xt7sn00zqj46 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zqj46/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-02-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  1, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  1, 1946 1946 1946-02-01 2013 true xt7sn00zqj46 section xt7sn00zqj46 Best copy Available
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This Week's Editorial
Begins Honor Series



Haiti Guest Artist
On Concert Series



First Musicale
Of Winter Quarter
program of
the University of Kentucky Sunday
afternoon musicale series will be
resumed February 3, when William
Hain. tenor, will present a varied
vocal program assisted at the piano
after-Christm- as

Sponsors Sessions
Educational and instructional sessions for over 2,000 delegates to the









ex-G- I's

Tau Sigma Rehearsals
Move Toward May Reeital

Mastodon Specimens
Are Identified
By Archaeologists

noted increase is evident in
student participation at Ouignol,
according to Wallace N. Brieas. di
rector of the little theater. Briggs
announced that theie are four Uni
versity students handling parts In
the forthcoming play, including Sue
Ann Turlcy, Hugh Collett, John
Barstow, and Robert Weiner.
The cast is as follows: Avery, the
housekeeper, Jane Ratchford; Tel-sothe butler, Jewell Doyle: Louise, the maid. Sue Ann Turlcy;
Anne, Hettie Knight; Caroline, Lucille Little; Victoria, Mary Lyons;


Mr. Chase. Hugh Collett; Mr. Neff,
Dr. Jack Sterrett; Dr. John Sully,
John Barstow; Rip, Robert Weiner,
and Lambert, Larry Snedaker.

lUptist Student L'nion . . . party
tonight at T pjn. in the Union
Folk dancing . . . tonight from 7 to
10 pjn. in Gym annex on South
Mortar Board . . . Dean Holmes'
home on Rose street at 7:30 p.m.
. . . 4:30 to

Wesley Foundation . . . Thursday
night at 6:30 in Room 204 of the
Union building.
Dutch Lunch club . . . will meet
at noon today in the Y Lounge of
the Union building.
4 pjn. MonTourney renunittee
day in Room 205 of the Union
7:30 p.m.
Home Economics club
Monday in the Home Economics
German club . . . Wednesday at 4
p.m. in Room 211 of the Biological
Science building.
Dutch Lunch club banquet
p.m. today in the Union building.
Open house . . . Sigma Nu house.
4 p.m. tomorrow.
Kappa Delta sorority . . . faculty
tea. 4 pjn. Sunday.
Alpba Xi Delta . . . faculty tea.
4 pjn. Sunday.
Alpha Gamma Delta . . . pledge
tea, 4 p.m. Wednesday.
Dancing lessons
6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Union building.
Faculty dinner . . . Patterson hall
at 6 p.m. Thursday.
F.lmside. women's residence unit at
Fourth and Walnut streets . . . will
hold open house from 3 to 6 p.m.
Sunday. Amie Winjie, social director, is in charge of arrangements.


Make Up Bar Opens




Although the group is not confined to any dance style, they work
primarily with modern dance. Mrs.
Shaw said they feel that since modern dance is the contemporary form
of theater dancing and modern expression, it deserves foremost consideration.



Guignol curtain
second play of
Door" a psychoElizabeth


Agriculture College

ODK Plans

Double Door
GuignoJ Production
For Second Quarter


Completing its business in a short club meetings and urged to add
and orderly fashion at the regular their influence to the growing
weekly meeting Monday night, the strength of the organization.
University Veterans' club heard imFavorable
action has resulted
portant announcements and com- from last week's petition to Unimittee reports while some others versity authorities on the "waiting
were referred to the next meeting. line" at the cafeteria while action
The session terminated early in on giving credit to veterans for the
order to permit members to attend required community health course
will be considered before the beginTech basketthe Kentucky-Georgning of the next quarter.
ball game.
The legislative committee report The annual election of officers
made by the chairman, James will be held Feb. 11 in compliance
constituBrock, plans for a delegation to go with the
to Frankfort Wednesday to work on tion of the club, it was announced
legislation which has been authori- by Joe Covington.
Under present regulations,
zed by the club. Joe Covington,
club commander, said that all other commander must give a two weeks
college veterans' organizations
in advance notice for the time of the
the state were being contacted so election which is held during the
effort" can be winter quarter.
achieved when legislation of vetAn OPA representative will be
erans interests is put to test at present and committee reports will
Frankfort. '
be made at next Monday night's
The membership committee an- meeting at 7 p.m. in the card room
nounced its plans for getting more of the Union building.
on the campus to join the
Invocation and benediction at the
club. All veterans attending the j meeting were given by Joe Ward,
University are invited to attend all club treasurer.




By R. Clayton Roland


Were you there? arr. Manney;
Little David, play on your Harp,
arr. Burleigh; Believe me if aU
those endearing young charms. Old
Irish; I Love Life, Mana-Zucc- a.


Ends Today

Home convention ends today with
final meetings in animal husbandry
and dairying, agronomy, and the
rural church and community as well
as closing sessions of the Kentucky
Veterinary Medical association and
the Kentucky Federation of Home- makers.
The convention, held under the
auspices of the agricultural extension division of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics,
opened Tuesday on the campus.
Feature of the meet is the farm
and home equipment show at the
which is open today from 8:30 a.m.
to 5 pjn., showing methods of toWilliam Hain
bacco disease control,
equipment which can be made at
home, and other time and energy
savers of interest to farm families.
Philosophy of the convention is
the statement by dean of the college. Dr. Thomas Poe Cooper, who
says, "Progress in agriculture deOmicron Delta Kappa, national
on an adequate program of
honorary fraternity for senior men, pends
scientific research to develop facts
will meet Tuesday to select men eli
of or ahead of the people's
gible for initiation. Dr. H. H. Down abreast
needs: appropriate means of bring
ing, emergency chairman, said to ing
the facts before the people; and1 The sixth annual dance produc- day.
the industry and intelligence of the tion of Tau Sigma, woman's dance
Dr. Downing has been chairman people in applying the facts."
fraternity, is being planned for pre
during the war and although the
sentation in May, Mrs. Revell Estill
fraternity has remained open he
shaw, faculty sponsor, announced
ljils wees.
stated that its activities had been
greatly curtailed.
Members of the fraternity under
Members of the emergency comthe direction of Mrs. Shaw will plan
and execute the recital with cosmittee are Dr. M. M. White. Dr. L.
Identifying bones and mastodon tumes and dances designed by camJ. Horlacher, Dr. W. & Webb, and
Dr. Downing. Dr. W. S. Ward is an teeth, found in caves or dredged pus talent.
active faculty member. Prof. R. D. from Kentucky rivers is a part of
UK Fourth Chapter
service of the UniMclntyre, who has recently re- the state-wid- e
Organized in 1938 under the di- Anthropolturned to the campus, is national versity's Department of
rection of Mary King Kouns as a
ogy and Archaeology.
treasurer of the honorary.
woman's athletic activity, the mod
Professor William B. Haag, cura
Morry Holcomb, law student, was
group affiliated with Tau
tor of the UK anthropology mu- ern dance
initiated in 1939 and has returned
Sigma Greek honorary in 1942. .The
seum, last week identified as "lower
recently to the University.
Greek fraternity was originated on
Dr. Downing expects the work of right first molar of a
University of Kansas campus,
mailed to him the
rebuilding the chapter to be begun Americanus" a tooth
being the
Irby, Jr., of Columbus.
at the Tuesday meeting and be- by John H.
Ky., who found the specimen dredglieves that by next year ODK will
, With the increasing
interest in
ing in the Mississippi river. Ac
be near Its pre-wcording to Haag the mastodon spec modern dance throughout the counimen Is a familiar one in Kentucky try, there will soon be many new
debecause licks and springs where chapters to enter," Mrs. Shaw
the beasts roamed- have always clared, revealing that the purpose
study dance
11-1- 3
been fruitful sources of specimens of the group is to
' ' techniques and to present the dance
'.-in the state.A make-u- p
bar for campus coeds
Another mastodon tooth," found to others and promote general
will be open February 11 through 13 this time on the bank of a creek interest.
in the game room of Jewell hall. in Harlan county, was identified by
Alpha Lambda Delta officers an- Haag a few weeks ago. Familiar
nounced this week.
visitors at the museum are three
Miss Elizabeth MacDonald Os Henry Clay high school boys who
borne, Dorothy Gray cosmetics rep- bring bones found in cave exploraresentative from New York, will be tion to be classified.
on campus for three days and will
Curious correspondents and visigrant personal interviews to all tors often give specimens to the
museum, and the department of
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman anthropology and archaeology has
women's honorary, will direct the gained many excellent specimens
make-u- p
bar under Miss Osborne's through the generosity of amateur
Margaret McDowell, probers.
Dr. William S. Webb is head of
honorary president, announced that
the hours will be 2 to 5 every the department, and other members
are Professors W. D. Funkhouser,
charged all Charles E. Snow and William
Fifteen cents will be
girls for interviews. Miss McDowell



Delia Zela open house
C:30 pjn. today.


Shaw Sponsor
Members of the group are Mrs.
i Shaw,
a member before she was
graduated and now sponsor; Ann
Barron, president; Margie Matt- miller,
Pat Shely,
secretary; Shirley Carmichel, treasurer; Jean Crabb, publicity manager; Jean Collier, Martha Great-hous- e,
Marjorie Hall. Carolyn
Ellen OBannon, Mary
O'Neill. Sarah Rodes, Gwen Pace,
Becky Shinkle; Beverly Brown, Til-l- ie
Gumm, Vivian Hereford Nand-be- ll
King, Doris McWilliams Frances Morgan, Dot Richardson, Juanlta
Robertson, and Jo Trapp.
As production goes forward on
the recital, further information will
be released, Mrs. Shaw concluded.

Interfraternity Council Ball
To Feature Name Band

Culture Development
Next Quarter Course
Developing student appreciation
of those underlying factors which
have produced our present-da- y
of life and pointing out the reasons
why we have diverse cultural patterns in the world today is the
two-foaim of a new course at the
University, "The Development of
It will be taught by Prof. William
G. Haag, curator of the anthropology museum on the campus and instructor of North American archaeology before he left for the Army
in 1942.

May Day Planned
Plans for the first May Day
celebration to be held at the
University in five years have
been made by SuKy, according
to Cornell Clarke, president of
the organization, who stated
that 69 campus organizations
will be asked to participate in
the festivities which have been
scheduled for Saturday, May 11.
Fraternties, sororities and other
groups will be asked to prepare
floats to represent their respective organizations in the traditional downtown parade which
is usually
held on that day,
Clarke said.
The day's festivities will end
with a big name orchestra playing for a dance which will be
held in the Bluegrass room of
the Union building, Clarke

Union Serving Hours
Have Been Changed

Hours for serving meals in the
Union Commons have been changed to meet the increased number of
students eating there, according to
Frank D. Peterson,
The Commons will be open the following hours:
Breakfast: 7 to 8:15; lunch: 11
until aU students have been served;
dinner: 5:10 to 7.

'Pair Of Jacks
Lead S. E. C. Scoring

1. 1916

Veterans Club Delegation
Appears In Frankfort

Farm-Hom- e


by Antonio Lora. who will also present a piano group.
Mr. Hain's attractive personality
and beautiful lyric tenor have established him an enviable reputation in a comparatively short time.
He has been heard in grand opera
as a leading tenor for two seasons
with the Charles I Wagner Productions on tour, having appeared
at the Cincinnati Zoo Opera in "La
Boheme" and "Faust." He also has
appeared to light opera, on the concert stage and over national hookups, has sung with the New York
Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra,
and has been tenor soloist with the
Cincinnati May Festival.
His program will include:
I If Thou be near. Johann Sebastian Bach; AmaiilU, mla brlla.
Guilio Caccini; Danta, fanciulla
gentile. Francesco Durante.
II O cease thy singing maiden
fair. Rachmaninoff; The Goat, Modest Moussorgsky; September Day,
Gustav Klemm; The Pipes of Gordon's Men, W. G. Hammond.
HI Aria: Pourquoi me reveiller,
from "Werther," Massenet.
IV Piano Group by Mr. Lora:
Polichinelle. Rachmaninoff; Clatr
de lune, Debussy; Malaguena,

On Feb. 25, the
will go up on the
the season. "Double
logical drama by







Model House
On Exhibition
'Campus Cottage'
Holds Open House
The demonstration house in
Cooper Village will be open for inspection by farm and home week
delegates from 2:30 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30. Decorations for
the house (number 109.) was planned by home economics department
Interior decoration class and members of the class will serve as hostess for the open house. An open
house for students, faculty, and
townspeople will be held from 2 to
5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 3.
The interior decorations class
planned the color scheme, purchased the fabrics and made couch and
pillow covers, bed spreads, curtains.
window valences and other items
used in the house. Miss Frances
Seeds, assistant professor in the de
partment and teacher of the class
was in charge of the project.
Decorations for the two bedroom
house were planned with the idea
that items chosen would be suitable for a house occupied by a
couple plus another adult. Colors
were chosen for th house as a unit
rather than for an individual room
with apple green as a key color. In
the main room this color appears
in the form of paint for the ceiling
only. Walls were left in natural
wood. In one bedroom tobacco canvas curtains were dyed an apple
green, and the figured bedspread
and window valence repeat the color
together with deeper green, henna,
black and white. In the second bedroom, spreads for the twin beds are
done in pale green and white Inexpensive fabric.
A description of the decorating
scheme together with itemized cost
and cutting diagrams, and a list of
housekeeping equipment necessary
fa available
from the home economics department office in the
home economics building.

Joint Committee
To Hear Donovan
Legislators Will




Consider Budget
President Herman Lee Donovan will speak Tuesday before
the Joint appropriations committee of the House and Senate
concerning the request for
larger appropriations roc the
University in the next biennium.
The Frankfort trip will be
another step In the University's
active backing of the bill for
more money to be used for more
buildings, a larger staff, and
general expansion.

The appropriations bill asks for
in the biennium 1946-4- 7.
and for a slight Increase to 12.955,-01- 0
In the biennium 1947-4This
represents a substantial increase
over the 11.475,750 requested for the


Dr. H. L. Donovan


Engineer Faculty
To Submit

Jett Resolutions

Resolutions are being prepared on
the death of Professor Carter Coleman Jett. to be presented to the
faculty of the University College of
Engineering and to the University
Faculty and Board of Trustees.'
Professor S. B. Walton is chairman of the committee preparing
the resolutions which includes professors L. E. Nollau and W. J. CarreL
Professor Jett, 68, died at 10 ajn.
illlast Tuesday after a
ness following a heart attack. He
was a professor of machine design
in the UK engineering college, and
a native of Jett, Franklin county.
He came to the University in 1925.
He received a bachelor of mechanical engineering degree at the
University in 1899 and later a masHe
ter's degree in engineering.
had taught at the University of
Minnesota and at Bradley Poly111, and
technic Institute,-Peorihad worked for steel companies at
Youngstown and Cleveland. Ohio,
and Pittsburgh. Pa., before Joining
the University staff.
of the Chris
Independent and Constitutionalist He was a member Alpha Epsilon
tian church. Sigma
wye?aUVVe,ne'Separately! social fraternity and several other
l" xux
lotal 01
candidates from whom the most fraternal
include two sisters.
Popular man will be elected by stuwith whom, he
dents at the Student Union Board Miss Elizabeth Jett,M. C. Darnell,
lived, and Mrs.
dance which will be
given from 9 to 12 pjn. next Satur- Frankfort.
day night, Feb. 9. Three men will
represent each party.
The most popular man and Miss
Sylvia Mayer,
beauty queen, will lead a grand
one-we- ek

Two Groups Name
Possible No minees
For Popular Man



Women Voters Group
Hears Vandenbosch
At Monday Meeting



Increases Itemized
Among the items in which an increase is asked are: division of colleges. College of Agriculture and
Home Economics with its state-wiservices, repairs to buildings, scientific laboratory equipment,
engineering experiment station, capital
outlay, and the Bankhead-FIanna-ga- n
fund to match new federal
One argument for increased appropriations is the comparison of
UK budget figures with those of
neighboring state universities. Illinois' appropriations for the present
biennium is well over nine million.
Ohio State's is almost seven million.
Indiana state colleges' (including
Purdue and Indiana University) is
nearly three million, while the universities of 'Virginia. Missouri and
West Virginia each totaled over two
million in the years .'or which the
University of Kentucky
less than a million and a half.
Veterans Expect Mora
Increased enrollment at UK. over
3,500 this quarter and gaining toward a probable 5.000 in September
1946. demands an increased budget.
"Veterans especially, but other students as well, will expect more from
institutions of higher learning than
those same institutions were r tiering before the war." says the University's official printed "Budget
Request" submitted to alumni, interested legislators, and educators
ling before the General Assembly
actually began consideration of the
appropriation bill.
The Legislative Council of the
Kentucky General Assembly visited
the UK campus last November and
expressed to President Donovan at
that time, a real interest in the University's problems and expansion
Alert to campus needs and interested In student reaction, members
of the Kentucky General Assembly
would welcome letters from students
in behalf of the budget bill.


march after the presentation.
Tickets to the dance will go on
The Campus League of Women
sale Wednesday through Friday
The first big name band of the from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Union Voters presented Dr. Amry VandenDepartment of
year will be featured at the Inter- building. Tickets will also be sold bosch. head of the
Political Science, at their meeting
at the door during the dance.
fraternity council formal Friday,
held Monday afternoon in the
The dance will be
Feb. 15 in the Bluegrass room of and only students who arrive be- Music room of the Union building.
the Union building, Bill Sullivan, fore 10:15 p.m. will be permitted He discussed the "United Nations
organization and Trusteeship."
to vote.
president, announced Wednesday.
Bobby Bleidt will furnish music.
Dr. Vandenbosch explained that
Dean Hudson and his orchestra, Admission will be $1.50 stag or drag.
the trusteeship system is not new,
who are featured at the Lincoln
but corresponds to the mandates
which were set up by the League
hotel in New York, will furnish the Buy
Dance Tickets,
of Nations at Geneva.
music for the dance, which will be
Although the functions of the two
' built around the theme of returning
Name Band
systems are comparable, the Trus"GI Joes."
"This is the students' chance to
teeship Council of the UNO has
Twelve fraternities will be repre- indicate a real interest in a big additional powers of investigation
name dance band for a UK formal,'' lacking
QUESTION: DO YOUR STUDsented, each fraternity having tickin the mandate system.
ets for all its members and dates, Dick Hundley, chairman of the
Dr. VandenFollowing his talk.
Union Board's spring dance, said
and for 10 additional guests.
bosch answered questions from the SOCIAL LIFE?
Plans are being discussed to have
James Gragg. Agriculture, freshThe Union Board's spring formal
Dean Hudson, his orchestra, and
Dr. Vandenbosch was a delegate man: What studies!! What social
will feature a "name'" band, "like
his a capclla choir present a short Dorsey, Goodman,
conference life!!
James. Kaye, at the San Francisco
concert in Memorial hall on Friday
Aletheia Foliate. Commerce,
Herman or Kyser," according to which organized the UNO. and
afternoon before the dance.
Hundley, if advance ticket sales, secretary of the Committee for sophomore: Yes. I ihink you hava
to study too hard, and they give
Bill Sullivan is in charge of ar- beginning February 1 in the Union, Trusteeship.
Working with Prime Minister you too much to do I'd rather
indicate a good student response.
Bill Sullivan
Frazer of New Zealand, chair- have more fun!
man of the committee. Dr. VandenBill Harrison. Engineering, freshbosch helped form the policies man: You're darn right!!
which are now being tested at the
Willie Lee Blackford. ArricutlHrr.
current sessions of the UNO in senior: Seldom have time for either
due to letter writing.
their assignment orders . . . Girl Delta Tau Delta boasted of 112 stars White was appointed head of the
freshBill RasseU, Commeire.
Indepen!u its service flag
Dr. James psychology department
fencers met the men fencers . .
man: I guess they are. if they're
University stu- Bun Miner, psychology department dents discussed plans for the elec- 'Doc' Rodes Dies
Approximately 800
not they should be!
dents entering the service at the head, died . . . The spring term tion campaign . . . Dr. John Kuiper,
Jim Woody. Engineering, fresh"Doc" Rodes, University
end of the quarter were honored registration total was 1.600 . . . Bar. head of the department of phillight
quarter man: Well. I'm carrying a
bara Rehm played the title role in osophy, gave the second in the of Kentucky
. . . Dr. Frank L. McVey, president
schedule since it is my first quarter
series of annual lectures by out back in 1916. died suddenly Monday
emeritus of the University, was to "My Sister, Eileen."
in four years, and I have made it
April, 1943: The Kerne! chang- standing professors in the College night in the House of Representa- - so
aid the Venezuelans in building a
that it won't interfere with my
tives in Frankfort while supporting
Dr. Thomas
ed from twice a week to once a of Arts and Sciences
"university city."
The Junior-Seniany bids?
the interests of the trucking indus- night life
prom ended the University week . . . The government used Clark of the history department
Jane Allen Wolf. A A 3, junier:
try in Kentucky. He was a resident
social season . . . Great Lakes UK's laboratories for research work published a book on Simon Kenton
Not as long as we have games in
reported for of Lexington and operated a truck- Louisville.
. . . Junior ROTC's
drowned the Wildcats . . . Gov. Keen . . . SGA drafted another constituing business here.
Johnson spoke at the rally honoring tion, one of many . . . Col. B. E. duty April 26 . . . The University's
Cecil (Fishbaitt Wood. Engineer- J...,.-,.,- -.
In n I Klnlino of
was changed
University students entering the Brewer was named head of the administrative set-u- p
,1: i .L'. Vta . aJ m . i. uc . , ing. freshman: But definitely!
Ella Seal. A AS. sophomore: Since
Dr. M. M. White was 1525th Service unit . . . Approxi- for the second time within two star here for three years before enDr. Henry Beaumont represented the Patterson Literary mately 200 Army Air cadets sta- years
I don't study, I don't know.
tering the Army in 1917.
society distinguished service award tioned at Transylvania college had sumed his teaching position at the
Mildred Graham. Agriculture,
Two of his three daughters, Sarah
as the outstanding professor of the to march to the University Union University after service with the and Caroline Rodes, attend the sophomore: It's more
Army in Washington . . . Men's
year . . . James Collier resigned as building every day for meals . .
with me!
SGA president . . . C. Edwin Barnes. Joseph C. Grew, former ambassador dorms were vacated by civilians and
Joe Lyle. A4S. freshman: Seldom! Seldom!
William Caywood, and John Kerr, to Japan was scheduled to speak at the Army took over . . . ApproxiCatherine Rowady. A AS, junior:
were selected by Omicron Delta the June graduation ceremonies . . . mately 200 University enlisted reNeither my social life or studies
Kappa, men's leadership honorary Dr. William R. Allen spoke at the serves were called to duty
Pat Snider, Kernel editor, wrote first lecture of the annual series ROTC students reported to Ft.
are requested to atgiven by outstanding professors in Thomas for active duty . . . 500
"30" to her last day as editor .
As an outlet for levity So They
tend an important meeting at
Say occasionally intrrsperits
Scabbard and Blade prepared fr the College of Arts and Sciences soldiers arrived to form an engi5 p.m. Tuesday In the Armory,
Acquisition of a field house site neering unit . . . Patterson hall was
more thoughtful questions with an
its Anal dance . . . Delta Delta
Nancy Ellen Taylor, captain,
invitation to gay. sparkling wit like
Delta gave a farewell dance for on Euclid avenue was made by the vacated for the Army . . . Lt. Mark
announced today.
this week's question.
the men entering the service . - Board of Trustees . . . Dr. M. M. Jacobs was killed in a plane crash.



Catching Up With The Campus
By Jim Wood
This is the fourth in a scries of
articles to acquaint the
with the University of Kentucky during the war years.
March, 1943: Dorothy Eckler and
Carolyn Spicer were nominated in
the YWCA election for presia-gooa
. Guignol s cast displayed
acting in "Watch on the Knine.
. "Insanity and Intelligence
Twins" was the final topic in vr.
Edward Newbury's open psychology
class . . . Vols beat the 'Cats in the
conference finals . . . The Curtis
String Quartet played at a UniA short quarter
versity musical
rumor was reported as false .
Approximately 150 books were donated to the University Victory book
campaign . . . Carolyn Spicer was
elected president of the YWCA . . .
Doris Smith was presented as band
SDonsnr for thi nomine year . .
Bob Amnions complained of the
too frequent goodbyes of the enlisted reserves. Junior ROTC's and
air corps men stationed at the University who had not yet received




















� The Kernel Editorial Page










utter rTLZ?t2 oYsTtT, ST




4tO Madwom




One Step Higher

The Free Lance
By Scotty McCnllorh


Advertising Solicitors
Rewrite Editor
Stag Assistants

Alt signet articles ant column! art to bs conrldered the
ooMoim o the writer themtelnet, and to not neceuarilt
reject the opinion of Ths Kernel.


This Thing Called Honor
Grad Writes Letter
Dear Miss lxng:


Recently I read with interest an editorial in
The Kernel extolling the virtues of Honor Systems and the need lor one at the University of
Kentucky. Because I graduated from a women's
college where all phases of campus life including
classroom examinations were permeated by the
spirit of a strong "Honor system," I wish to raise
some questions in regard to such a set-uin
your school.

The standards at tlic University are the standards of the students. While no one jxrson would
like to be termed a "cheat," not until he learns
for the rights of others
and demands a
can he exject a better reputation for himself
or his college.
How are the standards at the University? Very
low! The editorial to which Miss Knapp refers
attempted to show the need for improvement,
and suggested the honor system as a plan to
encourage growth of a tradition of honor for
UK. She says that the system worked in the
sIlt' attended-- it has worked in
fi"'ls stfK1
other colleges. Hut it can le adopted at the
University only ; the students want it.

We had ultimate control. over the course of
action to follow rare infractions of the principles
of the Honor Code vested in a student committee
composed of the
of the four
The Kernel has planned a series of editorials
classes, and the Senior offices on the Student l)oth pro and con the honor system in the hope
Government Association Executive Board- - If that some constructive action may be taken by
this committee did not wish to pass judgment the student !ody or SGA. The University has
on a particular incident, it could be referred to raised its athletic standing, will soon construct
a committee composed of three faculty members
new buildings and grow in other ways. What
and three student members. That committee's-decisiobetter time could there be to start the tradition
wotdd be final. However, seldom did of honor as an integral part of campus living?
that group have to meet, and the student Honor
Council very rarely.
The Honor Code is something which merely
Kentucky's Future
stresses those principles of honorable personable U,V S
conduct which should be thoroughly grounded
The University's plans for the next few years
in a student long before he reaches college age; hang in the balance in Frankfort. And the
provision for consideration of infringements is stales are apparently tipped in the direction to
necessitated by the sad fart that there are thot
lift Kentucky's slate institution from the ranks
jx'ople in any college who need the help of of the
colleges and put it nearer
others in living up 10 his own highest ideals. the level of lit'ihlxning.jtimvcrsities in stale
With this in mind, you can understand why we appropriations. ' !'ii' ' !!! .;
look our exams without the attendant presence
Within the next week legislators will have
of instructors, or faculty stool pigeons. This is
their'chaitce 10' show that 'tley comprehend the
:tIso the reason that class attendance by
of adequate educational facilities in
students is regulated by their conscience importance
their slate .university by approving the budget
and the caliber of their work.
which hashcen 'submitted.
However, I would here point out that an
The joint appropriations committee has asked
Honor System without the respect of those parPresident' Donovart to
them in
ticipating, is not an Honor System. You need
Tuesday' io outline the' budget plans. He will
fust the
complete participation
by the student body, and secondly, you need show just why the 32,707,280 is a minimum sum
respect, encouragement and exemplary behavior to ask if UK is to provide for an enrollment of
from the faculty and administration. You must
5,000 in
and the demands of a larger
lx- sure that you have guiding the academic
numlKT of veterans. The invaluable research
phase of your college life men who personally
carried on at the exjcriinent stations, in coal,
exemplify those principles of honor and
tobacco and other fields should not le restricted
which you will be pledgIjecause of lack of funds. There is no one part
ing yourselves to observe as a member of an
"Honor System." You must also remember that of the budget which tan be whittled down for
you will also be in a large measure responsible
there is not one div ision that should suffer. Who
for not only yourself, but for your fellow stuwould take