xt7sn00zq341 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sn00zq341/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1915-12-dec14. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-12-dec14. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-12-dec14. 1915 1915-12-dec14. 2011 true xt7sn00zq341 section xt7sn00zq341 


                           Louisville, Kentucky

                              Dec. 6th. 1915.

Mr. Henry S, Barker, President,

State University of Kentucky,

Lexington, Kentucky.

Deer Sir:-

     As requested we present herewith a statement of the legal

indebtedness of the State University as of June 30th. 1915, and

an account of the income and expenditures for the bi-ennial per-

iod ended Jkne 30th. 1915.

     Under an act of the Lecislnture dated March 11, 1913, it is

illegal for the State University to contract any obligation when

there is no money Tr Sufficient aonfl -inthkutreaguty---of-;+he Un-

iversity, and no money has been appropriated for the purpose of

the debt. According to information furnished us, the indebtedness

of the University at the time of the passage of the act was

$S7,350.99, and only the excess over this amount is held to be

covered by the law. The Act specifically sanctions as an offset to

the indebtedness any funds in the treasury, and the State Inspector

has permitted the use of accounts receivable and expenses paid in

advance for the same purpose.  Similarly inventories of supplies not

consumed during the year and carried into the next arerproper offset

as being covered by the appropriation for the succeeding period.

     The statement of income and expenditures shows an excess of

expenditures for the two years of some eight thousand dollars; which

is more than offset by the unexpired insurance, interest paid in

advance and inventories of surnlies. Some of the accounts receiv-

able may prove uncollectable, but the marTin of $1852.72, below the
legal am&unt of indebtedness, should be sufficient to take care of


such losses.

      The item of $26,466.7o shown as income for the University

Press, consists in part of chsrzes to the departmental accounts of

the University; so handled in order to credit the Press and charge

the departments with their expense of printing,As the intention is

to charge only nonial prices for the printing, and not to make much

of a profit on the operations of the printing plant, none of this is

income applicable to the general educational purposes of the Univer


      In making up the Statement of legal indebtedness, we have

assumed the Peabody gift of $40,000.00 to be a trust fund, on which

only the interest is available for current exnenses.





Bank overdraft
Bills Payable - Phoenix Third Nat. Bank
                Insurance Notes
                Marg'. McLaughlin Note
                Peabody fund Trustees

Sundry Accounts Payable
Accured Interest



    _221. 00


Petty Cash                        $ 795.97
Accounts receivable
      Printing House    $2,434..65
Athletic Association       594. 50
Patterson Hall           1,157.84
State Hall                 922.72
Jas. K. Patterson          120,00
Sundry Personel Accounts   525.39
Students returned Checks   293.57
Student Fees             1,745. 40
One-Half Cent Tax          235.23
Bond Interest            4   j2?5   12,341.55
Unexpired Insurance Premiums         4,769.15
Intrest paid in Advance               100.00
Inventory of Supplies                ,5     2

Net Indebtedness

Lega Amount


85,499. 27





JULY 1, 1913 to JUNE 30, 1915.


Federal Appropriations

Intrest on Land Grant Bonds

General Education Board

State Appropriations

State One-Half Cent Tax

Student Fees & Damages

University Press

Rents, Surnlies & Sundries

Total Income

Expenditures-per sheet attached

Excess of Expenditures over Receints

This excess is more than taken up in the assets

above shown.










..!!51 605,.6f


on hand as



Executive                                $13,604.26

Business Agent                            11,70o4.13
Registrar                                  9,084.96

Dean of Women                              1,276.97

-Dean of Men                                  90.55

Y. M. C. A.                                3,083.90

Chemistry                                 23,720.01

Physics                                   17,037.21

Geology                                    5, 99.27

Physiology                                 4, 23.79
Mathematics                               16,070.22

Education & Philosophy                    20,852.71

History & Political Economy                7,051114

Ancient Languages                          9,317.47

Modern Languages                          11,045.25

English                                   16,299.05

Agriculture-4 Botany                      34,104.16

Zoology & Ent.                             6,707.90

Home Economics                            11,163.30

Mech. &.Elect.                            54,155.73

Mines & Metallurgy                        11,190.48

Civil & Rural Eng.                        16,062.33

Law                                       14, 180.09

Physical Education                         9, 79.75

Military                                   2 ,126.95
Summer School                              5,816.21
Library                                    6,644 76



Patterson Hall

Boys Dorm.

Graduate School



University Gen'l.

University Press

State Hall Building & Equipment

$ 4,318.50



   2,2 6.25

   2, 652. 14

   1, 064. 93


   30,0 3.53

   5- 169.6a
$ 45656


                                Morris & Augustus.

On motion the Committee adjourned to reconvene at such time

that Mr. Reynolds will agree to come before the Executive Committee

to be heard upon the report prepared by his office.


     Minateos of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of
     State 'University Tuesday, December 14, 1915

     Board of Trustees of Strate University met in regular
session on Tuesdny, December 14, 1915, at twelve otclock,
itn the Truastees' room in the Gymnasium Building.

     Governor Stanley was preslent and occupied the chailr.

     tn roll call, the following were present::X  Governor
Stanleyr, President Barker, Senator Camden, Dr. James K.
Patterson, UMessrs. C. B. Nichols, Tibbis Carpenter, William
H. Cox, Denny P. Smith, Claude B. Terrell, Richard C. Stoll,
Dr. Samuel Mark:s, Messrs. John W. Woods, John r. Brown,
Philli!i Preston Johnston, Jr.

     Ab sent:::- Barksdale Hamlett, James Breathitt, Thomas
Edelen, James W. Turner, Robert W. Brown, Rich'ard N. Wathent,
Dr. A. Gatliff, George G. Brock.

     Before prcceeding with the regular routine of business,0
Doc6tor Patterson made a speech welcoming Governor Stanleyr:
as a. member of the Board of Trustees, which was acknowltedged
by the Governor.

     The minutees of the previous meeting were read and on:
motion made and duly seconded, were adopted.

     The Secretary read the minutes of the ESxecutive Com-
mittee. During the reading of these minutes, Mr. Stoll
exDlained the budget system to Governor Stanly, and Mr.
Brown made a motion which was seconded and carried, that
a  copy of the President's June renort, a coony of he budget
:and all laws pertaiaing to the Station be sent to Governor
Stanley at tne earliest oossible moment.

     At this point, t-he Board adjiourned for lunch at the
Department of Home Economics, to meet again immediately
after lunch.

     After lunch, the Board re-convened.

     Judge Lafferty concluded reading the minutes of the
Executive Commnittee. Motion was made, seconded and carried,
that the minutes be adopted.

     Mr. Smith moved that a committee be appointed to
investigate the right to assess county appointees with
fees, and to report the result of the investigation at the
earliest convenience.

     Mr. Stoll offered the folbwing amendment to the motion:
OThat the cheir appoint a committee of three, none of whom
are members of the Executive Coimmittee, to investigate the
fees assessed County appointees, and to report at a meeting


of the Board to be held at the Governor's office in Frank-
fort, Wednesday, December 22, 1915. Senator Camden then
offered a substitute for Ur. Stoll's amendment, as follows:-
To have the Special Committee apnointed to investigate fees,
report to the full Board instead of the Executive Committee,
on Wednesday, December 22, 1915, at the Governor's office,
at Frankfort. Mr. Smith accepted the amended motion and
the same was duly seconded and unanimously carried.

     The Chair appointed Senator Camden, Mr. Thomas Edelen
and Mr. Robert W. Brown as the Committee, and requested
that a copy of the motion be mailed each of committee.

     Motion was made, seconded and carried, that at the
next meeting the question be decided as to whether the
University is obligated for the payment of the $3600.00
deficit of State Hall and to make final disposition of tie

     Motion was made seconded and carried that at the next
meeting to be held Wednesday, December 22, 1915, at Frank-
fort, to dispose of any other questions in addition to those
previously mentioned.

     Motion was made, seconded and carried, that the minutes
of the Executive Committee, as read, be adopted.

     The secretary read the minutes of the Faculty and the
following report with reference to granting of degrees:*t

     "The Faculty- of the State University having received
satisfactory evidence that the following persons have com-
pleted the course of study outlined for the degrees named,
respectfully request that the degrees be granted as indicat-
ed below and that they be considered members of the class
of 1915:


              Chesley W. Bailey
              Mary Belle Johnson
              Newell P. Smith


              Jacqueline T. Hall


              Clyde P. Taylor


              Robert Ehrlich


Henry Louis NRel


                   BACHELOR Q? LAWS

                Joseph Carlyle Carter
                William Perry Drake
                Jesse B. Nichols
                Thomas Hart Robinson
                Mrs. Mary C. Love Collins

Motion was made and seconded that the minutes be adopoted
and the degrees be granted.

     President Barker then read his semi-annual report,
which is as follows:-

     To the Board of Trustees,
          State University of Kentucky,
               Lexington, Ky.


          In accordance with the law, I have the honor
     to herewith make you my semi-annual report of the
     conditions, affairs and management of State Univer-
     sity. This report will, of course, cover that period
     elapsing from your last meeting to this date.

          In June and July of this year, by the authori-
     ty of the Executive Committee of this Board, there
     was conducted on the campus a Summer School of eight
     weeks duration. We had one hundred and seventy-five
     students, nearly all of whom were teachers of the
     common and high schools throughout the State, who
     were perfecting themselves for their vocations in
     life. These teachers coming from all parts of the
     State, expressed themselves to me as being exceed-
     ingly pleased with the State University and especial-
     ly with the Summer School.

          The regular session for the year 1915-16 began
    on the thirteenth day of September 1915. The number
    of students for this term exceeds that of the pre-
    ceding term slightly. In quality and scholarship,
    I can truthfully say there was never the equal of the
    student body here now on the campus at any preceding
    time. They are unusually well behaved set of young
    men and women, and the professors speak of their
    studious habits in words of highest praise.

          In order that you may have before you the growth
    of the University for the last seven years, I herein
    incorpvrate- a tabulated statement showing the enroll-
    ment each year from 1909-10 to 1915, inclusive. This
    table includes only the regular four year students
    of the various colleges. Adding to the number of four
    year students, the special students and the short course
    students, we have now on the roster twelve hundred and
    fifty-five (1255) students.   Judging by what has taken


Art s &

Civil Eng.

Mlch. Eng.

Min. Eng.






place in the past, before the end of the present ses-
sion, the roster will show fully fifteen hundred students,
one thousand of whom iiill be regular four year men
and women pursuing courses leading to degrees.


Enrollment by departments of College Students for
          the last seven years has been:

    1909- 1910-  1911-  1912-  1913-  1914- 1915-
    1910 1911    1912   1913   1914   1915   1Q16

107   141    251    280    251    271    288

87    83     78     83     64     62     68

151   171    211    208    171    199    164

27    36     40     27     29      23     23

20    42     93    161    201    245    253

35    54      0      0      0      0      0

46    55     81     67    100      95     92

473   582    754    826    816     895    888


4 Number of girls- College Students      147
5 Number of girls- College Students      168
6 Number of girls- College Students      174 to Dec. 1

We have, this session, been giving a good deal of
attention to the enforcement of drill in the Military
Department, not permitting any member of the Freshman
or Sophomore classes to escape drill without he pos-
sesses a most urgent excuse. The result of this has
been to increase the Battalion very largely. It con-
sists, now, of at least four hundred (400) well drilled
young man, with a band of about thiry-five pieces. I
am quite sure that it is the equal, in point of excel-
lence, to that of any similar institution intthe south
or southwest.

     Through the kind generosity of the L. & N. Rail-
way Company, particularly that of Mr. W. L. Maypother,
the Vice President, I was enabled to send the whole
cadet corps to particinate in the inaugural pageant of
our Governor, held in Frankfort, December 7. I was
especially pleased at the many compliments on the
soldierly appearance and behavior of the cadets while
in Frankfort. I watched, myself, with the utmost
care, and failed to detect any misconduct of any stu-
dent while in Frankfort. I also made careful inquiry
about them, and I believe that I can truthfully say
that not one of the cadets took a drink of intoxicating


liquor or did anything against the rules of the in-
stitution while in Frankfort. I think it will not be
out of place or taste to incorporate in this renort
a letter written by a gentleman with whom I have the
very slightest acquaintance, who was in Frankfort at
the inauguration and who was so impressed with what
he saw that he wrote me the following letter:

                            Louisville, Ky.
                               December 8, 1915.

Judge Henry S. Barker,
     Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:-

     On yesterday I attended the inaugural services
at Frankfort and being personally interested I made
it a special matter to observe the conduct of the
students of the University over which the State is
fortunate in having you to preside.

     As a result I cannot refrain from comoliment-
ing you, the faculty and the students as a body and
individually for the generally and universally good
impression made.

     From my own observations and also as a result of
many inquiries on my part, I can truthfully say that
I neither saw nor heard of a single case of misconduct
of even the slightest character of any one of the large
party of students attending these services.

     Every citizen of this commonwealth shoild be
proud of this institution and every parent who has
a son or daughter attending it should feel, as I as-
sure you I do, satisfied and content with the knadedge
that he or she is in good hands.

     Again extending my congratulations to you, the
faculty and the students, I ala with regards,

                   Yours very truly,

                      (Signed)  J. M. Borntraeger.

     The other day, The Womants Club of State Universi-
ty, presented to two students of the dormitories, five
dollars ($5.00) in gold, each, being prizes for the
two best kept rooms in the dormitories during the last
term. In presenting these prizes to the winners, Mrs.
Judge W. T. Lafferty, one of the most accomplished of
women, delivered a presentation speech to the student
body, with which I was so impressed, that I asked her
to write it out, and here incorporate a part of it as


presenting one of the most perfect pictures that I
know of the great improvement that has taken place in
the dormitories during my experience here as President.
Mrs. Lafferty said in nart:-

     "You deserve great credit for what your have
done in the dormitories. When Mrs. Marshall first took
charge, six years ago, I went with her on a tour of
inspection, and I can never tell you how shocked I was
at the aopearance of things.  I wondered how any young
man could come out of that place clean and in his right
mind. I did not see half a dozen clean, comfortable
beds in either building.  It looked like a hopeless
proposition, but somebody has been busy since then, for
when I went through with Mrs. Marshall this fall, I
was amazed at the change which had taken place. The
walls were freshly tinted, the iron beds showed a
recent coat of white naint, the windows were clean with
neat curtains in most of the rooms; rugs were on the
floors, clothes carefully covered and shower baths
provided. In some rooms there were blooming plants;
in one, a pet dog was asleep on the hearth; in some,
book cases well filled with carefully selected books,
and in quite a number of them Bibles, bearing evidence
of recent use; the beds were white and clean as any
mother could wish-, with' the exception of less than a
dozen; order had been brought out of chaos; everything
there was sunshine and cleanlineess and hominess. I
could not help noting the respectful greeting every-
where accorded Mrs. Marshall. She was invited to
" come right in" at every door, and when I overheard
one of the boys speak of her as the Good Angel of the
Dormitories, I understood. Her counsel and her mother-
ly presence have helped' you to work wonders. Of course,
it will never be possible to make those dilapidated
old buildings what they should be, but you have learned
to appreciate the value of a comfortable room to a
tired student, and some day when you are all success-
ful business men, you will make it possible for Kentucky
State University to have up-to date, one room dormitories
with modern conveniences."

     I wish to say that when this speech was made,
Mrs.Lafferty had no idea that any one would ever use it,
and I give it to you as affording a splendid picture
drawn by a masterly hand. It will also give you an
idea of what is being done for the students in the
dormitories under the most discouraging conditions and

     I would not have you think that the students are
perfect, of that there are not some outbreaks of dis-
order or misconduct. We had some hazing at the begin-
ning of the session and were forced to dismiss four
students in order to fully break it up. This, however,
accomplished the required result, and I now express
the belief that we will have no more hazing upon the


campus in the future, a consummation most devoutly to
be hoped for.

     I do not desire to make any invidious comparisons
between the growth and prosperity of the various colleges
making up the University. They are all in a flourishing
condition as is shown by the tabulated statement made
above. Our graduates when they go out in the world and
compete with students from other institutions, hold
their own and demonstrate the thoroughness of the work
which is being done here. Of all our graduates, I can
truthfully say that I do not know a single failure in
the battle of life. In all intercollegiate contests,
such as oratory, debates, etc., our students have been
unusually successful, as also in Cock judging and apple
judging contests held in Chicago and Washington. The
victories that have been won in these contests by our
young men reflect great credit upon the institution
and the teaching that is done in the various depart-
ment s.

     I file herewith, as a part of this report, a copy
of the financial statement made from the Business Of-
fice, whlich shows that we are living within our income
and spending it according to the budget laid out by the
Executive Committee. A comparison of our income and
student body and work done with that of any similar
institution in the whole country, will show that Kentucky
is getting more for the money she invests in University
education than any other state in the Union.

     I regret to renort a sad accident which resulted
in the death of one of our students, Mr. Eldridge
Griffith, of Benton, Kentucky, a member of the freshman
class in the Arts and Science Department.   On October 15,
the Freshman and Sophomore classes had their annual tug
of war had been consummated. In crossing Broadway at
Third Street, a street car ran into the wire robe,
throwing down a good many of the students, among whom
was youig Griffith, who was thrown with such violence
on the pavement as to crush his skull at the base,
resulting in his death a few hours later. His father,
who came from Bent6n, looked into the matter and at-tri-
buted no blame to any of the authorities for the.
accident. Young Griffith was a bright and companion-
able young man, and his death was a sad blow to his
family and friends.

     I have said that I did not desire to institute
any invidious comparison between any of the colleges
constituting the University. I. however, for general
information, desire to speak of the Agricultural Col-
lege and set forth some of the things which indicate
its marvelous growtli in the last four or five years.
The tabulated statement shows that six years ago, there
were twenty (20) four year Agricultural students matric-


ulated in the University.  Today, there are two
hundred and fifty-three (253), and there will probably
be more before the end of the session.  This is an
increase of about twelve and one-hrlf times the original
number in six years, and it shows the wonderful hold
that agricultural education has taken upon the public
attention. Nothing that the University can do will
make it so useful to or -opular with the great body of
Kentucky people as to lead the way to better and more
profitable agriculture. Kentucky being an agricultural
state, farming, of course, is its leading and principal
business. Unfortunately, a very large part of the
farm lands of Kentucky have, by neglect and ignorant-
management, been allowed to be depleted in fertility
until it is practically useless.  This results in the
poverty and discontent of the people.  Anything which
restores the fertility of the soil and makes farming
profitable will'build up the great wealth in our
commonwealth and bring happiness and content to its
people. The farmer by reason of his isolation and his
long neglect has become suspicious, and it reauires
some tact to obtain the confidence or induce him to
follow the advice of those whom he derisively styles
"book farmers". One of the ways to reach his heart is
to educate his boy and operate upon the father through
the son. This is not only done by educating the boy
in the Agricultural College but by the establishing of
Corn Clubs and Pig Clubs in which the youth is used to
demonstrate to the father the great value of scientific
farming.  The education of the boy is done, in part,
by means of the teachers in the University; in other
instances, it is done by the Extension workers on the
farm and in the fields.  Under thle provisions of the
Smith-Lever bill (of which you are familiar), the
University is carrying on a very large and varied
extension work throughout Kentucky.  We are really
conducting an out of doors University where the lecture
halls and laboratories and class rooms are the farms,
the corn fields and tobacco patches.  Here the farming
part of the community is given very valuable lessons
in scientific agriculture.  There are now in the field
in Extension Work thirty-seven (37) male county agents
and twenty-fivea(25) women county agents, making a
total of sixty-two (62) extension workers, not including
specialists of the college and dtponstration specialists.
The University is spending this session, the sum of
$116,304. in Extension Work, of which the State Experi-
ment Station contributes $12,000, the Smith-Lever
-$31,080, the Fiscal Court and other outside irditutions
$30,216, United States Demonstration Work $45,000, and
next year this will be increased very considerably by
the additions authorized by the Government under the
Smith-Lever bill, which goes on increasing year by year,
until 1923, when Kentucky's part will be $142,300. All
of this money is spent through the University but can
only be used for actual demonstration work in the field.


It is our intention and hope in a very few years to
have a man county agent and a woman county agent in
each county of the Cormmonwealt l of Kentucky, and I
see no reason to doubt that by mushing this great
work, the Commonwealth. of Kentucky will soon be
agriculturally one of the greatest states in the Union.

      In addition to the foregoing, I am pleased to
report that the various racing organ'1ations of the State
have contributed five thousand dollars ($5,000) for
the purchase of fine thoroughbred sires which are to be
stationed in various parts of the commonwealth where
there are no pedigreed horses, with a view of bringing
up the standard of the equine stock of the State.
These horses are kept at no expense to the University
but are distributed throughout the State by the Agri-
cultural College to points where they will do the most
service. It gives me great pleasure to also report
that Senator Johnson N. Camden has presented to the
Agricultural College the use of his celebrated thorough-
bred sire "Luke". With money above mentioned, there
have been purchased nine stallions, which, with Luke
given as before stated, furnished ten (10) sires.   Next
year, there will be given an additional sum of five
thousand dollars ($5,000) with which to purchase ten (10)
more sires, and all of these splendid horses will be
used in the uobuilding of the quality of Kentuck4ts
equine stock. I suppose I need not say that it is not
the intention to raise thorough-breds but only to
improve what we would ordinarily call the scrub stock
of the country.  Undoubtedly this is a most magnificent
gift and the people should be very grateful to the
progressive men who are behind it.

     Before I close this report, I desire to say that
the Agricultural Extension Work of Kentucky stands in
the very fore front in such work in the United States
and is so reported by the authorities at Washington who
have the oversight of the whole work.   I copy from a
recent letter to me from Dr. Bradford Knapp who is at
the head of the Farm Demonstration Work of the United
States Bureau of Agriculture, the following expression
of opinion as to the class of work that is being done
through this University for the farmers in Kentucky:
"Your institution has more credit today than it ever
had before among the farmers of the State of Kentucky,
and if you lose that, you lose ovie of your most valuable
assests.****see*****es*ss.US*  know all the history,
I think, of the extension work in the st1ate for the
last two or three years. At the conference of all the
Extension workers in County Agent work in the United
States at St. Louis, one week ago, I had the great
pleasure of seeing Kentucky take a most conspicuous
place. It was my pleasure there to see the work of
the State of Kentucky not only take high rank but in
my Judgement, practically set the pace for all the


other states.  This reflects great credit upon your
State and upon your institution".

     During the past sun'ler, there were held throughout
the State by the Extension Department, a large number
of farmers' chautauquas, farmers' institutes and educa-
tional institutes with an agricultural bearing.  These
were attended in large numbers by the farmers of the
neighborhood. Learned lectures were delivered by spec-
ialists from the college and elsewhere on all the vital
subjects in which farmers are interested.  These includ-
ed-, of course, soil fertility; rotation of crops; ani-
mal husbandry; poultry raising; hog cholera, its preven-
tion and cure; home economics; rural credits and co-op-
erative marketing.  I attended a large number of these
in person and delivered such addresses as I thoughtap-
propriate to the occasion and best for arousing enthusi-
asm in everything which makes for the uplift of the ru-
ral community. Upon the whole, I think these meetings
resulted in much good and will grow in popularity in
the future.

     We are arranging for Farmers' Week at the Univer-
sity to be held during the first ten days of January,
and we expect it to be very largely attended.  We are
to have a corn show; horticulture show; poultry show.;
and other exhibitions of those things most profitable
to the farmers of Kentucky. There will also be held
during the same week, a meeting of the horse breeders
association, the sheep men, the swine breeders asso-
ciation, dairy men, bee men and other such like organi-
zations in which our farmers are associated. This
week I consider as most helpful in arousing a general
interest in all agricultural matters.  Last year,
we had an attendance of more than one thousand farm-
ers and many lectures were delivered by great special-
ists who were brought here from all over the country
to give to our farmers and agriculturists the last
word of science on the subjects of vital interest
in agriculture and animal husbandry.   It is my opinion
that State University of Kentucky will fall very far
short of its real mission if it fails to become the
very heart of this development in Kentucky. It should
point the way of improvement in all the great vital
affairs of our Commonwealth,' and it should be able
to deliver the very last word of science on every
subject of interest to the people.

     The great mission then of the Agricultural Col-
lege is to consider the condition of the farmer to
educate his children and to imbue them with a love
for the farm and a just appreciation of the nobility
of agriculture as a vocation; to solve all the pro-
blems of the farmer which need solution; to restore
the fertility of the depleted soil; to find for him
a market for his Droduce; to Danish preventable disease
from his family and his stock; to unloose from his


     throat the grasp of monopoly and unlawful combinations
     by whatever name called; to banish sloth and poverty
     and all unnecessary toil and to fix the bow of hope
     on the horizon of prosperity. This view in no wise
     looses sight of the value of cultural education or
     in any way minimizes it:  it rather rounds out and il-
     lumines the agricultural life by nriacing the hand of
     culture in that of success.

                          Very respectfully submitted,

                             (Signed) Henry S. Barker, President

     Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that
the President's report, as read, be approved.