xt7sn00zq35m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zq35m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1981-10-dec8. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1981-10-dec8. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1981-10-dec8. 1981 1981-10-dec8. 2011 true xt7sn00zq35m section xt7sn00zq35m 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, December 8, 1981.

    The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
statutory session at 2 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday, December 8,
1981 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on
the Lexington Campus.

    A.   Meeting Opened and Roll Called

    Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:12
p.m. and the invocation was pronounced by Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer.

    The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the
roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. William R. Black, Governor Edward T.
Breathitt, Mr. Britt Brocknan, Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler, Mrs.
Betty Pace Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Professor Opal Skaggs Conley, Mr.
Tracy Farmer, Mr. Ronald G. Geary, Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mrs. Sally
Hermansdorfer, Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger, Mr. W. Terry McBrayer, Mr. Robert
T. McCowan, Mr. A. Stevens Miles, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. Homer W. Ramsey,
Professor William F. Wagner, and Professor Constance P. Wilson. Mr. W. B.
Terry was absent from the meeting. The University administration was
represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Jack C.
Blanton, Peter P. Bosomworth, Donald B. Clapp, Art Gallaher, Raymond R.
Hornback, John T. Smith, Charles T. Wethington, and Robert G. Zumwinkle;
Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, Dean of the Graduate School and Coordinator of
Research; and Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel. Members of the various
news media were also in attendance. Following the call of the roll, the
Secretary, Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, reported 20 members present and one
absent. A quorum being present, the Chairman declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 2:14 p.m.

    B.   Minutes Approved

    On motion by Mr. Homer Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Black and carried, the
Minutes of the October 13, 1981 Meeting of the Executive Committee and the
Minutes of the October 23, 1981 Special Called Meeting of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees were approved as published.

    C.   Resolution Adopted

    The Chair recognized Mr. Miles, who moved adoption of the following

         "The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky joins
     with President Singletary in supporting the Council on Higher
     Education. This Board is well aware of the fact that the major
     and most pressing problem of the University is the financial
     crisis which it now confronts. President Singletary has worked
     hard to obtain recognition of the University's needs before the
     Council on Higher Education while simultaneously having to deal
     with the impact of educational budget reductions. The Board
     expresses its appreciation to the President for these efforts,



     for his very capable leadership, and. for the growth and
     development of the University during his tenure; and further
     states its complete support of his stewardship in directing all
     the affairs of the University."

     Governor Breathitt seconded Mr. Miles' motion and praised President
Singletary for his superb leadership. He said it is very important that
the University have continuity of leadership in order to keep abreast of
higher education in Kentucky, and President Singletary has provided
leadership not only for the University of Kentucky but for all of higher
education. Governor Chandler moved that the resolution be unanimously
adopted. ft was so ordered.

    The members of the Board gave President Singletary a standing ovation.
President Singletary then thanked the Chairman and the members of the Board
and said he was grateful for the resolution.

    D.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

    Because of the length of the afternoon's agenda, President Singletary
did not review the items in PR 1, copies of which were distributed to the
members.  He recommended that it be accepted and filed, and without objection,
it was so ordered.

    E.   Ephraim McDowell Cancer Research Foundation Update

    President Singletary introduced D-. Ben F. Roach, Chairman of the Board
of Trustees of the Ephraim McDowell Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. Dr.
Roach reported on the Foundation's fund-raising efforts for a proposed
cancer center to be built at the University's Albert B. Chandler Medical
Center. The Foundation has raised $7.6 million for the cancer patient care
facility and is trying to raise an additional $8 million to finance
contruction of a three-floor cancer research building. Dr. Roach
introduced Ms. Linda B. Mauk, Director of Development for the Foundation,
and provided each member of the Board with an information packet about the
Foundation's activities. President Singletary thanked Dr. Roach for his

    F.   Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

    On motion by Mr. Kessinger, seconded by Mr. Geary and passed, the
personnel actions in PR 2, Recommendations of Lhe President, were approved.
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

    G.   Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

    There were no supplemental recommendations.

    K.   Budget Revisions for 1981-82 (PR 4)

    The proposed changes in the 1981-82 budget being of a routine nature,
President Singletary recommended approval. On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded
by Mr. Farmer and passed, the bu-dget revisions in PR 4 were authorized and
approved, (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)



    I.  Acceptance of Gift from William Shely (PR 5)

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by Professor
Conley, seconded by Mrs. Hermansdorfer and passed unanimously, the Board of
Trustees accepted a $500,000 gift from !Mr. William Shely.  President
Singletary explained that these funds would be used for a student
scholarship loan fund in the College of Medicine, and he expressed his
great pleasure with this very important and outstanding contribution. (See
PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

    J.   Report on Gifts and/or Grants (PR 6)

    The report on gifts and/or grants covering the period from July 1, 1981
through September 30, 1981 was accepted and ordered made a matter of record
as recommended in PR 6. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

    K.   Approval of Degree Candidates-University System (PR 7) and
Candidates for Degrees-Community College System (PR 8)

    President Singletary recommended that PR's 7 and 8, regarding
candidates for degrees, be considered together. On motion by Mr. Brockman,
seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey and passed, the recommendations for degree
candidates in the University System and the Community College System as
presented in PR 7 and PR 8 were approved without dissent. (See PR 7 and PR
8 at the end of the Minutes.)

    L.   Appointments to University of Kentucky/Partnership Foundation (PR

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by Mr. Miles,
seconded by Mr. Black and passed without dissent, the following members
were appointed to the Board of Directors of the University of
Kentucky/Business Partnership Foundation for four-year terms beginning
January 1, 1982 and ending December 31, 1985:

                          Public-at-large members

                 Payton F. Adams          Henning Hilliard
                 Irving W. Bailey         Brereton C. Jcnes
                 W. E. Burnett            Robert T. McCowan
                 Stan S. Dickson          A. Stevens Miles
                 Tracy Farmer             Warzen W. Rosenthal
                 George W. Griffin        Roger Schipke
                 J. David Grissom         Lynwood Schrader

                              Trustee Members

                 Albert G. Clay           William B. Sturgill

    Mr. Miles remarked that the response to the invitation to serve on the
Board of Directors of the Foundation has been excellent and ended that
everyone is greatly impressed with Dr. Richard Furst, Dean of the College
of Business and Economics. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)



    M.   Appointment of a Special Committee (PR 10)

    President Singletary said his recommendation in PR 10 that a special
committee be appointed is appropriate at this time because of two factors:
(1) the need for the Board to take a careful look at any assets of the
institution and (2) because the Administration is being contacted more
frequently by third parties expressing interest in mining the Robinson
Forest. He pointed out that the Administration does not have a Board
policy under which to operate and believes there should be a policy
regarding this matter. He further stated that no negotiations with parties
interested in mining Robinson Forest will be entered into until such time
as a Board policy has been adopted and announced.

    President Singletary said that the function of the committee will be
first and foremost to raise the basic questions of whether or not the
University should, under any circumstances, permit the mining of coal in
Robinson Forest. He said he would urge the committee to seek outside legal
counsel and to be keenly aware of the programmatic concerns inside the
institution. President Singletary said he feels also that there will be
great interest among groups around the state as to whether or not Robinson
Forest should be mined and the committee should hear the concerns of those
groups. If the committee conludes that mining of the Forest should not be
permitted, under any circumstances, the work of the committee will be over.
If the committee decides to recommend that Robinson Forest be mined, then
two other questions will need to be addressed: (1) Under what conditions
and terms, and by whom should mining be permitted? (2' For what purposes
should revenues accruing to the University be used? President Singletary
emphasized that the issues in these two questions should not be confused.

    The Chairman said that before calling for a motion on PR 10, he wanted
to make known to the Board his personal views. He then read for the record
a letter which he had delivered to President Singletary on December 7 and
which he had written to show and establish his position in the matter of
the Board's adopting a policy concerning Robinson Forest. Mr. Sturgill's
letter follows:

     December 7, 1981

     Dr. Otis A. Singletary, President
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky 40506

     Dear Dr. Singletary:

         This has reference to our several conversations concerning
     the mineral in the Robinson Forest area in Breathitt and Knott
     Counties, which is in the ownership of the University of Kentucky
     by reason of a gift from the E. 0. Robinson Foundation.



        There is presently much conversation concerning what
    direction the University should take in using this asset for the
    greatest benefit of the University. The purpose of this letter
    is to make sure the record shows that my participation, if any,
    will be to make available to the University my own knowledge of
    this property and my own experience in the coal industry.   I do
    not have any personal or related interests except to make sure
    that the University of Kentucky recieves the greatest benefit
    from this valuable asset.

        Whether of not the mineral in Robinson Forest will be mined
     is a basic policy matter that should, and will, be decided by the
     Trustees of the University. Should the Board decide that the
     mmineral not be mined, no further action will be necessary.
     Should the Board decide that the coal reserves in Robinson Forest
     will be mined, then it will be my aim to assure that this
     property is developed in a way that is legally, programmatically,
     economically, environnmentally and technologically sound for the
     maximum benefit of the University of Kentucky and its projects,


     /s/Bill Sturgill

     William B. Sturgill

     On motion by Mrs. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Farmer and passed without
dissent, the appointment of a special committee as presented in PR 10 was
authorized and approved.   (See PR 10 at the end of the Minutes.)

    The Chairman said that in keeping with the motion adopted by the Board,
he was appointing the following Trustees to serve on the committee and to
report back to the Board whenever they feel the work has been completed:
Mr. A. Stevens Miles, Chairman, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Governor Edward T.
Breathitt, Professor Constance P. Wilson, and Mr. Homer W. Ramsey. Mr.
Sturgill added the Chair will not be a member of the Committee nor an ex
officio member of the committee but will be available to the committee
anytime Mr. Miles may need services.

    N.   Report on Results of Alumni Member Election (PR 11)

    President Singletary reported that the three persons receiving the
highest numbers of votes in the election for an alumni member of the Board
of Trustees were Mr. Frank V. Ramsey, Mrs. Betty Jo Palmer, and Mrs. Kay
King Evans.



    Mr. Homer Ramsey moved that the report of the Secretary of the Board of
Trustees as given by President Singletary be received and put to record,
and the Secretary be authorized to certify to the Governor the names of the
three persons receiving the largest number of votes from which list a
successor to Mr. Frank Ramsey, whose term expires December 31, 1981, will
be appointed. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed without
dissent. (See PR 11 at the end of the Minutes.)

    0.   Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 12)

    President Singletary recommended that the proposed amendments to the
Governing Regulations as presented in PR 12 be received for consideration
and place on the agenda for action at the next full meeting of the Board of
Trustees. Without discussion, it was so ordered. (See PR 12 at the end of
the Minutes.)

    P.   Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

    Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the
Committee had met on the morning of December 8 and considered five items to
be presented for action, the first of which was the Interim Financial
Report for the period ending October 31, 1981. The Committee found the
University to be "on target" and Mr. Clay moved that the report be
accepted. His motion, seconded by Mir. Kesinger, passed and the report was

    Q.   Estate of Phil E. Richards (FCR 2) and Estate of Ernest Harold
Clark (FCR 3)

    At the Chairman's suggestion, FCR 2 and FCR 3 were considered together.
With the Finance Committee so recommending, Mr. Clay moved that the Board
of Trustees authorize (1) the establishment of a quasi-endowment from the
Estate of Phil E. Richards and (2) the establishment of a quasi-endowment
from the Estate of Ernest Harold Clark as presented in FCR's 2 and 3
respectively. Mr. Clay's motion was seconded by Mr. McBrayer and passed
without dissent. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

    R. College of Law Dean's Discretionary Fund (FCR 4)

    With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Clay then moved that
the Board of Trustees authorize the establishment of a quasi-endowment from
the College of Law Dean's Discretionary Fund. He explained that the Dean's
Descretionary Account is currently invested in the short-time restricted
investment pool in the amount of $40,000 and that the Dean of the College
of Law has requested that this amount plus $70,000 more be moved to the
endowment fund and invested in the endowment's money market fund. Mr.
Clay's motion was seconded by Mr. McBrayer and passed without dissent.
(See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)



    S.   Authorization for Incineration of Paid Bonds and Coupons (FCR 5)

    Mr. Clay noted that it is with pleasure that he is recommending, with
the concurrence of the Finance Committee, the incineration of paid bonds
and coupons as presented in FCR 5. Mr. Clay so moved. His motion was
seconded by Mrs, Clark and passed unanimously. (See FCR 5 at the end of
the Minutes.)

    T.   Report of Investments (ICR 1)

    Mr. Kessinger, Chairman of the investment Committee, recommended that
the report of changes made in investments for the University of Kentucky
and its Affiliated Corporations for the quarter ended September 30, 1981 be
accepted. The report was accepted without objection.

    U.   Meeting Adiourned

    There being no further business to come before the meeting, the
Chairman declared the meeting officially adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              Betty Pace Clark
                              Board of Trustees

    (PR's 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12; FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; and
ICR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


Office of the President
December 8, 1981



Members, Board of Trustees:


     Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

Recommendations:    (1)
appointments and/or othe
action;  and  (2)  that
and/or changes already

  that   approval  be  given   to  the
r staff changes which   require  Board
the report relative to appointments
approved by the administration be

Background:   The  following  recommended appointments and/or
other staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees
in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations
of the University. These recommendations are transmitted to
the Board by the appropriate vice president through the
President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations the autho
appointments and/or other staff changes i
President or other administrators who ar
their  actions  to  the   Board,   This  r
recommendations requiring Board approval.

rity to make c
s delegated  t
e required to
eport  follows

                          BOARD ACTION

A.   Academic Appointments


          College of Arts and Sciences

          Vilfan, Bostjan, Visiting Associate Professor,
               Science, 1/1/82 through 6/30/82.


          College of Allied Health Professions

Stahl,   Norman   Lee,    Associate   Clinical
     (voluntary), Allied Health Education &
     11/15/81 through 6/30/82.

ert ain
0  the






          College of Medicine

          Boettner,    Robert   B.,   Professor   (with   tenure),
               Anesthesiology, effective 9/1/81.
          Raskin,   Larry   M.,  Clinical  Professor  (voluntary),
               Psychiatry, 10/1/81 through 6/30/82.

B.   Non-Academic Appointments


          Institute of Mining and Minerals Research

          Sethi,   Vijay  K.,  Senior  Scientist  Engineer  #2167,
               effective 1/4/82.


          University Hospital

          Butler,  Frank,  from  Associate  Executive  Director to
               Hospital Director, effective 8/1/81.
          Webb,   John,   from  Assistant  Executive  Director  to
               Director of Ambulatory Services, effective 10/1/81.

C.   Joint Appointments


          Allied Health Professions

          Robinson, Thomas C., Associate Professor* (with tenure),
               Allied  Health  Education   and   Research,    joint
               appointment   as Associate   Professor*,  Community
               Health, effective 11/1/81.
          Pisaneschi, Janet, Associate Professor*, Allied Health
               Education  and  Research,  joint   appointment   as
               Associate Professor*, Community Health, 11/1/81
               through 6/30/82.

          College of Medicine

          Ferrell, James L., from Associate Clinical Professor
               (voluntary), Family P:actice, to Associate Clinical
               Professor   (voluntary),   Family  Practice,  joint
               appointment  as   Associate   Clinical   Professor,
               College of Allied Health Professions, Department of
               Allied Health Education and Research, 11/15/81
               through 6/30/82.

*Special Title Series



          McDaniel, William, from Associate Clinical Professor
               (voluntary),  Medicine,   to   Associate   Clinical
               Professor (voluntary), Medicine, joint appointment
               as  Associate   Clinical   Professor   (voluntary),
               College of Allied Health Professions, Department of
               Allied Health Education and Research, 11/15/81
               through 6/30/82.

D.   Reappointment


          Graduate Center for Toxicology

          Harrison,   Steadman   D.,   Jr.,  Associate  Professor,
               Graduate School, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

E.   Promotion


          College of Medicine

          Green, William W., Professor* (with tenure), Neurology,
               joint appointment as Professor*, Pediatrics and
               Associate    Professor,   College   of    Education,
               Department of Special Education, to Professor*
               (with tenure), Neurology, joint appointment as
               Professor*, Pediatrics and Professor*, College of
               Education,   Department   of   Special    Education,
               retroactive to 7/1/80.  Note:  this  action  should
               have accompanied promotion in primary appointment
               approved by Board on March 3, 1980 and corrects
               title in subsequent Board action of August 25,
               1 981.

F.   Change


          College of Allied Health Professions

          Clark,   Daniel  A.,  from Associate   Professor*   (with
               tenure), Allied Health Education and Research, to
               Associate   Professor*   (with  tenure),  Community
               Health, effective 11/1/81.

*Special Title Series



         Hamburg, Joseph, Dean, from Professor* (with tenure),
               Allied Health Education and Research, joint with
               College of Medicine, Departments of Medicine and
               Community Medicine, to Professor* (with tenure),
               Community Health, joint with College of Medicine,
               Departments of  Medicine  and  Community  Medicine,
               effective 11/1/81.


          Southeast Community College

          Simpson,   Lillian  Faye, Assistant   Professor   in  the
               Community College System, named Division Chairman,
               Division of English, Humanities, Social Sciences
               and Related Technologies, 7/1/81 through 6/30/84.
               Note: to correct June 23, 1981 board minutes which
               approved ending date as 6/30/82.

          College of Pharmacy

          Crooks, Peter A., Associate Professor, 1l/1/81 through
               6/30/82. Note:  Previously approved beginning   date
               of 10/1/81.

G.   Retirements


          College of Education

          Moore, James T., Professor, Curriculum and Instruction,
               after 28.5 consecutive years of service, effective


          Vice President for the Medical Center

          Johnson, Ishmael, Animal Caretaker II, Animal Care
               Services, after 15 consecutive   years  of  service,
               effective 1/8/82.
          Ray, Amos, Animal Caretaker II, Animal Care Services,
               after 15 consecutive years of service, effective

*Special Title Series



     College of Nursing

          Heuer,  Dorothy  B.,  L.P.N.  II, Nursing Service, after
               17.5  consecutive  years  of   service,   effective


          Vice President for Business Affairs

          Benton, Nancy L., Food Service Supervisor, Auxiliary
               Services, after 15 consecutive years of service,
               effective 10/30/81.
          Cayson, James H., Supervisor, Physical Plant Division,
               after 15.5 consecutive years of service, effective
          Lewis,   Thomas,  Custodial  Worker  I,  Physical   Plant
               Division, after 15 consecutive years of service,
               effective 1/1/82.
          McCrystal, Sylvester, Supervisor, Postal Services, after
               16.5  consecutive  years  of   service,   effective
          Redd, John R., Supervisor, Physical Plant Division,
               after 15.5 consecutive years of service, effective

H.   Early Retirements


          Kentucky Geological Survey

          Teater, Lorene, after 19 consecutive years of service,
               effective 8/1/81.


          Vice President for Business Affairs

          Tandy, Hazel H., Cook Baker II, Auxiliary Services,
               after 15 consecutive years of service, effective

*Special Title Series



                    ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

I.  Academic Appointments


          College of Agriculture

          Jessee,   David   L.,   Assistant    Extension  Professor
               (temporary), Agricultural Economics, 9/1/81 through
         Murray,   Glen,   Instructor   (part-time)   (temporary),
               Agriculture   Administration,     8/26/81    through

          College of Arts and Sciences

          Adler, Elizabeth M., Visiting Instructor (part-time)
               (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
         Anderson, Patsy L., Visiting Instructor (part-time)
               (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
          Blackburn, Marylynn, Visiting Instructor (part-time)
               (temporary), Mathematics, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
          Canon,   Rosa   N.,   Visiting    Instructor  (part-time)
               (temporary), English , 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
          Chatfield, Marilyn H., Visiting Instructor (part-time)
               (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
          Coventry,  Sarah  J.,  Visiting  Instructor   (part-time)
               (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
          Crocker,   Lina   E.,  Visiting  Instructor   (part-time)
               (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
         Engel,   Bruce   P.,   Visiting   Instructor  (part-time)
               (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
         Fain,   Roger   K.,   Visiting    Instructor  (part-time)
               (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/83.
         Hobson, Elizabeth C., Visiting Instructor (part-time)
               (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
         Kiesel,   Linda   R.,  Visiting  Instructor   (part-time)
               (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
         Leverenz,   Chris,   Visiting    Instructor    (part-time)
               (temporary), Mathematics, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
         McCord,  Barbara  M.,  Visiting  Instructor   (part-time)
               (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
         Miller,   Thomas  W.,  Visiting  Instructor   (part-time)
               (temporary), Psychology, 8/16/81 through   12/31/81.
         Norman, Charlene W., Visiting Instructor (part-time)
               (temporary), Mathematics, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.

*Special Title Series



     Smith,  Patricia  Y.,  Visiting   Instructor  (part-time)
          (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
    Stephens,   Arnita,   Visiting   Instructor  (part-time)
          (temporary), Mathematics, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
    Stonecipher, Mabel A., Visiting Instructor (part-time)
          (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
     Summe,   Mary   R.,   Visiting    Instructor  (part-time)
          (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.
    Woods, Edward H., Jr., Visiting Instructor (part-time)
          (temporary), English, 8/16/81 through 12/31/81.

     College of Engineering

     Hancock,   Tony   A.,   Visiting    Assistant   Professor
          (temporary), Chemical Engineering, 1/1/82 through


     Mesner,   Lillian   R.,    Librarian   III   (temporary),
          Agriculture Library, 10/12/81 through 9/30/82.


     College of Allied Health Professions

     Duff, W.. Rex, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
          Health Education and Research, 11/15/81 through
     Leinbach, Margaret, Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
          Allied Health Education and Research, 11/15/81
          through 6/30/82.
     Logsdon, Martin, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
          Health Education and Research, 11/15/81 through
     Shouse, Leroy, Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
          Allied  Health  Education   and   Research,    8/1/81
          through 6/30/82.
     Whitley,   Ronald,   Clinical   Instructor   (voluntary),
          Medical Technology, 11/15/81 through 6130/82.

     College of Medicine

     Franklin, Eugene H., III, Assistant Clinical Professor
          (voluntary), Community  Medicine,  10/1/81  through
     Graulich,   Kenneth   B.,  Assistant  Clinical   Professor
          (voluntary),  Family  Practice,   11/1/81   through

*Special Title Series



Moore,   Charles

C.,   Assistant   Clinical  Professor
Family  Practice,    10/1/81   through

Randall,   JoAnne    M.,   Assistant
     (voluntary), Psychiatry, 12/1/81
Smith, Richard Francis, Assistant
     (voluntary), Family Practice,
Vernon,   Michael    W.,  Assistant   R
     Obstetrics and Gynecology, 10/1/
Zerga,   Joseph   L.,    Assistant    C
     (voluntary), Family Practice,

Clinical Professor
through 6/30/82.
Clinical Professor
  11/1/81   through

esearch Professor,
81 through 6/30/82.
linical   Professor
  11/1/81   through

     College of Pharmacy

     Adams, William E., Jr., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
          10/1/81 through 6/30/82.
     Patterson, Ann K., Assistant Adjunct Professor, 10/1/81
          through 6/30/82.
     Trimble,   Kim   A.,  Clinical   Instructor  (voluntary),
          11/1/81 through 6/30/82.


     Henderson Community College

Austin, Dennis W., Instructor
     System (voluntary), 8/1/81
Butler, James R., Instructor
     System (voluntary), 8/1/81
Corpus, Primiliana A., Instr
     College System (voluntary)
Jackson, Judith B., Instructor
     System (voluntary), 8/1/81
Law, William J., Instructor
     System (voluntary), 8/1/81
Madden, William L., Instructor
     System (voluntary), 8/1/81
Mowers, Patrick W., Instructor
     System (voluntary), 8/1/81
Otey, Mary Ann, Instructor

     System (voluntary),
Riley, Rayanna, Instru
     System (voluntary),

in the Community College
through 5/31/82.
in the Community College
through 5/31/82.
uctor in the Community
  8/1/81 through 5/31/82.
  in the Community College
  through 5/31/82.
  in the Community College
  through 5/31/82.
  in the Community College
  through 5/31/82.
  in the Community College
  through 5/31/82.
in  the Community College

8/1/81 through 5/31/82.
ctor in the Community
8/1/81 through 5/31/82.

Co Ilege

*Special Title Series



         Lexington Technical Institute

         Barkman, Maureen,   Instructor  in the Community College
               System, 10/1/81 through 6/30/82.
         Maruskin, Rosemarie    P., Instructor   in  the Community
               College System, 10/1/81 through 6/30/32.

          Madisonville Community Colleg