xt7sn00zqh9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zqh9k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1949-05-13  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 13, 1949 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 13, 1949 1949 1949-05-13 2013 true xt7sn00zqh9k section xt7sn00zqh9k The Kentucky Kernel

May Day Parade
2 P.M. Saturday






Number 26

FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1949


May Day Event
Planned Saturday

Symphony Group
In Final Concert

Annual Honors Day

Pr. Raymond Walters!
Delivers Address



Fair And Mild
High Of 80


Recognition Awarded Students Stein To Direct

At Fifth




chestra, under the direction of Dr.
Sjwcial ircognition was warded
Edwin E. Stein, will present the
approximately 1.000 University stufinal concert in the afternoon mudents at the fifth annual Honors
The United Nations will be in Lexsics le series, Sunday in Memorial
Pay program Wednesday in Merevue when the
ington for one-da- y
Hall at 4 p.m.
morial Hall.
The expansion program of the annual May Day celebration is held
Dr. Raymond Walters, president
The program selections will be
Kernel printing plant got under way tomorrow.
of the University of Cincinnati,
largely from the romantic period,
festivities include the
this week with the arrival of a por- -,
spoke on "High Scholarship and the
will include numbers featuring
tion of the machinery purchased UN Prade. coronation of the queen,
Challenges of Today."
the harp.
for the plant. Don Grote. manager. presentation of her court, and the
Bell Gives Student Response
The concert will open with
said today.
Graydon D. Bell delivered the rein G Minor." by Purcell. The
sponse in behalf of the student body
Equipment which has arrived in- countries of
of this
outstanding characteristic
the UN pact will be led
cludes a flat stitcher for books up in the parade by the May Queen
and Vice President Leo M. Cham-bfrlai- n
work is that the bass part is inpresented the honor stuto V, inches in thickness, a broach- - fI
cessantly repeated while the upper
..... -- u.
dents. Recognition was given all
.u.. Administration Drive on campus at
uig macmi.e
voice is constantly changing. It is
students who had accumulative
the production of complicated rule
a classic dance form developed from
standings of 2.0 or higher, those reforms, and eight newspaper make- j, move down Ume.
an old dignified dance.
and other
up stones on casters, which allow stone to MaxweU street. across
Franck's Symphony Included
special awards, and members of
to be moved about.
the "turtles"
Maxweil to Broadway, down Broad-GroHighlighting the program will be
various honorary groups.
said that the remainder ofway to Main street, up Main to
Francks "Symphony in D Major."
invocation and benediction
the f."0.000 worth of machinery pur- street, and from Rose Street
Regarded as one of the greatest
were given by Sara Mae Greene,
chased will include a linotype ma- -'
ston pieid.
Beethoven, the
symphonies since
president of the University VMCA.
chine; a Ludlow typograph. which.
Donovan To Crown Queen
Dr. Raymond C. Wallers, presillHWl
:...SKtl W til
work is the most frequently played
TJie organ prelude and postlude were
will eliminate hand setting of ds-- j
May Queen wiU
of the I'niversity of CincinIt is ranked
of all symphonies.
presented by Mrs. Lela W. Cullis of dent
Members of Suky listen as Rubye Graham (book in hand) reviews plans for the organization's float
play type; a large automatic press by
Donovan, president of
nati, was the principal speaker at with the four great works in this
the University faculty.
small-jtn- e
in the annual May Day parade on Saturday. Surrounding Miss Graham, from left to right, are Bill
lor bulletins, circulars, etc.:
0niVersity. on Stoll Field at
the Honors Day program WednesRickey Honored
form by Brahms.
O'Bannon, Opal Owen, Eugene Stevens, Frances Farmer, Charles Whalcy (seated), Frank Matnro, and
er press for envelopes, tags, and tne conciu.sion of the parade at anday morning.
Major awards not previously anNancy Folts.
The program will continue with
items; a mitering machine proximately 4 p .m.
nounced were:
jthe third movement of "Five Nov-- j
for setting decorative
Members of Tau Sigma. Troupers,
Charles S. Brent Memorial prize
String Quartet," by Glaz- elettes for
bindery equipment which includes a RoTC. and the UK Band will par-- I
to the junior making the highest
na-- i
ounow. This music shows the
gang stitcher with four stations; a ticipate in the coronation program.
standing in American history Don
tionalistic spirit of its composer,
rotary perforating machine; and a Charles Whaley. president of Suky.
Registration Scheduled
Tickets Available
who was one of the most prolific
large paper Jogger.
will act as master of ceremonies.
Kentucky Press Association award
For Language Exams
For Commencement
of all Russian composers.
Danee To Start At 8 p.mu
Enlargement of the printing plant
Gifts totaling $41518 were
most deserving Jour- of $100 to the
The annual May Day dance is
Students interested in tuking
is a measure designed to enable the
Graduating seniors may get remajor on the basis of fresh- - cepted for the University by the Next to be heard will be an orplant to meet more of the Uni- -' scheduled to start at 8 p.m. in the
serve seat tickets for the graduaexecutive committee of the Board chestral intermezzo, "The Walk to foreign language proficiency exman and sophomore years' work
SUB Ballroom will end the regal
The Paradise Garden," by Dclius.
XTprinpHn v
aminations must register in room
nf Trust
Jtivt A Anrirsnn
presented to tion exercises at the office of the versity s printing needs. Plans for festivities. Tinker Bagsarly
Eleven awards were
128., McVey Hall, before May 21.
and his
dean of women on or before June the remodeling of the Kernel plant
Strauss Walts Featured
Phi Beta applied music scholar- - The General Education Board 'of
University ROTC students at the
The examinations, required for
2. The central section of the north
are being made by an efficiency en- - orchestra will play for the dance,
ship of $100 to a woman music major New York City gave $37,650 to be Concluding the program will be
27th annual Field Day exercises
The sponsors of winning floats in
side of McLean Stadium will be gineer from the American Type
Marion Stafford.
used toward the cost of a demon- - "Emperor Waltzes, opus 437," by all candidates for A.B. and B.S. held at Alumni Gymnasium Monthe nen s and women's divisions will
degrees, will be given May
Alpha award, a plaque to stration program to improve
Company in Cincinnati,
reserved. Five tickets for relatives
Phi Mu
e Strauss.
The waltzes describe the
be announced at the Intermission of
outstanding senior music major estry practices and the processing loneliness of Emperor Franz Josef,
are allowed each person.
the ball. Tryouts accepted for Suky
The program consisted of drill
William A. McKenney.
marketing of forest products who, though living simply, felt the
In case of rain commencement
membership will be presented, and
contests, individually and by groups,
Alpha Zeta award to the sopho- - in ti,c Eastern Kentucky highlands, desolation of a mystic aloofness.
exercises will be held in Memorial
Gene Stevens, new president of th
and the presentation of awards by Hall.
more in Agriculture having the
other gifts accepted were $1558 Ushers
special guests for the
organization will be introduced.
President H. L. Donovan.
highest standing during his fresh- - from tne v s public Health Service concert and
are members of Phi Beta
May Queen candidates and their
Trophy Awards
man year John W. White.
for cooperative work in Salmonella ; and Phi Mu Alpha music fraterniA Joint meeting of the student
The highlight of the twenty-- f ifth Suky escorts for the ceremony are
Anonymous scholarship of $16j'$500 from tne Midtnc West
Trophies were awarded to the folties.
chapter of the University of Ken- lowing individuals and groups:
annual Kentucky High School Mu - Betty Eliott and Frank Bry:n.
available to a freshman in
Committee for con.
and Ryburn
tucky and the University of Louissic Festival will be the presentation Nancy Shelbourne
Uire or Home Economics-Doro- thy
study on plant food ncpds
W. McCurry reCadet James
Chorus under Weakley. Bertha Ann Lutes and
ville American Society of Civil En- ceived
of the
of Kentucky soils and crops; and
the American Legion Man
Roy V. Helty of Richard Crafton. Nancy Shinnick
gineers is being held in Louisville
Block and Bndle scholarships to U5Q0 from tne
Dr. Edward Everett Dale, research the direction of
o' War Past No. 8 trophy for su- Intcmational Min.
Maturo. Lona Price and
Bowling Green. Ohio, tomorrow at nd
junior and senior members of
premacy in the close order drill professor of history at the Univer- nd chcmical corporation of
Bl O Bannon. Frances White and
MVCiAJvm juuiu
speaking contest and manual of arms contest. Mc- sity of Oklahoma, delivered a serle: 3 p.m. in Alumni Gym.
wniil vtmtu v. Chicago for work in burley tobacco
A competitive
Bradley. Roy R. Camic Carl C. t
Elbert Harber, Arts and Sciences will be held at the annual en- Curry won over 17 other, drill speMore than 8000 Kentucky teen - 'Glenn Wills, PriscUIa McVey and
of lectures on the Old West here
Deskins, Frgy Kirkpatrick
sophomore, Is the recipient of the gineers' banquet tonight at the
Hamilton. Robert Hicks, Frank Lin- agers are participating in the fes yesterday and today.
A recommendation
of the Unicialists in a 30 minute contest.
ton, Thomas McClain, and James
summer scholarship offered by the Kentucky Hotel.
tival which opened Thursday at
versity that the doctor of philosCompany A. commanded by Cadet
Hunter nd Marlon MasonDr. Dale spoke at the Training Lexington and Bowling Green.
ophy degree be granted in the de- departments of
The University of Kentucky rep - Capt Blaine a. Guthrie, received School yesterday morning on "The
Floats Listed
Borden Agricultural
and sociology for work
The Cleveland Heights Choir, di topics are the Col. George D. Freeman trophy
award of $300 to a selected senior in partments of sociology and rural among the Navajo Indians, Dean resentatives and their
Romance of the Cattle Country," rected by George Strickllng. pro to be
United Nations memuer
sociology and in agriculture ecoJoseph Pochmis, "Determination of recognizing company drill.
dairying Robert N. Samples.
alld t Frazee Hall yesterday after- - sented a concert Thursday night represented In the parade by floats
M. M. White, chairman of the seConnomics was also approved.
the Modulus of Elasticity of
Block and Bridle senior plaque
Winner of the platoon drill con-- 1 noon on "Adventures in Author-telection committee, has announced.
in Memorial Hall as part of the fes - competing for awards are Australia,
crete in Place"; Harvey Field Jr.,
David E. Hatchett.
was the first platoon of Com-- 1 ship."
The award was made on the basis "Improving
'Pi Kappa Alpha: Belgium. Kappa
the Durability of Con- pany C, led by First Lt. Paul H.
Fleming County Farm Bureau
t. :
B.111.C, HIIU
The instrumental sections and; Sigma; Brazil. Alpha Phi Omega;
In a talk at Frazee Hall this morn
crete Made from River Gravel." and Gunstoii. The award was the Ken
scholarships of $150 to a student
Zeta Beta Tau; China.
H. Clyde Reeves, state commis- - participation in the course, "Socieing at 8 o'clock. Dr. Dale will speak vocal section for high schools
Wesley Witt,
tucky Chapter, Reserve Officer As- - on The Social Frontier." He will
the Western Kentucky area pha Xi Delta; Costa Rica. Alpha
sioncr oi revenue, win speak at a ties Around the World." The award
and Home Economics from Fleming political science luncheon
srint.ion t.ronhv.
deliver his final lecture in room are being held on campus. Louis Sigma Phi; Egypt. Delta Tau Delta;
in the will cover transportation, lodging,
county Gordon Lee Cowan.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon;
Football Room of the SUB at noon meals, and incidentals.
302. Frazee. today at 10 a.m. His Clifton, director of the extension Ethiopia.
Air Forre Medal GiVfn
Scholarships Awarded
department, is in charge of UK France. Sigma Nu; Greece. Alpha
Other members of the selection
was awarded the Air subject will be "Speech of the
Fred Perkins
Jessie H. and Mary Glbbs Jones
Delta Pi; Haiti. Phi Delta Theta;
sections of the festival.
Commissioner Reeves will speak committee
were Prof. Irwin T.
scholarships, a sum of $5,000 avail- Force Association medal as the out- ,
Iceland. Alpha Gamma Delta; India.
aspects of tnc states tax
Sanders, Prof. J. R. Schwcndcman,
Alpha Zeta. national honorary, standing military graduate of the
able each year to students in Agri- - lon
Sigma Phi Epsilon; Iran. Kappa
,ems- tonight, Air rotC.
and Prof. Charles E. Snow.
will initiate 22 members
and Home Economics select- Kappa
Mexico. Alpha
w www
Dr. Herman L. Donovan has been
Club trophy
ed through state-wid- e
Gamma Rho; Iraq. Kappa Alpha;
elected an associate member.
John Adams, Betty Andes, Doris
was presented to Donald Spears
Netherlands. Zeta Tau Alpha.
The initiates are Daniel Case,ifor tne adVanccd course member
Ann is. William Carlton, Fred Davis,
Norway. Delta Delta Delta; Peru.
Welby Timmons. Richard Temouth. possessing
William H. Davis, William Durham,
outstanding qualities
Delta Chi: Philippines, Kappa Delta:
By J. Benifer
furl Rituation in Greece. pnianfi T,mhri
Hazel Mae Forman, Richard Fuchs,
John White. Robert Barnes, . rTaiiK
s v to an orTicer.
Alnha- Sanrii.
i II rritiral
fn.. ur
ej1 "c r
Wiley. Aivin rans, K.an uraay. m P"i'- - anth tli nP . - The country is destitute or ny una
Martha Gamblin, Helen Hatcher,
Herald - Leader
Delta Zeta; Siam. Chi
and- dred Harding, Douglas Howard, IluStropny was won by Edwin s Wal. of the United States, will win tneir of fuel exceot ,or a rw inferior omega;
Charles Haynes, Helen Hollings- Alpha
changes approved recently by profcssor of
' r deposits of lignite, ana coai sens Theta ; Turkey, Patt Hall; Union of
nistorv granted an ex Macitcy.
worth. Robert Huffman, Ashby l. st"'
.ters for the highest score in rifle """'
the University Board of Trustees tension of leave for the months of Roscoe Isaacs Jr.. James Barnes,
n. wooas. proiunu
ton. Gasoline South Africa. Jewell Hall: Russia.
for from $50 to $75
(Continued on Page Four)
leam competition.
are as follows:
.. .
State College, told an audience of
jjuly and August, to complete the Dallas SkufTett. Gainctt Francis,
AlDha Tau Omeea- United Kingdom.
Scholastic Aw-ri- ls
history and political science stu- College of Arts and Sciences Ap residence requirements for his de- - John Barnett, Waller Cooper, Win In speaking of the food situation. phi Sigma Kappa; Yamen, Sigma
poinlmrnts: Charles F. Diehl. visit- - cree at the University of Minnesota, ford Thomas, Carl Hamilton, Cecil The Phoenix Hotel trophy for the dents here
the Murray speaker said that the chi; New Zealand. Tau Alpha: and
visited people of Greece are not in im - Darnel, Tau Alpha Pi.
The Murray educator
ing lecturer, irepartmcnt of psy- - Clifford Amyx. assistant professor Burnette, Edgar McDaritt. and Ew - member of the first year basic
course havino the hithest scholar - Greece last vcar as a State Depart
, chology. for July
and Aunust; Mrs. of art, granted leave for the sum-- ; pil rnnvprs
ship average in military science for ment representative and aided hthe 1948 wheat crop was up 60 per 11. .
Bculah J. Hill, instructor, depart- - mcr.
By Ken Lyttle
was the program of rehabilitation of the cent ovef tne previo,
year, and
the academic year
ment of psychology, for the sumResignations: Ernest L. Pollitzer
Business concerns in Kentucky
won b? Edward L. Scrivner.
rural people of that country.
'prospects are reported good for the,
mer session; Mrs. Lolo L. Robinson, and .Tames R Proctor.
ill- e
'Outsiders' At Cinema
and surrounding states are hiring
The Lafayette Hotel trophy to! Greek guerrillas are supported
professor, department of structors in cnemistry.
1949 harvest.
brains, not from the physiology de- assistant
Outside r," starring Gcorge the member of the first year ad- - rcctly by Russia, Dr. Woods said,
from the de-- 1
Wheat products constitute a con-- 1 The mining and me'allury de- College of Agriculture and Home
partment, but from the Commerce English, transferringarts,
having the highest and have excellent lines of com Isiderable portion of the diet of the partment of the College of En
partment of radio
where she Economics
James Sanders and Marv Macuire. will vanced course
part-tim- e
assistant pro- - wjlIiam Mandia, assistant bactcr-fesso- r; be shown at Memorial Hall tonight, scholastic average m military sci- - munication Unking tnem wiui mt tolinlrv with an annual per capita gineenng won the Engineers Day
Bargains in Brains, a pamphlet, has been a
countries oi consllmpUon of 239 pounds of wheat Open House award for the best
Albert C. English, assistant lologist , dcpartment of animal
The first show will start at 7 ence for the current year was pre- - Communist-dominate- d
is printed each spring by the ComBulgaria and Albania.
scntecl to James Cherry.
'in the form of bread alone. Per series of displays and demon-.- t r.- nHollis S. Liogv; Gcorge P. Summers, field p.m., the second at 9 p.m.
of chemistry;
merce College to enable employers
The former state director of voca- - capila consumption of wheat in all Hons.
The Rotary Club trophy to the
assistant professor of
jn marketmg for two months.
ti familiarize themselves with UK English; Margaret McCarv.llc. as-- !
nicinbiT of the advanced course tional education went on to say lormit inciuding macaroni, stands
Prof. C. S. Carter of the dnwt- H. Good,
2V Bvro
cffectivc M
commerce graduates.
selected by secret vote of his fcl - lthat the Greek people are now in al 31, pounds ppr year. as com- - ment of metallurgy,
sistant geologist Kentucky Geo-- . .siu
and R!ph
hus- fessor of animal
LVan Carpenter of the Commerce logical Survey;
studpnts as excelling in the their ninth year of continuous war.
in ii,e
James A. Ward, . al.
College aid the mailing list ingreatly Unllcd
citizenship and their land has suffered
of good
professor of mathematics and
accepted the award,
Leave of absence: Raymond H.
cludes 2500 names. Many colleges tronomy.
iinrirr t.hr imnarl. lie said tnal. al- lorrif rrlaihorne
Features of the winning display
Lickcrt assistant state agent. Ag- "at Very Little .Meal
get this list but have
have tried to
Outstanding military students of The Kiwanis Club trophy pre- - though American aid to Greece is;
the Lectromelt furnace.
J. E. Hernandez, associate profes- - j ricultural
extremely scarce. tjr
tailed. The booklet is only dis.i,
r... must he Meat is
t t .u- the University will be interviewed
diffraction units, electric arc fur- I.
tributed to faculty and potential sor of romance languages, made r j c u j t u r a j Extension Division, this month for positions in the Regv..,;.. ,h hih.imnti....Mi if m
lo save that Woods said. The average Greek naces. spot welders, the Rockwell
acting head of the department of granted sabbatical leave for the
family is served meat from eight
employers, he added.
ular Army.
est scholastic record in military sci - Quarter of the world from Com- l.
period September zi. vjvj. tnrougn
to fifteen times a year, and fish Hardness tester, and a vibrating
Bargains in Brains contains pic- - ,u,"""-VOUT WUS WOI1 mimiSfTl
According to Col. G. T. McKenzic, a.w.a f.t. IK.
lab- ,v,
ratio. Bread.
lures of graduating or graduated baliral lcave of Professor Hobart- June 15. 1950. to take advanced head of the military science de- Iw Maurice K ..
it in about the same make up the fCrecn displaiTd by the minus
n nm. i
van Meier.
- Rvland for the academic year 1943work at Cornell University,
commerce students. With the picanee rendered Greece by the United olive oil. and cheese
partment, the interviews will be
: Rufus
Adrian Cherry, Jr.. part- tures is material pcrUining to the
RciRna,ions. W. c. Rhodes,
Com Three Army
tlme '"ructor m romance lan- - sistanl cnlomologist. department of held May
Kentucky Cup States, I am convinced that
I he University of
scholastic work and their
The average farm size ... Greece
wml,t by Uus Ume have
will be on the War DepartW. Gladden, assist- Kuages; James
for the company attaining the high engulfed
and jtany; Mrs. Mary ment interviewing board.
Mcial interests.
Grrec(t Turkey, runs about eisht acres, the former
est scholastic average during
UK's Commerce College was one a,lt Professor of sociology; Howard, w H
assistant home demon-o- f
llalV- - and perhaps France." he said. State Department aide said. The
Students who meet the requirechem-to
year was presented
booklet of K. Ziinmerman. instructor in
.clte County
the first to print
piece of
wf the lactll.ai unport- - hoe Is the principal
ments will be offered positions in current
A small lire in the ralters
company D. commanaca oy v.aUu,aicc of
Grcck pelUnsula saying eouipment. and 90 per tent of the White Hall resulted in a smoke
the Regular Army.
.... Crfip ran ration s w heat croD is harvested
.. .
the University pays part of tlid
i ...
'mcnts: Carl Allen King, mechanic,
px. ihit "niannv HuuoH
'' ' Giesbert aeronautical research laboratory.
printing cost, and students listed
control everything from Cairo to by women witn small nana sicmes.
The fire was caused by a charcoal
ment of music; Edmund
in the pamphlet pay a fee.
Within the past two or three firpI10t K.irmn throuch the tin r.M.f
Leaves of absence: Brinkley Bar-- ', Dr. Don
and Ulfert Wilkc. visiting lectur nett,
the UK Pershing R.fie Company
assocjate professor of electri- years, the Greek Government has and igniting the beams, according t'
Is t.radf of 0emornK,
ers in art, for the month of July
coiiuuaiiueu Dy t;auci. ihh1"
cal engineering, granted lcave for
In answering
the question of purchased a number of heavy the Central Fire Station, winch
Russell Hamon, part-tim- e
the summer 1949.
Dr. Don C. Scutoii. head of the K. Holland, and by 'the
why we should aid Greece. Dr. Diesel catapillar tractors, and these made the run at 9:37 a m. Tinner;
tor in geography.
Appointments: physical education department, has Confederate drill squad, under the Woods said that Greece is the have been resold lo farmers. Dr. had been repairing the rooi Wednc- College of Law
Capt. Tom
Leaves of absence:
rradlc of democracy, and wc are Woods pointed out the imprait- - day afternoon.
John E. Howe, visiting associate jbeen elected president of the Fac - 'command of Cadet
Two new officers will be assigned Crawley, professor of physics, grant- - Irf,.(1P ,lf i.,w fnr the oeriod Julv ulty Club.
A spokesman at the lire ..Utivu
interested in "people who think kability of usuig a piece of such
U, the University's
Infantry ROTC cd leave for the months of July
Other officers are Paul Obcrst.
13. 1949; Scott Reed,
like wc think." Aside from the con- - heavy equipment on a four or fne said damage was slight.
staff next year.
and August, to serve as consultant ing associate professor of law for the vice president;
cept of international responsibility, acre farm. "The Greeks seem to
Frank Peterson,
The current Army and Navy to the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, summer session.
treasurer, and Herman Ellis, sccrc- Greek ports are among the finest want to jump from a Hoc Age di Journal has announced that the White Oak. Silver Springs. Mary- The home economics department in Europe, and pointed out that rectly into a Diesel Age," he said.
Leaves of absence: W. Lewis Rob-tw- o tary.
officers, Capt. F. D. Standish land; Marjorie Murray, instructor erts, professor emeritus,
Vera Briscoe, research assistant will have a special program featur- - much of the oil from the Middle "I think that is too big a jump in
Dr. Irwin T. Sanders, head of the
II, Inf., and First Lt. J. C. Boleyn, in physical education, granted lcave from leave of absence June 1.
in the College of Commerce, and ing Miss Jane Tomas of the Dry East is shiDDed throuch them. "We anv agricultural svstem. The in. department of socioloev. w ill di.
Inf., will report here during late for the months of July and August,
Resigna-summCollege of Education
Nathan Allison, electrical engineer- - Cleaners Institute of Detroit to-- 1 cannot afford to lose Greece," he trod uc tion of a
culti- - cu.--the Balkan states at a meet-- !
or early fall for duty at to attend Camp Welden, Denmark, tions: Pauline Hilliard, editorial as-t- ing professor, were elected to serve night at 7:30 in the Home Econom- - said.
vator would have served Greek ag- - mg of the International Relations
Maine; Robert G. Lunde, associate sociate, Bureau of School Service.
on the Board of Trustees.
ics Building.
Club' Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the SUB.
Dr. Woods also spoke of the i riculture better."



Printing Plant
Begins Expansion

fParode To Highlight
Annual Celebration









Trustees Accept

Eleven Receive
ROTC Awards
On Field Day

Gifts For UK



23-2- 4.



Festival Features
Chorus Recital

Chapters Hold
Meeting Today

Oklahoma Historian
To Lecture Today

Agricul-:Improveme- nt

Elbert Harber Wins
Navajo Work Award





Reeves Speaks Today


Al-si- de



Agriculture Honorary
To Initiate 22 Today



Cvnorrs Will Overcome CommUniSm
With U.S. Help, Says Dr. Woods

Staff Changes Are Announced
Board Of Trustees Wednesday














Pamphlet Lists


Commerce Grads

Mining Uepartment

1948-194- 9.

Wjnj Display Award



Armv To Interview




OutStandina Students










Light Damage Results
From Fire Yesterday



Cash Seaton

Two Are Assigned
Military Staff


Heads Faculty Club






.gpfjerg To Speak




� ucoi vupy

Pcoe Two

The Kentucky Kernel


as tliev
J u Umr4 urticlet mn4 column! arm to bm
ernptdrrrd the opinion! of the writer stantaetr Intarcollegiataof Proa Association
Lexlnton Board
trfHtselvri, mr.A do not necettarilf reflect
Kentucky Press Association.
thr. t pinKm of The Kernel.
National Editorial Association
Advertising Service, IOC.



the Pnst office st iTlnon.
srcur.d class matter uniler
n uf Mar.h 3. 187s.




Deiss .
Hen Peeves
Eue Warren .
Tom niskin
Rohve Orarinm
Herbert A. Moore
Wilfred U,tt






Hir iness M(jr.

s P.ieikel


A Iv.

Fleenor and Jc:m Cook
Adv. a ilicitois
Mary Bert MrKenn
I!u.:ty Russell


. Circulation


Ari'.tant News Editor








little slit and interest
jxissihlv could ami still he called am kind ol liinition


I'K create




Old Kernels Should Be Filed

"But I tell yon these May Hay judges go
ing next month, but I have just got
to say what I think about what's
being done to this campus.
The campus never was a thing of
glorious beauty. The buildings are
mostly old and those that are new
are unlovely and none of them seem
to go together too well.
But sometimes in the spring, early
fall this was a campus to be proud

!, Ih








Letters To The Editor

on nowadays hecause ol the
Dear Editor:
he ks cashed anvwheie aiouml ihc




Oik reason



encing much of late.
One is the clever little way that
the University telephone operators
click the phone in your ear when
you politely ask for a numW. It
sounds like dynamite exploding, to
put it mildly. After your shattered
has recovered somewhat,
you ask again for the number,
which you usually do not get. until
the fifth or sixth try. When this
the operator begins
screaming, ranting, and raving in
a rage. It is disgusting to say the
least. I have often thoimht of reporting this to UK authorities, but
have lapsed into a
attitude, thinking I would
soon be leaving school anyway.
Another thing is the bookstore.
A nice lucrative lease to the owners is fine
as long as they return favors to the University by
such minor things as cashing
checks for students. Now they make
you bring your own checks and be
there at a certain odd time usually the middle of an hour when
most people have classes
so that
not many show up. Usually the
attitude is given ou'
freely to students who desire tr
have a simple little check cashed.
The bookstore says it loses money
on checks, but it doesn't seem that
it should when identification can
be required very easily.
It's not easy to reform to world
(I noted your "perfectionist" remark in reply to Thurman's letter
last week) but it would be nice to
see Justice given in these two fields
I mention today.
Thank you,
(See editorial. ED. )

In reply to a "disgusted

l.oni iheonK place ih. ii will cash checks is the Campus I look.
Stole, and as most students aie nwaie. the- look sloie has heen
culling down liasiieal! on the cashing of checks.
I he
sie ol jK'isonal checks has heen limited, and hours when
luiks will he cashed have Imc n cut clown in order to limit the
amount cashed tei da. Although onlv too well aware ol this,
most students max not lealie the whxs and wheieloics ol the

at the damn thing.
Where it isn't besplotehed with
temporary buildings it's
Now look

in fold checks that haxe bounced hack

'.o I.ii ihis semeslc r.

Another is the cxtise and trouhle f the cash thcckiii"
'itnaiioii. "I he store charges notljing for cashing cheeks, does it
as an a ommodai ion to slndents. It has to hire an aimoicd car
to (al.- the money to the hank and therein avoid having it in
the store- oxetnighi. It has to pay insurance on its safe; it must
pa;, lor the sen ices of a fulhime tlerk to cany on the serxiee,
and it must stand the loss xvhen checks arc cold.
The l:ok stoiv has heen cashing alxtut S5000 in checks
r. i r ilny. and xvhen government checks come in the amount


jumps to SIMM n HI to s2".(M(t xvhieh must Ik-- taken immediate lx
to the hank. So it can casilx he seen that free
f.n liom a small-limoh i.nion for the Ixnik store.
Now the store has cm doxvn the amount cashed to alout SI. 100
i day. This is helpful to the look More, hut it leaves manx si till ills unhappily stranded cm manx occasions.
Sonic- art angemt nl should he made to accommodate the slu-d- i
ills in this mallei', li s not the Ixxik stoic s lauli: manx similar
Ixki'x sioics cash no hec ks at all.
Kin some scheme should Ih- wot keel out xcherehv students max
hi supplied wiih a service that is all loo oltcn moie of a ueeessiix
ill. in a conxc nienee.





Cookin' With Gaskin

letter in last week's Kernel conshow we
cerning the Troupers'

would like to make a few remarks.
This person made some rather
crude statements concerning an act
presented by us. We wonder if perhaps this person didn't get up on
the wrong side of the floor the
morning of the show. We are always glad to receive "constructive"
criticism concerning the different
acts we present from time to time,
but this is the first comment we
have ever received stating that our
act was unclean. On the contrary
we have always received favorable
Having met in a minstrel show
in the ninth grade we Joined together and have been doing shows
ever since. We have given shows
for all types of groups, from church
and YMCA to various high schools
in the Bluegrass region; this includes one Veteran's hospital where
material must be rigorously censored. We find that this type of
entertainment brings in small sums
of money, in fact it helps to ptit
us through school.
We cannot u