤Y¤ Im W°°'*· "P¤I" I• ··Fooz and Mouth m»on•o··-E. Bon- I
lwith the ¤>¤¤¤t¤· Laia Stwrn ana ley, _ I46-I48 WEST MAIN ST. LEXINGTON, KY.
     Southern Railroad In the Physical ··D0“ Higher Education payyu was
, Evaluation and DI-duns Department discussed by the society,   ———————-———-
land 1B mD»k1Ilg good. He 1B lO(}3[€d Lt,    
·-W-··· . . —— WELSH & MURRAY
      Dr. A. S. Mackenzie, Dean of the _
I · D , lt to th
Tn ¤¤¤¤¤¤ F¤¤¤~S’ SMP ""A°T..."’*’ T0 BEM ZiI`§‘..`IEZEZ.,."‘1i`.f,'““‘£.'Z.Z.§.?l'Z,.." .........3 PR INT1 NG CO r
. —"“T_--vwpm The gms. bmw} bm practice wm Society last Saturday ovenins- Ho • I,
]_,gxmgt0¤ Cigar CO. P"g"‘ M°""“’ “‘ ‘·“°· N°"°’“"""` 3* took for his su¤1oct.··Tmck Skins and ;,,,,,,,,°,,,d, •
nu the Armory. Dr. Tlgert will coach Thin'., The idea that he emphutwd
M|¤I·I’|°W"•"• °1 me wum and about twenty umdmaws throughout the discussion was that _`
HAND·MADE CIGARS "“"" “‘"’“"’ "“““‘°" “°" “‘°"’ “° the character of an Innmnnnx n re   R • ht N S • é
EXCLUSIVELY ,·**¤·“=·=·¤¤ to ·>¤=¤*- v.,....n in hr. mn, M. m .¤¤. ., nn 8 lg Ow QTUICB .
no WEST MAIN STREET   |O<>k» ¤¤d the ¢OnIIK¤f¤tiO¤¤ of th¤  
_ _ d shape of his head. The society was
University Lunch Stan DR, J, D,   unanimous In its appreciatlou and en- _ _ ;
cn"' °"°I“°lv°|y *° ·W“”“ EYE, EAR, NOSE gn] ·|•|·|RQA·r joyment of Dr. McKenzIe's lecture and     A  
anu Faculty of 8tat• UnIv•r•Ity l 8PtC|AL||'r ..wrm0mm“_.. ' __
GIa•••• Ground to Ordo . , · I. · .
A. B.   “,c|,",,,d .,,",“,,·_ r E"°" “*°'”*’°' °’ “’° “°'~’°"' *“ 124-128 North Limestone Lexington,   ·
aca. a. tnuaarona Ann cotnxl cmu room m-x n••n••nn• nax “'¤°° '° "° ¤’°•°”' “‘ ‘”° “°“ “"“‘ -.  

 ` Avallabl
.opy 8 ,
{ tl *.
{ T H E ID E A s
V *-—;¢l-L· —·—- -————·* ·-•———»·-—·~——-—-··———#·-·—**··*•`*··*·*••i··*———--·———-—-———~—··r———··—-—--———-1 ·—- -—·   . -;
l l
· 1 “"’· Patronizc Our Advertisers.
• Kenneth (I. Cloro, Assistant Sub-
ix ix   ix J i         srrlptton Manager. W S G  
Mtns Resale White, Assistant Sub- • • R
"`_‘ ‘***"* —‘ "   " ’ . . ·rlptl n Manager.
I   _ ° The Sanitary Grocer
1     ALPHA ZETA ENTERTAINS ‘······*··· flarke Rogers, Advertising Mann-
· I
` pgop c_ g_ HU·y·cH|gON N2lSlV W€3th€l` Compels HWY PhOYl€  
»       ` ° · Cor 8 Llmeetone nd VI I I Ave
_ t 1 s Iluttlng   of Part Of Lester Grady, Assistant Advertising ’ ' · rg n. '
l Prot'. (‘. Il. lInt<1hl:·ton, prtlfessor oft N()n-K_ Pro ram_ M°mm°r·
` r ()n0 Of tho must hnpornun hlvosur l·f)l`t\£{(‘ (‘f`0|lH Rl ll\f‘ l'IllVf‘l`HllV of   é; g   !      
` gaumm that has hmm Htartwl M mp rlttllrl. (`oltllnhlu, Mn., was (‘Ili,l'I‘l$lll\f‘(I€ lll Sllltv of the fuvt that the tr3cklAl*UMNI              
Kentucky Station for Rpvorm months Tlltstlzty hr Svtwoll ('lutptvr nf tho? \\ll‘·* <'0\'€‘l""l Wltll SHOW and the ther-     I y g |
\ has been und¢·rtnk•—n by the- United hmmrmt, ,·m,‘_m,,y U,. Mmm Zum' A;,,,,,,,,(.t,.r ,·,.ut,,t..r,.,t ,,hm,t gn (htm-pes _______ 149 Wee! Short St.
Siatpi Il\||‘(\{[\| ()|` Nlglrkpfg in (·()-()t)(\|‘{[· “'.“_ (_IlnI)N"_ IH to hp Inghlllpd nt HN`; H", ·|·t|,H.HdH·t,· 23 nN," tnnk Dart in the Aillffh |nt0l"PSl’, h(¤]‘(\t()f()]‘$g |g(*kh]g’ IB        
tlon wlth tho Ile-pnrttnvnt of Animal ,·n,v•_rt,,t. Ut- (;,,()m,,,_ at A,h,,,,,_,_ ,,,,,t1tt;,.l, meet ht·h| on Stoll }•‘|p|•l mr lwlng taken by the alumnl of State _
Hushnmlrx Th" Ohjwll is to dmpn |'rol`. Ilntrltisun nhs on rontv there to   lll*>**' Wh') Illlll Wll Wm] lll"ll’ K. The Fnlvorslty over the e|ept|rm of alumni _‘—w·" th 7   W- in-
mtno the mst or protlnnlng, slmnzhtor- m.,__,,,,, M HH, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ `.-ntnntnlnn ··tt·nts wlll l»·· lu-ltl later m,,,,(_9H ,0 mp Board of Trustees of  
l"¤• lm""‘l""`Ul'l! ml" ""m“l·’¥ m*‘*lt H v A untlt·r the Hl||N?I'VlNl(llI ot' Ilr. Wllllum I U i
mtlmttls tn the lnup tlrnns I HOME ECONOMICS CLUB. I,]. Amlpmmi ttm n versity. whlrlt closes at neon   I T  
’l`|¤4· most r·orm>l+·le dam will l¤· rom-I -._._ ' ’l1lt·· points sooretl by the tltrrerenttT"°°"l°y‘ D°°°mb°r l" T°m v°t°’ ° ' '
‘ plled to show what profltn and ox·" The Ilmno l·;t·otu»nn(·s (ttul) hold lts,(·.,|h·,t.»s wprp; tzenege Ot Agrhyth. "Mt UD to thlfl d¤t¤6 MVS b6€¤ 400· 127 Chédpsidé
DGDFGS the f¤·l‘m€l', Bfiffll llH¤dl<‘l' of the regular ntvvtlttg Monday nfterlloon Ht ttm- ;£•i_·nwt·l1nnloaIs 6, civil engineers The list of names 0{ those who have Hour! 8 8_m_ to 8 p_m_ phenc 864,x
live stock, the ratlroads, the butcher, ;;;:lo_ 3, htw 4, arts and science 3. The nlreedy voted dfgclogeg the fact that.
wholesaler and retailer receive. winch, ynut, yn-¢·m,h_ er |,..xtm;ten_ gave n ;.·r,.S;,me,, S(.,,r,.,; 42 ,,,,t,,,,,,_ the Sc,,,| many of these had shown Mme or MI
item that adds to the rost paid by the th-nghtrul storeoptlron lecture tm old tors and Sophomores 1 point each. i t t f 1 Fm [
n er. ,
umlmte <’0¤¤¤m•"` will he Shown in furniture. ln her l<~<·ture Miss M<=<'unr¤ Tho t-vents with the winners follow: es on Ormer coca! on m Do You Know
flsufes. ··nn»1utsm»tl lll0lIllll10Il(‘(? of dross uml trnomlle run eevlrst J. D. Clark this it is °°um°t°d mM °b°"t 800
§ This h., 8 ,.,9,,,,t., ,0 ,,,0 t,,,,€,,,t,g,,__ HW St_,,(_ O,. uw tm or the IWW, on |_,1_Hmmm Mwhaniml; Second, W. J. votes will be registered before De· The   ue none too [006
{ UOM of tltls Sort that ll¤V€ b€*9¤ ll€ld the furniture ol' the period. All who Llntlsny, Preslnnan Agriculture; third, cembar 1' when It coma to - Photo-
t for Ul? last S€V9l'8·l ¤l0¤thS lll th€ big, hoard Miss McCann were delighted _|_ |·_ mehett,,_ Sophomore Ag,-tcu|tu,·e_ Many °t um °Id gmdustes h'"° nmph? B. °¤ th. af- dd.
' Packing h°\1S€¤- lwlth the afternoons entertainment. ·rhht._ ]t;3; ].5_ ltaken up 'md pulled th° w°rk vis"' md “•
, The "home ktlled" meats are now, At the conclusion or the program a one hundred yard dggh—]•‘|rgt' w_|°°°ly md uw r°°°" °t um °l°°“°° 1*
l being considered in an effort to show   short business meeting was held after |·_ t;r;me,,, Freshman Agriculture; hung w°°°h°d wml t°°°'°°t‘      
U ‘ tvheshethor Got attr (:19 thrcusst whosei tt-turn the sntetety adjourned. sstnntt, J. lt. Johnson, Freshman Ag- Patrol? 0‘ ,tiscrs 311 W. Mein Street.
lan S — 9 V6 9 OU O" m€8 988895; ·····—··—••·•·'$‘ t·it·nlturo; thlrd, ll. D. Sartln, Senior  
,,6,,, ,,,,,0,,,,,m,,,(, ,,,0,,,,, or use, cHANeEs an Lvczum counss. Mm,. Tim, 12 3_5 Seconds. The St¤dent’• Photographer
wasteful methods. l `“`_`"" ,· .
_ t Yl`ll•‘ |ll`()§.il`ilIll Ul. lllt‘ lyC(*lllll ('()llI`St! Iuurth hundred and t“’ent) yard  
TIIB TUSURH ot all ill(~S(» lDvQStlg8'y 1 I I It t P I4 Iruu tpirqt tv ty Grimes Freshman       B•nk·r* ‘ FOt·¢h; PI'°pI°'•‘°'•
ttis )‘l·tlI`, atrlwtllget ny 'ro'. I. `. ` ' ' ' '
tions, which will continue for several ,, ·. . .
moms will be ,,,.t,lsh.s ln bulletin       ···* ··‘· 1   ¤·¤· l°"`"°“`““'°’ “’°°““’ "‘ Z““‘“°"“°°’ Eagle Barber Shop
form Y i bers of the committee, will differ fr0m\ Igcgxggan Artb and Science' · Time' 66   COHCKC Pennants my gut", L|m•"°n• gtrug
` _ - · _ ·t S " ·· Oppoelte the Phoenlx Hotel Ileek
- At present tt seems there ts reason ""’“'“""* °f ""’""“" ’°‘"“ "‘ "‘“‘ “* _` YALE wd HARVARD
One mlle run Hrst, H. Whaley, Lexlngton, Ky.
to think the Wholesale Charges of ex has been selected solely for educa-; Ego}; 9in, ; 24 in
mm,.n.epsrtOtpscksstndm.d **¤*·=·*   and to ·*€V¤*··¤1 ***0 *~“**·*·’ "  °'“" ”‘"g’"°°"“g; “°°° ““’ "“'"°"°"· °°*‘“'·'· ”'”°T`°"‘°° w°”“ °°"”"""'°
dlemen wm be at least partly refuted mum of uw Students. 'll. mlclnnsn, Freshman Law, third, E8cI1:i;(i|;|]l?A;l i Mat Mc Ana tb, “
· The mst number offered in melt . Roberts, Freshman Mechanical Eu-   Y ¤· G K’S
—-•-•-•—--—- ` I gineering. Time 5:34.
l,yt·eum (,ourse ts s 1t»ctnrt· by Dean· •—mu••vm, sm mso-4    
Q6 v r _ w s
• FRESHMAN NIGHT" And,-W wsu of Princ0tonIYx1lverslty.| ·"*~" j“’“*’ ”"“‘· L- W- “’“"°'· Aw ¤·•¤·¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤•¤ •f .
AT       "lluslness and Education " on De-l Pnlshman Agriculture; Second' H' Your sclcctmn when lu I. won lad cmu A
' y |Lt~wis Freshman Agriculture· third *
-—- cember 2. The next number wlll bet " ’ ’ Hot chocohu cmd ·¤d he
HFYBBIIUIBH lllglltn Rl, {IIC Agl'lCUl- an gypttiug Of (¤]][grtginmg]][ by Myne; \\‘ L Adanlm bresllman Agricult'ure'   of our best qu·hty' In their  
Um _ - f t 2i h Eroper colors, wnth colored em-
tural Socetty Monday was well attend- Anne Powell, vocalist, January l6.|‘ ° ww " Be nc es' l l€¤¤¤- Dr J Edward Gordon
Gd ¤¤v__ ·~·--   — - ——. : ` Illlijllagtél`, or to     Locke. assistant and   an garments on the premises Y
" l " ·.¥ Y M Ibusiuess manager, and any picture to YOU? m9¤¤¤!'6 Bt OUT DOPUIU Price        
/ ,¢·A        received after that date will be 8.C-   8 UP _
Id:) lt·t·ptt·tl only on the payment of a. for- BY Walking on tacked
I   A ` ,·t.,t This t,,,,,,,,_,,,ue,,,e,,t is made Call and see our large display of lm- soles, when W6  
· ' ted d d tl w lens and have
H   I net·ossut·y by the tact that in order to $3;,. ,,,:;Su,%mti,§r8i,_ 00 thsim ol`; fol: dthe me
• I _   ,, , _ I obtnln tt t-rruitnble result, the eugrav— WE GUARANTEE EVERY prlc°· _ or one W e
 t;l';1Qi,‘;,     dont t€§nd(i_lh€r€ Just be" l ers ntust have the proofs lu their JUSTRIGHT GARMENT. you wa‘t•
iT·VL*¢'t¥· .`  _ CQIUSG OV l{€ LIS. . . - . , . · · To be absolutely all hand tailored
    •- lltllltlb lol Ont lllullill. Mllkll Ulllfi IS and give satisfaction iu avery          
    “ , ” ronstnned in dispatching the proofs to we stand back of every order taken,
.9.2. ·',}¤ 'v:~ ` •
,5.*    We V9 ${0* the 800dS- l untl l·.—.,... the engravres mtu to the nn- with our s¤¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤- 113 South Broadway
  \:l7~ `v‘l t A t 9 b t f , 1 tlurs und printers, and the printers REMEMBERg~:Nc¥:EA::E:L:;L
  · no on em- u or em. _ . ..   . . . ,,, , GARMENT ‘
totltt. __t_, i .,  t nnrt lnut lsttletnl weeks tn wihc lo Lumgtonm Rm"'. and OHGIMI Ktnkead Coal Cc.
 §f  V;  ` , _ ` ztlloh the loo s to I‘€llltJ. n u tlo {13 Thug", , , ,
 't;€jg{t,,;,~.~ { rl lllb stolé le the home of [ ,,,,,,,,.,.,, tt ,, h,sth,,_t binding ls to be ex- , _ Allthfaclté and Bltllllllllilll
 ;t,£,|,·t·i:,=e.;Z·. _   _ Platt SCl"l2ll"lIl0l' & •M&l1'X { ,,_.,.,,.,t_ ;.·h-hm doing eettt·,,n· nnnuul     C0-  
' "  ‘ ‘_     (1'l()th€b_"t}’Eul‘ makes It the work haw their busiest season ut that N_ E_ corner gherg end Mgrkgg, ,
 1,- A   youllg mall S StO1‘€. _ 1 mm, ,,,,,, ut, ,,,,,tw,. w,,,t.,, ts ,,0, ,,, 0,, Next Door Unlverelty Book Store. L€XlI1glZO!1, · Kéhtlmky
{ I . —` "’_ l ’ , * 777  
¥     ` — at be pttld for by the "[\t¥ll·
•   _ it N _`  ,’ • V ` _ • ` r- ` lllllt llllls
 vzittfj  tt  I wget];-exit?   Ilitclw l tutl\inn" nt nn increased price. L. M. LAIL    
nn ‘ tfji 3*  t ,·_._v` ‘ 4 _ _ ‘ _ ‘ ( 61 ul" l ’r|n~ stntt tthlrll will hnudle tho bus-
@31;,  _. lmhmgb im Y*’lml·i meth WU- l tn.  .-nu ot un- snnntn uns yeur tos _
   "   llwen st·lt·t·tt—d und llusluess Manage?    
_ ·I ,,; t l’LAI`I`\>ll uunouuoes the tolloxtlng tuetu·
,_·;§-_ 1 , 1 ; ,,0,.5. Styles for College Men
.   ’· llouer M. Purrlsh, lluslness Zlltulu.- and
A I ,
l as         so 1 Makers of Enghsh Clothes
'· · " I S I·I. <'ookt—, Assistant Business
· _ ‘. I,exington’s Biggest Store [·"¤¤¤¤·l¢—‘¤`· Phoenix Hotel Block Lexington, Ky.
c0w',“m,,utscM,m‘&uu‘ t Mluott Brooke, Subscription Maus-
t ·_
} \ “ •

 4 T H E I D E A L
THE IDEA     ·
. ’ The night school, which was opened
Publi h d Th r day throughout the Lollose year by the student body W   S
.0;, thgvgltzte Uunrverslty of Kentucky, for the benetlt of tho under- ee y   at Morton High School several weeks
graduates, alumni and   of the tnstltut|on;WA A- __ nm, hu proved successful “ it now
-?""4" _'-·t—A-**74 - V V ` r"  ;@¢QQ;;Qg;;;; ;;g;g;;Q$¢@¢;¢          
THE IDEA ls the ofhcial newspaper of the University. lt ts issued with
the yiey of furnishing to tut subscribers all the college news of Kentucky. °!°EN°A·'L'TY· } T"" '*’