xt7sj38khg3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sj38khg3s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-07-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 12, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 12, 2007 2007 2007-07-12 2020 true xt7sj38khg3s section xt7sj38khg3s phoenix RISING




hhstheaters,saflsfiesrfiscenflng Ponerheads




get props
because of
social study

By Britngy McIntosh

Two professors of management at the Gatton
College of Business have been receiving much
recognition for their research in the field of social

Professors Giuseppe “Joe" Labianca and Daniel
J. Brass both have done extensive studies on social
network analysis. or. put better into a common
phrase. "it‘s just not what you know. but who you

The Academy of Management Review. a lead-
ing journal in business management. judged a re-
search paper by Brass and Labianca as the runner-
up for best paper of the year in 2006.

“This research paper is a theory piece pointing
out that a lot of what happens within a business is
based on the negative verses the positive." Labianca
said. “A lot of the success of a business is deter-
mined by who doesn‘t like whom."

In order to prove this theory. Labianca and
Brass collected a network of all the religious minis-
ters in an anonymous state. They questioned each
minister on which of the other ministers they did
and didn‘t like within the network and compared
that to the church‘s attendance.

“We found that the more dislikes a minister had
for other ministers within the network. the worse
his or her church is doing." Labianca said.

Ministers who have more conflict with other
ministers had a smaller church following. Labianca

"Avoiding conflict is the easiest path for most
people." Labianca said.

The research is significant in the science of net-
working because it emphasizes different forms of
communication and the building of relationships.

In addition to the AMR award. Labianca has
also received recognition for a project he conducted
in the Ukraine with three other scholars.

See Network on page 6


Swath Jam

On Saturday. more than 1.000 expected cyclists
will travel to Paris v not France. but Kentucky w
to begin a scenic bicycle ride to benefit and pro
mote awareness for the American Heart Associa-

Sponsored by the UK Linda and .lack Gill Heart
Institute. this year‘s first—ever Tour de Kentucky
will be something different than in years past and
other events that UK and the AHA have been in—
volved together in. said Jacquie Peterson. marketing
specialist for the institute.

The Tour de Kentucky is a 70-mile trek starting
in Paris at the Wal-Mart parking lot at 9:30 am.
Late registration and entry packets are available be-
ginning at X am, The route continues through Scott
County and into Woodford County before returning
to Paris. The route will be marked. and turning
points will be noted for those who want a shorter
ride. Peterson said.

The event will start in Paris to provide a Tour
de France theme. Peterson said.

“The idea came about from cyclists (who) work
for the Gill Heart Institute. and correlated with the
AHA for the event." Peterson said. “It will hopeful—
ly start to be an annual event."

See Tour on page 6




Above: Ashland High School freshman Emily Salyers,

of Soccer Camp Tuesday at the UK soccer complex.
Below: Soccer players from Ashland High School listen as their coach F. R lawman spoke to them (luring their first game at UK's soccer ramp on Tuesday,
July 10 at the UK soccer complex, The camp began on the 10m and runs until Friday the Bit





15, catches a ball during the first game between Ashland and Russell County high schools on the first day

After the day cooled down. members of
Ashland and Russell County high schools
played a late-afternoon scrimmage during
UK’s annual soccer camp. Both boys‘ and
girls” high-school soccer teams from around
the state gather at UK to participate in the
camp. hosted by the UK men's and women‘s
soccer teams and coached by former mem-

bers of each team.

Schools scrimmage one another for the
first two days and then compete in a friendly
tournament tomorrow. the camps final day.

Scrimmages were cut short yesterday after
an early after rainstorm. But. after the clouds
cleared and the temperatures cooled. teams
got back onto the pitch.

Student Government closes in on new adviser

By Blair Thoma;

Student Government is one
step closer to filling an adviser
position. the first position of its
kind in the organization‘s histo-

"The windows to apply have
been closed and we have a large
pool of applicants." said SG
President Nick Phelps.

SG and the office of Studentt
Involvement will begin inter«
viewing the candidates next


week either in person or oycr the
phone. Phelps said.

“We are setting up the InlCl"
views now." Phelps said. "Our
goal is to have someone for the
position as soon as possible
without rushing it, I hope by the
end of the month."

The new hire will scnc as
SG's adviser 60 percent of the
time and as an assistant to the
office of Student Involvement
the remaining 40 percent. ac-
cording to ['K Human Re-

“We want to take cnough
time to make sure he or she is a
fit for both positions." Phelps

Stepping away from the ad-
viser search. four representatives
from S0. including Phelps and
Senate President Tyler Montcll.
will spend two days in Washing
ton. l).('.

The campus rcpreseniatnes
will discuss higher education
legislation with members of the
Kentucky delegation.

“We're really excited."

Pliclps said. "Only two college
Student Governments have done
something like this before. There
is so much to discuss about im~
prmemenis that can be made."

The group will meetwith Sen.
Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) t0»
morrow morning. Phelps said the
topics may include tuition. class-
es required by the university. and
student benefits.

New UK strength coach looks to rebuild basketball t ‘am’s power

By James [groin r_I

The UK men’s basketball team has
gone through a substantial facclift since
April as vinually the entire coaching
staff has been replaced.

Todd Forcier. hired as the strength
and conditioning coach a week ago to-
day. is the most recent addition to the
basketball coaching staff.

“We're just excited to have Todd on
board." said John Hayden. assistant di-

rector of UK Athletics Media Rela-
tions. “His enthusiasm is contagious
and you can tell that he's excited to be
here. We fully believe he‘s going to
help prepare our guys for the profes-
sional level. His resume speaks for it-

Forcier was an assistant coach with
Syracuse for five seasons. He has also
worked as the basketball strength coach
at Dayton for four years. the University
of Nevada Las Vegas a season and
three years with the NBA‘s Seattle Su-

First intro Ina. Subsequent issues 25 cents.


personics. Forcier will do everything he
can to excel in the position and he
plans to help keep llK's winning tradi-
tion. he said.

"If (head coach Billy) (iillispie tells
me to stand on my head for four hours
a day and that's going to help us win.
that's what I'm going to do." Forcier
said. “If he tells me to drink old milk
and that‘s going to help us win. that‘s
what I‘m going to do."

As the basketball team‘s strength
and condition coach. Forcier will cover

a broad spectrum of duties.

“Anything that pcnains to the game
physically." he said.

Forcier will o\ crsec the nutrition of
the players and be in charge of pre- and
post—game meals, He is in charge of
making sure the players wake up and
go to sleep on time.

Also. Forcier will gUide the play»
ers‘ conditioning and weight training. If
a player is injured. Forcier will oversee
his rehab once that player is cleared by
a doctor.

"Basically. I'll do anything that it
takes to get the players prepared to
play." he said.

The job was open for Forcier be-
cause the previous strength and condi-
tioning coach. Scott Holsopplc. who
sen ed under fonncr head coach Tubby
Smith for one year. left UK in May to
become the assistant director of
strength and conditioning at the Uni-
versity of Florida.

See Trainer on page 8

Newsroom: 2574915; Advertising: 257-2872




PAGEZ | Thursday, July 12. 2007

























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check
the day's rating 10 IS the eaSIest
day, 0 the most challenging

Aries (March 21-April I9i
—— Today is a 7 — You can ac»
complish great things at home
over the next few days. Go
shopping now for something
you‘ve been needing for a

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
— Today is an 8 — Some peo-
ple read about imaginary topics
that don't make any difference.
You read about important things
that you can use to succeed.
Keep at it. and you will.

Gemini (May 2I-June 21)
— Today is a 9 — You could
make an excellent deal under
present conditions. Give it a try.
The odds are definitely in your
favor. Rely on wits. not luck.

Cancer (June 22-July 221
— Today is a 7 7 You've been


mulling things over. and they're
stzuting to make sense. Write up
your proposal. letter to the editor

or novel. and get it into the mail.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —

Today is a (y — You have more
than you thought of value hid—
den in your own closets. Even
outgrown clothing can be recyv
cled at a profit. Don‘t throw out

or give away A at least make a

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ,.
Today is a b — Get together

with friends and/or business as
sociates and figure out how to
save the world. or a little bit of
it. It‘s a good use of your time.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
Today is a 7 — Luckily. you
know how to say the right thing
in a tough situation. If you're
not sure about that. play it safe.
Keep your mouth shut.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 2It
- Today is a 7 -— If you have
any advertising to post. definite»
ly do it now, People are waiting
for your pronouncements with
eager anticipation.

Sagittarius (Not. 22-Dec.
2“ ._ Today is a 7 ~ You tend

to think the future will pretty
much take care of itself. It will.

of course. but it will be nice if

you have lots of money by then.
Now ‘s a good time to plan.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.
l9) * Today is a 7 — Let your
partner explain completely be-
fore you make your decision.
You‘ll be comforted by the
thinking that‘s been going on
over there.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-I-‘eb. I8)
W Today is an X -— Don't worry
about the money. concentrate on
doing the work. There‘s more
than enough to keep you busy
and thoroughly fascinated.

Pisces (Feb. l9-March 20)
—— Today is a ,6 — You're in a
cuddly mood. Set aside as much
time as possible for an intimate
You know with
whom. The problem is in figur»
mg out how to make it happen.
You can,

CUT“ L‘I‘Sillltlll.




‘I’Ile DiSH

He’s no angel: Actress’ fling with illusionist ends;

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun kemei ‘ Q'



the magician was married all along

Any magician can pull a
rabbit out ot a hat. but Mindfv
reak star (‘riss Angel may be the
first to shock his fans with a sur-
prise w ife. On June Z‘Mn a couiv
thousc in his native Long Island.
NY. the illusionist's estranged
~ and heretofore unknown ~
wife. Joanne Sarantakos. 37.
sued him for divorce. She ac»
cused Angel (real name:
Christopher Sarantakosi of men-
tal cruelty and abandonment
over his affair with (‘ameron
Dial. even threatening to sub
poena Dial. for testimony. "We
read about (‘ameron and ('riss‘
relationship in the paper like
everyone else." Sarantakos‘ fa-
ther. Richard Winkhart. tells Us.
“Every body feels betrayed. (He
and Joanne) were married for
five years and had dated for Iii
years before that. He tried to
keep up this single image for his

But Angel's rep insists to L's
that if aiiyones guilty of hocus-
pocus. it‘s Sarantakos. The rep
claims that she initiated divorce
proceedings in May Zilllo ~ an
entire year before the magic
man. 30. met Dial. 34. Dial‘s
rep also dismisses any sltggc‘s~
tion that the actress is a hortic-
wrecker. saying. "When
Cameron met (‘riss. he had been
separated froiti his wife for over
a year. They went on only four
dates over a month ago and have
no current relationship,"


Perhaps most discomfiting
for the notoriously private Dial
is a New York Post report that
Sarantakos‘ Dominic
Barbara (who has represented



Michael Lohaiii had Angel fol?
lowed by a private investigator
for six motiths in order to amass
in the At the
court hearing .Iiine 3‘). Barbara

evidence case.
announced. “We will subpoena
(Dia/l as soon as she comes
back to New York." (“If (‘riss
was using marital money to eti—
tertain ('amer'on. then Joanne
would ltave a claim." explains
divorce attorney Stacy Phillips.
“It could affect division of prop-
erty and support") Dial's rep
lires back. “These are meaning-
less. attention-seeking attempts
to unfairly and unnecessarily c\=
ploit ('aineron‘s celebrity by try,
mg to involve her in matters she
has nothing to do with."

Angel‘s rep. though not cer-
tain whether Dial was aw are of
Sarantakos w liile dating him. in»
sists that her existence had been
common knowledge among
people working on Aatti's
"Mindfreak." “It was no secret
that he‘d been married and was
going through the divorce says
the rep. adding. ”It‘s sad they
tried to attach Cameron's name
to this " As for why Dial and
Angel stopped dating. the rep
explains. “Their lives got busy.
and it petered out " Indeed. just
a day after the hearing. Angel
was moving work with pleasure.
at Atlantic (‘ity's
Borgata casino and flirting with
female fans at club Min,

perforrnin g


So Dial. \\ ho split with her

love of nearly four years. Justin
'I‘imberlake. in December. is on
her own again. The actress re,
cently completed a tour of Peru.
where she hiked to the ancient
Incan city of Machu Picchu,
And for the time—being. she at
least has work scheduled to dis—
tract her froni the divorce dra-
She‘ll film “What
Happens in Vegas." a comedy
about a couple who discover
they ‘re married alter a drunken
night in Sin (‘ity llmm. on sec
ond thought . . .the he said. she
said courtroom drama?

”Tu: Silt)”


Sarantakos‘ lawyer. Dominic
Barbara. acctised the magician
of not giving his wife "a cent"
of his earnings. “She lives very
modestly.” her father tells L's.
“She left her position in the gar-
ment district in Manhattan to
support She thought
they'd have kids. and his priori—
ties changed." Angel‘s rep de-
ities Barbara‘s charges. tellittg
l's that Angel has been giving
her Sfillilil to $7.1M) a month
and unlimited access to his cred~
it cards. not to mention paying
for her brother's apartment: “He
was continuing to support her
completely. Ile‘s disappointed
and sad about all this." Judge
Arthur Diamond suggested an
outsof—court settlement; their
next hearing is scheduled for
Sept. l‘).









43 “Genuine Flabby ‘7
Preludes (fora

ACROSS DOWN 32 Subject of 46 Mythical giants
1 Perk up? 1 Gets ready Justinian‘s 49 Helpful
11 Spellbound 2 Velma’s rival in . reform 50 “A Confederacy
15 Annual “Chicago" 33 Expressway of Dunces"
spectacle that is 3 Yucca fiber features author
never held on 4 Where you 37 Reporters‘ 51 “Ninotchka”
Sunday might be off needs director
16 Suffix with decor your rocker 4O Criminal‘s Lubitsch
17 Like some tees 5 W on the undoer, 53 Norah’s father
18 Explorer of kids’ head informally 55 Zwel multiple
TV 6 Bearing gills? 42 Early satellite 58 Razz
19 Steiger's '0'9 in 7 Big stretch built at Bell Labs 59 Brogan letters
“Jesus of 8 Unsettle
Nazareth" 9 Upper hand
20 Twin-VA aircraft 1o Challenging
22 Detected years
23 Longtime RCA 11 Extreme
subsidiary 12 In the past ‘
26 Pull out 13 Studied
27 Grandparents, 14 Commercial
often updates
30 Finger 21 “The Lawrence
31 Won big Welk Show"
34 Kurosawa‘s “_._ sponsor 8
in Fear" 24 Smear .
35 Big Apple 25 English muffin m
subway. look-alike
familiarly. Wllh 28 Vigilant
“the"l 29 Flat
36 ObSl'MtQ substitutes that
38 Ask for milk? are round
39 "Darby — and 31 Call it quits
21:03:? 1959 ‘ 2 3 4 5 6 7 a «9 1° 11 12 13 M
film 15 16
41 Hurricanes. 9.9.




















" 19

dog) composer

44 It has about 22
350.000 species

45 Noted Unitarian
William 7_ 3‘

47 Literary initials 35

48 Instrument for
Julian Bream 39

52 Send flying 43

54 Spiritual gurde




56 Improve in small 45


57 Do something 5’



60 Some tributes





















61 Academia 5‘

metaphor so
62 Pain. so to

speak ‘2
63 Charming café

site. often



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The Kooks — “Inside
In/ Inside out"

Fans of British rock
music take note ~ , The
Kooks are here. On their
first album. “Inside
ln'lnside ()ut." they keep
things simple. They forgo
fancy arrangements and all
but one song falls shorter

than the four-minute mark. Despite the simplicity. there is
plenty here to keep you interested. The songs on this album
are some of the best. most intriguing to come from across
the pond since The Beatles disbanded. The opening track
“Seaside” sets the tone for the rest ofthe album. complete
with rhythmic guitar parts and lyrics about girls and the
beach — but isn‘t that what rock is all about? Almost any
of these songs would be a likely hit single. and it‘s only a
matter oftime until at least a couple ofthem are.

For fans of the Arctic Monkeys. The Strokes. ()asis


Joshua James ——
“The Sun is Always

“The Sun is Always
Brighter." the freshman
release from Joshua
James. is a collection of
mostly dtiwn-tempo folk
songs a la Elliot Smith.
James' mellow runes
well complimented by

11 TC


his voice. which resembles a breathy whisper no matter the
volume. The album is good from top to bottom. but the one

real bright spot on the album is “The New Loye

Song." the

album’s second track. whose chorus provides the album‘s
most upbeat moments and makes it impossible to not at
least nod your head along. Coming to a coffee shop near


For fans of Joshua Radin. Ray LaMontagne. Amos-Lee


Potter puts as

By Katy Corwinsk

Warning: The following
contains major spoilers.
You’ve been warned. so now
you can ’t sue us.

The Boy Who Lived is
back with a proverbial

In the fifth installment of
the renowned “Potter“ series.
“Harry Potter and the Order of
the Phoenix." the boy wonder-
wizard juggles school. friend
ships. angst. and new ways to
defend himself and those he
loves from the evil Lord
Voldemort and his minions.

“Dark and difficult times
lie ahead.“ warned Albus
Dnmblcdore. headmaster of
the Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry. in
“Harry Potter and the Goblet
of Fire."

And now. in the new film.
those ominous words come

This doom and tension is
realized through the directori—
al views of David Yates and
the words of first-time “Pot-
ter" screenwriter Michael

After the fourth film.
“Goblet of Fire." we knew
Lord Voldemort had returned

to power. Nearly the entire
wizarding world is put in dan-
ger. especially Harry. Volde-
mort‘s arch
nemesis and the
only person to
ever survive the
fatal Ayada Kee
davra Killing

the Ministry of
Magic denies
the return of
to avoid mass
panic. To ensure
the word docs
not spread. the
ministry places
Professor Do-
lores Umbridgc at Hogwarts
to keep tabs on their biggest
threats to this so~ca|lcd na
tional security. [)unihlcdorc
and Harry. While the ministry
continues to downplay the
presence of a great evil. [)uni—
bledore’s followers and Volde»
mort's enemies join the Order
of the Phoenix. a faction of
wizards and witches dedicated
to the side of the angels.

But. throughout the movie.
Voldemort psy'chrcally inyadcs
Harry‘s mind while Harry ing-
gles school. friendships.
crushes and new spt‘lls to dc-



theme from the previous films
and in .l.l\'. Rowling's noyels


Sumo oft/It's wee/(3' (‘1)s have been out [Or a H’lli/U.

but vac/1 u/hum is/eaturcu’ on iTmtux ' "

The Mitt Bigr

Tiling " list and am he purchased
from the .y'itc for $6. 9‘) or loss.

Ryan Shaw 7 “This is Ryan Shaw"

Ryan Shaw should have been born fifty years ago. On his

first album. "This is Ryan Shaw."

Shaw sings a mixture ofco\ ers

and originals that all sound like they could haye been recorded

during the Motown heyday.


Actually. nine ofthe albums I: songs
are covers from that era. ntchiding a coy er of “

Looking for a

originally by Bobby Woniack. Despite Shaw‘s comincing

covers ofthcse classics. the standout tracks are the originals such

as the eminently catch'y ”

We (iot Loy c."

If you aren‘t a fan of

classic soul or R&B then this isn‘t for you.

l~or fans of ()trs RCildln‘gLS

r 2 it

”(I Hi

‘am ( ookc


loss Stone

Brandi (‘arlile ——
"The Story"

Brandi ('arlile's sec—
ond release. entitled “The
Story." indicates that she
may just be around for the
long haul. (‘arlilc‘s \oice
is clearly the centerpiece
ofthesc songs. ller \oice
could accurately be com—

pared to the legendary Patsy Cline. country tinge and all.
The lyrics and arrangements are clearly solid. btrt the
songs are at their best when (‘arlile really opens her lungs
and lets it rip. This is show cased in the first single and

title track “The Story."

For a great example of what can

happen when you combine well written songs and a \oicc
of epic proportions. check this one out.

For fans of Wilco. R-ilo Kiley. Feist




Sara Bareilles —-
“Little Voice"

Sara Barcilles
demonstrates an
impressiyc amount of
talent on her latest
album ”Little Voice."
llcr' thoughtful lyrics
and powerful piano
playing arc reminis-



cent of a less damaged

\crsion of from Apple. This comparison is no more c\
dent than on the fantastic track “(‘ome Round Soon."

“Loy e Song~

‘. the album‘s current single. should be a huge

hit with it's defiant but catchy lyrics and poppy arrange—

ment Like the beginning of her song
“Therc‘ll bc girls across the nation who will


“Bottle lt l,‘p" says
eat this

For fans ofSher'yl (row. Kelly (‘larkson Lily Allen

pell on Viewers

fetid himself against the Dark
Arts. As the stakes are stacked
higher and higher. a familiar

Harry Potter
thl the
Order of the
‘ Plioenix' :s
the infirm.
in the st?! We
adapt aft

of the tin. ‘
lat Ci‘a‘ . ttrrnis


emerges: Harry must pay
some sort of price by tiic end.

The moire has the same
whimsical. edgy feel of prcyie
ous moyres. but director Yates
manages to brand “Phoeniy”
as his own. Sc\cral scenes use
a hand-held camera. and this
addition deliycrs tension to
the audience.

Daniel Radcliffe deliyers a
strong performance of .in
angst ridden Harry. who digs
for answers no one is willing
to rcycal lamina Watson and


shine w hrlc
relationship of


R a pc rt
dc ti n | ng

llcrniione (iranger and Ron
(iary ()ldrnan‘s Sirius

Black c\udcs the warmth of a
loying godfather and \lllllllltlv
ncously portrays a youthful.
rebellious recklessness. .-\ll
the old charactcrs are back.
with the new inclusion of llc-
lcria Bonhani (‘artcr as Sir-
ius's cousin. Bellati'n
l.c\trangc. pitcli»pcrfcct .is an
imprisoned \‘oldemoi't loyal-

“l’hocnn” captures the
magical csscncc of the book.
contains the apprehension
from beginning to end and
will keep \icwers‘ eyes glued
to the scrccn.

If you go

What: 'Harry Potter and the
Order of the Phoenix’
Rating: PG-13 for fantasy vi~
olence. some scary images
Now pinyin: AmStar, Cine
mark Fayette Malljifegal.

3min time: 238 minutes




Thursday, .July ll’. 2007 I PAGE 3

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Harry Potter And The



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July t2. 200/
Page 4


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KEINEL EorroniAi Bonn

Shannon Mason, Hal Iul . I'
Chris Mil”, matador; on 7.7!

of a v’t‘tiiiiMI‘, .r' the t‘tl Islai ixltjl I .i lit" 2..

'II" 1 ‘wt‘ in» page ItIIlt‘il it» new i' then mitt-tits mitt i .y. .H. at r, {y .t- 1' .

Allie Gum, i»: it to: '
Al'l Driiovic, tv-t q: with

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. 'izti Ft‘l'lr‘

Laud Kentucky for its educational aims and awards

Kentucky isn‘t exactly a bastion
of intellect ~ a quick perusal of the

national rankings prove it.

It's a disheartening open secret -
many Kentuckians understandably

loathe to analyze.

In fact. “Thank goodness for Mis~
sissippi." a state routinely ranked low
on the educational totem pole. is a fa-
miliar jibe and Hail Mary of sons for
Kentucky‘s own lackluster system.

But we're keeping our metaphysi-
cal fingers crossed for the betterment
of the state and its commitment to im-

proving education.

With initiatives like UK's own
push to reach top‘ZO status as a public
research institution and educators who
strive to reinvigorate school curricu—


Two recent awards
add more fuel to this

Last month. the
Institute for Rural
Joumalism and Com»
munity‘ Issues received
national recognition at
the first National Rur-
al Assembly in Wash-
ington. D.C. Al Smith.

Iums around the state. Kentucky
stands. at the very least. a better
chance of growing its intellectual

ulty. (School of Joumalism and
Telecommunications Director) Beth
Barnes. (College of Communications


While education in

Kentucky can be scoffed at
thanks to negative stereo—
types, the state is making

strides to combat its
intellectual woes


chair of the institute's steering com—
mittee. was recognized for his effons
to organize the institute at UK.

"With the solid support of the fac—


for rural media." Smith told the as»
sembly on June 25.

Smith is right ~ the program is
flourishing. and the recognition it has

and Information
Studies) Dean
David Johnson
and director Al
Cross. this pro—
gram has moved
significantly in
the direction of
our vision for it
to become a ma-
jor national in-
formation source



In the coming years. if it contin-A
ues to expand. the institute will only
be a boon for UK. Lexington and the
rest of the state.

In addition. “Faces of Kentucky."
a history textbook targeting elemen—
tary school children. received the
American Association for State and
Local History Award of Merit. The
book was published by the University
Press of Kentucky. and authors James
C. Klotter and Freda Klotter will be
honored for their work in September.

received proves this. The institute is
pan of UK President Lee Todd‘s plan
to overcome what he calls the “Ken—
tucky Uglies." like illiteracy. poor
health, low-wage jobs and inadequate

These two notable awards are env
couraging. not only for UK. Lexing-
ton and the surrounding communities.
but for the entire state.

And there are other reasons to be

proud of Kentucky; the state can


claim an impressive plethora of tal—
ented, contemporary authors. includ-
ing Bobbie Ann Mason. Barbara
Kingsolver. Gumey Norman and
Wendell Berry.

With such accolades and an ever-
increasing roster of homegrown tal-
ent. it’s more than possible for Ken-
tucky to combat the negative educa-
tion stereotypes that plague the state.
To do that. it‘s imperative that we in-
vest our time. our energy and our sup-
















W~ 1m WE'LLW





BRETI’ NOLAN, Kernel cartoonist

ESPN Classic? Why not Telemundo?

Finally. the big wait is over.

Finally. I get to know which
channel the biggest game for the
UK foot»
h il l l
t e a iii ‘ s
le(l7 sca~
son will
be played
on and I
don't have
to worry
a b o u t



missing it

MILES to another
Kernel big. telc»
columnist \ L. c .3 d
game that

E S l’ N

chose to air instead.

l'nless I am a UK fan that
lives anywhere else but Le\ing—
ton or Lotiisy ille. that is.

On Tuesday it was air
nounccd that the LR versus l'
of L "Battle of the Bluegrass"
would be shown on ESPN ClttsA
sic. This will be the sixth-com
secutivc Kentucky rivalry game
that will be shown on an ESPN
affiliate. The game will also be
shown live on Lexington‘s
WKYT and Louisville‘s WHAS.

"ESPN is a great SEC part-
ner. and we‘re happy to gain an-

other national television expo-
sure on one of their outlets."
said LTK Athletic Director Mitch
Bamhart in a news release.

And it I.\ great. Kind of.
When placed against the Ohio
States. the Floridas. the Tcxases
and the Southern Californian it
is great that I'K. not traditional—
ly notch to be a nationally fol—
lowed football team. is getting
some facedime on on ESPN

But. honestly. is ESPN Clasv
sic really that great'.’ Heck. I
have digital cable at my apart~
merit and I have no idea which
channel (‘lassic is. More so. de-
spite w atching ESPN and
ESPN: of