xt7sn00zq52z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zq52z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1950 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 21, 1950 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 21, 1950 1950 1950 2012 true xt7sn00zq52z section xt7sn00zq52z `A-.·v»r f`-I`? `V'.   4:_` `   ";;CIj   »-»`   »·'-       I   ` IV ‘A°A I v`»W I     '.··     '.·- F-`f‘I;V>Y·V4-Y I- A     TW;   { ‘‘`· ·2=‘§V‘€7      §`f-V;“=’V.‘§-‘   
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  Y • c c 2 s
·   They Have Earned Thezr L F or Loyalty
. I Con ratulations to the followin alumni clubs which met or exceeded their
’ I · . . . A G
_ quotas lll the 1949- 50 Loyalty Fund Drive:
i the `
{ guarterly
, , _ Lexingtoi
To these clubs o the heartfelt a reciation of the Lo alt Fund chairman $2.00., M<
_ _ _ _ _ _ _   tion melt
, and the Alumni ASSOC1E1t101’l for tll€11‘ 3.11-Ollt COOp€I'3.tlOI1 and lllt€l`€S.l It was [  
. . . . I §1€F€
with the help of these clubs and the individuals whose names have appeared l gf¤¤it¤iC
. · _ _ _ _ _ 1 e a
[ in each issue of the 1949-,50 ISSUE of the ALUMNUS that we were able to raise 1 FE-
, een .
; a grand total of $5,011.50 for the 1949-’50 giving campaign among our loyal     lgeegl
i _ , HT ll
l alumni,   Joan Ma
E l L,.
1 .
, Detroit Club—J. Terry Taylor, Treas. Eva Carolyn Hensley ...................... Wavely Hills, Ky_    J d Edt
f Virginia S. Jayne ...,.. 15732 Princeton Drive, Detroit, Mich. O. M. Akers .........,.,........ P.O. Box 703, Denison, Texas 1 u ge K
g Nancy M, Bird ,......,..... 73 Richton, Highland Park, Mich. Joseph J. Slomer ............ 7416 Bennet Ave., Chicago, lli_ l G"? Pl
; , W, A, Lurty ................ 312 Jerico Road, Abingdon. Penn. Mrs. Walter V. Barney .. 5036 Ortega Blvd., Jacksonville, Fl;i_ $,5%,,,
,` _·: _ Richard G. Bell ..........., 51 Wandle Avenue, Bedford, Ohio J. W. Zimmerman ,, 11948 Mayfield Ave., Los Angeles, Calif, ,,,1,,,, d
 yl Ben H, Collings .,........ 256 Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, Fla. L. A. Soper ..................... Apartado 1715, Habana, Cuba gym _,
 . Mrs. F, L. Cull ............. 103 West Main St., Frankfort, Ky. Mrs. James C. Taylor .... 1312 Lebanon St., Bluefield, W,va_ . ‘, A
, Patricia Fenton ........,... 288 East 76th St., New York. N.Y. Charles E. May .......... 1620 Kentucky Ave., Louisville, Ky. ,  iillhitié
, Ewell W. Hatneld ...... 809 Peoplizz1%_ldg£,S<7;haIrIlestjon, W. ga. lsfac V. Berry ................. R.F.D. No. 1, Greensburg, kv, , Ome, L
‘ , Mrs. Carl B. Dawson ............ irs ., en erson, y. E eanor M. Smith .... 902V Serrano Ave., Lo Ang 1 , C lrf_ ,- ‘
; Don C. McFadden ........ Begley Drug Co., Mt. Sterling, Ky. Wilbur E. Davis .......... 1942 Hetrick Ave., iiichlaenldi Wish Jaxx ge
j gpihn Jé gemant .............. Keith Bu1lg1ng,3$le\£ela1£d. OQIO   G. Schwangcl .... Hutchinson Coal Co., Hutchinson, W. Va, . Mem, é
5 war errau ........................ ox , on on. y. orton Avrac ............... 445 Pul k` St., B kl · ,N.Y, —
; Earl R, Hefiner ............. . ..... 1305 29th St., Ashland. Ky. William B. Hager .......... 100-102 E. gidlst., Ogggsbhlilo, Ky, , j qggks 1
g girly? EMTe§gue ........ 83;:; %¤rgn;ghR§€d,BChairlest(c;n, W. Iga. R}[’ill§1:mML. `SruH}i,van ........ Hcpnderson Club, Henderson, Ky, Z  william “
; _ an ey . agg ........ . .. ow lng reen. Y. r. rs. . . Tapp .. 232 ol `dg A ., P 1 Alt , C li, l -
 _.   Rgbe;-pt Yeager .,.. §b.wLbG.tBa1iéc;urV‘Co.£ gptlelbplro. l\gz§·S. Norinne Cann ...................   . L   . .   Fted,   ‘ 619;; M
 ‘__ en . ume ........ . _ay on ., es exan ria, io Arthus F. Vogelmann ...... 1009 Jackson Rd., Park H`1l ,   Y . ` ·
l I]?/Iouggs Parrii‘shB.i( ............   .....   .{1'PQIi{5, §y. Elnéeikgawgy ........ 48§§1é’1§sldip Driye, Los Ange1e;,SCald. . Emgeg)
 I rs. omer . a er ........ u er or ve., o isvi e, y. . . izsc e .......... apo eon ve., Ne 0rl ,L. 1 ' ~ ~
H, H, Pope ...............,.............. Box 531, Harlan. Ky. Anna D. Sprague ........ 1600 Richmond Rd., Ivjexingiilx   1  ,§{,%L;;S`§
A Col. John W. McDonald   Box 11, R.F.D. No. 2, Fairfax. Va. Norman Chrisman, Jr. ...... 118 So. Ashland, Lexington, Ky. , ms LET
- J. H. Hieber .................................... Newport. Ky. Class of 1925 , ,S huh,
· R. L, Ehrlich ..,........... 6418 S. Benton. Kansas City 5, M0. Clarence C. Clark ...... 10 Sheridan Square, New York, N.Y. Mévsvm
, Hattie E. Boyd .......... 1284 Cherokee Road. Lo•.11sv1ll_€, Ky. Wallace H. Gastineau .... Binghampton Rd., Middlesboro, Ky. j i mimi] ]
  1     Vwsgrngh ........ é6O25gl;81gu;¤;1oA§neAv$¢éGinginngtéi, ghiyo IV/[Vill;axg1SkYoung, Jr ._...... R ........ E. . .   Russellville, Ky. ‘ 0,,.€,,Sb(
a es 1 ........ o v .. s ran . . . , . ar e ............... oute 2, ox 1 4, Anchorag ,   ¤
Ann E, Colegrove ..........., 2025 Carter Ave., Ashland. Ky. George P. Mills ....,....,. 5652 Woodmont, Pittsburgh,EPenh. Q  rl-,-Eglelzg
  J R. 1-1. Warren . ............. 3915 Leland Road, Louisville. Ky. Paul S. Ward ................ 1614 Dixon st., Cincinnati, Ohio 1  _ H_ Cut]
_ Edwin O. Ross ...................... 706 Oak St., Ludlow, Ky. Charles L. Price ................. 312 E. Main, Earlington. Ky. 1 {EES)
· Herman F. $¤h0lt2 --.···-.-·--··---.··-...·-...·.............. W. F. Neel ..,... 207 Marquetta Rd., Route 1, Anchorage, Ky. ~ . uy A I.
.,....,,...... P. O. Box 880, Woodbourne. Warrenton. Va. Georgia R. Portmann .... 124 Johnston Blvd., Lexington, Ky. S lB0a{d,
_; Carl G. Vannoy ............................ Madisonville, Ky. Mrs. John L. Dunlap .. 414 Pennsylvania Ct., Lexington, Ky. { 4 Stephen
  Louree Pottinger .. Good Samaritan Hospital. Lexington. Ky. Thomas E. Early .......... 1715 Cleveland Ave., Whiting. Ind. 1 im., lim,
 ‘   $$2.1 ¥‘ €.‘§‘&i..a.;.‘... ‘‘*‘ il‘.ll‘+.ae.a‘sl F§§‘iE§.§" %l;?" Ei"i3r"§? {5; We ‘?Q$““‘¥* A is ·, ····· **895 Mag“°“a A“*·· R‘“"‘“· °a“‘l I   rguela
. it , .. - ., c n s., . . . . r. rs. . . a lantine .. 2300 V'llage Dr., L u' 'll ,Ky. . l‘
  Il5Ia`;phC;Egu'g;)·{§>;r{§.   ..... 1480 McArthur St., lélroqlgilgnlvtl,   §harlIeshL. Morgan ............   .wlC1eR1son, Sc?utliVCai‘o§n¤ l  lgeggi
L . . 4, . ...... , ................. , . ay 0 anneman ..........,.. 7 .As land, Lou'sville, y. *
.   Mr. and Mrs. Louis J.       ....   ....     &llenN;E.DCrarir&e1&} ........ 111 Victory Avenue, Lexiligton. K1'. l }i2§l2iP€·§·l
  .,l,. _ , ..................... _ , roo yn. . . rs. c na ...... 1450 Ch k Rd., L ` ‘l1 .   i _· '
, gm; Marie Flora .................... 345 W. Main St., Carlisle, Ky. Thelma Daniels   ___________,____ KLFF ___,__ v%l;$§,,§_ K; Lmugm
_ 3,,. Susan Grey Akers ................ Box 766, Chapel_Hill, N. C. Kearney B. Daniel .......... 125 North 5th St., Danville. KY. ,
Amy Breslm ,.... . .......... 2804 Grand Ave., Louisville, Ky. Arthur J, Bradshaw .......... 419 Custer Ave., Granston. Ul.  ima
 _ H. Lester Reynolds .. 161 Washington Circle, Lake Forest, lll. Helen M. Monier ........ 3103 Franklin Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio. l  Bldm H
 · Everett T. Gorbandt .. 1195 Springdale Rd., NW, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. & Mrs. S. R. Cummins .................,.. Moreland. KY- ‘ — C   L'
,V H. H. Lowry ..... , ....,. 67 So, Munn Ave., East Orange, N.J. Thomas C. Whiteside ...... 1629 Clayton Ave., Lexington. K>'· T "tm, yu
John C. Benson ,..... 938 Continental Bldg., Washington, D. C. Mrs. Hammond Dugan ..... 225 S. Limestone, Lexington, KN  ar,. W
gpxprdvg. §g1wp ............., 921 Rogers St., W?\}I1kegan,é1l. Bialy L. Paton ............ 283 Newport Ave., Runford. R. I. Léxmg,0
; n _ , ze .................,......,....... arion, y. Le a S. Mason ................... 304 W. 7th St., L d . Ky. ·
I Jl\glL%egV{£l;E;rI:’g A. Benton ,............ . ........ Ildlenggrson, Ilgy.   li..ETlEn·nton .............,.......,,. Box 45, Vergaqilgg. K3’· °}(}§,£,,.,§
................,........,....... en rson, y. ar . auer .......,............ Box 712, Port Arthur, Texas . _
g   I-lgenry Taylor .......,................... Henderson, Ky. Harvey E. Tait, Jr. ...... 1801 E. Hernandez, Pensacola. Flo  
 _,_ _ M. .Nrown ..,........,...................... Henderson, Ky. Mildred O, Robards ........ 250 Englan Ave., Lexington. KY- ‘  rg Cmp
V _ rs. . S. Runsdorf ...... 510 Elmwood Ave., Brooklyn. N.Y. Laura L. Haase ,.., Kentucky Baptist Hospital, Louisville. K>'· K.-
_ Charles A. Poynter .......... 2908 Avon Rd., Louisville 5, Ky. W. F. Raymer . .,....,.. 413 Walker Road, West Orange. N- J- udgé Br
Thomas S. Coro. Jr, .. 149 Norwood Ave., Long Branch, N.J. Mrs. Pauline P. Wilson .... 555 Cloverhurst Ave., Athens, Ga. Pnduc  
, Anthony J. Frezza .... 1750 Linden Aye., N. Tonawanda, N.Y. Langan Hay .....,.,...... 727 South 14th St., Newcastle, Ind. a ·
Admiral John I.·Bryan .... 3:>34 Bolling Ave., Norfolk 3, Va. R. L. Gulley .................................. Lancaster, Ky.
Virginia NFParrli‘slb .....   ...................... A ............... James Browder ,............ Box 2072, San Juan. Pu€1‘t0 Ric') ` dair cou.
p ...... renc ept. arshall College, Huntington. W. Va. Dr. E. C. Elliott .... 306 Security Trust Bldg., Lexington. KY Q   en cou,
T _  Hard CO
,  rren Con
* 1

 I 1
.  V 1
  ` ;  
. 77162 Kehtuck A Iumnug   1
i 1
V _   V
V   V
z The Ke|1I‘lIC ky AIUITIHUS ll;SurboO;]ggi_in1t{§.I;{]§oESr1IiFE:`$,dP(;2egggs l
1   §§°‘**¤¤da<= C°“mY—FF€d Peters, Hardins- The Cover _ 1
<>“l¤l¤' °'ga“,°‘ t?°K’“‘1""i2 "“°i‘§i?‘i§°‘,?i caiE?eii c t L ri ii d l
, U ‘ ersi y 0 Gfl UC Y pu 1S e _ ’_ 01111 y— owry C ld ]]V p · l()(() {gi . 1
I giiriiiiiy tiiivthe campus of the University. at C*‘“$"a“ C°¤¤t>’——l·=SSe Kegithtviionkirargzihin i g P. e On the SOYCY Of   =
1 Lexington. Subscriptions Ago n¢;:—mPembers. Clg;l;StC¤¤¤ty—Henry A. Quisgnbgl-]·y_ Wim UC Allguht ALUMNUS is the ·
· V M b hip (Type in e ssocia- _ €l` . . , · ,
{  _géguiooisgzsegibscription to the Alumnus. Clll~l·€¤d€¤ C<>unty—Louis D. Chjppsy Motion bronze Plaque "hmh hangs at 1
1   ———— Cumbemllld C¤¤¤tY—Leslie Mecorries tht? €llt1‘Hr1C€ to the new Ale. ’
` 1 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Bufkesville ‘ m _. I C 1, _
Z  `ordoe at Lexington, Ky., May 22. 1929, under D·“’l€§S C0¤¤ty—Marshal1 Barnes, Owensboro mm O 1s€um» d€dl€¤l€d 12lSt 3
A  the act of March 3. 1879. Ebiatlonal Bmlk. Owensboro Xfgy 3[)_ 1
,   5-— Stlll C¤¤¤¤/—Stephen Rice, Irvine j
 Hoieh G, King .......·......·-.....»». Editor F1°!*d C°¤¤tY——Chalmer Frazier, Prestonsbrrrg i
 G_ Lee ivieciein .. M ....... 1;/Xlanagiigg ggitor Eiilglkllg C¤1:¤ty?Edward Bennett, Frankfort
f te 1¥IeLaug in ...l ssocia e itor f_ 0¤ Mm y— ennings Kea lo , F it r
 ,1}/iiiglfliiiifilhims .......... Vital statisties Editor oajrard V County—Miss Ionar ivrehliggrgery THANKS TO KY· H· S- PRESS
 · ancas er ’ E . . .
  ·- -— Graves C0umy_Sam D- Neely Mayfield l»€ly fOT771ef student of the Um—
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE GFHYSOH CD\»l¤t}'—Marsha11Heal·in_ Leitehhoid iggpggjti O Kent
· Hills, Ky. judge Edwin R. Denney, Presldent—Mt. Ver- gangpck C°u"tY—H¤l'l‘Y Bl¤¤k, Hawesville I   _     [OPO has had
ison, Texas  . ,,0,, K}, P t th ‘§”Etm0w?V;l¤¤tY—R¤bert McNamara, Eliza- lf 16 privilege Of gqiimg in fhg class-
Zhicago, lll.  george P, Hillen, Vice residen ,—l7 and H . I
-ii _ V V ~ - arlan C0U¤T·}’—TCd Creech, ·r ·i 700lll 0 tie tate beloved Pr .
;ei]es_€c§i1i£i_ H£;,l;€g€;?t` ilgngévlgliecutiyie Secretary—522 Hart C°umy`R‘ W‘ P°y“t‘”· Hvgsi Cava Enoch (gre] 23 ] Of
bana. Cuba * Savrg Ave., Lexington Hj,’jjg;§,¤¤ C°““tY‘Th€<>d0F€ Sanford, Hen- mm for ' years wad
' . . ,  ` " ` , r ~—D t f . ·
iegdmgll   ogmigeegésslgvgg Kigreasuror spar ment 0 Hom,). CO,mty__O_ L_ MCEIYOYV Eminence of HW €[€pCZI‘tTTLeI’tt of ])OVLlI7l[lllST7'l,,
¤1S$¤ufgbK§·  illomer L. Eaker, 2242 l‘;¤lh€l'f¤Yd A1/€·· l—·<>¤lS· g:;,kkT,$SnE;`Li;{5n JThgmg.§;?éyC1i2;%V .11 O" OIC 6`tudl/lng 7.l7”Ld€l‘ the guidance
ge es. ali.  . ·ii1e iterm expires 1 51r ~— · - . isonvi e __ · _
iend_Wws6h_  Jokes S_ Shropshire, Route 4, Lexington J€g§;`sg"*L§gug§g;WLOl;;;2/Srg Clay, 803 Ky. and dll€CtlOI‘t of Our wonderful
s , . a. t ' 1951r . ·· V rr . IV . »
§l21y¤.N·Y· Dtiuglgg Eggiiiish, Paris, Ky., tterm expires Jeiiilglllle C°¤¤ty—Wilson Routt, Nicholas- AIZSS Alllfgle, for 36 years g prgf-
b   · . ,· · .
dtgrggrg.     W. Blanton. Paris, Ky., lterm expires `IO}§“S,;°nCC°F'g*"§€F“;a".Gvheeler- C.!/0 S<>¤th- CSSOI   lfurnallmn at the Unwep
Alto. Calif. . l9`2l as 03 °·· Bm Sw 8 Sltl $1011 . ' -
_ Foil,   l(;_ fee Meeiriin, Bgirdgtown, Ky. iter-rn ex- Kl3V?1>§€C¤u¤ty—Barnard MeKeeheh_ Barooup edigss t   fgel a£€l‘iOIl(£t High?
x Hi s. ar . pires 19521 0 16 ell UC tj ivl
I V C I-L V . 2 V Larue County—Stanlcy A. Hager. Hodgen ill , . . · , b
giigghséije,  _M{_Soo§$%ioH,i;?,§u;§§iro§0q9g$Wb€rg Road . Iljauial C¤Lé¤tyTMi% Lela 1;:/ilasgn, Londonv Q S0tlOOt Press A.S‘SOC1atl0n which hg;
- t   _ I . , -1 _ HW GHCG Oun y— eorge , ui-g555,Lgujs;.i . ‘·V .
.1§§§t3’$.    “‘ii’§;,'i*§.i}?;1E°.?“?$$f.£‘ 5.Li$§§`i§§§. Nm Lea ¤¤¤¤t>»—¤· C- AM ¤rs¤   Bsattyvllla SO ’“€"”V "°"°'€d ”“’S€ ””P”€d
Mrs. John N. Browning, Edgemont Road, Lgcher C°Lmty—J· I-·· Hays- Whltesburg t€(lChC’l'S.
YDYK. N-Y   Maysville lterm expires 1953r Lmcom C°1mty—R°b€rt Baughmam Staaford ·
resbcm Ky, » mm, Eames Owensboro National Bank Logan County—Granvi1le Clark, Russellville A8 (l7lllOlH1C8d lll others C0lumn.$‘
ellville. KV- n Owensboro tterm expires 1953r ` Lyon COumy`I` Phillip Glenn Kuttawa it l U v` ·' '
homage Kid _ _ D_ Palmom Frankfcm Ky ,BOard Of l\/IcCrac}1geré C0?ty—Ben LeRoy, isgg Broad- of ]ll·$` 77l€Zo,£l~l7l€, Sefwee certtfcaieg
urgh, Penn. ` Trustees} way' a uca lll ile elds`0 Tlews ‘ ·-
illilatl, Ohio   H_ Cutlel-_ F]-ankforh Ky_ [Board of TruS_ M¤Creary COI-U°lty*C. W. Hume, Stearns f I f      
,,ng,0,,_ K,._ tm, lgglaoan éZour1ty—I_§Jha}r1eé Gatton, Sacramento [700k service were awarded last
1h01’ag€·K>'- Guy A. Huguelet, Barrow Road, Lexington M gmc mm y` tig Spa dmg· L€ba¤°¤     . .
iingtcm   VBOard of Trustees) §:;n%ur§unty—W1l11am Henry Allen, Bran- ]lll'lC to lgtl SCIZOOI SGIIIOTS 1,17,
  Ing t§;lep€irii;n;tl1?;l{$n;é;t45 5é.SiI&I;$1l1l)St., LGXIHE Iworcel. COunty,_Cu1-tis pal-kV Harrodsburg l\GI`I.tlLCky, lZOTlOTlTlg t]'l€ 7718771077] of
irsidei Calif- larguerite McLaughlin? 226 E. Maxwell st.,   C°““ty_J“st“S L‘ Ems‘ T°mpki“S` Professor Grehan and the continu-
' VI . Y- . ` · · .
itiikoiogin  t.l§e§§?$rti}hi?€$?EBo N, Upper sr, iiire “‘§Q;‘f_,,‘},‘;‘§§§, C°““‘y—R°b°" Ed V‘°"· ing contributions of M iss Mc-
uisvi e, FU mem er, honoraryi _ . _
zinstoii- KF; €h¤st¢r Travelstead. _521 Henry Clay Blvd.,   C°“‘“’*B°a’“‘S S"m“€lS» Bam (Continued on Page 4>
Ulsfllafv   A Lexmgtoll U950 SCll10l' class l‘€p[‘€$9nt;]tjV9) Northeastern Ky _P8uI Kinnaird 1108 Bath  
Hy Zll . ,· ‘ ` ’ _
mu/m€_ K,-_ _ APPOINTIVE MEMBERS Ave., Ashland V Washington C0unty—Ch:1rles J. Hayden,
; _ t , lll.  - . Ohio C0unty—Whayne Priest, Hartford Springfield
g§;‘fd$":)hiOV ggllll H. Townsend, Bank of Commerce Owen County-Charles Arnold, Owenton Webster C0unty—Har0ld Trader, Providence
),.€lHnd_ K,-_ , C   _L€Xlllgl0¤ _ _ Pike Countydames W. Wine, Pikeville Whitley County—Glenn W. Denham, Wil-
dngtom Ky ·V · SETS. Jr., 319 Holliday Road, Lexmg- Powell County-Ralph B. Conlee, Stanton liamsburg.
eington, Ky.  ogg W Damgem ld 437 W S d St Pulaski C¤u¤ty—John Prather. Box 106. Woodford County—Mrs. Eugene Barnes, ver-
nfgrd, R. I. 1 Léxingion E · · €€0¤ ., Somerset sailles
- ·_ Rockcastle County—Rudolph Burdett. Renfro G .t C' ‘ .t`—L M C k ,21 Gl .
;g;gg;V    tgp ii. Bullock, 603 one r......r...i Bldg., volley E$3y?’rtf“§i.“JF.a'. °°“ °   Y €“
rthun Toms  at gilltg d K Russell County—Othel1a Gaskins, Russell (;hieego_preston H, Williams, gg S_ Lagouo
. I _ Fi, , ..  f ·_ u1i1y Court House, Spencer County—Har0ld Love, Taylorsville S. 36th St., Arlington, Va.
reestle, Intl ` La ’ KY Taylor Count>·—Harry R- Smith. C¤mDb€1]$‘ Detroit—Th¤mas Walters, 19359 sen Juan pr,
.   ville Cleveland—R0bert McDowell, 3203 W. 71st St.
lgS;;‘:;·Ri80 dm C CLUB PRESIDENTS Todd Couhty..Legen \,Vebb, Guthrie Phi1adelphia—Willlam A. Lurtey, 312 Jericho
(mgm, Ky,  um C°u"tY`E¤¤`l Huddleston, Columbia Union Coiinty—Lowell Truitt, Morganfield Road, Abington, Pa.
`  Hard ‘E““‘Y—J¤h¤_ Ptadlgo Scottsville Warren County—Prest0n Cherry. Helm Atlanta—Hugh Adcock, 539 Hurt Bldg.
3  mn C°umY_K€l¥·h Kelley, Wickliife Hotel, Bowling Green New Orle¢ms—Bernard Freedman, 7728 Bel-
ounty——Bas1l Preston, Glasgow fast St. I I ·
' H

 MH. GUTlllllElS • • •
GIFTW UK Lexmgton G1I°l W ms ~ M6
A. B. Guthrzes name has made A
the rounds of editorial pages since 650   m ° S h 1 ~h° Wa
it was announced this week that he u   C 0 arb   . T0 K
\ had received the ¤<>¤>vt<’¤Y Pulitzer Miss DOHY RUC S"lll“`m· l7’Y€¤**`· ’2;ais§2;siaiaiaisiesziailaieis:2:2;gsiais=a;z;2=a=2;2;;.;a=z=2:2:2:2:2:2=2=2;ia2z=2=2===:s=:=z= :.=.:.:;:;.s=;=el=;=.:.:;:·;·; .=».;   hi an
Il YV e had known that “The Way R· b“H"'*"‘[- "l l-Cxlllgmlly has MCH   I; _·_V   - llic esi
YV est ” was a great novel. But, like TI`“'l‘l°$l [ho U""'C““l' "l l\€*m“`l**}' I.Vj1.;.;;§2Q§§?*: ;‘   ._‘` g§Z§§j ,v__ {Qi§g=I;.£II_III;.ZI  ,ummel
. . , -· l   ' ‘ r‘»—     · ..==   —.:‘     ¤‘¤·ei-*` Sie ·
M r. Guthrie, we were surprised I “““I' "l{‘I’l‘;I"l"I UI`. l ‘I° l‘°“‘ ; ..»;. e;;·ez=;zi.  ..2e2:%aei;z%;%x;z;:a-z=VVi·;·V;;:.;·=.2i=¤%e.=;:&*= »‘.¥= ~ -.e.     .-:=·l:V¢*‘:» 5   %**‘*‘l "
. . ( enl .·1 1 , . : r·; ;.· ; . 2¤’·*=·1:.i.’.iz. 42  .. 1i‘=°Z‘1.’¤ `‘`-`   ·.·. i¢z?.5:2’»%- = ‘ ‘`‘‘‘` 1   ’i"§ ~ ..
and delighted when it was chosen IIIIIIIIIICQ Hmm im N` m   .%§1 .ec ‘ e.:_    H"'"“'
from thousands of others for the _\ ,'I ,, — _ _ - _ __ __ ·   ·‘=;       :’“   ' V. I ii  [U bc i
I I r lIl(ll])(1 ul lllL b(‘lll()l (lllhh nl     Im(|l)]·g
mlwh I I Henry (llziy High Seluiol. Miss Sulli.      `§g??;£;§IQ?§-i§*§§=i.i%*?iZ.j§X.-ii 4`4- :f1€§Z?.EI§.Q¤V·;-if  mcmlm
There is very little we can add to wm V,. ..l .. »l r- . .,. lr _ q-{  =;zéze;=§¥i¥ii§&;%i;W;e ·:-»r._;_-:.::= i."%%%¤;i-¥i2i‘Q·1=l¥` ’·`   ’·‘’ .. .
_ 1. s sr, umn unn illllilllh .> mp    ._;I__;,_;_.,I.I._.. . .__. .. __; ___  {hc U,]
the more widely-read and expertly- ranking high seluml pupils [mm -V 4____‘ I   .__»     _ Thm
written statements of the others. 1l11`<>11gl1<>11i l{Cllll\(`li}'. She was glqul. ·_ {Q   iV=V I-  __ .  ’?f?I` ‘ ml Im,
\Ve know that Mr. Guthrie appre— ·¤=¤1¢h1 high ~<>1 on _l1u1c 2.       i =-·-_- . _ lll-C lll;.
ciates their plaudits. ll-le know, UW ”"ll"l*I‘*`*l"l’· l*“"“`“ *'$Ill*° Uhh _ i 'r··  ;;I I _ _ . "  V‘ ” +I Y enllcnst
. too, that he is sincerely modest in ‘Q°"`““Y_ "l l‘°"$“"lf¥' ·‘\l“*““* l·‘*>‘=·h§’ (     V_ .     ° - = III il viell.
- IICCCIIIIIIIII HICIIII lwnill ?(`ll()l1ll`Sllll). is :1 l()lll`·}’C2lI` grunt I `   * ¤·   lliis in
HC         lll     IS [lll? l{l,]`gC$[ §(`h()lQ|]`$hll) '   i   I I_IIgIIlIIlI
II I , II CI, §l\\`2ll`(lG(l at lhe Universilv. _   » _r =‘ `   *1;. ~ ln ml my
· · > · · · * · · . . . ‘ . .   sai1i.iz?zia%%aiai 252%;:;  : `
I SU C: lim lm;’l(/its Sa CI Ol tm   'S A()ll1lll1l[l<)llS ure IllZl(lC by 0l`g2lllllC(l _ V;       ship eo
5`Uk6’· Yet, Ur Tile he l7€h€U€’$ lwltmg lllllllllll clubs or by lIl(ll\'l(lll2ll mein-         Hillcnn
to be th0 g7'G(lt€St 77l€fllll-771 of CO77l· bers ol the ;1lu1nni il$Sl)(`l1l[l()[l and are A -     The
» . . . _   a§2€"
mun1cat1on,he doesnt frown on the not lunned to l\Clllll(`li}’ high sclilml _Q __V____,._____A_____    ¥‘ ;mmllml
mgngy with an Un{j-;;mtg;·ja[[_g{{C p11pils. Noininees are i11te1`viewe¢l;1111l Dolly Sullivcnt NPS. zu
- ' .' — ·» _riven :1 wriucn ex111nin;11i<>n. zi ul : V· "`77__—‘”"é"’ H · ·`
because it is genuine and heart- V_ _ ‘ ‘“‘ ·‘ ""‘ " §‘ ""‘”‘ ,\Shhmd who holds (hc Hg III, 'l*° lim
JI. -_ _, I- _,· ,I. ue 2ll)Lllll(lC. (`ll2ll`il(`lCl`. l)(`l`S()ll2llll\‘ mul . _ ` . .` _‘   (hm
fe ., is rea is to ai l. _ _ . _. I . . . _ __ _· _ l1V01n (·2ll`llC IC lnslnulc ol Tcrlmlllllm. ALUM?
,. . . K .
. . . p.11l1¢1p.1l1<1n in lll<’ll school (,\ll1l—(lll- . . ..
. I I To hun, praise IS merely the ae- I_II_IIIIII_ IIIIIIIIICI ” obluiuerl his (l()('l()1"S degree l.l`l>Ill ilu: l· lh
eeptanee and understanding' of his MISS SIIHIICIII is II IIICIIIIICI III- IIIC ¤¤Siil11¤i<>11l=1Sl]11nc.I I l<*ll1€ 1
lUO7`k· TIN} rush Ullwng students tv Nnlioinll Honlir Society, Quill illlll DI. (·uI.I.\.·s Njm (BIVIHIIIIIV FITAAV mult ll
_ register lll hls Cl(lSSOS hG7'C, Cmd thfi Scroll. and the Y\\’(1.\. She is :1 mein- (~u'I.I.\. BI.I)II\{.i]l(l Nly WIIII   Fm ml
long list which must he tllflleft ber ol thc e1‘iz1l stall ol lhe l'lCIll`\` II " i ` A _ N he owl) l
away) mgllcgtg St?·(mglyI gngugll (,l;1yIIl—I1gIli Iheluml lnnesI;1nd is ;u·u1·e Dc(li(.IIIIII.I, sI)I,IIkI,I. was I\I.IlIIII.I· AIIIIIIII;
that they alepleelate IHS lU07`l<. lll I”( Il‘l"I IIKIA? ?"i*€[lT*· ‘ll*l'll"l"`* Nl2ll`l·§(‘ll(l()l`l`. ineinber ul lhe (lin-(Z»·1i‘ lwrships
. I Therefore praise is not necessary. ‘_""I‘I‘I_I”‘ ‘f"’ I‘ I"““”· 5 ‘° “‘H ”“"l}' my Hczlhh 1%1>;11·I wu III   i::'Iat(*lc“VC {O Bl}}Ig(’l`Sl2lll ul Bere;1 2ll](l in ISMS) bv TIN, lI|II..II.I, II..I§ l~III.IIISlICIl .II II, i ll Fl?
wiomeuer Jrouti Uni iere. er- ;—‘ » ‘ · ·· . ' . .` ·   ` ,' ` " "
. é` Ulm H nllmd Ul (‘°"“¥¤l°“· ol i\|)I)l`l)XlIll}llCl\‘ 5(»,l)llU, .\ 5l.lllll* ..`· ln [hq
taznly no man here has been more ____};1;. . . · . _ .
, _ · _ lllllll lunnl will be ;1v;11l;1ble lol lil lllullesl
. influential than A B Guthrie fr · · · I ··° I
I I ‘ I * I· · V > I ·¤ Phaffnaey College chaise ol l)l]2\l`l]l2l('(’lllI(`1ll resuliiigziiii lhe(1lSI
in upprouzng the literary reputation Dedicates Library, lerllll in lhe l`uiul·e, college ··lli1i¤» lclllull
of t ie University. ’ mill, il, xg
Kentucky Kgmgl La.t€ID€3H Honored Mrs. Illulilh léerkmvily. lil>1`:1i`i-="  T0 Wl;
Alall 5,   lll1\‘Clll11g ol El ])()1`ll`2lll ol l)1‘. (Lord- sglill [lie lll)l'Q\)`>’ wliuld be opelltl lll?  . ·l. IM
Ull L. Curry. lute (lezin ol lhe Univer- S ;1,m_ in 5 p_m_ (l;lily_ eslepl $i\lll7‘  illipslm
(Continued from Page 3) Slly ol l{(Illlll(Tl{}’ College ol l)ll2ll`lIlll(`}'. (lay uml Sunllny. “i$v<1`c1
LIIIIglIlIII IO HIC ILIGM OI IOIIIIIIIIISIIII   clIe;l1ezl}1fIIII Ul; M;n·lIlI   lil II 1)l·_I (IjuI~l·y_ who (lied l;1I1I _l:11h¤·iII ghiversi
. .. ·‘   ·w-.n .x·1 ·   · .· ·— ;»· www   
and Icm. HHS I.€COgI.IItIOII OI; two SIICII IIII I IISI, II I I I >U1UL I1)l ll}. <1un< el l1I,<1l¢l ph.111nIu1 1>111I IIII   nhl
IIIIIIIOICII IIGIICIIGIIS IIIIG I III AI ie 1n.11y.11.11ne¤'*"·· lhir um
_' A _ II_ ’III EIHIHC I umi (illI`\`§'. IS fill [llc seelmll llnor nl llie (iollege nl l)l]Ql]`ll]Ql(`\’ lrlnn Willi [W.
gg L ·S6OI(;l(l IlO7'l of IU lll!/U·$ltlj of lullege ul l()1·u·;1ll is ;1 gill ul lll relirenlenl in l$l·l6. ["H‘“\‘>S
{ a
—-l-—·..i—;..r·Z* .*—

M be1·sh` P ' C t ‘ l
P est Announced Aug. 1 I
. ’ I
  Awards, 40 T1ckets  ` I
T0 Ky°7Fla‘ Galllq _ .. n;,A   ‘n‘· 1950 Class Oificerg  
Q:§:§i:§:§:;:§:§i:§:§:;;;};{;g;;;g;g;t;;;:;:;;g;.-.2 lll illl Clllll-l- ll) Slllllll 2llC lII[Cl`(j$[ ll] 9% .     l
  —lllCIIll)Cl”blli]) in the .~\Iumni ,\ssot·iation, ·   l  '  ‘_ Chosen   Colleges
  eine excl-llllvtr (`()]]ll]lll_[CC, at its mid- Y'?   The UUlV€T5ll)' Oli Kentuekv glwgll-(1.  
  is11nllIl€l` UlC€llll§-{ \‘<>lCI`l(l?l ~ I  __.   V ber of graduates, l,57Q_ ul [ne Send `
      ’l.l,,mqt~tnnit1g loothall game on Nov. ll$ lor entrance in the con- A _-i·“ `)`   IVV·‘ lllils “'lll[€“» but ClPISS olhcers for thc
  t A  . test have been set up hy the l]lCl]ll)CT»  °@Q   . iItl¥ ~ l<>ll<>I~’IIIs <‘<>ll€s¤s ll?I"C l>CCII €lllUUllll—
` ship connnittee. ol which Robert H, 9 Q" (ell:
nu. _Hill(_lmlCym_v Jn is dmmmme R. H. Hxllenmeyer ) College of Arts and Screnees
Y '|`lIe II‘iIIIIiIIg coiitestants will he   ) l'_°“‘l€“‘~ Sl"€ll’Y D¤1‘l>¤#lIII`¤= Vl DUES ARE AS il`Y€2ISlIr€r. David R. Bingham. I
to the ten individuals who write the l:OLLO“rg. College of Education
_.L.-e,4- _1nost alumni memberships. Not overu A Membmrsnn) _ $3.00 including president, Dule l;uI.n5uu)le; neun
tdon (illlllllllkl one nmntr tan tome hom any one Sulm-rlnunn u, llle lie Kernel and lill}"nl Y€llS“l€l`· rlilmcs l¤sl<<>·
., who lllI\CIll..  .C0llIlll’ or metropolitan club. lgentuckv Alumnus l-01/Unc neun VCU. College of Commerce
\ I N Mlhe clgtl) presidentwillcertilyu to the B Menlnersnu) _ $200 nnluuing l)1`€$l(l€I1[. \VilIiam L. Fouse; Vire
was rvititiii umm ettetarl the number ol mem uul)Se1.u)u0n [0 [nc nv. Mumlms uw lresident, Lotus D, l·l_,lnue(,: neeI.e_
[ the (,|lt-(.IIIIZ il)CI`SllI]>S \\`I`1ttCn l)y the contestants, ln one nqul \.C.u. i [HN'. (ilV(le BZIITUIVZ rl`r€asut‘et‘ Robert
;tkl11`esItlcIII[ji   an ilhtninus not affiliated with. an C Membership _ $5000 including (I. Halvorsen.
ls noun .I~ n l,·|Illl€ t 11) tnteisl the competition, subnel-lnuun u, lne Ryu Kernel und lin I College of Pharmacy
llllill`lIl}lll· ··  heor she may he certified to the Altnn- Alumnus lor llle_ ' l°YC$¤